September 6, 2012

Clinton holds up a finger and says "You will feel it" — in this Drudge juxtaposition.

Here's the whole page frozen in time right now, but let me close in on these 4 photos:

"You will feel it" is — of course — a line from Clinton's convention speech, but illustrated with the finger pointed up, it takes us back to the Lewinsky days, when we heard about finger-shaped things inserted into vaginas and a finger was famously wagged at us for imagining that he had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.

Right underneath Bill Clinton — double meaning right there — is Hillary Clinton, and she's getting "snubbed." The snub is by the Chinese VP, but we imagine other snubs. Additional lines under Hillary's picture have her "dubbed" a "sneaky troublemaker."

And, speaking of troublemakers, we're reminded that Hillary is "half a world away" "[a]s Bill speaks." In case that's not a sharp enough nudge to get you to think about things Bill might do while his wife is away, your eyes are drawn quickly to the swelling bosom of Scarlett Johansson, who is one of "Barack's Angels," who will be on the convention stage tonight. (Scarlett's golden hair rolls and flows all down her breasts, while Hillary's hair, in that other pic, is dull, lank, and flat.) And what else are these beautiful young women up to in Charlotte where Hillary is half a world away? In Drudge tease, the trio of beauties "makes push."

And that push? You will feel it.

IN THE COMMENTS: Paul Zrimsek said:
And here I thought the true caption for the Scarlett Johanssen photo was the line above it, not the line below.
He's referring to: "Advisers lower expectations for convention bounce..."


Anonymous said...

I do love this blog - LOL

AllenS said...

I remember when he used to hold up a cigar and say the same thing.

Real American said...

Chance of rain: 0%.
Chance of straw men and lies: 100%

john said...

If her bosom is really "swelling", can you imagine what it/they will look like by this evening?

I am tuning in for sure.

traditionalguy said...

Eros is present wherever Bill Clinton focus himself.

But somehow we feel Bill actually loves the women he screws. Men even admire his talent.

But like a good Muslim, Barack fears the women he uses to service him and cannot wait to dump their sorry asses into a Gulagof serfdom.

Matt said...

Yes, because when you can't criticize the speech you can always rely on bringing up a subject that 70% of Americans could not care less about. Clinton is still widely liked. No former [living] Republican presidents are.

rehajm said...

Waiting for Drudge to dig up which of those young celebrities 'thanked' Clinton the Nina Burleigh way after the show..

Tom Spaulding said...

50 Shades of Althouse

Christopher in MA said...

Yes, because when you can't criticize the speech you can always rely on bringing up a subject that 70% of Americans could not care less about.

It's not Althouse's fault that Democrats are so void of morals that a raping, perjuring, disbarred molester continues to be their hero.

Clinton is still widely liked. No former [living] Republican presidents are.

You might want to recheck that, slick. Even Democrat scum have nice things to say about GHW Bush.

ricpic said...

"You will feel it" was delivered by Clinton as a threat and had nothing to do with sex no matter how much sex-on-the-brain Althouse insists it did.

Anonymous said...

"Clinton is still widely liked. No former [living] Republican presidents are."

He is liked, but not neccesarily respected.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Ok, I'm taking odds:

Who will be the first to say; "It's really great to be here in Charlottesville!"?

Scarlett Johansen or Joe Biden?

Scott said...

"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
--attributed to Sigmund Freud

"Sometimes Drudge isn't Machiavelli."

Ann Althouse said...

"Yes, because when you can't criticize the speech you can always rely on bringing up a subject that 70% of Americans could not care less about."

In your sad little corner of America, perhaps, 70% of people don't care about sex.

Most places, it's considered a fascinating topic.

The Crack Emcee said...

Clinton holds up a finger and says "You will feel it"

Oh, I felt it alright - like a punch in the gut.

Ann Althouse said...

"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

But when you insert it into a vagina, the penis similarity is rather striking, no?

Ann Althouse said...

"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

But when you insert it into a vagina, the penis similarity is rather striking, no?

Anonymous said...

"Sometimes Drudge isn't Machiavelli."

All evidence aside . . .

Tom Spaulding said...

George H.W. Bush, gets a 59% rating, with 34% saying they have an unfavorable view of the first President Bush, who was elected to the White House in 1988. Bush was defeated in his bid for a second term by Bill Clinton, who has a 66% favorable rating in the poll. Only 31% say they hold an unfavorable rating of Clinton. - CNN poll

Goddam facts.

BarrySanders20 said...

The first thing I thought of when I saw that Drudge photo of Bill wagging that finger was

"I did not have sex with that woman, Hillary Clinton."

edutcher said...

