September 25, 2012

"Freedoms must not interfere with the freedoms of others," said Ahmadinejad.

"If someone insults, what would you do? ... Is insulting other people not a form of crime?"

In other words, it's irrelevant that the U.S. government didn't make the "Innocence of Muslims" video. In this frame of thinking, the government should be protecting people from infringement of their freedom not to be insulted.

Ahmadinejad also talked about Salman Rushdie: "Where is he now?... Is he in the United States? If he is, you shouldn't broadcast that for his own safety."

(Most of the linked article is about Ahmadinejad's opinion of Israel — it doesn't belong in the Middle East and will be removed.)

(By the way, in my home town, a man was arrested for what the news report characterizes as insulting journalists. If insulting people is going to be a crime, you'd think the least sympathetic victims would be journalists.)


Big Mike said...

If insulting people is a crime, may I please have the proper names and addresses of Andy, shiloh, and garage mahal?

TosaGuy said...

In Iran, we will use sticks and stones to break your bones because your words hurt us.

cubanbob said...

I find Ahmadinejad's existence to be an insult. Therefore it's OK to kill him. But Obama thinks this clown having his finger on The Bomb is just noise.

Expat(ish) said...

First they came for the Journalists....

And when they came for me I was at the celebration at the First Bank and Grille.


Bryan C said...

Ahmadinejad is a disgusting homicidal fascist troll with delusions of godhood.

No insult intended, of course.

TWM said...

If insulting people is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

Why Jewish-Americans continue to support Obama, who obviously is no friend of Israel, I simply do not understand.

Nonapod said...

Ahmadinejad, you use that word "freedom" a lot. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Mark O said...

Wow. He likes speech codes, too.

Anonymous said...

Most of the linked article is about Ahmadinejad's opinion of Israel — it doesn't belong in the Middle East and will be removed.

I'm tempted to click through and see how he managed to find a non-insulting way of saying that.

Roman said...

Welcome the religion of "Peace" to the 21st century! The time to spread you beliefs with force should be over.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

If insulting people is going to be a crime, you'd think the least sympathetic victims would be journalists.

You haven't met many lawyers, have you?

Seeing Red said...

He's a little boy, I'm a conservative & a Christian, I get insulted all the time.

Calypso Facto said...

You have a "freedom" to never be insulted? Good luck with that.

Colonel Angus said...

I cannot comprehend why this idiot is given a forum in polite society.

cubanbob said...

What will the 7th century goat herders do when they realize the 21st century world finds their existence to be an insult? They need to think that one through.

chuck said...

Gotta love those creepy assholes who just beg to be insulted.

John Borell said...

It is actually insulting to me to tell me I cannot insult you.

Wince said...

"Freedoms must not interfere with the freedoms of others," said Ahmadinejad.

When it comes to the "crime" of "insults", however:

"Freedom is slavery."

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"

Boy, Orwell had this guy pegged.

X said...

there he is Allie, your free speech soulmate. own him.

RonF said...

"If someone insults, what would you do?"

Ignore them. Or insult them back. Or have some reasoned comment.

"Is insulting other people not a form of crime?"

No, not really.

Consider that in his culture, though, this is not what's done. An insult is an attack that must be answered with violence - otherwise you lose status and become vulnerable. Kind of like how it works in prison.

Consider the streets of the West side of Chicago. One gangbanger insults another. The second gangbanger perceives that he has two choices - be punked, or retaliate with violence. So he grabs a gun and shoots the person who insulted him.

Now consider the consequences if the gangbanger has a nuclear weapon and is a religious madman to boot.

CWJ said...

I read the whole piece. The "insult" part is really buried. None the less and following Ahmanutjob's statements to their logical conclusion, let me propose a new headline -

"Iran supports Israel's right to attack Iran"

Go for it Israelis, you've got the green light.

edutcher said...

Given that the Dinnerjacket has no problem insulting anybody he doesn't like, perhaps a stay at Rikers Island would be in order.

Say, 10 to 20?

RonF said...

That's why his culture needs a "freedom to not be insulted" - because a freedom to insult people means that you're going to have a large number of insulted people overreact (although they would dispute the prefix "over-" in that word) and kill someone.

Anonymous said...

