২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

"'I am not particularly happy with Obama,' the retired auto-parts storeowner said of the man he supported in 2008."

"His wife, walking beside him on the Military Ridge state trail, overheard him voicing doubt. 'What about my reproductive rights?' she asked, clearly upset. 'No, we are voting for Obama!'"

Auto-parts... lady parts... somewhere in Wisconsin. 
Discussing his uncertainty, the retired couple walked off along the popular recreational trail in this small town...
How old does a woman have to be before she stops thinking first and above all about her reproductive rights? Well, at least they are still "discussing his uncertainty" as they walk away, even though she made a declarative statement about how the 2 of them are voting. Maybe he needed to work through his feelings to understand why he is so fuzzy about his reasons for doing what he is going to do.

২৭৬টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   276 এর 201 – থেকে 276
gadfly বলেছেন...

“What about my reproductive rights?” she asked, clearly upset. “No, we are voting for Obama!”

What is this "WE" shit? I know Wisconsin voting laws are loose, but allowing two people to operate a voting ballot machine "simultaneously at the same time" (as they say behind the Cheddar Curtain) is patently bizarre.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

"And really? Whose #1 voting issue is their cooter? It's like, yeah, okay, our economy has collapsed, we're on the edge edge of insolvency, the Middle East is on fire, the housing market is in the sitter--but what about my cooter?! This woman is a selfish cunt. I see why she loves Obama."

Up next: Watch as pro-democrat media throw cooter debate questions at Romney.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Woman who vote with their twats should be grateful as hell men don't vote with their dicks.

From some of the more strident vagina commenters here one would conclude the bad economy and national security only affects men and married woman. Who knew?

TosaGuy বলেছেন...

This not a woman talking. She is a Vaginal-American.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Poupon U" sounds way too much like Obama's attitude toward Americans who aren't victims, moochers or grievance mongerers.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Join us tonite at the Oval Room shindig. We talk about the strategic messaging to the press for this week. We will have press representatives from NYT, NPR, WashPost, PBS, MSNBC. It is all hush-hush. Every-thing is off-the-record. No notes.

Watch what happens this week. It all starts this evening at 6 PM at the Oval Room.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

Roger J. said...
C4: I am not disputing your take on things. But from a policy perspective, and assuming your take is correct, what should our policy be with respect to the middle east? Serious question, sir.

Far brighter minds than you or I have failed. But in trying to solve EVERYTHING at once, we have refrained from solving pieces of it.
So if we keep it simple:

1. The problem of Israel is intractible. It was foolishly placed smack dab in the middle of the Ummah, physically dividing it in Half as a contingous landmass between Morocco and Pakistan. It has managed to lose all its allies over the years, save the US, which has paid a price. Leave that for later.

2. Get off Arab oil. Only N American energy, or stable assured supply from other sellers. It is important enough that the decades long effort to sabotage this environmentalists have to be defeated. And have them banned from power and regulatory authority and access to courts - unless they align with that national security goal.

3. Like it or not, the Muslim world is in a Spiritual and Religious Awakening and it is towards values we don't like. Waving our Sacred Parchment at them and telling them we must invade them to "teach them our freedoms!" hasn't worked out too well. Lecturing them on woman's rights, 1st Amendment Rights, the rights of Jews as Victims to their land due to what the Germans did - hasn't panned out. We need to distance ourselves. Get ourselves out of harms way as the Great Awakening continues and will in all likelihood wane as Islam is proven not to get power or feed the overpopulated masses. (Just as we will get to ruin or come close to ruin before we realize we cannot afford a socialist welfare state or destruction of all our industries and jobs under "free trade and globalism and a one-world Borderless economy with Owners selecting the lowest cost global labor pool that suits them".

