August 28, 2012

"She chose to put herself in danger... She could have easily distanced herself from the danger like any reasonable person would."

Rachel Corrie, according to an Israeli judge.


damikesc said...

A judge with sense. Rachel brought her demise on herself.

The Crack Emcee said...

He would say that.

No, I'm kidding. I agree:

It was a stupid way to die. Funny, too.

I mean, if you're not smart enough to get out of the way of a bulldozer,...

Kevin said...

Mmmm. This puts me in the mood for pancakes.

And reminds me of the time long ago and far away when Charles Johnson was somebody. That's depressing.

prairie wind said...

“I hope someday he will have the courage to sit down in front of me and tell me what he saw and what he feels,” Ms. Simpson said.

There is something twisted in this, no matter which way you look at it. 1) The man killed her sister deliberately and she wants to hear him describe that? Or...
2) The man killed her sister by accident and she wants to make him talk about it?

At meetings across Israel over the past week, Mr. Corrie carried with him a picture not of his daughter but of the Palestinian girl, then 6, whose family’s house Ms. Corrie died trying to protect.

“I think this one in some ways is more hopeful,” he said of the picture. “She deserves a future that we all want for our children.”

Yes, the child does deserve a better future and if the Palestinian leadership would stop focusing on retaining their power over the Palestinians, maybe she could have it.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

Corrie is a big hero with the hate-Israel crowd in Woodstock.

They've performed some sort of play in her honor.

One of our music clubs, The Colony, is just about completely devoted to commie, far-left events. They host regular benefits to raise money for the Palestinians, which means they money goes to Hamas.

No, I've never played at the Colony. It's impossible to make any money there.

MadisonMan said...

Could you say the same thing about the sunbather at James Madison Park who was run over by the Madison Parks truck?

I don't think so. But the sunbather is just as dead. And the Parks Dept employee? Whatever happened to them?

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Before the court session on Tuesday, a small group of young people stood vigil outside, holding signs with pictures of Palestinian families and their demolished homes. A woman walking by shouted at them, “It’s the houses of terrorists they’re destroying,” prompting one of the protesters, Uri Gordon, to respond, “No, of normal people, actually.”

Really, Gordon? Really? You actually believe that destroying the houses of normal people is official policy of the Israeli government?

No wonder there is no possibility of dialogue anymore.

What a premise!

With a premise like that, all kinds of shocking 'conclusions' are possible, and all kinds of reactions are permissible.

You know, the kind of reactions that can get people killed.

YoungHegelian said...

The Corrie family has some cojones taking this to an Israeli court....

Let me see....Foreigner comes into town. Inserts herself into a military situation. Acts as a human shield for the enemy in the middle of that military operation. She gets herself killed.

Excuse me, is there any country in the world that could permit their sovereignty to be so curtailed as to permit foreign non-combatants to wander into their battle zones? Or, to have their judiciary constantly second guess their in-field commanders so that these same non-combatants are "properly" looked after?

Rachel Corrie became a combatant, pure & simple. She died because she was a stupid one.

gadfly said...

The judge ruled that the bulldozer operator "did not see" Rachael Corrie - which is a world apart from the Corrie family attorney's statement pointing out that she was wearing a reflective yellow vest.

With all the distraction around him, and a 50-ton bulldozer to control, it is certainly possible that the the diminutive Ms Corrie was not seen.

test said...

“Rachel’s killing could have and should have been avoided,” Mrs. Corrie said.

This much is true. It's too bad Rachel didn't make a different choice.

Rewriting society's rules to make others liable for your own reckless acts is wrong. As we see here it allows the motivated to prevent everyone else from exercising their rights.

Colonel Angus said...

It's fascinating to me that a young naive (I hesitate to use the word idiot) civilian girl would place herself in the middle of a military operation and her family is shocked that she is killed.

YoungHegelian said...

@Colonel A,

The phrase "You can't do this to me! Don't you know I'm an AMERICAN!" shows up as often in the mouths of expatriate Lefties as expatriate Righties.

Carol said...

OMG, she went to Evergreen...enough said.

edutcher said...

Stupid gets you killed - every time.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Sorry, but she was an idiot. Which isn't surprising because her kind of idiocy is an article of faith in the Olympia community she went to school in.

mikee said...

A few years back there was in the blogosphere annual "Rachel Corrie Pancake Breakfast" memorials on the day of her death. Because of the humor, I guess.

I can only paraphrase Oscar Wilde in this regard: "One would have to have a heart of stone to read the death of little [Rachel] without dissolving into tears...of laughter."

mikee said...