"Freedoms must not interfere with the freedoms of others," said Ahmadinejad. "If someone insults, what would you do? ... Is insulting other people not a form of crime?"

No, Mahmooti, it isn't. If you don't want to be insulted, just don't say stupid things. Like, for example, "Is insulting other people not a form of crime?"

bagoh20 said...

He seems to be a likable guy. Nice pants crease, clean, articulate. He says all the things his people want to hear. What else do you people want? Most around here just can't stand the idea of a person of color being in charge of stuff. Racists.

Seeing Red said...

It reminds me of an old Benny Hill skit, "I've never been so insulted in my life. You need to get out more."

chickelit said...

Ahmadinejad's biggest tell is his near complete lack of sclera--there are black holes where the windows to his soul should be.

lemondog said...

A joyful Yom Kippur to you.

dbp said...

"Is insulting other people not a form of crime?"

Well, in some backwards places like Iran it might be. In the United States. It. Is. Not.

There is something humorously solipsistic about it all. I am sure Ahmadinejad feels wronged by Salman Rushdie. The author is hiding out and depriving good Muslims their right to kill him.

lemondog said...

What a blessing that the UN is devoid of anti-semitism.....


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is Road Rage a fatwable offence in Iran?

edutcher said...

dbp said...

"Is insulting other people not a form of crime?"

Well, in some backwards places like Iran it might be. In the United States. It. Is. Not.

It used to be here, but Sam Colt and Jim Bowie found ways of adjudicating such disputes.

Texan99 said...

"Is insulting other people not a form of crime?"

Sure, if by "crime" you mean "failing to kiss the ass of the jerk in charge who has the power to make his society some horrible little hellhole where anyone who disagrees with him can be locked up or killed."

bagoh20 said...

Well, I still think he's pretty cool, and he's on to something with this insult-is--a-crime stuff. Some you bastards need locked up.

I, for one, will be subscribing to his newsletter: The Dinnerjacket Digest. Lots of good stuff there.

William said...

It's in the self interest of the Iranians to have a madman run their country. It ups the price of oil. The crazier he gets, the more the price goes up.

Robert Cook said...

I'm more interested in--and concerned about--an American citizen being arrested for insulting journalists--than I am about what the ceremonial head of a foreign state wants to say in a public forum.

Can we have further details?

Robert Cook said...

Ahmadinejad does not run Iran. He is a largely ceremonial figure.

BarrySanders20 said...


You don't want to make Jeremy your "look at the fascists" poster boy. He criminally harassed a woman in her workplace to the extent that she had to flee the press room named for her father to set up an office outside the capitol just to get way from the creep. The lefties in the press room who witnessed it all refused to report any of it (but did verify the harassment in police reports -- you'd think that would be newsworthy) because Jeremy is such an obvious douche that he hurts the anti-Walker leftist cause.

Christopher in MA said...

"Is insulting other people not a form of crime?"

I wish it were. The entire Democrat party would be behind bars.

Sure, if by "crime" you mean "failing to kiss the ass of the jerk in charge who has the power to make his society some horrible little hellhole where anyone who disagrees with him can be locked up or killed."

Careful there, Texan. You just articulated Obama's wet dream.

TWM said...

"By the way, in my home town, a man was arrested for what the news report characterizes as insulting journalists. If insulting people is going to be a crime, you'd think the least sympathetic victims would be journalists."

Well, that's the news report a journalist put out. He was upstairs screaming in the halls the same shit over and over, yes in front of the press-pool offices but still you couldn't avoid his noise and presence. Perhaps Wisconsin's Public Nuisance law applied?

Jack said...

Ahmadinijah reminds me of Sarah Palin, who has previously asserted that criticism of her is a violation of her 1st Amendment rights, and that for her rights to be protected, others should not be allow to comment critically on her positions, intellectual capacities, etc.

Jack said...

Ahmadinijah reminds me of Sarah Palin, who has previously asserted that criticism of her is a violation of her 1st Amendment rights, and that for her rights to be protected, others should not be allow to comment critically on her positions, intellectual capacities, etc.

edutcher said...

Link, por favor?

Christopher in MA said...

Ahmadinijah reminds me of Sarah Palin, who has previously asserted that criticism of her is a violation of her 1st Amendment rights, and that for her rights to be protected, others should not be allow to comment critically on her positions, intellectual capacities, etc.