4. Like Israel, problems arising from the US Constitution are also intractible and they will need us to come to ruin or near ruin before they are Fixed! It will take that to finally dynamite the lawyers who profit and the Venerators who believe in the One Perfect Document out of the way.

a. Lack of budget controls and the unconstitutionality of a line item vetohas meant America devolving into a wastrel debtor nation. We can not be a global player much longer or sustain a strong military without major changes.
b. Like it or not, technology has progressed to where our "cherished Free Speech" is what lands of people seeing if they should be enemy to us hear, from provacateurs and rabble rousers with no accountability in America...not as the Founders intended, the words of our Diplomats.
c. The war powers and what war is was left an archaic mess by the Founders and refusal of people after to "Tamper with the Sacred Parchment" and straighten out what are wartime laws, what are peacetime laws, how war is accepted as a state we are officially in vs. peacetime...and exactly what war powers the Executive, Congress, and any lawyer politically connected enough to get a robe to dress in have.
d. The 1st Amendment never envisioned a religion that by ideology was going to be as hostile and possibly deadly to America as the fortunate fact of past ideologies that lacked a religious basis - National Socialism, Fascism, Separatism, etc.
We did have some religious cannibalism to put down in the Pacific in the early 20th Century, but the lawyers looked the other way.
5. The whole morass of citizenship...anyone with no fealty to the US can become a citizen just by being plopped out on soil here at birth, even to illegal invaders. And the lawyers are utterly confused on what rights an enemy that has US citizenship but daily works to destroy America has. We may one day need to religiously cleanse America of citizens of Faiths that believe that they cannot tolerate living long with people of other religions.

shiloh বলেছেন...

"It is all hush-hush."

Indeed lol.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


Many would do well to stop leading such self absorbed lives, void of caring and compassion, and negligent about responsibility towards others.

This is the very definition of irony. You are so absorbed with your life that you ignore the life in your womb and the life the man who fathered that child. You lack so much compassion that you think that killing a child is a "reproductive right". You are completely negligent in your responsibility to the men in your life and your child, that all you can think about is conveniently you can kill your child.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

My mom is just as protective of abortion as ever - so her granddaughter has access should she mess up when she hits junior high. Personally, I noticed a distinct drop in my "give a fuck" after age 32, but that was partially my self-centeredness speaking, wasn't it? I'm sure I'll care again, shortly.

The people who would need their "access" protected are by and large very young. To earn a middle class living most females have to go to at least undergrad and most likely grad school - so they're 26+ by the time they are earning any real money. Yet fertility still kicks in around 12. (Males have more of a chance to earn a living in blue collar professions, IMO, than females do.)

IIRC, 7th and 8th grades are particularly dangerous because the kids do not have access to a car, money or (generally speaking) any sense, but that doesn't stop the early bloomers from getting pregnant.

Baron Zemo বলেছেন...

It is quite interesting how Cedarford and Obama have much the same views about our Constitution and the Jews.

New tag.

Obama is like Cedarford.

Baron Zemo বলেছেন...

It is quite interesting how Cedarford and Obama have much the same views about our Constitution and the Jews.

New tag.

Obama is like Cedarford.

TexasVoter বলেছেন...

I wish these people would stop using euphemisms like reproductive rights, privacy, and choice and just say abortion. And how exactly did a Republican Gov. from MASS. get labeled as some crazed abortion clinic bombing wingnut? LOL How did this happen? Mitt Romney has an actual record that you can look to, how can you say that abolishing Roe. V. Wade would be on his agenda?

And how do you know who is behind the comments here? I'm a 31 year old woman so that blows the previous comment out of the water about "old Republican men."

Sometimes I'm ashamed of my gender, grow up! I am finished having children so my tubes are tied. There are countless AFFORDABLE options for birth control! We don't need Romney or Obama to help us with this. And why can't you ask the man who caused you to need birth control to help with the costs? Is he not receiving some type of benefit?

Our president will go before the UN and AGAIN refuse to defend the Constitution. Is is not frightening that the military is coercing private American citizens into giving up their free speech rights? Is the Obama doctrine not a failure? He believed that he could bring about peace in the ME with simply his presence, that's how arrogant he is. Is our economy not in turmoil? If you can't vote for Romney, can't you stay home?

