She was helping the candidate serve at the cookout. Perfectly appropriate.
And, before the trolls who are so obsessed and so afraid of her show up, let's remind everyone she's 7 for 9 in Senate endorsements and she galvanized the ObamaTax debate with those two magic words, "Death panels".
Ann Althouse said... Of course, she's dressing the part she's choosing to play. Extrapolate what that part is.
She's outside at a BBQ. She should be dressed casual. I have a guy who handles my money. When I see him at his office, it's tie and coat. When I see him at the farm/hardware store, it's blue jeans and t shirt, and he's usually dirty from working outside.
I’m sorry, but I’d like my minister, my doctor and yes, my politicians, to look and dress for their parts.
Meeeooow.....hiss hiss. LOL
You can just feel the green eyed envy oozing. I bet Ms. Reese would give her eyeteeth to be able to wear a t-shirt and capri set like that and look as fit. I know I would /wink
Yes. Let us have everyone in a box and look the same, dress the same, never step outside of the proscribed best practices and spout the same drivel. OK. I do agree with the over use of mamma grizzly, but if you high center on that phrase and ignore the rest of the message...then you have bigger problems that that.
I have a guy who handles my money. When I see him at his office, it's tie and coat. When I see him at the farm/hardware store, it's blue jeans and t shirt, and he's usually dirty from working outside.
Does he wear superman shirts and chunky, wedgie shoes? There's casual and there's... what she's wearing.
"I’d like my minister, my doctor and yes, my politicians, to look and dress for their parts."
Me too!
Minister in clothes that would blend in with the poor.
Doctor in scrubs.
Politician dressed like the people they are representing.
What I despise is ministers, doctors, or politicians trying to impress me with a nice suit. They're not in the business of dressing nice. They're in the business of helping people.
Palladian said... T-shirts with logos should not be worn as outerwear by anyone older than 22.
It's worse than shorts.
When I met MeadeHouse in Madison I wore my commie red Reagan/Che shirt which I suppose counts as a slogan and I'm 52. I refrained from shorts, though even though it was 90 plus degrees.
I went to a state gop convention once, and Frank Luntz was there and he critiqued the local candidates' clothes. Basically it came down to a guy should wear Dockers and a polo shirt.
He didn't say anything about what women candidates should wear.
She looks, talks and dresses like people I know and see every day. She looks just like Americans look. When she is at a picnic she dresses for a picnic, when she runs she dresses to run, when she is speaking at a convention she dresses to speak at a convention. She pays for her own clothes.
What I despise is ministers, doctors or politicians trying to impress me with a nice suit.
That reminds me of a story about David Lloyd George. He was out stumping for elections somewhere in coal country, and entered a hall wearing the traditional British MP dress of the time - cutaway coat, striped pants, bat-wing collar - while all the miners were there in the best suits they had. He took one look at the audience and said, Gentlemen, I apologize for appearing before you in my work clothes.
I didn't see the picture of Palin, but it doesn't sound very appealing to me. Probably because I hate wedges with a passion.
What a hottie. She can't help it. I really adore her look no matter what she's dressing for.
And I love the platform sandals. I bought 2 similar pair this summer and they are sexy as hell. I believe it's mostly jealous women who think they're inappropriate.
Sarah Palin is a good looking, very attractive lady. The most appealing thing about here is what's between her ears. Great thoughts, and able to speak them so there is no doubt.
I bought one pair this summer and I haven't been able to wear them yet because my ankle was sprained. I'm going to have to bust them out before summer is over, though.
Those are not good shoes for a BBQ. Cover your whole foot so nothing hot spills and burns you.
All the teenager boys are sporting this look. Pretty funny. But then, they wear men's capris, too. Boys refuse to wear shorts that show their knees which, to most people, is the point of wearing shorts.
As for Palin, she is arguably the most powerful person in the Republican party. She can dress however she wants, now that she knows she'll never run for President.
And I love the platform sandals. I bought 2 similar pair this summer and they are sexy as hell
Me too! Love them with jeans or toreador pants also. I bought these sandals to kick around in jeans when I'm not at home. The wedges that Palin is wearing are good for uneven terrain such as lawns or at BBQs
Plus, Palin is very short, so she can wear those platforms and not be towering over the crowd.
Sarah Palin continues to be a Rorschach/litmus test to let you know who are the real people and who are the phonies. This goes for conservatives as well as feminists. Or use this marker: Whatever, whoever Sarah Palin is, the people talking/insinuating against her are her highest recommendation.
Sarah Palin runs daily, exercises and competes in marathons. She is careful about what food she eats. She's pretty much followng Michelle Obama's advice, isn't she?
It's ridiclous that she is criticized for taking good care of herself.
She's in shape and gorgeous. The snarking about how she dresses is just that - on the part of someone who could never carry it off.
Palladian said... "I have a guy who handles my money....
Does he wear superman shirts and chunky, wedgie shoes? There's casual and there's... what she's wearing."
Don't be stupid. Does she handle his money? Is he a woman? Is she cooking in her office hours? Casual is whatever she wants to wear to a casual event. That isn't a superman shirt, that is a Steelman shirt. If you associate that shirt with Superman, that is fine too.
"T-shirts with logos should not be worn as outerwear by anyone older than 22."
How about that Hopey-Changy thingy on that Hopey-Changy guy's supporters in 2008?
How did Gov. Palin's Senate endorsements fare in last cycle's General?
Hint: "witches and bitches" -- Crack.
Jesus, dude, you made a fool of yourself on the other thread, and now you're back - pushing the same nonsense? What is with you?
And what is with you and the 2010 primaries? They're over. You lost. So SP endorsed two lousy candidates that didn't make it - I told you she couldn't help them, so why are you insisting she's a loser for not doing the impossible?
"Went to Drudge to look at the picture of Sarah Palin."
Why are some people acting like my post doesn't contain a link that goes to the picture?
Something that scares me: People are reading this blog without realizing that there are links and that going to the links is part of understanding what is being said.
and I thought I had tried all the links in the WaPo story and I did not find one with the picture. Drudge has it front and center, though rather small. Probably did not think it was as big a deal as some of the ladies hereon do.
Why is the comparison of the prices relevant? I'm not understanding the point. Cute sandals are cute sandals.
I also found a sundress for $7 this summer. I doubt anyone would guess the price of it - it's really quite lovely on. It's probably not going to be very durable, but I didn't care about that.
I have a pair of Birkenstocks on the shelf that I paid $105 and tax for and will move on to them as soon as I wear out my WalMart "Birkenstocks" that I paid $4.59 + tax for. (If I live that long.)
"Why is the comparison of the prices relevant? I'm not understanding the point. Cute sandals are cute sandals."
Because you imagine that Sarah is like you... your girlfriend, going to the mall to buy cute stuff together.
It's a media image and it's working on you. I think you should be sharper and more perceptive about the manipulations that are being carried out on you.
Those are super-sexy shoes, very expensive, and yet women who go for Sarah are able to believe that she just goes shopping and finds what she can like you do. That's not what's happening! She looks amazing within a particular zone of amazing because this is an expensive and crafted look. That it seems like what you wear is part of its success, but I would like to think you are sharper than that.
Ann - the reason she looks amazing in those clothes and shoes is because she keeps fit and eats right. That has everything to do with discipline and doesn't require money. Sarah Palin would look good in anything.
Ann Althouse said.... Really, I am writing this blog on the assumption that people can read and can see and think about the inferences and implications.
Some of the comments here are discouraging. Please raise your game!
Dear Lady, most can read very well. It is agreeing with you in all things that we are most deficient. My dear Manitou felt much the same. That is why Röhm had to go.
"Ann - the reason she looks amazing in those clothes and shoes is because she keeps fit and eats right. That has everything to do with discipline and doesn't require money. Sarah Palin would look good in anything."
She also works very hard on keeping in shape. That is obvious. But that's not the end of it. She is dressing to a particular purpose, and if you think that's just some casual stuff she had lying around after normal-person shopping... you are a good recipient of propaganda.
I'll shut up now. I can see you folks want to keep dreaming your dreams of Sarah, the woman of the people. I need to get out somewhere where it's a bit more stimulating. Enjoy your slumber.
I do not think any such thing. I am quite able to conclude that Sarah Palin spends a whole lot more on even casual clothing than I would. I don't imagine myself looking like Sarah in any way. I simply remarked on the style of sandal. It's sexy.
I also don't assume that she is trying to do anything but dress the way she can afford to and look great. That's kind of what most women do, no? At face value, I cannot assign a cynical motive to it.
@ Darcy. Cute sandals. I like the elastic on yours since I have a high arch it is sometimes hard to find those strappy kind that fit.
Why is the comparison of the prices relevant? I'm not understanding the point. Cute sandals are cute sandals.
Yea. I don't understand the point either. Her shoes cost more than mine. So? It's her money.
Because you imagine that Sarah is like you... your girlfriend, going to the mall to buy cute stuff together.
Complete and utter bullshit. I don't have girlfriends and I don't go to the mall and shop. I hate the malls. I buy my shoes on line. If I want to buy expensive shoes I can, I will and I have. But frankly my dear....I don't give a damn about the price. I'm about comfort and do they look nice and will they last for a bit.
I don't even imagine Palin going to the mall and shopping. YOU imagine that you imagine what we are thinking. Don't do it. It is beneath you.
