6:04: Settle in. It's going to be a long night. Are you looking forward to anything other than Rubio and Romney?
6:30: A Mormon invocation, from Ken Hutchins, thanking God for "the beauty of the heavens and the earth... a lasting testament of Thy love for us."
6:43: "Once again, it's morning in America!" announces Connie Mack, gesturing exuberantly.
6:47: Another story of an immigrant who started a business. It's the American Dream, Mack tells us. "It's morning in America," he repeats, and the tribute video to Ronald Reagan begins.
6:53: "Whatever else history may say about me when I'm gone," says the voice of the departed President, "I hope it will record that I appealed to your best hopes, not your worst fears, to your confidence, rather than your doubts. In this springtime of hope, some lights seem eternal. America's is." And so, we hear the theme of the night: hope, dreams... the very words that won the last election for the other party.
6:59: It's Callista and Newt Gingrich, here to liken Romney to Reagan and Obama to Carter. It's like 1980 again, you must understand, and it's striking how President Carter and President Obama both wrecked out hopes and dreams within only 4 years. They're speaking in this slow, methodical way. I think this would have been livelier without Callista, but she's bringing the woman... and the beauty... very crisp beauty.
7:03: Hispanics: We love you! We really, really love you. Your values are Republican Party values. Hard work. Entrepreneurship. The American Dream. The successful Hispanics have been Republican. Identify with success, o Hispanic people! [This was a video. I'll post it here when I find it.]
7:06: It's Craig Romney, the youngest Romney son. He speaks at some length in Spanish, and it sounds fluent to me. He's really handsome too, by the way.
7:12: Jeb Bush comes out and speaks his first few words in Spanish. I'm picturing the Democrats suddenly scrambling to put more Hispanic in their convention.
7:40: Grant Bennett, a friend and fellow church member of Romney's, explains the work Romney did within the LDS Church. This is beautifully stated, explaining a life of service to others. Meade says, "Community organizing!" And I say, "No, he was ministering to individuals." There was no organizing.
7:47: An array of church members testifying to Romney's religious ministry. [This is very touching, parents with children who suffered and died.]
8:37: More testimonials from businesses that were helped by Mitt Romney and from Olympians who benefited from Mitt's leadership. This section is well-done. I'm not particularizing it, but let me say I'm impressed by it.
9:03: Clint Eastwood!
9:10: Clint's talking to an empty chair representing Obama. Oh, I don't think it's possible for him to do that to himself.
9:13: We own this country... Politicians are employees of ours... When somebody does not do the job, we've got to let them go. Note the echo with Mitt Romney's famous: "I like being able to fire people."
9:14: Marco Rubio! About Obama: "Our problem is not that he's a bad person. It's that he's a bad President."
10:42: And now, Romney has given his speech. It was a Romney speech.
1 – 200 of 633 Newer› Newest»I'm looking forward to Clint.
Tomorrow's headline:
Dirty Hairy outshines mittens!
I believe Inspector Henry Callahan of the SFPD will have a few crimestopping suggestions for the Convention goers, but, yes, I am waiting to hear what the Romster has to say, and The Blonde is waiting for Senator Rubio, of whom she thinks highly.
Meanwhile, can you identify your Wisconsin politicians?
Because Slate can't.
Ann, if you did not know that Romney donated all his inheritance (which was said by himself on Bill O' I think after much prodding from Bill O'), imagine how many others would not have heard it. Fuck the media.
Also did you know that Ann R. graces the governor's portrait with him in MA? He insisted that she be in it too. How great is that! No what was that about war on women..the bench is deep on the R side for women.
Hey, the Rs have a Clinton too..
...the Democratic convention....
Willard is apparently going to try to connect with voters tonight. Would that be a USB, or 10Base-T connection?
For those like Diamond, the mindless automaton, and Oaf, who would pick a fight with pm, Politifact begs to differ.
PS The morrow's headlines will have a few nice things to say about Mr Yates of the Favor Cattle Company, but the bulk of the coverage will go to the next President of the United States' acceptance speech.
PPS It's Harry, not Hairy.
Are you looking forward to anything other than Rubio and Romney?
Hey, I'm fine with looking forward to Eastwood "outshining" Romney. So what? It's great to have a [future] President who doesn't have to be the center of attention all the damn time and a Hollywood movie star who effortlessly is the center of attention. Everyone stay in your lane!
