Bring on Woody Allen to do a political version of his hilarious courtroom scene in "Bananas":
IN THE COMMENTS: creeley23 said...
My bet is that they'll go to Tom Hanks or George Clooney or maybe double-team them.I bet you're exactly right! My suggestion was a joke. Obviously, you can't have Woody Allen when you've got your war-on-women theme. (Even though they will have Bill Clinton.) But I do think they will have some kind of a response — if only in the form of numerous references to Clint Eastwood (e.g., regular speakers with little asides about how they just saw Clint Eastwood talking to a chair, somebody else talking to a chair, Clint Eastwood talking to some other inanimate object, Clint Eastwood talking to some other person, possibly Mitt Romney, who is less animate than an inanimate object like a chair).
The bit will be smooth and rehearsed, it will affect an insouciant air (like our trolls), and it will attempt to ridicule Clint Eastwood's performance, but it won't have his edge.
Oh please I hope the DNC brings in Woody Allen, the contrast between the girly man and Dirty Harry couldn't be better.
Except that it will be obvious that they are just copying. That's probably the worst thing for them to do.
It looks like Clint put the collective liberal ass in a ringer 2 nights ago.
I love the "you might say I have two nationalities" line. And "Well I an American citizen and also the President of San Marcos".
It would be perfect - for the Republicans.
My bet is that they'll go to Tom Hanks or George Clooney or maybe double-team them.
The bit will be smooth and rehearsed, it will affect an insouciant air (like our trolls), and it will attempt to ridicule Clint Eastwood's performance, but it won't have his edge.
Imitation.. the sincerest form of flattery.
I hope they do it so they have replay the Eastwood video again and again.
That was Meade's comment.. when Obama slow jammed the news on Fallon.
Mitt puts Obama in a beta position.
Allen can be good, but Eastwood was brilliant. Inappropriate for a few lines, perhaps, but brilliant. Eastwood reminded me of Jimmy Stewart in the 1950 movie “Harvey,” in which Stewart as the main character had conversations with Harvey, an invisible friend supposedly resembling a 6-foot rabbit.
In any event, it may go against the collective wisdom, but my hunch is that, once removed from the convention context, the “Clintster” is very persuasive to many who didn’t watch the Republican Convention – particularly voters under 30 years old.
Eastwood’s monologue (or dialogue) looks like it will have a successful afterlife on YouTube. Collectively, he’s been viewed more than 2 million times so far. (Go to YouTube and search for "Eastwood.")
What initially looked like a screw up, as time passes, may be very good at changing young voters' minds in favor of Romney.
It will never happen b/c Obama will not share the spotlight with anyone.
I was thinking Michael Moore.
Whatever comedian DNC can come with, even if it's funny (lefty political humor rarely is) it will still be following and not leading. They will make mistake if they try to replicate what Eastwood did brilliantly.
In any case, while Eastwood has cross party appeal, Woody is not that widely known and admired, and will be like preaching to the choir.
"I was thinking Michael Moore."
Bring him on! Preferably in shorts!
The DNC could easily "retaliate" with any number of figures in a comedy routine against Romney/ Republicans.
But here's the thing-- how different is that from what we see and hear everyday, everywhere? For that matter, why not just get Letterman or Maher up there, to do what they do as professionals every day/ week? Why not get the crew at SNL to make a skit-- maybe Tina Fey can play Paul Ryan, "I can see your grandma from my house"? Or for novelty, how about Jason Biggs?
What I mean is, pretty much every day in any number of places we hear celebrities and notable figures (in Hollywood, academia, literature, the arts) snarkily mock and condemn Republicans. In any venue, any interview, any show.
So we get to see a celebrity-- Woody Allen-- snark about Republicans. So? Like we haven't heard the anti-Republican snark in his movies already? So what else is new?
I suppose they could get someone up there who'd be a surprise (but most likely someone completely expected, like George Clooney etc.). It would be a surprise to see Allen (such a private person) in that kind of venue-- though it'll never happen, because hello, "war on women." They've already got Clinton.
But even if the person is a surprise, the content of the performance would not be. We've heard it all before. In that sense, there's no way to match Eastwood-- not just (or not so much) because it's Eastwood, but because it's so rare, even unprecedented to hear a notable figure, a Hollywood figure, mock Obama on primetime TV before a huge national audience. There's no beating the impact, the surprise, of that.
