August 13, 2012

Paul Ryan, heckled in Iowa, said "We're used to this in Wisconsin."

Ha ha.

Having seen Wisconsin protesters in action, I appreciate the humor.

Speaking of humor, remember that "civility" bullshit?


BigFire said...

Also punch a volunteer. Pretty much what you expected from an Obama supporter.

Beta Rube said...

Hysterical screaming lefties.

Is there another kind?

Michael K said...

I wonder if the Secret Service guys were hung over ? They were a bit slow with the Obama looney.

bbkingfish said...

Yes, I remember that "civility bullshit." I knew it was bullshit as soon as Bush started to promise civility back in the 2000 campaign. Civility, unfortunately, has no place in today's politics, for good or ill.
As ye sow, so shall ye reap, or some such bullshit.

Rick Caird said...

You mean the left was never serious about civility? That is hard to believe.

Anonymous said...

Let em heckle, it only makes them look desperate, mean and stupid. Which of course they are.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

You know? That looks like a pretty dense crowd. I bet a quick hit with a short icepick to the gluteus maximus would be effective in shutting up an obnoxious rude loud mouth.

JOKING!!!! A taser would be much better.

Calypso Facto said...

As many people (3,000+) showed up to support the short-notice appearance by Ryan as did for Obama's May Iowa appearance. A shame that a few lefty-anarchists can't respect the Iowa fair soap box tradition: "It's intended to be a place where discourse is civil and respectful."

furious_a said...

This is just the beginning of "mostly peaceful" Obama proxies infiltrating "potentially violent" Republican rallies.

Let em heckle, it only makes them look desperate, mean and stupid.

Except when they devolve into Squeaky Fromme and Sarah Jane Moore.

Time for a campaign proxy or senior Republican lawmaker to fire one across the bow: "Mr. President, control your animals, please." Start it now, get it out there, so there won't be any cover for when the Obama proxies try to disrupt the Tampa convention.

KCFleming said...

Next time they'll bring drums, vuvuzelas, and giant papier mache heads.

IIRC it was quite effective in Madison.

Matt Sablan said...

Remember when the lady rushed the Rand Paul vehicle in a disguise and tossed something inside? And all the glitterbombings of Republicans?

Yeah. One of these days, it isn't going to be someone playing at being crazy dangerous.

Security needs to up its freaking game.

Cedarford said...

The Democrat and unions have to know by now that their goon squads and planted heckler tactics have backfired.

They make a Walker, a Ryan, a Romney look decisive and manly standing up to them...
And they have got most of the security "drill" down pat. No one cares if some dirty OWS - looking type or union thug is dragged off. (And I mean not the Republicans at a rally, but the general public in Wisconsin, etc.)
With bitches like Code Pink, you have to be more circumspect and not manhandle them off like you would a male punk..."but you shout down their shoutdown" so the liberal and progressive jewish media gets no coherent sound bites to run of the female disruptors.
Then give the message that the women are rude, discourteous and should leave with gentle coaxing and patronizing ...which make the female disruptors look even more angry, brittle, self-indulgent and strident..

bgates said...

George W Bush was as civil a politician as has lived in Washington DC in the last 20 years.

edutcher said...

Let the SEIU idiots come.

People will see how big the crowds are when the nets do film at 7.

Cedarford said...

TWM said...
Let em heckle, it only makes them look desperate, mean and stupid. Which of course they are
No....all that does is make a statement that radical opposition to the Democrat or Republican running seem strong and by the audience's and pols inaction - something that Must-Be-Heard.

(lots more against Republicans and conservatives though some right-wingers and Larouche nuts have targeted Democrats)

You stand up to the heckler(s), make them look bad, get the audience behind the urge to shut them up.
Comics and other performers know the technique well. And follow it with security muzzling the people trying to shut down a performance or free speech of a candidate...and hustle them off.

One of Dubya Bush's big mistakes was reacting to smears and disruptions directed at him with passivity. He sort of conceeded, foolishly thinking that history would exonerate him...that the Sheehans and AlGore (He Betrayed America!) sorts had the moral authority to smear and libel and disrupt him.

wyo sis said...

I sometimes long for a mental cattle prod. Just buzz them and they have no idea where it came from. I'd use it on people who use their cell phones in theaters, rowdy protestors, snotty teenagers and parents who jerk their kids around in public.
Of course, I'm an evil conservative, so all I can do is long for a return of public decency and a healthy sense of shame for shameful behavior.

furious_a said...

Remember, the Obama proxies showed up for the '08 Republican convention in Minneapolis with molotovs and homemade riot shields.

damikesc said...