If you want to know how most of us feel, here it is. Go ahead an abort as many children as you want. Have as much sex as you want. YOU PAY FOR IT!! If you need the hormones in birth control to treat an illness you can find affordable pills for as low as $9.

Rant over.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

That's all well and good Coupon Mom..

But can Romney sing like Al Green?

Pettifogger বলেছেন...

The woman's statement, "We are voting for Obama" caught me eye. My wife is fond for formulations such as "we do" thus and so or "we don't" do some other thing. It always elicits a sarcastic remark from me, but she doesn't seem discouraged.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Copuon Mom wrote:
LOL How did this happen? Mitt Romney has an actual record that you can look to, how can you say that abolishing Roe. V. Wade would be on his agenda?

I swear. ONe of the digs is that Romney isn't sufficiently pro life and the conservatives often charge him as being wishy washy on it.
Yet now, that's morphed into the Talibans war on women.

TexasVoter বলেছেন...


I have an idea what the link is and it would only irk my nerves to hear it. Send him home so he can play, vote for Romney so an adult can get to WORK and fix the economy! I know people voting for him because they WANT jobs, we all know what the 47% video was about. It was about people who DON'T want to work.

My husband has a job, if he fails to do the job there are consequences. The president applied for the position and failed, time to fire him. He failed to fix the economy, he failed to be the most transparent White House in history. When he had the power to do whatever he wanted he decided to use it to force a new $2000 tax on us with Obamacare.

Okay, I'll really stop ranting now.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

I would think that Althouse should be pretty satisfied with her vote for Obama. One stated reason was to let the Dems have the power and make a go of it, so they couldn't keep blaming the right for everything wrong. Well, of course they still do, but they did get their run, and it may not be over yet. They did install some huge new spending and cranked that debt up, never pass any budget, and continued to resort to identity politics and class warfare. Well done, point proven, Althouse. Now you want to undo the damage. Yea, that's not gonna be so easy.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Not to swell her head or anything, but I nominate "Coupon Mom" as best new commenter of the month.

Sorun বলেছেন...

Old women worried about their reproductive rights are like a 60 year-old man at an anti-war rally: "Hell no, I won't go!"

chickelit বলেছেন...

Nostalgia, Sorun, nostalgia. It's a tough habit to break, but at least you know it when you see it.

Dante বলেছেন...

Woman is Helen Schmidt in About Schmidt, demanding Schmidt put the toilet seat down.

kentuckyliz বলেছেন...

LOL Sorun.

The next village down the highway from Greasy Regina is Belcher. It too has grown into the others.

People call it Greasy Regina Belcher.

You eat greasy regina, you belch.

Carnifex বলেছেন...

I just got in, haven't read the comments yet, I hope no one has mentioned the "Drudgepostion" photo of Zero and the Hildebeast, together, but facing different directions, with "Not happy" wrote all over their expressions.

If someone has...apologies.

TexasVoter বলেছেন...

Impossible to swell my head up, humility is one trait I have an excess of.

You must know how funny I found your comment. My son ran in here to see what was so funny. Also reminds me of overweight acne ridden lesbian feminists participating in "slut walks."

I found this blog through Crawdad Hole.

dreams বলেছেন...

"Obama is like Cedarford."

They're both anti-American liberal piles of shit.

kentuckyliz বলেছেন...

There should be a branded get out the vaj-vote campaign. Spell out VOTE with pictures of vajayjay that are shaped in the form of the letters.

I also like the idea of putting labia around the O logo.

Give birth to his second term.

PUSH out the vote! And breathe...and PUSH!!!!

John from Pomeroy on the Palouse বলেছেন...

So unhappy that she's reached the age when she can't kill her own children any more, she wants to maintain the "right" to kill her grandchildren?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Mainstream pro-Obama media does it again.

No - more like 5,000.

Roger J. বলেছেন...