A few years back there was in the blogosphere annual "Rachel Corrie Pancake Breakfast" memorials on the day of her death. Because of the humor, I guess.

I can only paraphrase Oscar Wilde in this regard: "One would have to have a heart of stone to read the death of little [Rachel] without dissolving into tears...of laughter."

dbp said...

Did Rachel Corrie have a penchant for standing in front of heavy earth-movers? or was this to be a one-time-deal?

If she was going to make a habit of it, then if not this one-- another bulldozer would have flattened her soon enough.

dbp said...

Did Rachel Corrie have a penchant for standing in front of heavy earth-movers? or was this to be a one-time-deal?

If she was going to make a habit of it, then if not this one-- another bulldozer would have flattened her soon enough.

Roman said...

It is too bad she died. She had a clear chance to avoid this and didn't. Maybe her demise will show other the way to act.

rcocean said...

Reminds me of the Stanford Girl who got "Necklaced" when she went to Soweto to help fight Apartheid. Later her father gave the township that killed her $20,000.

Girl lefty's are usually the dumbest of the dumb.

Fen said...

Is is Saint Pancake day again already?

The Drill SGT said...

On March 16 she and seven other American and British activists acted as human shields, dropping to their knees between the bulldozers and a home they believed were marked for destruction.

that is the nut graf. below is a photo of the dozer. D9,. The blade is 6 foot tall. As I read it, she purposely put herself in front of the blade, then crouched to conceal herself from the driver, who, behind armored windows with folks screaming, cant keep track of all the possible threats and runs over her at 1/4th of walking speed. Darwin award...

dont have much experience in dozers, but i have a lot driving tanks and PC's while looking thru vision blocks. it's high stress, claustrophobic and your vision really sucks...

Fen said...

Rachel’s killing could have and should have been avoided,” Mrs. Corrie said.

Yes, if only her parents had taught her not to be a douchebag.

YoungHegelian said...

Man, tough crowd here chez Althouse.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Drill Sgt nails it. It would have been nearly impossible to see what was close and in front of the 6 foot blade.

Lefty do gooder, protestors are about the dumbest people on earth. Always putting themselves and others into danger with the deluded notion that their ideals will weave a protective shell around themselves and no harm could possibly come to them since they are righteous in their indignation at...whatever the cause d'jour happens to be.

As such, it is a wonder that Rachel lived as long as she did before becoming squashed like a bug.

Wince said...

Hussein Abu Hussein, the lawyer who brought the wrongful-death suit on the Corrie family’s behalf... showed pictures of Ms. Corrie taken the day of her death, saying “anyone could have seen” her bright garb.

Now here's one example where a protester going topless might have actually saved her life.

The Drill SGT said...

EDH said...
Now here's one example where a protester going topless might have actually saved her life.

lol, cuase of death, 'stoning by Palestinian mob of peace protestors'

Bradoplata said...

Wonder if she knew the protester that got his legs cut off trying to stop that nuke carrying train?

CWJ said...

Two comments. Was the bulldozer there to knock down the house (as claimed), or not? For all the wailing about houses being knocked down, no one ever says this one was. Surely things came to a sudden halt that day. But I presume that the Israelis would have finished the job later. Makes me more rather than less likely to believe the Israeli version of events.

Second, where's the good in intentionally crushing a protester. Israel gains nothing, and the opposition gains everything from a dead Rachel Corrie.

Seems a typical middle east atrocity story where the "facts" are adjusted to fit the message.

Geoff Matthews said...

That's a horrible way to die, but I have a hard time blaming the driver. She was reckless and didn't exercise the minimum amount of common sense needed to preserve her life.

traditionalguy said...

Being crushed to death by soldiers of Israel defending their country is one cost of acting out Anti-semites gone wild plays hoping to exterminate the evil Jooos in their own home.

She staged her martyrdom well, and that's all she wrote.

Known Unknown said...

But the sunbather is just as dead

Really??? I assumed the sunbather was just injured, after reading that article.

Wow. That's bad.

KCFleming said...

You have to be smarter than the bulldozer.

Pro tip: trains are even dumber, and faster.

tomaig said...

Peaceful, peace-loving Rachel Corrie:

Valentine Smith said...

Voluntary martyrdom—it only makes sense that her supporters celebrate her suicide rather than turn her into a victim. Bad politics.

It's unseemly to distort the truth.

ricpic said...

