The lawsuit... identifies the woman as Dora Schriro, who was later appointed by Mayor Bloomberg as commissioner of the city Department of Correction, a post she still holds.ADDED: Blogger Debbie Schlussel broke the story — and is irked that major newspapers didn't credit her.
The court papers also allege that Suzanne Barr, Napolitano’s chief of staff at Immigration and Customs Enforcement, has engaged in “numerous” acts of “sexually offensive behavior” intended to “humiliate and intimidate male employees.
Barr’s alleged acts include calling one man “in his hotel room and screaming at him that she wanted his ‘c--k in the back of [her] throat.’ "
August 10, 2012
"A veteran US law-enforcement official has filed a blockbuster discrimination lawsuit against Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano..."
"... charging she pushed him aside to make way for a less-qualified woman who’s 'enjoyed a long-standing relationship' with the anti-terror chief."
I think they're hinting at something...can't quite make out what it is...
But men are bad, so it's fine.
When I was a surgical resident at LA County Hospital, the OR was run by a lesbian supervisor. It was well know that "close friendship," and you know what I mean, was the only path to a day shift job. It got so an evening shift job a far less desirable spot became a mark of heterosexuality. Evenually "Miss Buck" retired and things returned to normal but she wasn't missed. So much for women running the worlrd.
And we are surprised at this, how?
It will be interesting to see how the networks manage to ignore this!
Caligula spends her time on fake security for Obama's Imperium. That doesn't leave her much time to think about security for government paid slaves.
You know, if you're going to staff a department with aggressive hyper-sexual women who want to degrade men with scandalous behavior, at least have the decency to pick a few hotties.
Napolitano, Schriro, and Barr...yikes. This is like a women-in-prison movie, but instead of busty young prisoners in cut-offs and shirts tied to expose their midriffs, they've cast women who look like actual female convicts.
Big disappointment yet again, Obama administration.
There are lesbians who love women, and there are lesbians who simply hate men.
Why don't we all just refer to ourselves as "anti-gay bigots" and save Hatman the trouble?
During her 2002 gubernatorial campaign, Napolitano publicly denied rumors that she’s a lesbian. In a 2009 interview, she said, “I just happen not to be married.”
When asked at that time if she was “seeing anybody now,” she answered, “Yes, my staff.”
Wonder if her "staff" has a nickname.
... charging she pushed him aside to make way for a less-qualified woman who’s 'enjoyed a long-standing relationship' with the anti-terror chief.
So should we call her J. Edgar Napolitano now?
Given the suspects, At least there aren't videos.
Back to Beach VBall replays :)
Wait, who's cock did Barr want down her throat? Napolitano’s?
Never forget.
There always seem to be a vocal and active segment to each minority group that isn't really interested in equality, but really only interested in inverting the perceived power structure.
I can see being tired and even scared of being bullied or disrespected. I really can. But trying to become the bully instead doesn't seem like an appropriate response. Not if you want the people coming behind you to enjoy a level playing field. Eye for an eye leaves everyone half-blind and all that.
It's affirmative action.
edutcher said...
Why don't we all just refer to ourselves as "anti-gay bigots" and save Hatman the trouble?
This may pose a problem for Hatman as Napolitano signed Arizona's first and only anti-bestiality law. So I'm sure she's some kind of bigot in his view.
Let's stipulate that a man-hating woman can still be an excellent Secretary of Homeland Security.
No, wait...take that back. A man-hating person cannot be an excellent Secretary of Homeland Security. But maybe a non-hating person that surrounds itself with man-hating people could still be excellent.
No, not that either. Still, an incompetent person who denies ATF and Secret Service scandals might still be excellent.
No, take it all back. Fire her.
edutcher said...
Why don't we all just refer to ourselves as "anti-gay bigots" and save Hatman the trouble?
Why do you imagine anything you post must clear the mighty Andy R's review? Do you now post worrying what "Hatboy" will think??
Why do you care so much what that twisted little homosexual who actually hurts the perception of gays in general.....actually thinks??
The Drill SGT mused..."Given the suspects, At least there aren't videos."
Vedi Napolitano e poi muori
Here's the 2009 press release announcing the appointment:
U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano announced today her appointment of Dora Schriro as her Special Advisor on Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Detention & Removal. This is a new position created by Secretary Napolitano to focus exclusively on the significant growth in immigration detention over the last five years, and to focus on the arrest priorities at ICE.
“Dora is one of America’s leading minds on modern, effective prison management,” said Secretary Napolitano. “In Arizona, she visited every correctional facility in the state and conducted a top-to-bottom review of their operations, tackling and reducing both overcrowding and recidivism.
