August 29, 2012

Live-blogging Day 2 of the GOP Convention.

6:03: Ayla Brown — the erstwhile "American Idol" contestant and daughter of Senator Scott Brown — sings the National Anthem.

6:07: "Please release each one of us from ego"... part of the invocation, given by a Sikh.

6:08: The color guard are amputee veterans, which we see because they're wearing shorts, earning a new, immediate exception to my "men in shorts" rule.

6:10: A bombastic tribute to Ron Paul. "No, no, I'm not going to be elected," he said to his wife. "To be elected, you've got to be like Santa Claus." Rand Paul says one thing he likes about his father is the lobbyists don't even bother to come by his office.

6:29: I found it hard to watch Mitch McConnell. I almost got out my sketchbook and pen, though, because his face says "Caricature me!" So I moved from C-SPAN over to CNN. (I'm recording both, and also Fox News.) They had an interview with Paul Ryan, in which Gloria Borger prodded him about how he felt when, as a 16-year-old boy, he discovered his father dead. Ryan moved on to how you have to live knowing you could die at any time, so Gloria asked why he didn't live fast and run right away for President. He said there were others who could do that job, but he was the only one would could father his young children. Gloria did not proceed to ask why then is he taking on the VP slot, but I guess that's a very short campaign period and, frankly, once you get it, it's a lot less work than chairing the House Finance Committee. Then Piers Morgan was interviewing Michele Bachmann, and the 2 of them agreed that Ann Romney was just lovely and then enthused about the "miracle" of the 2 of them agreeing, which Wolf Blitzer then echoed, sending me back to C-SPAN which was showing the on-stage entertainer, a horrifying aging rock singer who was belting the line "I'm back in the game" over and over.

6:30: Rand Paul: "You know when the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare, the first words out of my mouth were 'I still think it's unconstitutional.'" Pushed to reflect, he reflected, and he still thinks it's unconstitutional. "The whole damned thing is unconstitutional." Meade says, "He said 'damned.'" And then, more seriously: "What we have here is crazy old Ron Paul" — and Meade makes a Ron Paul face — "morphing into Rand Paul."

6:50: Video of the Bushes, 41 and 43, and their wives, Barbara and Laura. So they weren't entirely banished from this place. They are circumspect, yet charming, claiming their place in history without seeming the slightest bit arrogant. Old Bush even does his Dana Carvey imitation imitation: "Not gon' do it. Wouldn't be prudent."

7:00: John McCain. Why is he here and not George Bush? McCain lost. Bush won twice. Meade says: "Because Bush is through with politics." McCain gives a paean to foreign wars in the cause of freedom, and the crowd's response is tepid.

7:50: Danny Gokey — another "American Idol" person. Another Wisconsin person.

8:00: Rob Portman, the short-list guy who came up short. "We need Romney/Ryan and we need them now." He seems perfectly fine, but I am glad he was not Romney's choice. There's some insurmountable dullness about him, no matter what he says, no matter how enthusiastically.

8:31: Another VP also-ran, Tim Pawlenty. He's reading jokes. For example: Obama is "the tattoo President" — it seemed cool at the time, but you look at it and say "What was I thinking?"

9:15: Huckabee and Rice both gave very long speeches that were neither bad nor good. Here's some text from Rice's speech.

9:19: Biggest cheer of the night comes when Gov. Susana Martinez says: "I carried at 357 Smith & Wesson Magnum" (referring to her experience, as an 18-year-old, working for her parents security guard business, protecting the Catholic church at bingo times). She's a good speaker. A nice edge of passion in her voice. With toughness.

9:29: Both Meade and I thought: We may be looking at the first woman President of the United States.

9:30: Paul Ryan. Meade says: "He looks like a young JFK only healthy." I'm struck by this quote, directly attacking Obama: "I have never seen opponents so silent about their record and so desperate to keep their power. They've run out of ideas. Their moment came and went. Fear and division is all they've got left."

9:40: As Paul Ryan expresses his love for the state of Wisconsin, the C-SPAN camera closes in on Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, and we see there's a tear rolling down his cheek.

That was pointed out by Meade, who confesses to a tear of his own.

