August 31, 2012

"MSNBC pundits said Clint Eastwood’s GOP convention speech Thursday night was a 'bizarre' and 'embarrassing' 'disaster'..."

Key word: MSNBC.
“Clint Eastwood was a disaster,” Lawrence O’Donnell said.

“I thought Clint Eastwood was bizarre,” Ed Schultz said. “It was demeaning to the presidency.”
Ha ha ha. That wasn't even a comedy routine (as Eastwood's performance was).

ADDED: I hope if anyone does any comedy at the Democratic convention that Ed Schultz will be fair and balanced enough to say it demeans the presidency. Maybe he should be a little more concerned about what demeans journalism.

AND: Here's the whole Eastwood performance. Is it really that hard to get? No, they're merely playing dumb (and humorless), even though they want the other party to be known as "the stupid party."

UPDATE: I just rewatched the performance. It was great! Hilarious... subtle... well-paced.... The haters are totally bullshitting and playing dumb (assuming they are not actually dumb). And what they are trying to do is scare other celebrities: Toe the line or we will destroy you. That crushing repression is the opposite of what the performing arts should be about.

ALSO: "Why the criticism and mockery of Clint Eastwood will backfire."


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Rose said...

I thought it was funny - and every line actually zinged Obama in ways that sort of hit you later.

He was also VERY charming - when the lady yelled "Make My Day" and he said "I don't say that word any more..." then he smiles - as if just for her, 'Well, maybe one last time."

It weren't no run-o'-the-mill political speech, that's for sure. Made me laugh. Not cringe, Well, ok, maybe wince. LOL

Baron Zemo said...

Please do chastize Ms. Meadows for her attitudes about having casual sex.

She just dabbles so someday she might have the chance to get an abortion.

Then she can get the t-shirt.

Fen said...

BTW, where was all this libtard concern about demeaning the Presidency when Clinton was shooting his was all over the Oval Office?

The Scythian said...

"Just show the office the respect it deserves."


The Chimp. Bushitler. Comedians cracking jokes when an Iraqi threw a shoe at President Bush, and assorted left-leaning partisans cheering the guy who threw the shoe.

Then, going back to Reagan? Good lord, the direspect was at a fever pitch. This continues today, with the activists who were invited to a formal event at the White House recently proudly (and unapologetically) giving the finger to a portrait of Reagan.

Sorry. I don't buy this lecturing about respect shit.

Now, I'm not merely saying that "Oh, Democrats/lefties do it, so it's fine." I'm saying that this is fucking America, and we're Americans, and our presidents--Republicans or Democrats--are not gods, or kings, or god-kings.

The office of the presidency deserves respect as part of our sacred civics, but the men who hold that office? Not so much. They're our servants, not our masters.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I thought it was absolutely unequivocally brilliant.

Especially when you realize that it was "performance art" and NOT a political campaign speech. The pauses and reflective listening to the empty chair were a part of the performance.

It was great.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I thought it was funny - and every line actually zinged Obama in ways that sort of hit you later.

Under the radar.. like that movie where he stole the Russian plane.

Bryan C said...

"The trouble with Libertarians are their extreme views such has all drugs legalized for OTC purchase and no foreign policy; positions that ignorant, ill-formed and have no bearing in the real world."

I'm a libertarian, but the Libertarian Party is why I'm a registered Republican.

Small-l libertarian ideals are making steady progress, but no thanks to the Libertarian Party.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

OT-- Since the Professor dropped word verification it seems there's been about a one million percent increase in duplicate comments. Why?

shiloh said...

Ohio Early Voting Ruling: Court Orders State To Restore 3 Days Of Voting Before Election Day


that is all ...

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

It is hilarious to watch the pro-democrat media collectively and instinctively rush in to protect their delicate genius. It proves yet again the media are not honest disseminators of news. Instead they are puerile and desperate, revealing their unprofessionalism at every turn. And It's getting worse by the day.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

For the record... Its not nice to be hammering somebody for a misguided comment about their personal life over and over.

We've all been there.. in the heat of the moment something slips out and we have readjust..

Wait a minute.. kidding ;)

But seriously this time.

Leave Lindsey alone.

Anonymous said...

EMD said...
"...whenever I comment on blogs is to attempt to not claim things I have no clue about. At least when offering up an opinion, I'll usually frame it as such."

so this is one of those things you have no clue about?

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

This has been mentioned many times, but after the way Bush was ridiculed no one has any right to complain about a lack of respect for the office.

Apparently, dissent is no longer patriotic.

Do people just forget what happened in the recent past?

Matt said...

There would be no difference today if Hillary were president. She wanted a health care plan as well. Everything else would be pretty much the same.

garage mahal said...

No jane, it was the cons who were upset w/Eastwood for doing a pro-Obama commercial, or so they thought!

Here is the Halftime in America thread from last Feb.

"Buy Ford!"
"Clint, you lost me!"
"Clint's just proving that actors do almost anything for money."
"I choose to remember Clint as he once was, not as a shill for liberal fascism."
"I don't support my enemies."

Here is Amartel:
"Clint's got old guy syndrome. People reach a certain age and they just stop paying attention to details."

Here is Amartel in this thread:
" You can compound this bizarre and uncivil disaster by continuing to whine about stupid demented old people. Old people love hearing stuff like that!"


You'll notice all the burning hatred for GM in that old thread, the same commenters whom this week, were suddenly so concerned for it's well being.

Obama lied, and the Janesville GM plant died!

Anonymous said...

AprilApple said...
"... media collectively and instinctively rush in to protect their delicate genius. It proves yet again the media are not honest disseminators of news. Instead they are puerile and desperate, revealing their unprofessionalism at every turn. And It's getting worse by the day."

You have a remote don't you? Fox isn't the only channel. Get some variety instead of pablum...

Dr Weevil said...

Lindsey Meadows wrote: "When I wrote for anything tht was viewed in the public I wrote President Bush out of respect for the office." So what did you write about him when it was not to be viewed by the public? And what did you say about him when you thought there weren't any live mikes around? Anything like what David Chalian said about him when he thought there weren't any live mikes around?

And how do you jibe this claim of respect with what you wrote just last night, that Romney has "small balls"? (It's on the 3rd page of comments on the "Day 3 of the Convention" thread.) I would have thought that a likely soon-to-be-president would deserve most, if not all, of the respect of a current incumbent? Don't you?

Anonymous said...

