২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

CBS distorts what Ann Romney said about Mitt Romney's "mental well-being."

The headline at CBS is:
Ann Romney: If elected, "mental well-being" Mitt's biggest challenge
She was asked what her "biggest worry is if her husband does in fact become President." I got the quote from the video here at 6:14, where you can see that the inquiry is about Ann Romney's feelings. She answers:
"I think my biggest concern, obviously, would just be for his mental well-being. I have all the confidence in the world in his ability, in his decisiveness and his leadership skills, in his understanding of the economy, in his understanding of what's missing right now in the economy - you know, the pieces that are missing to get this jump-started.... So for me I think it would just be the emotional part of it."
She was asked about her worry, not what his biggest challenge would be. She didn't say he was mentally challenged. She expressed confidence in his ability to do everything, and then characterized herself as caring for his emotions, which is the traditional wifely role. To present that as some sort of secret revelation of emotional problems is just wrong.

১১৯টি মন্তব্য:

Beorn বলেছেন...

Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story.

MayBee বলেছেন...

A lot of people will perceive Ann Romney to have meant it was Mitt's biggest challenge. She should have avoided saying anything that may give that impression.

If that isn't what Mrs. Romney meant, Mitt should really step up and correct CBS. He needs to take charge. I don't want a president who is willing to look mentally challenged to the undecided voter.

chickelit বলেছেন...

"Eagletoning" Romney

নামহীন বলেছেন...

A lack of honesty all around, I'm sick to death of this election season. I wish it were already over.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I have no worries about Mitt's mental "well being." The guy who is challenged is Obama with all the disasters raining on his head. As a surgeon, I've been in extremely stressful situations. If you are confident in your own ability to cope, you get a sense of mastery. I think Mitt has felt this many times.

Obama shuts it out and goes back to sleep or to the golf course.

bleh বলেছেন...

If people in the middle -- like Ann -- get the impression that the media is trying to pull a fast one so that they vote for Obama, they're going to vote for Romney. That's the America they believe in. I think they're right about that.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Anyone who thinks cold fusion is real IS mentally challenged.

And if his wife uses homeopathy, then she's bonkers as well.

To say otherwise is "spin".

And an appalling level of it, at that,...

harrogate বলেছেন...

Mrs. Romney, good luck getting people to imagine Mitt Romney struggling emotionally with the burden of being responsible for decisions that might well mean life or death for many who are weaker than himself.

Mitt Romney gonna be just fine no matter what happens. You can take that to the, um, bank.

Synova বলেছেন...

Looks like the narrative has been so firmly about the uncaring Romney that there isn't any fear of Democrats trying to push him as emotionally unstable.

Too bad.

Tyrone Slothrop বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...

Anyone who thinks cold fusion is real IS mentally challenged.

Crack, you're a moron. If you had read that quote without your typical stalker mentality, you would have realized that it was hyperbole. Romney's not a physicist, he's a politician. Your candidate can't be challenged for violating some scientific dogma because you don't have a candidate-- you don't have the guts to back anybody.

edutcher বলেছেন...

harro, of course, is one of the people who cheered when Keith Ubermoronn told Dubya to, "Shut. The. Hell. Up", when he worried about too much golf looking bad.

Zero, of course, has no such problem, but how many families of men killed in his surge has he wanted to meet, pray tell?

As for the Romster and his lovely bride, this is the guy who, finding out a VA hospital was having problems getting enough milk, paid for it anonymously for 2 years.

Anybody ever hear of the Os doing anything remotely like that?

Tom বলেছেন...

My G-d, I REALLY despise the media

ricpic বলেছেন...

Could anything be worse than the First Lady of the United States' broad beam from behind going up the stairs to the Elysee palace next to that fox, Carla Bruni? Please God, a presentable First Lady! For that reason alone it's time for a change to Ann Romney.

Tyrone Slothrop বলেছেন...

P.S. Crack

I don't give a shit how, or if, you answer me. I really don't.

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

Well, if that's the sort of thing Obama's supporters think they need to say in order to get him elected, then I'm sure they're gonna lose you.

Isn't that the way it works for you sophisticated independent types?

pm317 বলেছেন...

As for the Romster and his lovely bride, this is the guy who, finding out a VA hospital was having problems getting enough milk, paid for it anonymously for 2 years.

Where did you hear this? link? Why don't we hear more of these stories?

Ann Romney should keep her answers plain and simple with mundane words.. no need to be honest and authentic with these presstitutes.

Deb বলেছেন...

@Inga: I am with you on that. It's been absolutely disgusting.

Rialby বলেছেন...

From the video, it appears that Ann is holding a black microphone which is clearly both racial and phallic. She's trying to tell us that Barack Obama is nothing more than a black penis. We can recognize a dog whistle when we hear it, can't we Ann?

Elle বলেছেন...

For once, I agree with Inga.

pm317 বলেছেন...

haha, I have the perfect video for you all. This is what MO said when asked about how she feels about Obama running for president: It is way too soon, he hasn't done anything yet.

harrogate বলেছেন...


Yeah. All the many dead for the basic reason that the Decider wanted his way. Meanwhile the Decider's highly public, self-declaredly symbolic relinquishing of golf. Even as he basked in scads of short-term political benefits from his actions.

How could one not be mad at *Olbermann* in this face of that?

Actually, in truth, Bush and Romney have lots and lots in common. If you love the way the former governed, then you'll love the latter too.

SomeoneHasToSayIt বলেছেন...

To present that as some sort of secret revelation of emotional problems is just wrong.

But if it helps to re-elect Obama, it is just right.

Surely you see that?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Tyrone Slothrop,

You don't have the guts to back anybody.

Oh, Tyrone, I'm wounded.