9:55: Paul Ryan gives a moving tribute to his mother, who, as a new widow, commuted 40 miles a day to Madison — to my school, the University of Wisconsin — to learn the skills she used to build a new business and a new life in which her happiness was not just in the past and to become his role model. After a long ovation from the crowd, Ryan moves into what will be the greatest iteration of what has been the convention's them: You did build that. He says:
Behind every small business, there's a story worth knowing. All the corner shops in our towns and cities, the restaurants, cleaners, gyms, hair salon, hardware stores — these didn't come out of nowhere. A lot of heart goes into each one. And if small business people say they made it on their own, all they are saying is that nobody else worked 7 days a week in their place, nobody showed up in their place to open the door at 5 in the morning, nobody did their thinking and worrying and sweating for them. After all that work and in a bad economy, it sure doesn't help to hear from their President that government gets the credit. What they deserve to hear is the truth: Yes, you did build that!
11:10: Ryan did a brilliant job. It was much more than a fine speech and an excellent delivery. He embodied that speech. We saw a brilliant candidate.


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Palladian said...

Shorts are amputee trousers.

Brian said...

The color guard was good. The Sikh prayer was nice. (I say that as a firm Christian.) Mitch McConnell was not very exciting, but his message was good. Looking forward to Rand Paul's speech soon.

Unknown said...

I wish we could get a little cooler and get some better entertainers.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

Madame, you are a good and reasonable woman.

PS The Blonde wants to hear Condi Rice, one of her faves.

I'm waiting for Ryan and Rand Paul (anybody know when he's on?).

The Crack Emcee said...

"Please release each one of us from ego"

Did a boxing glove-on-a-spring knock-the-fuck out of him after that?

This is the Republican convention, right?

Cedarford said...

Palladian said...
Shorts are amputee trousers.

Oh, that's bad!! Palladian!
But excellent as well!

ricpic said...

Will Ryan dare draw a picture of what a nasty piece of work Obongo is? No. Wouldn't want to stampede the oh so delicate undecideds back under the Democrat umbrella brella brella brella.

Cedarford said...

Ayla Brown is a very, very good looking woman! Singer? Well, not a bad voice but glad she has other options....

Reminds me that the other Mass notable on Idol, Siobhan Magnus, can sing a spectacular Anthem.

But Magnus is a bedwetting liberal Democrat.

Palladian said...

Rand Paul is on right now, edutcher.

edutcher said...

Thanks, I was washing a dog.

chickelit said...

Is Rand Paul a Randian like the other Paul is accused of being?

Alex said...

So Ryan promises 12 million jobs in 4 years, how?

edutcher said...

Damn, just missed it.

Thanks anyway, Palladian.

Palladian said...

Is Rand Paul a Randian like the other Paul is accused of being?

And what about Paul Rand? He must have been a Randian, what with all those corporate clients!

Palladian said...

Thanks anyway, Palladian.

I didn't find it earth-shaking, but then I don't think I'm the sort of person politicians write speeches for.

dreams said...

"Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, one of the Republican surprises in the wave election of 2010, made his national debut just now at the Republican convention with what can only be described as a humdinger. He simply began his speech in the middle. “When I heard about the Supreme Court’s decision upholding Obamacare,” he started, “I thought, ‘But it’s unconstitutional.’”"

John Podhoretz of Commentary

Titus said...

Meade's hog is starting to pulsate at the thought of all that republican family values meat at the podium.

Pre cum will be heading to the tip shortly.

coketown said...

I'm running late to Vietnamese cuisine, and don't really know where else to put this, so I guess here is good. I read through today's posts, with the Hitler boutique and Ann Romney attempting to humanize Mitt seeming important, and now I'm really very curious how long it will be before people start calling him Mittler. Adolf Mittler. Partying while black people drown. Etc.

Also, "pho" is pronounced like "fuh." I did not know that.

Palladian said...

Oh no, it's John McCain.

And he just called Romney "his friend".

chickelit said...

Any Paul in Rand is better than two from the Bush.

dreams said...

"Any Paul in Rand is better than two from the Bush."

Paul Ryan and Rand Paul works for me .. someday maybe?

Mary Beth said...

Mitch McConnell is my senator and I find him hard to watch too. I like watching Rand Paul so it kind of evens out.

chickelit said...

Cum on Titus, where's your Sconnie pride?

dreams said...

"Mitch McConnell is my senator and I find him hard to watch too. I like watching Rand Paul so it kind of evens out."

