September 25, 2012

Harry Reid goes holier-than-thou, Mormon-style, on Mitt Romney.

Is that okay? Because if that's okay, should we dissect Obama's religion?

Should we go at both Romney and Obama for how well they embody the religion they espouse? free polls 


Methadras said...

Harry Reid... What do you say about this senile, vulgar little child? Why do people tolerate this pig?

Christopher in MA said...

That's suspected pedophile Harry Reid, Althouse. We must get our nomenclature right.

Andy said...

I think a lot of Jews get (privately) upset when we see a Jewish person behaving in a really disgraceful way in public, especially if we think people might associate that kind of disgusting behavior with all Jewish people.

But Harry Reid pointing out that Romney is potentially doing this to Mormonism is a little crass.

Furthermore, I think it's clear that almost all of the things wrong with Romney aren't because of his religion, and therefore the people who would mistakenly think poorly of Mormonism because of the way Romney acts aren't smart enough to dignify with a response anyway.

Lance said...

What about Pres. Clinton? Should we have debated his religious adherence too?

test said...

The correct answer is: only Harry Reid. He's the one espousing that one's religion is an acceptable political target.

Nonapod said...

I'm certainly not above criticizing a candidate for their adherence to their particular beliefs. I still wonder about Obama, Jeremiah Wright and the whole Black Liberation Theology thing.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

How many unemployed angels can dance on the head of a Mormon pin and how many on a Muslim pin?

Known Unknown said...

Mitt owes Reid a punch in the fucking face.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

I don't think the Jeremiah Wright stuff had to do with religion. "God Damn" America is more of a political statement in the context in which he used it. I haven't heard of any Mormons spouting radical anti-American statements.

Lyle said...

Andy R.

Romney's gay marriage stance has nothing to do with Mormonism? Is that what they say about Mormons in California?

How Christian is Obama's flip flop on gay marriage?

Epsilon Given said...

I have mixed feelings about this. In a certain way, when you are a politician, anything is fair game; religion is certainly a window into your soul as well.

Thus, looking at someone's religious belief is useful in getting to know the candidate.

With Romney, I'm not sure if it's *crucial* that we understand his faith--although I'm admittedly biased, because I share his faith--but what's there to dislike? Sure, Mormons are weird, but part of the weirdness is that they like America (and this, despite heavy early persecution) and that they like to help others.

Obama, on the other hand, espoused a religion that consistently displayed hate against America; I would think that this ought to matter, when choosing the President of the United States.

While I oscillated between "Sure", "No" and "Obama only", I decided to mark "Sure", because how could anyone make a decision as to whether or not religion matters, without looking into religion?

(Lance brought up Pres. Clinton's religion--since his adherence seems to be "vanilla" anyway, why would it matter if we looked into it? It probably wouldn't have made much of a difference. And that's likely true for any President we might bring up.)

gadfly said...

Does Mormonism hold with lying? Both Dusty Harry and Mittens have often been caught prevaricating.

Christopher in MA said...

Does Mormonism hold with lying? Both Dusty Harry and Mittens have often been caught prevaricating.

No more than Catholicism and Nancy Pelousy, I'd expect.

Chip S. said...

Apparently Reid is following the lead of some guy whose HuffPo byline is "Gregory Prince, PhD."

His PhD is in pathology.

He is president and CEO of Virion Systems, Inc., a biotech firm that has received $139,139 in federal grants under the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act," aka Porkulus.

This is how the game is played in Chicago-on-the-Potomac.

Eric said...

How about a vote on whether Harry Reid should be declared an embarrassment to the species and banished from public life? That avoids insulting any innocent bystanders and really gets to the heart of the matter.

Hagar said...

Richard Nixon - the mad bomber of Cambodia - was a Quaker.

But for a specimen like Harry Reid to attack Romney on a religious basis is really beyond parody.

Anonymous said...

Frankly there is only one religion today that is any real danger to freedom and therefore should be worth dissecting if a politician or elected official adopts it.

I'll leave you to wonder which one I mean.

kcom said...