Fen said...
BTW, where was all this libtard concern about demeaning the Presidency when Clinton was shooting his was all over the Oval Office?"

You meant "wad" didn't you as in "shooting his wad"? Try and be accurate...and to tell you the truth as to "where was this libtard" Rushism, I think I was 12. My parents protected me from predators and gross pigs.

shiloh said...

Romney Does Not Mention War Once In Convention Speech... First For GOP Nominee Since '52


Hey, cut willard some slack, he's a warm and fuzzy mittens!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The democrats are realizing this is the "cheat to win" election.

We should all sign up to take part in the process. The left will do anything to win. Their moto: "Just keep voting until we win."
Putin is proud.

edutcher said...

Again, cons just like to continuously whine about anything.

Today, however, all we hear is Lefties.

Ohio Early Voting Ruling: Court Orders State To Restore 3 Days Of Voting Before Election Day


The little animal is so unsure of his Messiah, he cheers anything that advances vote fraud.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I don't have FOX news at all.

Anonymous said...

Dr Weevil said...
" I would have thought that a likely soon-to-be-president would deserve most, if not all, of the respect of a current incumbent? Don't you?"

then you would have thought wrong. Romney is running for president President Obama IS the president. See? Do you want me to use smaller words? Type slower?

Huh snookums?

Chip Ahoy said...

None of the critics responded to what Clint Eastwood said.

Because they cannot. But everybody there and others watching did listen to what Clint Eastwood said. That's the difference and that's the reason why these people will be flattened like pancakes. They're not listening. Never were.

garage mahal said...

Voting early = voter fraud!

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Ohio Early Voting Ruling: Court Orders State To Restore 3 Days Of Voting Before Election Day

Shilo celebrates a grater opportunity for mischief... the chance the "lost" trunks wont have be as big.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Lindsey - I'm not talking about Cable. I am referring to all regular networks: ABC, CBS, NBC..

Actually this time, PBS and C-span were superior. No unprofessional pro-democrat crap out of them.

test said...

shiloh said...
Again, cons just like to continuously whine about anything.

Says the troll who has never contributed anything but whines.

MadisonMan said...

This has been mentioned many times, but after the way Bush was ridiculed no one has any right to complain about a lack of respect for the office.

I don't buy the argument -- that you have to show respect for the office -- one iota. Presidents have been ridiculed by members of the other party all through my lifetime. And probably before.

You want my respect, Mr. President? Earn it. (That goes for several recent holders of the office).

The people who are so enamored of any President that they complain about the demeaning of the office should learn a little history and STFU.

shiloh said...

You would think mittens would have at least thanked the troops serving overseas in harm's way.

Who was the numb nuts who wrote willard's speech ?!?

edutcher said...

Romney Does Not Mention War Once In Convention Speech... First For GOP Nominee Since '52


Maybe because people are more concerned about the Choom economy, they know the Republicans will do right on foreign policy.

What can Zero talk about?

Grabbing credit for a 10 year effort to find bin Laden?

Lousing up A-stan?

Throwing the victory in Iraq away?

Bowing and scraping before every political cutthroat on the world stage?

Golfing while Iran spins centrifuges?

Unknown said...

If anyone has seen Jimmy Stewart in the movie "Harvey" you would get Clint's "act". No matter how it came across the jabs were on target.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Romney Does Not Mention War Once In Convention Speech... First For GOP Nominee Since '52.

If he did, the spin would be, GOP Uses Dead Americans As Political Props.

I think its a good thing to try and depoliticise wars.. feel free to disagree.

edutcher said...

You would think mittens would have at least thanked the troops serving overseas in harm's way.

As opposed to Zero who tries to take credit for their work?

Known Unknown said...


That's funny.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

You would think mittens would have at least thanked the troops serving overseas in harm's way.

It was a political convention... and he kept it political.

Dems are slamming Romney for doing the right thing.

X said...

more memorable than any speech Obama ever made

test said...

Lem said...
But seriously this time.

Leave Lindsey alone.

Why should people be treated better than they treat others? Her nastiness and disrespect should be returned twofold until she leaves or changes.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Look it here..

While Obama said things were going to be different... Romney (only a candidate) does things differently and he gets slammed.

SeanF said...

Bryan C: Frankly the empty chair was a brilliant choice. It's the Oval Office equivalent of "voting present". I think that visual will have legs.

It's a chair, Bryan. Of course it has legs!

furious_a said...

Lindsey: "Just show the office the respect it deserves"

I'll take Ms. Meadows at her word, but if Mr. Eastwood had made the same speech at a Demo convention about a sitting Republican President the Demo Wymyn would have been throwing their panties at him like it was a Tom Jones concert.

Known Unknown said...

Ohio Early Voting Ruling: Court Orders State To Restore 3 Days Of Voting Before Election Day

The obvious solution to the problem is to make Election Day a national holiday, rather than make voting an endless process.

I would about logistics of having polling places open many days, about the securement and transport of ballots, etc. It's Election Day for a reason -- just make it a holiday to maximize the amount of people who can easily fit it into their schedule.

Voting shouldn't be too easy. It should be something you regard with enough importance to make plans to do.

Known Unknown said...

* worry, not would.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Why should people be treated better than they treat others? Her nastiness and disrespect should be returned twofold until she leaves or changes.

She might be persuaded.. she might persuade us.. or more accurately me. Nastiness is not conducive to that desired outcome.

Now.. she held out an olive branch and I took that to mean shes not a nasty person.

janetrae said...

Garage and Shiloh -- you are making my point for me -- Clint disappointed righties 8 months ago and they said so -- why are you omitting the smug "and he is so correct" remarks you (or others like you) made at the time? Shoe is on the other foot -- see?

janetrae said...

And I think I hit enter twice accidentally because my screen froze before -- sorry for the double post.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

as to "where was this libtard" [when Clinton was demeaning the office of President]Rushism, I think I was 12. My parents protected me from predators and gross pigs.

Well, that explains much. When you have some life experience and are not continually coddled by your parents, you might be able to buy a clue.

I am assuming that the predator and gross pig IS Clinton. Right?

ark said...

Has anyone else noticed that the first words of Eastwood's actual speech (after asking the applauding audience to "save some for Mitt") were I know what you're thinking?

chickelit said...

Shilho wrote: Romney Does Not Mention War Once In Convention Speech... First For GOP Nominee Since '52

I see that Shilho got his talking points--too bad he decided to blow the secret theme of next week's DNC Convention: an endless parade of active duty and retired military trumpeting their CinC.