I think I'll just have casual sex tonight. After Romney, I couldn't possibly feel more violated (or bored).
Eastwood huh? Wasn't he the "pry it from my cold grey hands guy"? ohhh that was Ben-Hur...my mistake...but don't blame me, they both look dead.
and it is funny to think that the mystery guest behind door number 3 is a (drum roll please) a HOLLYWOOD millionaire.....
Willard is apparently going to try to connect with voters tonight. Would that be a USB, or 10Base-T connection?
He's trying to connect with women, via the media version of what women want, namely soap opera.
Can a woman be happy with a President who is twice her age?
Can a beautiful young stepmother be happy with a millionare President?
They'll tune in to find out.
The rest of us will grimace through the important sound bites tomorrow morning.
Lindsey Meadows said...
I think I'll just have casual sex tonight. After Romney, I couldn't possibly feel more violated (or bored).
Make sure the batteries are good.
Cornelius Harvey McGillicuddy IV
I love that name and I refuse to call him Connie Mack!
"Lindsey Meadows said...
I think I'll just have casual sex tonight. After Romney, I couldn't possibly feel more violated (or bored).
Make sure the batteries are good."
Don't forget the K-Y. You sound dry.
Since the Democrats are putting Sandra "$1,000 a year birth control" on as one of the main speakers, the Republicans should put on some lawyer who will bitch about not having enough quarters to purchase the "French Tickler" condomn at his local gas station.
I'll be live blogging my way through the 14 wines I just tried in napa....
Have fun with the politics folks!
Zombie Reagan was one of my early choices for the nomination before Romney locked it up.
Last night during the Ryan speech I flipped over the MSNBC, passing Current TV on the way down the dial. They were showing "The History of Weed." LOL and bless their atrophied little hearts and possibly weed-diminished IQs. At least they're honest and open in their bias. Anyway, FYI, tonight is "Cocaine Unwrapped."
WTF is helmet-headed Callista Gingrich doing up there? Godamighty.
Morning in America was the death of RR's second term. He got elected to let the sun come up and that was the mandate. Deaver has a lot to answer for.
Helmet? Her hair is cute.
Holy shit, the Party of Stupid puts Neut and his glassine wife on the final night of the convention!!
Calista and Newt are awkward. Her jacket I'd cut too low for a woman her age, in that setting.
Newts wife is from Arcadia Wisconsin.
At least their time onstage was short.
Don't inflict your ex-mistress on a convention.
Callista Gingrich's hair looks to be made of space age polymers.
john said...
Holy shit, the Party of Stupid puts Neut and his glassine wife on the final night of the convention!!
Newt earned it.
Shiloh actually wrote Dirty Hairy
Let the record show that shiloh is fixated with men's assholes.
Newt gave the worst speech of his entire campaign. And he and his wife (why was she there?) seemed to talk as slowly as possible so they could get extra screen time.
Very passive-aggressive.
"Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours" is extremely graphic in sign. It's tricky to hit on beat because it's fast, and repetitive fast things get tricky. It's fast and graphic and it flows like a movie.
I am expecting the BYU marching band. Exactly when, I don't know.
And the Spanish sounded gringoesque to me mostly, and then for a moment not gringoesque and then back to textbook gringoesque.
Althouse: I think this would have been livelier without Callista, but she's bringing the woman... and the beauty... very crisp beauty.
I agree, if by "crisp" you mean "robotic".
She's got nothing on Romney's wife.
Oh, dear. I would not want to be a Democrat today.
Oh, now wonder, it's Romney. His Spanish sounds like his dad's French sounds, stilted and like a text book. That's my opinion and I'm sticking with it. And one more thing, I've been watching those interpreters and they're not matching exactly. They're going, "oh he said, ..."
Cornelius Harvey McGillicuddy IV
I had no idea.
That's awesome!
Chip Ahoy: His Spanish sounds like his dad's French sounds, stilted and like a text book.
Maybe he learned it for missionary work. If so, he probably has a lot of experience interacting with Spanish speakers.
I'm giving him credit!
Wow, Jeb: "After 4 years its time you took responsibility for the economy". Perfect.
Then he stopped himself from saying "It's the adult thing to do."
Usted no lo construyó eso.
Chip Ahoy, some people have good ears and a talent for accents, and some have good minds for language. These two talents do not necessarily coincide.
I didn't think of that. Critical, I know, but my own teachers were harsh on me about accents and demanding about pronouncing phonemes. Him and his dad sound like text books, that is to say extremely clear.
what is that plastic looking woman doing on stage with a walrus?
