Raisman finished first in the women’s floor exercise, but she deserves to have another medal draped around her neck for having the chutzpah to face the world and do what needed to be done and say what needed to be said.What did she do? The linked NY Post column is really obtuse. Is it that she had "Hava Nagila" as her background music? That she said "Having that floor music wasn’t intentional... But the fact it was on the 40th anniversary is special, and winning the gold today means a lot to me"?
August 8, 2012
"It wasn’t a gloved-fist salute from the medal stand, but Jewish-American gymnast Aly Raisman made quite a statement yesterday..."
"... by winning a gold medal and invoking the memory of the Israeli athletes killed 40 years ago in Munich."
I agree. The article was poorly written, it's not at all clear what was said/done publicly at the games.
What she said was this...
“If there had been a moment’s silence,” the 18-year-old woman told the world, “I would have supported it and respected it.”
That's a nice, polite way of saying the IOC should have had a moment's silence out of homage to Munich. She's referencing what they failed to do.
Oh, well.
That's a nice, polite way of saying the IOC should have had a moment's silence out of homage to Munich.
Absolutely. The article was quite overblown, but what she said is nice.
Congrats to her for winning another gold! I will have to watch the routine later, as I understand 15.6 is pretty good.
"At the same Olympic Games where bigoted organizers stubbornly refuse to honor the slain athletes with a moment of silence, 18-year-old Raisman loudly shocked observers first by winning, then by paying her own tribute to 11 sportsmen who died long before she was born."
She also spotlighted herself for the "moderates" of the religion of "peace"
Gay activists could learn something from her.
The world's treatment of Jews, continues to be a shameful scandal.
I would argue that, collectively, Mankind owes more of a debt of gratitude and sincere admiration to the Jews - with their boundless innovation and skills, than any other ethnic and cultural group Man has yet produced. Science, the Arts, Commerce, Spirituality, you name it. The Jews are Titans.
P.S. I'm Irish.
It is a little hard to understand why there was no moment of silence. Just another in a series of distasteful moments in this Olympics.
English translation:
The Lefties, for all their belching about tolerance, are scared to death of the Moslems and will happily sacrifice the Jews if they think it will save their sorry asses.
Which it won't, consider the Wehrmacht's European Tour 1939 - 45.
It's awesome that Aly won gold while not just being Jewish but celebrating her Jewish culture in an international arena known for subtle and unsubtle antisemitism. But connecting it to Munich is a huge stretch.
I think I may well be a Jew.
But if the opening ceremony is good enough for James Bond and Mr. Bean, it’s hard to understand why it’s not good enough for 60 seconds of solitude.
Yes. Because a moment of silence commemorating what happened 40 years ago rightly belongs alongside Mr. Bean and James Bond.
"...I understand 15.6 is pretty good."
It's hard to react to the new numbers. I remember the old 10 scale, with all the fabulous emotion around it. Now, it's bureaucratic. Fair, I suppose. Raisman won that challenge over the scoring on the balance beam.
Also the announcers don't endlessly bullshit about which girls are smiling and winning the hearts of the spectators and so on.
It's much more of a serious sport now, but... the music is gone. Except the atrocious music that's blasting for the floor exercise... which isn't dancing, so what's that about? A relic of the old emotional days. It's like a taunt: Remember when you loved Olga and Nadia? (Yeah, we loved girls from other countries back then.)
the IOC did include a tribute for victims of the 2005 London subway bombing.
NBC edited out the segment for U.S. television viewers, replacing it with a taped interview with swimmer Michael Phelps.
What makes the remembrance refusal particularly galling was the IOCs choice to have one for other victims. It's pretty clearly an anti-semitic moment, an unwillingness to cross the muslims who support murder of jews.
...and 60 seconds of solitude would have been hard to come by in that crowd.
"An unbroken series of successful gestures." That's not just a description of her floor exercise, but of the way she has handled the entire situation. She truly is a champion.