Yes, the Dems will politicise anything--even war.

Why do you think they threaten to sue if the story isn't spun their way?

section9 said...

Long after Obama is defeated, smart analysts of the 2012 Campaign will come to realize that it was Clint Eastwoods stunning application of Saul Alinsky's Rule #5 that destroyed Obama's Reelection Chances.

5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."

Eastwood, who doesn't give a fuck what Harvey Weinstein or Spielberg thinks about him, and made his Fuck You Money decades ago, can't be blackballed or threatened. He's Eastwood. They aren't.

What he did last night was to make it safe for the President, His Oneness, to be laughed at by people in Hollywood and in Social Media.

He knew exactly what he was doing.. He knew also that comics like Leno and Stewart couldn't do what he was going to do, so he up and did it anyway.

That was a pivot point, a decisive turning in the Campaign. In 12 minutes, he stripped Obama of his unassailability by the media.

This was the decisive moment in the Campaign, when everything turned in Romney's favor. All Mittens has to do is get through the debates and this thing is in the bag for him.

Anonymous said...

Since shiloh or one of our other liberal trolls, threw a Gallup poll over the comments transom this morning to chortle at the lack of a convention bounce, I want to let the trolls know that Patty Murry of the Obama campaign just sent me some alarming news:

BREAKING: “Romney takes lead over Obama with convention ‘bounce’” (Reuters, 8/30)

Robert — Polls show that Paul Ryan’s factually-challenged speech gave Romney a huge boost:

***POLLING UPDATE*** (source: Reuters/Ipsos)
Before Convention - Obama 46 Romney 42
After Convention - Obama 42 Romney 44

In order to win this election and keep the Senate, we must halt this polling surge.

The FEC deadline is just 12 hours and we’re $200,000 behind our goal. Hitting this goal means that we can fight for President Obama. Missing it means lose the election. Can you contribute $5?

Patty Murray

I've been bombarded more than ever with similar email appeals from the DNC since the Republican convention began. I note that the standard donation has risen from $3 to $5.

The trolls are putting on a brave little show with all their snickering and snarking, but I think they are scared. They should be.

Go ahead, make my day.

R.C. said...

Here's how it played, for me:

I thought the timing was off, sometimes, and that the old-guy disjointedness, if feigned, was feigned not only too convincingly, but a bit too often, distracting from the humor of it.

But I am left thinking it was all pretty brilliant, nonetheless.

Basically, The Empty Chair is now the world's short-hand, their icon, to represent Obama.

The Empty Chair is the next Internet Meme representing Obama. Every trite pointless phrase that exits his mouth is going to be superimposed on a photo of an empty chair, like one of those LOLcats.

I wondered, in fact, if they shouldn't have had an empty suit, perhaps with a white shirt and one of Obama's more often-worn ties, propped up in the chair to make the point more directly.

But, no, I decided: The Empty Chair is more accurate. The chair of President has been empty for the last four years. There's a guy there, sort of, but there's so little leadership you'd never know it.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vza said...

"Maybe he should be a little more concerned about what demeans journalism."

Hear! Hear!
Journalism is not what too many of those media propagandists have been doing for four years. President Obama has had a very subservient press for the most part...and he has the nerve to be thin-skinned, even with that kind of media support! No president, Democrat or Republican, should have the soft-ball questions and critique Obama regularly gets from the media.

Farmer said...

DADvocate said...
Or maybe I'm just a little too real for you.

Barf. Don't flatter yourself.

Your original was a typical ploy: Something negatives (He was pretty awful.) mixed with positive (I'm a fan). It's intended to make the negative appear more valid by the writer seemingly being someone who likes Eastwood, or whomever.

Just the fact that you hail from Dane County tilts the odds in the direction of you being a lefty.

You sound insane.

Synova said...

"@ Alex - I don't blame Clint at all. But who the hell thought putting an 82 year old up on stage with an empty chair would be a good idea? Adlibbing no less."

Is there any way that comments like this don't come across as being anti-elderly?

I mean... no one cares what Dose said, but I've heard it again and again... Ew... he's OLD.


Like a NINJA.

I was shocked at how old he was, but he IS old. And so are a whole lot of voters.

Bruce Hayden said...

Not quite as good as the "You didn't build it" stuff, but already photoshopped pics are being put on the web poking fun at President Obama in response to Eastwood's "speech" last night.

The problem for the libs here is that they seem to be perpetually losing the humor battle this election cycle, and it is hard to vote for someone for being cool, if he is always ending up the laughing stock of much of the country.

jr565 said...

Fen wrote;
And you know where you can stick your "civility" bullshit. After 8 years of libtards whining "Bush lie troops died!"... Really.

Hear hear.
Not to mention accusing Repubs of being racists for having policy differences with Obama. Not to mention accusing republicans of triggering gumnmen because of Sarah Palin's use of cross hairs and so called violent rhetoric in an election ad. (even though such usage was common on all sides long before Sarah Palin ever set foot on the public stage).
F them all.

test said...

Lem said...
She might be persuaded

People who don't reason into their opinions can't be reasoned out of them.

she held out an olive branch

I reread through her comments and none are even close to an olive branch.

I took that to mean shes not a nasty person.

Well by all appearances, you got a guy with small balls.


Lem the artificially intelligent said...

("save some for Mitt") were I know what you're thinking?

Idea for a video where every line from last night fits together well with a line from one of his movies.

alan markus said...

Hope you guys talking to "Lindsey Meadows" know you are most likely talking to a dude.

Lindsey Meadows (born April 10, 1982 in Cleveland, Ohio, United States) is a pornographic actress. She entered the adult film industry in 2004 at the age of around 22, and has since appeared in over 100 movies.

mariner said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wildswan said...

I saw it today and thought it was excellent. It was a comedy routine and it played off how people thought Clint Eastwood would act. Plus it was a relief from all those speeches, even though I liked most of them. And I think having an older person up there at the convention is a great idea - and Eastwood was good at doing old - gentler than he used to be but still right to the point. In short, the convention was extremely well done - with different kinds of speeches - Ann Romney, Mia Love, Paul Ryan, Clint Eastwood and Romney - and I think the Democrats will have trouble matching it. They will be repetitive and predictable and try to hide it with screaming and preening.

jr565 said...

section9 wrote:
Eastwood, who doesn't give a fuck what Harvey Weinstein or Spielberg thinks about him, and made his Fuck You Money decades ago, can't be blackballed or threatened. He's Eastwood. They aren't.