"Having seen her in person - she is so very short and petite!" She's 5'10" and quite athletic.
"Those clothes scream 'I'm not running for office ever.'" Not this year, anyway. Maybe some other time, if it ever gets boring being a total rock star and pissing off the establishment. Yeah, okay, never.
She's dressed like what women want to look like and what men want women to look like BUT in a non-threatening and relateable way. Clever, clever, clever.
Ha! Althouse flounces off, like a character from a screwball comedy, because WE refuse to come a-runnin' to HER dog whistle about Palin! ("Don't you rubes know how to raise your game to agree with ME as to how to interpret things? Pathetic!")
and she looks like a rube. I say this as someone who has caught all kids of flak defending her.
Really? She is in a BBQ fund raiser. Should she dress like Anna Wintour? Or should she dress like most of the people at the outdoor fund raiser.
I don't know where YOU live, but those shoes are very popular here. You see people wearing that style a lot. I wouldn't wear them for the practical purpose that I would probably fall off of them and break my ankle.
So Professor, how do you know how much Sarah Palin's shoes cost?
I know my WalMarts do not have the quality of my Birkenstocks, but I will defy you or anyone else to tell which brand I am wearing without making me take them off for you to inspect.
And why worry yourself about it in the first place?
I'm a little confused. Are we talking about the price of her clothes or the look of them? They, frankly, look like clothes I see every day. Is that the issue? So, they're expensive. That no doubt makes them fit and look a little more refined, but the look is contemporary casual. Am I supposed to conclude that she puts thought into what she wears? OK I can see that. She's going rogue. Most political women don't look like Sarah Palin. She's pretty. None of those things are disqualifiers. Or they shouldn't be and maybe that's the point. I wish she were the Republican candidate for president. What a circus that would be. Even the Obama circus can't compete with that.
I'll shut up now. I can see you folks want to keep dreaming your dreams of Sarah, the woman of the people. I need to get out somewhere where it's a bit more stimulating.
Shots fired!
The Palinbots aren't going to take this one lying down. Nuh uh.
Because you imagine that Sarah is like you... your girlfriend, going to the mall to buy cute stuff together.
Who does? Who said that? Spoke like that? Even implied that?
It's a media image and it's working on you. I think you should be sharper and more perceptive about the manipulations that are being carried out on you.
And that's what got me - can you deny that's the very criticism I've been throwing at you during this election cycle? That you're a rube when it comes to media manipulation? That you're throwing the charge at other people - without ever acknowledging what's so obvious in yourself - is bizarre.
And what "media manipulation" are you talking about when it comes to SP? She's hated by the Left, the mead (but I repeat myself) and the establishment Right - not like, your boy, Mitt - so who's manipulating us?
I agree the shit gets pretty deep and I despise the cheerleading squad - same as for Romney - but the bottom line is we see a leader in SP. I do anyway. In wedgies or out:
She's still there, fighting the good fight, moving the ball downfield.
And she's still hated for it. I think even by you:
Bringing up how much her shoes cost is a "tell"...
In yesterday's Palin thread I remarked that many people seem to see Palin as an emblem and personification of the Tea Party, like the figures of Joan of Arc or "Marianne" were for the French: an attitude toward Palin & the Tea Party that I'm very critical of, primarily because I find it unhelpful and unfair to the Tea Party.
I like Palin, but I dislike the extent to which she herself (and not just her fans) arrogates to herself that mantle/ role.
That said, I do have to admire the savviness with which she uses her sex appeal as part of her political persona. I don't think it's as cynically manipulative as Althouse suggests on this thread (nor do I get why Althouse is upset that commenters aren't judging Palin as cynically manipulative): a smart politician uses what (s)he's got, whatever that may be, and Palin's got it, so why not? (IMO She's more authentically "sexy" than Obama is authentically "cool.")
But anyway, today's discussion reminds me that the French invested the figure of "Marianne" with a lot of sex appeal too. Cf. Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People.
Follow the link she embeds with that comment. it has nothing to do with Palin and it will make you laugh.
I did, and it did.
But I was agreeing with Kathleen's comment.
If Palin goals consist of disseminating her ideas to affect the political debate and being financially successful, she has no reason to run for office.
I disagree with Palin on most things and from what I have seen, do not think her very decent in how she treats people, especially those with whom she disagrees.
But those who think she is dumb are either being sexist or lying to themselves. She also has some shown political bravery both before and after her nomination, and deserves credit for that. And my God, she is beautiful.
But those who think she is dumb are either being sexist or lying to themselves. She also has some shown political bravery both before and after her nomination, and deserves credit for that. And my God, she is beautiful.
I think the red swirl is that she doesn't do it the right way. She doesn't line up with the party bosses. She isn't boring and bland. She's too smart to be taken in and too good looking to be ignored. Conservatives don't know how to handle a rock star.
Sarah Palin continues to be a Rorschach/litmus test...
No less so than here. The Left and those left-ish can never forgive her for this moment ('cause they know what they would have done in her, um, shoes).
"I have written before about how female politicians can't win where their appearance is concerned. Too much grooming and they're dismissed as dolly birds, desperate, or both; too little, and they're damned as sexless munters, who've let themselves go. It's the female politician's lot to be seen and not heard. Or, at least, seen (judged, objectified, mocked) much more than she is ever allowed to be heard."
5'5", you are correct. Somehow had it in my head that she was taller, probably because of the athletics and pageant background. Or chalk it up to the devious mad skillz of that vixen and her expensive shoes of manipulation.
I think she sees that she is phenomenally successful as a political celebrity. Why be a politician?
If Palin goals consist of disseminating her ideas to affect the political debate and being financially successful, she has no reason to run for office.
Agreed. I don't foresee Palin running for office again. She's having too much fun doing what she's doing. Political powerbroking, advocacy, reality TV, etc.
Any politician who's actually elected and has to govern, is bound to disappoint his/her fans. Why disappoint them? Better to keep them dreaming of the idealized "what if" Palin candidacy.
Look how many people discuss Palin as though she were a family member, off the table for analysis.
I'm all for analyzing Palin. She's interesting, especially w/r/t her media smarts. I just happen to think that this particular analysis of Palin is dopey beyond parody. I have to confess I'm much more interested in the analysis of Althouse that this particular post begs. It, and her reaction to our reaction, tells us much more about the professor than about Palin.
wyo sis said... I think the red swirl is that she doesn't do it the right way. She doesn't line up with the party bosses. She isn't boring and bland. She's too smart to be taken in and too good looking to be ignored. Conservatives don't know how to handle a rock star. ----
Excellent analysis, and I would add that she's having a ball.
How anyone who looks at a transparent malignant narcissist like Obama and imagines him to be a calm, reasonable, and decent man can go on to accuse anybody of being dupes of media propaganda is the height of absurdity.
We're watching Althouse jumping the shark folks. It should be fun.
She's like Huckabee. She has a grasp of populism the way he does. People love those two. People want to defend them, want to do things for them, feel honor and duty tied up in them somehow.
@Freeman Hunt I think you've got something there. Also with the family thing. No one messes with our better looking sister. She's like the sister that makes prom queen and student body president.
The interesting question is what about her makes people feel like that? It can't merely be that she is good and treated badly by some. Many are the same in that way but hold no real sway over the popular imagination.
"Those clothes scream 'I'm not running for office ever.'"
Althouse, you do realize Obama was a tad younger, and not yet in politics, than your current mama grizzly pic. Taken a couple years after she quit her strenuous job of governing 700k in AK!
So your comparison is laughable at best ...
But good to see many of your flock still have a palin fetish or maybe they're just into fashion lol.
It, and her reaction to our reaction, tells us much more about the professor than about Palin.
"Are you talking about the thing where she complains about how dumb her right-wing commenters are?"
She didn't say right wing....however, I "imagine" the sturm and drang is all due the the refusal of some of the commentors to fall in line with the theory that we are to stupid to realize that we are being manipulated by a female Machiavelli by the way that she dresses.
"She also works very hard on keeping in shape. That is obvious. But that's not the end of it. She is dressing to a particular purpose, and if you think that's just some casual stuff she had lying around after normal-person shopping... you are a good recipient of propaganda."
Duh. Who doesn't think that a woman, Palin, or any man doesn't dress to create an effect. Obama or that financial moron Kramer with their sleeves rolled up? Puleeze, don't you think we know that is an affectation to present a certain aura. "I'm a busy guy doing busy work. Look how I have to roll up my sleeves and get to work!!" Do we care and make a big effing deal about it. No. Because they are men. However, when it is a woman somehow it is a devious plot.
Duh. Again. We know that the woman is dressing for an effect. In this case contemporary casual to say..."see...I am one of you." So???? If she dressed any other way at that particular event, say in a Hillary style corporate polyester pantsuit or a glamorous summer dress it would be totally out of place and distance her from the crowd. This is NOT a difficult concept to understand....except for the writer of the article, which is the topic starter of this thread.
We....contrary to the opinion of the blog hostess here, are perfectly able to comprehend these things. Some things are so obvious that they really don't require minute analysis.
I like Sarah Palin and I think she looks great. Any wife should want to look good for her husband. And the other way around.
Call me an old fuddy duddy conservative but I'm looking for political leaders more like Barry Goldwater.
Sarah chose to become a populist political celebrity. That's fine. I sincerely wish her well and I appreciate what she brings to the conservative movement. But she's no Margaret Thatcher and never will be.