Plus, more Americans watched the Superbowl ads than RNC convention, and this is Clint "halftime in America" Eastwood. It's hard to top the symbolism of that.
The best bet to match Eastwood's "all-American" powerhouse director is Steven Spielberg. We know Spielberg has generously contributed to and advised the Obama campaign already. And it would be a surprise, because though Spielberg's politics are relatively well-known, he's not overtly political (as a Democratic partisan) in his work. The projects he directs and produces aim at the widest swathe of Americans-- intended to appeal to Republicans/ conservatives too.
But for just that reason, the snark can't be too cutting. What he could try to offer is a positive, uplifting pro-Obama message (which Obama desperately needs). But Spielberg's not the most charismatic speaker. Maybe Tom Hanks could ventriloquize for (er, read the script from) him.
Roman Polanski (via satellite)?
And here's how the Repubs should retaliate against the "senile" Eastwood edited YouTubes, etc. Juxtapose this with Eastwood's performance.
Fatso Moore would be perfect. Or mean, foulmouthed Maher. I hope they try a comeback. I bet they can't pull it off.
And I'll bet the Romster just laughs it off.
Ann Althouse said...
I was thinking Michael Moore.
Bring him on! Preferably in shorts!
She said, "Shorts"?
Oy, maybe the Mayans really do have something.
PS FWIW, copied this comment off HotAir wrt the debate over how many people may have seen the convention. Make of it what you will.
People still watch these things on network television? I didn’t. Neither did most of the people I know. We streamed the whole thing live on our Xbox. That’s not counted in the ratings.
And Xbox did polls and measured people’s responses to what they were hearing and seeing, live, during the entire event.
It was amazing and shows that when people talk about “ratings were lower,” they are missing the fact that the last four years have changed how we watch television.
And, again, this will apply in form or another to the Demos.
Becase the theme of the Democratic convention appears to be WOMEN!!!, Sally Field may appear and try to convince the public "You like him, you really like him."
Nora Ephron could have done it, too, if she hadn't passed away recently.
Dems will have a higher rating on the networks, because they comprise the bulk of the simpletons who still watch networks.
Yes, Brad and George in a scripted bit that will be as funny as an Oscar telecast.
It will though be a welcome relief to the theme of birth control pills or, if you are too stupid to take them correctly, abortion.
By the way, the post on Laurie David reminded me of Bananas-- and the love interest in that movie.
A funny guy in love with an activist "gal with a mission."
There's no shortage of lefty actors who adore Obama and would jump at the chance to help.
Still, there is a sinking ship in the background.
This might sound weird, but after being subjected to Althouse's Obama-bashing and Romney-loving bullshit for the past six months, the main reason I want Obama to win is for her to be the big fat idiot loser on November 7th. I want Althouse to lose more than I want Romney to lose or Obama to win!
Five posts in a row about Clint.
Zero posts about Mitt.
I rest my case.
Campaigns should be very careful in managing celebrity endorsements. They can backfire so easily.
I must admit, though, seeing the ole perfesser quote Bill Maher at length to make her case is irony at its most delicious. Next up, Paul Ryan on the wisdom of Karl Marx.
"I was thinking Michael Moore."
Bring him on! Preferably in shorts!
I'm picturing something like this.
Eastwood has cross-party appeal and represents the rugged individualism of the Republicans. Is Harrison Ford liberal? He would have cross-party appeal.
bbkingfish said...
Five posts in a row about Clint.
Zero posts about Mitt.
Five posts about Zero looking like a fool.
Five point bounce on Rasmussen.
I rest my case.
"Blogger Zachary Paul Sire said...
This might sound weird, but after being subjected to Althouse's Obama-bashing and Romney-loving bullshit for the past six months, the main reason I want Obama to win is for her to be the big fat idiot loser on November 7th. I want Althouse to lose more than I want Romney to lose or Obama to win!"
You have perfectly captured the tone of next week's convention. Did you do that on purpose ? Was it satire ? Sometimes it's hard to tell.
Bring Michael Moore on, indeed.
I think Sandra Flook and Michael Moore in shorts singing re-worked show tunes that tell a sad story about how the mean Rs are gonna steal your lady parts... would be awesome.
The trick will be not appearing to be whining about Clint's lese majeste. That trick will fail.
I think actors will be reluctant to belittle Clint, so probably they'll just have to come up with their own thing.
Long time no see/read.
