August 10, 2012

Signs point to Paul Ryan.

As Romney will name his VP tomorrow.

UPDATE: The signs were correct!


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Roger J. said...

Wild chicken: I dont know and too lazy to google, but I am assuming Mr Ryan had a Jesuit education.

Anonymous said...

Chickie, I, like many Wisconsin social liberals, but fiscal moderates and conservatives alike, like Ryan as the choice. He will leave social issues alone and work on the economy, I hope he will have time with his many duties as VP.

My daughter and son in law are socially liberal and fiscally conservative, they are ecstatic. My son in law was getting a bit down in the mouth after Romney's blunders abroad, this choice will give him a huge boost.

Freeman Hunt said...

Maybe I need a Romney hat. Definitely need a bumper sticker. Need. I want it to have Romney and Ryan on it though.

TWM said...

"Maybe I need a Romney hat. Definitely need a bumper sticker. Need. I want it to have Romney and Ryan on it though"

I've never put a political bumper sticker on my car. Well any bumper sticker except the Eagle Scout one I put there for my son. But I'm thinking a Romney-Ryan sticker might be in order this time around.

Hell, maybe even a yard sign . . .

Roger J. said...

Allie: precisely what blunders abroad other than the bit on London's preparedness for the Olympics--he seemed to be a big hit in Israel and Poland. Do you have anything specific you can provide?

If Mr Romney had "blunders" abroad, one can only marvel at Mr Obama's confusion of the Maldives and Malvinas before the heads of South American states.

yashu said...

Allie, there is no contradiction whatsoever between appreciating a writer's insights, learning from them and being influenced by them, and not accepting their overall "philosophy."

By the standards you're applying to Ryan, there would be no question whatsoever (just from what Obama recounts in his memoirs about his education and influences) that Obama is a radical Marxist.

I've learned, benefitted, and been influenced by reading e.g. Hegel, Nietzsche, and Heidegger. I've been deeply impressed by many of their insights. There's no way in hell I'm a "Hegelian," "Nietzschean," or "Heideggerian." To label Ryan an "objectivist" just because he read Rand and appreciated many of her insights is just shallow.

Freeman Hunt said...

"I agree with some of the insights Rand had about government, but I'm really religious."

Yeah, that's a real loser in conservative circles. Ha!

Clyde said...

Matthew Sablan said...
Romney has a tie, no jacket; Ryan has a jacket, no tie. I find that funny.

Well, they were both doing much better than Randy Travis! And thank goodness for that!

edutcher said...

If the trolls can only come up with Ryan's being a member of Congress and his liking for some of Ayn Rand's philosophy, I can easily understand their confusion and insecurity today.

Roger J. said...

Allie: precisely what blunders abroad other than the bit on London's preparedness for the Olympics--he seemed to be a big hit in Israel and Poland. Do you have anything specific you can provide?

If Mr Romney had "blunders" abroad, one can only marvel at Mr Obama's confusion of the Maldives and Malvinas before the heads of South American states.

Roger, the only blunders the Romster committed abroad were those invented by the same media that hasn't challenged Dingy Harry over the tax issue.

And there's a raft of blunders Choom has on the wall:

Hawaii is in Asia

They speak Austrian in Vienna

If you need to speak to a diplomat from the UK, you go to the English Embassy

The Americans liberated Auschwitz

Anonymous said...



RogerJ, are you sure you want me to point these out?

My son in law is a brilliant guy, big Capitalist, he was pretty pissed off at Romney performance overseas, I trust it was not over nothing.

Roger J. said...

Apropos Allie's point, I think that "social issues" will be taking back stage to the important issues confronting our country. Some social conservatives may not like that, but to hell with them. Get the economy fixed and let the social issues sort themselves out. Obama can campaign with Sandra Fluke; Romney can campaign with Paul Ryan. good tradeoff.

Roger J. said...

Allie--please look at your sources--they just might be a bit biased. It was the conventional wisdom of the MSM of course,but Mr Romney hit the right notes in Israel acknowlding that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel, and getting Lech Walesa's approval--not a bad show irrespective of what an ABC blog said or a New Yorker article. Your mileage, of course, may vary.

At any rate the issue in the election isnt foreign policy but the state of the American economy. If you think he did poorly fine--others may disagree, but in November no one will care.

Anonymous said...

I dont know and too lazy to google, but I am assuming Mr Ryan had a Jesuit education.