He should have learned his lesson when he didn't have sex with that woman, Mizz Lewinsky.

But people like Willie never learn.

traditionalguy said...

Eros is present wherever Bill Clinton focus himself.

But somehow we feel Bill actually loves the women he screws. Men even admire his talent.

We do? A slug who repeatedly humiliates the woman who always stands by him. Who is a serial rapist. Whose own daughter is an alcoholic, quite probably out of shame.

And I'll bet Elizabeth Gracen, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and Paula Jones would give tg an argument on the proposition he actually loves the women he screws.

Shouting Thomas said...

Everybody loves a rich scoundrel. Particularly women. Clinton is a likeable, rich scoundrel.

Chuck said...

Ann, sometimes I think you go overboard with these Freudian analyses of Drudge home-page constructions.

But I have to tell you; I saw what you did, and thought EXACTLY the same thing, before my morning click on "Althouse."

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm a scoundrel, too, although not a rich one. Even that has some appeal to certain women.

Amazing how much this election is about what kind of man gets a woman's rocks off.

Romney gets the rocks off for certain kinds of women. He's the old fashioned patriarch. Sex = function.

Which is, of course, the villain for the liberal women, who get their rocks off over men who disconnect sex from functionality. Especially gays. Fag haggotry is a huge part of the Dem constituency.

Being a scoundrel gives you some good insight into the peculiarities of female sexual attraction. It's a mess, frankly.

Pretty funny that this election seems to be getting down to whether women fantasize about screwing the candidate.

edutcher said...

PS Ann's description of Hillary is why any dreams of '16 in Willie's head are born out of some of the stuff his brother gave him.

AF said...

After Bill Clinton's speech, all that Althouse can think about is sex. That tells us more about Althouse than Bill Clinton's speech.

Scott said...

@AA: It depends on the length and the ring gauge. And which end protrudes.

Tom Spaulding said...

Pretty funny that this election seems to be getting down to whether women fantasize about screwing the candidate.

Especially since the Dem candidates fantasize that it is women who are getting screwed BY the GOP.

shiloh said...

Drudge's Clinton fetish aside, Scarlett Johansson and Eva Longoria are hot!

btw, apparently Drudge did real damage to Bubba w/his Monica expose. :D

During the height of the cheney/bush Iraq War fiasco!

Even Baptists agreed lol.

Anonymous said...

"After Bill Clinton's speech, all that Althouse can think about is sex. That tells us more about Althouse than Bill Clinton's speech."

Riiightttt. Because there is no way anyone connect those two subjects.

Scott said...

(What does woman want?)

Brian Brown said...

Matt said...
Clinton is still widely liked. No former [living] Republican presidents are

The lies you need to tell yourself to justify your silly, ignorant political beliefs are endless.

PS, Clinton is disbarred. No former [living] Republican presidents are

Matt said...

Not sex, but an affair with an intern and all the noise that was caused to impeach him for lying about it. Sex in general provides plenty of room for humor. But in the case of Drudge it is not just humor he is using. It is a snide response to a good speech. It's like he is saying, "yeah yeah he had a good speech but that finger! Ah sex and lies. lest we forget!" Most of Drudge's audience does not find sex as interesting in the same way as you do.

BJK said...

Taking the over-analysis one more step, isn't that a picture from the night Ms. Johannson's bosom was felt-up during a red carpet interview?

(Oscar night a few years back, if my memory serves me...and a straight, age-appropriate male does not forget such a thing.)

Matt said...

Jay said
The lies you need to tell yourself to justify your silly, ignorant political beliefs are endless.

I'm guessing you live in some conservative enclave? Are you kidding? Clinton's favorable rating is higher than it has ever been as of the Gallup poll this morning. The Gallup poll is not an ignorant lie.

Reagan was the only former president [in the last 50 years] that could compete with that.

The bottom line is Clinton is still a political force. Former Republican presidents are not.

Wally Kalbacken said...

The guy is off the charts in terms of narcissism. I still think that George Will pretty much put the capstone on him in saying that, while "[he] wasn't the worst President we ever had, he was clearly the worst person to serve as President."

Anonymous said...

And here I thought the true caption for the Scarlett Johanssen photo was the line above it, not the line below.

alan markus said...

Nice reminder about the annual DRE I just had at the urologist this AM.

holdfast said...


It was "felt up" by a gay fashion designer to know that it was at least 70% pushup technology. Scarlet is very good looking, but she's just not that chesty.

Tom Spaulding said...

Claim this: "Clinton is still widely liked. No former [living] Republican presidents are."

Get dis-proven: George H.W. Bush, gets a 59% rating, with 34% saying they have an unfavorable view of the first President Bush,

Then claim this: The bottom line is Clinton is still a political force. Former Republican presidents are not.

