September 9, 2012

At the Wingra Café...


... it's a calm, mellow place.


KCFleming said...

Can't remember.

Did Wingra beat Mothra?

MadisonMan said...

I've heard it's pretty weedy. Haven't been down on the water for about a month. And your picture is all full of weeds.

chickelit said...

...soaked in Nature's fecund blessing...

kentuckyliz said...

Chip Ahoy, animate me sculling by on that pretty water.

I went sculling Thursday afternoon but I've been sick all weekend. Wicked sore throat, feeling puny.

My only sculling would be virtual...if Chip Ahoy will oblige.

pm317 said...

wow, mesmerizing!

garage mahal said...

These cool nights mean I'll be throwing glide baits for muskies soon. Can't wait!

Almost Ali said...

You see beauty, I see a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

It's the West Nile Café.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Chips photoshop is on the fritz.

When Chip said on the other tread that Meet the Press made him think of laundry... it occurs to me that that's exactly what they been doing with Obama's record.

Laundering it.. white washing it?

Oh oh.. did I just use a dog whistle?

Hey, there is an idea for a photoshop.. The laundering of Obamas record.. but.. what would you use for that? A picture that with some work could encapsulate...
You know what I mean?

Patrick said...

My wife and I have decided to go see "Trouble with the Curve." We haven't been to the movies in a long time, except a couple with our kids. Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams and Justin Timberlake. Amy Adams was in "The Fighter" with Mark Wahlberg. She was excellent, and she is a very beautiful woman. I'll admit to some curiosity about how Timberlake does, particularly next to Eastwood.

It's a baseball movie. They don't make bad baseball movies.

Chip Ahoy said...

Did you notice on Gizmodo the item about making an animation in Photoshop in 5 steps?

They start with video.

My mates do that and I always wondered without really caring because the shortness of them is alway kind of dorky, but they do have their favorites that they use as a frame in a panel for something else. Like: one is Obi Wan waving his arm dramatically across his chest as using the Force forcefully on something. Then the next frame in the comic panel is something unrelated falling.

Another on is a baby in a highchair doing the same thing -- being Obi Wan causing something unrelated to tumble.

shake-and-bake said...

Niners 30, Packers 22.

Patrick said...

I know very little about video games, except that at some point they became far more sophisticated than I realized, and started producing trailers. My kids play a little bit of Wii from time to time, but it's limited to Lego Star Wars games (I really wish I was the guy who had the idea to put those two franchises together. Holy money printing Batman.).

Anyway, I'm aware that there are some pretty realistic/exciting/fun war games out there, that adults - reasonable people, smart people find compelling. But I saw something today that really was interesting. Assasins' Creed (I guess it's a war style video game) is advertising a game based upon the American Revolution. I've never heard of anything like that, and it seemed odd, but, well - why the hell not?

This is about the first time I've really considered buying a game like that. I won't - there's too much to do, I don't really know the first thing about complex video games, and lack time and inclination to figure it out. But I think that's a pretty cool idea. Maybe when the boys are older.

Tim said...

Pogo said...

"Can't remember.

Did Wingra beat Mothra?


But as shake-and-bake notes, the 'Niners, my 'Niners, beat the Packers on the road, that is to say, they beat the Packers in their own home.

Good things are in store for my 'Niners this year.

Good things.

Known Unknown said...

New Audi Barack Obama Commercial

Don said...

Instead of "going Galt," it appears that Prof. Jacobson might be "going Althouse."

First it was cafe photos, now it's Dylan references.

Chip Ahoy said...

good things are in store ... good things."

<pedanatry alert>

This form of repetition, a word or phrase a the beginning of a clause, is called anaphora, a type of conduplicatio. Effective, although here very short and not at all oratorical. It could be drawn out, "good things are in store when ... then another paragraph,"Yes, good thing are in store for ..." and really hammer that phrase until all the listeners are going, "please, please make it stop," and to their relief you do make it stop and thus win their affections.

The women hawking jewelry on tv do this all the time.

</pedanatry alert>

Tim said...

"please, please make it stop,"

Teams playing the 'Niners will be whining that jus' around the ten minute mark of the 3rd quarter.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I confess to knowing what Chip is talking about.

Although I never bought anything from the tv.. and even if I did.. you think I would admit it?

Ok.. I bought something one time.

Tim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tim said...

Packer "nation" (hate that term - I blame Raider fans, and G.W. Bush too, of course) are awful quiet tonight.

The hangover is going to pound tomorrow, hard.

Drink lots of water.


Regardless, you'll still feel better than the Packer running game. Pathetic.

Like Obama without a Tele-Prompter bad.

Then again, to be fair, the 'Niner D pretty much does that to every teams' running game...

Tim said...

"Ok.. I bought something one time."

Ginsu Knives?

They're the best!

Until they aren't.

Oh well.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Naive is beauty, and bliss influences more than we will know.

Until Talking Heads, Which Know All.

edutcher said...

Another classic Althouse photo telling us, "Button up. winter's coming".

Very nice, Madame. It feels like that in NE OH.

PS Hope you feel better, Liz.

rhhardin said...

Shrine to autumn.

Commercial displays spontaneously imitate religious ones.

Curious George said...

Buckeyes and Bears win.

Bucky and Packers lose.

It's like Christmas in September.

Mark O said...

Great picture. Well composed. Beautiful.

Roger J. said...

Garage--never fished for Muskys. how about a little primer for me?

Curious George said...

"Roger J. said...
Garage--never fished for Muskys. how about a little primer for me?"

Deep wallet. Lot's of patience.

Roger J. said...

Curious George: and so it is with all fishing! thanks for the response

MadisonMan said...

Bucky and Packers lose.

Thank goodness they lost the burden of trying to finish perfect.