You don't have to be a physicist to understand something's impossible. But you DO have to be a cultist to believe in it. Here's what the scientists said:

"Dr. Steven E. Koonin of Caltech called the Utah report a result of "the incompetence and delusion"

The likes of you will follow that "thinking" straight to ruin - while defending it all the while,...

edutcher বলেছেন...

pm317 said...

As for the Romster and his lovely bride, this is the guy who, finding out a VA hospital was having problems getting enough milk, paid for it anonymously for 2 years.

Where did you hear this? link? Why don't we hear more of these stories?

Because the media and the trolls are too busy painting the portrait of the Rombot.

Here's the full story.

Here are some others. This is the stuff the media ignored and talked about how the Republicans were partying while people drowned.

I think Mrs Romney knows the issue isn't that he doesn't care, as the Lefties would have you believe, it's that he cares deeply, perhaps too much, about other people's problems.

No fear of that with the Narcissist-In-Chief.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


This is what MO said when asked about how she feels about Obama running for president: It is way too soon, he hasn't done anything yet.

I've got a video of Romney saying, once in office, he "won't have to do anything."

That's the game you guys are playing.

You're simply not serious,...

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


I think Mrs Romney knows the issue isn't that he doesn't care, as the Lefties would have you believe, it's that he cares deeply, perhaps too much, about other people's problems.

Ask almost any non-Mormon in Utah how much Mitt cares about them, and, I bet, you'll get a totally different picture. You guys love buying bullshit.

It's sad, man,...

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Ausperger's and although Mitt doesn't display some of the symptoms the child I know exhibits other things he does sure fits the profile. Ann also has the typical response of becoming VERY defensive when Mitt's obvious lack of social skills are pointed out. She's spent her whole married life trying to make believe he doesn't have an issue and shielding him. If he really has this problem, it's the LAST thing we need in the presidency.

Love the armchair psychology going on in the comments section at CBS.

harrogate বলেছেন...

"I think Mrs Romney knows the issue isn't that he doesn't care, as the Lefties would have you believe, it's that he cares deeply, perhaps too much, about other people's problems."

Surely to whatever God or non-God you believe in, you did not type that with a straight face.

edutcher বলেছেন...

harrogate said...

Yeah. All the many dead for the basic reason that the Decider wanted his way. Meanwhile the Decider's highly public, self-declaredly symbolic relinquishing of golf. Even as he basked in scads of short-term political benefits from his actions.

How could one not be mad at *Olbermann* in this face of that?

Actually, in truth, Bush and Romney have lots and lots in common. If you love the way the former governed, then you'll love the latter too.

Up yours.

Dubya met with the families of men who died in the war. He was willing to look those people in the eye. Your Messiah won't do that. Has he met with Chris Stevens' family?

And Dubya reaped no "short-term political benefits from his actions", which you damned well know.

harro is like all the other Lefties. He can't tell the truth because he knows he'll lose, so he lies, but, problem is, we know the facts, they're easily accessible, and it's great fun to throw them in the faces of people like harro.

This is the kind of people that want Zero kept in office.

Telling, isn't it?

pm317 বলেছেন...

I think Mrs Romney knows the issue isn't that he doesn't care, as the Lefties would have you believe, it's that he cares deeply, perhaps too much, about other people's problems.

Exactly. I was trying to write something towards this effect but you said it very well.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Surely such a dastardly action by CBS will convince you to vote for Romney?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Why can't you guys grasp that YOU'RE ALL BEING ROLLED?

That you should rely on the facts - and the facts only - and let them be your guide?

Is that really so difficult?

Fuck what CBS says. Fuck what Ann I-use-homeopathy Romney says. Fuck what Ann Althouse says. Fuck EVERYTHING.

Get the facts.

It's all you've got to go on, people,...

edutcher বলেছেন...

harrogate said...

I think Mrs Romney knows the issue isn't that he doesn't care, as the Lefties would have you believe, it's that he cares deeply, perhaps too much, about other people's problems.

Surely to whatever God or non-God you believe in, you did not type that with a straight face.

Only a Lefty would say something like that, but, if harro can come up with similar stories about Choom to the ones to which I've linked, let him do so.

Facts speak for themselves. And I guess harro, when confronted with facts, just doubles down telling himself and everyone else it doesn't matter.

The perfect simulacrum of Lenin's useful idiot.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

There's one advantage - now all the emotional voters will have to vote for Romney.

edutcher বলেছেন...

Thanks, pm.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

It's amazing anyone opens their mouth about anything at all. Words have become useless and meaningless. Everything is open to interpretation.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


If harro can come up with similar stories about Choom to the ones to which I've linked, let him do so.

And that's what you vote on? I'd put money on a bet that I've saved more lives than Mitt Romney - I'm talking stopping bleeding, and on much less money - would that make me a better president?

You guys talk nonsense,...

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Oh - and I wasn't doing it to get to Heaven, either,...

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


It's amazing anyone opens their mouth about anything at all. Words have become useless and meaningless. Everything is open to interpretation.

That's why you need facts.

It's the only way,..

jr565 বলেছেন...

From Crack's own website:

I believe in laboratories, looking at ways to conduct electricity with -- with cold fusion, if we can come up with it. It was the University of Utah that solved that. We somehow can’t figure out how to duplicate it.

Sounds like he (Romney is saying, if, not that we can. Look, Cold fusion was not some cult phenomenon of pixie dust and astrology. THat it has been debunk. The initial studies seemed promising, which is why so many scientists looked into it. However, it has been debunked and slowly unfunded. IT's not the first time scientists believed in things that later turned out to be not producable/reproducable etc.
Romney is no scientist, nor do all scientists think its a complete hoax. Granted, some are probably tilting at windmills but again its not like he's saying he believes in the power of the vodoo doll.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

CBS distorts what Ann Romney says.

But - by portraying Mitt and Ann Romney as normal people instead of cultists - their images are being distorted as well.

You're all mindfucking each other.