Hey man, so sorry you feel that way about the Professor. You have always been one of the more thoughtful liberals here the last 4 years or so.
Heck, a lot of us liked how well you often write we were hoping you could have live-blogged her wedding to Meade.
I have always considered you and garage to be the more decent of liberal commenters here. I don't believe for minute that you wish bad for the Professor. I think you just get emotional like me. I definitely won't vote for Obama and only became disgusted with him during this campaign because I despise his approval of such dishonest tactics. I can see you feel the same about Romney.
Please post more and let's have that talent of your expressions tell us why Obama should be re-elected and I and others will do the same for Romney.
Again dude, glad to see you back!
Best bet would be Aaron "you can't handle the truth" Sorkin. He could just reprise the rant from the beginning of his new show, is it "The Newsroom"?
It captured the liberal worldview perfectly.
They should mention it as often as possible so that they make the 10 people in the U.S. who haven't seen it yet get curious enough to go watch it.
Mr. Sand Obama will be quite enough, won't it?
He must be confident in victory to practice for Mount Rushmore.
He's creepy. He's a nasty little man. More mocking, before it's too late.
It's time to make "I believe you Juanita" bumper stickers. Ann, if you could sell them, I'll figure out how to make them and you can have the profits.
It's time to make "I believe you Juanita" bumper stickers. Ann, if you could sell them, I'll figure out how to make them and you can have the profits.
An obsessed Althouse stalker? You're a weird, fucked-up little dude, Zachy.
How do you know that they won't bring out Nora Ephran, at least metaphorically if not animatronically?
If death can't stop a Democrat from voting, why should it get in the way of "witnessing" halleluyah!
Sorry Althouse lemmings, Dems don't need Hollywood as conservatives have been harping er whining for the past 5/6 years, Obama is a celebrity!
Eastwood may or may not be mentioned in passing for comedic effect. Although references to Clyde the Orangutan may fly over most everybody's head! lol
Again, when your opposition is imploding, get the fuck out of the way ...
Zachary -
Our hostess isn't fat. You owe her an apology.
Also, how do you know she won't vote again for Obama?
One of the golden rules of Hollywood is that actors refrain from criticizing other people in the industry. Your livelihood depends on being civil, even to those you despise. Any actor that goes after Eastwood or mocks him will instantly end their career. This is why Charlton Heston got away with what he said in 2000.
It's also why actors will appear on talk shows and praise a director or another actor that everyone knows sucks and/or was horrible on the set of a particular show or movie.
But then the attack would be on Eastwood, not Romney, his real nemesis.
Whatever they do, will be a copy cat, a lead from behind skit.
The best will be Slick Willy: Who? Clint, oh that old rascal! What has he done this time? Talking to a chair?
Then he laughs, a bellyache laugh.
"Charlton Heston"
Speaking of Moses he mentioned after working w/Vanessa Redgrave that she was the world's greatest actress even though they disagreed on everything re: politics.
Lots of die hard libs have worked w/Clint.
Ars gratia artis ...
Interesting notion, trying to counter Clint Eastwood with one or more Hollywood celebrities. I have two thoughts:
1) Political junkies, not the great unwashed public, watch conventions. Clint Eastwood was great, and we junkies can handle the jokes. But for the most part, he's not going to directly attract votes. He can indirectly attract them, as the junkies talk about it.
2) In marketing, you have to hit people over the head with your message. It may seem like a joke to trot Alec Baldwin or George Clooney out for the DNC, but it can work. Hit 'em over the head! Then again, see point (1) above. I don't think the people who need heavy marketing will be watching the DNC.
Incidentally, the DNC would be fools to do anything to acknowledge Eastwood. Their best tactic is to pretend it never happened. Every reference they make will force the media to make a comparison, which will cause more people to view the video!
That was the true brilliance of what Eastwood did; there is no defense.
(Looking back, the last night of the convention was amazing in pure political terms. It created a virtual minefield. Clinton and his crew would be smart enough to navigate it, but Obama sure as hell isn't and neither are a lot of the speakers the DNC lined up. The question is will he and they will listen to the politically astute planners?)
The Democrats would do well to simply ignore the Eastwood monologue.
Whatever stunt they employ would simply be derivative of Eastwood's performance. It would cause those who haven't seen it to view Eastwood's performance, thereby widening its audience to Obama's detriment.
The children in the Obama campaign need to understand the phrase "too cute by half."
They are going to take the bait though, aren't they? They are going to riff on the Eastwood performance.
