১ আগস্ট, ২০১২

"Wisconsin senior running back Montee Ball was the victim of what police are calling an 'unprovoked assault' early Wednesday in Madison, Wis."

"Ball was attacked by five men near Wisconsin's campus around 2:15 a.m. Wednesday. Witnesses told police the men knocked Ball to the ground and began kicking him."
Ball, a 2011 Heisman Trophy finalist, was taken to a hospital. A team spokesman said Ball spent two hours in the hospital before he was released....

Ball was walking with two friends on the 500 block of University Avenue. The two friends were walking ahead of Ball, and turned around to see five men jump him, knock him to the ground and begin kicking him in the head and torso. Several people came to Ball's aid, including a man walking on the other side of the street, and ran off the attackers.

৫০টি মন্তব্য:

X বলেছেন...

the description of the suspects is detailed in its own way

chickelit বলেছেন...

This has to ding Madison's "Best City" ratings.

Calypso Facto বলেছেন...

Desperate Hawkeyes?

AllenS বলেছেন...

I'm going to guess that the attackers were Fighting Illini. Probably from Chicago.

edutcher বলেছেন...

You'd think a guy like that could give a little better account of himself.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

I just hope he was not attacked by the 5 TCU players recently thrown off the team for selling drugs.

Since the Rose Bowl Game they have been programmed to do that to Ball on sight.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

Soooooo.... No race of the assailants in the article.

That usually means only one thing.

John Cunningham বলেছেন...

Yeah, no mention of race in crime news means perps of the dusky persuasion, just as no mention of political party in a corruption case has a clear message--a member of the DemonRAT clan.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

I was right.

Incident report for Case#2012-215969

Released 08/01/2012 at 9:20 AM by PIO Joel DeSpain
Incident Type Battery
Incident Date 08/01/2012 - 2:15 AM
Address 500 block University Ave.
Suspect(s) Male, black, wearing a blue polo shirt
Male, black, wearing a purple polo shirt
Male, black, wearing a white shirt
Male, black, wearing a red shirt
Male, black

Attackers were described as ranging from 5'8" to 6'3" with small to heavy builds.
Victim Male, age 21, Madison

Calypso Facto বলেছেন...

From the Madison police report:

Male, black, wearing a blue polo shirt
Male, black, wearing a purple polo shirt
Male, black, wearing a white shirt
Male, black, wearing a red shirt
Male, black

Attackers were described as ranging from 5'8" to 6'3" with small to heavy builds.

More black on black crime. Shame.

Tibore বলেছেন...

Wow. That's messed up. I'm sort of surprised that anyone even tried to jump him, nevermind that there were 5 of them. He's 5'11", over 200lbs, which is stout but not huge by football standards, but that's still a decent sized guy amongst the regular, non-athlete population. Plus, as a running back, he'd be accustomed to some physical abuse, so he's even more of a dumb choice of targets to go after. He may not be a linebacker or lineman, but you still don't want to try to smack around a running back, especially one from a ground-based offense like Wisconsin's.

Unfortunately, this shows us that even pretty well conditioned men can get abused; all it takes is a large enough number of smaller punks who're stupid enough to try it and uncivil enough to want to do it.

Hope they catch the jackasses who did this.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Pogo, I'm surprised the Madison Police even released that. But thanks for outing the truth.

Calypso Facto বলেছেন...

Pogo-san much quicker to the draw.
Sorry to duplicate.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

@Calypso Facto: What is disturbing is that everyone knows the news organizations will reliably withhold that information.

It's unmentionable.

But the citizens have learned:
(1) that the omission nearly always means the perp is black, and that

(2) the news orgs are therefore also lying about other things too.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

They don't report the news, they manage it.

An aside:

I think perps who kick people in the head should be tried automatically for attempted murder. It's a heinous injury, and a cowardly act.

test বলেছেন...

"According to an incident report, Ball didn't appear to know his attackers."

It sounds odd to me. I wouldn't expect a random attack to occur with on a group of three athletic men, even if two were walking "just ahead". It was 2:15 AM, I wonder if someone felt slighted in whatever bar or party they were coming from.

chickelit বলেছেন...

I wonder if one of the perps tried to video the attack.

Irene বলেছেন...

This sounds like a variation of the Chicago Pick 'Em Out and Knock 'Em Out crimes:

"The 'Knock 'Em Out' game has been cited in news accounts from St. Louis, Decatur, and Madison, Wis., including several fatal attacks. Last summer, Madison police said they were investigating more than 30 muggings by youths.

'It appears the motive is — in part — money, but some of those arrested have also indicated they see this as entertainment,' Madison police said in a news release at the time."

Calypso Facto বলেছেন...

They don't report the news, they manage it.