That's what's happening,...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Distortions, omissions, lies. That’s our unprofessional hack media.

BTW- Our old pal Elspeth Reeve does it too.

What Boehner said:
"This election is about economics... These groups have been hit the hardest. They may not show up and vote for our candidate but I’d suggest to you they won’t show up and vote for the president either.”

Elspeth's bad faith distortion:

"Boehner Says Out Loud He Hopes Blacks and Latinos 'Won't Show Up' This Election.

He never said "hopes" they won't show up". Never.

jr565 বলেছেন...

In fact I remember the movie The Saint with Val Kilmer where the scientist (played by Elizabeth Shue) uncovers the secret to unlimited energy through cold fusion. Not everyone has gotten the memo that it's an impossibility. That doesn't mean though that scientists didn't think it was a legitmate means of energy production.

Here for example is someone claminig success from last year:


It might be a complete hoax, but that doens't mean people aren't still believeres that it's possible.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

jr, I've said it before and I'll say it again:

You are Alan Krumwiede, and nothing more.

The likes of you will kill us all,...

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


Here for example is someone claminig success from last year

What part of "incompetence and delusion" don't you understand?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

What CBS won't tell you:

"In 1998 the 14-year-old daughter of one of Romney's partners at Bain Capital, Robin Gay, had disappeared after attending a rave party in New York City. The distraught father was beside himself with terror of what may have happened to his little girl.

Upon hearing of this, Romney stopped all operations at Bain and flew himself and all of the company's employees to New York to conduct the search. Using his contacts with establishments in New York that did business with Bain and an outlay of cash, Romney led a search for the girl from a command post he had set up in the LaGuardia Marriott that involved a private detective, Bain employees and customers putting up posters, handing out flyers, and interviewing prostitutes, drug addicts, and other street people in New York, and coordination with the New York Police.

A break came, after media publicity of the search, when a teenage boy called a tip line asking if there was a reward. He hung up, but not before the police traced the call to a home in New Jersey. The girl was found in the basement of the house undergoing withdrawals from a hit of ecstasy.

Romney, through his efforts, had saved the girl's life."

jr565 বলেছেন...

ANd then there's this:

I dont know if the ECat has been proven to be a fraud. I also am not claming that cold fusion is legitimate. I have no idea. I lean towards the idea that it isn't. but many people have not givven up on the concept. As such, Romney saying what he says is not that far fetched.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Crack Emcee wrote:
jr, I've said it before and I'll say it again:

You are Alan Krumwiede, and nothing more.

The likes of you will kill us all,...

Well, I don't think you have said that before. But the difference is I'm not saying that COld Fusion IS real. All Im saying is that not every scientist has given up on the idea. I"m even skeptical of the idea. But the guy who made the E Cat doesn't strike me as an idiot. HE seems to think it's possible. lets see where his experiments lead.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Dear Roger Simon,

This is how you do satire.

edutcher বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...

If harro can come up with similar stories about Choom to the ones to which I've linked, let him do so.

And that's what you vote on? I'd put money on a bet that I've saved more lives than Mitt Romney - I'm talking stopping bleeding, and on much less money - would that make me a better president?

No, Crack, I wouldn't vote on just that. I was, and, to a certain degree, still am a tad wary, but I've read what he really did as Governor of the People's Republic and it's not what people like shilol try to portray it as being.

But those stories tell me he's much the better man than Choom and, if I have to make a choice, and I do, I'll take his character over Choom's any day.


Alex বলেছেন...

Oh come on Allie, we all know you were laughing you ASS off going "haha another Romney gaffe haha!!!!"

wyo sis বলেছেন...

What science says is impossible one day is often proven to be possible the next.

If Mitt were the kind of person to have mental problems under pressure we'd know about it by now.

If I had my selfish wish Romney would not be running for president. But, he is and he's clearly up to the job or Obama's campaign would look a lot less desperate.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

This is how you do satire.

jr565 বলেছেন...

In fact my answer for cold fusion would be as described in this link:


So yes, I think cold fusion is possible. And no, I don’t see any reason to believe that it’s real. Take away the smoke and mirrors, and show me the physics, and then we’ll have a story. Because that’s what scientists — real scientists — do. They don’t play games, they don’t hide behind “black boxes” and billion-dollar claims of free energy, they prove it.
Get that Crack? Theoretically possible? Sure. Likely? No.

Paddy O বলেছেন...

And Crack, nothing nice to say about my Kandinsky's pyramid link? I thought that was a pretty good analogy for what you're trying to do and quite a compliment.

Howard বলেছেন...

Give me the cool Muslim stoner from Indonesia over the stilted yet emotional mo-town bean-counter in secret underwear.

Is it no wonder Mitt told the fat-cats that they needed to limit Ann's exposure, lest we plebes get *tired* of her.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
jr565 বলেছেন...

From Cracks Website;
The One Taste Urban Retreat Center is a cult. Well in fact, I never heard of it until Crack mentioned it. But as it's mentioned in the same breadth as Manson (he did also study with Victor Barranco) lets compare. IN one case Manson and co went to Roman Polanski's house and killed Sharon Tate and carved her stomach open to take her baby out. In the other case, they wear birkenstocks, believe in earth tones and have some kind of sexual relations. One is not really like the other except that they are described as cults.

Now, this doens't mean that I'm an advocate of One Taste Urban Retreat Center (see Crack, just because we don't buy the comparison doesn't mean we are endorsing or apologists for). For me to be an advocate I'd have to know, How hot are the women going there? How easy is it to get some poontang? Stuff like that. Do they wear birckenstocks and earth tones between the sheets?

BUt if that's the extent of their cultism (that they believe in bullshit new age things and are sluts) well, how is the earth harmed. IF they want to be deluded into thinking earth tones are important, no skin off my nose.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Althouse: This thread is supposed to be about CBS smearing Romney, not Crack-pot's latest scheme for smearing Romney.

