August 28, 2012

"I never thought I'd say this, but we're going to be the New Jersey of the West."

"Oregon is going to be the next red state on the left coast."

Just now, as the roll call proceeds at the GOP convention.

UPDATE: "The 51st State"... Puerto Rico!

UPDATE 2: I recorded Governor Scott Walker announcing the Wisconsin vote:


furious_a said...

"I never thought I'd say this, but we're going to be the New Jersey of the West."

Oregon's coastal wetlands are going to be choked with corpses rolled up in carpets?

dreams said...

The Dems are going to be seeing more and more reds and I'm not talking Obama and those other communists who have currently infested the white house.

garage mahal said...

"Oregon is going to be the next red state on the left coast."

I dare you to hold your breath!

Revenant said...

Next red state, no. But it is a likely swing state.

Anonymous said...

If we're talking 2012, there's a lot of work to do. Polls show Obama up on Romney by +4 to +12 points.

Not impossible, but not likely unless that "preference cascade" Instapundit sometimes talks about starts cascading soon.

Shouting Thomas said...

They'll have to kill off the 6,000 Grateful Dead cover bands in Portland to achieve that goal.

Might be worth it.

shiloh said...

"I never thought I'd say this"

Well, if you repeat what other people say, you can say just about anything lol.

Remember when Dick ((( I like to suck toes ))) Morris said Hillary would never run for NY senate!

He also said Obama had no chance to become president! This is why he's a fixednoise political analyst. I digress.

Gotta love America's freedom of speech no matter how foolish the utterance ...

chickelit said...

Oregon is going to be the next red state on the left coast.

They're tired of californication and want co-mitt-ment.

Victor Erimita said...

Ugh, yeah. I live in Oregon. I don't know who said that well be the next red state, but they are seriously delusional. I see Oregon's politics and politicians having gotten more extreme in their leftism, not less. One slight exception may be our (Democrat, of course) governor, who has actually taken some sensible steps to roll back kamikaze spending and has even bucked the all-powerful public employeesunions on some points.

But the population growth is all in the Portland metro area, if the election results and visible cultural manifestations re any guide, the newcomers re largely "young creatives," hipsters, hippies (of all ages) and sundry progs fleeing the states they've ruined, having learned nothing.

It looks to like Oregon is significantly behind Wisconsin, and in some ways even New Jersey in waking up to its unsustainable spending, too-powerful public employees unions, massively underfunded public pensions and the rest of the usual blue model litany. But hey, we ain't got no stinkin' bullet train, but we got miles and miles and billions and billions worth of light rail the voters don't want.

shiloh said...

TX will become purple before OR becomes red.

Just practicing my freedom of speech! :)

Bender said...

Say what? They just did the roll call, historically one of the top rah-rah moments for a political party? They just did it at dinner time on a Tuesday???

Good thing that I (and apparently 299 million other people in this country) did not watch it on TV. Mark Levin right now is saying that there was more excitement in a morgue than in the arena.

This is why I refuse to watch any of it. I'm pissed off enough as it is. I'd like to keep my window intact and TV in one piece.

edutcher said...

Any state that went Republican in '10 is in play - and, yes that includes Jersey.

And Morris has been pretty accurate this time out. Just like Rove, that magnificent bastard.

PS I do feel sorry for the little animal as he continues his pathetic attempts at FUD.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Ann, who said that? Really. It's no use having you watch the Republican convention so I don't have to when you don't give me the essentials.

"The next red state on the left coast" assumes that there already is one. [I suppose s/he meant Alaska, but that's a bit of a cheat.]

Actually, I can see OR as a swing state. Most of the population is in the West, but even much of that is rural or semi-rural. Portland isn't the world out here. And the Eastern part of OR is practically coextensive with ID.

Anonymous said...

Was that TV show, Portlandia, spoofing all the young hipster wannabes who moved there any good?

Some liberal friends recommended it.

Amartel said...

Oregon could swing.

"Oregon's coastal wetlands are going to be choked with corpses rolled up in carpets?"

Perish the thought of polluting the precious pristine aquifer. The Thousand Friends of Oregon (environmental weenies) would shit themselves. All at once.
And I'd like video of that, please.

Ann Althouse said...

"Ann, who said that? Really. It's no use having you watch the Republican convention so I don't have to when you don't give me the essentials."