Bobby Jindal begins to hit the mark. So does Paul Ryan. Scott Walker could even get there. And Ted Cruz seems to be on his way.
Hillary Clinton could have reached Margaret Thatcher level. If only she hadn't decided to become a communist.
From the moment she spoke as the vice presidential candidate and won me over, to the media and liberal meltdown and their spitting hissy fit I felt like I'd been personally slapped in the face. She IS, me as Freeman Hunt says, only better. You attack her and you're attacking me. I was so shocked at the venom and hatred she was shown that I still feel like I want to slap someone.
@DBQ: Exactly. Of course she was going for the "I'm one of you" look. They all do. The men do the rolled up sleeve and no jacket thing.
I really don't see what is so manipulative about this outfit except that it is being worn by a stunningly beautiful woman. How dare she be so manipulative! Heh.
Of course she is! And it's not just one purpose. She's casual to fit in with her supporters and the very same look has the purpose of intentionally angering her detractors.
What's the purpose? That she's not playing the game with the rules created by the media. She's being her own person--not cowering beneath the barrage of insults or dismissive remarks.
Critiquing her outfit is part of the purpose. Critique her if you will, but who is actually for and with the people?
She's good at what she does because she gets around all the usual boundaries and assumptions, causing rhetorical feminists to say vile things, rhetorical populists to insult her as stupid, and otherwise exposes people for who they really are.
Hmm? Sarah the magnificent female politician is doing her best red state act. That means she is dumbing down to meet her students where they are and e-ducate them up from there. That will take talent.
The attractive teacher gets more attention than the mousy librarian. And I am sure Althouse knows that.
So what's Sarah up to? Maybe a movie career or a Fox News show.
Todd is the one who needs to be worried about the future. She won't need him.
Sarah is smarter than Marilyn Monroe, who was very smart too,other than her trusting in the Kennedys which killed her.
If Sarah Palin is playing to, profiting from, or moving the political discourse her way using her political capital good for her. She should show up and keep us outraged until we get decent leaders in office. Whether she does it from the sidelines or as a principle player I wish her nothing but the best.
Also: How dare she wear a shoe style similar but more expensive to mine and make me feel like I'm her and she's me!
Hehehe. I dunno. She has always come across as pretty genuine to me. Hard woking. I appreciate her courage. I believe she often gets knocked hard precisely because she's so beautiful. I mean, it's easy to imagine a beautiful woman being manipulative, isn't it?
Sarah chose to become a populist political celebrity. That's fine. I sincerely wish her well and I appreciate what she brings to the conservative movement. But she's no Margaret Thatcher and never will be.
I agree with Meade.
Populism is interesting. How does it work? In Sarah, I like the rheory of the perfected version of oneself or perfected seemingly attainable object of desire. But that's not explanatory of populism generally. Certainly that can't be the case with Huckabee.
She makes people feel better about themselves because they see a perfected image of themselves in her.
I can only speak for myself, but, um - no. I don't even see the great beauty the rest of these folks are drooling over, which can be annoying, reminding me how shallow people are - they're like the opposites of those who focus on her speaking style and think she's stupid. Either way, they don't see (or hear) her.
I see a leader. Nothing more. I get the same feeling from her as I do a Chris Christie zinger/put down of his opponents. As I do a Patton or a Churchill.
It really has very little to do with me at all, except it's what I'd like to see more of.
How anyone who looks at a transparent malignant narcissist like Obama and imagines him to be a calm, reasonable, and decent man can go on to accuse anybody of being dupes of media propaganda is the height of absurdity.
That Ann has never confronted this - and probably will never - partially why I know she's a NewAger. You Romney fans listen up:
One of the disturbing things about NewAge is how intwined it is with the confidence game. In order to pull it off, the con man has to do three things well - 1) win the mark's trust 2) give them an active role in whatever deception is occurring, and then 3) rip them off.
#2 is vital, because giving the mark an active role in their own deception makes it very difficult for them to either confess their role, report the crime, or admit a crime has even occurred.
Ann is (and has been) displaying this behavior for four years now - after claiming she saw was up post-election - and it shows.
I personally don't know what to do about the contradictory ways of cultish thinking, beyond "snapping," which I try to do, online, though it's a medium for it.
I disagree with Palin on most things and from what I have seen, do not think her very decent in how she treats people, especially those with whom she disagrees.
Would be curious to be shown the support of the claim that in this regard Palin is uniquely or even especially relatively indecent. Not seeing it.
She makes people feel better about themselves because they see a perfected image of themselves in her. People love her for that.
Conversely, she is a painful reminder of something wild, free and beautiful that a lot of people have stamped down inside of themselves in favour of an ideal, intellectualized image which they fervently want others to perceive. Not just 'wild and free' in a romantic way, but also in a very capable way that can (and happily will) shred unwary enemies infatuated with their own delusions.
There is a sense in which she is dressing like Thacher. Thatcher was/is derided as a "grocer's daughter." This is just about the same economic level as the social class that Palin comes from (and depends on for many of her most loyal supporters.) In this photo, Palin is parading the markers of her class like nobody's business. Of course, the markers for Thatcher's English social class are very different, and the structure of the UK class system is more linear than the US, but the economic and social level of the classes of the two women are similar.
I see a leader. Nothing more. I get the same feeling from her as I do a Chris Christie zinger/put down of his opponents. As I do a Patton or a Churchill.
Honestly, I don't think Palin chose to become a populist political celebrity. Well, she did, but that was the path that was available to her other than crawling away and hiding.
She is a western conservative, strong woman who was brutalized by the popular media--and a narrative was attached to her that she can't overcome in the broader media. That this narrative is artificial is absolutely certain--as Biden play the populist rube and gets all sorts of attention. Obama never really governed and quit every job he had so as to move up another rung on the ladder. The shockingly clear corruption of Pelosi and Reid show that those charges were fake outrage against Palin too.
But she didn't crawl away or whine or submit to liberal and media authority.
It's nice to have someone who dresses well, uses big words in complicated sentences and has degrees from fancy schools on their wall. Those kind of conservatives are why we are still talking about Obamacare.
Those kinds of conservatives are why California is in the mess its in. Happy to be either squishy or peripheral.
Someone like Palin shows she'll actually stand up for conservative beliefs.
garage She's much more like Patton and Churchill than Obama is. And she is as capable and focused as either Paton or Churchill. You can laugh, but be careful about underestimating.
"She's like Huckabee. She has a grasp of populism the way he does. People love those two. People want to defend them, want to do things for them, feel honor and duty tied up in them somehow."
In writing and continuing to explore the idea, you paint with a pretty broad brush. Isn't it more the case that some--ok, to be fair, a lot--of the people who identify as *conservative* love them, want to defend them, do things for them, etc?
This omission, this use of "People" while I am sure innocent on your part, dovetails with her "real Americans," "real Virginians" schtick that, in addition to being obviously absurd on its face, I thought rather nasty.
I did get a chuckle from Drudge juxtaposing the photo of Palin at the lectern with a photo of a particularly wan and tired-looking Jimmy Carter over the line, "HE'S BACK! CARTER TO ADDRESS DEMS BY VIDEO..."
Hyperbolic comparisons to George Patton and Winston Churchill don't do Palin any favors.
I like Palin, but I like her less than most people here. It's the apotheosis of Palin, the extreme idealization of Palin by many of her fans that I find most offputting.
Sarah Palin might be cynically using what was originally a spontaneous embracing of her All American Mom aura. If she is, it will eventually get found out. In spite of Crack and other's low opinion of people's ability to see through hype, most people do see through it when it's hype not reality. Sometimes we love people in spite of it, but that doesn't mean we don't see it.
OK, Garage. Don't you think that Palin, being as female as can be, could civilize the white supremacists by giving them a voice in DC and then all that has to die is a moose or some haddock.
Why should Harvard and UW Madison Professors be the only ones whose opinions get representation in DC?
As long as the Dem Ruler for Life can avoid all future wars, then we will no longer need 18 to 24 year old red state, cannon fodder volunteers to win our wars and protect us. That would be a new world order indeed.
But the rumor is going around that someone told Harry Reid front lines in wars are brutally violent to the very end. So it may be true.
A reliable source tells me that Palin goes back to her hotel after an appearance like this one and demands that her bathtub be filled with crisp new $100 bills.
Then she strips and rolls around in the money, screeching, "Ahahahaha! Once again I've tricked the rubes into thinking I'm one of them! Those pathetic losers in their strappy shoes that cost a tenth of what mine do!"
Meanwhile, Todd continues negotiations with the Marikina City Footwear Museum to acquire their entire Imelda Marcos collection.
Yashu...I believe Crack recognizes a common trait in little girl Palin to the trait in Patton and Churchill.
It's not perfect educated intelligence. It's old fashioned courage. That is the missing ingredient in cabals of anointed Phd professors and and terminally cautious leaders from behind.
@traditional guy I believe you have placed your finger squarely on her appeal. Courage. She has it. That may be the exact word I've been searching for.
wyo sis said... "@traditional guy I believe you have placed your finger squarely on her appeal. Courage. She has it. That may be the exact word I've been searching for."
Yes. Courage, principles, and high ethics. It's what Barry Goldwater had. And if Sarah Palin will wait to seek political power until after she and Todd complete their paramount obligation - raising their children - then she will have something else Barry Goldwater had - patience and timing.