C4--thanks for your response and much appreciated. I agree with your fundamental points. I do believe, as you do, that trying to impose or even persuade the ummah that our constitution will be enough. It wont be. I agree that exploiting our own natural resources thru fracking and drilling will make the US the largest energy exporter in the next 100 years. You and I both agree that the problem of the existence of Israel will not be solved from this side of the Atlantic. Best, IMO, to get out of the area.

I think that you are alluding to the fact the Ummah is not amenable to western ideas--and I agree fully.

Much of the middle east is composed of states that are primitive tribal societies. Its all about pride culture. Our system of government simply does not, or cannot, reconcile our policy with that fundamental misunderstanding.

My preferred policy is to disengage entirely, but establish some bright lines for the Ummah that if transgressed will be met with harsh responses.

To quote the anonymous Roman: we dont care if they love us, as long as they fear us.

Thanks for your response, C4.

Sheridan বলেছেন...

Baron Zemo - Cedarford is not like Obama. He is, quite frankly, much more interesting. You must read his comments assiduously. Particularly things like this which is embedded in his note at 9/23/12 4:50 PM.

"We may one day need to religiously cleanse America of citizens of Faiths that believe that they cannot tolerate living long with people of other religions."

Cedarford's dogma is neither liberal nor conservative, as those words seem to be generally defined in the United States. I believe it is much more European in foundation. Cedarford's profile gives some hint of this.

"Happy 2nd gen E. European. 2 Grad degrees, Phi Beta Kappa. IQ between feral dogs level and 150 depending on day. Ex-military officer. Physicist and energy consultant. Married, two pain in ass daughters."

Just guessing here but if you were to ask him, I believe Cedarford would say that he is a "realist".

A commenter the other day thought that Cedarford was a good example of someone who's thinking is in-line with Hans Morgenthau. Morgenthau was born in Germany and eventually moved to the US. He has been described as a founding father of the school of "political realism". I know little about "political realism" but at first glance it seems that the system leaves little room for what Cedarford and others would describe as "soft-headed" thinking.

Link - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Realism_in_international_relations

Cedarford regularly uses words and phrases that go well-beyond setting-up a concept for discussion. He displays deep sarcasm. For example, he almost always refers to the Constitution as "...our Sacred Parchment". He does not mean that literally.

Cedarford better describes his feelings than I ever could. His comment below, in verbatim says:

"4. Like Israel, problems arising from the US Constitution are also intractible and they will need us to come to ruin or near ruin before they are Fixed! It will take that to finally dynamite the lawyers who profit and the Venerators who believe in the One Perfect Document out of the way."

Read that sentence as you wish but to me it reeks of anger and bitterness. In fact, it reminds me of one very good men I worked with at our old Architectural & Engineering firm. George was a Hungarian expatriate who simultaneously loved and despised the US. George had lived through the Nazi usurpation of Hungary, the horrors and tyranny of the Soviet occupation and ultimately the despair that resulted from the failure of the 1956 Hungarian Uprising. He escaped Hungary in 1956, spent years in camps in Austria and finally made his way to the US via Montreal.

George, like Cedarford, was an engineer. He saw the world without any "romantic" notions whatsoever. He was angry, bitter, cynical and sarcastic. But he was a wonderful family man (his expectations of his children were great but they rose to his challenges)and he was supportive of his team mates, myself included.

I think Cedarford is one of more interesting characters who comment on this blog. He's the kind of guy who you want around right after the US has been attacked with an atomic strike. He's a survivor. He's likely very practical and prepared. He is decisive, no doubt. If you like taking orders, he'll be happy to give them to you.

But he's not the kind of guy who you would want to sit-down with the Founders and hammer-out a Constitution. There would be no soaring rhetoric that future generations could refer back to. It would be more like the Boy Scout guide to pitching a tent and removing ticks.

I deal with Cedarford the same way I dealt with my old friend, George. I took what he said and if practicable and reasonable, I attempted to incorporate it into my work and thinking. But if George went off on a rant, I remembered his terrifying life experiences, said a silent prayer for him (not in public as he was an atheist), politely ignored his outbursts and then moved-on.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Just so we're clear. "Womens reproductive rights" means free abortions and birth control, right?