Isn't it clear that it was the guy announcing Oregon's vote?

Anonymous said...

Republicans may have 51 states, Obama has 57. You do the math.

Amartel said...

Portlandia is awful. The first episode is all you need to see. Smug hipsters galore. Portland is very proud of being "weird" except that it's the dull status quo there. They don't realize that being "weird" in Portland means voting Republican and wearing a suit to work. Like a grown up. Your mileage may vary.

shiloh said...

Please, there are no red states. There are no blue states. There is only the United States of America! ~ Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America, much to Althouse flock's chagrin. :)

Keep hope alive!

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

garage mahal,

I dare you to hold your breath!


TX will become purple before OR becomes red.

Yeah, well, you two don't live here, and I do. Victor Eremita at least has some actual, y'know, knowledge.

I don't agree, though. Kitzhaber has done very good work, so far as I can see. There was a massive school-funding mess, and he got forty-some educators and principals in from all over the state and asked them, basically, "So what do we do about this?" And the result was about the most sensible approach to handling a public school funding crisis I've seen.

edutcher said...

Ann Althouse said...

Ann, who said that? Really. It's no use having you watch the Republican convention so I don't have to when you don't give me the essentials.

Isn't it clear that it was the guy announcing Oregon's vote?


creeley23 said...

If we're talking 2012, there's a lot of work to do. Polls show Obama up on Romney by +4 to +12 points.

What polls are you looking at? Pew?

The Gray Lady has Zero up by 1 and WaPo (Skewed to the demos by 9) has the Romster up by 1.

Please, there are no red states. There are no blue states. There is only the United States of America! ~ Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America

Everything Barack Obama says has an expiration date! -

Rush Limbaugh.

And what El Rushbo said has a lot more truth than anything the Messiah has ever said.

garage mahal said...

Republicans voter suppress their own convention. They just can't help themselves. I bet that shit sandwich Ron Paul delegates had to eat today tasted great.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Prof. Althouse,

Isn't it clear that it was the guy announcing Oregon's vote?

Well, not really. It wasn't clear even that it was a guy. :-)

Anonymous said...

What polls are you looking at? Pew?

edutcher: RCP. I meant for Oregon alone, since its projection is the topic here.

shiloh said...

Speaking of expiration dates and I'm not talking about edutcher's, my personal groupie, age. Why is John Sununu a mittens' surrogate ?1?

ok, ok, Strom Thurmond passed away and was not available. :D

Anonymous said...

Amartel: Thanks for the Portlandia summary. On paper it seems I'd be a good candidate for a satire of smug hipsters but they've become so absurd that nothing seems unbelievable.

I did get to like "Community" after a while, especially the season finale episodes, "A Fistful of Paintballs" and "For a Few Paintballs More."

Sam L. said...

I can't see that happening. Teh Willi Valley outvotes the rest of the state, and I can't see them not voting for The Won. Maybe in lesser numbers, but not lesser enough.

Sam L. said...

Oh, yeah. Who did say that? "Names, Les, I need names!"

Anonymous said...

Revenant said...
Next red state, no. But it is a likely swing state."

Ahhh some Benny Goodman before dinner and Glenn Miller after? Get's my vote.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

I love seeing the Wisconsin team all over the Convention. That is one fired up group of Republicans.

ricpic said...

You can't get a decent pizza in Portland and they're talking about becoming a second Jersey?

LoafingOaf said...

"Oregon is going to be the next red state on the left coast."

Oh, what a coincidence. The other day I was watching episodes of Gangland on YouTube and saw this one about skinhead violence in Portland. Check out the beginning of the video where a prosecutor explains that Oregon is "sort of a Mecca for white supremacists".

Probably just a coincidence.

wildswan said...

Maybe Oregon will go red first as a geographical matter - most of the land area will be Republican but the cities, the population area, will stay blue. But then the area right around the cities, the suburbs where the independents live, will turn red and, united with the red land area, create a mass for change. That happened in Wisconsin.
Granted that Washington state and Oregon are the bluest areas I ever lived in - still we wouldn't know if a critical red mass was building in those areas because the LSM would not report it. This guy at the convention might be trying to tell us something we have no chance of hearing otherwise. Small but significant changes might be adding up as in The Last Hurrah.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Check out the beginning of the video where a prosecutor explains that Oregon is "sort of a Mecca for white supremacists".

