August 25, 2012

"You went from very boxy clothes to the slim fit... Those shirts are a little tighter than the usual Paul Ryan shirts."

"The girls at our studio notice."/"Some of 'em are big and some of 'em fit real well."


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"When I was a kid growing up working at McDonald's, de-tasseling corn, waiting tables, painting houses, things like that, it never occurred to me that I was stuck in some station, fixed in some class," Ryan told donors. "We shouldn't be preying on people's emotions of fear, envy and anxiety, putting people in a class, dividing people. That's why I don't think this going to work for President Obama."


Palladian said...

I love the picture at the link that shows Mitt with a giant Mitt head floating in the background.

Known Unknown said...

I too, have switched to more 'athletic-fit' shirts, since the regular-fit ones made me look fatter.

pm317 said...

Great! The 'war on women' people have no qualms reducing their opponent to a sexual thing.

ricpic said...

I de-tasseled corn! And I wasn't even raised in the midwest. Ran away from home when I was 16, ended up in a YMCA in Des Moines, Iowa, where, thank goodness I wasn't molested by the local Palladian. But I did run out of money and the director of the Y found me a job de-tasseling corn. It was a great experience that along with many other experiences that summer really widened my world.

edutcher said...

I like the part at the end where the article notes he sticks to the more Conservative interviewers.

Like a lot of young Conservatives, he's learned not to trust the Lefties.

Very smart.

EMD said...

I too, have switched to more 'athletic-fit' shirts, since the regular-fit ones made me look fatter.

I did, too, when I was younger, but then my metabolism slowed and the Blonde kept saying, "You look like a sausage".

Tom Spaulding said...

I had same experience in Wisconsin.

A&W, Blaney Farms, Country Kitchen, didn't paint any houses though. I did package chemicals in a plant.

What did Barack and Joe do for Summer jobs when they were kids?

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Great. They have Robin Givhan-ified Paul Ryan.

Palladian said...

ricpic, I don't enjoy being called a child molester. If you were any kind of person worthy of being called a man, you would delete that comment, or at least the reference to me.

ALP said...

I'll give Ryan points for drinking favorite brand of 'non artisan' beer. But Miller LITE? Why bother drinking beer at all? Lite beer has got to be one of the most miserable of our modern inventions.

Paul said...

This thread is WORTHLESS without PICTURES!!!

Were are these 'to tight' Ryan t-shirts and the girls that were them???

William said...

"Detasseling corn" sounds like stripper slang for some kind of obscene act. Jon Stewart will probably pick up on this and ridicule him mercilessly.

BigFire said...


Given that Paul Ryan appears to take his own fitness seriously, I suppose he's watching his carbohydrate intake.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but the world is different than when he was at McD's and it's stupid denial of reality to not acknowledge that. Also, all fast food jobs are not created equal. I worked a fast food job as a teen at an amusement park. That does not mean I was in the same situation as the adult male who also worked there and could not be promoted because he was illiterate.

paminwi said...

De-tasseling corn is hot, hard, nasty work! John Stewart couldn't do it for 10 minutes! The job I hated more was picking rocks in the field BEFORE the crops were planted. Even as a teenager your back hurt at the end of the day. You could wear shorts and short sleeved shirts in comparison to de-tasseling corn you had to wear long sleeved shirts, slacks and gloves no matter how hot it was.

I think if people actually listen to what jobs Ryan had you will learn that even though his dad was successful his kids still had to work many different types of jobs. How many parents say to their kids find a job ANY job to earn your money. It's the crappy jobs that teach you you want to get something more out of your life than a crappy job that you are going to hate every day you do it!

Unknown said...

----I worked a fast food job as a teen at an amusement park. That does not mean I was in the same situation as the adult male who also worked there and could not be promoted because he was illiterate.

Perhaps instead of telling us what it doesn't mean you could tell us what it does mean?

Unknown said...

----I worked a fast food job as a teen at an amusement park. That does not mean I was in the same situation as the adult male who also worked there and could not be promoted because he was illiterate.

Perhaps instead of telling us what it doesn't mean you could tell us what it does mean?

Titus said...

How pathetic that straights think Paul Ryan is hot.

Anonymous said...

Titus, as I recall, you repeatedly asserted that you would do Scott Walker. Walker is an admirable pol, but a guy with a paunch and a growing bald spot.

Ryan is a man in excellent shape, but you deride straights for thinking he is a hottie. Right.

Sweetie, I think glasses are in order. You're rather long in the tooth now, there's no shame in admitting the eyesight isn't what it once was.

MayBee said...

Yeah, ricpic, wtf?