My senator too and I agree with you about him and Rand Paul. Mitch lacks charisma but doesn't need it because he is very savvy and will make a great majority leader which is his highest ambition.

madAsHell said...

Nothing on hurricane Isaac??

Why is it that the reporters have to stand in the pouring rain to talk about the pouring rain? They even interviewed "experts" in the rain!

Yeah, yeah....I'm breaking the thread.

richard mcenroe said...

For somebody who's delivered so many earmarks for his district over the years while condemning earmarks, I'm guessing lobbyists can find him somewhere...

Meade said...

The important thing to remember, Titus, is that, like America pre-Obama, I've always led from the front. Never from behind.

Palladian said...

Ooh, a duo act!

Palladian said...

I can't believe I'm watching this.

Carnifex said...

Mitch the Snitch is a crafty old bird and held the line while Zero had his Super Duper Majority. But while he is not a Rino like a McCain, he is old school R, and I will be happy when we have 2 conservatives from the state.

And don't mock Rand. He's gonna' have his dads block behind him, and will be a power in the Gop establishment. They will hate his guts for it, and so I will laugh at their pain. Ha Ha!

The plus for Rand is that he was raised a conservative. He knows the arguments, so he's tough to play gotcha' with. The newspapers here learned that the hard way when they kept attacking him and his campaign. Just made his support stronger.

Joe Schmoe said...

Where's the love for Rand Paul coming from? Any positive mention of Ron Paul in these here comments elicited all sorts of derision from the left and right. You guys do realize Rand Paul is a younger version of his dad, don't you?

So either you guys are talking out your ass, or you've grudgingly admired the Pauls for their forthrightness and only previously derided any Paul praise because you didn't dare stray too far from the cool crowd.

pm317 said...

Pam Bondy!? and whoever the guy with her -- look at the way they are reading the teleprompter -- who are these jokers?

dreams said...

"I found it hard to watch Mitch McConnell. I almost got out my sketchbook and pen, though, because his face says "Caricature me!""

I know what you mean. I always liked drawings especially caricatures. And I even had one done of me at age 25 upon seeing some being done by a young artist in a local mall. It didn't take very long and he achieved a very good likeness. I still have it though only those who knew me when I was young can recognize it as me.

I always liked drawings but I had no talent for it

chickelit said...

Meade has the missionary zeal that Titus abhors.

Palladian said...

Who's denigrating Rand Paul?

pm317 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pm317 said...

That Pam Bondy will knock that shortie off the podium with her tits (can I say that?!) She is/was pushing him..

Carnifex said...

Apparently Joe didn't know that Rand and Ron were seperated at birth. Also, the sins of the father are the sins of the son. Joe is un-cool that way.

george said...

Roberts thinks it is unconstitutional too. That is why he rewrote it.

Joe Schmoe said...

Who's denigrating Rand Paul?

No one in this thread. I'm surprised at the affection for him tonight. During the primary, any positive mention of Ron Paul was an invitation to receive all sorts of shit in the Althouse comments. Rand is pretty much idealogically aligned with his dad, so I'm surprised.

dreams said...

Bush isn't at the convention because Romney and co. don't want to incite the Bush-hating liberal media.

Carnifex said...


I don't think Althouse ascribes to Carlin's Seven Forbidden Words Theory.

His list can be found on wikipedia.

Carnifex said...


"Bush isn't at the convention because Romney and co. don't want to incite the Bush-hating liberal media even more."


Joe Schmoe said...

Apparently Joe didn't know that Rand and Ron were seperated at birth.

Hey, I like the Pauls. Not too many others seemed to, at least during primary season. Now please enlighten me as to any substantial policy difference between the two.

Joe Schmoe said...

On second thought, scratch that. Not interested in rehashing Ron Paul tonight. Not the right thread.

Carry on!

pm317 said...

Carnifax, that Pam Bondy is one weird woman. I thought the way she talked was funny and weird but she was weirder on the stage with her partner in crime. How did she get to be where she is?

Meade said...

"Who's denigrating Rand Paul?"

Not I. I like Rand and Ron Paul. I do, however, find some of their followers a tad cultish. But I don't think either of the Paul's are that way.

edutcher said...

Dubya speaks to the convention from Amarillo.

So he will be there.