Eastwood can do the blackballing himself if he so desires (though he seems like a pretty honorable guy so I doubt would do that).

mariner said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Baron Zemo said...

My Dear Little Lem.....I am afraid you are wasting your time.

Ms. Meadows can not be changed. She is steadfast in her opinions. There will never be a change.

And she is also not a woman.

No woman writes the way that she/it does.

Please turn your lonely heart in another direction.

Michael K said...

" Blogger section9 said...

Long after Obama is defeated, smart analysts of the 2012 Campaign will come to realize that it was Clint Eastwoods stunning application of Saul Alinsky's Rule #5 that destroyed Obama's Reelection Chances.

5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."

You may well be right. Clint is still directing and his movies always finish on time.

rhhardin said...

"The stupid party" is the conservative name for the Republican party, not the left's name for it.

Baron Zemo said...

Also....the Crack Emcee is not a Negro.

Eric said...

Just show the office the respect it deserves

Sorry. You reap what you sow. Democrats treated the office without one iota of respect for eight years. Republicans have been far less vitriolic in their criticism of Obama, but we certainly reserve the right to act like you did.

Brennan said...

The high dollar Obama donors received 10 emails today asking for money.

It's not even happy hour on the West Coast yet.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Eastwood's appearance also helped demystify Obama's "GOP war on women" meme.

In his IMDb page it says [Eastwood is] "Perhaps the icon of macho movie stars"... however, I believe if you were to ask women on a poll how they like Eastwood compared to Obama, I think Eastwood would fare better than Obama.

It goes against all the pandering the domocrats subject women to. Hillary Clinton exibit A.

Eric said...

Oh, let's just take a trip down Memory Lane, shall we?

edutcher said...

And just to illustrate the little animal's concern for 3 day voting in OH (he's so counting on fraud winning it), there's an item about 60% of the black vote in Milwaukee having disappeared.

PS About the Romster not mentioning the troops, anybody wanna bet, if Zero does it, there'll be a lot more 'I' and 'me' than 'they'?

Baron Zemo said...

I thought Domocrats were Japanese?

Alex said...

We younger people like to make fun of the elderly. You know the lack of bladder/bowel control, the senility. We do it in a nervous way to mask our own terror. We know what the path of life holds in store. That's why I'm going out on my own terms well before that happens.

Baron Zemo said...

Sooner rather than later Alex if you please!

Alex said...

All it takes is eating a pistol.

Baron Zemo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jungatheart said...

It was fine. For him to have gone Dirty Harry or Walt Kowalski would have diminished his message. He took the place of the average citizen asking the president some honest questions. At the point he betrayed nerves I don't think it was age, but performing live. He can make my day any time.

alan markus said...

@ Lindsey Meadows

I think I was 12. My parents protected me from predators and gross pigs

And yet your parents named you after a porn star?

Eric said...

That's why I'm going out on my own terms well before that happens.

That's an easy thing to say. Have you considered the possibility you could find meaning and happiness in life even without perfect bladder control?

Anonymous said...

I don't blame Clint at all. But who the hell thought putting an 82 year old up on stage with an empty chair would be a good idea? Adlibbing no less.

At 82 Clint Eastwood is still making movies. My Hollywood friend tells me that Eastwood runs a set which is legendary for control, efficiency, no drama, and coming in under budget. We shall be extraordinarily fortunate if Romney runs the country half as well.

From what I've read, Eastwood threw away his script for his convention appearance and decided to wing it. Who was going to tell him no? Yeah, it was rough in spots, but who can forget it? Why else would we still be talking about it?

The people who are dissing it are mostly the people who were hurt by it, i.e. Obama's supporters -- they are really complaining that their ox was gored.

The only real question is how it worked for the independent voters and I'll bet it made them chuckle and ponder the points Eastwood made against Obama and for Romney.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

There is more than one Lindsey Meadows out there.. and even then if this is that Lindsey... there's that thing I happen to like called redemption.... I chasten to get religious but secular dont have a good enough replacement word for it.

Again, I'm not speaking for anybody else here.

sonicfrog said...

As someone who wanted to be an actor, majored in theater for a time in college, and spent a wee bit of time in Hollywood after college, here is my perspective.

The Chair - Twenty to one "The Chair" has been in use when he is casting for a movie or is helping one of his actors with a scene. I can see a director having me emote to a chair to try and get more from me. and I'll admit, more than once I've had a conversation with my guitar when things didn't go well on stage.

"Someone as polished as Clint Eastwood sounded completely out of his element. "


I was listening to the radio today, and a caller made a similar comment, except not in as nice terms. Thing is, we have this vision of who he is. But it's not based on reality. It's based on the characters he's played in the movies. When he was mayor of Carmel CA, I don't recall that he ever was much for speeches. I could be wrong on that though.

Note: I didn't watch any of the convention. Conventions are pretty much all the same. I did an open mic last night so I couldn't watch if I wanted to. The Eastwood bit is the only thing from the entire convention that had me wanting to look it up on YouYube.

Alex said...

If Clint had done the DNC ridiculing Romney instead, we'd all be peeing ourselves in fright about the effect on the election. Just perform that mental exercise of what effect Clint has on older swing voters.

alan markus said...

By the way, "Lindsey Meadows", are you really Anthony Cagle? Not sure how this Google+ "circle" works.

Alex said...

That's an easy thing to say. Have you considered the possibility you could find meaning and happiness in life even without perfect bladder control?

I'm about to turn 36, ask me again 20 years.

Penny said...


"We *blank* this country".

"Politicians are employees of *blank*".

"And when somebody does not do the job, we get to *blank* *blank* *blank*".

alan markus said...

Lem said "there is more than one Lindsey Meadows out there.. and even then if this is that Lindsey

Nah, I think at worst it's a troll, at best "she" is a "he".

Darrell Pittman said...

And get off his lawn!

kcom said...

Here's one from the truth is stranger than fiction department:

Note it's dated April 7, 2012.

Clint Eastwood Sues Furniture Company for Selling 'Eastwood' Chairs

Penny said...

There isn't anyone, Democrat or Republican, who watched Eastwood last night who could not ace that pop quiz.

Impressive work, for an old man. ;)

Alex said...

I do have a problem with the notion that "we the people own the country". What does that mean? It's a nifty slogan, sure to gain popularity contests but it sounds like the rabble to me.

kcom said...

"What does it mean?"