Put up or shut up.

chickelit said...

Jack reminds me of Andrew Sullivan. I don't even need to provide a link.

Anonymous said...

"We wanted [journalists] to ask the questions we want to answer so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported."

Sarah Palin

Lyle said...

... and Israel is the problem, not the oligarchic Shia Islamist government of Iran.

Peter said...

May I state the obvious? Which is, it's not about insults, it's about supremecay- who has it, and who must submit.

Who other than a supremecist would assert a "right" not to be insulted?

It's not as if we don't know what's next- a demand for praise.

Larry J said...

"Freedom must not interfere with the freedoms of others" says the man who wants to interfere with our freedom of speech. So, he's using the old "freedom for me but not for thee" argument.

He can go piss up a rope.

chickelit said...

Inga misattributes (again): We wanted [journalists] to ask the questions we want to answer so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported.

Sarah Palin

Sorry babe, wrong Angle.

You really are a Sullivanist, aren't you? :)

mark said...

@Inga ...

That was Sharon Angle. Can you find Palin's quote?

Christopher in MA said...

"We wanted [journalists] to ask the questions we want to answer so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported."

Sarah Palin

One hopes you don't think that statement means what Jack wants it to mean, Allie (or whatever your name is). I'd like to believe you have some integrity left.

Robert Cook said...

"You don't want to make Jeremy your 'look at the fascists' poster boy."

I have no such interest if the facts do not warrant it. I wanted to know exactly what the circumstance was. Your description of events is very different than Prof. Althouse's dispassionate remark would indicate.

mark said...

It is stunning how many repeated lies there are in the progressive/islamist hive-mind. "That must be true because it is in my brain!" "Jews eat babies!" "Sarah can see Russia!"


Anonymous said...

Criticism of Islam should be beyond the kale.

Icepick said...

From Obama: "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied."

Did Obama just come out against the NEA? Is Hillary now going to condemn "The Book of Mormon"? Is Obama going to give back Bill Maher's money?

Or is this just about being an appeasing asshole to the fanatical dickweed Mohammedans?

mark said...

"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

- President Obama (September 25 at the UN)

Anonymous said...

Mark, you are right,that was Sharon Angle.

mark said...

@Icepick ... "Did Obama just come out against the NEA? Is Hillary now going to condemn 'The Book of Mormon'? Is Obama going to give back Bill Maher's money?"

Nope. That was just a mealy mouthed "to be credible". The President DID NOT say ...

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. It must not belong to those who dip the symbol of Christianity into their own urine and call it art. Or those who would slander Christ. It must not belong to those who would murder and hang men from a crane for being homosexual.

etc. He soft pandered all that instead. Only Islam gets the declared protection.

BarrySanders20 said...

"I wanted to know exactly what the circumstance was."

Sure would be nice to have some print reporters around to actually report what happened directly outside the press room at the state capitol. For now you have to look at the police report and utilize other media sources about what happened 10 weeks ago.

kentuckyliz said...

It's a weak god that cannot bear mere words being uttered, written, or filmed.

Dinnerjacket's harsh words against Israel would be a crime if he thinks words are crimes.

I say let's wipe Iran off the face of the planet.

They paved Persia and put up a parking lot.

Let's bomb them back into the Lower Paleolithic Era. Then the second time around, when they incubate hominid civilization, maybe this time they'll get it right and be...civilized.

Big Mike said...

@Cookie, the report I read claimed that Jeremy Ryan, a.k.a., "Segway Jeremy" was arrested for disorderly conduct after repeated shenanigans where he physically assaulted journalists. That the woman he drove to tears was working in a room named in honor of her late father is a detail that is interesting, but I file under the "so what" category. When the reporters claim that Segway Jeremy is so noisy that they cannot do their jobs effectively, then what he has done goes beyond merely insulting the reporters and into speech that is no longer protected.

If I say bad things about my neighbor who damaged parts of my lawn, then that's protected speech. If I use a bullhorn to blast my sentiments at his bedroom windows at all hours of the day and night, that is not protected. Nor should it be.

The Professor can weigh in if the law in Madison differs from the law in Fairfax County, Virginia.

Robert Cook said...

"'Is insulting other people not a form of crime?'

"I wish it were. The entire Democrat party would be behind bars."