Freeman wrote: Michelle Obama isn't interesting like Palin. She isn't successful the way Palin is. People do write about her though.
I think she is interesting and successful in ways different than Palin - check the "most admired women" - lists. Although I am put off by her, I suspect she has more substance than her husband.
When people write about her clothes, it seems to me that they rarely, if ever, reflect on her tacky look. There is a giddiness about her at Cosmo, Vogue, etc., that reflects the personality cult surrounding the Obamas.
It would be interesting to know how harrogate thinks you could describe Sarah's populism without referring to "people." "People" vs. the "Ruling Class", "Elites", etc., is the essence of political populism.
I believe I answered the query you put to me, in my comment above. I am not aware that Sarah Palin has people who do not define as conservative, responding to her in the way that Freeman describes in her post. It is certainly a populism, but one that plays within one side of an ideological divide that had been well established long before she arrived on the national scene.
Let me see. When I hear a woman getting snippy about the clothes some other woman is wearing (I didn't see any photo of Ms. Palin at the link), an image comes to mind.
Some dumpy old lady getting envious of someone younger and more attractive.
Sorry Ma'am (the honorific of course goes to Ms. Reese) , but that's what I think.
I used People because the topic was populism. The ideology was beside the point. You could make the same point about Obama with liberals, the Obama the boyfriend phenomenon.
I came up with a short list of people who I have that same visceral, defensive feeling about, (excluding friends, who get that kind of loyalty because they are friends.) Okay, I could only come up with two. But they are people I admire, can relate to, and think I would do well to be more like.
Obviously, that's going to vary from person to person. I don't feel that sort of automatic loyalty toward Palin and Huckabee. Maybe the secret of populism is being the sort of person who inspires that feeling in the broadest possible range of people.
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1 – 200 of 249 Newer› Newest»I dig that. Hawt!!!
I know someone’s going to remind me that just last week, I said it was sexist to focus on the wardrobes of women in politics.
Needed: a snappy, memorable name for the widespread belief that anticipating a criticism is the same as answering it.
I’m sorry, but I’d like my minister, my doctor and yes, my politicians, to look and dress for their parts.
Fuck off Reese.
Of course, she's dressing the part she's choosing to play. Extrapolate what that part is.
She was helping the candidate serve at the cookout. Perfectly appropriate.
And, before the trolls who are so obsessed and so afraid of her show up, let's remind everyone she's 7 for 9 in Senate endorsements and she galvanized the ObamaTax debate with those two magic words, "Death panels".
The lady packs the gear, politically.
That's Hot!
The Wapo article doesn't have any pictures from the event.
Maybe they have two versions.
I’m sorry, but I’d like my minister, my doctor and yes, my politicians, to look and dress for their parts
Since Sarah Palin are neither of those three, Reese just comes off as a catty female intimidated by an attractive woman.
Ann Althouse said...
Of course, she's dressing the part she's choosing to play. Extrapolate what that part is.
She's outside at a BBQ. She should be dressed casual. I have a guy who handles my money. When I see him at his office, it's tie and coat. When I see him at the farm/hardware store, it's blue jeans and t shirt, and he's usually dirty from working outside.
T-shirts with logos should not be worn as outerwear by anyone older than 22.
It's worse than shorts.
I see the photo on Drudge, but not in this article.
Looks fine for a cookout to me, perhaps except for those heels, but she likes to wear them, and it is her arches, not mine.
I thought toreador pants was like that youthful picture of Joanne Woodward in the Newmans' kitchen?
I’m sorry, but I’d like my minister, my doctor and yes, my politicians, to look and dress for their parts.
Meeeooow.....hiss hiss. LOL
You can just feel the green eyed envy oozing. I bet Ms. Reese would give her eyeteeth to be able to wear a t-shirt and capri set like that and look as fit. I know I would /wink
Yes. Let us have everyone in a box and look the same, dress the same, never step outside of the proscribed best practices and spout the same drivel. OK. I do agree with the over use of mamma grizzly, but if you high center on that phrase and ignore the rest of the message...then you have bigger problems that that.
I have a guy who handles my money. When I see him at his office, it's tie and coat. When I see him at the farm/hardware store, it's blue jeans and t shirt, and he's usually dirty from working outside.
Does he wear superman shirts and chunky, wedgie shoes? There's casual and there's... what she's wearing.
T-shirts with logos should not be worn as outerwear by anyone older than 22.
I agree, however, I believe it was the candidate's promotional shirt. So she can be excused.
For goodness sake, it is important that we focus on how she looks rather than the ideas she expresses.
She is after all, a woman.
I'm 65 years old and I have t-shirts that say Army on them. Others have nothing but the patch of the 173d Abn. Bdg. and the 82nd Abn. Div.
Working outside in this hot weather means staying comfortable. Wearing t-shirts accomplish that.
"I’d like my minister, my doctor and yes, my politicians, to look and dress for their parts."
Me too!
Minister in clothes that would blend in with the poor.
Doctor in scrubs.
Politician dressed like the people they are representing.
What I despise is ministers, doctors, or politicians trying to impress me with a nice suit. They're not in the business of dressing nice. They're in the business of helping people.
It's a flyover country,working class, heterosexual thing. You wouldn't understand.
The T shirt is the candidate's campaign T that SP is wearing for support.
One look at Reese's picture and you can see why she's green with envy and as catty as a middle school girl.
Well, at least Reese didn't say Palin looked like a fairground hooker.
But that's only because Elton is cleverer than Reese.
Thanks, I see the picture on Drudge.
Remember the rule.
If its against Palin... its not a double standard.
Well, at least Reese didn't say Palin looked like a fairground hooker.
I heard Sir EJ actually called Madonna the C word... and the press cleaned it up... covered it up.
I don't mind casual attire; but this particular shirt reminds me of the creepy photo that Pamela Gellar used for her mast-head for a while.
Palladian said...
T-shirts with logos should not be worn as outerwear by anyone older than 22.
It's worse than shorts.
When I met MeadeHouse in Madison I wore my commie red Reagan/Che shirt which I suppose counts as a slogan and I'm 52. I refrained from shorts, though even though it was 90 plus degrees.
"Extrapolate what that part is."
...rock star?
I went to a state gop convention once, and Frank Luntz was there and he critiqued the local candidates' clothes. Basically it came down to a guy should wear Dockers and a polo shirt.
He didn't say anything about what women candidates should wear.
Sarah is not just another a dressage horse rider, she is the horse and she is in her prime.
Those are not good shoes for a BBQ. Cover your whole foot so nothing hot spills and burns you.
T-shirts with logos should not be worn as outerwear by anyone older than 22.
This confounds me. Especially when I see teen and 20 something guys wearing black socks and sliders. That's how my grandfather dressed.
All I'll say is that if the professors in my undergrad economics classes looked and dressed generally like that, I'd have gone for a doctorate.
Green with envy?
More like green like Margaret Hamilton circa 1939.
She had me at the "Fuck Me" shoes..
She looks, talks and dresses like people I know and see every day. She looks just like Americans look. When she is at a picnic she dresses for a picnic, when she runs she dresses to run, when she is speaking at a convention she dresses to speak at a convention. She pays for her own clothes.
It's almost impossible to find cute wedges that aren't 5 inches. I totally feel Sarah on that.
Why was there no picture?
I'm surprised that DC comics approved the Steelman campaign use of a Superman Logo on a shirt.
Or is it old enough to be in the public domain?
Needed: a snappy, memorable name for the widespread belief that anticipating a criticism is the same as answering it.
A No-Buttal?
Anticipation + Avoidance = "Anticavoidance"?
(No Sarah pic? Someone show me Sarah in tights, please.)
What I despise is ministers, doctors or politicians trying to impress me with a nice suit.
That reminds me of a story about David Lloyd George. He was out stumping for elections somewhere in coal country, and entered a hall wearing the traditional British MP dress of the time - cutaway coat, striped pants, bat-wing collar - while all the miners were there in the best suits they had. He took one look at the audience and said, Gentlemen, I apologize for appearing before you in my work clothes.
I didn't see the picture of Palin, but it doesn't sound very appealing to me. Probably because I hate wedges with a passion.
What a hottie. She can't help it. I really adore her look no matter what she's dressing for.
And I love the platform sandals. I bought 2 similar pair this summer and they are sexy as hell. I believe it's mostly jealous women who think they're inappropriate.
Give 'em a try, ladies.
Sarah Palin is a good looking, very attractive lady. The most appealing thing about here is what's between her ears. Great thoughts, and able to speak them so there is no doubt.
And I love the platform sandals.
I bought one pair this summer and I haven't been able to wear them yet because my ankle was sprained. I'm going to have to bust them out before summer is over, though.
Those are not good shoes for a BBQ. Cover your whole foot so nothing hot spills and burns you.
You go to more dangerous bbq's than I.
Is there anything she can do that the WaPo would approve of ? Die, maybe ?
At least no tattoos like The History Channel reality shows. I love Pawn Stars.
Even pushing 50, Sarah Palin oozes sex appeal! Take that libtards!
Of course, she's dressing the part she's choosing to play. Extrapolate what that part is.
MILF? OK, that's puerile.
That's Todd's woman. . .Stop the lizard part of the brain.