It's shorthand for saying, despite the arrogance and haughtiness of some politicians ("I won."), it's still our country. We're the owners, the politicians are the employees. They work for us. Not the other way around. They're spending our money, not theirs. We aren't answerable to them, they are answerable to us.

Brennan said...

Eastwood's films are pretty popular among the best Hollywood actors. It's because he likes to shoot movies really quickly and gives the actors a lot of freedom.

Actors can take an Eastwood role and know Clint is going to shoot the damn movie in time for the actor to go do some Disney crap.

Eric said...

I do have a problem with the notion that "we the people own the country". What does that mean? It's a nifty slogan, sure to gain popularity contests but it sounds like the rabble to me.

I always took it to mean we the people can replace politicians that aren't acting in our interests. Don't really find it remarkable as an assertion.

Brennan said...

I do have a problem with the notion that "we the people own the country". What does that mean? It's a nifty slogan, sure to gain popularity contests but it sounds like the rabble to me.

Yes we can?

The left's battle cry is "The peoples" this and "the peoples" that. And you have a problem when that term is transformed into one that ponders the ownership society?

Alex said...

No we don't own the country. We own the political franchise. I just wish Clint had made that more clear.

Willys said...

It appears there's two kinds of responders here. Those who got it. And those who were stunned, making Eastwood's day. And they still don't get it. That alone speaks to the depth of Eastwood's intent and success in delivery.

Alex said...

We need to emphasize property rights more in this country. You go to 3rd world hell holes like Bolivia and they laugh at the notion of property rights.

Professor Chaos said...

"You'll notice all the burning hatred for GM in that old thread, the same commenters whom this week, were suddenly so concerned for it's well being." Whom? It's? Is basic grammar such a challenge?

wyo sis said...

We the people are rabble?
Who are you? Louis XVI?

furious_a said...

Alex: If Clint had done the DNC ridiculing Romney instead...

...the MSNBC team would have been pitching their panties on the convention stage like it was a Tom Jones concert.

furious_a said...

Lem: I've got an empty chair TV spot already fixed in my mind.

Deb said...

" love Clint Eastwood.


I love old people.

Bless his heart

ricpic said...

You would never say the frenchman on the street owns France because it is understood by everyone in France and has been understood for hundreds of years that France is owned by a tight ruling caste - a hundred families? five hundred families? - and that they take turns at holding power turn and turnabout and that that arrangement ain't gonna change, ever.

Would Harvard, Yale and Princeton like to replicate that here? Yes, and to some extent they have succeeded. But America is far too dynamic, too roiling, too free - which HY & P hate with a seething hatred - for their grip on power ever to tighten into a permanent unbreakable hold on power. In that sense Americans, not the elites, own the country.

X said...

Who are you? Louis XVI?

he's Louis XVI sometimes. other times he's Madame Defarge.

machine said...

Love Gran Torino...thought this was bizarre at best.

It ain't just us bubblers...

yashu said...

And what they are trying to do is scare other celebrities: Toe the line or we will destroy you.

Agreed, this is key. Pour encourager les autres.

microcorsair said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
microcorsair said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
machine said...

Shoulda got Kelsey Grammer....he would have delivered...

Editor said...

"No old men in the country of the left."

traditionalguy said...

We are enjoying our wine tonight, but I want to say that The Professor expressed it all perfectly. Huah!

Amartel said...

Jackass at 3:55
I'd still buy a Ford! I don't have to agree with Eastwood on every decision. He's not my leader; I just admire his style. See the distinction? The point I made about the Superbowl ad is the same point I've made here today several times. Eastwood's an old guy and he's got old guy syndrome which means he says what he wants and doesn't waste time on diplomacy and tactics when he speaks his truth. I thought he got used by OFA in that superbowl ad and I still do.

Ralph L said...

English author with French detective
You claim to have the Christie books, but you obviously haven't read them. Poirot is a proud Belgian detective and never lets people call him French.
Or were you joking?

Matt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
furious_a said...

Althouse: No, they're merely playing dumb (and humorless)...

No, Matthews, Schultz and company aren't kidding around, those are their real brains.

Matt said...

The speech was actually rather awkward and not well paced at all. Part of the problem with the speech is there were no conservative arguments at all in it. He criticized Obama for not closing Gitmo [leftist argument], for not ending the war in Afghanistan [leftist argument]. He criticized Obama for being a lawyer but Romney has a law degree as well. He used a simplistic appeal - "time for a businessman to run things". He criticized Obama for taking a plane to talk to students about college grants. Would Romney not do the same? Come on. It was pretty weak on substance. If you did not know the speech was at the Republican Convention you could assume it was at the Democratic one. It had way too many generalizations.

Eric said...

No, Matthews, Schultz and company aren't kidding around, those are their real brains.

Hard to tell. They've got an audience and they have to deliver what the audience wants to hear. Leftism is the philosophy of the mob, and its adherents require constant validation. That's why the NYT is so fond of those "what's wrong with Kansas" stories.

Unknown said...

I just rewatched the performance. It was great!

Althouse loves American Idol too.

Enough said.

David R. Graham said...

"I'm convinced Eastwood was purposely acting like your cranky old uncle, the one whose harmless verbal rambling suddenly veers into devastating zingers."

Yes, exactly. An enthralling comedy act. Great writing, masterful delivery. He makes movies in every genre and is a professional jazz pianist. Even his hair was made up for the part of rumpled elder verging on the tottering. Brilliant, consummate showmanship that hit its mark. And for this they did respond on the field he created!

"This seat is taken." is a true statement. It was usurped by stealth and then removed, not to be returned to its owner.

mariner said...

Andrew Koenig,
Has anyone else noticed that the first words of Eastwood's actual speech (after asking the applauding audience to "save some for Mitt") were, "I know what you're thinking?"


In fact I felt a little let down at the answer.

DADvocate said...

You sound insane.

Crazy like a fox.

Years of working in mental health and social services imbibed in me some insight into the thought and behavior patterns of others. You seem easy to read and now have resorted to baseless accusations.

Indeed, when going through my divorce 15 years ago, I was found to be quite sane during the custody evaluations. My ex wasn't. Some say I drove her insane, but they have no proof.

Unknown said...

Some say I drove her insane, but they have no proof.

Because the Althouse blog and your comments here didn't exist then?

AllenS said...

I haven't read any of the comments, so forgive me if someone else thought of this, but it would have been even funnier if there had been an empty suit on that chair.

shiloh said...