Yup, you are a Lib.

edutcher said...

btw, apparently Drudge did real damage to Bubba w/his Monica expose. :D

He did. It took the Bush family to publicly rehabilitate the slug.

During the height of the cheney/bush Iraq War fiasco!

You mean the one where we gutted Al Qaeda? The one where Zero threw away a chance to box in Iran?

(and it was a campaign, moron; the war is global)

In any event, the little animal's link shows what passes for wit on the Left.

Matt said...

The bottom line is Clinton is still a political force.

Only for dumb Lefties.

Former Republican presidents are not.

The words, "Miss Me Yet?" ring any bells?

Brian Brown said...

Matt said...

I'm guessing you live in some conservative enclave? Are you kidding? Clinton's

Hey idiot, you may want to read the comment I was responding to and try again.


Christy said...

Edutcher, I don't recall Gracen complaining about her one night stand.

Anyone else having a problem getting the full Drudge to load up?

Wasn't that finger pointing pic of Clinton predictable? He talks with his hands all the time.

Brian Brown said...

Matt said...
The bottom line is Clinton is still a political force. Former Republican presidents are not.


Hey, remember when it was seen as tacky for former Presidents to campaign?

But you're here bragging, idiot.

Oh, and only you would think that trotting out a President who said he wants to balance the budget, cut cap gains taxes, and end welfare as we know it (after signing DOMA), on the stage with the President who opposes all those things is some sort of "political force"

You are so dumb it is kind of sad.

Brian Brown said...

Essentially, lefties are squealing over a former President (who isn't the one running) as he makes the current one look like a feckless moron.


Of course this will sink in within a few days when Obama's favorability continues to decline.

Remember, you idiots are the same ones who were cheering at the behavior at the Wellstone funeral...

Matt Sablan said...

Just remember folks: Clinton was able to get applause for Bush. I don't think people were listening all that critically to him, on either side.

edutcher said...

Christy said...

Edutcher, I don't recall Gracen complaining about her one night stand.

I do.

Paddy O said...

"Most of Drudge's audience does not find sex as interesting in the same way as you do."

Maybe, but given the emphasis on accusing politicians of lies during last week's RNC, it is interesting to have politicians speak at the DNC who not only lie in the present but have actually been caught blatantly and irrefutably lying in the past.

The DNC is featuring its liars, and saying that nobody is interested in the fact they are liars.

Which is indeed interesting.

Liars often have good speeches, for they know what tickles the ears of the gullible and those committed to the lies.

Paddy O said...

The bottom line is Clinton is still a political force. Former Republican presidents are not.

If Bill Clinton is such a political force, why is Obama the one running for re-election instead of Hillary?

Matt said...


What's really funny is you seem to have no idea what you are talking about politically of otherwise. Obama does not oppose Clinton's positions. They may not be in lock step on every single issue but who cares. Do they need to be? Both are Democrats and both support a vision for America that is quite different from the one Romney and the GOP wants. Are you aware of that? I guess not.

Also when was it ever tacky for former presidents to campaign? Did I ever say that it was? No I did not. But the GOP can't trot out Bush because they don't want the voters to make an association between him and Romney.

Re you first post I am guessing the fact that Clinton is disbarred makes everything he does and says irrelevent? Even though he still raises huge amounts of cash and helped Obama get elected last time? Maybe more presidents need to be disbarred. Heh.

Tom Spaulding said...

It apparently never occurs to many Progs and Libs (and certain Cons, for that matter) to question their assumptions, even when those assumptions are proven wrong. And never, ever will they let being proven wrong on Topic A lead them to question their belief on Topic B. They need certain things to be true to hold it all together.

Moving goalposts must be fun for Dems, since it's all they do, DWS the reigning champ.

I suspect goalpost moving, occupying, chanting vapid slogans, claiming victimhood and re-defining commonly used words is a palliative to the pain of Cognitive Dissonance.

Matt Sablan said...

Actually, Republicans can't trot out Bush because Bush wants very little to do with politics any more. They did have a nice video with him and his dad though.

I know it might be hard to believe, but unlike some politicians, others can willingly give up the power.

AF said...

"Riiightttt. Because there is no way anyone connect those two subjects [sex and Bill Clinton]."

I'm not sure why it would be among the top ten things you would think about after sitting through Clinton's speech last night. Personally, I didn't find it particularly sexy.

Dante said...

"But when you insert it into a vagina, the penis similarity is rather striking, no?"

I have to stop reading this blog at work. I'm struggling not to laugh too loud!

Sorry Crack, this is even funnier than your recent post on Romney!