Yes, I'm sure Portland is the first place in OR people are thinking of when they suggest that it might be a swing state.

chickelit said...

Ahhh some Benny Goodman before dinner and Glenn Miller after? Get's my vote.

I just knew you liked "Little Brown Jug"!

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shiloh said...

Just caught a little bit of Boehner talkin' about Obama ie We'd throw him out!

Well, if the Speaker of the House was in charge of a congress which had a ((( 10% job approval rating ))), what would "we" do. ((( We'd throw him out! ))) :o

Indeed, the Rep convention is such a snooze job, no need for Althouse to live blog lol.

edutcher said...

creeley23 said...

What polls are you looking at? Pew?

edutcher: RCP. I meant for Oregon alone, since its projection is the topic here.

OK, my bad.

Speaking of expiration dates and I'm not talking about edutcher's, my personal groupie

He's a legend in his own mind.

All his groupies spend their time kicking his ass.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

chickelit said...
"I just knew you liked "Little Brown Jug"!"

Ohhh I do! BTW, I did two degrees at UofM and Ann Arbor has a restaurant on S. University called the Brown Jug. Hung out there cause it was cheap and the pizza was greasy. Kinda like Jersey.

edutcher said...

It's not the Speaker's House that garners the disdain, it's the one run by the Demos.

How many years since they've passed a budget?

How many bills passed by the House have they refused to consider?

No, Boehner's not the problem, but we're going to find Dingy Harry a new job as Senate Minority Leader.

As soon as he clears himself of the pederasty charges.

MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...

Politicians are all such honest straight shooters.

I doubt he'd exaggerate the Republican Party's electoral chances in Oregon while whooping it up at the Republican Party's presidential nominating convention.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Amartel said...

Portlandia is awful. The first episode is all you need to see. Smug hipsters galore. Portland is very proud of being "weird" except that it's the dull status quo there. They don't realize that being "weird" in Portland means voting Republican and wearing a suit to work. Like a grown up. Your mileage may vary.

Wwwhifff! (The sound of satire going over Amartel's head)

Anonymous said...

edutcher said...
"How many years since they've passed a budget?"

Yo. edutcher. Yes you. think 85 times it wasn't allowed to be brought up for debate by ...drum roll please....those pesky senate republicans.

Thats a cheap and ill-informed argument and you should know that someone will catch you on it.

Amartel said...

Hmm, so (1) Oregon, a blue state, is supposedly a mecca for white supremacists and (2) there is skinhead violence in Portland, which is a very blue town.

Yep, the Republicans are TOTALLY to blame. I mean, it's like so obvious, man, and we shouldn't let facts get in the way of that. (Channeling Chrissie Matthews.)

edutcher said...

Does that include the Demos wouldn't vote for Zero's budget?

But, answer the question; when have Dingy Harry and his minions last proposed a budget?

garage mahal said...

How many years since they've passed a budget?


Icepick said...

I'm guessing the lack of updates is indicative of the fact that nothing worth mentioning has happened.

edutcher said...

You'll have to wait for prime time and Mrs Romney.

Amartel said...

"Wwwhifff! (The sound of satire going over Amartel's head)"

OMG, no waaay! Really? It's a satire??? Well, shit, why wasn't I, AMartel, informed? They should put a disclaimer before the opening credits: "Dull, leaden, derivative, repetitive writing and acting will automatically appear hilarious and charming due to SATIRE."

(It's an awful satire. Too much sympathy with the people being satired. Like I said, all you need to see is the first episode.)

Icepick said...

You'll have to wait for prime time and Mrs Romney.

What, is she going to do something interesting? Or is she going to give a puff piece on what a great guy her husband is?

Xmas said...

Portlandia is kinda funny,if you know.people that are actually like the characters.presented in the show.

Icepick said...

AMartel, Portland and Oregon more generally are totally SWPL kinds of places. And amongst the things that appeal to SWPL are other WP. And places with lots of WP also, incidentally, appeal to White racists. What's funny is that the SWPL folks have helped contribute to Oregon being a Mecca(?!) for neo-nazis, skinheads, wannabe Klansmen and the like. It's actually pretty damned funny!