I agree, Christopher. That was an incredibly stupid question. Because when I heard once that a murder was committed by a Christian I immediately concluded that the Christian church was pro-murder. What other possible (or more likely) explanation could there possibly be?

Lyssa said...

I was just skimming the article until I got to this part: "He said that Romney has sullied the religion that he, Prince and Romney share," Reid said.

Then I was all "What? Prince is a Mormon!?!" Then I re-read, and was highly disappointed.

Freeman Hunt said...

Then I was all "What? Prince is a Mormon!?!" Then I re-read, and was highly disappointed.

Heh. Harry Reid name dropping Prince would have been great.

DADvocate said...

senile, vulgar little child

Apt description. Reid's an old fart whose time has come and gone. His statements are more about getting attention for himself and feeding his starving ego. I've heard the rumors of his pedophilia but he's probably impotent due to age related disease. It's this impotence that drives him to try to show some potency by making idiotic statements.

chickelit said...

Crack has already given us a preview of what "going at" Romney over the Mormon Church would look like so I think he'll survive. It will denigrate Romney's detractors more than it will hurt Romeny and so I say go ahead. It's gonna happen anyway--the left has absolutely everything to lose.

Larry J said...

Harry Reid is representative of the 99% of all politicians who make the rest of them look bad.

netmarcos said...

As I have said elsewhere today, "Romney no more represents the face of Mormonism than Harry does the other end."

netmarcos said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amartel said...

Obama is a strong disciple of the church of radical progressivism. He's crap at worshipping anything other than himself so let's stop pretending he's a "Christian" or a "Muslim." Sometimes he makes mistakes but that's no great matter since personal accountability and responsibility are for the bitterclinging little people, not for Elite Progressives.

Romney's a Mormon, what a freak, and he's not even a good Mormon. Harry Reid said so and Harry Reid NEVER lies.

I'm Full of Soup said...

This "look over there- Squirrel!" tactic by the incumbents is to change the subject from a horrible economy and from a failed foreign policy crafted by two pussies [Obama and Hillary].

You need a "squirrel" tag.

Cedarford said...

"Dirty Harry" would not make my list of famous Mormon Role Models.

paul a'barge said...

Obama is a closet muslim practicing Taqiyya - click to read about it

Anonymous said...

"Crack has already given us a preview of what "going at" Romney over the Mormon Church would look like so I think he'll survive. It will denigrate Romney's detractors more than it will hurt Romeny and so I say go ahead. It's gonna happen anyway--the left has absolutely everything to lose. "

Yeah, I usually enjoy Crack's stuff, but that was a little strange. My question is who is Romney's Mormonism going to offend that it hasn't already offended at this point? Evangelicals? Pfft, they're gonna support Obama? Stay away because of Romney? I think not.

Bob Ellison said...

TWM, do you mean socialism? Environmentalism?

traditionalguy said...

Just how does one analyse Anti-Christ Religions?

Very carefully!

ricpic said...

hatboy speaks for Jews. Jews Who Wanna Be Screwed or Jews Who Bend Over, which group, hatboy?

McTriumph said...

Harry Reid just took a huge dump on his own religion. Anything for political power.

Colonel Angus said...

Does anyone really believe Obama believes in anything more than his own awesomeness?

edutcher said...

As the Romster is a better Mormon than Dingy Harry, or than Choom is a Christian (unless of the Rev Wright type) or Moslem, fire away.

We know who wins.

Patrick said...

I guess that lying about a guy who said Romney never filed his taxes is what Reid thinks reflects well on his church.

Colonel Angus said...

As for Reid, it seems he has assumed the role of party attack dog which generally requires you to act like an asshole by making assinine accusations and unsubstantiated claims against political opponents. Thats a role typically assumed by the party chair. Is Debbie not up to the task?

wyo sis said...

This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode about Jewish and dentist jokes. You have to be one to tell jokes about them. Apparently that applies to throwing under the bus as well.

george said...

Madonna got in on the act by saying we should support Obama since he is a black Muslim.

I am not sure what these celebretards use for brains but I am pretty sure it can be flushed.