There is obviously a dispute as to whether the bulldozer driver saw here or didn't see her. The Times does us no service by only presenting the case for her visibility.

hawkeyedjb said...

The backstory is the thousands of rocket and small arms attacks against Israeli citizens in that area of Gaza. Rachel Corrie was there to help those attacks continue. She was a servant in the cause of death, and died serving that cause.

Synova said...

I ever thought of it before but did this happen before or *after* Austin Powers scene where he drives over some guy with a steam roller?

MadisonMan said...

Really??? I assumed the sunbather was just injured, after reading that article.

Died later of her injuries.

Initial Report.

Death reported.

Rusty said...

MadisonMan said...
Could you say the same thing about the sunbather at James Madison Park who was run over by the Madison Parks truck?

I don't think so. But the sunbather is just as dead. And the Parks Dept employee? Whatever happened to them?

Apples and submarines my dear MM.

In one case the deceased actively sought out the aforesaid earth moving equipment. In the other the deceased was using the park for what a park was for and the vehicle accidentally ran her over.
You fuck around with heavy equipment at your own risk.
Sadly. The guy in the D9 probably never even saw her.

Æthelflæd said...

Rcocean said... "Reminds me of the Stanford Girl who got "Necklaced" when she went to Soweto to help fight Apartheid. Later her father gave the township that killed her $20,000.

Girl lefty's are usually the dumbest of the dumb."

Except that she obviously learned it from her father.

Synova said...

"Could you say the same thing about the sunbather at James Madison Park who was run over by the Madison Parks truck?

I don't think so. But the sunbather is just as dead. And the Parks Dept employee? Whatever happened to them?

I've heard of people backing over their own family members sunbathing and killing them.

It's obviously an accident and obviously the sunbather wasn't *trying* to get in the way of the truck and either didn't see or hear it (eyes closed, ipod in ears).

That's not at all the same thing as someone who gets in the way of a bulldozer, on purpose, and kneels down on the ground and plays chicken on purpose, with a bulldozer, and expects she's so special that her life is worth more than others and that this will *work*.

Alex said...

Why isn't C4 here to deify her/

Michael K said...

"A woman walking by shouted at them, “It’s the houses of terrorists they’re destroying,” prompting one of the protesters, Uri Gordon, to respond, “No, of normal people, actually.”"

Well, of normal Palestinians, anyway. They were being used to conceal the openings of tunnels to smuggle arms. That's normal for Palestinians, I guess.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

Is this "self-murder"? negligent suicide, or an extreme sports accident. She died the way she probably wanted to, but she could have accomplished a lot more if she waited.

Joe said...

But she wanted it!

Desire trumps reason and action in the liberal playbook.

Stoutcat said...

Ah, St. Pancake. Mr. Darwin took her out of th egene pool right quick, didn't he?

Reading the comments at the linked article, I only have one question: What part of the definition of "human shield" don't they understand?

Joe said...

I should say: Desire and feelings trump reason and action in the liberal playbook.

Clyde said...

"Stupidity cannot be cured with money, or through education, or by legislation. Stupidity is not a sin, the victim can’t help being stupid. But stupidity is the only universal capital crime; the sentence is death, there is no appeal, and the execution is carried out automatically and without pity."

-- Robert A. Heinlein

David said...

So the 6 year old Palestinian girl whose picture Mr. Corrie is carrying? How is that girl's life turning out? A more interesting article might have focused on her.

bgates said...

What part of the definition of "human shield" don't they understand?

I'll admit I never thought of that. What they wanted to be was a human No Bulldozing sign. You're right, the purpose of a shield is to absorb hits.

SPImmortal said...

There is obviously a dispute as to whether the bulldozer driver saw here or didn't see her. The Times does us no service by only presenting the case for her visibility.


It really doesn't matter because she wasn't ran over by the bulldozer. She was hit in the head by a falling piece of rock from the rock shelf behind her that the bulldozer had unintentionally dislodged (she was protecting a underground tunnel that was used by Hamaz). There are pictures of her prone body lying on the ground and her only visible injury is a large amount of blood flowing out of her nose.

prairie wind said...

So the 6 year old Palestinian girl whose picture Mr. Corrie is carrying? How is that girl's life turning out? A more interesting article might have focused on her.

Her photo is serving as a shield of sorts for Mr. Corrie. When you are the shield, you stop being a real person. Just as Rachel Corrie, who was bamboozled by Palestinian propaganda, lost track of the real people who are the Palestinians under the heel of those who maintain their "leadership" position with violence.

Seeing Red said...