Her proven leadership and skills will serve not only this department, but also the individuals we need to house as we enforce our nation’s immigration laws.”
Put a man-hating Bulldyke in charge of Homeland Security. One long known to favor and mentor other bulldykes she had the power to advance the careers of..
Heck! What could go wrong with that!!
Barr’s alleged acts include calling one man “in his hotel room and screaming at him that she wanted his ‘c--k in the back of [her] throat.’
I see she's torn a page from my play book! I should sue!
"and screaming at him that she wanted his ‘c--k in the back of [her] throat.’ "
....and this is a problem?? Oblige the woman, or am I reading this wrong?
If I had a dime for every time a woman has screamed at me that she wants my c--k in the back of her throat...
"Why don't we all just refer to ourselves as "anti-gay bigots" and save Hatman the trouble?"
I'm an anti-gay bigot.
“ICE doesn’t comment on unfounded claims and will respond to Mr. Hayes’ allegations as appropriate through the judicial system.”
Looking through Debbie Schlussel's posts, it seems she has been approached by a number of people from ICE and DHS about these issues.
Let's hope more comes out now that the lid is off.
I'm anti-gay, but not a bigot.
Intimidation: They're doing it wrong.
"Smith, I want that report on my desk by 8am, or I'll fellate you six ways to Sunday."
"Dammit, Smith, I'm going to suck your d--k so hard it will explode."
This story, actually this entire thread is TMI.
If proven true Napalitano doesn't deserve her job, quid pro quo is illegal.
I like Debbie Schlussel.
In addition to the alleged hotel phone call, Barr allegedly “covertly took an ICE BlackBerry device assigned to a male special agent in charge and sent a BlackBerry Messenger message to his female supervisor indicating that the male employee had a crush on the female supervisor and fantasized about her.
I doubt anything will ever come of this since the plaintiff would have included any stronger evidence in the lawsuit. But if this turns out to be true framing a coworker for sexual harassment is beyond the pale. Not only is this fireable and actionable, it should be jailable.
Straight or gay, male or female, persons who abuse their positions of responsibility are shits.
The old axiom, in reference to "strong women" in positions of responsibility who are deemed "bitches," If a man did the same thing he'd be respected for it," is bullshit. Any person who disrespects or abuses or exploites his or her subordinates is an asshole.
An asshole is an asshole is an asshole.
Debbie Schlussel held the key... unlock the door that the MSM Barr'd?
♫You hold the key to love and fear
All in your trembling hand
Just one key unlocks them both
It's there at your command
C'mon people now,
Smile on your brother
Ev'rybody get together
Try and love one another right now
Right now
Right now! ♫
Hmmm... Department of Homeland Security and ICE, swimming in taxpayer dollars. Tasked with homeland security, immigration and customs enforcement...and focusing on child pornography. This guy gets no sympathy from me. He has built his career on doing whatever brings most money into ICE. Principles matter when it affects his bank account and I'm quite sure that his bank account isn't hurting at all.
DHS should be dismantled. See how many problems could be solved by that?
If you've ever read That Hideous Strength, you might be reminded of something.
Cedar, it was humor.
Take a deep breath.
I hope the allegations are not true. If they are, I hope they hound her out of office and receive recompense.
I've been on the receiving end of this sort of thing so have considerable sympathy for the victims. Some women are really great bosses, but some -- especially women of Napolitano's vintage -- seem to think that it's more important to get even for real and imaginary slights early in their careers than it is to do a good job.
"During her 2002 gubernatorial campaign, Napolitano publicly denied rumors that she’s a lesbian. In a 2009 interview, she said, “I just happen not to be married.”
When asked at that time if she was “seeing anybody now,” she answered, “Yes, my staff.”
Wonder if her "staff" has a nickname."
I wonder if her "staff" has batteries, and what size?
I don't blame Schlussel. I'd be pissed, too, if I'd broken such a big story and other papers pretended they'd broken it. I saw this story on her site two days ago and wondered where the rest of the press was on this.
to be fair c__k could have referred to conk or cork.
An asshole is an asshole is an asshole.
But some are more inviting than others?
Funny. It happens all the time, and is never good, but this time we have a less than usual cast of characters. Should we be more titillated that the sexist pig is a woman?
I happen to be big fan of Mr Cook--not his politics of course, and reasonable people can disagree on politics. I have always found him to be consistent in his principles. He his the bete noir to both the left and right. And as he rightly notes, sometimes an asshole is just an asshole, gender, politics, and ethnicity aside.
It sounds like there is some fire behind this smoke.
On her site, Ms. Schlussel says, "Everyone at the Department of Homeland Security knows I broke the story, as they’ve been coming in droves to this site to read the story for more than two days."