So, you don't support our freedom of speech rights?

You favor making it a crime to insult others?

Aren't you concerned that you might one day be arrested for making remarks that the authorities could consider "insults?"

kentuckyliz said...

Oh no, Mr. President. Trey Parker and Matt Stone barbecue consecrated bovines left and right, including the alleged prophet M., and they are clever, and insightful, and their show will run longer than your political career. The ratings are certainly higher.

The future belongs to Trey Parker and Matt Stone.

As a Catholic, I accept the Catholic bashing they do. Then it's an earned privilege when I get to laugh at other people and groups.

It's group therapy for the multicultural context of our world today. We are working out our anxieties.


kentuckyliz said...

Among the monotheistic religions, Islam is the new kid on the block.

They will grow to endure and accept their religion being bashed.

Just ask the Catholics and the Jews.

kentuckyliz said...

"Freedoms must not interfere with the freedoms of others," said Ahmadinejad."

How very pro-life of him.

kentuckyliz said...

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

Ann Barnhardt does her youtube videos speaking out against Islam, and at the beginning, she gives her home address and says come and get me.

damikesc said...

So, Mahmoud and Barack on the same page when it comes to free speech.

And "progressives" IDOLIZE Obama.

Scratch a Progressive and you'll find a Fascist.

"We wanted [journalists] to ask the questions we want to answer so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported."

Sarah Palin

Do you frequently incorrectly cite quotes after the error has already been noted in a prior thread?

Methadras said...

This rat faced little fucker can't see the irony in his own words, "freedoms must not interfere with the freedoms of others" unless of course they are Jews and if those Jews live in Israel, which doesn't deserve freedoms.

This sub-human fuck face should be dead. He needs to be killed.

Cedarford said...

TWM said...
If insulting people is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

Why Jewish-Americans continue to support Obama, who obviously is no friend of Israel, I simply do not understand.
Because to progressive Jews, the transformation of America from the evil White Christian Amerikkka to a land of socialism and "diversity" with all decisions in the hands of an Elite lawyer Sanhedrin - is a goal they have pursued since the early 1900s.

Israel is a far lower priority.

Methadras said...

Inga said...

"We wanted [journalists] to ask the questions we want to answer so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported."

Sarah Palin

So you are misquoting people again? Is this all you do now? Is scour the intertubes looking for some poignant quotes that have some meaningless relevance to whatever the fuck is in that cotton candy head of yours and then post it here only to get it wrong? Bravo idiot tool. You do you job well.

Ironclad said...

Shame is the prime motivator in Middle eastern societies, and it was spread as a cultural part of Islam. This is what leads families to murder their daughters when an action might bring dishonor on the family. It was the prime reason for the abu garib actions ( the real ones of taking naked pictures of prisioners to hold as shame blackmail by the special forces, not the one by the yo-hos that saw it and made the fuss).

Ahmenajad is just stating what his culture practices. Of course in his world, protesting against the government is tantamount to treason ( again, religious based doctrine). That requires shooting women in the head. Same as hanging gay boys from cranes, one must correct the "insult to society".

Reason won't work here. Anyone who thinks it will is a fool. You just let them squak and ignore it. But you also make it certain they pay a price if they try to make us respect their beliefs.

B said...

The US needs to do one, or even both, of two things.

Refuse to issue a visa to any politician, diplomat, or anyone in their entourages that preaches violence against Americans directly or by inference. They are free to do so in their own lands, but our laws of free speech don't apply to them.

Pull the lease on the UN. As long as the UN provides a forum for pre-planned incitement to violence over people exercising free speech rights in their own countries and protected by the laws in their own countries, it doesn't belong on our shores I'm not talking an angry speech in response to another or even a Khrushchev 'bury you' type speech here either.

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans said...

Ahmadinejad and freedom. Now that is an odd couple.

Seeing Red said...

So, that NY Post cover about Nutjob...

Peace of Shit.

SteveR said...

What a well crafted and logical statement. Debate club at Teheran High School must have been a blast.

Seeing Red said...

Roger L. Simon had an interesting post about Nutjob a few years ago.

Christopher in MA said...

So, you don't support our freedom of speech rights?

You favor making it a crime to insult others?

Aren't you concerned that you might one day be arrested for making remarks that the authorities could consider "insults?"