The heels also help stop some guys from thinking of her as "little lady," so there is that.
black socks and sliders
All the teenager boys are sporting this look. Pretty funny. But then, they wear men's capris, too. Boys refuse to wear shorts that show their knees which, to most people, is the point of wearing shorts.
As for Palin, she is arguably the most powerful person in the Republican party. She can dress however she wants, now that she knows she'll never run for President.
And I love the platform sandals. I bought 2 similar pair this summer and they are sexy as hell
Me too! Love them with jeans or toreador pants also. I bought these sandals to kick around in jeans when I'm not at home. The wedges that Palin is wearing are good for uneven terrain such as lawns or at BBQs
Plus, Palin is very short, so she can wear those platforms and not be towering over the crowd.
That is one foxy lady.
Unapologetically sexy. Good for her.
Shorter Palin H8R:
"She's prettier, more fertile and more happily married than me.
I HATE her."
Having seen her in person - she is so very short and petite! To get statutre to match personality - tall heels and hair
let's remind everyone she's 7 for 9 in Senate endorsements this cycle's *primaries*. How did Gov. Palin's Senate endorsements fare in last cycle's General?
Hint: "witches and bitches" -- Crack.
Of course she doesn't dress like a politician. She is Sarah.
Remember the fashionistas ridiculed her out-dated hairdo in 2008? Some of them eventually imitated her. Her glasses too.
Wonder if WaPO noticed she speaks without a Teleprompter, and hasn't made a ridiculously disastrous gaffe yet.
Sarah Palin continues to be a Rorschach/litmus test to let you know who are the real people and who are the phonies. This goes for conservatives as well as feminists. Or use this marker: Whatever, whoever Sarah Palin is, the people talking/insinuating against her are her highest recommendation.
Great choice, DBQ! Born makes really comfy shoes. These are the platform wedge sandals I bought and love.
Sarah Palin runs daily, exercises and competes in marathons. She is careful about what food she eats. She's pretty much followng Michelle Obama's advice, isn't she?
It's ridiclous that she is criticized for taking good care of herself.
She's in shape and gorgeous. The snarking about how she dresses is just that - on the part of someone who could never carry it off.
By the way, Cher and Ann Romeny are close to being the same age.
Which one looks beter? The much-altered singer or the future first lady?
harass sensuousness sarah
is a palindrome.
I like to see where a link is taking me. Embed it if you like.
Sarah Palin looks just fine.
It's very 50s sexy-- as in the decade, not the age.
With the figure-hugging capri pants (or clam diggers) and tight shirt and strappy yet chunky high-heel wedges.
Kinda rockabilly. Very feminine sexy yet tough, like Rizzo in Grease.
Palladian said...
"I have a guy who handles my money....
Does he wear superman shirts and chunky, wedgie shoes? There's casual and there's... what she's wearing."
Don't be stupid. Does she handle his money? Is he a woman? Is she cooking in her office hours? Casual is whatever she wants to wear to a casual event. That isn't a superman shirt, that is a Steelman shirt. If you associate that shirt with Superman, that is fine too.
"T-shirts with logos should not be worn as outerwear by anyone older than 22."
How about that Hopey-Changy thingy on that Hopey-Changy guy's supporters in 2008?
How did Gov. Palin's Senate endorsements fare in last cycle's General?
Hint: "witches and bitches" -- Crack.
Jesus, dude, you made a fool of yourself on the other thread, and now you're back - pushing the same nonsense? What is with you?
And what is with you and the 2010 primaries? They're over. You lost. So SP endorsed two lousy candidates that didn't make it - I told you she couldn't help them, so why are you insisting she's a loser for not doing the impossible?
You're a loser for thinking that way,...
Went to Drudge to look at the picture of Sarah Palin.
A middle-aged woman is sexy and knows it! The horror!
"It's almost impossible to find cute wedges that aren't 5 inches. I totally feel Sarah on that."
Oh, yeah, she just couldn't find any other shoes.
You realize you're contributing to the Sarah-is-dumb meme.
Sarah is not dumb. Sarah is a media genius, doing media. Analyze the information accordingly.
And as for Darcy's linked wedgies... Sarah's shoes cost 10X as much (or more).
Those clothes scream "I'm not running for office ever."
"Went to Drudge to look at the picture of Sarah Palin."
Why are some people acting like my post doesn't contain a link that goes to the picture?
Something that scares me: People are reading this blog without realizing that there are links and that going to the links is part of understanding what is being said.
and she looks like a rube. I say this as someone who has caught all kids of flak defending her.
I'm surprised to see this catty behavior from you Ann. Whining about another woman's shoes?
According to the 'net, Ms. Sarah is 5'-5 3/4" tall and weighs in at 120 lbs.
rhhardin FTW!! Did you come up with that? Awesome!
harass sensuousness sarah
is a palindrome.
8/7/12 11:28 AM
"Those clothes scream 'I'm not running for office ever.'"
and I thought I had tried all the links in the WaPo story and I did not find one with the picture.
Drudge has it front and center, though rather small. Probably did not think it was as big a deal as some of the ladies hereon do.
Why is the comparison of the prices relevant? I'm not understanding the point. Cute sandals are cute sandals.
I also found a sundress for $7 this summer. I doubt anyone would guess the price of it - it's really quite lovely on. It's probably not going to be very durable, but I didn't care about that.
That sparkly cuff bracelet also gives her a Wonder Woman look. Especially in combination with the superhero t-shirt.
In sum: very womanly, sexy yet tough, warrior/ amazon/ superhero. With a sense of humor about herself. "Mama Grizzly."
"I'm surprised to see this catty behavior from you Ann. Whining about another woman's shoes?"
Where am I whining or being catty?
Really, I am writing this blog on the assumption that people can read and can see and think about the inferences and implications.
Some of the comments here are discouraging. Please raise your game!
Ann Althouse said...
Why are some people acting like my post doesn't contain a link that goes to the picture?
You link goes to the Washington Post, and there is no picture of Palin.
I have a pair of Birkenstocks on the shelf that I paid $105 and tax for and will move on to them as soon as I wear out my WalMart "Birkenstocks" that I paid $4.59 + tax for.
(If I live that long.)
non responsive, Althouse. Obama was in college. Sarah is 50. And actually, his clothes except for the hat are perfectly appropriate
raise your game, Althouse.
Sarah has a good role in the GOP and she is working her crowd par excellence and keeping them involved in politics and most importantly VOTING
"Why is the comparison of the prices relevant? I'm not understanding the point. Cute sandals are cute sandals."
Because you imagine that Sarah is like you... your girlfriend, going to the mall to buy cute stuff together.
It's a media image and it's working on you. I think you should be sharper and more perceptive about the manipulations that are being carried out on you.
Those are super-sexy shoes, very expensive, and yet women who go for Sarah are able to believe that she just goes shopping and finds what she can like you do. That's not what's happening! She looks amazing within a particular zone of amazing because this is an expensive and crafted look. That it seems like what you wear is part of its success, but I would like to think you are sharper than that.
I see the picture at the WP link. I wonder why it's not showing up for others, strange.
"and I thought I had tried all the links in the WaPo story and I did not find one with the picture."
When I go to my link it's right there. I don't get it.
Ann - the reason she looks amazing in those clothes and shoes is because she keeps fit and eats right. That has everything to do with discipline and doesn't require money. Sarah Palin would look good in anything.
Ann Althouse said....
Really, I am writing this blog on the assumption that people can read and can see and think about the inferences and implications.
Some of the comments here are discouraging. Please raise your game!
Dear Lady, most can read very well. It is agreeing with you in all things that we are most deficient. My dear
Manitou felt much the same. That is why Röhm had to go.
Beware my sweet Palladian.
@allenS you browser isn't working.
Sometimes a pair of fucking shoes is just a pair of fucking shoes.
"You link goes to the Washington Post, and there is no picture of Palin."
It goes to a particular page in the WP:
Are you telling me that comes up without the photograph?
Three times I've tried, and three times there has been no picture. I'm using Internet Explorer.
Yup. That's what we are telling you.
"Ann - the reason she looks amazing in those clothes and shoes is because she keeps fit and eats right. That has everything to do with discipline and doesn't require money. Sarah Palin would look good in anything."
She also works very hard on keeping in shape. That is obvious. But that's not the end of it. She is dressing to a particular purpose, and if you think that's just some casual stuff she had lying around after normal-person shopping... you are a good recipient of propaganda.
I'll shut up now. I can see you folks want to keep dreaming your dreams of Sarah, the woman of the people. I need to get out somewhere where it's a bit more stimulating. Enjoy your slumber.
Teacher's cranky today.
She's huffing off to the dean to see if she can flunk us all.
No shit! Someone got up all cranky this morning and it wasn't me!
I think is a bizarre assumption, Althouse.
I do not think any such thing. I am quite able to conclude that Sarah Palin spends a whole lot more on even casual clothing than I would. I don't imagine myself looking like Sarah in any way. I simply remarked on the style of sandal. It's sexy.
I also don't assume that she is trying to do anything but dress the way she can afford to and look great. That's kind of what most women do, no? At face value, I cannot assign a cynical motive to it.
@ Darcy. Cute sandals. I like the elastic on yours since I have a high arch it is sometimes hard to find those strappy kind that fit.
Why is the comparison of the prices relevant? I'm not understanding the point. Cute sandals are cute sandals.
Yea. I don't understand the point either. Her shoes cost more than mine. So? It's her money.