The culture difference is one reason the world hates Jews. But the Messiah is the basic reason.
I liked the women's soccer final when a Canadian face stomped an American she had pushed to the ground.
I don't see how "Hava Nagila" can be viewed as a commemoration of the dead. It's a very festive song about being happy!
Why does Althouse put her comment in the form of questions? Why doesn't she tell us what Reisman did or said? She called out the ball-less IOC - a perfect stand-in for "The International Community" - for not permitting a moment of silence to at least acknowledge the Munich murders. It's like nirvana for "The International Community," collecting Saudi payoffs and giving "that shitty little country" the finger.
Also the announcers don't endlessly bullshit about which girls are smiling and winning the hearts of the spectators and so on.
Not sure what announcers you are talking about, but the ones I heard went on and on about the Flying Squirrel, pushing her as the Next Nadia. Earlier, they also went on and on about the Wieber girl, clearly expecting her to bring home lots of medals. That didn't happen, so now we hear about Raisman and how she almost very nearly kind of said something about the events of 40 years ago. What she said was that if someone else had instituted the 60 second silence, she'd have been quiet. The media is trying to gin up even more adoration for Ally Raisman. Her performance and athleticism wasn't enough? She also has to be The Jew?
I love watching gymnastics. The announcers ruin it for me.
Ann Althouse said...
I don't see how "Hava Nagila" can be viewed as a commemoration of the dead. It's a very festive song about being happy!
It's also singularly Jewish.
Something the people in London didn't want brought up, I suspect.
PS To complement what Someone said, I forget who it was, but someone once observed, if ever there was a Master Race, it's probably the Jews.
Marshal said...
What makes the remembrance refusal particularly galling was the IOCs choice to have one for other victims. It's pretty clearly an anti-semitic moment, an unwillingness to cross the muslims who support murder of jews.
Since the subway bombings were carried out by British-grown Muslims, it was a political statement.
Except the atrocious music that's blasting for the floor exercise... which isn't dancing, so what's that about? A relic of the old emotional days. It's like a taunt: Remember when you loved Olga and Nadia?
I asked my wife about what I see as weird, dis-associated hand movements that the gymnasts make while on the beam and doing the floor exercise. My wife says that it is really a holdover from when those competitions were primarily dancing instead of tumbling and tricks. Sort of the last vestiges of the old system. Personally, I think they look ridiculously out of place, and add nothing to the competition. Even the "dancing" portions of the floor exercise to me don't look all that good - but I will say the Russians do that part better than the US team.
SomeoneHasToSayIt has it right. Jews are responsible for so much good in the world.
But I don't like this made-up scandal. The fact that the IOC has apparently never done anything significant to commemorate the terrorism and murders of 1972 is awful. But there's a bit of Sheehanism (as in Cindy) in the notion that the IOC's failure to do what many people thought they should do.
Judge them. Don't just sit outside and rant about how awful it is that a horrible event hasn't been properly acknowledged. That way lies madness.
Aly Raisman showed wisdom and perspective beyond her years.
"It is a little hard to understand why there was no moment of silence."
I find it quite easy to understand. I think there are a variety of ways that Jewish or Israeli Olympic athletes could shame the IOC to the point that they'd finally cave. If it was me, I'd happily and proudly stand there to receive my medal, then walk right off of the platform, visibly spit on the medal, and then make a scene of throwing it in the nearest garbage can.
That would be a great personal sacrifice, but if many of them did this then I think the IOC would have to do something. If they refuse to award anymore medals to Jews or Israelis, how would that look? If the Jews continue to win medals and then defile them, can the IOC stomach that for long?
*uh, missed a phrase. "...thought they should do" should have "is an atrocity", or something like that.
I love watching gymnastics. The announcers ruin it for me
I love watching gymanstics, the announcers ruin it for me.
I love watching diving, the announcers ruin it for me.
I love watching equestrian, the announcers ruin it for me.
I love watching swimming, the announcers ruin it for me.