Sorry no. And he paid for his education at a public university (Miami of Ohio) with Social Security survivor benefits he received from the age of 16 to 18 after his father died.

Can you say hypocrite?

sakredkow said...

A white bread sandwich, and one of the best choices for Romney.

Anonymous said...

Yes Roger J, to hell with the social conservatives, the wasted hours of debate in the House over social issues when they could've focused on the economy drove many social liberals/ fiscal conservatives crazy.

Roger J. said...

Thanks Freder--I always appreciate flunky's who will do my work for me. I am a firm delegator, and you rose to the occasion.

Speaking of hypocrits, and knowing your frequent posts on the barbarism of torture, gitmo and the like, I could raise the issue of kill lists, gitmo, and renditions to US warships and others which Mr Obama has let slide, but heaven forfend should I use "hyporite." But, of course, he is.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

There is nothing wrong with being an Ayn Rand "follower". Many appreciate and subscribe to her general philosophy without full-on worship. The fact that Ryan didn't want to be pushed by the left into the standard lefty pigeon hole and clarified his stance on this writer shows that he can think for himself. While Biden and Lord Zero get a pass, Ryan will now be under the microscope.

While the nation swirls down the toilet and our debt climbs into the stratosphere, the left will bicker over such small things. Must be nice.

We must get to the bottom of Ryan's faith! But please, no mention of Rev. Wright and his Jew-hate/America-hate nutty conspiracy theories and racial hatred crazytown crazy. Media blackout.

Anonymous said...

April Apple, you must've missed my comment in which I did mention Reverend Wright influencing Obama, sigh.

Anonymous said...
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traditionalguy said...

Ryan is a Catholic who respects reason and God. He is a trained Thomist.

That means Ryan is able to bring together seeming opposites and take the best from both extremes in a skillful way to plan a rational course.

He is a reconciler. That will make the extrimists on both sides feel threatened. What if peace breaks out? But Ryan has a warrior's heart as well. He won't scare off.

As for evangelicals fighting against the "evolving" social morality issues of the day, the Catholics are on the same front lines as the Southern Baptists. There will be no problem arising there.

Bottom line: Mitt made a good choice.

Anonymous said...

I could raise the issue of kill lists, gitmo, and renditions to US warships and others which Mr Obama has let slide, but heaven forfend should I use "hyporite." But, of course, he is.

If Ann decides to start a thread on these issues, I will certainly participate. And I doubt my position on this will be less hypocritical than most of the posters here who just loved these things when Bush was doing them.

Farmer said...

Some social conservatives may not like that, but to hell with them.

Romney can't win without them.

wyo sis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sloanasaurus said...

Thank God Romeny picked someone who is serious about restoring the fiscal sanity of this country.

We know Obama is hoping that "Seniors" don't care about the future of the country and just want their goodies. But, I think they do care.

Ryan referred to the fact that our deficit now nearly equals that following World War II. The difference is that the Democrats back then care about the fiscal sanity of the country ahd had a plan to reduce government spending. Which they did by huge amounts starting in 1946.

Obama has no such plan. He just wants to tax the rich, which still leaves us with a massive deficit.

Thank god for Ryan!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

This election should not be about social issues, it should be 100% economic. Although if Romney and Ryan want to say "why should tax payers fund Planned Parenthood? Why should tax payers, some of whom disagree with abortion, be forced to pay for abortion? If you want to fund abortion, let Hollywood do it. Surely Hollywood alone could afford to subsidize PP." or something fun and edgy like that.

Michael Haz said...


Great VP pick!

I need a hat, a bumper sticker, a tee shirt and a yard sign.

A note to liberal commenters: Did you notice how Paul Ryan didn't criticize Obama the man, only his policies? Perhaps you might work to be as gracious as Ryan.

By the way, Paul Ryan's secret service code name should be "Bart Starr".

Original Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Allie - We all know and have been told by a lock-step pro-Obama media, that any mention of crazy Rev Wright is off the table. Vetting Obama is off the table.

wyo sis said...

So, it's hypocritical to attend a public university using Social Security benefits from your dead father. I'll bet only people who pay no taxes and live on welfare will find that interesting.
Social Security is the only retirement/insurance most Middle class Americans have, and I doubt any of then will be alarmed by the Ryan story.
So, what is it about Social Security the left finds so hypocritical?

Anonymous said...

