September 17, 2012

"Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Manhattan's financial district early Monday to mark the 1-year anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement..."

"... choking traffic and crowding the area around the New York Stock Exchange but being met at most turns by walls of police who stopped them from occupying anything."

It's not so cute this time around, but it was at first, last time, to some people. Remember?


mc said...

I call it the 1th anniversary as I roll in filth and prepare to protest "It All!"

mc said...

Do people still say "first"?

Sorun said...

Kudos to the protesters for getting out of bed this early.

YoungHegelian said...

Call me when they start shitting on police cars again....

cubanbob said...

It's so heartening to see several hundred of the professionally unemployed and aggrieved out demonstrating, doing the yeoman's work the millions of working people and the amateur unemployed don't have the time to do.

mc said...

We cool people pronounce it "oneth" anniversary.

Matt Sablan said...

Has it really been a year? Wow.

sakredkow said...

Sure if you want to demean the movement or participants call them "cute".

garage mahal said...

OWS thread.

No free speech for you, get out the clubs and pepper spray!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Kober said that being pushed out of Zuccotti Park in November by the police hurt the movement by denying it a public conversation spot.

What happened to all the money that was reported they had?... couldn't they have use it to lease a place?

Shouting Thomas said...

No free speech for you, get out the clubs and pepper spray!

I don't think anybody's opposed to the speech part.

The opposition is to re-establishing the camp in Zuccotti Park.

This is a little different than the free speech issue.

mc said...

"I don't think anybody's opposed to the speech part."----

Oh, we most certainly are...

It doesn't rain until tomorrow, anyone got some mud?

Christopher in MA said...

It's not so cute this time around, but it was at first, last time, to some people. Remember?

Oh, yes. A year ago, Elizabeth Warren was proudly beaming that she was the intellectual godmother of the OWS movement. Now, she'd rather sign a dozen copies of "Pow Wow Chow" than mention these clowns.

gk1 said...

So funny to see the house liberals pick and choose who should have free speech rights and under what circumstances. A nobody who makes an unflattering film about Islam? Too bad it hurts obama, sod off. A bunch of incoherent losers who want to take over a park for weeks on end and piss and shit all over, no problem. I'd love to live in your world if only for a summer.

kcom said...

Imagine that. The police saw an anniversary coming and prepared for the contigency. What amazing foresight! I wonder if there are any openings at State they could fill?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The taker-class on display. Otherwise know as Obama voters.

Carnifex said...

"Bob....Oh Bob! Do I have any openings this man might fit?"--History of the World: Part I

I think people don't care about the speech. I imagine it's the pissing and shitting everywhere. Along with the robberies, rape, and property destruction.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Says an Occupytard: "In my mind, it didn't set out to accomplish x, y and z," said Mikell Kober of Brooklyn, who on Monday morning had joined a break-off group of protesters outside a Bank of America branch on Broadway. Rather, she said, it "was about creating a public space where people could gather and have a conversation about the things that need to change."

Hey....if you wnt to create a public space where people can a hall instead of stealing other people's space.

Anonymous said...

Remember the self-proclaimed inspiration of the Occupiers, the Mother of the Occupy Movement, that 1/32 Cherokee woman?

Where is Mommy when her children need her?

Matt Sablan said...

Remember when Occupy was likened to Arab Spring as they were both inspirational forces for Democracy? Oops.

Richard Dolan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael said...

I think this demonstration against unfairness should be allowed to flourish. Were I the mayor of NY I would reopen the park and let them have it. An interesting article, somewhat sympathetic, in Bloomberg notes that the "movement" last year was collapsing on itself, becoming a microcosm of the society it protested. I think unfairness is basically unfair and in fairness the protesters should be allowed a place to air their frustrations with unfairness. Many people use what is known as the internet for this purpose but it is difficult to "occupy" the internet and squeeze out other opinions.

furious_a said...

Garage: No free speech for you, get out the clubs and pepper spray!

Mmmm, "Free Speech"...smells like litter, soiled clothing, rotting garbage, human excrement, BO, bong water, patchouli oil and pepper spray.

Colonel Angus said...

Nothing more than a pathetic group of malcontents and cry babies. Best thing to do is ignore them.

Seeing Red said...

Were there puppets? It's not a protest until the puppets show up.

garage mahal said...