I love watching the Olympics, the announcers ruin it for me.
There we go.
I liked her routine, but the Gold Medalist on the high bar was really amazing.
She showed great poise.
The Chinese record of innovation and accomplishment rivals or exceeds Jews in every area. (don't confuse "the Chinese" with "the Chi-Coms"...)
As recently as just 250 years ago, China had everything the world wanted, and the world had little/nothing China lacked.
This is why the British pushed opium on China: to stimulate a demand of some sort, and a pretext to take territory.
China was behind militarily, but only because it had centuries of peace preceding the contact, rather than the West's centuries of Wars on the European Continent to push their military tech.
deborah said...
Since the subway bombings were carried out by British-grown Muslims, it was a political statement.
To me the political statement is clearly "some victims are more equal than others". As in, we'll take the heat for our guys, but those goddamn Jews aren't worth the trouble.
It a "per capita" question. And when you consider the issues that the Jewish race has faced over the years, their productivity is especially impressive.
Best of part of the Olympics by far is Samuel L. Jackson live tweeting it.
OhhhhKaaaay...LoLo gots some work to do! She was hurdling the wrong Fukken lane!
I may be wrong, but I think are a few more Chinese than Jews.
Yeah, but I cringed watching that guy. Holy hell, that looked painful. Glad he was alright.
BTW, great article you linked at Salon yesterday. Should be required reading for schools.
The people running the schools, I mean.
A Massachusetts gal, natch.
So fab and Jewish!
Can't swing a cat without hitting a jew here.
"What I did for Love, What I did for LOOOOOVVVE" from A Chorus Line.
Why does Althouse put her comment in the form of questions?
Socratic method?
As for the music, I was amazed to hear the Romanian woman's exercise was to a cover of Pink Floyd's Shine On You Crazy Diamond. I had heard it a few days ago in the background, but didn't see who used it.
I would think a lot of "anti-Semitism" in this world can be ascribed to annoyance with such people as the overwrought knothead that wrote this article.
Did I miss the qualifier about population?
Back to our regularly scheduled blog...Did Costas gush about how little Jewish girls have a heroine to look up to? He didn't? Color me surprised.
There's 2 good reasons the GBOC, and the IOC, omitted any homage to the Israeli's killed in Munich. 40 plus muslim countries told them too. And Europeans are afraid of their own population of immigrants they have let into their countries.
But it's the religion of peace.
How goofy do those Moors feel now? Invading countries that they get invited into now. And Saladin is face palming himself, along with his 70 some odd virgins.
Marshal said...
To me the political statement is clearly "some victims are more equal than others". As in, we'll take the heat for our guys, but those goddamn Jews aren't worth the trouble.
What happened in Munich was political in the extreme. 40 years later the same conflict is raging. Officially remembering Munich is throwing gasoline on the fire. During a moment of silence what are the countries who don't want to observe the moment to do? The young woman followed her conscience, brava. Let those who wish to make a statement make it on their own, and not force the rest of the countries to participate.
Well, I certainly don't want to disparage or diminish the multitude of Jewish contributions to civilization.
But I do object to attempts to make any race seem like supermen.
People are people. The Jews have done a remarkable job maintaining cultural integrity despite missing a homeland for centuries and extensive/excessive persecution.
But they are just normal people, just like the rest of us.
For the "per capita" aspect of Jews vs Chinese, doesn't that actually count as a mark in favor of the Chinese? As in, the Chinese were able to establish one of the first (and recent discoveries are adding to evidence they had THE first) civilizations on the planet, and were able to maintain that civilization in a single geographic location, for milennia. When conquered by an outside force, the Chinese absorbed them into their civilization...it happened more than once in their history, too.
So if the Jews were smarter and more successful and innovative as a people, maybe they would have a 1.3 billion population today, too.
Science, the Arts, Commerce, Spirituality, you name it. The Jews are Titans.
