September 13, 2012

Email from Beyonce Knowles: "I don't usually email you."

Jay and I will be meeting up with President Obama for an evening in NYC sometime soon. And we want you to be there!


campy said...

We want your money! TRUE!!!

shiloh said...

Althouse, go w/the flow lol. Don't be so disagreeable like willard.

btw, Beyonce is hot!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Vote for the Pop-Cult prez. Ignore the economy and your future and vote for the cool guy.

Alex said...

Notice how all the "hot" celebs are pro-Obama. Either they're geniuses or airheads. There is no in between.

Alex said...

I'd vote for whoever Steve Jobs tells to vote for. Oh wait...

syd B. said...

Beyonce? Oh well, that settles it, then.

Shouting Thomas said...

btw, Beyonce is hot!

Too much junk in the trunk for me!

Lyle said...

I get stuff in the mail from Nigeria that reads like this.

cubanbob said...

Got her email as well. Wrote back to her thanking her for the invite and that I would be happy to attend if she were to send me prepaid first class air tickets, limo service to and from airports, luxury suite at a first class hotel and comp my meals and drinks. Told her I would sport the tips. I'm nice that way.

kentuckyliz said...

Tell her not to go, and to send the POTUS a message to use the evening to meet with our ally Benjamin Netanyahu instead.

To not do so would mean that you're anti-Semitic and want to bring back the Auschwitz camps.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Personally, I don't take marching orders from 1%'ers

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Anyone know if IQs are additive? Do two mediocre IQs = 1 smart person?

In other words, if both Beyonce and Jay-Z recommend voting for Obama, does that equal good advice from a smart person?

edutcher said...

An evening with Mr Netanyahu would be far more interesting.

Alex said...

Anyone know if IQs are additive?

Nope, it's about the MAX IQ in a room. So if Jay-Z has an IQ of 85 and that's the MAX in the room so there you go.

Michael said...

Who is Beyonce? Is that an actual name or a stage name? Is it Italian? French? Is there a reason I should care about his opinion on any topic?

jr565 said...

Cool, so when can I expect the limo.

Anonymous said...

I get those emails too. I would have thought Obama and the DNC were burning down their subscribers with all their cutesy pleas for $3 and $5 donations. During the Republican Convention I was getting six emails a day.

But it worked last month. They beat the Romney campaign by a few million dollars after losing by twenty and thirty million for three months in a row.

It appears that the Democrats are waking up to this election as we enter the home stretch. That's probably a big reason why Obama got such a good bounce out of the convention.

Bryan C said...

Jay-Z had some uncomplimentary things to say about the Occupy movement the other day. I wonder if he'll suddenly be indisposed.

bagoh20 said...

"I don't usually email you."

Bullshit, I delete half a dozen from you everyday, Beyo, baby. I love you. You know that, and of course I still want you, but I got my mind on my money and money on my mind right now girl. I'll call you when I get this all tied up, then I'll be tying you up. Just keep that in mind, girl. I'm here for you. Oh, and tell Obama to GET TO WORK.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I am on the email list for both the Romney and the Obama campaigns. My rule of thumb is that whichver campaign sends out more emails is losing. So far, the Obama campaign has sent far more emails than Romney's- the Obama messages havea hint of desperation IMO.

edutcher said...

Michael said...

Who is Beyonce? Is that an actual name or a stage name?

Maybe she just can't spell Bouncy, cause she sure is.

creeley23 said...

I get those emails too. I would have thought Obama and the DNC were burning down their subscribers with all their cutesy pleas for $3 and $5 donations. During the Republican Convention I was getting six emails a day.

But it worked last month. They beat the Romney campaign by a few million dollars after losing by twenty and thirty million for three months in a row.

Don't hold your breath on that. This is something put out by Axelrod and Plouffe.

Wait for the figures files with the FEC.

Kelly said...

Hey, I got the same email. I feel so betrayed, I thought it was for me and me alone.

netmarcos said...

IQ is a tricky thing. For calculating the aggregate IQ of two people advocating the same position, you just take the mean value. For example, 110 & 80 gets you an aggregate value of 95. If the two are on opposite sides of the issue, you take the square root of the product of their individual rankings, or roughly 99.5 - assuming the same values as before.

When dealing with larger groups, like a committee or HOA, the formula is much easier: just start with 100 and subtract 5 for each participant.

netmarcos said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ricpic said...

...and comp my meals and drinks. Told her I would sport the tips.

This actually just happened when the winner of the US Open had his meal, and a party of 30 or 40 hangers on as well, comped by a high end Chinese restaurant in midtown Manhattan. The over $7,000 meal and drinks tab was comped by the restaurant, the Open winner sported the tip of $1,500.

Just googled it:

U.S. Open winner: Andy Murray

Chinese Restaurant: Hakassan

Nonapod said...

I am unready for that jelly.

Bob Ellison said...

She's pretty.

Brennan said...

I don't think you're ready for this jelly.

Brennan said...

True story: Beyonce's armed with more live ammo than the US Marines in Cairo.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Seeing Beyonce live is on my bucket list- she is enormously talented.

Shouting Thomas said...

Seeing Beyonce live is on my bucket list- she is enormously talented.

Part of her is certainly enormous!

furious_a said...

You'd better be "Street" if you're lookin' at her.

holdfast said...

Hey I just spammed you

and this is Jay-Z

Barry needs money

I'll call you maybe

garage mahal said...

Part of her is certainly enormous!

It's all about the booty.

Sofa King said...

I think IQ in parallel adds like resistors in parallel. So, 1/IQ(total)=1/IQ(1) + 1/IQ(2).

So, two IQ's of 85 = Total IQ: 42.5

bgates said...

Gee, it sure would be nice sit with a billionaire part owner of a pro basketball team that's charging $3,475-$13,200 for season tickets and listen to complaints about how the 1% are screwing me.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Jay and Beyonce are Althousians?

I dont blame the professor for being a little skeptical.

Peter said...

Well, FDR had a "brain trust."

So perhaps Obama has a umm, umm, "Beyonce trust"?

Ann Althouse said...

It's the post-convention bounce/beyonce.

KCFleming said...

I so enjoy the many personal e-mails I get from Beyonce and Barry. I save each and every one.

It's like they're real people.

MayBee said...

Is this the same Beyonce who did a command performance for the Gaddafhis?

Talk about weird timing!

ToddKman said...

Is this the same Beyonce and Jay-Z who took over a hospital wing, during their baby's birth, because they're soo special?

Rick67 said...

Perhaps Netanyahu can make a donation and at least get his picture taken with the president.

Eric said...

"I don't usually email you, but Jay and I just want to say 'get the hell off our hospital floor, you nobody!'"

Brent said...

Jay and Beyonce have to support Obama. Otherwise, they'd have their black card pulled.

kentuckyliz said...

I was thinking about the expression "convention bounce." It would be a good double entendre term to refer to having a bit of strange during the convention.

Or would that be shtrange?

As in shtreet...and shtruggle.

Just aksin.

Freeman Hunt said...

Isn't hanging out with politicians kind of uncool?

Unknown said...

Great post..I love to read your post..

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