Matt said...

Paddy O

If Bill Clinton is such a political force, why is Obama the one running for re-election instead of Hillary?

Because BILL Clinton is a political force mainly for himself - not Hillary. His political force did not necessarily rub off on Hillary. He can only help but he can't make people vote for a stand in for him. Let's just say his word is not gold but it doesn't hurt.

Christopher in MA said...

But the GOP can't trot out Bush because they don't want the voters to make an association between him and Romney.

As much as it pains me, I actually have to agree with this. But it's not because of anything specific that Bush did; rather, the Matts of the world spent eight years lying, demonizing and slandering Dubya, who was - wrongly, as it turns out - confident that the American people would see through their propaganda.

Bush is poison. But it's because he was too much of a gentleman to go medieval on the Democrat / MSM sleaze complex.

Matt Sablan said...

Give it another 5, 10 years and Bush will take his place in the above average of presidents. He's anywhere from a C+ to a B-. You can see that in how many of his programs, policies and ideas that Obama followed-through on.

Bush could work with Democrats, even while people like Reid and Pelosi were lying about him. Obama has never been able to be as good and able to work across the aisle as Bush, which will be one of the major parts of his legacy.

Matt said...

Christopher in MA

Even though I didn't much like Bush I agree with you. It is about the perception of Bush and the way he was villified by the left that hurt him. Perception is a big part of politics.

Chip Ahoy said...

When that finger came up I wanted to break it.

But I always want that. I learned in a book that fingers have no muscles. Just tendons in there pulling things around. Creepy innit. His finger actually surprised me because it is so BIG and bony a BIG skeletal bony finger BAM! right there, suddenly the whole screen is one giant bony finger, and whatever point he was making was completely unfingerworthy and whatever made that speech great is lost on me unless you consider stringing together debatable axioms an accomplishment nobody so far has made clear to me why that speech was so good, all I got out of it was a giant skeletal finger shoved up. It freaked me out. Right properly out.

The BBC guy was swooning but said nothing useful. He is a reporter but he said nothing other than how great it was and moving and wonderful and splendid and his undisguised admiration is displayed, of his desire to be a part of it, but he said nothing at all about the speech itself. A deaf person would have given a more accurate description of content, that I am certain.

I imagined myself interpreting and it starts out okay one thing after another, another and another, with no apparent logical overarching theme in sight, a string of axioms. Premises delivered as conclusion show up in translation, and conclusions as axiom do too, so premises as axiom are sure to show, these speeches are loaded with premise as axiom, and it does make you feel a bit stupid when so many targets are hit but no central point is landed.

The woman speaking with a Texas accent was another annoying translation. That was just plain hard on the ears and I quickly gave up. They couldn't pay me enough to stick that out. The way she barked throughout. It was awful. I never did understand what point she made, she won a suit, it appears, she was instrumental in getting some woman-related equality thing signed against evil Republican resistance until finally virtuous Obama gloriously signed it. I think. But how am I to know that with my shriek filters and my bark filters on high? It's amazing anything at all came through.

Colonel Angus said...

Clinton is still widely liked.

Which is interesting since he never received a majority of the vote in either election. Maybe its just that hindsight is 20/20.

I mean Obama is making Carter look stellar in comparison.

Matt Sablan said...

-I- like Clinton, and I recognize a lot of the things he said last night were lies and that, were he held to the same standards as Republicans, he'd be considered, at best, a molester if not rapist.

It's a purely irrational liking.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Scarlett Johansson, who is one of "Barack's Angels,"

And if you look above the Johansson pic there is Airforce one and military people appearing to walk on water..

Angels.. confidence.. they think Barack walks on water.

Chip Ahoy said...

I did not notice the facial surgery, but I did notice the face. I imagined pancake makeup. A lot of it. Troweled on. The flat side, not the dentine side, that's for tiles and it leaves tracks. No, the flat side of the trowel and heavy liberal application. Leave a hole for the mouth and two holes for the eyes, and that's it. The trick is applying an even layer of extremely heavy pancake that covers EVERYTHING with as few passes as possible, then quickly scoop out three holes. Inspiration by Cecilia Jimenez.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

And here I thought the true caption for the Scarlett Johanssen photo was the line above it, not the line below.

Read'em and weep.

Methadras said...

I did not have sexual relations with that women because the meaning of 'is' still needs to be defined. Furthermore, Obama is the great compromiser, except for those eve-ill wah-scully we-pub-wiccans who stalled him at every turn and wanted him to fail because Rush Limbaugh told them too. Why? Because I'm awesome that's why. I'm Bill Clinton and I approve this finger, er, uh, this massage. Oh wait.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Oh.. Johansson is a flotation devise.. they thought it was going to rain.. remember they moved indoors?

roesch/voltaire said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Methadras said...