Connie Mack is going to put the kibosh on Bill Nelson.
Bob Ellison said...
Oh, dear. I would not want to be a Democrat today."
Oh I would...wait a minute...I am a democrat....
but that is another thread.
Ann, don't you see it? For Hispanic (or other) immigrants, education is the way to go..
Callista, aka Cally Lou, from Whitehall, WI (about 1/2 way between LaCrosse and Eau Claire).
So close in age to Paul Ryan but such a different path to that stage.
Wally Kalbacken said...
Connie Mack is going to put the kibosh on Bill Nelson."
Give me a call when being down 6 points reaches a landslide....
"You can either help the politically powerful unions, or you can help the kids."
-Jeb Bush.
You find Callista beautiful?
Mexican Spanish is interesting in that once you learn the pronunciation rules, if you have a good ear and a talent for accents, you can read and speak it perfectly clearly without understanding a word. It's not like other languages. You can't do that with English or German or French or Russian or any Asian language. Spanish is, from a pronunciation standpoint, extremely predictable.
I wonder what Steven Pinker would say about that.
One person's "crisp" is another's "brittle." callista looks like someone who would beat a child for using a wire hanger.
On the free air, I have to watch the convetion on the local PBS station where Gwen (NOT an Eyefull) reported that, "George 'Jeb' Bush" gave a speach.
who is the music band? They are good..
callista looks like someone who would beat a child for using a wire hanger."
That you think this probably says more about you than it says about her.
I'm picturing the Democrats suddenly scrambling to put more Hispanic in their convention.
Isn't L.A. mayor Villagarosa a keynote speaker?
At the DNC convention.
Bob Ellison said...
Mexican Spanish is interesting in that once you learn the pronunciation rules, if you have a good ear and a talent for accents, you can read and speak it perfectly clearly without understanding a word.
Sid Caesar
Right now the Democrat convention planners are wondering if they should cut back on worshipping abortion and free condomns, and ramp up the Mexican content.
Yes, I am bias, but compare the RNC lineup this week to Sandra Fluck.
Unknown said...
WTF is helmet-headed Callista Gingrich doing up there?'
probably proving that adultry pays off in the end? your guess is as good as mine.
who is the music band? They are good
I think the guitar guy is GE Smith - he used to lead the house band for Saturday Night Live for about 10 years. I think he was once married to Gilda Radner, or at least lived with her before she married Gene Wilder.
Right now the Democrat convention planners are wondering if they should cut back on worshipping abortion and free condomns, and ramp up the Mexican content.
That's the downside of having the RNC up first - DNC gets the last word.
The fact that Obama and many idiot liberals actually agree with the GOP on some education reform makes me realize just how truly and utterly fucked this country is. It's all a scam.
In a Switch, GOP’s Speakers Highlight Diversity
Tuning in to the Republican National Convention this week, viewers could be forgiven for thinking they had switched on the Democratic convention of yesteryear, what with all the up-and-coming women and minority politicians taking the stage. It’s a contrast with Democrats, who will trot out a bunch of timeworn white guys next week in Charlotte to help make the party’s case to the nation.
It is one of this presidential election’s most striking juxtapositions that Mitt Romney, a Republican throwback, is leading a renaissance of down-ballot diversity. And President Obama, dependent on high minority turnout and support, is counting on a group of largely white political veterans to vouch for him at next week’s Democratic National Convention.
Funny joke: The Republicans are happy to have a party while some black people are without electricity in Louisiana.
Wally Kalbacken, thanks for that link. Amazing. Sid Caesar is under-appreciated.
This couple speaking look like they were drawing by R Crumb.
If you don't get the " wire hanger, you must be young. Don't make the mistake of assuming a comment says " more" than what it says, Sue D'.
I like this convention and I like how (I think) Romney will run his campaign. It sounds like he'll go after every demographic: women, Hispanics, the young, even black people (through school choice).
Obama wont be able to take any vote for granted.
...probably proving that adultery pays off in the end...
Well, it sure pays off better than being the meat in a waitress sandwich, that's for sure.
'Cause, ya know, Democrats have such unsullied private lives. Veritable wives of Caesar they be.
GM The fact that Obama and many idiot liberals actually agree with the GOP on some education reform
Who could tell?
bgates said...
Cornelius Harvey McGillicuddy IV
I had no idea.