Unlike Willie or Choom, however, he won't say, "Miss me yet?".

Carnifex said...

Truthfully, I can't speak about Ron because all I know about him is what I've seen in this campaign for president.

gadfly said...

Could we see a picture of Meade making a Ron Paul face - perhaps while saying "If I were in charge, the people killed on 9/11 would still be alive."

Carnifex said...

Oh please God no! Titus would just cream all over himself if that happened. And then we'd have to hear about it! No offense Titus. ;-)

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Any Paul in Rand is better than two from the Bush."

Very nice.

Michael K said...

"Carnifax, that Pam Bondy is one weird woman. I thought the way she talked was funny and weird but she was weirder on the stage with her partner in crime. How did she get to be where she is?"

By prosecuting an innocent man named George Zimmerman. It does the GOP no good to feature her. At least they didn't have the idiot who is the "special prosecutor" up there.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

...the crowd's response is tepid.

I'm sensing a gun shy convention.. if there ever was such a thing.

If Romney is running on Obama's record... the only guy that got the memo was that small businessman from India.

Joe Schmoe said...

My wife is watching something else, so I'm just surfing the web for updates. McCain apparently called out Barry for security leaks; right on John. We can't hammer that home enough. Loose lips not only sink ships, they get people killed and ruin carefully-crafted intelligence networks.

But then I read elsewhere that one of the SEALS in the OBL raid just released a book with lots of details. Not sure how I feel about that. Can anybody keep their mouth shut around here?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Was that Titus husband from ... wait for it... Bangalore ;)

Kchiker said...

Portman. Painful!

MadisonMan said...

Danny Gokey? What will Kristen Baldwin say about that!

(Sorry for obscure EW reference)

Did Gokey show a picture of his dead wife?

victoria said...

Why isn't McCain there as a candidate? Please, he was a poor one the first time around. Can't help Mitty at all.

Better entertainers? Any real entertainers.
Rand Paul, urp.

Can't wait for Condy, at least she will be eloquent and relevant.

Vicki from Pasadena

chickelit said...

Lem said...
Was that Titus husband from ... wait for it... Bangalore ;)

What do they call those Portmanteau words that meld together like Bang galore.

bagoh20 said...

"What do they call those Portmanteau words that meld together like Bang galore."

An aproposism.

bagoh20 said...

You guys better be careful - those Minnesota guys are ass kickers.

ricpic said...

Did you hear the latest screamer from John Boehner?

"99 Percent of my colleagues are decent, honest people."

Which is to say a Romney victory will mean nothing if RINO's Boehner and McConnell stay in charge.

By the way, the translation of Boehner's "99 Percent of my colleagues are decent, honest people," is "It's very comfortable inside the buttercup and my colleagues can rest assured that I intend to keep it that way for all us insiders."

pm317 said...

Rob Portman..

m stone said...

Agreed. Portman is painful.

Titus said...

It's a tossup between which crowd is uglier and fatter-the Madison protests freaks or this group of freaks.

Shouting Thomas said...

Did Romney get humanized yet?

Anonymous said...

Why isn't McCain there as a candidate? Please, he was a poor one the first time around. Can't help Mitty at all.

Well, McCain wasn't a candidate this time. He seems to playing bad cop on national security leaks and foreign policy. McCain isn't the best choice for that role, since he doesn't have much authority having lost badly and pitifully in 2008.

I worry that the Reps aren't going to hammer Obama as he deserves. Then I worry that Obama is still off-limits because he's black, or whatever he is.

bagoh20 said...

Did anybody in this country come from a comfortable youth?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obamas first job..

Those people are dying for some red meat..

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Did Romney get humanized yet?

The machine that would have made him... got riped off by the Chinese.

edutcher said...

creeley23 said...

I worry that the Reps aren't going to hammer Obama as he deserves. Then I worry that Obama is still off-limits because he's black, or whatever he is.

Remember what the Romster did to Newt and Santorum.

He hasn't been able to unload until now because, until he's the official nominee, that money can't be used.

eteam said...

Why do serious politicians and (cough cough) thinkers try to deliver a speech which is little more than a disjoint hodge-podge of one-liners? Henny Youngman they are not, and they shouldn't try to be.

Is there really not enough substance to discuss or explain from a national platform?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Hukster..

Red Meat... maybe.