Chip Ahoy said...

I did not notice the facial surgery, but I did notice the face. I imagined pancake makeup. A lot of it. Troweled on. The flat side, not the dentine side, that's for tiles and it leaves tracks. No, the flat side of the trowel and heavy liberal application. Leave a hole for the mouth and two holes for the eyes, and that's it. The trick is applying an even layer of extremely heavy pancake that covers EVERYTHING with as few passes as possible, then quickly scoop out three holes. Inspiration by Cecilia Jimenez.

Chip, do you have an HDTV? Cause if you do, then seeing peoples make-up and how horrible they can look is not at all pleasant. Especially if broadcasts are in 720p or 1080i/p. Also, did you know that there is make-up created specifically for HDTV broadcasting and film?

roesch/voltaire said...

That finger seems to be on the pulse of American and some folks on this blog seem to pulsate at the sight of that finger--something they have in common with Drudge?

Colonel Angus said...

Clinton is still widely liked.

Which is interesting since he never received a majority of the vote in either election. Maybe its just that hindsight is 20/20.

I mean Obama is making Carter look stellar in comparison.

Sydney said...

Seeing Bill and his upheld finger and then the picture of Scarlet Johansson didn't make me think Bill and Scarlet might be meeting tonight. It reminded me of the relationship between Johansson and Obama.

Brian Brown said...

Matt said...

What's really funny is you seem to have no idea what you are talking about politically of otherwise. Obama does not oppose Clinton's positions

Um, yes, yes he does.

And no informed person would say otherwise.

If you think Obama wants to cut cap gains taxes, you're an idiot or a liar.

If you think Obama is for DOMA, you're an idiot or a liar.

If you think Obama wants to reduced government spending, you're an idiot or a liar.

I could go on, but you're obviously not informed.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It freaked me out.

Chip would be right at home in Madison ;)

Brian Brown said...

Also when was it ever tacky for former presidents to campaign?

Go read a history book.

edutcher said...

Matt said...

If Bill Clinton is such a political force, why is Obama the one running for re-election instead of Hillary?

Because BILL Clinton is a political force mainly for himself - not Hillary. His political force did not necessarily rub off on Hillary.

My God, what drivel!

Willie was running the Hildabeast's campaign when Zero "played the race card" while Willie was trying to play the KKK card.

That's why he hates Zero so much. Not only did Zero deny him his third term, but he showed the world just how clumsy Willie is without Dick Morris and the media to backstop him.

roesch/voltaire said...

That finger seems to be on the pulse of American and some folks on this blog seem to pulsate at the sight of that finger--something they have in common with Drudge?

Roesch is looking in the mirror as he says this.

Brian Brown said...

Matt said...

What's really funny is you seem to have no idea what you are talking about politically of otherwise. Obama does not oppose Clinton's positions

Under Clinton, government spending fell to 18.2 percent of GDP in 2000 from 21.9 percent in 1992. Federal spending now registers almost 24 percent of GDP.

Just stop, man.

Matt Sablan said...

Isn't Obama on video specifically stating he disagreed with Clinton's welfare reform? I mean, that would be a pretty clear instance where they don't agree.

Brian Brown said...

Matt said...
Because BILL Clinton is a political force mainly for himself - not Hillary. His political force did not necessarily rub off on Hillary. He can only help but he can't make people vote for a stand in for him. Let's just say his word is not gold but it doesn't hurt.

Comedy gold.

Brian Brown said...

Isn't Obama on video specifically stating he disagreed with Clinton's welfare reform?

Yes, and there is also this:

Obama in 1998: I probably would have voted against Clinton's welfare reform plan

PS: the pages in the Federal Register by grew by 7% under Clinton

If you think Obama isn't different, you'd be crazy.

cubanbob said...

Clinton's finger is a reminder to the taxpayers of what an unpleasant rectal exam they are going to get if the democrats win in November. Dry. Not even the decency to use lube or give the taxpayers a kiss.

David said...

A finger is probably all Bill has to offer these days. He has crossed over into Dirty Old Man territory. Emphasis on Old.

Eastwood speaks 10 minutes. Does not talk about himself. Media says the doddering old fool went on far too long.

Clinton speaks 50 minutes, mostly about himself. Media pronounces his brilliance.

Nathan Alexander said...

Obama does not oppose Clinton's positions. They may not be in lock step on every single issue but who cares. Do they need to be? Both are Democrats and both support a vision for America that is quite different from the one Romney and the GOP wants.