Are you familiar with the concept of hyperbole, Cook?

TWM said...

"Because to progressive Jews, the transformation of America from the evil White Christian Amerikkka to a land of socialism and "diversity" with all decisions in the hands of an Elite lawyer Sanhedrin - is a goal they have pursued since the early 1900s."

I can see how they'd want that since socialists/communists have treated them so much better. It's a bizzaro world I tell ya . . .

Christopher in MA said...

The Crackhead-in-Chief: "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied."

Posted without comment from Ace Of Spades:

As Obama is claiming he denounces any insult to any religion, some asked him to denounce "Piss Christ," which is once again appearing in NYC. He refused.

TWM said...

"Aren't you concerned that you might one day be arrested for making remarks that the authorities could consider "insults?"

So far that concern seems more valid with Democrats in control than Republicans.

Smilin' Jack said...

"If someone insults, what would you do? ... Is insulting other people not a form of crime?"

Whether it is or not, we should thank Ahmadinejad for taking time out from fucking his mother to share his thoughts with us. Especially since his mother is also his sister.

traditionalguy said...

Iran's Shiite mullahs are very merciful in the way they are planning to exterminate the Jews...a nuclear flash at 10,000 degrees F.

Now if Obama persuades them that we will not react back, then certainly they will leave us Christian Great Satanists alone.

Icepick said...

"She's my mother! She's my sister! She's my mother! She's my sister! She's my mother AND my sister! She's my friend-with-benefits!"

Icepick said...

Smilin' Jack, I didn't know A's mother was a camel.

Anonymous said...

Meth head, Sharon, Sarah, Sharon, Sarah, who cares really? Both were unfit for public office, same, same.

Anonymous said...

Maybe unfit is too strong a word, ill suited might be more fitting.

FloridaSteve said...

Journalists suck! There. Now come and get me! Assholes!

Baron Zemo said...

Inga the She-Wolf of the SS and Cedarford will both be happy when Dinnerjacket lauches a nuclear attack against Israel.

What do you think Obama would do when that happens?

Baron Zemo said...

I bet Obama is bowing to him right now.

Baron Zemo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Baron, why would we be happy? Don't you think you sound foolish? You are an adult, right?

Methadras said...

Inga said...

Meth head, Sharon, Sarah, Sharon, Sarah, who cares really? Both were unfit for public office, same, same.

Stay focused like a light bulb, you unmitigated cunt. You attributed a quote, wrongly to someone that never said it as a means to smear which one? Then you have the nerve to interchange the name as being both unfit for public office when one was a governor? You are unfit for american citizenship, you fascist twat.

Methadras said...

Inga said...

Baron, why would we be happy? Don't you think you sound foolish? You are an adult, right?

Because you would get your wish of silencing one of the main critics of the religion you want to defend from offensive speech. Two birds with one warhead and all that, you filthy fascist bitch.

Anonymous said...

Wipe the spittle off your chin, Methhead.

Baron Zemo said...

Because I think both you and Cedarford are vile Anti-semites.

Baron Zemo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Baron, I must hate my own children then.

garage mahal said...

I think Meth took too many knocks to the head in the woodshed.

Baron Zemo said...

Self-hatred in not uncommon.

See Klein, Ezra.

As long as you walk in lock step or should I say goose step with Cedarford you show what you are deep down where the demons dwell.

Wise up.

gbarto said...

About two and a half hours ago, I saw Rushdie. He and Tobias Wolf chatted about his new book and he took a few questions before signing books. Unfortunately, I had to get back to the office so I missed the book signing. But it was weird to come back to the office and read this, knowing exactly where Rushdie was. For what it's worth, they checked everyone's bag but security was much more pleasant than at the airport.

ken in tx said...

Meth's nastiness against Inga is uncalled for.

Methadras said...

Inga said...

Baron, I must hate my own children then.

Are you an Austrian Jew? Because if you are, you surely must know that Judaism is a maternal conveyance or you are a converted Jew. If you are not Jewish then even if you married a Jew, your children are not Jewish. By stating that you must hate your own children you are implying that you are either Jewish and therefore not an anti-Semite (not my charge) or are married to a Jew believing your children are Jewish and therefore not an anti-Semite (not my charge).

Methadras said...

Inga said...