At any rate there seems to be some confusion about religion on the left these days.

Anonymous said...

"TWM, do you mean socialism? Environmentalism?"

Good guesses and certainly in the ballpark.

Patrick said...

Prince, I believe, is a Jehovah's Witness.

McTriumph said...

Anyone know, wasn't the Rev. Wright a Muslim prior to purchasing that Christian franchise in Chicago?

Patrick said...

Is Debbie not up to the task?

It's just that nobody believes anything she says anymore.

Roger J. said...

Wyo Sis--great recall. That was one of the classics.

Patrick said...

At any rate there seems to be some confusion about religion on the left these days.

No confusion at all. For the left, the religion is The Left.

damikesc said...

Hey --- has Reid ever given to the church?

He doesn't seem like a charitable type. which I mean he isn't a Republican. Democrats are notoriously not charitable.

With Romney, I'm not sure if it's *crucial* that we understand his faith--although I'm admittedly biased, because I share his faith--but what's there to dislike? Sure, Mormons are weird, but part of the weirdness is that they like America (and this, despite heavy early persecution) and that they like to help others.

That's always been my stand. Do I agree with the Mormon faith? No. But I'll be damned if they don't seem to some really well-adjusted and all-around nice guys.

If Romney loses, in 2016, we'll hear about how the new Republican isn't a nice and compassionate guy like Mitt...because Romney seems to be one of the most genuinely good people to run for office in a while.

As for Reid, it seems he has assumed the role of party attack dog which generally requires you to act like an asshole by making assinine accusations and unsubstantiated claims against political opponents. Thats a role typically assumed by the party chair. Is Debbie not up to the task?

No, Debbie is an epic asshole.

And, heck, Reid isn't the worst pederast involved with Obama. No way Messina isn't fondling young boys on the bus.

Roger J. said...

BTW Wyo Sis--that would make a great Hitler finds out that the comedian is only a Jew because of the jokes.

Roger J. said...

And I am distressed because no one has levied "jewish princess" jokes against DWS--eg, Why do Jewish Princess have crows feet? Ans: You want me to suck what"?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Reid is an uncharitable corrupt pol.
How NV can stand him - I don't know.

Roger J. said...

April Apple: casino money

F said...

How about we dissect Reid?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I think Harry Reid should be brought up on charges of corruption and then thrown out of the US senate.

Fprawl said...

We'll never dissect anything relating to President Obama.
That will be for historians in the year 2056, safely enough in the future to determine what really went on.

Fprawl said...

We'll never dissect anything relating to President Obama.
That will be for historians in the year 2056, safely enough in the future to determine what really went on.

Paul said...

So where is Reid's tax returns? How can a person who has been a civil servant all their life BE A MILLIONAIRE? Has Reid given to charity? Has he paid all his taxes?

Reid sees the speck of dust in another's eye while ignoring the wooden beam in his.

Known Unknown said...

Prince, I believe, is a Jehovah's Witness.

Yeah, you'll never get to hear "Darling Nikki" live again.

Anonymous said...

Is it any more "Mormon" to push class warfare and hate people who run businesses or are percieved to be wealthy? A person can be poor in spirit but not in need of bread. Should there be no mission to save people's souls, regardless of their wealth? Are those needing bread the only people who are in need? Harry Reid's party is constantly pushing class warfare. Shouldn't he be reaching out charitably to Romney, trying to change his heart rather than condemn him? Isn't that what a good Mormon would do?

wyo sis said...

What a "good Mormon" would do and what Harry Reid does never intersect. Heck, what that nightmare would do doesn't even get close to Christian. But, he is a politician after all, and they have a different skill set.

TexasVoter said...



Sam L. said...

I hate to use a "he started it" excuse. but a reply in kind is not unwarranted. And so long as Obama is dredging up Mitt's past (see: dog; see: alleged bullying), Seems like the "Rev." Wright is due exhuming.

Epsilon G, far as I can tell Clinton's 'religion' has one commandment: Anything goes.

jr565 said...

george wrote:
|Madonna got in on the act by saying we should support Obama since he is a black Muslim.