নামহীন বলেছেন...


Many would do well to stop leading such self absorbed lives, void of caring and compassion, and negligent about responsibility towards others.

Ken said,
"This is the very definition of irony. You are so absorbed with your life that you ignore the life in your womb and the life the man who fathered that child. You lack so much compassion that you think that killing a child is a "reproductive right". You are completely negligent in your responsibility to the men in your life and your child, that all you can think about is conveniently you can kill your child."

9/23/12 4:58 PM

Oh Ken, I didn't know you knew Lindsey. You seem to know her every innermost thought, uncanny.

Roger J. বলেছেন...

Sheridan--I was the guy who cited Morgenthau as a foreign policy realist. To summarize Hsnd Morgenthaus' thinking it was simply foreign policy should be defined as pursuit of national interest in terms of power.

I will leave it to you and C4to deal with the personal issues with respect to background and academic training. :)

Roger J. বলেছেন...

Sheridan--one additional point. When Enrico Fermi was asked if he believed in extraterrestials he said certainly--they are called Hungarians.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Sheridan, I agree with your take on Cedarford, many things he says resonates, a few kind of clang, but most definitely he is one of the bright stars of this commentariat. I always learn something new reading his comments.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Roger, say it ain't so Hungarians are extraterrestrials?!

Chef Mojo বলেছেন...

@ garage mahal:

Apparently there was 20,000 people in Milwaukee yesterday to see Obama in the rain. So much for that Wisconsin problem. Oops, I mean that number was skewed and the media is lying again.

Oops. Apparently not. Apparently, the number was skewed and the media was lying. Again.

Roger J. বলেছেন...

Allie/Inga--Enrico Fermi said it, I didnt--but I wasd privileged to spend 10 days in Hungary last year and they are an exceptional people--although their language is incomprehenible. in my brief time there I learned three phrases and that was the limit.

TexasVoter বলেছেন...


What are they talking about then? This is why I am disgusted with politics, no spin please. What "reproductive rights" are in jeopardy from Mitt Romney? The Democrats + the media turned a religious freedom and first amendment issue into Birth Control for adult college students. Protecting religious institutions became a "War on Women." Who is controlling or trying to control reproduction? Should abortion be past viability even after birth? Should abortion occur OUTSIDE the womb? I went to high school in the SF Bay Area so I got the whole condom on a cucumber spiel. I've known about Planned Parenthood since junior high. American women HAVE control over their reproduction.

LOL at Vaginal-American. Who cares about embassies burning? Who cares about dearly departed Navy Seals? Who cares about the Constitution and our rights? Let's talk about $9 birth control and abortions.

Synova বলেছেন...

"Oh Ken, I didn't know you knew Lindsey. You seem to know her every innermost thought, uncanny."

Well, it was the definition of irony... since Lindsey did the same.

Roger J. বলেছেন...

And, Allie/Inga--I might add the Hungarian women are strikingly beautiful, and my girl friend made the same comment about Hungarian men.

ken in tx বলেছেন...

Hey, Chips, I use prepared mustard for medical reasons. It releaves muscle cramps brought on by my blood pressure medication. It is my understanding that turmeric is the active ingredient that does the trick. I wonder if your mustard without turmeric would work as well for me.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Synova, yes she did, but she said "some", Ken said "you" which makes it quite personal.

Tyrone Slothrop বলেছেন...

Since we're dissecting C4 here, I will throw in my two cents. He sets the initial conditions for his arguments and reasons them out well. Unfortunately his initial conditions always have to do with the culpability of the Eternal Jew. That East European thing fits to a tee-- they drink in anti-Semitism with their mother's milk. In this he is a lot like Crack with his vendetta against Mormons. This aversion of his has more than a little of the paranoid in it, with it's fabricated International Jewish Conspiracy allusions. In short, C4 shows a fine mind gone astray.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

smarty said:

IS it just me, or are liberal women bossy bitches even (or particularly) with their own husbands?