They provide info-tainment, and nothing that will jar the delicate sensibilities of a large perpetually outraged segment of the population.

Earlier this week, I ran across Thomas Sowell's article "Are Cops Racist" wherein he debunks racial profiling statistics and explains that causing authorities to refrain from policing black violence does no favor to black victims. Likewise, I'd say that hiding the facts about who is committing battery downtown is a disservice to the community.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

My first thought was that someone lost some money on a game last year, but it could just be some 8 year old soccer players (well, not if they're black) all kicking the Ball at the same time.

Who walks around dicey? neighborhoods at 2:15 AM during the week, and why?

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

A hate crime, right?

Dose of Sanity বলেছেন...

Who walks around dicey? neighborhoods at 2:15 AM during the week, and why?

This is madison, we don't have dicey neighborhoods. At all. Relative to any big city, of course.

Tom Spaulding বলেছেন...

So, that group of five purple-dress wearing, red-hatted ladies I ran away from were NOT the suspects?

Who knew?

Can't be too careful these days, what with anonymous, description-less criminals roaming the streets...we need to "share the suspicion" ...to be fair.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

"This is madison, we don't have dicey neighborhoods."

That's what you call the streets where 5 guys jump you and kick you in the head.

It's the quintessence of a dicey neighborhood. Definitional; a sine qua non.

Sorun বলেছেন...

A group of people kicking someone in the head while they're on the ground is the trademark of Teens of Color.

Penny বলেছেন...

So all eight black people in Madison were on the 500 block of University Avenue at 2:15am this morning for the "March on Madison"... when something went wrong.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

So all eight black people in Madison were on the 500 block of University Avenue at 2:15am this morning for the "March on Madison"... when something went wrong.

yep, sometimes Madison is lily white, sometimes it's overrun with black thugs. Depending on the topic.

Shanna বলেছেন...

Who walks around dicey? neighborhoods at 2:15 AM during the week, and why?

College students who were at the bar? Although, it's summer. Maybe they were blowing off steam before training camp starts. I can't imagine a 21 year old athlete with two buddies would generally have much fear walking around. Shame this happened (and I agree with pogo about people who go for the head)

(I don't know what's considered dicey in Madison, though.)

Penny বলেছেন...

Quite like her sister city, Portland, Oregon, I suspect.

Mel বলেছেন...

2:15 am is a good time to be sleeping or working the night shift, maybe going home from work if you work at a bar. Otherwise, you ought not be out at 2:15 am...especially not when you should have a football practice in the morning (if UW starts the same week as MSU, if not, I apologize for my error).
I don't know if I think the perps knew whom they were beating though. I knew about 10 of my college's football players because I helped tutor them, but most of my friends didn't know them out of pads and not sweating.

ndspinelli বলেছেন...

The City of Madsison is burning. There are unsolved rapes and homicides on State Street. And, the Mayor deflects from substantive problems by attacking small businesses. He has required liquor store owners and bars to be mommies and not serve chronic alcoholics or face fines. Bitterly ironically Soglin is stopping cabs from doing their most important function, patrolling the bar area so impaired drivers make the right choice and hail a cab. This in the most alcoholic, DUI state in the union. And just this week, he is trying to stop small businesses from displaying small sandwich board signs because they "don't comport w/ the original design of State Street." Now, a Heisman caliber athlete is mugged. I dub the mayor, Mayor Cicero..fiddling while his city burns.

AllenS বলেছেন...

I wonder if the perps called Montee Ball the n-word?

ndspinelli বলেছেন...

That should be "Mayor Nero"..I need to hail a cab.

Gene বলেছেন...

Perhaps the perps saw some bling on Ball.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

That's Mon-tay to you, sir.

David বলেছেন...

AllenS said...
I wonder if the perps called Montee Ball the n-word?

Well, if they wanted to do the full Montee, they did. This sounds like a townies vs. college types incident to me. They probably got in the first lick, which is lucky for them because my guess is that Mr. Ball could put out some hurt if given half a chance.

And yeah, if 5 white guys had attacked a black guy, it would have been written a little differently.

That's not just obscuring by the newspaper. It's racist.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Yes, we know how it works.

Famous Black football player jumped by:
- 5 white guys = nation-wide story, possible hate crime
-5 black guys = oh, just a puzzling local incident.

Non-black football player jumped by:
- 5 anybodies = just a puzzling local incident. No matter who they are.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

Pogo said...
Soooooo.... No race of the assailants in the article.

That usually means only one thing
Yes, since the 60s when the Progressive Jews and liberals in charge of the mass media decided that each news outlet would censor reports of black thuggery in the name of "Racial Progress"..everyone has learned that when they know what the perp(s) looked like but decline to report the race of the violent perp..