The GOP wants prosperity and respect for America and all US citizens. Glad to see you admit that Democrats oppose prosperity for American citizens.

But here's the thing:
Clinton presided over a good economy.
Obama opposes all the things that brought about that good economy.

So if they are not in opposition over economic policy, then Clinton gets no credit for the great economy he presided over. If Clinton gets credit for the great economy he presided over, then he and Obama are diametrically opposed in economic policy.

Which is it?

SGT Ted said...

Clinton himself is a stark reminder that his signature achievements while in office were crafted with a GOP controlled Congress.

garage mahal said...

Shorter Clinton
Don't hate, calculate.

Matt said...

You are showing a profound misunderstanding of politics. You say I should read a history book but it seems rather evident from your posts that you aren't following your own advice. Note that where many in the Republican party stand today would not be agreement with many of the bills that Reagan signed into law - yet Reagan still stands as a pinnacle in the GOP.

What I said earlier still rings true because of this same idea. Regardless of where Obama and Clinton stand on particular issues they still want to beat the GOP and Clinton is still a big part of the Democratic party. I guess you disagree with that?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The whole DNC convention is a bullshit session for the blind faithful.

What amazes me is that there are any blind faithful left.

Anonymous said...

Also, did you know that there is make-up created specifically for HDTV broadcasting and film?

My Hollywood friend tells me that the latest is spray-on makeup. He says that Michelle wore that for her speech. I'd bet anything Ann Romney did too. I was struck by the difference I saw when she spoke vs. when I saw her seated during the rest of the convention.

Matt said...

Nathan Alexander

Come on don't play games. You know exactly what I mean when I say that Obama and Clinton support a vision for America that is quite different from the one Romney and the GOP wants.

BOTH Obama and Romney want prosperity for America but both have different ways of wanting to achieve that. I can respect that and I hope you can too. Clearly there is a difference between the two parties. There ALWAYS has been.

Also you are flat wrong that Obama opposes ALL those things that brought about a good economy. I mean, Bush presided over a bad economy too. Did he oppose all those things that brought about a good economy? Did he hate America? Is he solely to blame for the bad economy. No. Even I would not say that. There is plenty of blame to go around.

edutcher said...

garage mahal said...

Shorter Clinton
Don't hate, calculate.

Old Joe Kennedy said, "Don't get mad, get even".

In both cases, it seems to have worked out swell.

David said...

"My Hollywood friend tells me that the latest is spray-on makeup. He says that Michelle wore that for her speech. I'd bet anything Ann Romney did too. I was struck by the difference I saw when she spoke vs. when I saw her seated during the rest of the convention."

They now have TV cameras that strain out the wrinkles. All the newsies and talkies use them. Surely they have one on the podium at DNC and had one at RNC.

So Bill Clinton had spray on super double secret makeup plus the wrinkle smoothing camera. Must have really needed them.

It's interesting that Clint Eastwood, the movie start, has been about the only one who didn't make himself up to look ridiculously young.

Smilin' Jack said...

...Scarlett's golden hair rolls and flows all down her breasts...

No, it doesn't. Trust me, I studied the photo carefully.

Known Unknown said...

Also you are flat wrong that Obama opposes ALL those things that brought about a good economy.

Obama wants a good economy, but his words and deeds have demonstrated that he doesn't know what it takes to help nudge the engine along.

The Joe the Plumber run-in, and the "didn't build that" speech (although the most damning part was the "so smart, so hard-working" part that rarely gets brought up) are clear indicators of his thought process.

wef said...

You will feel it.

You better put some ice on that.

Sharc said...

"Clinton holds up a finger"

Actually, Drudge captured him holding up more than that -- how can you miss the phallic "Little Bill" poking his head up at the bottom of the picture?

Colonel Angus said...

You know exactly what I mean when I say that Obama and Clinton support a vision for America that is quite different from the one Romney and the GOP wants.

No kidding. Obama and Clinton want an America whose citizens are completely dependent on the government. Their Julia ad and video where we all belong to the government provide ample proof.

chickelit said...

SGT Ted said...
Clinton himself is a stark reminder that his signature achievements while in office were crafted with a GOP controlled Congress.

Not only that but Clinton's economics were underpinned by that noted Randian, Alan Greenspan.

Matt said...

And here I thought the true caption for the Scarlett Johanssen photo was the line above it, not the line below.

Agreed. That is funny.

Matt said...

Colonel Angus

I wouldn't say they want us completely dependent on government. At least anymore than Republicans want to completely eliminate government. Both are extremes that neither party wants. What Democrats want is a strong middle class. The government can help with that for some of the folks in poverty or who would fall into poverty. We can agree to disagree but such things as Medicare, Social Security, The GI Bill, Pell Grants, etc have helped America.