Signed, Disappointed & wondering how long before you notice why Palladian left.

jr565 বলেছেন...

By the way Crack that should read:
I dont know if the ECat has been proven to be a fraud. I also am not claming that cold fusion is legitimate. I have no idea. I lean towards the idea that it isn't.(that it isn't legitmate, not "that it isn't a fraud"). It probably is a fraud.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...



He stopped 100% of operations, he flew 100% of the employees to NY so they could hang fliers and talk to losers?

Didn't even assign someone to answer Bain's phone? Didn't let staff talk to clients and/or business partners because they were hitting the streets?

Hopefully he understands that the POTUS needs to be less irrational.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


What was R's emotional state when he completely shut down Bain and flew every employee to ny streets so they could staple posters to posts?

I'm starting to agree w/ Ann, R may not be emotionally stable in challenging situations.

jr565 বলেছেন...

I highly reccomend the movie Wanderlust to Crack. There Rudd and Jennifer Anniston join a commune, but Rudd (and then Jennifer) who tries to go along with the free love no responsibility thing quickly realizes that these people are a bunch of flakes and nearly has his marriage destroyed because of it (theres a happy ending though - though for Crack I would think it was a cop out ending).

edutcher বলেছেন...

It's astounding how trolls like Howard will tell any lie as long as it's the party line and we're all expected to buy it.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Palladian left?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


Get that Crack? Theoretically possible? Sure. Likely? No.

You dummy - ANYTHING'S "Theoretically possible".

You want me to make you a bed full of sleep? I'll try.

But - like all those pursuing cold fusion - I'll be a quack for the effort.

That title - quack - has a meaning, jr.

It means you're an idiot,....

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


I highly reccomend the movie Wanderlust to Crack. There Rudd and Jennifer Anniston join a commune,...

Because I can learn so much by watching movies starring cultists.

You're a fool, jr.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Paddy O,

And Crack, nothing nice to say about my Kandinsky's pyramid link? I thought that was a pretty good analogy for what you're trying to do and quite a compliment.

I didn't see it - still haven't - because I'm trying to get out of here and go to work. But thanks:

I know Kandinsky's pyramid and understand the honor.

Tyrone Slothrop বলেছেন...

It's useless to debate Crack. He's built himself a cult for one, and he uses it to keep all other "cults" at bay. All his snarling is for nothing-- one of two candidates will be president. The stage will be set for four more years of Crack baying at the moon. He will never be a relevant voice as long as he lives.

Shantastik বলেছেন...

I wonder if this bad tactic will sway Professor Althouse to threaten to vote ROMNEY unless it stops -- u know, the way she threatened to vote Obama unless Rush Limbaugh runs his show a certain way.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Tyrone Slothrop,

[Crack] will never be a relevant voice as long as he lives.

You're another dummy:

I was being called a genius before I got out of elementary school.

I've been called a genius my whole life.

The difference between me and the rest of you is money - I came up without any and lost it in divorce.

Big deal.

I still have never been stupid,...

God, An Original A-hole বলেছেন...

To present that as some sort of secret revelation of emotional problems is just wrong.

Yes, it is. But the fact remains, nonetheless, that Mitt Romney had promised to decapitate the American porno industry, and to continue Obama's decimation of California's medical marijuana industry. Must kill American these industries first....

"We must save American jobs!" It's a nice battle cry, but one that must be put on hold until the job-killing-for-politiical-payoff is done. And Ann Romney seems to be all-okay with the political proscription list of her devout Mormon husbands-man.

Ann Romney. Ann Althouse.

Is there any difference? Or does the ann-ology hold?

Tyrone Slothrop বলেছেন...

If that's what passes for "genius", I'll be happy to stay stupid.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

so now the invidious personal mischaracterizations and inevitable memetic hypnotic repetition of this mean that will require you to vote against Obama, right?

As shiloh would say, rhetorical.

I don't know if I can be bothered to comment on the latest thread, but as for whining about Free Republic not linking your article, you should consider it a favor.

Chip Ahoy বলেছেন...

Ace has a recording that CNBC doctored the audio to make it appear as if the crowd is shouting RYAN romney RYAN romney, their point Romney needed Ryan due to flagging popularity. The lying stupid xxxxxxx. Sits there and lies, and the whole group facepalms as if it is true, Romney's crowd is cheering Ryan. Oh no.

A woman called the radio station running the tape and said, no, she was there, they have it all wrong. The crowd was yelling ROMNEY ROMNEY ROMNEY, and Romney, embarrassed said, no, it's Romney-Ryan, and the group changed.

The radio guys said, "Oh no, we watched it." The caller held her ground. They reviewed it, and agreed, to their amazement, yes, the news team doctored the audio and a misleading chyron to lie to their viewers. And they were very convincing at at it too, I thought what they wanted me to think. I feel so manipulated.

wyo sis বলেছেন...

The delicate genius.

The symptoms of Narcissistic personality disorder can be similar to the traits of individuals with strong self-esteem and confidence; differentiation occurs when the underlying psychological structures of these traits are considered pathological. Narcissists have such an elevated sense of self-worth that they value themselves as inherently better than others. Yet, they have a fragile self-esteem and cannot handle criticism, and will often try to compensate for this inner fragility by belittling or disparaging others in an attempt to validate their own self-worth.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

You know, Tyrone, you just made me think of something:

The reason why you can't dent me, despite my circumstances, is because I KNOW WHO I AM.

And I know the jealousies that arise in others when faced with who I am.

I can get the girls, I can get your ear, and I can get anything else I put my mind to.

This is the internet - it's not real. No more than you are.

YOU'RE nobody. YOU'RE nothing. There are no articles about you. Nobody cares what you think. You're just a parasite on the life of men.