Didn't I recently read the Palestinian medium or ave income is $10K/yr while the Egyptians barely eke out $2K?

CWJ said...

@SPImmortal. Really! That's very interesting news. I'm not challenging you, but if you had a link or two, I'd like to follow up on this. More and more, this sounds like middle eastern SOP. Jenin - the massacre that wasn't. The little boy shot down by the Israeli soldiers, but wasn't. The staged photos and photoshops in Lebanon. And on and on.

Maddad said...

The father of one of the children in my son's class was killed a coupl of years ago when he was backed over by a tow truck he was guiding to a broken down vehicle. He was wearing a yellow vest and holding a flare when it happened. There is another local case where a man was crushed by a dump truck in the quarry where he worked, everyone who works there wears a yellow vest.

I guess the lefties are right, if it can happen there, it can happen here.

Revenant said...

Mmmm. This puts me in the mood for pancakes.

Maybe I'm a bad person -- but I laughed at that.

furious_a said...

Mr. Corrie carried with him a picture not of his daughter but of the Palestinian girl, then 6...“She deserves a future that we all want for our children.”

This is the future her parents have planned for her.

Foreigner comes into town. Inserts herself into a military situation. Acts as a human shield for the enemy in the middle of that military operation.

Rachel Corrie's parents are as craven as they are pitiable. I might have felt more for them if their daughter had been trying to protect Iraqi Kurds, Thai Buddhists, Egyptian Copts or Nigerian Catholics.

Aridog said...

CWJ said ...the opposition gains everything from a dead Rachel Corrie.

Yep. And her cohorts, subsequent witnesses all, very likely told her naive self that "they always stop so don't worry" or some such tripe. These same folks testified that the dozers always stopped before. Sure nuff...and the organizers got the martyr they wanted. Adios Rachael.

Darrell said...

I still remember my headline that day--"Protest Falls Flat." Time flies!

wyo sis said...

I must be the only one who thought of this:
Whenever Richard Cory went down town,
We people on the pavement looked at him:
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean favored, and imperially slim.

And he was always quietly arrayed,
And he was always human when he talked;
But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
"Good-morning," and he glittered when he walked.

And he was rich – yes, richer than a king –
And admirably schooled in every grace:
In fine, we thought that he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place.

So on we worked, and waited for the light,
And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
Went home and put a bullet through his head.

Jason said...

Misguided, arrogant, and ignorant.

Like most people her age when she died.

Beautiful, too.

She was also brave and committed in her misguided cause.

Happens to young people from time to time. No one grabbed her and challenged that energy to something more productive and sustainable. While I disagree with her vehemently about the nature of the Israeli-Palestine conflict, I respect her a lot more than I do her fellow travelers rioting in the streets in the U.S.

If she had come to her senses, she could have amounted to something.

You can see photos here of the immediate aftermath of her death.

There is nothing about those photos but a waste.

She paid the price for her actions, in full, a thousand times over. I'd rather have her back, arguing with me in some Olympia cafe.

She deserves better than to be used as a political kickball. I hope she has the peace now that eluded her when she was alive.

I'll say nothing ill about her.

Alex said...

Jason - Rachel Corrie was very average looking.

Big Mike said...

I should think Rachel Corrie's parents are proud of their daughter, dying in a noble cause.

Her cause being the right of Palestinians to lob rockets into the houses of Israeli civilians.

But I really admire how she took the side of the people who danced in the streets when the Twin Towers fell, killing thousands of Americans. It shows a fine Christian sentiment to give up your life for worthless scum like that.

Jason said...

Oh, fuck off, Alex.

Alex said...

Jason - ok I'll fuck off now. Number of fucks given - ZERO.

Gene said...

Jason: She paid the price for her actions, in full, a thousand times over. I'd rather have her back, arguing with me in some Olympia cafe.

She deserves better than to be used as a political kickball. I hope she has the peace now that eluded her when she was alive.

I'll say nothing ill about her.

A classy response. I'll be sure to read your future posts from here on out (just as I've learned never to never read the posts of some other people here).

Ralph L said...

Rachel Corrie went home last night,
and put a dozer through her head.

Don said...

Yep, Evergreen says it all

CWJ said...

@Wyo sis

You are not alone. Every time I read or hear Rachel Corrie, I have to mentally backtrack from thinking about Richard Cory.

R.L. Hunter said...

I used to work heavy construction, on a dozer that big you can only see what's in front of you if it's 20 feet away anything closer is hidden behind the blade.