Western Democracy, if I'm not mistaken, is largely descended from Talmudic principles. Could be wrong, but I think that most of the good and truly ...civilized.. things about Western Civ stem in one way or another from classical Judaism.
The biggest fault of the modern Jew is his/her ardent desire to be accepted into the society of upper-crust hipster progressives. It is their one fatal flaw.
Jews accomplishments were mainly while in diaspora and during extended and frequent periods of severe persecution. It is amazing alone that their cultural and religious value have remained connected and in tact.
Lists of Jews
I was thinking that the IOC was avoiding politicizing the Olympics (although it is political as hell).....until it was pointed out it did include a tribute for victims of the 2005 London subway bombing.
It is anti-Semitism, fear of a terrorist backlash, or bit of both?
The world is becoming more anti-Semitic w/ the tacit approval of our prez. When we invaded Kuwait and Iraq, Hussein lobbed missles on that country that could have been gas laden for all the Israeli's knew. At the request of Bush 41 they held fire so the Arab alliance would not collapse. Twenty years later we shit on them. Disgraceful!
Ann Althouse said...
It's like a taunt: Remember when you loved Olga and Nadia? (Yeah, we loved girls from other countries back then.)
The last (only other) time our Girls won Team Gold it was 1996, and it was a little Jewish Girl that sucked it up and delivered
deborah said...
What happened in Munich was political in the extreme. 40 years later the same conflict is raging. Officially remembering Munich is throwing gasoline on the fire.
(a) Of course the act was political, but how is it difficult to publicly denounce murder as a poltical act? Whatever muslims it pisses off are revealed as supporters of terrorism. In some controversies right and wrong are easily identifiable. We shouldn't be compromising with or appeasing those who support murder.
(b) How is this any different from the memorialized London attack, other than the victims' Jewishness and the reactions driven by that fact?
I watched her being interviewed. She was quite an empty headed kid, and all I could think was, "I wonder if I would have sounded as empty headed at that age?"
Fantastic athlete, and I congratulate her and wish her well, but she really didn't sound like she was interested in much beyond the most basics of what is happening in her life. To ascribe to her some grand political gesture seems absurd.
I watched her being interviewed. She was quite an empty headed kid, and all I could think was, "I wonder if I would have sounded as empty headed at that age?"
Fantastic athlete, and I congratulate her and wish her well, but she really didn't sound like she was interested in much beyond the most basics of what is happening in her life. To ascribe to her some grand political gesture seems absurd.
I liked it when Bob Costas tried to compare Raisman's mom's leaning during the balance beam, to Carlton Fisk's willing that ball fair in '75. He might have just as well been speaking Swahili to her.
(though personally I enjoyed being reminded of the Fisk moment)
Ann Althouse said:
Remember when you loved Olga and Nadia?
prairie wind said...
... the ones I heard went on and on about the Flying Squirrel, pushing her as the Next Nadia.
Nadia was cool, got some tens in 1976, but so did Russian Nelli Kim ... who scored the first ever 10 in vault in the individual all around, for which she earned a Silver Medal in all around. Nelli Kim also performed the first ever Olympic 10 in individual floor exercise, for which she earned a gold medal in 1976.
We may recall Nadia more, for some reason, but Nellie Kim was equally influential and still is ... she is in attendance at the London games and has been visible when members of the International Gymnastics Federation have been on camera.
Just saying ... :-)
All I can think is that using the Hava Nagila song is now considered provocative! Thankfully, Aly has not learned to be self-loathing, but they will work on those skills when she gets to college.
BTW what does it mean in the song when they say, Hava Nagila, venus muha?? I now have the song in my head.
Harrogate, I made the same comment to my wife. OK, I just said "she has no idea what he's talking about," but that's almost like saying what you wrote. Costas can be good, but sometimes he needs to check himself.
For @ patCA....