Suck on it.

shiloh বলেছেন...

"Fuck what CBS says. Fuck what Ann I-use-homeopathy Romney says. Fuck what Ann Althouse says. Fuck EVERYTHING."

Indeed! :)

btw, Willard, Ann and Ryan are all frickin' train wrecks just by their very existence. And when they talk ...


sakredkow বলেছেন...

I don't worry about his mental well-being. I worry about his politics.

JAL বলেছেন...

To present that as some sort of secret revelation of emotional problems is just wrong.

Well, welcome to American Media in the 2012, Professor.

Oh. You've been here all along as the MSM tracks itself into a suicidal implosion.

We've had weirdness in elections before, and weird candidates. But I think historically we have never had anything like what the American mainstram media is doing.


edutcher বলেছেন...

shiloh said...

btw, Willard, Ann and Ryan are all frickin' train wrecks just by their very existence. And when they talk ...

The ne plus ultra of projection.

The train wrecks are the Narcissist-In-Chief, his lights-out VP, the Smartest Woman In The World who isn't, and what they've done in 4 short years to this country.

The other train wreck is the little weasel itself for supporting them.

And, just to make him pee his pants as he thinks of his guru, Ned Silver, the sad tidings that those polls, based on huge majorities of Demos in swing states, are dead wrong.

mama grizzly mittens lemmings hyperbole extraordinaire gear fab

lol lol lol

:J ;L )O (T

Win With Willkie

Levi Starks বলেছেন...

Clearly there are people who don't understand that it's really, really,really,really important that Obama wins.
We really don't care how it happens.

pm317 বলেছেন...

Here is Dem pollster alerting us to how dangerous the media has become. I wish Althouse would do more than just a slap on the wrist about media malpractice that is going on.

FUCK the media, VOTE for Romney. He can't be any worse than Obama but we do have to teach a lesson to the fucking media.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Media is biased. The polls are all wrong.

That's what losing looks like.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Man, does Crack harbor delusions of grandeur. Ther is medication for that Crack.

Darrell বলেছেন...

That's what losing looks like.

You should know given all your Wisconsin predictions. But alas, you lose again. The media is biased--as you know--and Obama already lost. Save your tears to brine your Thanksgiving turkey.

jr565 বলেছেন...

And I'm sure all the voices in his head declared him a genius. Also, I'm sure he bullied and brow beated those weaker than him until they acquiesced to call him brilliant. Those, not so cowed by an arrogant egotist were written off as cult apologists by said arrogant egotist. Of course, he was secure in the knowledge that they were intimidated by his brilliance to the point where they couldn't handle the wisdom he impatrted and so withdrew from his company in shame. And they in turn were secure in the knowledge that they were talking to a loon.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Crack wrote:
Because I can learn so much by watching movies starring cultists.

You're a fool, jr.

is She a new ager or a cultist? And even if she is, if a movie is funny or good, it's still good if the actor is himself or herself a flake. The same goes for all art. Hell, your stuff might be decent despite the fact that you're crazier than Phil Spector on acid.
And despite her new ageism, the people in the commune come across like a bunch of flakes. Harmless and well meaning but flakes nonetheless..

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans বলেছেন...

@ Inga. I don't know that I am going to be happy that the election is over with as I may well have to deal with my favored candidate losing and Pravda, aka CBS news et al. remaining. I appreciate the Professor pointing this out. Her banner could be 'Pointing out All the Propaganda That's Unfit to Print (or view or at least a little of it so you get the idea)'.

Priscilla বলেছেন...

I'm afraid that Americans no longer deserve a president with the kind of decency and devotion to public service that Romney represents. And Ann Romney would always see her role as supporting Mitt - as opposed to dictating our dietary choices, or lecturing us on racism.

That's just not cool anymore.

Beldar বলেছেন...

Superbly and succinctly argued, Prof. Althouse. Congratulations.

Zachary Sire বলেছেন...

If this doesn't make Althouse vote for Obama, I don't know what else will:


Zachary Sire বলেছেন...

An upcoming post from Althouse, "How Romney lost me."


Unknown বলেছেন...

I wouldn't worry about Mittens having emotional problems. He wasn't programmed for emotions.

Unknown বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Unknown বলেছেন...

I believe in laboratories, looking at ways to conduct electricity with -- with cold fusion, if we can come up with it. It was the University of Utah that solved that.

Confirmed: Romney is an idiot.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Jake Diamond,

Confirmed: Romney is an idiot.

Thank you. He actually brings up cold fusion after saying he likes "basic science" - then he goes on to prove he doesn't even understand basic science! And then as "looking at ways to conduct electricity" when cold fusion has nothing to do with that either. But you know what's even worse?

He said it in a room full of journalists and not one of them called him on it.

Talk about being surrounded by idiots.

This is a nation stuck - and I mean STUCK - on stupid,...

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


And I'm sure all the voices in his head declared him a genius.

Yeah, and I wrote that blurb at the link, too, you little moron.

You know, jr, you're a special kind of head case:

You seem to have made it your job to "correct" me ("Get that Crack? Theoretically possible?") when you have absolutely no clue about the various things you've decided to champion. Every one of your attempts at clarification has been nothing more than an opportunity for you to display your massive ignorance on every topic we've ever touched on, and yet, still you persist, as though the result is going to be different,...next time.

You - out of all the commenters here - need to spend more time actually *learning something* rather than speaking because you really are a fool. I hope you're young, because an adult of your stupidity is a danger, both, to himself and others.

Not to mention a major embarrassment to our species as a whole,....

Rusty বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...
Tyrone Slothrop,

[Crack] will never be a relevant voice as long as he lives.

You're another dummy:

I was being called a genius before I got out of elementary school.

I've been called a genius my whole life.

The difference between me and the rest of you is money - I came up without any and lost it in divorce.

Big deal.