The standard joke on the job site was the orange vests were so they could find your body after you got run over.

You were told in the safety meetings the machine operators WERE NOT responsible for YOUR safety they were busy controlling their machine. If you got in the way and got hurt it was YOUR fault.

Carnifex said...

I immediately thought of Brian Wilson, who learned that Newtons 2nd law was immutable. Shame some people just have no clue on how the real world operates.

I thouh Jasons words were nice. I thought her parents were retards. And I find Palestinian behavior reprehensible.


Don't let Alex get to ya'. He's the dog that bites every hand.

Gene said...

"She chose to put herself in danger,” said the judge. "She could have easily distanced herself from the danger like any reasonable person would.”

The Japanese-Americans who volunteered to fight in the European theater with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team also chose to put themselves in danger. They also could have "easily distanced themselves from the danger like any reasonable person would." But, to their credit, they also felt that duty required them to take a stand and many, as a result, paid with their lives.

Laika's Last Woof said...

@Gene: Well there's the rub. She was a combatant in a war zone.

The best that can be said of her is that she died with honor.

The best that can be said of the D9 driver is that he accomplished his mission with zero friendly casualties.

The worst that can be said of either of them is that in war people die.

Synova said...

Well, there's the question isn't it?

Should we be nice to Rachel Corrie from the stand-point of not speaking ill of the dead?

I find that I sort of agree with this...

"I should think Rachel Corrie's parents are proud of their daughter, dying in a noble cause.

Her cause being the right of Palestinians to lob rockets into the houses of Israeli civilians.

Meaning, the cause wasn't noble.

And really, is it the same as the Japanese Americans fighting in the European half of WW2? There was some kid from an Ivy League school went to Libya to fight. If he died would we be talking about his noble sacrifice for what he believed? I doubt it.

And while it may be rude to say that Rachel wasn't good looking, wasn't the point of it, the *point* of her grand sacrifice the fact that SHE was young and pretty and AMERICAN? After all, it's okay to kill brown people all over the world but she was special and the world would certainly take note of HER. That was her plan, after all. Wasn't it?

I don't know... *should* we be nice to her on account of she's dead?

furious_a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
furious_a said...

Gene: The Japanese-Americans who volunteered to fight in the European theater with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team...

...the more apt WWII analogy for Ms. Corrie -- given the mutual Jew-loathing and the exterminationist dogma of the respective host organizations -- are the foreigners who volunteered for SS units (France-'Charlemagne', Nordic-'Das Wiking', Belgium-'Wallonia', Bosnian-'Hanshar', etc.)

Some of these units participated in the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto. Miss Corrie had the misfortune of taking sides against Jews who were much better armed.

kentuckyliz said...

In the photos Jason linked, Rachel's human shield friends aren't wearing safety orange. They are in dark clothes. It's like they put her up to it and stood out of the way. Rachel's parents should sue them!

Gene said...

It always amazes me when some posters automatically take Israel's side over that of America. The American ambassador to Israel, Daniel Shapiro, said last week that Israel's investigation of Corrie's death was not thorough, transparent or credible. Yet the Israeli judge buys it wholesale. I was in the US Navy on June 8th 1967 when Israel attacked the USS Liberty so I have a certain skepticism about Israeli explanations for the killing of Americans.

Synova said...

How, Gene, is this about America having a side? Did Rachel Corrie represent our country?

Gene said...

Synova: How, Gene, is this about America having a side? Did Rachel Corrie represent our country?

I don't know about Corrie but I know the American ambassador to Israel represents our country. When he says Israel's investigation of the Corrie killing was not "credible" I tend to believe him.

Former congressman Tom Lantos tried to squash an investigation into the Corrie killing. If Israel was fully justified in killing her, if the incident was nothing but a tragic accident, why not let a real investigation proceed, especially if all it would do was fully exonerate Israel?

Lantos had confused loyalties. He put his desire to protect Israel above his official responsibilities to protect American citizens.

Lee Kaplan said...

Tom Lantos was not Jewish and obviously the previous writer implies he was to suggest "dual loyalties" to his country when he was alive and refused to play the Rachel Corrie clown circus game of the ISM with US tax dollars. It's amazing how ISM activists like those who insist Corrie was murdered cheer on the killing of GI's in Afghanistan then try to claim dual loyalties by Jews who support Israel. Rachel Corrie was in Gaza to aid terrorists and died being a human shield for them. She was not protecting a house was proven in court, by the way. This will only be a minor footnote in the dustbin of history.

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