And that Liberal men are serious wussies for going along with it? Is this why liberal men don't respect the military, and treat the brave as if they are "cowboys" because they know that in comparison they are only as manly as their wives let them be?

9/23/12 4:06 PM

No, I noticed the same thing years ago. It makes one wonder why liberal women are so obsessed with abortion and birth control. They already carry their "men's" balls in their purses, which would seem to solve the problem nicely.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


A direct quote from the blog post is "What about my reproductive rights?"

Note the "my", as if men and unborn children have none. It is personal because you and Lindsey are busy stripping away my reproductive rights and the right to life of my potential children.

I didn't have to divine any sort of telepathy to understand Lindsey's, or your, inner most thoughts on abortion. Both of you declare, in your own words, over and over your support of abortion, using the Orwellian term "reproductive rights". You both support the killing of the most innocent and most defenseless, and freeze out any sort of input from fathers as if they are mere inconveniences, rather than feeling human beings with parental rights of their own.

To hear supporters of baby killing and the dehumanization of men call anti-abortionists as "self absorbed", "void of caring and compassion," and "negligent about responsibility towards others" is, as I mentioned, pretty much the height of irony.

It's clueless barbarism masquerading as moral superiority.

Chuck66 বলেছেন...

"She does have a point... the point being why would you want to introduce more babies into a bad economy?"

My dad was an unwanted mistake born in 1934. I am glad the gov't didn't pay his birth mother to abort him before his adapted parents could get ahold of him.

dreams বলেছেন...

"In short, C4 shows a fine mind gone astray."

He is an anti-American, blame America first bloviator, some of you seem to be very impressible, maybe because you're young. It seems to me that you could find better sources for your learning than an anonymous commenter on a web site. Live and learn, I guess.

mdbernie বলেছেন...

That's the dumbest thing I've read on your website. Once a women is beyond child bearing years she should no longer be concerned with reproductive rights? Really?

TexasVoter বলেছেন...

@ Rusty
You pretty much said what I said. A little crass but I get your point. As a woman I know BC pills have other uses but American woman do not suffer a lack of access. People get a little confused about rights. You have the right to pursue happiness, but you must pay for it. I always ask modern women if they would support "financial abortions" for men, they usually loudly answer "NO." They say the man should have protected himself or abstained. Never dawns on them that a woman is capable of abstaining and using protection as well, especially since she is the one who will carry the child.

Pretty much. But they usually say they want to protect abortion for future generations. Shouldn't there be SOME focus on prevention? Why do these women take abortion so lightly?

XRay বলেছেন...

"If things get bad enough we can at least crawl inside Lindsey's vagina for shelter."

Yeah, but you'r gonna have to take a number.

Sheridan বলেছেন...

Dreams - I'm 61 years old and I value everyone's comments. I learn much from those who do not share my beliefs and values. Learning should be emotionally neutral. And it should be tolerant. Of course, Titus sometimes tests my resolve.

Allie - you may recall that I shared with you once my idea of the "Helen Keller Approach to Life". Essentially, if I cannot hear you or see you, I cannot compromise my assessment of your expressions by built-in and/or cultural biases of what you look or sound like. I can only assess your words by their logic and practicability.

This applies to everything I read on Althouse or any other blog.

I know you think I'm rather naive about this but it's a system and it does work for me.

Synova বলেছেন...

"That's the dumbest thing I've read on your website. Once a women is beyond child bearing years she should no longer be concerned with reproductive rights? Really?"

It's not any dumber than excluding men from having opinion on the issue and we hear that All. The. Time.

I disagree with both viewpoints.

Synova বলেছেন...

Seriously... that's the rationale right? Men don't get pregnant?

Well, menopausal women don't get pregnant either.

If it's "dumb" to suggest that a woman who is not going to reproduce is silly to get wound up about her "reproductive rights" then how "dumb" is that constant "I'm a man so I don't get to have an opinion on that?"

kentuckyliz বলেছেন...