I still have never been stupid,...

You got married.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


You got married.


You got me there!

BarryD বলেছেন...

There's a reason that some of us write SeeBS.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

There are middles. The fact that, in a private conversation, I didn't know (so I was told) that Gardasil was ineffective in women over 26 doesn't mean I know NOTHING about Gardasil.

Likewise, the fact that Pons & Fleischman thought they found something exciting, that couldn't be duplicated, and was ultimately chalked up to experimenter error, doesn't mean they were incompetents or frauds. Science is like that.

Likewise, to have part of but not the whole story on it from the outside, as a layman, is just not as evil to me as Crack seems to think. He just didn't keep up with developments. Like me with string theory. Oh yes that's the end of our physical-knowledge Universe, past that there be tygers. When it's resolved, or better yet has marketable products, wake me up, till then I am comfortably asleep on that tech knowing that Top. Men. are on it.

Oh yes and if entangled in coffeeklatsch with people stupider or more ignorant than I, I can make some general remark or reference to string theory and be well received. should there be an actual physicist in the audience, we will all be sorry for his lecture, but in the meanwhile...no great harm done, and I was able to move the topic from politics or religion or something else distasteful.

Being wrong isn't necessarily evil. Nor even stupid. Pons & Fleischman are probably smarter than anyone in this "room." So is Mitt probably.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

And Crack, know your audience. You are being pandered to. When Jake Diamond says Romney is stupid, he would say that even if Romney said 2 + 2 equals 4. He hates Romney, because he is a Democrat/a liberal/loves Obama. Don't fall for it. Unless you're part of the same hypocrisy.

So, Cracky, now that I'm done with the argumentative part, let me ask you again if you found out anything about MC 900 Foot Jesus for me?

jr565 বলেছেন...

Crck wrote:
You - out of all the commenters here - need to spend more time actually *learning something* rather than speaking because you really are a fool. I hope you're young, because an adult of your stupidity is a danger, both, to himself and others.

Not to mention a major embarrassment to our species as a whole,....

you know Crack, out of all the posters on the board, even including Alex and Shiloh, you are the most arrogant and convinced of your superiority, yet also the most deranged. Your entire cult attack is constructing a straw,an of your own making then attacking, then referencing your own website to buttress your point. If I'm correcting you it's because I have NEVER heard of anyone on these boards paint with such a broad brush and condense various things into one subject with such absurdity before.
Here's a clue, dumbass. I'm not a cult apologist. Not have I ever joined a cult, nor do I believe in anything I would consider new age. That being said not every cult is the Manson family and not every new age thing is a cult. Yet you persist in every fucking thread to derail it width your cult mumbo jumbo which has very little to do with cults until you of course bring it into the conversation.
Because you are so simple mindlessly broad with your cult definitions the very definitions become suspect with you. What religions aren't cults to you? Please define what a cult means (or don't, I don't really give a crap anymore).
And if I didn't see your picture I'd assume you were young, because no one can be so adamant in their construction of strawmen and also such a baby when anyone confronts them on their delusions as either a whiney pre teen or a delusional schizophrenic. So for you it's the latter. Delusions of grandeur, persecution complex. I'll leave it to the psychologists to come up with the proper definition. I only hope theres some medication to keep the voices in check Crack.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Nichevo wrote:
Likewise, to have part of but not the whole story on it from the outside, as a layman, is just not as evil to me as Crack seems to think. He just didn't keep up with developments. Like me with string theory. Oh yes that's the end of our physical-knowledge Universe, past that there be tygers

I'll leave it to you to produce a reasonable response. But note cracks response.

Ned বলেছেন...

"To present that as some sort of secret revelation of emotional problems is just wrong. "

It's what YOUR side does regularly...oh, I know, you're undecided!
But...Rush played a video...I'm SCARED...

Unknown বলেছেন...

When Jake Diamond says Romney is stupid, he would say that even if Romney said 2 + 2 equals 4. He hates Romney, because he is a Democrat/a liberal/loves Obama.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

Confirmed: Nichevo is an idiot.

Unknown বলেছেন...

you know Crack, out of all the posters on the board, even including Alex and Shiloh, you are the most arrogant and convinced of your superiority, yet also the most deranged.

Hey, it's unfair to overlook Jay, Ken and edutcher if there's a "most deranged at Althouse" competition!

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


Since you said you only "have part of but not the whole story on it from the outside," let me fill you in a little:

As our dear friend, jr565, went out of his way to show (through the very convincing use of Val Kilmer movies) cold fusion is a time honored bit of pseudoscience (somebody's "studying" it now!) that has been repeatedly claimed to have been found, only to discover - to quote Mitt I-love-basic-science Romney - "We somehow can’t figure out how to duplicate it." The "real" scientists who looked into the work of Pons & Fleischman (and Jones, don't leave out 9/11-was-an-inside-job Jones) said the failure, this time, was due to "incompetence and delusion," which, if you ask me, goes faaaaar beyond "experimenter error."

In layman's terms, "incompetence" is the inability to tie your shoe, and "delusion" means you're off in La-La-Land - which, from what I know of Pons, Fleischman, Jones, and Romney, is about as accurate a statement as one can make, whether the subject is science or politics.

Openly saying your fellow scientists suffer from "incompetence and delusion" is pretty heavy talk in those circles but, as was noted from the article on the "real" scientist's sessions:

"The audience of scientists sat in stunned silence for a moment before bursting into applause."

And, as if to prove them correct, Steven 9/11-was-an-inside-job Jones was there:

He drew cheers and laughter when he concluded his talk by saying, "Is this a shortcut to fusion energy? Read my lips: No!" He defended his own experiment, describing his results as a "fragile flower" that would never grow into a "tree" producing useful energy, but could nevertheless "beautify" science.

Nichevo, "laughter" is NOT what you're going for at these gatherings.