Not to comment or argue or disagree.
To read.
Now, maybe they just like gossip. Or maybe they want to see in print the recitation of the harassment they've been enduring.
Somebody needs to "keep her strap-on in her pants".
Allegedly indeed, but just the allegation is a big story.
If this goes forward, it will be years before we find out if any of it is true or not, if we ever do.
But right now just the allegation should still be a big story, and it will be interesting to see what the media do with as compared to some of the other stories they have ooh'd and aah'd over lately.
This is a new position created by Secretary Napolitano to focus exclusively on the significant growth in immigration detention over the last five years, and to focus on the arrest priorities at ICE.
Shriro's solution? Stop arresting and detaining immigrants. Duh.
Barr's response, "Now go find me a breeder to harass!" (*allegedly*)
Sorry for the mis-attribution in original post and subsequent deletion. Didn't mean to leave you hanging, Hagar.
If you've ever read That Hideous Strength, you might be reminded of something.
@Freeman - NICE comment! :-)
to be fair c__k could have referred to conk or cork.
Napolitano is an asshole. And I'm not even necessarily referring to the allegations in this story. Which more than qualify her as such. Just saying, she would earn that honor on the basis of her known and acknowledged stewardship of Homeland Security alone.
But, seriously, man, "so much for women running the world."? Could we not start new fires? Because, Exhibit A: Obama. For starters. Who was actually and quite recklessly placed in charge of the world, and not just some stupid money- and space-wasting department of it and is, demonstrably, an asshole. For starters.
And YES, Major Hardcastle should not be in charge of anything.
Are you suggesting Napolitano's a Fairy?
He charges that in April and May 2009, ICE chief of staff Barr “removed the entire contents of the offices of three male employees, including nameplates, computers and telephones, to the men’s bathroom at ICE headquarters.”
Does anyone working for the government take their work seriously? From expensive GSA events to partying secret service members to this kind of nonsense, it makes me wonder where the grownups are.
"I'm anti-gay, but not a bigot."
I'm the ultimate bigot; I hate you all, regardless of race, sex, religion or sexual preference.
I fantasize about being the last bigot on earth, torn between the bliss of being free of you all and the emptiness of having no one to hate. Still sounds nice, though.
@wyo sis & Michael Haz: Any more wisecracks out of you two and you'll give away the plot...or sell the book.
@bagoh20: I think Rod Serling did that story about the last bigot on earth. He called it "Time Enough To Lash"
No, not Napolitano; Barr as Fairy Hardcastle.
@Wyo sis: Freeman's right. You might be thinking of Hairy Fortcastle from "That Hideous Growth"
Bagoh! You hate me too? What if I promise to mend my liberal ways, become a conservative, vote for Romney? Go hang gliding?
beat me to the Twilight zone ref...
Look it' was obvious from the press releaase what sort of sexual orientation was going on. Here's the code phrase--“In Arizona, she visited every correctional facility in the state and conducted a top-to-bottom review of their operations..."
it's right, and everyone knows what that means.
Get rid of DHS, the rest is just BS government bitches cat-fighting over their perks.
What sort of painty waist LEO gets his panties in a wad by some chick, even his boss, calling to tell him she wants to give him a hummer? Lawdy, lawdy! Save me from the nasty woman. I gotta call BS on that one.
No! My WV is, I shit you not--nitetit
Now I understand why I feel so violated after the TSA has its way with me.
A tip of the Hatlo Hat to Ms. Schlussel!
Chicklit, my aim is to sell the book, or at least, to lend it. You're right Freeman, Barr is a Fairy and a good one too.
It's amazing how often dystopian fiction gets played out in real life. It's like these things could be predicted in advance by really smart people.
Whatever you do, Allie, save the hang gliding for last. Just in case.
Well I worked with Suzy Barr at the AZ Governor's Office and I had heard of stuff like this before regarding her. She always suck me more of a woman who 'liked to be fun' more than an evil person. She is very loud voiced and was bawdy in her humor. I can totally see the blackberry thing as being a joke on her part. The thing to know about Suzy is that she is the daughter of an important AZ politician Burton Barr and no one has ever called her out on anything. I liked working with her, and I am a male and never felt the least bit that she hated men.
Dora S. I was never too impressed with. There were a number of women on staff that I believed were Lesbians though but to to even discuss it in anyway was a sure fire ticket to a transfer. Suzy is straight as far as I recall, and quite attractive so here throat comment making some dude feel violated makes me wonder about the guy bringing up the issue.
That Hideous Strength reminds me of far too much these days.
Also... kudos (plus major envy) to Michael Haz for pre-plagerizing my exact words.
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