For all you conspiracy theorists, maybe the convention con "organizers" staged last nite so that it would make mittens look bad. Not that willard doesn't do a good job of that all by himself.

Hey, most Rep insiders think mittens is gonna lose!

master cylinder said...

so painful, it was so painful to watch. I know y'all wanted it to be good, but it was so bad. Ann, wow.
Cant believe you thought it was well done.

jd said...

Ann Althouse i officially insane

Eric said...

Hey, most Rep insiders think mittens is gonna lose!

Is anything you "know" actually true?

LoafingOaf said...

I took Althouse's advice and watched Clint again and I'll confess it plays a lot better the second time. I felt really nervous for him the first time, but I take it back -- he was fine, it was me who had the problem.

DADvocate said...

Because the Althouse blog and your comments here didn't exist then?

I think you're on to something. Ann's blog drove me insane. If you go back to when I first started commenting here (look it up, I'm too crazy to be trusted with such a sensitive task), you'll find cogent, logically presented thoughts and arguments.

Follow the comments over the years and you'll find intellectual and emotional decompensation of epic proportions. One wonders how I manage to hold a job and support myself and my family.

LoafingOaf said...

Matt: He criticized Obama for not closing Gitmo [leftist argument], for not ending the war in Afghanistan [leftist argument].

You need to watch it again because you're totally misinterpreting what he was saying about those issues.

Dante said...

He was pretty awful. I'm a fan, and what he had to say was right on, but he looked and sounded really old. He kept losing his place. And the chair thing was half-baked. His timing was terrible and he couldn't remember his lines. It wasn't Stockdale bad, but it was close.

Odd, I thought he did better than Obama without a teleprompter.

shiloh said...

"Is anything you "know" actually true?"

Joe Scarborough has been sayin' for the last 5/6 mos. every Rep he talks to thinks mittens is gonna lose.

Maybe Joe is lying ...

Gene said...

One thing Eastwood got right--if we can't win a war in 10 years maybe it's time to bring our boys home.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

shiloh said...

Joe Scarborough has been sayin' for the last 5/6 mos. every Rep he talks to thinks mittens is gonna lose.

Maybe Joe is lying ...

A couple of points for you to consider, shilho.

1)This information is 5-6 months old.

2)You're quoting Joe Scarborough.

Joe Scarborough is about as conservative as Juan Williams is liberal.

Dante said...

You need to watch it again because you're totally misinterpreting what he was saying about those issues.

Really? That's what I got out of it.

What do YOU think he was trying to say?

Eric said...

Maybe Joe is lying ...

He wouldn't be the first journalist with imaginary sources.

cf said...

I, too, watched Cleeent! again a little while ago, his performance has grown On me ever since he did it last night, and I loved it then. Once again, as in some of films and some of the moments in his films, Mr. Eastwood proves he is ...

The Master. You big shot celebrities, Cher, clooney, Maddow, Stewart, you look so Tin-pot schooled by the Master.

bagoh20 said...

Just watch it again. The timing was purposefully drawn out, and effective. He obviously never forgot what he was gonna say, he just waited to say it. With senility, you lose it and it doesn't just show up reliably a few seconds later time after time. It was genius at the venue, from what I've heard - everyone there got it - but on TV it was just over the heads of many people.

David R. Graham said...

"actually rather awkward and not well paced at all. Part of the problem with the speech is there were no conservative arguments at all in it. He criticized Obama for not closing Gitmo [leftist argument], for not ending the war in Afghanistan [leftist argument]. He criticized Obama for being a lawyer but Romney has a law degree as well. He used a simplistic appeal - "time for a businessman to run things". He criticized Obama for taking a plane to talk to students about college grants. Would Romney not do the same? Come on. It was pretty weak on substance. If you did not know the speech was at the Republican Convention you could assume it was at the Democratic one. It had way too many generalizations."

Talking points as comedy gold. An achievement.

"Hey, most Rep insiders think mittens is gonna lose!"

New talking point, very good one too. Trash-talking soothsayers, bubble, bubble, toil and trouble .... The empty chair exchanges worked, set a fright.

Unknown said...

but on TV it was just over the heads of many people.

So according to Bagoh it was a failure.

bagoh20 said...

"Part of the problem with the speech is there were no conservative arguments at all in it. He criticized Obama for not closing Gitmo [leftist argument], for not ending the war in Afghanistan [leftist argument]."

And you can't see why that works for the campaign coming from a Hollywood celebrity who also did the GM ad? Clue: Romney needs more than just the conservatives.

AllenS said...

Is there a smell of desperation in the air coming from the left side of the neighborhood?

shiloh said...

Hey, maybe $$$ will put mittens over the top.

((( Nothing kills a bad product faster than good advertising. )))

As always, stay tuned and keep hope alive!

bagoh20 said...

"but on TV it was just over the heads of many people."

So according to Bagoh it was a failure.

Conservatives concede the stupid vote to the Dems automatically.

master cylinder said...

uh no Allen, the fear you smell is under your own armpits.

"Reached by Politico for a response to Clint Eastwood's bizarre, offbeat speech at the Republican National Convention on Thursday, Obama campaign press secretary Ben LaBolt declined to delve into specifics, but instead deferred to a late Spanish painter known for his surrealist work.

“Referring all questions on this to Salvador Dali,” LaBolt told Politico via email."

Dont think anyone on the left is anything but amused. And seriously, it's like a Sarah Palin moment, [no vetting] and Romney looks mostly unable to keep things on message. Yeah it was good allright, but not for your man.

Comanche Voter said...

Well actually the idea that Ed Schultz actually had a thought---a single thought--in his entire life---is what's bizarre.

shiloh said...

"Don't think anyone on the left is anything but amused."

When the opposition is imploding, get the hell out of the way!

ObeliskToucher said...

I was a bit perplexed by Eastwood's performance - the perplexed and hesitant speech, talking to an invisible companion - but then I realized that it was an act. He was speaking as Elwood Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) did in the movie "Harvey"...

Unknown said...

Conservatives concede the stupid vote to the Dems automatically.

Bagoh announces he's voting a straight Democratic ticket!

David said...

I am at O'Hare in CNN Hell.

CNN Hell is delivering the same message, without any subtlety. Gloria Borger and Mrs. Vanderbilt's son. Mostly Gloria. Maybe young Vanderbilt is especially deferential to women named Gloria.

By the way, Clint looked and sounded old. Did you notice that? He did. He is old, of course. We old people tend to look and sound old. In fact we seem rather ridiculous if we try to look and sound young.