Now, I also want to deal with this assumption that Mitt Romney is "probably smarter than anyone in this "room."" What is this based on? From what I can tell, it's because he has money. Lots and lots of money. But what does that actually mean? From what I know, he was born rich, so,…what? Let me give you an example of what I'm getting at:

Here is a video of the actor and recording artist, Will Smith. I don't know if, in actual dollars, he has more money than Mitt Romney but, in actual terms, I know he does - because he didn't start out that way.

In the video, he's discussing the philosophy that got him to where he is and he mentions a fascination with alchemy - one of the dark alleys that pre-scientists were into before they found their way. Which is all fine and dandy until he says these pre-scientists "turned lead into gold." What's wrong with that? Nothing, except it proves Will Smith is an idiot. Why does it prove Will Smith is an idiot? (Pay attention, jr) Because, if pre-scientists "turned lead into gold," we'd now be smothered in gold! Gold would be worthless, it would be so common! As so many people in other cultures think, our streets would be paved with gold! But Will Smith - this very, very rich man - is so hooked in this "lead into gold" delusion, he hasn't bothered to think it through, or is incapable of doing so.

Now, Mitt Romney not only has weirder beliefs than this Will Smith nonsense, HE HAS LOTS OF THEM. There's a mother and father god on an unknown planet or star. Native Americans are the lost tribes of Israel. Jesus sells condos in Missouri, and so on.

My point is, money - or the lack of it - is no indication of anything, but that someone does or does not have it.

And it's definitely not an indicator of intelligence,...

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


So, Cracky, now that I'm done with the argumentative part, let me ask you again if you found out anything about MC 900 Foot Jesus for me?

No, my main contact for him is now whittled down to Consolidated's Mark Pistel, and he's currently touring (as I should be) in Budapest, or Bangkok, or someplace else exotic that starts with a "B."

I'll hit him up when he's back home with more than his day planner,...

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


you know Crack, out of all the posters on the board, even including Alex and Shiloh, you are the most arrogant and convinced of your superiority, yet also the most deranged. Your entire cult attack is constructing a straw,an of your own making then attacking, then referencing your own website to buttress your point. If I'm correcting you it's because I have NEVER heard of anyone on these boards paint with such a broad brush and condense various things into one subject with such absurdity before.

Ah, jr, you are a charmer! I love that you've **appointed yourself** as my correcting agent - I couldn't have done better because you, climbing up on that pedestal, is definitely a sign of your own humble nature! Oh, wait - I meant hypocrite! Hy-po-crite. Sorry, I get those two confused, because - like with you - it's usually the case the proponent of one is usually an exemplerer of the other.

Now, I really shouldn't do this, but - hey - humiliating you is fun and I really think you've got to learn. Look at this quote:

"After an astrologer told [Washington Post's Sally] Quinn [she] would benefit from yoga, she had lunch with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, who recommended her own teacher, Pary, whose students included David Gregory and Rahm Emanuel."

These are the people running our country into the ground. That would be four (4) "movers and shakers" who are involved in a stupid 5,000 year old spiritual practice, destroying our country - and not only do the whole line of corrosive idiots have that in common, but there's even an astrologer involved as a cherry on top, to prove how "smart" the circles they run in are.

A strawman of my own making, you say? "Deranged" am I? Well. I don't expect you to know who Bill Whittle is - let's just say he's a renaissance man and leave it at that - but, at the beginning and end of this video he has few choice words about A) how even listening to NewAgers makes him feel - he needs "oxygen and a defibrillator" - and B) something so you can assess their worth. Remember:

This is Sally Quinn, Maureen Dowd, David Gregory, Rahm Emanuel - and your crowd.

It's not just me.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Crack wrote:
Ah, jr, you are a charmer! I love that you've **appointed yourself** as my correcting agent - I couldn't have done better because you, climbing up on that pedestal, is definitely a sign of your own humble nature! Oh, wait - I meant hypocrite! Hy-po-crite. Sorry, I get those two confused, because - like with you - it's usually the case the proponent of one is usually an exemplerer of the other.

I'm not appointing myself anything I disagree with you when you say things I disagree with. I have the same relationship with Inga, Althouse, Alex etc. How does that make me a hypocrite?

jr565 বলেছেন...

Crack wrote:
As our dear friend, jr565, went out of his way to show (through the very convincing use of Val Kilmer movies) cold fusion is a time honored bit of pseudoscience (somebody's "studying" it now!) that has been repeatedly claimed to have been found, only to discover - to quote Mitt I-love-basic-science Romney - "We somehow can’t figure out how to duplicate it." The "real" scientists who looked into the work of Pons & Fleischman (and Jones, don't leave out 9/11-was-an-inside-job Jones) said the failure, this time, was due to "incompetence and delusion," which, if you ask me, goes faaaaar beyond "experimenter error."

Can't seem to duplicate it suggests to me that it doesn't work. Or there was some suggestion that it might work, but whatever success was had has not been duplicated. And in fact Romney is mentioning what in fact did happen. Perhaps he's not up on the latest science here which suggests more and more that its a non starter. And yet still some people persist in claiming that it's still possible (not Romney in this case) and are testing machines now that supposedly do show cold fusion.
Do I beleive that these WILL show cold fusion? I'm skeptical. Still, the people who are claiming such are not dullards when it comes to science. Perhaps they know something I don't or perhaps they are charlatans. It will be borne out ultimately with their tests. Probalby will prove to be yet another bogus claim, but perhaps not.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Crack Emcee wrote:
After an astrologer told [Washington Post's Sally] Quinn [she] would benefit from yoga, she had lunch with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, who recommended her own teacher, Pary, whose students included David Gregory and Rahm Emanuel."