Why, you'd think the RNC people had a plan to get in the DNC's head and occupy part of its brain on national television.
Again, when your opposition is imploding, get the fuck out of the way ...
Which is what the Republicans, as well as we here at Althouse, having been doing the last week as the trolls have gone berserk.
@ John, I meant fat in the size of her idiocy and loser-hood, not actual physical size.
Althouse has been called a lot worse than fat ... not to worry!
shiloh said...
Sorry Althouse lemmings, Dems don't need Hollywood
Then why has Zero been commuting to the coast the last year or so?
They love the money and, during the primaries, you can tell which Demos are higher in the polls by the number of movie stars endorsing them.
Most Democrat conventions look like runups for the Oscars. They think all that celebrity brings them votes.
Try again.
" Blogger Zachary Paul Sire said...
@ John, I meant fat in the size of her idiocy and loser-hood, not actual physical size."
Keep that tone going until the end of next week. It will be perfect.
I guess it wasn't satire.
"... her idiocy and loser-hood...?
,hmm, if by that you mean her 2008 vote for Obama, then we're both on the same page here. Sorry for asking you to apologize, Zach ol' buddy.
shiloh's boilerplate is "althouse lemmings....."
boring, try something new.
This might sound weird, but after being subjected to Althouse's Obama-bashing and Romney-loving bullshit for the past six months, the main reason I want Obama to win is for her to be the big fat idiot loser on November 7th. I want Althouse to lose more than I want Romney to lose or Obama to win!
You're a weirdo.
And a couple more notes for the little animal.
First, he's so in love with the RCP averages and is so sure NM is securely blue, this should wet his pants. Even though RCP has Zero up by 10, Axelrod feels it necessary to double the field offices in NM.
Susana, mi amora.
Second, our little sad sack felt obliged to note the Romster didn't mention the troops Thursday. Looks like Barry won't, either.
At Fort Hood, Little Zero was greeted with near total silence in a photo op.
I meant fat in the size of her idiocy and loser-hood, not actual physical size.
Barack-fat, not Michelle-fat.
Except she's an idiot loser too.
The DNC convention will be long, tiresome whiney bitchfest culminating in we want four more years of this shit. No matter who they trot out, they can't escape that. Any attempt they do to belittle Romney's success will back fire on them after all it's not like Obama has any success worth mentioning. In the end when an incumbent president runs for reelection it all comes down whether to keep him or let him go. The democrats won't be able to top Clint and will look even more stupid and foolish than usual if they try.
Seeing as how incredibly feckless the opposition is and has been, it is stunning that they's even consider " to counter that Eastwood performance..."
Isn't this about how to get their Ticket re-elected?
Oh - that's right - feckless indeed.
The POTUS's tweet of fearful insecurity is response enough. I hope they want to say more on the subject.
"I want to take just a moment to go back to something my opponent said a few minutes ago...."
Sign of having got under his extremely thin skin.
Woody Allen: banging one's own stepdaughter vs. 7 kids by 5 women -- tough call.
Michael Moore: If the camera adds ten pounds, would anyone even notice?
George Clooney: There wouldn't be a dry seat in the house.
Monica Lewinsky, Genifer Flowers and Paula Jones come out together, and Bill Clinton sings to them, "All the Girls I've Loved Before."
I've been watching TV today and have seen a number of commercials for Clint Eastwood's new movie coming out in September. He's a (an ex?) baseball scout, I guess. He looked about the same as he did a couple nights ago.
Ed Asner, of course.
He can growl about being old, grumble about rich white people. Talk about solar power. Remind you he voted for a black kid.
Problem is - the Democratic convention is gonna full of old white politicians. Old ideas, too. It's gonna be a train wreck.
Ed Asner, of course.
He can growl about being old, grumble about rich white people. Talk about solar power. Remind you he voted for a black kid.
Problem is - the Democratic convention is gonna full of old white politicians. Old ideas, too. It's gonna be a train wreck.
"Bill Clinton sings to them, "All the Girls I've Loved Before.""
Mambo #5
I mean, sure, maybe one or two speakers will throw in a zinger about it at some point, but I think you're in a special, special place, if you think that anyone in the Dem campaigns is devoting real time to figuring out how to "respond" to Eastwood.
The Democrats should certainly go with the Portuguese subtitles no matter who they get.