That's awesome!
His grandfather was the Connie Mack who owned the Philadelphia As and for whom Connie Mack Stadium in Philadelphia was named.
Lindsey Meadows said...
probably proving that adultry pays off in the end? your guess is as good as mine.
Funny joke: The Republicans are happy to have a party while some black people are without electricity in Louisiana.
We left a very capable guy in charge in LA.
Now if BHO will answer his phone ...
I think the guitar guy is GE Smith - he used to lead the house band for Saturday Night Live for about 10 years. I think he was once married to Gilda Radner, or at least lived with her before she married Gene Wilder.
It was Larraine Newman. He was Hall and Oates guitarist before SNL.
Fuck the media and the stinky Obama and his minions. His/their nastiness and ugliness has driven these good everyday people out of their and Mitt's private world, a generous world. I feel their pain.
Althouse: 7:47: An array of church members testifying to Romney's religious ministry. [This is very touching, parents with children who suffered and died.]
They could stop the convention right now, and everyone would be ready to give their all for Romney. Anything else this evening is bonus material.
"fixated with men's assholes."
Mine was a typo, but chickelit unashamedly shows his true desires!
MSNBC chose not to air the touching stories of Mitt's friends.
GE Smith was married to Gilda Radner from 1980-82.
They say we couldn't have had Reagan without Carter. We couldn't have Romney (or whoever the nomonie ended up being)without Obama.
I say this as a Bush 43 fan...we couldn't have this diverse intellegent adult Republican party of today (Walker, Romney, Ryan, Martinez, Rice, Christie, T-Paw, etc) if it wasn't for Bush 41 & 43, McCann, Gingrich, and yes, even Palin (and I say this as a Palin fan).
Let's face it, Obama does one thing really well: reading the Teleprompter. He is a professional.
Don't believe me? Watch C-SPAN now to see how amateurs do. Even Jeb read "childs".
It takes years to perfect the art of Teleprompter reading, And it shows.
If you own a business, you didn't build that. Bain Capital did!
Wow. Liberty weeps.
Two questions: 1) Why have we never heard these things before? 2) Bain children charities? Romney: Why is your campaign ignoring such good, easy positive press?
Garage, Bain Capital may have made an investment to save 75% of your business, vs bankruptcy were 100% goes away. Ask Staples.
elkh1 said...
You are right. I am looking at all these people struggling with it. There was an article in 2008(from UK) that glorified Obama's skill in reading the teleprompter and even attributed his 'success' to mastering it -- they even gave it a sophisticated name, an autocue device.
I wonder if Obama has found any small business people to come lead chants that they did not build that.
Matthew, the best anti-tobacco commercial I have seen is where a Big Tobacco company (numbers are estimates as I don't recall the actuals) donated $250,000 to a charitable cause, then spent $5M on advertisments talking about it.
Christian tradition is that you give your time and efforts to those who need it, and ask nothing in return. That is why Mitt Romney has not talked about this in the past.
Two questions: 1) Why have we never heard these things before? 2) Bain children charities? Romney: Why is your campaign ignoring such good, easy positive press?
Must you ask? the fucking Obamedia lapdogs hide everything positive and good about Romney.
Romney's really going all in, isn't he? He's going to insist this is an ideas election, no matter what.
"Christian tradition is that you give your time and efforts to those who need it, and ask nothing in return. That is why Mitt Romney has not talked about this in the past."
-- Yeah, but he's a politician. I just never really thought he did -that much good- silently. And, mind you, I'm moderately positive on Romney even before tonight.
...probably proving that adultry pays off in the end? your guess is as good as mine
We could always ask Bill Clinton.
Heard those personal anecdotes while brining a chicken, and boy, they sure were touch'n, I got all verklempt. Twice.
It's a big ol' roaster chicken which means a bit older and tougher, and the brine liquid is 1/2 sugar 1/2 salt with apple juice and apple brandy with fennel and black peppercorn.
So those stories really got me, what followed was boring. Now that Hannity guy is telling us what we heard. It's good to have English interpreters for speeches in English, how else would we get on?
... wait, War on Women Mitt's Lt. Governor was a woman? Romney CAMPAIGN!? WHY DO YOU NOT SHARE THESE THINGS?!
I'm waiting for Clint.
On PBS Shields & Brooks both said it was political malpractice that Romney hasn't been running ads for months of these folks who spoke to his character, charity and caring tonight.