But please, no mention of Rev. Wright and his Jew-hate/America-hate nutty conspiracy theories and racial hatred crazytown crazy. Media blackout.

You really don't want to go there. Mormonism is a crazytown crazy religion made up by a Charlatan 190 years ago.

Anonymous said...

So, what is it about Social Security the left finds so hypocritical?

That Ryan now wants to eliminate Social Security.

Original Mike said...

"And he paid for his education at a public university (Miami of Ohio) with Social Security survivor benefits he received from the age of 16 to 18 after his father died.

Can you say hypocrite?"

Ryan wants to eliminate SS survivor benefits? Link please.

Automatic_Wing said...

And he paid for his education at a public university (Miami of Ohio) with Social Security survivor benefits he received from the age of 16 to 18 after his father died."

What...once you receive Social Security benefits, you're forever obligated to pretend that SS is financially solvent, even if it isn't? Is that the "hypocrisy" you speak of?

Anonymous said...

Thank God Romeny picked someone who is serious about restoring the fiscal sanity of this country.

And how exactly does Ryan's completely unserious budget plan do that?

Original Mike said...

"That Ryan now wants to eliminate Social Security."

Wild hyperbole is all you got. You aren't even worth talking to.

Anonymous said...

What...once you receive Social Security benefits, you're forever obligated to pretend that SS is financially solvent, even if it isn't?

Social Security would be financially solvent if someone had the guts to do something as simple as eliminating the salary cap on SS, therefore making a less regressive tax.

Michael Haz said...

@Fredeer - your comments are cracking me up. Desperate much?

And since you're so concerned about how Paul Ryan paid his college tuition, please provide a link to a description of who and how helped Obama pay for private school Columbia and Harvard law.

Matt Sablan said...

Ryan's plan is much more serious than the one that was unanimously voted down.

Comparisons: They are not what you want.

Anonymous said...

Wild hyperbole is all you got.

Paul Ryan wants to replace Social Security with a privatized system. It is not hyperbole.

yashu said...

Ryan's completely unserious budget plan

As opposed to Obama's, which got... how many votes?

Anonymous said...

Yashu said,
"Allie, there is no contradiction whatsoever between appreciating a writer's insights, learning from them and being influenced by them, and not accepting their overall "philosophy."

By the standards you're applying to Ryan, there would be no question whatsoever (just from what Obama recounts in his memoirs about his education and influences) that Obama is a radical Marxist.

I've learned, benefitted, and been influenced by reading e.g. Hegel, Nietzsche, and Heidegger. I've been deeply impressed by many of their insights. There's no way in hell I'm a "Hegelian," "Nietzschean," or "Heideggerian." "

8/11/12 8:59 AM

So then you agree that Obama is not a radical Marxist. Good.

Matt Sablan said...

So, how has Medicare done in its current incarnation? It's failing so badly even Obama was willing to raid its coffers and cut off funding. Changing Medicare is something that needs to be done. If you disagree with Ryan's plan, offer another.

Preferably one that didn't unanimously fail in the House and Senate.

wyo sis said...

Go sell your Social Security nonsense somewhere else. When your financial house is in ruins you cut back on things. Reality is hard. Whining and pointing is easy and meaningless.

Rusty said...

Freder Frederson said...
So, what is it about Social Security the left finds so hypocritical?

That Ryan now wants to eliminate Social Security.

He wants to reform it so it is self sustaining. Not like what we have now where the people working today are supporting their grandparents.
Freder if this is your A game you're not ready to be here.

Matt Sablan said...

Medicare, Social Security. Whichever. Obama's plans have hurt both, Ryan's plans for both are at least actual, existing plans. That haven't been rejected.

Michael K said...

"btw, Reagan made Army training films er propaganda ;) during WWII. Again figuratively and literally straight out of central casting."

Reagan was an army reserve cavalry officer all through the 1930s. That's how he learned to ride. When the war started, he blew his physical.


yashu said...

So then you agree that Obama is not a radical Marxist.

You missed my point. Obama may or may not be a radical Marxist; but judging that someone is a radical Marxist solely because he read books by Marxists in his youth and found them in some way insightful is pretty ridiculous.

By that criterion, almost every single person who's graduated from a liberal arts college for the last few decades is a radical Marxist.

Michael K said...

"Social Security would be financially solvent if someone had the guts to do something as simple as eliminating the salary cap on SS, therefore making a less regressive tax."