Newsies don't like old people giving speeches at national conventions. Especially if the constantly farting superannuated coots don't agree with the liberal line.

Fuck the newsies and the donkeys they rode in on. Especially you, Gloria, you smug elitist pussy.

ricpic said...

Some say I drove her insane, but they have no proof.


DCS said...

Nobody seems to remember that Garry Trudeau portrayed George W Bush as an asterisk. Nobody in the leftosphere complained about that "demeaning" the Presidency. And how does Trudeau portray Barack Obama? Not at all, it seems. One can't make fun of the black messiah.

khesanh0802 said...

Ann's endorsement made me watch the speech. It was a great routine. It is no wonder that the DNC is so frantic to discredit it. The "shut up" and "He can't physically do that" lines were so effective in addressing the absolute viciousness with which the Democratic campaign is being run. Humor when done well - as this was - is a powerful tool.

Titus said...

Personally, I loved what Clint did. I thought it was great. Everyone needs to lighten up.

But, if Bill Maher was invited to the Democrat convention and delivered the same spiel Fox News and the wingnuts would of gone bat shit.

Eric said...

Hey, maybe $$$ will put mittens over the top.

Certainly it worked for Obama in 2008. After, you know, he lied about taking public financing.

Eric said...

Nobody seems to remember that Garry Trudeau portrayed George W Bush as an asterisk.

Or his father as a feather. Never did understand why people liked Doonsbury. To me it seemed like an endless stream of cheap shots.

furious_a said...

Titus: But, if Bill Maher was invited to the Democrat convention and delivered the same spiel Fox News and the wingnuts would of gone bat shit.

One problem with that -- Bill Maher is only Joy-Behar funny, not ha-ha funny.

bagoh20 said...

"But, if Bill Maher was invited to the Democrat convention and delivered the same spiel..."

He could never do that without offending people. No class, no timing, no talent. At 82, Maher will be drooling and masturbating in diapers without a whiff of Eastwood's gravitas. They are barely the same species.

Paddy O said...

"if Bill Maher was invited to the Democrat convention and delivered the same spiel Fox News and the wingnuts would of gone bat shit."

If Bill Maher was invited and delivered the same spiel it would be absolutely amazing. Fox News would eat it up and the wingnuts might invite Maher to their parties.

Though, if Maher was talking to an empty chair and insulting Obama and Biden, and saying that if a person doesn't do a job they should be replaced, I doubt Democrats would let him finish.

William said...

The MSNBC crowd can all just kiss my ass. I've spent my life listening to various celebrities dumping on Republicans. It's harmless enough when celebs like Rosie O'Donnell, Sean Penn, and Danny Glover do it. In fact it probably wins votes for Republicans. Hollywood assholes for Obama vs small businessmen for Romney. Still, I must confess to feeling a transient pang when someone whose work I enjoy like Clooney or Springsteen starts dumpin on Republicans. I haven't ben cool for a generation but it saddens me to know that most of my favorite performers think of me as backward and ignorant and not worthy of their beauty.....I've sucked up their disdain for years. Let Matthews and the gang feel a little disdain from a god. Such adversity will undoubtedly improve their character.

Megthered said...

I loved it. My Irish grandfather said the defination of blarney was telling a man to go to hell so he looks forward to the trip. Thats what Clint did. He skewered Obama so subtly, that many didn't get it. O is very thin skinned, he got it.

somefeller said...

bagoh20 says: At 82, Maher will be drooling and masturbating in diapers without a whiff of Eastwood's gravitas. They are barely the same species.

That may be true. But if your description of Maher's future is correct, it sounds like Maher at 82 and you today are of the same species.

alan markus said...

Looks like "Lindsey Meadows" has gone mute - wonder what new name he will post as.

Titus said...

Selective outrage and acceptance is boring.

Synova said...


Clint Eastwood's routine was so incredibly disastrous that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES issued a response tweet.


Did someone fuss about presidential dignity?

Oh, right. Nevermind.

Titus said...

Hacks are boring too.

Unpredictability is so much more interesting.

bagoh20 said...

" it sounds like Maher at 82 and you today are of the same species."

I know. Neither one of us is a comedian, we both make a living doing something else entirely. The difference is he insults good decent people, I save mine for people like him.

XRay said...

A perfect speech by Eastwood. Acting it was, perhaps, but it was his true self doing so, and acting so.

Anonymous said...

I think Clint Eastwood's speech was a great success.

Probably the only time any of the viewers had ever seen something amusing and entertaining at a party convention.

(Except for we oldtimers who remember the 1968 Democrat convention)

AndyN said...

Dante said...

Odd, I thought he did better than Obama without a teleprompter.

I can't believe it took 300+ comments before somebody mentioned this. You want to talk about disastrous, bizarre and demeaning to the presidency, just look up one of Obama's appearances without his security blanket.

AndyN said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sprezzatura said...

It seems that many cons are claiming they thought this was the most brilliantest thing eva.

[And yet they wonder why many folks think they're idiots who would eagerly endorse a diet of rotten fish, as long as the R party told them it was good for them.]

Sprezzatura said...

I don't think the Rs should so blatantly pander to their base. The base may backlash.

OTOH, these severely old and senile bulls probably won't notice that they've been branded and nose ringed.


JAL said...

Not that the 379th (or so) comment makes any difference ...

I watched Eastwood (I was doing two things at the same time) and thought he was a little addled, but he was making some very clear points. Older man .. and all that ....

And then I rewatched it today. That is, I really watched it.

Oh my.

What a terrific performance! Really.

He may have fumbled a few words, but this was a performance. (He is an actor you know. A rather good one, at that.)

He had his takewawy lines that have reverberated.

The libs have been had.

furious_a said...

Odd, I thought he did better than Obama without a teleprompter.

Indeed, "you didn't build that" was al fresco, too.

Harris said...

I didn't watch much of the RNC. The only speeches I listen to were Ryan, Rubio, Romney, and Eastwood.

For me, I thought Eastwood was a bit goofy, though I liked his line about "when someone is not doing the job, you gotta let 'em go." I also was very surprised with his allusion to self-copulation - twice. Since I wasn't enduring boring speech after boring speech, the lightness and humor of Eastwood didn't appeal to me as much. I wanted to hear from the candidates, and also Marco Rubio. But I could tell that the delegates appreciated the humor, and honestly wondered how others would take the appearance by Eastwood.

