September 12, 2012

"Here’s a first look at the unlikely casting but uncanny resemblance of Jane Fonda as former First Lady Nancy Reagan."

"Alan Rickman plays President Ronald Reagan... The pic stars Forest Whitaker as White House butler Eugene Allen whose career spanned 34 years there."


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

A parade of leftist actors attempting degrade history.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

A parade of leftist actors attempting to degrade history.

The Drill SGT said...

Well, THAT is sure to cut the gross.

Shouting Thomas said...

We hope that the old maxim applies:

That's why they call it acting!

Wince said...

Sample dialogue: "Mommy, where are my detonators?!"

edutcher said...

Like the Streep flick about Maggie Thatcher.

And it's not that great a resemblance.

R.L. Hunter said...

Hanoi Jane playing Nancy Reagan? One of the biggest liberals in the Country playing the part of one of the most conservative? And Hollywood can't figure out why no one is watching their crap anymore.

Kelly said...

Is this a remake of Driving Miss Daisy?

Darrell said...

Aren't Lefties clever!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I will never EVER pay money to watch a movie with Hanoi Jane in it.

A parade of leftist actors attempting to degrade history.


paul a'barge said...


Quick, someone burn an American flag and launch a rocket at an American ambassador.

Darrell said...

Uncanny resemblance.

Just keep saying that and the yoots who din't live through the time will believe you. And if they put stupid words in her mouth--words that have never been linked to her--they will believe that, too. The people that knew Pat Nixon well said that she was not only NOT an alcoholic, they never recall seeing her drunk--she used the old political wives' trick of getting a cocktail at the beginning of the evening, then only refilling it with the mixer thereafter. The biographer Nixon hired confirmed this as he was the one to get her her refills during the couple of years he spent with her. Yet, the myth (created by Lefties) that she was an alcoholic lives on. Why? Because she would HAVE to be, married to Nixon and all. Pathetic.

William said...

I recommend that they cast Ron Jeremy as Bill Clinton. The movie should be retitled What The Butler Saw. Scarlet Johannsen can dye her hair and play the part of Monica. Such a movie might be worth seeing.

Thorley Winston said...

I love Alan Rickman but don’t see him as a plausible Ronald Reagan.

Jane Fonda’s acting peaked with “Barbarella.”

I don’t see any reason for the inclusion of Forest Whittaker in this movie unless the butler is going to get “in your face” with one of the other characters and start spitting while he talks.

79 said...

Thank heavens they got the role of wise black White House servant filled. How could you possibly make a movie about the President without 15 or 20 minutes of film time starring the butler?

Darrell said...

How could you possibly make a movie about the President without 15 or 20 minutes of film time starring the butler?

The butler wrote the book upon which the script is based. My guess would be that the butler occupies a lot of screen time. I also bet that the Reagans are rude-- or worse--to this proud man of color. Would a publisher ever suggest changes to non-fiction? Oh, heavens no.

Titus said...

I read Fonda is doing full frontal in it.

Titus said...

I also read there is a major sex scene involving golden showers and shaving pubes.