Because you imagine that Sarah is like you... your girlfriend, going to the mall to buy cute stuff together.
Complete and utter bullshit. I don't have girlfriends and I don't go to the mall and shop. I hate the malls. I buy my shoes on line. If I want to buy expensive shoes I can, I will and I have. But frankly my dear....I don't give a damn about the price. I'm about comfort and do they look nice and will they last for a bit.
I don't even imagine Palin going to the mall and shopping. YOU imagine that you imagine what we are thinking. Don't do it. It is beneath you.
I see the photo from the link. No problemo.
Look Sarah Palin is political eye candy to me, nothing more or less. Why can't I be allowed to enjoy it?
Btw, DBQ, they are VERY comfy. They sold out before I could buy them in all the colors. Darn.
Because you imagine that Sarah is like you. . .your girlfriend, going to the mall to buy cute stuff together.
This from someone who voted for Obama. Jesus, Althouse, switch to decaf or something.
YOU imagine that you imagine what we are thinking.
DING DING DING! We have a winner.
Up your game, Althouse.
"Having seen her in person - she is so very short and petite!"
She's 5'10" and quite athletic.
"Those clothes scream 'I'm not running for office ever.'"
Not this year, anyway. Maybe some other time, if it ever gets boring being a total rock star and pissing off the establishment. Yeah, okay, never.
She's dressed like what women want to look like and what men want women to look like BUT in a non-threatening and relateable way.
Clever, clever, clever.
At first I thought she'd borrowed a pair of shoes from Tina Fey. Then I thought, no, with those heels more likely from Tina Fey's husband.
I need to get out somewhere where it's a bit more stimulating. Enjoy your slumber.
I never expected Althouse to go all "WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!11!1!!!!" on us, but there it is.
What you need, apparently, is less stimulation and more validation. That's okay. We all have those days.
Ha! Althouse flounces off, like a character from a screwball comedy, because WE refuse to come a-runnin' to HER dog whistle about Palin! ("Don't you rubes know how to raise your game to agree with ME as to how to interpret things? Pathetic!")
Commenter Win!
My little leibchen, you look at dear Sarah like my friend Meyer gazed at a Sachertorte....with longing and fear and lust all at the same time.
It is not becoming.
and she looks like a rube. I say this as someone who has caught all kids of flak defending her.
Really? She is in a BBQ fund raiser. Should she dress like Anna Wintour? Or should she dress like most of the people at the outdoor fund raiser.
I don't know where YOU live, but those shoes are very popular here. You see people wearing that style a lot. I wouldn't wear them for the practical purpose that I would probably fall off of them and break my ankle.
So Professor, how do you know how much Sarah Palin's shoes cost?
I know my WalMarts do not have the quality of my Birkenstocks, but I will defy you or anyone else to tell which brand I am wearing without making me take them off for you to inspect.
And why worry yourself about it in the first place?
Methinks the lady doth protest overmuch!
I'm a little confused. Are we talking about the price of her clothes or the look of them? They, frankly, look like clothes I see every day. Is that the issue? So, they're expensive. That no doubt makes them fit and look a little more refined, but the look is contemporary casual.
Am I supposed to conclude that she puts thought into what she wears? OK I can see that. She's going rogue. Most political women don't look like Sarah Palin. She's pretty. None of those things are disqualifiers. Or they shouldn't be and maybe that's the point.
I wish she were the Republican candidate for president. What a circus that would be. Even the Obama circus can't compete with that.
I'll shut up now. I can see you folks want to keep dreaming your dreams of Sarah, the woman of the people. I need to get out somewhere where it's a bit more stimulating.
Shots fired!
The Palinbots aren't going to take this one lying down. Nuh uh.
Sarah Palin is 5'5" - look it up.
garage - you're one to talk being an Obamabot.
No photo at link. Although earlier today when I read that article I am sure there was a photo.
I think they took the photo down.
If you're still seeing the pic, try reloading the page by CTRL-clicking the link.
I can see the photo just fine on my iPad.
167 cm. = 5'-5 3/4"
one inch shorter than Jane Russell and Cyd Charisse, 3" shorter than Sophia Loren, but hardly a flyweight.
The 5'-10" would be with the heels on - and why she wears them.
Ann Althouse,
Because you imagine that Sarah is like you... your girlfriend, going to the mall to buy cute stuff together.
Who does? Who said that? Spoke like that? Even implied that?
It's a media image and it's working on you. I think you should be sharper and more perceptive about the manipulations that are being carried out on you.
And that's what got me - can you deny that's the very criticism I've been throwing at you during this election cycle? That you're a rube when it comes to media manipulation? That you're throwing the charge at other people - without ever acknowledging what's so obvious in yourself - is bizarre.
And what "media manipulation" are you talking about when it comes to SP? She's hated by the Left, the mead (but I repeat myself) and the establishment Right - not like, your boy, Mitt - so who's manipulating us?
I agree the shit gets pretty deep and I despise the cheerleading squad - same as for Romney - but the bottom line is we see a leader in SP. I do anyway. In wedgies or out:
She's still there, fighting the good fight, moving the ball downfield.
And she's still hated for it. I think even by you:
Bringing up how much her shoes cost is a "tell"...
Somehow, Palin has achieved celebrity status since the 2008 election.
Wait...I...I totally see it now.
Palin's shoes...they're instruments of manipulation! Her capris and t-shirt are vile purveyors of propoganda!
I can't believe the scales are just now falling from my eyes: she's THE LENI REIFENSTAHL OF FASHION, people!
WAKE UP! Avert your eyes from that photo! It's Triumph of the Wedge!
Ann Althouse said...
Of course, she's dressing the part she's choosing to play. Extrapolate what that part is.
Objection! Leading the comment section.
In yesterday's Palin thread I remarked that many people seem to see Palin as an emblem and personification of the Tea Party, like the figures of Joan of Arc or "Marianne" were for the French: an attitude toward Palin & the Tea Party that I'm very critical of, primarily because I find it unhelpful and unfair to the Tea Party.
I like Palin, but I dislike the extent to which she herself (and not just her fans) arrogates to herself that mantle/ role.
That said, I do have to admire the savviness with which she uses her sex appeal as part of her political persona. I don't think it's as cynically manipulative as Althouse suggests on this thread (nor do I get why Althouse is upset that commenters aren't judging Palin as cynically manipulative): a smart politician uses what (s)he's got, whatever that may be, and Palin's got it, so why not? (IMO She's more authentically "sexy" than Obama is authentically "cool.")
But anyway, today's discussion reminds me that the French invested the figure of "Marianne" with a lot of sex appeal too. Cf. Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People.
"Those clothes scream 'I'm not running for office ever.'"
That comment, combined with the link it goes to. Excellence. I am sure Obama himself would get a good laugh out of that.
There you are in a cave, seeing the shadows on the wall, the common clothes. Then you walk out of the cave, and it's Sarah's clothes!
It's an "of the people" image perfected beyond anything actually "of the people" could attain.
I also agree with this:
Those clothes scream "I'm not running for office ever."
I think she sees that she is phenomenally successful as a political celebrity. Why be a politician?
Why does Palin make everyone so weird?
Love and hate swirling around.
She's a vortex!
My bad. It's not CTRL-clicking that reloads, it's going to the page and hitting CTRL-F5.
CTRL-click opens window in new tab, which is kinda neat.
Follow the link she embeds with that comment. it has nothing to do with Palin and it will make you laugh.
She has what every feminist said they wanted, and she's not of the correct political persuasion. This is the vortex.
Also she is on the side of the angels and a lot of fun.
And she does make the Democrats' heads explode!
It is all good.
Follow the link she embeds with that comment. it has nothing to do with Palin and it will make you laugh.
I did, and it did.
But I was agreeing with Kathleen's comment.
If Palin goals consist of disseminating her ideas to affect the political debate and being financially successful, she has no reason to run for office.
I disagree with Palin on most things and from what I have seen, do not think her very decent in how she treats people, especially those with whom she disagrees.
But those who think she is dumb are either being sexist or lying to themselves. She also has some shown political bravery both before and after her nomination, and deserves credit for that. And my God, she is beautiful.
She has what every feminist said they wanted, and she's not of the correct political persuasion. This is the vortex.
That part of the vortex, the blue swirl, I get. They really flipped out about her.
But what about the red swirl? Look how many people discuss Palin as though she were a family member, off the table for analysis.
But those who think she is dumb are either being sexist or lying to themselves. She also has some shown political bravery both before and after her nomination, and deserves credit for that. And my God, she is beautiful.
All true.
I think the red swirl is that she doesn't do it the right way. She doesn't line up with the party bosses. She isn't boring and bland. She's too smart to be taken in and too good looking to be ignored. Conservatives don't know how to handle a rock star.
Sarah Palin continues to be a Rorschach/litmus test...
No less so than here. The Left and those left-ish can never forgive her for this moment ('cause they know what they would have done in her, um, shoes).
"I have written before about how female politicians can't win where their appearance is concerned. Too much grooming and they're dismissed as dolly birds, desperate, or both; too little, and they're damned as sexless munters, who've let themselves go. It's the female politician's lot to be seen and not heard. Or, at least, seen (judged, objectified, mocked) much more than she is ever allowed to be heard."
Keep up the good work, Ann.
5'5", you are correct. Somehow had it in my head that she was taller, probably because of the athletics and pageant background. Or chalk it up to the devious mad skillz of that vixen and her expensive shoes of manipulation.