Methadras said...

edutcher said...

Matt said...

If Bill Clinton is such a political force, why is Obama the one running for re-election instead of Hillary?

Because BILL Clinton is a political force mainly for himself - not Hillary. His political force did not necessarily rub off on Hillary.

My God, what drivel!

Willie was running the Hildabeast's campaign when Zero "played the race card" while Willie was trying to play the KKK card.

That's why he hates Zero so much. Not only did Zero deny him his third term, but he showed the world just how clumsy Willie is without Dick Morris and the media to backstop him.

roesch/voltaire said...

That finger seems to be on the pulse of American and some folks on this blog seem to pulsate at the sight of that finger--something they have in common with Drudge?

Roesch is looking in the mirror as he says this.

And yet people magically forget who floated the birther balloon first. Bill and Hillary of course.

Nathan Alexander said...

I mean, Bush presided over a bad economy too. Did he oppose all those things that brought about a good economy?

George W. Bush is also the only President since Reagan to put policies into place that pulled the nation out of a recession during his term of office.

And despite the 2001 recession being worse than the 2007 recession, his policies got the economy going strong in just about 2 years, with full employment recovery in less than 3 years.

The 2007 recession didn't get fixed under W's watch because Congress didn't send him the right laws/policy adjustments to sign. He believed (foolishly, in retrospect) that the Dems had a mandate, so he should sign anything but the most egregiously incorrect of laws.
Now W gets blamed for the economy that Obama's party advocated and passed.
If he had vetoed 3-4 bills and threatened to veto more, it would have been different.

But the clear difference between the 2001 and 2007 recessions are that Bush enacted conservative policies in 2001, and the Democrat Congress enacted liberal policies in 2007 through the present, and we have exactly the economy you get when you put liberals in charge of a recession.

Colonel Angus said...

I wouldn't say they want us completely dependent on government. At least anymore than Republicans want to completely eliminate government.

Well as I said, the Democrat video "We are all the government" and the Julia ad certainly seem like they do. Can you point to any GOP ad calling for anarchy? Because that's the elimination of government.

What Democrats want is a strong middle class. The government can help with that for some of the folks in poverty or who would fall into poverty. We can agree to disagree but such things as Medicare, Social Security, The GI Bill, Pell Grants, etc have helped America.

Interestingly enough I don't see GOP calls for eliminating those things. Unless of course reforming them to sustainability mean elimination.

The problem is the Democrats want a govt. that can do all those wonderful things but only have the 1% pay for it. That my friend is not sustainable.

ricpic said...

Shiloh said that Scarlett Johansson and Eva Longaria are both hot. Yeah, but they're completely different versions of hot and I submit that a man who really loves women goes one way or the other. Take away the egalitarian propaganda and a man in the Scarlett Johanson camp doesn't really find Eva Longaria hot and vice versa. Is this important? YES IT IS!

BarrySanders20 said...


That's crazy talk. Both are very high on the beauty scale. Men might perfer blonds or prefer brunettes, or prefer redheads, but a Venn diagram where these two are sorted by appearance, they both occupy the intersecting hot area.

neens said...

Is anyone else looking forward to anne getting all dribble-y
Over herself when "The One" speaks tonight. I know I am

Methadras said...

To caption that hillary/chinese VP picture just screams to me, "Bitch, y u throw chip?"

Brian Brown said...

Matt said... Note that where many in the Republican party stand today would not be agreement with many of the bills that Reagan signed into law - yet Reagan still stands as a pinnacle in the GOP.


Note, I'm giving you specific policy examples and you're giving us bullshit as a response.

People telling the truth do that sort of thing all the time.

Brian Brown said...

Matt said...

What Democrats want is a strong middle class.


Obama's policies have wrecked the middle class.

Matt said...

Colonel Angus
The problem is the Democrats want a govt. that can do all those wonderful things but only have the 1% pay for it. That my friend is not sustainable.

That is simply not true. We all pay taxes. What we want is for taxes to go back up to where they were in the 1990's. The only reason the focus is on the top 1%is because of the Bush [now Obama] tax cuts, which don't seem to have done the magic trick the government thought they would.

Can you point me to the Julia ad and the government ad you speak of? I tend to turn off government ads because they are pure rhetoric. Thanks.

Known Unknown said...

That is simply not true. We all pay taxes. What we want is for taxes to go back up to where they were in the 1990's.

And what will that do? Certainly not solve the deficit and debt problems.

Known Unknown said...

Can you point me to the Julia ad and the government ad you speak of?

It's not an ad.

Dave said...