Did you see the washed out sand sculpture that was Obie? He tries to put himself on Mt. Rushmore. Alas, he's as substantial as a sand sculpture. Someone really has a complex of grandeur. It's funnier than Clint's skit though.
I bet they go with Eve Ensler. She's used to performing solo, and it would fit the War on Women theme.
Plus it would really reach out to middle-America undecideds
Obama's tweet was a huge blunder.
Alex said...
shiloh's boilerplate is "althouse lemmings....."
boring, try something new.
Say. Did mr moneybags, the internet millionair, shiloh ever get back to Bob about that bet?
Bliss - we already knew the 2012 DNC was the Vagina Convention.
Harro: but I think you're in a special, special place, if you think that anyone in the Dem campaigns is devoting real time to figuring out how to "respond" to Eastwood.
"special, special".
Team Obama promises it will fill every one of the seats (73,778) in Charlotte’s mammoth football stadium Thursday night when President Obama closes the Democratic National Convention with a speech accepting his party’s nomination.
Over confidence?
re: dems commenting on the empty chair.
Will only drive those that haven't listened to Mr. E to youtube, and those that have will remember that the chair was holding an insubordinate and sullen employee, who was getting a lecture from his employer, we-the-people in the person of Mr. E. Where Mr. O is known for his blue language and intemperate comments.
We can only hope they make a big deal of it - underlining how the Dems are at war not only with Mainstreet but the elderly, the family, and children.
re: dems commenting on the empty chair.
Will only drive those that haven't listened to Mr. E to youtube, and those that have will remember that the chair was holding an insubordinate and sullen employee, who was getting a lecture from his employer, we-the-people in the person of Mr. E. Where Mr. O is known for his blue language and intemperate comments.
We can only hope they make a big deal of it - underlining how the Dems are at war not only with Mainstreet but the elderly, the family, and children.
Whether the Dems respond to Eastwood or they don't, it's like Mitt going to Louisiana. Mitt has once again somehow got control of the agenda - this time the agenda of the DNC - [should we? shouldn't we? will they? won't they? was it funny, was it not] and who controls the agenda, controls the meeting.
I just saw a Tea Party Group posting on Facebook saying instead of putting up signs people could just set up an empty chair on their lawns, everyone would know the meaning. I dunno, I sure can't do it I am surrounded by 6 acres of forest.
I think there's a big onus now on Biden. In a few simple words, Clint laid him out bare. He needs to be very careful in his choice of words not to say or do too much to evoke Clint's words. Hell, even if he flashes his trademark Cheshire-cat grin, lots of folks will instantly think of Clint's "just a grin with a body behind it."
The full effect of Clint's performance has yet to hit.
it's not like Obama has any success worth mentioning
Maybe they can bring out an empty chair labeled 'bin Laden', and leave it on stage for the whole convention.
"Whether the Dems respond to Eastwood or they don't, it's like Mitt going to Louisiana. Mitt has once again somehow got control of the agenda - this time the agenda of the DNC"
No, see. That's just stupid. It's not at all what has happened. That a bunch of bloggers and chatterers are talking about Clint Eastwood after the RNC, speaks more about the resonance of the GOP's actual candidates than anything else.
"should we? shouldn't we? will they? won't they? was it funny, was it not]"
You're fantasizing if you think that is at all what is happening. The hyperventilating and the inflation is thick around here today. Even for around here. Suddenly Clint Eastwood's bit is a substantive "game changer."
Get ahold of yourselves. Use reason.
"and who controls the agenda, controls the meeting"
Good God.
Yeah, you can see a lot of time and worry and official DNC resources went into those.
harrogate is our resident Baghdad Bob. In denial of everything right in front of his nose.
I mean, if someone shows me some evidence that the bit I saw Clint Eastwood perform in Tampa, has caused the Obama campaign concern, has suddenly demanded DNC resources, etc. Something along those lines. I double promise you I will be the first to be like, Jesus Christ look how stupid they were for getting worked up about that shit.
But for now I will give the benefit of the doubt to these people and assume their response was in proportion to the thing in question: that is, something along the order of a shrug.
Retaliating would be a bad idea. Retaliate? Like Clint Eastwood hurt them and they need to get their own back?
I don't understand.
Oh well, if they do *anything* that can be seen as a response or reply or retaliation to Clint Eastwood they've ceded the narrative, ceded the active role to the Republicans.
Not that they won't do it.