Wipe the spittle off your chin, Methhead.

Blah blah blah. Your gap open, but nothing of value ever seems to exit from it. I don't spittle. However, I always recognize a fascist when I see or read one, Inga. Your little smokescreens notwithstanding. Own up to your bullshit instead of hiding behind your pretentious bullshit musings from the back of a horses ass, and no I don't mean Garage's mom either.

Methadras said...

ken in sc said...

Meth's nastiness against Inga is uncalled for.

You don't like it, then don't read it and move on. You want to White Knight this little fascist then be my guest and get in the cross fire. You want to defend a fascist twat, then say so.

Methadras said...

garage mahal said...

I think Meth took too many knocks to the head in the woodshed.

Hey Garage, don't you have to go brush down your mom in the barn. Budweiser Clydesdale time is coming up soon and she needs to get ready for her tv moment with the rest of the sled team. Careful though, Inga might be hiding behind her.

Anonymous said...

There are about 4 or 5 truly vile disgusting commenters here on this blog, all vying for top dog. I wonder what they teach their children?

Methadras said...

Inga said...

There are about 4 or 5 truly vile disgusting commenters here on this blog, all vying for top dog. I wonder what they teach their children?

You know what's really vile? Your ability to (in)articulate the idea that speech should be repressed for the sake of Muslim sensitivities against their religion. Nothing I could say to you could possibly come close to the idea that you are willing to see freedom of expression and speech go down in flames for a group of barbarians that would slit your throat for simply being a westerner from the great Satan. What is vile, is that you are their unwitting collaborator, the ineffable tool, the useful idiot. They don't have to do anything other than murder some Americans, burn flags, riot every Friday and to see people like you siding with them. You are the true evil masked as poor little old you, the perpetual victim. Please leave my country and renounce your citizenship. You are unwelcome.

Anonymous said...

Good example of one above.

Your country, you are a naturalized citizen the same as I, by your own words, YOU leave, I deserve to be here far more than you. Evil dispicable hateful spittle flinging creatures like you usually live in the ME. That's probably where you are actually from.

I am no one's victim, especially not yours. You will never get the better of me, you are free to keep trying and by doing that you display what a prince among men you truly are.

I HOPE you haven't impregnated some hapless woman and have children that are exposed to you and your toxic personality, that would truly be a shame and a pity.

I won't address you further.

Methadras said...

Inga said...

Good example of one above.

Your country, you are a naturalized citizen the same as I, by your own words, YOU leave, I deserve to be here far more than you. Evil dispicable hateful spittle flinging creatures like you usually live in the ME. That's probably where you are actually from.

I am no one's victim, especially not yours. You will never get the better of me, you are free to keep trying and by doing that you display what a prince among men you truly are.

I HOPE you haven't impregnated some hapless woman and have children that are exposed to you and your toxic personality, that would truly be a shame and a pity.

I won't address you further.

Have I ever said speech should be suppressed or oppressed to protect the sensitivities of Muslims or Islam? Nope, but you did and yet I'm the one that should leave my country. Do you know what naturalization means, you blithering idiot? It means that I'm a citizen with all the rights of any other citizen save for one. I cannot run for president. And yet, you are the one that deserves to be here still, after what you've said?

You're little inane little insults about my origins, or who I rut with, or whether or not I have progeny are all the small minded little deflections you tell yourself to try and divert the real attention on what you have been exposed as being, a fascist. A free speech suppressing fascist. Have I insulted your children? Nope. Have I insulted your spouse? I don't believe so. But you see, this is the tactic venomous little human skid marks like you use to shit down opposition. You can claim non-victimhood status all you want, but all you do is scream VICTIM. It's not my problem you've chosen to side with death cultists, hold onto a an ideology that is permeated in death. You are a supporter of abortion no? Death. You support the death of free speech. Consistent.

You try to deflect your true nature, which is an inherently evil person cloaked as the poor little you, the victim of rascally republicans that want your ovaries, stop calling you names, and most of all stop exposing you for what you truly are. A fascist. Plain and simple. The more you deny it, the more you descend into that little piece of hell made just for people like you. Traitor.

DEEBEE said...

HHHH Ahmadinejad the patron saint of all campus speech codes

Anonymous said...

Inga and Methadras: Come on you two, why don't you just get a room already?!

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