Titus said...

Speaking of fat Huckabee has gotten huge.

eteam said...

Huck's talk-show experience makes all the difference in the world when speaking from the podium, compared to T-Paw.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

I found it hard to watch Mitch McConnell. I almost got out my sketchbook and pen, though, because his face says "Caricature me!"

I always thought Mitch McConnell looked like he was drawn by Gerald Scarfe.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

He hasn't been able to unload until now because, until he's the official nominee, that money can't be used.

I'm afraid Romney is going to pull an Isaac... turn left.

Pastafarian said...


It's Fuckabee.

What the hell is this idiot doing here? Is he going to remind us how Mormons think Satan and Jesus are brothers?

garage mahal said...

Here comes Gomer Pyle. Hang onto to your hats!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maybe they have been told to tone it down so that Ryan will look better.

Cedarford said...

McCain gives a paean to foreign wars in the cause of freedom, and the crowd's response is tepid.

Someone needs to tell that semi-senile Neocon that even Republicans are fed up with endlessly long wars of Neocon adventure and nation building. Wars that cost us trillions, thousands of casualties a year, those wars with no vital interest of the US at stake.

No real goal other than "bring freedom!!!! to the people backshooting our soldiers, no exit strategy other than note it will be time to leave when The Noble Freedom LOvers!! - stop shooting our sons and daughters in uniform in the back.

Kchiker said...

This doesn’t seem as impressive as the conventions of yore. Perhaps the Republicans are lucky that the networks aren’t covering the whole thing.

harrogate said...

"McCain gives a paean to foreign wars in the cause of freedom, and the crowd's response is tepid."

Exactly. The tepid response, though, I wonder about it. Do GOP voters want to escalate the wars we are in and even add one or two more to boot? What about the American people at large? Would a Romney victory be translatable into a mandate to conduct military strikes on Iran? to send troops there?

Or, does possibly Ron Paul's position on military action actually have more in common with the American people at large, than Romney or Obama either one?

Shouting Thomas said...

You may be surprised to know, garage, that (I think) most of us think of Gomer Pyle as an amusing, but loveable figure.

Would that that the world had many many more Gomer Pyles.

Tarzan said...

It's really shame Bush II isn't there. He pacified Iraq and got Saddam tried and hung by a jury of his own peers. GWB and the American Military will forever be hero's, to me, for that.

Pastafarian said...


What the fuck does Bono have to do with anything?

Titus said...

The small business guy who spoke got over $200,000 in stimulus funds. LOL.

Meade said...

Titus said...
"Speaking of fat Huckabee has gotten huge."

Really? I haven't been watching. Is he just plain huge or Oprah huge?

Kchiker said...

Condi has been speaking about 5 seconds and it’s 9-11 all over again.

Meade said...

bagoh20 said...
"Did anybody in this country come from a comfortable youth?"

Yes, but they're mostly Democrats.

Pastafarian said...

I love Condi.

Wally Kalbacken said...

Huckabee rocks the house, doesn't he?


bagoh20 said...

I expect Obama will start his speech with "I was born a poor white child."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Me too.. leave Condy alone.

Titus said...

Bullshit Meade, you have been watching and loving it. If you aren't completely erect at this point in the evening I would be shocked.

I admit, I got a little wet watching Huckabee.

But just a little.

He is probably close to as fat as Orca but not that fat. That bitch is fucking fat.

I do have to turn to reruns of Frasier though now....I know totally gay.

ricpic said...

Did anybody in this country come from a comfortable youth?

Me! Dad was a doc and I was raised in the lap of upper-middle class comfort. For which I am forever grateful. None of that rough and rude son-of-the-people shit for me.

Tim said...

"8:31: Another VP also-ran, Tim Pawlenty. He's reading jokes. For example: Obama is "the tattoo President" — it seemed cool at the time, but you look at it and say "What was I thinking?"

Uhm, NOT thinking, is the obvious answer.

Titus said...

This convention needs Sarah Palin.

That bitch knew how to give a speech and work a crowd.

And she was really hot.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That woman learned Russian so she could serve her country better.

Sounds like shes hitting the right notes with the crowd.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The only Chinese Obama knows is take out.

Meade said...

"I know totally gay"

What's wrong with gay? Try to get over your self hate. Maybe check your chakras. They may be blocked or something.