Obama, after all, jumped when Clint said, "boo."
harrogate - keep shruggin'.
Synova - it's amazing that Dirty Harry still makes liberal squirm!
Alex, what makes you so sure that the Dems campaign is concerned about Eastwood? Can you enlighten me a little?
For once I'd like to see you say something. Just for variety's sake.
What the hell happened to Tom Hanks? He went from Apollo 13 to all kinds of groveling forgive me for being a white man shit.
harrogate - the very fact that Obama tweeted an immediate response.
I am a great admirer of Eastwood. His directing in particular. "A Perfect World" is imo one of the most underrated movies of its time.
Eastwood is untouchable. But watch the leftist maniacs proceed to bash him relentlessly over the next week. They are digging their own graves.
Oh Lord, someone tweeted something! And we all know how much time and effort goes into that. Maybe Obama, or whomever sent the tweet, thought it was funny. Just like some people found Clint funny.
That's a far cry from taking it seriously. I mean, look at some of the things being posted here today, not to mention the narratives being cooked up in the comments.
harrogate - it was Obama's Twitter account, but keep trying to downplay it.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Eastwood, however, did one notable thing that Romney did not do. He got conservative bloggers and their commenters talking about the speech he gave at the Republican National Convention.
Hey I'm not claiming Romney's speech was one for the ages. It was competent and what's needed at this time, nothing more. Eastwood's routine is what will be remembered for years.
Alex, all I can say is, if you are right. If there are people high up in the Dem campaign who are worried about Clint Eastwood. Then they are even bigger fools than I thought they were. And that's saying something right there.
Too late - Clint is yesterday's news - today we have the news reports of Mitt telling the woman who LOST HER HOME in the hurricane to "GO HOME and call 211" -
Mitt's mouth - the gift that keeps on gaffing.
With the expert assistance of the fastest man ever to run for Vice Presidend - LYIN' RYAN!
Oh boy Romney did it again. He just can't stop being a gaffe machine.
I think there's a big onus now on Biden.
Biden is a big onus...
Alex, what makes you so sure that the Dems campaign is concerned about Eastwood? Can you enlighten me a little?
Excuse me (or not) for interrupting, but the media arm of the Obama campaign has been attacking Eastwood since the speech. That's not proof, but it's pretty good evidence.
"the media arm of the Obama campaign"
Heh, it is to laugh.
"has been attacking Eastwood since the speech"
Not to be melodramatic about it or anything. Natch.
"That's not proof, but it's pretty good evidence."
Yeah, you've presented some weighty evidence indeed. The force is strong with this one.
The Dems have got to think ouside the box. They want to appeal to women, minorities, and gays. Here's my suggestion: at various times during the convention have women like Jessica Alba, Scarlet Johannsen, and Hale Berry come onstage and make out with one another. It's a proven ratings grabber. If they did it during the Biden speech, there's a good possibility that someone would actually watch his speech. I think it would really change a lot of people's minds about gay marriage and illegal immigration if Jessica Alba made out with Scarlet Johanssen.
The Dems have got to think ouside the box.
Maybe, but ain't gonna happen.
I suspect at this point that they don't even know that they are in a box. Thinking outside of one requires a bit of introspection that they have not shown any indication of being able to do.
I think that their planned race and sex baiting is indicia that they are caught within their box, and don't see how constraining it is for them. I still don't see how having Sandra Fluck, NRAL, etc. scream about Romney's War on Women is going to overcome this:
But I just think it is important that you realize, that you're the best in the world. Whether you are a Democrat or Republican or whether you're libertarian or whatever, you are the best. And we should not ever forget that. And when somebody does not do the job, we got to let them go.
The trouble with trying to Clint back at the GOP is that we've seen Obama do everything Clint zinged him on. What could the Dems do except repeat the same talking points they've already worn smooth to no effect?
Michael Moore and Bill Maher are already cutting and running on Eastwood.
You know who they should get? Samuel L. Jackson! After all, he's got the same position on paying taxes as the Obamas and the WH staff...
bgates said...
it's not like Obama has any success worth mentioning
Maybe they can bring out an empty chair labeled 'bin Laden', and leave it on stage for the whole convention.
9/1/12 6:58 PM
Even the Bin Laden mission he blew several previous opportunities to get him. But for Leon Panetta he would have taken yet another pass.
Let them do that. All it would do is remind the public as if it needs more reminding that that is all he has accomplished.