These are the people running our country into the ground. That would be four (4) "movers and shakers" who are involved in a stupid 5,000 year old spiritual practice, destroying our country - and not only do the whole line of corrosive idiots have that in common, but there's even an astrologer involved as a cherry on top, to prove how "smart" the circles they run in are.

A strawman of my own making, you say? "Deranged" am I? Well. I don't expect you to know who Bill Whittle is - let's just say he's a renaissance man and leave it at that - but, at the beginning and end of this video he has few choice words about A) how even listening to NewAgers makes him feel - he needs "oxygen and a defibrillator" - and B) something so you can assess their worth. Remember:

I know who Bill Whittle is and I love his videos. (and you sir are no Bill Whittle).
And while it may be true that Maureen Dowd Dick Gregorey and Rahm Emmanuel are dicks it doesn't hold that simply because they take yoga that somehow yoga is destroying the country or somehow that it invalidates the practice of yoga. You might also find that Dick Gregory, Maureen Down and Rahm Emmanuel also lift weights, does that mean that lifting weights is the cause of the problems in our country or that because they share this similarity they somehow invalidate weight lifting. (This is not also to say that yoga is therefore all that they crack it up to be. Me disagreeing with your assertion does not make me a proponent. It simply means I'm disagreeing with your assertion. It's not an either or).
Now as far as astrology goes. I agree its garbage. But I know alot of smart people who believe in it. Because I also know that smart people can also believe in dumb things (as cam dumb people. Them believing in somethign I find ridiculous does not invalidate the fact that they are smart people. You're an atheist, who supposedly believes in science. Would you acknowledge that Isaac Newton is one of the giants of science? Yet he believed in God. He wrote "The most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being."
Based on your logic we should discount Isaac Newton because he believed in something stupid? (as per you).
And as far as Yoga is concerned, the spiritual aspect of it may be bunk but that doesn't mean that the phystical aspect is. And as you wrote in your own website, most people who practice yoga aren't even doing it right. Yoga is supposed to emphasize the mind-body-spirit connection, but in this countyr most people only concentrate on the body portion of that equation. Meaning, all the stuff you think is insidious most people aren't even aware of. Even if they were being that its a free country they are free to choose whether to believe in chakras if they so choose. It may be a silly choice for most, but do I care? It's their life and their money. If they can get some grounding out of bullshit, the whatever works for them is what works. and again, me saying that does not mean that therefore I am a proponent of astrology or yoga. In the case of Yoga, I think physically it does work. But only because when you excercise it tends to strengthen muscles or make you limber or give you endurance, what have you. Nothing spiritual about it,simply how the body reacts to excercise.
And if excercise is climbing steps, riding a bike, running, stetching or going into a dog pose it all will have some benefit.

damikesc বলেছেন...

A lack of honesty all around

Horse shit. The media has, amazingly, been even MORE in the bag for Obama than they were last time.

NO Republican could LIE about an incident that killed a diplomat and the media basically acts like it's not a big deal. None.

Mitt Romney gonna be just fine no matter what happens

Because if Obama loses, he will be poor. Almost immediately.

Why don't we hear more of these stories?

Outside of a "gaffe" that they can slam him over --- when has the media even mentioned Romney recently?

They are trying to bury him. The bankruptcy of the entire media industry cannot come soon enough.

harrogate বলেছেন...

Not a lot of humor to be found in this campaign, really, compared to some others. Not that humor is a high value for Presidential campaigns, and not that there isn't *any* humor to be found in this one. But still, compared to some of what we have seen in the last twelve years, this has had less carnival.

But the suggestion of Mitt Romney being weighed down by others' suffering, feeling it as a burden. And then chatterers like edutcher suggesting that Mitt feels other people's problems "deeply, perhaps too deeply." That's comedy gold, right there. Go ahead, spread that meme. See if people don't recognize carnival humor when they see it.

Unknown বলেছেন...

The media has, amazingly, been even MORE in the bag for Obama than they were last time.

Another delusional Althouse lemming.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


Can't seem to duplicate it suggests to me that it doesn't work. Or there was some suggestion that it might work, but whatever success was had has not been duplicated. And in fact Romney is mentioning what in fact did happen. Perhaps he's not up on the latest science here which suggests more and more that its a non starter.

"Perhaps he's not up on the latest science"? jr, the dumbshit thinks cold fusion is a way "to conduct electricity" - in other words, HE DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE WHAT HE'S TALKING ABOUT.

Like you, calling me "deranged," he's persisting in the attempt to give the impression he understands what he does not.

Still some people persist in claiming that it's still possible (not Romney in this case) and are testing machines now that supposedly do show cold fusion.

I told you:

These are called "quacks," "pseudoscientists," and "cranks".

Is short-term memory loss also one of your problems?

Do I beleive that these WILL show cold fusion? I'm skeptical. Still, the people who are claiming such are not dullards when it comes to science. Perhaps they know something I don't or perhaps they are charlatans. It will be borne out ultimately with their tests. Probalby will prove to be yet another bogus claim, but perhaps not.

O.K., I'm done - you're back to talking like a complete idiot. You're choosing not to understand what you don't want to understand - quackery.

Keep pretending there aren't nut jobs in science, merely because they're in science.


No, he wasn't that specific and no one said he was - which sounds an awful lot like "constructing a straw,an of your own making then attacking".

Like I said, you're a hypocrite, an idiot, and a liar. You need to go back to school and stop talking because, as Ben Franklin reminded us, nobody knows you're a fool until you open your mouth.

Except for my wrongly "arrogant" and "superior" self of course:

Those "voices in my head" say they've got your number,...

Nichevo বলেছেন...

Jake D, what part of that do you deny? Have I got you confused with someone else? No, because then you'd politely correct me and say I had you mixed up with Jake X or whatever - I bet Jay and Jay Retread get that all the time - because you'd be used to it.

In this case, ISTM the truth hurts, that's all. What's your hedge, or are you just a liar as well as a lefty?