Yes, I remember that "civility bullshit." I knew it was bullshit as soon as Bush started to promise civility back in the 2000 campaign. Civility, unfortunately, has no place in today's politics, for good or ill.

In his defense, Bush did try. NCLB was heavily written by Kennedy.

This is the usual Left's well known love of free speech and all.

jr565 said...

If this were a rock concert and you jumped up on the stage like that you'd likely get a microphone stand smashed into your face.

Richard Dolan said...

Ryan was wise to invoke the Wisconsin precedent, particularly given how it turned out. A repeat of that 53-46 result in November would be just fine.

ALH said...

Watching the President "punch down" at the VP nominee of his opponent today made Obame look, ummm, un-presidential

Palladian said...

Has Obama ever actually looked "presidential"?

Matt Sablan said...

How come Obama is always being compared to the VP nominee? He was endlessly compared to Palin and, now, to Romney. I rarely see him getting stacked across McCain (then) or Romney (now).

Brian Brown said...

Oh how nice of the lefty's to throw punches.

They're so tolerant, you know!

Brian Brown said...

bbkingfish said...
Yes, I remember that "civility bullshit." I knew it was bullshit as soon as Bush started to promise civility back in the 2000 campaign.

Note the utter inability to criticize any left wing activity in any manner under any circumstance.

Æthelflæd said...

"George W Bush was as civil a politician as has lived in Washington DC in the last 20 years."

There was a lot to complain about in W's presidency, but anyone who says he didn't try his damndest to be civil is not in full possession of all their faculties. He was a truly kind man.

Sydney said...

How come Obama is always being compared to the VP nominee? He was endlessly compared to Palin and, now, to Romney. I rarely see him getting stacked across McCain (then) or Romney (now).

Yeah, what's up with that? I can't recall anytime other than Palin's nomination, when the VP nominee got as much attention and scrutiny as the presidential nominee. (or more) What does Mr Obama always run against the VP?

Chip Ahoy said...

I'm losing patience with everybody being so nice.

Our president said, "Get in their faces" and "punch back twice as hard."

Okay, now what was that advice again? Is this another of those taken-out-of-context things?

No. He was talking about getting in the opposition's faces and punching back twice as hard, and his advice on that occasion was, "Get in their faces," and "Punch back twice as hard."

I'm not really political myself. I vote, that's it. But I like you guys and it's you guys's thing, you talk about it all the time. So I go along with you because it seem how you have fun. As an observer to these strange doings I'm disappointed. This is just the beginning, I understand that, much more to come, I realize that, but I thought by now the crazy is known predicted and deflected. The thing is, the item said a volunteer was punched, could be wrong, but nothing came of that, and that there indicates lack of preparation for the crazy. Important because, this may be obscene generalization, save for an outlier like Oswald the crazies do not have proper gun training or due respect for firearms.

Icepick said...

I bet a quick hit with a short icepick to the gluteus maximus would be effective in shutting up an obnoxious rude loud mouth.

I don't want to be shoved into the butt of random idiots. Or even selected idiots.

Icepick said...

You mean the left was never serious about civility? That is hard to believe.

They're under order from the President to let any potential assassins get to Romney, Ryan and their families. Those Republicans are so fucking dangerous, don't you know.

I mean, he's already using the IRS and the MSM to go after anyone that dares support Romney, why not tell the Secret Service to take the day off, go get some hookers and blow, and let the chips fall where they may?

Synova said...

Who wants to put money on a bet that no one had to be removed for disrupting Obama's event?

chickelit said...

Synova said...
Who wants to put money on a bet that no one had to be removed for disrupting Obama's event?

Weren't there a few different women at Obama events (2008) who swooned or fainted and had to be removed (for their safety)? That was a disruptive.

Synova said...

Darn, chickelit, you're right.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I bet a quick hit with a short icepick to the gluteus maximus would be effective in shutting up an obnoxious rude loud mouth.

I don't want to be shoved into the butt of random idiots. Or even selected idiots.

Well, I did say a 'short' Icepick ;-

Eric Jablow said...

Michael K.,

The Secret Service Agents were in Columbia mode.

The Godfather said...

We have to remember that news of events like this will be filtered through the mainstream media before it gets to the "undecided" voters who will decide this election. Conservatives who spend time on conservative blogs and watching Fox News need to remember: the people who will decide this election won't even know what is going on unless it's covered by ABC, NBC, and CBS. Think about how the MSM covered the Occupy movement and ask yourself if you really think that disruption at Republican events is going to hurt Obama's election chances.