What's the average emotional age on this blog - 12? Pathetic adolescent male chatter - and Ann knows how to tweak the boys

hombre said...

Dave: "... Pathetic adolescent male chatter - and Ann knows how to tweak the boys."

Whereas you, the grownup, know how to reduce the national debt.

Brian Brown said...

Matt said...

That is simply not true. We all pay taxes

Who is this "we"?

There are plenty of people not paying federal income taxes.

Your posts are like a profile in parody.

Brian Brown said...

Matt said...
What we want is for taxes to go back up to where they were in the 1990's. The only reason the focus is on the top 1%is because of the Bush [now Obama] tax cuts, which don't seem to have done the magic trick the government thought they would

In the 1990's, the "middle class" you claim to care so much about, paid more in taxes than they do today.

Further, the only reason you focus on the top 1% is because of envy, ignorance, and class warfare.

Matt said...


You're funny. I just wish your reading comprehension was better and your reading into comprehension wasn't blind.

There are plenty of people not paying federal income taxes.

Note I said 'taxes' I didn't specify federal taxes. But nonetheless plenty of people are paying federal taxes as well.

In the 1990's, the "middle class" you claim to care so much about, paid more in taxes than they do today.

So what? Is that a bad thing? I never said paying taxes was a bad thing. I want taxes to be raised.

Matt said...

And what will that do? Certainly not solve the deficit and debt problems.

True, but neither will cutting taxes for the wealthy. BTW there is no way Medicare and SS will be eliminated no matter what Ryan has said in the past [a view he is quickly turning away from now that he is a national candidate].

Brian Brown said...

Matt said...

Note I said 'taxes' I didn't specify federal taxes

I didn't suggest you did.

Of course there are plenty of people not paying taxes too.


So what? Is that a bad thing? I never said paying taxes was a bad thing. I want taxes to be raised.

Um, so now raising taxes on the middle class helps the middle class?

You are an idiot.

Kirk Parker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kirk Parker said...


"'You will feel it' was delivered by Clinton as a threat and had nothing to do with sex..."

And just what makes you think those two things are mutually exclusive?

Known Unknown said...

True, but neither will cutting taxes for the wealthy.

So, 39% is "more fair" than 36%? I'd just like to understand the reasoning behind the preference for the 90s rates.

Rusty said...

Matt said...

You're funny. I just wish your reading comprehension was better and your reading into comprehension wasn't blind.

There are plenty of people not paying federal income taxes.

Note I said 'taxes' I didn't specify federal taxes. But nonetheless plenty of people are paying federal taxes as well.

In the 1990's, the "middle class" you claim to care so much about, paid more in taxes than they do today.

So what? Is that a bad thing? I never said paying taxes was a bad thing. I want taxes to be raised.

Why is his your first inclination?
Haven't you learned anything from the European debacle?
Cut spending. To the bone. THEN have a conversation on taxes.

Wealth building is sole source of economic expansion. Create an atmosphere where people will want to create wealth, then discus how to tax it. With the wealth creators.
Raising taxes solves nothing except to drive the wealth creators away.

Christopher in MA said...

We all pay taxes.

Not of the same kind. Consumption taxes, certainly. But there are a great many more people in the cart than there are pulling.

What we want is for taxes to go back up to where they were in the 1990's. The only reason the focus is on the top 1%is because of the Bush [now Obama] tax cuts, which don't seem to have done the magic trick the government thought they would.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - you want 1990's tax rates? Fine. But only if we go back to 1990's budgetary levels. Somehow the "let's go back to the 19-whatever tax rates" crowd goes awfully silent when that deal is proposed.

Anonymous said...

Tom Spaulding said...
Pretty funny that this election seems to be getting down to whether women fantasize about screwing the candidate."

ahhhh another male fantasy emerges. yes. of course. when women are given the opportunity to judge a candidate or a powerful man/politician it is always based on his screwability quotient.

Most certainly.

Anonymous said...

Christopher in MA said...
".... But only if we go back to 1990's budgetary levels. Somehow the "let's go back to the 19-whatever tax rates" crowd goes awfully silent when that deal is proposed."

Because it is a stupid deal. We might as well go back to 1990s clothes and cars, hair and Newt.

Tax cuts are not the answer and avoidance of that subject - that of a readjustment in rates and closing loopholes - has to be on the table. Otherwise, the saying goes, you 'can't get there from here'.

Matt Sablan said...

Tax increases were on the table; Republicans were willing to give up hundreds of billions. It wasn't until Democrats yanked spending off the table and demanded more tax increases that the Republicans walked.

Insufficiently Sensitive said...

'You will feel it' is a quote from an old Elvis Presley movie, and there was no doubt what 'it' was.

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