The public just goes with the default given liberal and progressive media Jew censorship. The perps are black, by default.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

Pogo said...
Soooooo.... No race of the assailants in the article.

That usually means only one thing
Yes, since the 60s when the Progressive Jews and liberals in charge of the mass media decided that each news outlet would censor reports of black thuggery in the name of "Racial Progress"..everyone has learned that when they know what the perp(s) looked like but decline to report the race of the violent perp..

The public just goes with the default given liberal and progressive media Jew censorship. The perps are black, by default.

Carnifex বলেছেন...

Someone famously said "Nothing ever good occurs after midnight." I can see the knock out game, but I don't get that vibe. My guess is somebody *cough*Bell*cough* hit on someone elses GF, and that someone rounded up a crew and took out Bell.

I did hear that Dingy Harry got an anonymous phonecall telling him that it was Mitt Romney who did the actual kicking. He didn't know if it was true or not, but Harry thought we should know. Just in case.

And knowing is half the Battle!

The Meme!

Carnifex বলেছেন...

I should have mentioned, I hope Mr. Bell didn't recieve a concussion, or trauma that would limit his playing time. That would be tragic.

Of course, if he had been a SEC tailback, he would have been to fast and to strong for just 5 men to jump :-)

Paul বলেছেন...

We have ways of dealing with such thugs here in Texas.

And the preferred way is spelled G L O C K.

And around here houses are protected by the law firm of Smith & Wesson, and backed up by a 12 gauge injunction.

David A. Lunde বলেছেন...

The original story on Wis State Journal online include the description of the attackers. When the article was updated, the description (race) of the attackers was removed.

Beau বলেছেন...

Otherwise, you ought not be out at 2:15 am..

Lordy Be, and Land Sakes Alive! How long ago was it that you were 20? Were the street lights gas or electric, old timer?

MayBee বলেছেন...

Was Ray Lewis in town?

Carnifex বলেছেন...


Where I grew up, they had to keep painting the white line down the middle of the street. Ever time it rained, it'd wash it right off the dirt.

There was 1 radio channel you could get on the radio. And when UK was playing basketball we'd sit around lissen'n'. At half time we'd have to take the battries outta' the radio, and warm 'em in the fireplace so's we could hear the second half.

In the winter, it'd get so cold we'd bring the dog in to sleep in the bed with us to keep us warm. You ever wake up and have frost on the inside of your house?

We'd run around in our Chuck Taylors, thinkin' that little rubber circle offered some sort of ankle protection. In the summer we'd go barefoot till my feet were so calloused I could run on a gravel road.

I remember our first stop sign. Traffic got so heavy we had to put in a red light. After the road was paved of course.

I lived in a different world, a bridge between the stone age and the space age. Horse drawn wagons to deliver milk, and beer. our first telephone...it was a party line. I remember a younger cousin came to visit, and he couldn't figure out the phone...it was rotary.

The police didn't arrest you for getting drunk, or high, if you weren't hurtin' anyone. You had to watch your step because of cowshit, and copperheads.

I'm like Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner. I've seen wonderful things and done terrible things. And people don't appreciate what they have anymore.

My grandfather ran away from home to never return at 14 years and 1 day. When he turned 14 my great grandfather woke him up before dawn, dragged him to the coal mine were they worked till dark. He left that night never to speak to his family again. I don't know if my great grandfather was happy he escaped the mines, or mad for loosin' another income.

I had it easy.

Curious George বলেছেন...

According to Ed Flynn and Tom Barrett only two men were involved, and they were jaywalking.

Joe Schmoe বলেছেন...

Of course, if he had been a SEC tailback, he would have been to fast and to strong for just 5 men to jump :-)

Well, maybe if he was a tailback from Alabama, Louisiana, or Florida. Maybe even Arkansas.

Kentucky tailback? He would've been dropped behind the line of scrimmage.

karrde বলেছেন...

This is an odd crime.

Five young men pick on a football player who is walking with two friends...though the two friends were apparently ahead, and the football player was dawdling behind.

All this happened after midnight, on a street near a University. (Can we assume that there weren't any midnight basketball leagues or choir practices in the area?)

Good news: bystanders stepped in and stopped the assault.

Because they were there, and the police were minutes away.

Beau বলেছেন...

@ Carniface

Sounds like we're the same age and experience. Didn't get the frost in the frost in the house until I moved to a cold country however....and the postie road a bike.

We did have it easy though in that I'm glad to have not had TV as a child. I hate that young children today can't go off all day on their bikes for fear of parents worrying if they have been kidnapped or worse. It never occurred to us that an adult would do harm rather than be another parent to help out if assistance was needed.

Your logo by the way, takes me way back to the same painting in my parents house. Interesting.