Ooh - there's Condi. Sharp!

Pastafarian said...

Actually, Titus, Condi just gave me a little chubby with that peace-through-strength line.

She's stimulating my pants.

Shouting Thomas said...


Gays like Frazier?

Don't you know that Kelsey Grammer is a Rethuglican?

Titus said...

I came from a very uncomfortable family.

When I was young my dad made $9.00/hour and had three kids.

He retired a millionaire though.

I should be on that fucking stage, with rare clumber at my side, fab Indian husband with a British Accent. I could speak about where I came from and where I am now. My midwestern modest upbringing, elite education (major minus) and creative economy six digit salary. Meeting a fab rich UK/Indian with family ties to Gandhi. And living in a fab. loft in Cambridge, Mass!

Although, I think the crowd would probably lynch us and eat out our insides and then hang our balls on some sign that said, "We Built This".

Titus said...

I think Condi looks hot tonight too. She has a very hot sheen to her hair. That wasn't racist either, it was a compliment.

You know she would be great in bed.

Like getting on top and saying shit like 9/11 and Iraq and freedom.

OMG, she just said Route 128 in Massachusetts-referring to the creative economy!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Not for nothing, but all that schooling hit the mark.

Love Condy... shes hitting Obama hard.

JAL said...

I'm a little distracted with other things, but is Condi knocking it out of the park?

Penance for her 2008 vote?

shiloh said...

Condi, along w/Cheney/Bush/Rummy caught w/((( their pants down on 9/11. )))

So much for today's foreign policy lesson ...

But, but, but the cons still love 'ya! lol

Titus said...

Uh Oh, she is starting talking about immigration and the whiteys are getting restless.

Wrong pivot Condi.

Pastafarian said...

Lynch, Titus? You poor persecuted dear.

Condi's ancestors were actual slaves, and her father had to guard their house at night with a shotgun, against lynching democrats. By the way.

bagoh20 said...

I keep thinking of our current Sec. of State and imagine her saying to Condi "“Aww don’t feel noways tired. I’ve come too faarrr from where I started frum."

What a contrast.

Meade said...

Titus said "lynch" while Condi was speaking? What a jerk.

shiloh said...

Indeed, the National Security Adviser dropped the ball re: national security!


But, but, but the cons still love 'ya!

The Crack Emcee said...

Condi gets a standing O!!!!!

Megthered said...

Someone needs to go thru the crowd with a cattle prod and wake these people up. Finally I think Condi is waking them up. She is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Condi, wow.

MadisonMan said...

Bang Galore

Pussy's Indian Cousin?

ricpic said...

Condi just said a lot of inspiring things but where was "Obama's a shit!?"

bagoh20 said...

Nope MSNBC, not yet, back to commercial it's a browny this time.

ricpic said...

Less about Meade's hog and more about Titus' cottage cheese ass!!!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Thats what I'm talking about!

shiloh said...

"What the fuck does Bono have to do with anything?"

U-2 headlined the Super Bowl half-time show a couple mos. after Condi/Cheney/Bush/Rummy got caught w/((( their pants down on 9/11 !!!)))

edutcher said...

Great speech by Condi Rice, not always well-delivered, but she hit all the money lines right out of the park.

Condi, along w/Cheney/Bush/Rummy caught w/((( their pants down on 9/11. )))

As opposed to Willie and our Secretary of State who were caught with his pants down for 8 years, but especially on February 26, 1993, June 25, 1996, August 7, 1998, and October 12, 2000?

dreams said...

"Condi, along w/Cheney/Bush/Rummy caught w/((( their pants down on 9/11. )))"

Those attacks on our country were being planned during the Clinton presidency so it was Clinton who failed our country. And remember their first attack on our country was in 1993 which Clinton failed to take seriously enough thus encouraging future attacks on our country.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Susana is a star.

shiloh said...

Republican Martinez is gov of NM ie she won't be disenfranchising minority voters any time soon lol.

Indeed as NM is now a solid blue state on the national level thanx to Bush/Brewer/Rubio/Paul/Rick Scott etc. etc.

And Dems are forever grateful! :)

Tim said...

ricpic said...

"Less about Meade's hog and more about Titus' cottage cheese ass!!!"

I think "nothing more about each" would win in a landslide.