It's not really an issue. It's throwing red meat to the rabid. Just like O's gay rights talk.

If there were reason for worry, we would have already heard no end of how Romneycare denied women their cootch care.


Really...I am surprised they haven't used this video to gin up the troops.

dreams বলেছেন...

"Dreams - I'm 61 years old and I value everyone's comments. I learn much from those who do not share my beliefs and values. Learning should be emotionally neutral. And it should be tolerant. Of course, Titus sometimes tests my resolve."

Thats so big of you. I'm not impress with you, especially given your age or that anti-American pile of feces. I hope you've learned something from me, not really.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Allie's turning into Sybil.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Yes Sheridan, in theory a good plan, in reality hard to do I've found.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

No I'm not, I'm still the loud opinionated liberal you all love to hate:)

My real name is Inga, long story, don't ask. Call me either, doesn't matter really.

TexasVoter বলেছেন...

I don't think anyone should be shut out from national debates. I have never served in the military, should I be be exempt from speaking on foreign policy issues? If we're talking about abortion and "reproductive rights" then men should be free to give their opinion. I post on another board and the women are always outraged when I say this. My response is always, "Well when it's time to pay for the birth, are you going to tell him to shut up?"

dreams বলেছেন...

On this day I chose to exercise my free speech rights by showing my intolerance for those who use anti-American rhetoric to blame America for the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on our country. Some of you chose to flatter that anti-American, blame America first bloviator and you feel so good about yourselves. Fine, I guess we all where exercising our free speech rights while we still have them.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

Sheridan - "But he's not the kind of guy who you would want to sit-down with the Founders and hammer-out a Constitution. There would be no soaring rhetoric that future generations could refer back to. It would be more like the Boy Scout guide to pitching a tent and removing ticks."

Once you get past the mystical reverence of the Sacred Parchment and what some Reverers came was the Holy Founders touched directly by God like the Gospel writers were to craft inerrant Truth - what you are left with is indeed an operating manual.
For a vastly bigger and more important machine or edifice than a tent, but an operating manual.

No more and no less.

My position, using your tent analogy, is it worked just fine in the 18th Century after the Holy Founders touched by God's 1st attempt at a Constitution...which was a total fuckup.
Then OK in the 19th Century, aside from a war set up by the operating manual that destroyed a 1/3rd of the country, two banking collapses, a Grange revolt, massive local corruption.
Then in the 20th Century it sort of clicked better until the 60s, when our version of the imams added new Hadiths, or interpretations with the force of authority behind their lawyers bods clad in robes from doing the right thing for pols that appointed them. America lost it's dynamism and waited like supplecants inside the Mosque for the holy men to say yeah or nay about every detail of their lives.

But now it is the 21st Century and it is clear that the operating manual no longer works well in setting up the space age tent with those aluminum tube thingies and solar panel circuits and microfibre walls,
We are an ossified, decaying America..our cities are in ruins because a new barbarian class gets judge ordered handouts and their behavior is no longer constrained by law.
We are 16 trillion in debt.
We have a leader that came about by a mysterious compulsion to affirmative action that no one ever voted on.

America is now in the rain, walking around a collapsed and waterlogged tent and in fear and frustration. And beset by a group of American imams in black robes clutching a soggy old operating manual barking out instructions they intrpret - that doesn't work on maintaining the evolved tent or fixing it back up.

Sheridan বলেছেন...

Cedarford - touche! Your "operating manual" argument is well-presented. And fun to read, as well. I will think about what you've written. Perhaps other people will do the same.

XRay বলেছেন...

"Perhaps other people will do the same..."

Sure, I'll listen to C4. Who wishes to wipe the founding slate clean, and, you know, compares the Supreme Court to Imans, both being equally ossified but equivalent I guess. And then what, start over with a new and improved... well what exactly? The ideals of Jew hating Stalinism.

Some people need to get out and read more.

Dante বলেছেন...