Hava nagila ve-nis'mecha = Let us rejoice and be glad
Hava neranena venis'mecha = Let us sing and be glad
Crimso - I think there are a variety of ways that Jewish or Israeli Olympic athletes could shame the IOC to the point that they'd finally cave. If it was me, I'd happily and proudly stand there to receive my medal, then walk right off of the platform, visibly spit on the medal, and then make a scene of throwing it in the nearest garbage can.
And the more obvious solution would be to strip the jew that did it of his or her medals and inquire of other jews if they want to be booted before competition like the Greek triple jumper was for bringing discredit on the Games.
Seriously, the jewish media tried pressuring the Brits to make this some Highest Cause of the games. And maybe in doing so, make the opening ceremony all about Victimhood.
Endless Mournathon.
As I understand it, the US staged a tasteful ceremony to the 9/11 Victims at the Salt Lake Games..but haven't demanded a 9/11 Feature Mournathon at any Games since.
The Brits did commemorate their OWN terror victims and the soldiers that have served the UK and suffered casualties...but they are the host country.
If you want to, you could cast around and find a full hour of Olympic Victimhood marked by 1-minute commemorations and 1 minute intros.
1. All the athletes and support people at the 1912 London Games killed in WWI. (Almost 25% )
2. The whole US figure sketing team killed in 1962.
3. All the Olympic Athletes and support people dead or maimed in WWII after the 1936 Olympic Games.
4. The Soviet hockey team killed in 1952.
5. Members of the Indonesian Olympic badminton team killed in the 1965 purge along with half a million others.
6. All the Chinese, NORK, and Russian OLympic athletes and support staff that were executed or sent to die "of natural causes" in the Gulags.
7. Brazil could have a memorial in 2016 to honor the 50th anniversary of deaths of over a million Vietnamese at the hands if American invaders, a ceremony to honor the dead of the Cultural Revolution.
8,9,10...etc, etc..
ndspinelli said...
The world is becoming more anti-Semitic w/ the tacit approval of our prez. When we invaded Kuwait and Iraq, Hussein lobbed missles on that country that could have been gas laden for all the Israeli's knew. At the request of Bush 41 they held fire so the Arab alliance would not collapse. Twenty years later we shit on them. Disgraceful!
Truth is that Our Bestest Friend and Greatest Ally Ever (to hear AIPAC and various low IQ Christian Zionists)....is fairly unusable as a partner in any conflict.
And not that they are exactly willing to shed blood or treasure on our behalf.
Plus, our real allies don't want to have anything to do with them. Globally, like Iran and N Korea - they have a status..mostly unfair...as a Pariah Nation.
Bush I was right to demand they stay out of it...and bribed them well to not meddle.
We have managed to do Vietnam, Korea, the Cold War, Gulf War, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan and a host of other military involvements without "Our Special Friend" at our side.
If you want to, you could cast around and find a full hour of Olympic Victimhood marked by 1-minute commemorations and 1 minute intros.
Unlike Munich, none of the events cited are directly connected to the Olympic Games.
Is a triumphant Israeli athlete stood on the podium and the entire team from "Palestine" surrounded and gave him the finger throughout the anthem the NYT would find that heroic, rather than controversial.
Thanks ARidog!
Nathan Alexander said... CHina etc etc etc
I'm well aware of the history of China, and I say to you contention - Nonsense. Exceeds in every area? Really? How about Noble prizes in categories that count?
Also, the Jews did everything without a home country of their own, and were often treated as persona non grata.
China early on walled itself up, to keep the world out, and their 'innovations' in. NO sharing from them.
Bad world citizens, I say.
And, in economic systems, they suck. Political, too.
And as for per capita achievements, it's not even close.
As recently as just 250 years ago, China had everything the world wanted, and the world had little/nothing China lacked.
You confuse wealth with innovation. The Chinese were like the Romans -- good at assimilating the ideas of the people they conquered.
a full hour of Olympic Victimhood
Good point. Just because a bunch of Olympic athletes were murdered at the Olympics because of the incompetence of the people running the Olympics is no reason for the Olympics to ever acknowledge it happened. :)
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