A. Shmendrik said...

As long as he wasn't photographed eating a corn-dog, I'm OK with this. Word up to his handlers, there will be more of this shit, anticipate it, and design around it.

JAL said...

re GWB He was a truly kind man.

He still is.

JAL said...

I saw a clip of Biden criticizing Ryan's budget.

Now just wHere is the Dem budget again?

Synova said...

I was just thinking, you know what?

Rushing the stage, punching a volunteer in the face... that's perfectly reasonable behavior if what Wasserman-Schultz says was actually true.

If what she says is true, those people are entirely reasonable. It's reasonable to rush the stage, reasonable to punch a volunteer. The stakes are that important.

Of course the real truth is that she lies, or parses the truth so finely that her ass is covered while the people she alarms are left out to hang.

Is it an accident if she makes it sound like people 55 and older are going on vouchers? Like she, by *accident* wasn't clear? Is it an accident if she makes it sound like Ryan introduced legislation to ban birth control? She slipped a "could" in there to cover her own ass and never bothered to say "COULD allow someone else to do what I'm saying, plain as day, that Ryan actually did."

So someone believes her that the world is ending. Believes her that Ryan is extreme and tried to get a law passed to BAN birth control and intends to dismantle Medicare and put seniors on vouchers, and is lying when he says promises will be kept for those 55 and older.

The most reasonable thing to do is go bat-shit at a rally and attack the man who is destroying the world.

Oh, but remember... Palin said "target" once.

jeyi said...

Yo, Cedarford... We sure haven't seen you around much these days. Does Althouse's blog fall within the "progressive Jewish media", and all?

Peter V. Bella said...

Civility bullshit is right. Democrats, liberals, and progressives do not know what civility is. They are the most uncivilized people on the planet.

iowantwo said...

Breaking news! Heckler disrupts Republican VP candidate at the obligatory Iowa State Fair command political appearance.
I have just settled in here at home from spending the last two days at the fair and will share
Other unusual happenings found at the Iowa State Fair. 'Funny' smells emanating from the various structures referred to by the locals as 'barns'.
Visiting dietitians, were shocked at the amount of obesity spotted on the grand concourse.
Employees working the midway rides and games appeared to be lazy, shiftless, and not very trust worthy, what happened to all the clean cut,honest,and helpful carnies?

furious_a said...

This post (and my comment) got Insty'd!

Ritchie The Riveter said...

Godfather, we got the same kind of press when we started disrupting Congresscritters' town-hall meetings in a rather-uncivil manner (though it didn't come to blows), before the 2010 elections.

So much for the effect of lousy coverage.

Keep in mind that, when we remain "civil", that has often left the purveyors of intellectual dishonesty effectively unchallenged ... and when that happens, the Ministry of State Messaging is left free to promote the dishonesty as the accepted norm to those who get their news from it ... as we saw from the first days of TV until the Internet, FNC, and others started punching holes in the MSM firewall.

Yes, we need to respond to honest viewpoints with civility and reasoned discourse.

However, civility in response to intellectual dishonesty, is counterproductive in the defense of liberty, for it allows the dishonest to frame the debate.

Let us not stop the yellin', until they stop the lyin' ...

Clyde said...

I sent the Buzzfeed article with the heckler pic to a couple of friends yesterday with this comment:

Looks like Mr. Cranky took a wrong turn on the way to Key West. "Hey, Pops, the Hemingway Festival is THAT way!"

Matt Sablan said...

Frankly, next time, we may want to just let the unhinged person deck Ryan. Let him show up to the debate with Biden with a nice, black eye where some crazy hit him.

At this point, I think the only way for the left to start calming its people down is to actually suffer political losses because of the craziness.

Christopher in MA said...

USA Today reports these scum as "spirited." I think Romney supporters now should bring tasers or pepper spray with them. If any Democrat acts up, hammer them until their brains bleed out their ears.

Yes, I remember that 'civility bullshit.' I knew it was bullshit as soon as Bush started to promise civility back in the 2000 campaign.

GWB was used to working with Texas Democrats, who at least had some grounding in reality. He learned very quickly that DC Democrats are lying, thieving, raping, murdering bastards. Don't whine to us about 'bullshit' when your side spent eight years shrieking "selected not elected" and "Bush lied, people died."

Fuck you and fuck your whole filthy party. As far as I'm concerned, history will damn Bush for not hanging the entire Democrat congress for treason.

Æthelflæd said...

JAL said, "He still is."

He certainly is. I am way to the right of him politically, but he is a wonderful man.

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