I thought Ryan exuded confidence, intelligence, genuineness, and youthful vigor. I thought Rubio excuded passion and a natural charisma. I thought Romney communicated that he is someone who gets things done by hiring the right people, and holding them accountable.

But today, people are talking about Eastwood, which just goes to show you that Clint knew how to make his point. And 24 hours later, his schtick of talking to an empty chair resonates. When Obama tweeted, "that chair is taken," my first thought was, "that was why the teleprompter was there, so you would know what to say."

So, good job Clint. You captured the essence of the Obama Presidency - an empty chair.

Kirk Parker said...

"...I'm less than enthralled with President Obama although push come to shove, I'll go his way."


Ozymandias said...

The Prez had no comeback to Clint's ridicule. It didn't demean the Presidency, it reduced the Prez. A little loose,but well done. And funny!

Anonymous said...

alan markus said...
Hope you guys talking to "Lindsey Meadows" know you are most likely talking to a dude."

Nope honey. No penis here. My married name is Meadows as I took my husbands name, no hyphen. Actually my maiden name is..well I'm not telling you otherwise you look and sound like a stalker to me....or one of those rabid curs who seek out husbands and give them hell for liberating their wives....and yes it does happen.

and tell me "alan markus" did you change the spelling of your last name from marcus? the professor marcus? nieman marcus? mighty suspecious to me I'll say. but you could be the alan markus who is an engineer or you could be, count 'em, 5 other alan markuses.

why don't we stick to the fact that your guys are gonna lose and my guy is gonna win.

Sydney said...

Just watched the Eastwood video this morning. Much better than what I thought it would be after reading some of the comments throughout the blogosphere. In fact, I thought it was very good - a mixture of comedy and seriousness. He spoke as an American, not as a political partisan.

Roger J. said...

I am curious as to why Mr Obama would tweet a response. He should have just left it alone, although I do think that gets to his thin-skinned nature. His team apparently thought (IMO) that the Empty Chair schtick did some PR damage.

Since I do not twitter (or whatever the term is) I am also curious as to the audience for tweets.

Roger J. said...

Also found it interesting that Mr Romney's visit to NOLA forced Mr Obama to change his schedule. Looks like the Romney campaign is forcing the Obama campaign to respond and play defense.

Rick3262 said...

Clint Eastwood left the impression of the empty chair, which symbolized Obama's lack of leadership. No doubt the chair left a burning impression in people's minds, especially Obama, who felt the need to retaliate. MSM couldn't call Eastwood a racist. He's a cultural icon and had just done "Gran Torino" in which his character was a racist who learned.

Eastwood took on the celebrity loving Obama and the George Clooney types. He acted like a lightning rod for Romney, whose clear message about happiness in voting for Obama has not been met with happiness for his Presidency.

Robert Cook said...

"Eastwood is wise in ways that most of us cannot imagine."

To paraphrase another great Hollywood rebel, he's probably wise in ways most of us shouldn't imagine.

Roger J. said...

Mr Cook--your comment was interesting, but could elaborate?

Bri said...

Eastwood was brilliant. Obama's head was cut clean off and the loony liberals still haven't realized it.

Obama is an empty chair and Biden is the intellectual leader of the democrat party. I laughed so hard I started to cry, like Oprah then I stopped... and realized 23 million Americans are unemployed and started to cry again.

It doesn't matter if you are Republican, democrat or Libertarian. In America when politicians who work for us, don't do the job we've got to let them go. Obama has failed, time to let him go.

Bri said...

Eastwood was brilliant. Obama's head was cut clean off and the loony liberals still haven't realized it.

Obama is an empty chair and Biden is the intellectual leader of the democrat party. I laughed so hard I started to cry, like Oprah then I stopped... and realized 23 million Americans are unemployed and started to cry again.

It doesn't matter if you are Republican, democrat or Libertarian. In America when politicians who work for us, don't do the job we've got to let them go. Obama has failed, time to let him go.

TheEmpire said...

Oh please! It was not just liberals who found the act disturbing: Scott Walker “cringed”, Ann Romney was bemused and aides backstage “winced”. And this is from the NY Post! But the real reason the Eastwood act was a total disaster is that we’re still talking about it two days later—completely taking the air out of Romney’s sails. Does the campaign really want this to be the most memorable moment of the convention? IT has clearly sucked the air out of Romney’s moment. And considering the fact that 30% less viewers watched the convention compared to 2008, this is the only take-away many voters will have from Tampa. Nice job.

TheEmpire said...

Oh please! It was not just liberals who found the act disturbing: Scott Walker “cringed”, Ann Romney was bemused and aides backstage “winced”. And this is from the NY Post! But the real reason the Eastwood act was a total disaster is that we’re still talking about it two days later—completely taking the air out of Romney’s sails. Does the campaign really want this to be the most memorable moment of the convention? IT has clearly sucked the air out of Romney’s moment. And considering the fact that 30% less viewers watched the convention compared to 2008, this is the only take-away many voters will have from Tampa. Nice job.

Roger J. said...

The Empire has some points; however, I suggest the it is not acceptence speeches that define the candidate--Mr Romney can accomplish that by retail politics on the ground. What Mr Eastwood did was reduce Mr Obama to an empty chair and defined Mr Obama.

I guess we will see how this election plays out. Mr Obama felt compelled to tweet an eminently photoshoppable tweet and is now scrambling to get to NOLA following Mr Romney. I think the RNC went very well for Mr Romney, but as always, time will tell. And we will know on November 7th.

Handy said...

Evoked Jimmy Stewart, but with a much sharper edge. Scary clever!

rocketsled said...

well I liked his skit. Maybe not on the funniest side but I liked it. And Romney well, I hope he captializes on the empty chair theme.

Anonymous said...

What made Eastwood seem out of touch were his references to Afghanistan and Gitmo, which have been liberal criticisms of Obama and of Bush.

Otherwise, he got in some zingers on the President.

Unknown said...

Yep. They'll do anything to protect Obama, even if it means pretending they're so stupid they didn't get the bit.

Just kidding, they're not pretending.

Alex said...

Ah yes, Clint's empty chair routine is so damaging to the republic that it should never have been done.

You see Obama = the Republic. He is our last hope and saviour and we must worship him like a God.

moderateGuy said...

Democrats do not need to put up anyone to do a comedy routine (good thing since liberals aren't not terribly good or clever at that comedy shtick); their so-called "president" demeans presidency.

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