That's the familiar right wing version of free speech we all know and love. Good to have ya'll back! Was starting to get worried you cared about free speech. Like really cared.

garage mahal said...

I wonder what the Taliban thinks of Jews holding Rosh Hashanah services in a public park?

Oh, found it!

smells like litter, soiled clothing, rotting garbage, human excrement


Shouting Thomas said...

You are a master of diversionary tactics designed to mask the actual issue, garage.

Nobody is denying the Occupy people their right to free speech.

They are being denied the right to re-establish the encampment in Zuccotti Park, which is their objective.

And, I think you know that.

Colonel Angus said...

That's the familiar right wing version of free speech we all know and love. Good to have ya'll back! Was starting to get worried you cared about free speech. Like really cared.

I'm sorry did I miss where commentors were demanding they be supressed?

Matt Sablan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt Sablan said...

Garage, it's a bit racist to associate Jews with litter, soiled clothing, rotting garbage and human excrement. Look, it's a pretty much universally accepted fact that the Occupy camps were public health nuisances to disasters. But, your racism really makes it hard to talk with you when you think that people wanting to not spread diseases and create local communities where rape is encouraged to go unreported is the same as Jews showing up somewhere. Jews are nice people Garage, we can help you get over your hate.

Shouting Thomas said...

You're conflating two issues, deliberately, garage.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean that you have the right for your speech to occupy the most prominent forum you can find. In other words, you can't demand that your speech succeeds through force and occupation.

The internet is available to all. Sirius Radio has channels devoted to every possible political perspective.

garage mahal said...

Garage, it's a bit racist to associate Jews with litter, soiled clothing, rotting garbage and human excrement

Then you need to address the poster who did.

Matt Sablan said...

Hey, you're the one throwing in with the Taliban's opinions on Jews and somehow thinking that is as valid as people not wanting communities camping in and destroying public spaces. I don't see the connection between Jewish holidays and months long protests that ruin public property for other people. Please, explain why you think we should associate them.

cubanbob said...

garage mahal said...
Garage, it's a bit racist to associate Jews with litter, soiled clothing, rotting garbage and human excrement

Then you need to address the poster who did.

9/17/12 11:20 AM

Of course your linking to it is opinion free.....

Colonel Angus said...

Garage, it's a bit racist to associate Jews with litter, soiled clothing, rotting garbage and human excrement

Then you need to address the poster who did.

You're a pretty dishonest person do you know that?

Matt Sablan said...

(PS: If you don't get it yet Garage, there's a difference between individual PARTS of Occupy that are respectable and the movement as a whole, which covered up rapes and destroyed public property. Yet, when people talk about the parts that everyone agrees was bad, your only response is: "Well, some Jews were there too." No one cares that some of Occupy were reasonable people who didn't turn a park into a cesspool, the problem is you seem to only be able to focus on that, which leads me to think A) You're not good at critical thinking or B) More inflammatory, you associate Jews with all the terrible things Occupy did. In an attempt to make your flawed reasoning clear, we went with the most outrageous. But, I guess, err, it would've been best to spell it out, since A is probably true.)

Mary Beth said...

"Occupy Wall Street marks 1st anniversary with marches, party hats"

Party hats. The perfect phrase to have in the title to make them seem like spoiled brats.

purplepenquin said...

Best thing to do is ignore them.

Do you have a study/report that proves it is "best" to ignore them, or is this assertion of yours based on personal anecdotes and observations?


Colonel Angus said...

Do you have a study/report that proves it is "best" to ignore them, or is this assertion of yours based on personal anecdotes and observations?


I ventured an opinion, nothing more.

Patrick said...

Sure if you want to demean the movement or participants call them "cute".

Oh, did you mean for these to be taken seriously?

edutcher said...

Hatman is an Occupier.

Which speaks volumes for both sides of that equation.

sakredkow said...

Oh, did you mean for these to be taken seriously?

I certainly take their cause seriously.

Carnifex said...

In an effort to make Garage more a thinking,feeling being instead of an O'bot...

Garage. How is your dog these days. Last posting I saw was quite a while ago and it had a growth on it's eye. Was just wondering, I'm a dog man myself, the my wife has us into cats.

Truthfully, I like most animals. They treat us better than we treat each other.

Bruce Hayden said...