Harrow, seriously when all the democrats have is symbolism that empty chair is pretty serious symbolism. So tell us again why anyone who isn't employed by government or lives off the taxpayer would want to vote for four more years of this economy? Obama isn't asking for his contract to be renewed based on his job performance, he can't, what he is asking for is a second chance and he doesn't deserve it.
There's no doubt William is onto something, lesbo love is the Dems ace-in-the-hole, so to speak.
Ultimate secret weapon: Sigourney Weaver.
Think about it.
Every time the zombie dems bring up the empty chair, the association
"obama=empty chair" is reinforced.
When your opponent aims at his feet when he's irked, give him bullets and irk him.
I don't know that all liberals think Clint was incoherent or weird. Bill Maher defended Clint and so did Jane Fonda.
They want to appeal to women, minorities, and gays.
Outside of some women, the Dems really don't need to appeal to those people.
Maybe they can bring out an empty chair labeled 'bin Laden', and leave it on stage for the whole convention.
An empty prayer rug in front of a TV showing porn would do the trick.
"Oh Lord, someone tweeted something! And we all know how much time and effort goes into that. Maybe Obama, or whomever sent the tweet, thought it was funny. Just like some people found Clint funny."
Isn't the past-tense of tweet, twat?
I really hope Romney doesn't tweet or hire someone to tweet for him.
I mean, look. I went back to college and I'm surrounded by 18 and 19 year olds, by 20 year olds, every day. We get along great. They treat me like an actual person and I don't try to act like I'm their buddy. That, to me, is the president of the united states, himself or through a surrogate, tweeting a one-liner come back to an actor's routine.
Gawd... have some dignity!
Maybe they can bring out an empty chair labeled 'bin Laden', and leave it on stage for the whole convention.
9/1/12 6:58 PM
They could also bring out a chair for the Pakistani doctor who helped us find bin Laden and is now in jail for life because the Obama administration couldn't keep it's big fucking mouth shut.
He's rotting in some godawful prison. But hey, that's the price you pay for making The Precious look good.
Harro: ...a lot of time and worry and official DNC resources went into those.
The President is again punching below his weight. Cutter or Axelrod could have rolled their eyes on one of the Sunday shows but the President responds under his own signature.
Bill Maher defended Clint and so did Jane Fonda.
Yet another sign that the Apocalypse is upon us.
OK -I am late to this thread but folks - Clint Eastwood's schtick was pure, vintage Bob Newhart.
And then - Lily Tomlin's take on the Bob Newhart shtick.
And I am not THAT old. But - as I usually am - amazed at the way certain parts of America's TV and Hollywood culture have been kind of sanitized and 'wiped out' by who knows what kind of idiots in charge at the time?
And let me tell you - 5 out of 9 of my fifty year old buddies watched with me and we all saw Bob Newhart/Lily Tomlin (and a bot of Bill Cosby) in the routine.
I mean - folks - get a friggin' clue about the rich past of American television culture beyond your own teenage years.
The comments here kind of make me sad. I mean - you all have to study things like The Rat Pack to know how brave Frank Sinatra was to refuse to preform in a certain Las Vegas Hotel until they let Sammy Davis Jr. stay in the same hotel.
You need to maybe reach a bit further in cultural history than your own Saturday Night Live and South Park memories to really 'get' the Clint Eastwood thing.
My suspicion - an awful lot of GOP types got it right away. And these same folks may have also seen all of Michael Moore's movies and they may also watch Stewart and Colbert every night.
They just may have a bigger knowledge base to refer to. You know - a broad cultural knowledge. It's a good thing.
I like like the image of a poor mother holding 2 starving kids, the voice-over would go like this classic:
"Spirit of Christmas Present: My time with you is at an end, Ebenezer Scrooge. Will you profit from what I've shown you of the good in most men's hearts?
Ebenezer: I don't know, how can I promise!
Spirit of Christmas Present: If it's too hard a lesson for you to learn, then learn this lesson!
[opens his robe, revealing two starving children]
Ebenezer: [shocked] Spirit, are these yours?
Spirit of Christmas Present: They are Man's. This boy is Ignorance, this girl is Want. Beware them both, but most of all, beware this boy!
Ebenezer: But have they no refuge, no resource?
Spirit of Christmas Present: [quoting Scrooge] Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?
Then cut to a picture of smilin' George strapping his dog to the roof of one of his wife's twin Cadillacs.
Talk about theater!
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