Someone who actually knew something about Social Security would know that it is not solvent because Congress has kept spending the "trust fund" on other projects for the past 40 years. Where do you think Clinton's "surpluses" came from ?

Medicare has been burdened with the addition of chronic diseases like renal failure and dialyis that were not part of the old age insurance plan.

ken in tx said...

How many know the official Air Force hymn? It’s not ‘Off We Go’. That’s the Air Force Academy fight song. The Air Force hymn is ‘Lord Guard and Guide’. It is sung to the hymn tune Geneva, and was played on the Giant Voice everyday at noon at Myrtle Beach AFB until it closed.

ken in tx said...

BTW, the Navy hymn is ‘Almighty Father Strong to Save’, supposedly the last tune played by the band on the Titanic.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

No Yashu, I didn't miss your point, I was preparing to make mine, so all those on the right who screamed about Obama being influenced by the teachings of Reverend Wright were equally ridiculous, thankyou.

Ryan was influenced by Rand, Obama was influenced by Wright. Neither one may be extremists, but either one or both may govern by what they were strongly influenced by, get it?

I won't call Ryan an Objectivist anymore if those on the right don't call Obaba a Marxist, fair?

bagoh20 said...

Reverend Wright: the philosopher.

Ryan found intellectual expansion by studying Rand. It was an exercise in learning valuable ideas to be better educated on philosophy, government and economics.

Obama attended Wright church to pose as a Black man. I'd like to hear the intellectual expansion Obama gained from Wright's ideas and how they can help us going forward.

Anonymous said...

Bagoh, I'm not defending Obama's interaction with Wright. I think Wright hurt Obama more than it helped him.

Farmer said...

traditionalguy said...
Ryan is a Catholic who respects reason and God. He is a trained Thomist.

I din't know that! Where did he study?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm going to give Romney money right now.

Please do and don't stop. If this campaign of his turns out to be the biggest moneyhole since Recession '08 then hopefully your side will finally get the message: Endlessly inflating fatally flawed ideas is brain bloat. But at least you have now in-sourced your own political pork and trickled-down your losses onto the grass-roots.

Can't wait to see how hiring the message man for right-wing social engineering will go down this fall. Romney-Munster 2012!

BTW, did you hear how that dumb douche introduced his running mate as the next "president"? That was fun to hear.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ha Ha. That idea that Munster will fix Romney's penchant for floundering and massively pissing off allies (even allies as easy as the U.K.) is funny. The kid has no experience in anything other than reading and reciting Randroidian mental cliches. It reminds me of the way kids in Muslim countries are awarded great esteem for being able to memorize the entire Qur'an at an early age.

And for a distillation of his credo, here you go:

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."

They're not just anti-socialism, they're anti-social. Yes, your view of how to structure the health-care system counts as a social view.

This bullshit was fine for winning an off-year election cycle in the House. But under the daylight and constant scrutiny of a presidential campaign charged with capturing the center and not just the crazy base, it will probably wilt immediately.

Synova said...

I don't get this all or nothing thing when it comes to someone like Ayn Rand. One can think she was right about a number of things, including human economic behavior, without being forced to apply that to interpersonal relationships or to approve of her definition of morality. People who "admire" her aren't compelled to take the whole package or else hate her like the haters do.

Now, the Rev. Wright was preaching relationships, like all pastors do. His criticisms of government were relationship criticisms, like all economic-social justice-centric theology is. If it's "liberation" theology or "prosperity" theology. Same-same.

He might be a nice, inspiring guy in person.

I wish that Obama had refused the all or nothing approach except that he *couldn't* reject liberation theology. He couldn't say that of course no one agrees with everything their pastor or their friends say, because then he'd have to say what he disagreed with. And he doesn't disagree with the gist of the idea that government is supposed to pick the winners and government is supposed to spread the wealth around to make things fair.

He couldn't disagree with the Marxist flavored stuff because he *doesn't* disagree with the Marxist flavored stuff.

At some point you've made enough money, spread the wealth around, make it fair, because you didn't build that.

Revenant said...

So, why did Ryan feel the need to say this, if there is nothing wrong with being a Ayn Rand follower?

I'm guessing "because he doesn't believe in Objectivism"?

There's nothing wrong with being a Christian, but if you ask me if I accept Christian theology you'll get a hearty "hell no". :)

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