Last time around, they were courted by the left, who thought that OWS might just be their answer to the Tea Party. But now, as the election goes into the final stretch, the Dems don't want their laundry in public view, and so Occupy is going to stay hidden, at least until a Romney election. They just remind everyone about some of the negative aspects of the Democratic party and the loonie left.

Automatic_Wing said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Synova said...

"They have yet to come out with a policy statement, and now, who are they disrupting? People who are working, people who are trying to pay a mortgage or put their kids through school."

From the article.

And that's the problem, garage. It's not about free speech or having a demonstration in a park. Lots of people do that. Tea Party does that. The Nazi marchers do that. Gay pride parades do that. Lots of groups that lots of people don't like do that and it's all just fine. They get their permits, even the Nazis, and they march and say their bit, and maybe they even clean up and then they leave so other people can use the public space too.

Occupy is about fucking with other people, disrupting their lives, making them miserable and *occupying* the park area, 24-7, as if it belongs to them. NO ONE was having their lunches in these places or bringing their kids to enjoy the parks.

And yes, a whole lot of people thought it was cute at the time. Oh, look! I just had a 60's acid flash-back, groovy! And there is certainly an element of ideology that people should be activists for the sake of being activist. So there was a lot of support for a "movement" with no plan other than to be obnoxious and piss people off, no goals, no purpose, and no exit strategy.

And the rules for permits or respecting other people's rights to use public spaces, who cares, right?

Rules are for the Tea Party.

Who is being greedy? Occupy strikes me as the biggest bunch of entitled greedy brats out there.

Alex said...


does anyone care about OWS?

I can hear a pin drop.

Alex said...

I certainly take their cause seriously.

Then why aren't you in the streets asshole?

Sigivald said...

phx said: ure if you want to demean the movement or participants call them "cute".

I do. And I will.

Because it is cute to watch.

(I've never taken the "movement" seriously because it never had anything to take seriously; serious movements stand for/against something, and "Occupy" gloriously refused to pick an agenda.

Did "they" want free money [debt forgiveness]? Some of them, sometimes!

Did "they" want to overthrow capitalism? Some of them, sometimes!

All of which is fine, but in separate movements. If you want to achieve anything but beclowning yourself you need to pick an agenda to fight for.

Talking with their supporters the whole thing sure acted like a way to never take responsibility for a position, while getting to advocate it.

(Someone advocates X at Occupy, repeatedly and loudly? "They aren't us! Doesn't count!" ... problem is, that applies to everything, doesn't it?

Reminds me of the terrorist tactics of Anonymous; when there's no accountability even to a movement or an agenda, anyone can do anything and claim its mantle - and just as they refuse others the ability to blame, they must refuse themselves the ability to take credit or control inclusion.

Problem is they only want the "good" half of that.

So screw 'em. I'll treat them like grown-ups when they act like it.)

Sigivald said...

phx said: ure if you want to demean the movement or participants call them "cute".

I do. And I will.

Because it is cute to watch.

(I've never taken the "movement" seriously because it never had anything to take seriously; serious movements stand for/against something, and "Occupy" gloriously refused to pick an agenda.

Did "they" want free money [debt forgiveness]? Some of them, sometimes!

Did "they" want to overthrow capitalism? Some of them, sometimes!

All of which is fine, but in separate movements. If you want to achieve anything but beclowning yourself you need to pick an agenda to fight for.

Talking with their supporters the whole thing sure acted like a way to never take responsibility for a position, while getting to advocate it.

(Someone advocates X at Occupy, repeatedly and loudly? "They aren't us! Doesn't count!" ... problem is, that applies to everything, doesn't it?

Reminds me of the terrorist tactics of Anonymous; when there's no accountability even to a movement or an agenda, anyone can do anything and claim its mantle - and just as they refuse others the ability to blame, they must refuse themselves the ability to take credit or control inclusion.

Problem is they only want the "good" half of that.

So screw 'em. I'll treat them like grown-ups when they act like it.)

Michael said...

PHX: What is their cause?

Anonymous said...

Hope a bunch got their heads cracked open.

And hope garage and Allie the Obama Whore were a couple of them.

I'm sure Allie the Obama Whore has very good reasons why Mein Obama is arresting people in the dead of night for making a movie that offends Muslims.

Seig Heil, Mein Obama!

PatCA said...

"Nothing more than a pathetic group of malcontents and cry babies. Best thing to do is ignore them."

Oh, you meant the protestors. I thought you meant the NYT.

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