Ok, if the mystery speaker really is Eastwood... how does he fit in the theme of this night? I just don't get it.
Who says he has not shared all this with us. Fucking media just does not talk about it.
DNC is gonna be a show stopper. Vaginas everywhere, ugly code pink vermin throwing aborted babies into the crowds and proclaiming reproductive rights. A myriad of union bosses will be trotted out to pay collectivist tribute to their dear leader for all the kick-backs he's given to them. There will be a mock play onstage showing rich, white, christian, homophobe, xenophobe, bigoted, prejudiced CEO's in chains being pulled by a Sandra Fluke dressed up in pleather (because meat is murder) dragging them across the stage with a sign attached to them saying, "Occupy Wall Street, Not my Georgetown Vagina!!!"
Joe Bidden will make his speech sound like a Bad Lip Reading like this one:
Michelle Obama coming out with a basket full of vegetables and Arugula and handing out Kale to everyone with her perpetual angry black bitch sneer for everyone to see. Urkel, will be introduced by Nancy Pelosi doddering her way through some speech about spirit channeling FDR, Mao, and her various plastic surgeons while Harry Reid stands behind her holding up signs that read, "Sharon Angel is a cunt!!!" and "I wouldn't even fuck Nancy Pelosi in the ass. It got stretch to tight along with her face." and "My friend Joe Lieberman is a JEW!!! DID YOU KNOW THAT?!?"
Then Urkel would float out on the stage while Sun Yung Moon runs around throwing rice on everyone while marrying anyone that still has a pulse at that coma of an convention in Charlotte while all the homosexual activists are flipping off pictures of Romney. Then Jesse Jackson rushes the stage and gets to the microphone and marbles fly out of his mouth and he then actually starts to sound like he's intelligible and makes sense. Go figure.
Urkel makes his speech about how awesome he is and using 'I' a bazillion times and ugly feminist woman are throwing themselves from the nosebleed section like he was Thulsa Doom in Conan the Barbarian gesturing 'Come child'. Then we he trots out his daughters and the whole place goes apoplectic in adulation. Michelle runs up and gives them some beets and runs back down. Her mother comes from backstage and carts them off somewhere. Urkel continues his speech about all of the jobs he's created. Laughter is heard somewhere. Then he touts Urkelcare and John Roberts pops out holding Scallia's head on a platter and gives it to him, grabs the microphone and says, "Hey Mr. Pres, a slot just opened up." Urkel just laughs, shakes his head, and does his finger pointy thing to acknowledge what a card John Roberts is.
Yeah, it's gonna be a rip roaring time at the DNC convention. Film at 11.
Mathew, I know how you feel.
-Reagan....made people come over to his side.
-Bill Clinton...tailored his message and policies to match current public opinions.
-Bush 43...did what he thought was right and didn't care if people agreed with him or not. That used to bug the hell out of us. That Bush won't defend himself in the public. We see that a bit with Mitt.
"Callista Gingrich's hair looks to be made of space age polymers."
Republicans: The party of the space age.
pm317: "There was an article in 2008(from UK) that glorified Obama's skill in reading the teleprompter and even attributed his 'success' to mastering it..."
Brits are great in writing satires. Sometimes you have to read between the lines.
Metha....yes, Sandra Fluck. The gal who demands free birth control. The highlight of the Democrat convention.
Synova said...
"Callista Gingrich's hair looks to be made of space age polymers."
Republicans: The party of the space age
The Polymer Party!!!
I'm watching MSNBC. Those people are Peyote milkshake crazy. Asking them what's going on is like asking your husband if your ass looks big in these jeans.
Mathews says: "Rightly or wrongly, people like job creators."
Rightly or wrongly?
Shults says: What matters about Romeny's success is what he did with all the money he made. He didn't create more jobs with it, he sent it overseas. Do they even know what charity or investment is?
Notice how that woman said she's a democrat and nobody was disrespectful.
Take that race baiters.
Go Jane Edmonds!! The liberal Democrat..
bago....I regreted not watching MSNBC on the night of the Wisconsin recall, so will not make that same mistake with the November election.
Shes nervous.. but she has no reason to be.
Holy smokes! They're really defanging the war on women meme. Current speaker is also using Math. It's the end of the world!
women underrepresented in top positions in Democrat MA before Romney and he corrected that -- Jane Edmonds..