I would think that Althouse should be pretty satisfied with her vote for Obama. . . . Now you want to undo the damage. Yea, that's not gonna be so easy

The whole thing is pretty bizarre to me too. Looking at the arts, you can see the same thing. Modern art is crap. Modern classical music is crap. People want to be living in an age of enlightenment, but there aren't any good ideas. So instead, they destroy the institutions that have been set up and replace them with inferior ones. When the money runs out, borrow it from future generations.

Take Jerry Brown's energy policy in CA. We have incredibly expensive energy bills. Brown meanwhile has pushed for 30% of CAs energy by "Renewables." Not nuclear, not hydro, renewable means wind and solar (and possibly fuel cells), all in the name of the "Global Warming" boogeyman. Obviously, higher energy costs will hurt CA businesses, especially manufacturing. And never mind that CA gets its energy from "Natural Gas," which produces far less C02 per therm than Coal. Nor that CAs C02 production is a drop in the bucket compared to China's C02 current and future c02 production (i.e., no matter what Jerry Brown does, he isn't going to change the C02 induced temperature increases, real or imagined).

This is the essential problem. Obama wants to "Transform," as do many politicians. But where are we heading? They don't have a clue. They want to replace working systems with unproven systems, with ideas that are contrary to human nature. Like traditional families with Julias.

The topic of this post is a great example. The imagined control of a post-menopausal vagina trumps the destruction of an entire generation of workers. That woman should be thinking about how her preoccupation with her vagina is stopping her from thinking about other things, like kids not being able to get jobs.

It is hopeless. We will be Greece, only there is no Germany to save us. All we can do is wreck the world economy by printing more dollars.

Fen বলেছেন...

Funny, we've gone 268 comments without mentioning what's obvious to me:

What about *his* reproductive rights? Because men don't have any.

Clyde বলেছেন...

Reminds me of those old crones who give birth in their twilight years after having fertilized eggs implanted in their wombs. Of course, a woman who goes to those kind of lengths to have a baby at that age isn't going to use her "reproductive rights" to abort the baby. Bottom line: Granny should worry more about Alzheimers, etc., than rights for a reproductive system that has already shut down of its own accord.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

What about *his* reproductive rights? Because men don't have any.

Also, abortion lets men off the hook.

It abolishes their responsibility for something they helped create.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Meanwhile, women are left to deal with the aftermath of having very intrusive, emotional procedure.

Physics Geek বলেছেন...

"What about my reproductive rights?"

Translation: "What about forcing someone else to pay for my $10/month birth control pills?!"

TexasVoter বলেছেন...


I agree with you. I think men should have the right to a "financial abortion." A woman can abort her child up until birth, after birth, and she can also abandon her baby at a fire station. If we don't support "forced maternity" on women why support "forced paternity." Especially for men who are proven to not be the father of the child.

Sabinal বলেছেন...

I'm with Texan99. I am very pro-choice but I know a scare tactic when I see one. And I consider myself a true feminist and despite the "permission" Obama will give me to do what I want with my body. In the meantime he is compromising peoples paychecks.

jr565 বলেছেন...

EMD wrote:
Meanwhile, women are left to deal with the aftermath of having very intrusive, emotional procedure.

And that's a feature and not a bug. By choice means exactly that - women are left to deal with the aftermath of a very intrusive procedure by choice.
Only choices follow choices. If women have that choice why should she then choose for a man who decides that he wants nothing further to do with baby (if she decides to not go through with an abortion and carry it to term).

নামহীন বলেছেন...


Because men don't have any.

And yet men get to be put on the financial hook. No rights, but 18 years of responsibility. Seems fair, right?


Also, abortion lets men off the hook.

Does it? Illegitimacy rates have sky rocketed since Roe v. Wade (which was based on a lie btw). Men are on the hook financially and the boys born into broken homes bear huge costs that haunt them well after they become men.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Obama is the best president that I have ever seen in the history of the United States of America.

My Website:
Magnaflow Mufflers

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