Meade would be gratified, Titus pissed.

Palladian said...

I like Susana Martinez.

KLDAVIS said...

No one commenting on Condi's comment about being able to be President? Rice/Ryan primary battle in 2020!

bagoh20 said...

"What the fuck does Bono have to do with anything?"

I thought he skied into a tree in 98.

Palladian said...

Best speech of the night so far is Susana Martinez.

Titus said...

I'm sorry Meade, it certainly wasn't deliberate.

I was talking about lynching the fags! Not any blacks though.

Feel better?

I picture before they lynch us they all run on top of us, like that scene in the play in Interview With A Vampire and devour us.

Then the balls go on the We Built This sign.

Palladian said...

This is the first time I've heard Paul Ryan's voice.

Meade said...

"I like Susana Martinez. "

She is fantastic. Best speaker so far. I hope she's qualified to be (the first female) president in a few terms.

Shouting Thomas said...

Titus, normally you're witty.

Now, with the lynching melodrama, you've just become another whining creep daydreaming about martyrdom.

Unknown said...

Did Brokaw just say that "Ryan is very young, he is only 42 which means that when he was born President Reagan was in his second year of his presidency?


Pastafarian said...

Ryan is a devastatingly effective speaker.

Titus said...

I don't know much about New Mexico. My parents drive through it on their way to Arizona and say it is kind of gross.

I have heard Santa Fe is fab, natch.

But what is the rest of the place like?

Is it total beaner?

shiloh said...

hmm, Ryan has a monotone voice ie a perfect choice for mittens.

Newcomer lol no shit, totally inexperienced on the national stage.


bagoh20 said...

Titus has a woody now. No fat atall.

garage mahal said...

This is the first time I've heard Paul Ryan's voice.

Sounds like he takes a hit of helium beforehand.

ricpic said...

Titus has all the standard homo fears, a regular Tennessee Williams reborn.

Palladian said...

I like Paul Ryan's son standing up and waving, though I hope it's not the beginning of another damned political dynasty.

Meade said...

Dont apologize to me, titus. I'm only part non-white and I pass.

Apologize to everyone who can't pass as "white". You racist self-hating jerk.

Now shhh. Vice President Ryan is speaking.

Known Unknown said...

Did Brokaw just say that "Ryan is very young, he is only 42 which means that when he was born President Reagan was in his second year of his presidency?

Brokaw is shit now.

garage mahal said...

Scott Walker crying? LOLZ

Known Unknown said...

Condi may be a good speaker but like Palin she does not have a good, projecting speaking voice.

edutcher said...

Great speech by Susana Martinez. we will hear more from her.

Republican Martinez is gov of NM ie she won't be disenfranchising minority voters any time soon lol.

Nobody's disenfranchising minority voters, but people everywhere don't want illegal voters.

Except Democrats and Lefties, of course.

Because they can't win without them.

Indeed as NM is now a solid blue state on the national level thanx to Bush/Brewer/Rubio/Paul/Rick Scott etc. etc.

It is? Then what's Susana Martinez doing as Gobernadora?

PS When's the little animal gonna explain to us why the Romster's 5 points ahead of Choom on likeability?

lol that one.

Anonymous said...

Paul Ryan -- I'm getting an RFK vibe here. A young, lean, oh-so-very-sharp guy who projects sincerity and can go for the jugular.

I do wish he'd stop clearing his throat though.

shiloh said...

Hey, at least mama grizzly was smokin' and had a personality.

Ryan still lying about the auto plant which closed in 2008 under Bush.

Hey if you're gonna lie, go full tilt!

Pastafarian said...

Solyndra. Political patronage. Cronyism.


ricpic said...

The stimulus money was borrowed, spent and wasted.

--Paul Ryan

Palladian said...

What was that pink disturbance?

Pastafarian said...

Oh look, code pink is there. That's nice.

Didn't even faze Ryan.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I like Paul Ryan's son standing up and waving..

Woody Pfister said...

Can't believe Althouse gave a so so review of Condi"s speech. Hooting, hollering and tearing up in Stouis MO during her speech.

bagoh20 said...

Did you see Crack in the crowd there? He was giving some Mormon chick a wedgie with her giant undies. No mercy from that dude. Last I saw, he was getting tazed, and yelling "don't taze the bro!

Pastafarian said...