I am not sure what these celebretards use for brains but I am pretty sure it can be flushed.

At any rate there seems to be some confusion about religion on the left these days.

At one of her latest concerts she said "you better vote for Obama" and then said she would take her clothes off if he won.
That's a great incentive to not vote for Obama. What is she thinking?

Kirk Parker said...

F*ck Harry Reid and the corruption he rode in on.

Kirk Parker said...


"Reid is an uncharitable corrupt pol.
How NV can stand him - I don't know.

Well, it does get him out of the state...

Kirk Parker said...


That's awesome!

jr565 said...

Here's Madonna threatening to fully undress if Obama wins.

Keey your damn pants on you old hag!

The Crack Emcee said...


Crack has already given us a preview of what "going at" Romney over the Mormon Church would look like so I think he'll survive.

No he won't - Mitt Romney defending Mormonism before the American public isn't the same as me facing down the Althouse Hillbillies, who are predisposed to rooting for Romney, changing the subject, personal attacks, disappearing when cornered, not sticking up for ethical lapses, and more. Romney's already shown his first line of defense is to lie, and in a public forum that would be exposed, along with the more-bizarre-then-any-other- religion nature of Mormonism. (This ain't your parents "Christianity" folks!) He will come undone.

It will denigrate Romney's detractors more than it will hurt Romeny and so I say go ahead. It's gonna happen anyway--the left has absolutely everything to lose.

It's going to happen anyway? Oh, you mean like when Romney said Obama would make this less of a Christian nation? (A religious jab his supporters didn't call him on, BTW, honest folks that they are.) Is that the kind of desperate act you refer to?

The Crack Emcee said...


Yeah, I usually enjoy Crack's stuff, but that was a little strange.

What's strange? Mitt Romney fits smack-dab in the middle of what I usually cover - his wife's into quackery and now he thinks cold fusion is real - so the idea you guys would think I'd back a cult fruitcake is what's strange.

My question is who is Romney's Mormonism going to offend that it hasn't already offended at this point?

People who don't know what it is, because everyone's bought into this "it's Christianity" lie, when it's nothing of the kind. People who don't understand it's real-world ramifications (rampant scamming, false "prophets" dictating politics, etc.)

Evangelicals? Pfft, they're gonna support Obama? Stay away because of Romney? I think not.

No, but "crazier than you are" could have an affect.

If there's one thing that's clear from my recent time here, it's this:

You guys don't want Mormonism taken seriously.

You want it to stay cartoon "nice" folks, who are just like you and I, but have been persecuted for no reason what-so-ever, because - can't you see it? - they're so fucking wonderful in every way.

The truth:

They are a cult - one that Christopher Hitchens called "one of the most egregious groups operating on American soil."

Yvonne said...

I am a Mormon. From what I read, and their examples, Romney actually lives his religion. Reid just likes to talk.

The Crack Emcee said...


I am a Mormon. From what I read, and their examples, Romney actually lives his religion.


Congratulations, you fucking loon!

Mark Nielsen said...

Pure class, Crack. Just what we've come to expect.

Known Unknown said...

the Althouse Hillbillies

Why are you cribbing from Shiloh?

The Crack Emcee said...

Mark Nielsen,

Pure class, Crack. Just what we've come to expect.

Thank you, thank you [bows].


the Althouse Hillbillies

Why are you cribbing from Shiloh?

Dude. Shiloh didn't come up with that - that's who we are.

Or do you consider this rough, tough, rootin' tootin' potato chip-on-your-shirt-wearing collective of "crazy" people (I include myself in that description) to be a savvy bunch of "intellectuals"?

If you do, you're out of your fucking mind.

Wear it with pride,...

Rusty said...

the Althouse Hillbillies

True fact.

back in the bad old depression days when FDR absolutely had to damn up all the valleys in Tennesee to make work for other homeless folk, the fed took the displaced rural Tenneseeians and relocated them on some useless land in central Wisconsin.

Hence Wisconsin Hillbillies

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