"Triumph of the Wedge." Thread winner.
Ann Althouse said...
"It's almost impossible to find cute wedges that aren't 5 inches. I totally feel Sarah on that."
Oh, yeah, she just couldn't find any other shoes.
You realize you're contributing to the Sarah-is-dumb meme.
Sarah is not dumb. Sarah is a media genius, doing media. Analyze the information accordingly.
That's an extreme compliment from Althouse's point of view.
Althouse, it's an extreme insult to imagine the mall/girlfriend thing about your average female commenter.
Now, I'm going to Drudge, cause IE7 isn't showing me the pic.
I think she sees that she is phenomenally successful as a political celebrity. Why be a politician?
If Palin goals consist of disseminating her ideas to affect the political debate and being financially successful, she has no reason to run for office.
Agreed. I don't foresee Palin running for office again. She's having too much fun doing what she's doing. Political powerbroking, advocacy, reality TV, etc.
Any politician who's actually elected and has to govern, is bound to disappoint his/her fans. Why disappoint them? Better to keep them dreaming of the idealized "what if" Palin candidacy.
Bermudas, tee-shirt, crew socks, crocs. That's all you need.
In winter add sweat pants and coat.
Now, I'm going to Drudge, cause IE7 isn't showing me the pic.
FIREFOX people. Use Firefox
Look how many people discuss Palin as though she were a family member, off the table for analysis.
I'm all for analyzing Palin. She's interesting, especially w/r/t her media smarts. I just happen to think that this particular analysis of Palin is dopey beyond parody. I have to confess I'm much more interested in the analysis of Althouse that this particular post begs. It, and her reaction to our reaction, tells us much more about the professor than about Palin.
It, and her reaction to our reaction, tells us much more about the professor than about Palin.
Are you talking about the thing where she complains about how dumb her right-wing commenters are?
wyo sis said...
I think the red swirl is that she doesn't do it the right way. She doesn't line up with the party bosses. She isn't boring and bland. She's too smart to be taken in and too good looking to be ignored. Conservatives don't know how to handle a rock star.
Excellent analysis, and I would add that she's having a ball.
An idea:
She makes people feel better about themselves because they see a perfected image of themselves in her. People love her for that.
How anyone who looks at a transparent malignant narcissist like Obama and imagines him to be a calm, reasonable, and decent man can go on to accuse anybody of being dupes of media propaganda is the height of absurdity.
We're watching Althouse jumping the shark folks. It should be fun.
Are you talking about the thing where she complains about how dumb her right-wing commenters are? don't understand much, do you?
She's like Huckabee. She has a grasp of populism the way he does. People love those two. People want to defend them, want to do things for them, feel honor and duty tied up in them somehow.
@Freeman Hunt
I think you've got something there. Also with the family thing. No one messes with our better looking sister. She's like the sister that makes prom queen and student body president.
The interesting question is what about her makes people feel like that? It can't merely be that she is good and treated badly by some. Many are the same in that way but hold no real sway over the popular imagination.
"Something that scares me:"
Be afraid, be very afraid!
"Those clothes scream 'I'm not running for office ever.'"
Althouse, you do realize Obama was a tad younger, and not yet in politics, than your current mama grizzly pic. Taken a couple years after she quit her strenuous job of governing 700k in AK!
So your comparison is laughable at best ...
But good to see many of your flock still have a palin fetish or maybe they're just into fashion lol.
Like Usain Bolt, it must be the shoes!
You bet'cha!
It, and her reaction to our reaction, tells us much more about the professor than about Palin.
"Are you talking about the thing where she complains about how dumb her right-wing commenters are?"
She didn't say right wing....however, I "imagine" the sturm and drang is all due the the refusal of some of the commentors to fall in line with the theory that we are to stupid to realize that we are being manipulated by a female Machiavelli by the way that she dresses.
"She also works very hard on keeping in shape. That is obvious. But that's not the end of it. She is dressing to a particular purpose, and if you think that's just some casual stuff she had lying around after normal-person shopping... you are a good recipient of propaganda."
Duh. Who doesn't think that a woman, Palin, or any man doesn't dress to create an effect. Obama or that financial moron Kramer with their sleeves rolled up? Puleeze, don't you think we know that is an affectation to present a certain aura. "I'm a busy guy doing busy work. Look how I have to roll up my sleeves and get to work!!" Do we care and make a big effing deal about it. No. Because they are men. However, when it is a woman somehow it is a devious plot.
Duh. Again. We know that the woman is dressing for an effect. In this case contemporary casual to say..."see...I am one of you." So???? If she dressed any other way at that particular event, say in a Hillary style corporate polyester pantsuit or a glamorous summer dress it would be totally out of place and distance her from the crowd. This is NOT a difficult concept to understand....except for the writer of the article, which is the topic starter of this thread.
We....contrary to the opinion of the blog hostess here, are perfectly able to comprehend these things. Some things are so obvious that they really don't require minute analysis.
I like Sarah Palin and I think she looks great. Any wife should want to look good for her husband. And the other way around.
Call me an old fuddy duddy conservative but I'm looking for political leaders more like Barry Goldwater.
Sarah chose to become a populist political celebrity. That's fine. I sincerely wish her well and I appreciate what she brings to the conservative movement. But she's no Margaret Thatcher and never will be.
Bobby Jindal begins to hit the mark. So does Paul Ryan. Scott Walker could even get there. And Ted Cruz seems to be on his way.
Hillary Clinton could have reached Margaret Thatcher level. If only she hadn't decided to become a communist.
From the moment she spoke as the vice presidential candidate and won me over, to the media and liberal meltdown and their spitting hissy fit I felt like I'd been personally slapped in the face. She IS, me as Freeman Hunt says, only better. You attack her and you're attacking me.
I was so shocked at the venom and hatred she was shown that I still feel like I want to slap someone.
Liberals = mean girls
Hard to reach Margaret Thatcher status when you're busy dodging sniper fire.
Well, yeah, and she built that!
I wonder what type of shoes Hillary was wearing that day? Probably doesn't matter.
@DBQ: Exactly. Of course she was going for the "I'm one of you" look. They all do. The men do the rolled up sleeve and no jacket thing.
I really don't see what is so manipulative about this outfit except that it is being worn by a stunningly beautiful woman. How dare she be so manipulative! Heh.
"She is dressing to a particular purpose"
Of course she is! And it's not just one purpose. She's casual to fit in with her supporters and the very same look has the purpose of intentionally angering her detractors.
What's the purpose? That she's not playing the game with the rules created by the media. She's being her own person--not cowering beneath the barrage of insults or dismissive remarks.
Critiquing her outfit is part of the purpose. Critique her if you will, but who is actually for and with the people?
She's good at what she does because she gets around all the usual boundaries and assumptions, causing rhetorical feminists to say vile things, rhetorical populists to insult her as stupid, and otherwise exposes people for who they really are.
Ms. Sarah that is,
and Mrs. Thatcher and Hillary too in their ways.
Hmm? Sarah the magnificent female politician is doing her best red state act. That means she is dumbing down to meet her students where they are and e-ducate them up from there. That will take talent.
The attractive teacher gets more attention than the mousy librarian. And I am sure Althouse knows that.
So what's Sarah up to? Maybe a movie career or a Fox News show.
Todd is the one who needs to be worried about the future. She won't need him.
Sarah is smarter than Marilyn Monroe, who was very smart too,other than her trusting in the Kennedys which killed her.
Hi, Darcy.
FIREFOX people. Use Firefox
Or Chrome.
If Sarah Palin is playing to, profiting from, or moving the political discourse her way using her political capital good for her. She should show up and keep us outraged until we get decent leaders in office. Whether she does it from the sidelines or as a principle player I wish her nothing but the best.
traditionalguy said...
Todd is the one who needs to be worried about the future. She won't need him.
Bullshit. They will stay together.
Also: How dare she wear a shoe style similar but more expensive to mine and make me feel like I'm her and she's me!
Hehehe. I dunno. She has always come across as pretty genuine to me. Hard woking. I appreciate her courage. I believe she often gets knocked hard precisely because she's so beautiful. I mean, it's easy to imagine a beautiful woman being manipulative, isn't it?
Sarah chose to become a populist political celebrity. That's fine. I sincerely wish her well and I appreciate what she brings to the conservative movement. But she's no Margaret Thatcher and never will be.
I agree with Meade.
Populism is interesting. How does it work? In Sarah, I like the rheory of the perfected version of oneself or perfected seemingly attainable object of desire. But that's not explanatory of populism generally. Certainly that can't be the case with Huckabee.
Freeman Hunt,
An idea:
She makes people feel better about themselves because they see a perfected image of themselves in her.
I can only speak for myself, but, um - no. I don't even see the great beauty the rest of these folks are drooling over, which can be annoying, reminding me how shallow people are - they're like the opposites of those who focus on her speaking style and think she's stupid. Either way, they don't see (or hear) her.
I see a leader. Nothing more. I get the same feeling from her as I do a Chris Christie zinger/put down of his opponents. As I do a Patton or a Churchill.
It really has very little to do with me at all, except it's what I'd like to see more of.
How anyone who looks at a transparent malignant narcissist like Obama and imagines him to be a calm, reasonable, and decent man can go on to accuse anybody of being dupes of media propaganda is the height of absurdity.