Oh shit: Obama raided Medicare. He went there.

Shouting Thomas said...

Keep up the narrative, boys. I'm not even watching or listening to the festivities. Just killing time at the gym.

I'm relying on you.

shiloh said...

My personal pet, edutcher, still fixated on polls.

hmm, lotta blue

Kerry may have lost in 2004, but at least the Dem 2004 convention had a pulse!

Alex said...

No Palin, no watch.


Anonymous said...

Code Pink? My live feed reset and returned with Ryan nodding to the audience and saying yes to lots of applause.

garage mahal said...

Ryan is blaming Obama for not bailing out a GM plant that closed under Bush, and knocking Obama for stimulus that he himself asked for personally.

Shouting Thomas said...

Did MSNBC edit Condi out of existence?

She's so black that (as they say in my hometown) she's blue.

ricpic said...

Bring on the debate!

Ryan will rip Obama/Biden a new asshole.

Palladian said...


Eric said...

By the way, the translation of Boehner's "99 Percent of my colleagues are decent, honest people," is "It's very comfortable inside the buttercup and my colleagues can rest assured that I intend to keep it that way for all us insiders."

Meh. Talk is cheap. Senators call each other "distinguished friend" and "esteemed colleague" right before they go for the throat. As much as Boehner sounds like a RINO, he's a pretty canny negotiator.

Anonymous said...

Drawing a bright line on protecting Medicare is brilliant and right. Cuts the moral high ground out from underneath Obama / Biden.

Biden. That's who the Dems have to offer against Ryan. Good luck with that.

Palladian said...

I like Ryan's casting of the Obama administration, and Obama's time, as past.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I bet Obama is getting drunk while watching Ryan eviscerate him on national TV.

Amartel said...

Ryan is tearing it up.

Minor interruption by some dumb vagina.

shiloh said...

MSNBC showed Condi's entire speech, much to neocons chagrin ...

Shouting Thomas said...

Don't think anybody cares about VP debates.

The Bama vs. Mitt debates will decide the election.

Palladian said...

Ouch. Ryan's hitting all the sore spots.

ricpic said...

No shortage of words in the White House, what is missing is LEADERSHIP in the White House!

--Paul Ryan

Scootie-Puff said...

I think Paul Ryan just said Obama's wind is broken.

garage mahal said...

Politifact will be hiring after fact checking lie fest.

Shouting Thomas said...

Love the video of Bama surreptitiously giving Ryan the middle finger during those hearings over BamaCare.

Bama certain loathes Ryan.

shiloh said...

Well, die hard Althouse cons "appear" to be fired up, go figure ... or a reasonable facsimile thereof.

And the delegates are trying really, really hard to be exited.

Bless their little hearts! :)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

And who's checking Polifact?

Palladian said...

Bama certain loathes Ryan.

He certainly should after this beating.

garage mahal said...

Ryan was on Simpson-Bowles and voted against it. This fucker can lie as much as Romney!

ALH said...

Talking about debt will now become the new sexy.

Pastafarian said...

Well that's great, garage -- with U6 unemployment at 14%, they'll have plenty of applicants.

Phil 314 said...

We need to stop spending money we don't have!


Palladian said...


shiloh said...

Who doesn't love their mom! :)

Palladian said...

Who knew that one could go to Madison to learn something about business.

Anonymous said...

Oh good grief.

Anonymous said...

gasping for air...can't breathe...ohhh the cheese.

Revenant said...

Must be a good speech, judging from garage's rapid descent into rage.

Palladian said...

gasping for air...can't breathe

Try putting the cigarette down, honey.

Anonymous said...

The Bama vs. Mitt debates will decide the election.

I'm thinking about the strength of the ticket not the debates, especially considering all the foofaraw Dems made about Palin as a weak link.

ricpic said...

20% of GDP for gummint is ENUF!

--Paul Ryan

shiloh said...

hmm, since this blog is 90/10 con one wonders which convention will get more posts? Rhetorical.

The Dem convention, not a close call. Hey, liberals are just more interesting and have more fun!

Phil 314 said...

"And frankly before this president"


(An adult is in the room)

Freeman Hunt said...

I'm missing the convention because I'm gorging on Rosetta Stone. To log in to play a game with a native speaker (half in the language you are learning and half in English) is to be humbled.

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