Oh! I just realized who Callista reminds me of, besides a blow up doll, the Martian girl in Mars Attacks!
wow, just wow, this Jane Edmonds
Uncle Tom accusation in 20 seconds.
Using a liberal democrat to say Romney is "authentic"... just sounds inauthentic to me.
Someone's going to have awkward days at the faculty lounge after today.
It's a huge huge venue. And broadcast nationally and internationally (I'm sure). I'd be nervous, too.
Very nice speech. She's a good speaker, too.
"He'll listen and he's inclusive."
The Polymer Party!!!
Easy there...polymers are really linked chains...
Lindsey: I think I'll just have casual sex tonight.
"Your usual stall, Ms. Meadows?"
So, when Ryan gets teased about elevator music lists... it means this?
This "music" is terrible shit. Give me some Radiohead.
wow, that testimony from Edmonds was just perfect and heartfelt. She has given a print interview too and that is good as well -- she is a fan (and I believe her).
garage - yes you are SHITTING your pants seeing 2 black Democrats endorse Mitt Romney in this convention.
I recognise one of the guitar players from the SNL band.
The one with the pony tail.
Who is this guy - he's going on like he's Tom Jones.
Discourse analyst theorists would probably find significance in how and why "space age polymer" would be used as a negative descriptive phrase.
So you can be FAT and win an Olympic gold medal, nice to know.
I want to coin the phrase Mittdentity Crisis.
Taylor Hicks! Yes!
@garage: Relax, The DNC has Charlie Crist as a "turncoat" speaker.
Oh, guns!
The old folks' singings are terrible. It's certainly Romney's night, not Ryan's.
Wonder who will do the testimonials for Obama? Ayers? Reverend Wright? Solyndra's Kaiser?
You know, Charlie Crist's endorsement doesn't seem as amazing when we've got Davis and Edmonds.
Double Strap Skeet Shooting...
They are going after the hard core porn vote?
I kid..
Sandra Fluke to give testimony for Obama. The Vagina convention.
Girls are particularly good shots, actually. Men pull too hard or something.
garage - yes you are SHITTING your pants seeing 2 black Democrats endorse Mitt Romney in this convention.
Not sure how Republicans found both black Romney voters in such short time!
@garage: I mean, Charlie Crist is a man of color!
"Not sure how Republicans found both black Romney voters in such short time!"
-- It's pretty racist of you to think that they all think alike. Do you think they all look alike too, racist?
Garage - all the polls show the race to be a dead heat right now. What are you crowing about?
USA, USA. 100 years from now, people will remember the miracle on ice.
Alex said...
Sandra Fluke to give testimony for Obama. The Vagina convention.
That's why the DNC had her and DWS walking the floor--to get the feel for a convention.
I dont know about you but I'm had a hart-skip a beat moment when the crowd screamed USA USA USA
Guest Speaker at DNC, Sandra Fluke. Guest Speaker at RNC, Clint Eastwood. Hmmm...seems about right.
--Dennis Miller
When do we get to the Medicare cutting specifics for the elderly? Seems like no one wants to talk about that in this convention. I was told I was going to be given some bold ideas. This is some lame ass shit!
Garage: People have mentioned the money that Obama cut from Medicare.
This night has humanized Romney more than his wife ever could.
Oh, yes, President Obama is a pro at reading a teleprompter. Remember CORPSE-MAN? And he mis-pronounced it several times.
Republicans....Clint Eastwood, Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, Hockey players
Democrats....Garrison Keillor, Woody Allen, Sandra Fluck. Soccer players.
I just started watching... did I miss inspector Callahan?
"He drew a line in the sand" at the Winter Olympics? What, they had snow-bunny volleyball? Now that I'd pay to see! -CP
"Once again, it's morning in America!"
Huh? WTF?
Is there not ONE person in the Republican Party who has even a basic understanding of messaging??
So, it's morning in America? That must mean that Barack Obama has successfully brought us through the dark night (just as Reagan brought us through and said it was "morning in America" after his first term, not before he was even elected).
Dumb asses. The correct and smart message is that we are on the precipice of the darkest night of winter. And we need Romney to keep that from happening.
If it is morning in America without Romney even being elected, then America will be all right the next four years without Romney.
Garage might have a tough time with ideas, especially bold ones.
Mitt has Aruzioni on his side. Now he can beat the communists!
CarolMR said...