That Ann has never confronted this - and probably will never - partially why I know she's a NewAger. You Romney fans listen up:
One of the disturbing things about NewAge is how intwined it is with the confidence game. In order to pull it off, the con man has to do three things well - 1) win the mark's trust 2) give them an active role in whatever deception is occurring, and then 3) rip them off.
#2 is vital, because giving the mark an active role in their own deception makes it very difficult for them to either confess their role, report the crime, or admit a crime has even occurred.
Ann is (and has been) displaying this behavior for four years now - after claiming she saw was up post-election - and it shows.
I personally don't know what to do about the contradictory ways of cultish thinking, beyond "snapping," which I try to do, online, though it's a medium for it.
It works much better face-to-face,...
I disagree with Palin on most things and from what I have seen, do not think her very decent in how she treats people, especially those with whom she disagrees.
Would be curious to be shown the support of the claim that in this regard Palin is uniquely or even especially relatively indecent. Not seeing it.
Excuse my typos, please.
She makes people feel better about themselves because they see a perfected image of themselves in her. People love her for that.
Conversely, she is a painful reminder of something wild, free and beautiful that a lot of people have stamped down inside of themselves in favour of an ideal, intellectualized image which they fervently want others to perceive. Not just 'wild and free' in a romantic way, but also in a very capable way that can (and happily will) shred unwary enemies infatuated with their own delusions.
There is a sense in which she is dressing like Thacher. Thatcher was/is derided as a "grocer's daughter." This is just about the same economic level as the social class that Palin comes from (and depends on for many of her most loyal supporters.) In this photo, Palin is parading the markers of her class like nobody's business. Of course, the markers for Thatcher's English social class are very different, and the structure of the UK class system is more linear than the US, but the economic and social level of the classes of the two women are similar.
I see a leader. Nothing more. I get the same feeling from her as I do a Chris Christie zinger/put down of his opponents. As I do a Patton or a Churchill.
Patton. Churchill. Palin.
One of your more lulzy offerings there, Crack.
she has more fashion options than most women her age. she doesn't have a giant ass to hide.
Our first lady vacilates between dressing like an elegant matron and a 20-something tramp. Is anybody writing or ruminating about that?
Meade, you're an old fuddy duddy.
Honestly, I don't think Palin chose to become a populist political celebrity. Well, she did, but that was the path that was available to her other than crawling away and hiding.
She is a western conservative, strong woman who was brutalized by the popular media--and a narrative was attached to her that she can't overcome in the broader media. That this narrative is artificial is absolutely certain--as Biden play the populist rube and gets all sorts of attention. Obama never really governed and quit every job he had so as to move up another rung on the ladder. The shockingly clear corruption of Pelosi and Reid show that those charges were fake outrage against Palin too.
But she didn't crawl away or whine or submit to liberal and media authority.
It's nice to have someone who dresses well, uses big words in complicated sentences and has degrees from fancy schools on their wall. Those kind of conservatives are why we are still talking about Obamacare.
Those kinds of conservatives are why California is in the mess its in. Happy to be either squishy or peripheral.
Someone like Palin shows she'll actually stand up for conservative beliefs.
Hombre, Michelle Obama isn't interesting like Palin. She isn't successful the way Palin is. People do write about her though.
She's much more like Patton and Churchill than Obama is. And she is as capable and focused as either Paton or Churchill. You can laugh, but be careful about underestimating.
And hi, Allen!
Ugh, Freeman. Huckabee creeps me the heck out.
"She's like Huckabee. She has a grasp of populism the way he does. People love those two. People want to defend them, want to do things for them, feel honor and duty tied up in them somehow."
In writing and continuing to explore the idea, you paint with a pretty broad brush. Isn't it more the case that some--ok, to be fair, a lot--of the people who identify as *conservative* love them, want to defend them, do things for them, etc?
This omission, this use of "People" while I am sure innocent on your part, dovetails with her "real Americans," "real Virginians" schtick that, in addition to being obviously absurd on its face, I thought rather nasty.
I did get a chuckle from Drudge juxtaposing the photo of Palin at the lectern with a photo of a particularly wan and tired-looking Jimmy Carter over the line, "HE'S BACK! CARTER TO ADDRESS DEMS BY VIDEO..."
Eh, reluctantly agreeing with garage here.
Hyperbolic comparisons to George Patton and Winston Churchill don't do Palin any favors.
I like Palin, but I like her less than most people here. It's the apotheosis of Palin, the extreme idealization of Palin by many of her fans that I find most offputting.
Sarah Palin might be cynically using what was originally a spontaneous embracing of her All American Mom aura. If she is, it will eventually get found out. In spite of Crack and other's low opinion of people's ability to see through hype, most people do see through it when it's hype not reality. Sometimes we love people in spite of it, but that doesn't mean we don't see it.
OK, Garage. Don't you think that Palin, being as female as can be, could civilize the white supremacists by giving them a voice in DC and then all that has to die is a moose or some haddock.
Why should Harvard and UW Madison Professors be the only ones whose opinions get representation in DC?
As long as the Dem Ruler for Life can avoid all future wars, then we will no longer need 18 to 24 year old red state, cannon fodder volunteers to win our wars and protect us. That would be a new world order indeed.
But the rumor is going around that someone told Harry Reid front lines in wars are brutally violent to the very end. So it may be true.
But those who think she is dumb are either being sexist or lying to themselves.
She is not dumb, but she is inarticulate. Lefties equate that with dumb except when assessing Obama.
A reliable source tells me that Palin goes back to her hotel after an appearance like this one and demands that her bathtub be filled with crisp new $100 bills.
Then she strips and rolls around in the money, screeching, "Ahahahaha! Once again I've tricked the rubes into thinking I'm one of them! Those pathetic losers in their strappy shoes that cost a tenth of what mine do!"
Meanwhile, Todd continues negotiations with the Marikina City Footwear Museum to acquire their entire Imelda Marcos collection.
Yashu...I believe Crack recognizes a common trait in little girl Palin to the trait in Patton and Churchill.
It's not perfect educated intelligence. It's old fashioned courage. That is the missing ingredient in cabals of anointed Phd professors and and terminally cautious leaders from behind.
n10 agricth
No photo for me either. Not even in the multiple links in the Post article.
But anyway, the "cool" Obama picture was a snappy play.
You coulda used this one
Awesome. Wish she'd been dressed like that when I met her.
@traditional guy
I believe you have placed your finger squarely on her appeal. Courage. She has it. That may be the exact word I've been searching for.
If this is a test, then YES I do see the hot photo of Palin in the blue Superman shirt. Maybe ya'll need to switch to Firefox?
Crack: I get the same feeling from her as I do a Chris Christie zinger/put down...
I get the feeling that Chris Christie would have left Katie Couric stammering and in tears.
wyo sis said...
"@traditional guy
I believe you have placed your finger squarely on her appeal. Courage. She has it. That may be the exact word I've been searching for."
Yes. Courage, principles, and high ethics. It's what Barry Goldwater had. And if Sarah Palin will wait to seek political power until after she and Todd complete their paramount obligation - raising their children - then she will have something else Barry Goldwater had - patience and timing.
I always thought Christine O'Donnell was much more likeable. Nice smile, a sense of humor. And [gasp!] sort of nice.
Palin is just wicked and a nasty piece of work.
And that voice.
she will have something else Barry Goldwater had - patience and timing.
Freeman wrote: Michelle Obama isn't interesting like Palin. She isn't successful the way Palin is. People do write about her though.
I think she is interesting and successful in ways different than Palin - check the "most admired women" - lists. Although I am put off by her, I suspect she has more substance than her husband.
When people write about her clothes, it seems to me that they rarely, if ever, reflect on her tacky look. There is a giddiness about her at Cosmo, Vogue, etc., that reflects the personality cult surrounding the Obamas.
It would be interesting to know how harrogate thinks you could describe Sarah's populism without referring to "people." "People" vs. the "Ruling Class", "Elites", etc., is the essence of political populism.
garage mahal,
Patton. Churchill. Palin.
One of your more lulzy offerings there, Crack.
Three people who can handle a gun,...
I believe I answered the query you put to me, in my comment above. I am not aware that Sarah Palin has people who do not define as conservative, responding to her in the way that Freeman describes in her post. It is certainly a populism, but one that plays within one side of an ideological divide that had been well established long before she arrived on the national scene.
Sarah's got it. Oozes sex appeal. Sets a lot of ladies' teeth on edge.
Let me see. When I hear a woman getting snippy about the clothes some other woman is wearing (I didn't see any photo of Ms. Palin at the link), an image comes to mind.
Some dumpy old lady getting envious of someone younger and more attractive.
Sorry Ma'am (the honorific of course goes to Ms. Reese) , but that's what I think.
Okay, it's Sarah. I'll get you to 199 but then you're on your own.
I used People because the topic was populism. The ideology was beside the point. You could make the same point about Obama with liberals, the Obama the boyfriend phenomenon.
I came up with a short list of people who I have that same visceral, defensive feeling about, (excluding friends, who get that kind of loyalty because they are friends.) Okay, I could only come up with two. But they are people I admire, can relate to, and think I would do well to be more like.
Obviously, that's going to vary from person to person. I don't feel that sort of automatic loyalty toward Palin and Huckabee. Maybe the secret of populism is being the sort of person who inspires that feeling in the broadest possible range of people.
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