He perfected the tennis head, LOL
You know what's funny? Garage is watching this from his dirty Archie Bunker chair in his wife beater shirt skirting up his mammoth perma-belly and tighty whities (ignore the streaks. He hasn't seen his dick in decades) with a pair of pink slippers on his feet and a twelve pack of Bud on the tv tray right next to him.
Beer in one hand while the other hand has the remote in it while he yells at his mom to make him a sammich, "Hey Wilbur, I'm Hungry!!!"
Synova said...
Girls are particularly good shots, actually. Men pull too hard or something.
Better snmall muscle motor control.Women tie better flies too.
I was at the dentist today with my whole face numb and my mouth full of gauze and hand tools, when the dentist working on me starts talking politics and the convention. He was basically even handed, until he got to Palin where he was pretty critical. I farted.
Then he said he liked Obama 4 years ago, but now when he speaks, it just sounds like any other bullshit politician. Unfortunately, you can't recall a fart.
Bender, I'm pretty sure it's morning in America, because Romney's victory is as sure as the sunrise.
This Mexican American speed skater is one hell of a speaker, by the way. Guy should run for something, he's got my vote.
bagoh - I hope it wasn't a smelly fart.
Alex said...
Garage - all the polls show the race to be a dead heat right now. What are you crowing about?
Special kids are noisey.
Thanks for the visual Mathadras.
Time for me to stick a fork in the eyeballs to get it out of my mind.
Althouse: More testimonials from businesses that were helped by Mitt Romney and from Olympians who benefited from Mitt's leadership. This section is well-done. I'm not particularizing it, but let me say I'm impressed by it.
Romney's Olympians are more impressive than Obama's Greek columns.
ALH, I recommend 90 proof mental floss.
Lindsey Meadows said...
Unknown said...
WTF is helmet-headed Callista Gingrich doing up there?'
probably proving that adultry pays off in the end? your guess is as good as mine.
"Not sure how Republicans found both black Romney voters in such short time!"
Aw, come on people. That was actually a funny come-back. Senses of humor should be encouraged.
The real question, though, is if MSNBC (Or was it ABC? Both?) was as quick on the draw as the Republicans and got their coverage switched to white commentary in time.
Founding fathers..
Tea party bone?
Bagoh, you're a stinker.
garage mahal said...
When do we get to the Medicare cutting specifics for the elderly?
We did last night when Ryan nailed Zero on that 700B he cut.
Or does that not count?
... Romney talking about love? My head is broken now. The world makes no sense any more.
The Salt Lake City Olympics were easily the hardest Olympics ever to organize. Even with all those billions from taxpayers.
I think Clint's next.
Is Clint next?
He needs some real heavy metal rock intro.
I travelled a lot in my career..
So did Herman Cain.
Garage...but they turned out better than Solyndra.
I like it off prompter.
Clint is really really wobbly old.
Clint looks great.
Clint looks old and jittery.
Remember folks he's 82. When he was in his 40s, it was scary.
We did last night when Ryan nailed Zero on that 700B he cut.
The lie that Obama cut Medicare to pay for ObamaCare? I bet his mom is so proud. There are no Medicare benefit cuts in ObamaCare. The cuts are in overpayments to supplemental Medicare Advantage plans. Overpayments by the government that were reduced, saving the government, and taxpayers, money.
The same cuts that Ryan coincidentally copied into his own budget plans. World class lying, again. Gold medals all around!
Ok, I still stay, unless Eastwood breaks out "And that's when Romney donated me a kidney" or something, this makes no sense.
Obama, empty chair.
Garage: It's not a lie.
Finally some read meat!!!!
Clint is just embarrassing right now. There is a reason for the old folks home and you're seeing it. Shoot me before I ever get like this. Senile.
Old, jittery, but vicious as hell.
Unfortunately, Clint is really struggling.
Sad to see the great man suffering the humiliation of old age.
Getting as bad as Biden... the intellect of the democratic party.
He can't do that to himself...you're getting as bad as Biden.
This is great stuff.
Hes hitting hard!
Damn straight: lawyers should never be elected president, ever again.
Eastwood: I never thought it was a good idea that an attorney should be President.
Althouse: That's not funny!
Althouse cries foul on the lawyer joke.
No way, ST, he's an elderly man whose body betrays him a bit, but he's hitting a million right notes.
Ah the indignities of old age. Even the Man with No Name is not immune.
"Politicians are employees of ours," OK. There we go, that's going to be his best line, I sense.
... On a note: Wasn't Romney a lawyer?
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