Hipsters and neo-nazis living together, now THAT'S the show that someone ought to make! Maybe do it with a couple of roomies. Damn, I miss Trooper York at times like these....

Tyrone Slothrop said...


Instead of sympathy, I would have said familiarity. If you think the show makes liberal Portland hipsters look good, then I repeat, you missed the point. Every single one of the characters is one kind of asshole or another. I think it's funny, but then, some people prefer Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein De gustibus non disputandum est.

Chip S. said...

Portlandia is weak b/c the "satirists" don't really dislike the objects of their half-hearted exercise.

If you want to see white people truly being ridiculed, try "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo." Good for a few laughs until the stage-managing becomes utterly transparent.

garage mahal said...

What, is she going to do something interesting?

Try to make Mitt Romney seem human.

Michael K said...

I saw Karl Rove on C SPAN at a breakfast meeting at the convention say the same thing about Oregon. Seems unlikely but sanity has to come sometime although California will be last.

Kitzhaber is a sharp guy. Used to be an ER doc.

Anonymous said...

I just watched the "Most Popular Clip" of Portlandia on Hulu and it was quite lame. The writing and acting are so weak that the lead characters / couple come off as second-raters doing improv. TE-DI-OUS!

If that's the "Who's on First?" of Portlandia, I don't want to think of its more typical moments.

Chip S. said...

Try to make Mitt Romney seem human.

Politics aside, Mitt Romney is pretty obviously a decent human being. I understand why he seems alien to you.

Anonymous said...

Portlandia is weak b/c the "satirists" don't really dislike the objects of their half-hearted exercise.

Good insight. The writers need to get in there with meat axes.

Think "The Young Ones" BBC 1982.

Icepick said...

Try to make Mitt Romney seem human.

With a wit as sharp as ever, garage....

MadisonMan said...

You have to be a net taker, vs. a giver, to become a red state. How is Oregon going to suddenly start getting federal money?

chickelit said...

MadisonMan said...
You have to be a net taker, vs. a giver, to become a red state. How is Oregon going to suddenly start getting federal money?

New austerity paradigm

MadisonMan said...

btw, I won't be watching. So if my comments betray an ignorance of the convention, it's because I didn't watch.

Icepick said...

How is Oregon going to suddenly start getting federal money?

They can do what Florida did and get decent weather so all the old people will move there. Or they can do what California did and import defense industries and Mexicans.

But seriously, spare me the bullshit. New York got trillions in the last few years to bail out the banksters. NY going red any time soon?

chickelit said...

Scott Walker looks rested in that clip with absolutely no hint of garage's favorite old moniker for him: "dead eyes"

Kirk Parker said...


"I'd like to keep my ... TV in one piece."

Good grief, why?

mariner said...

Republicans may have 51 states, Obama has 57. You do the math.

And all 57 of them have plenty of "composite" voters.

ricpic said...

Hipsters and neo-nazis living together...

I hope an Orthodox Jewish congregation settles in Portland, builds a Temple Sinai there and makes the heads of both cruddy crews explode.

Anonymous said...

Oregon as the New Jersey of the West?

So that's what that smell was...

Cheap joke... years past its expiration date. I have no shame.)

purplepenquin said...

Wisconsin has 42 delegate, but Walker said that 41 are going for Romney.

Did Ron Paul get a delegate? If so, was it the network or Althouse who cut Walker off before he said so?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Oregon is pretty much like most of the States and especially those in the West like California.

The rural and small town areas are mostly conservative, republican and very much libertarian. However, the population is thin in those areas and the urban areas like Eugene, Portland and some of the Coastal areas are more liberal....however... still a lot of very strong libertarian and independent leanings in those areas. And as we all know, libertarians/independents are the wild card.

So...could Oregon actually trend 'red' and vote for Romney or a republican. Maybe...but it would be a big big stretch.

(Hubby is from Oregon and his family still lives there so we do have some familiarity.)

Ralph L said...

Oregon could ask for a military base so there would be more black and brown people in the state.

But that would be evil.

Paddy O said...

When we were dating it took the longest time before my wife and I talked about politics. She was born, raised and lived at the time in Oregon, so I was sure she was liberal. I was born, raised, and lived near LA, so she was sure I was liberal. Everything else was a perfect match, so we just didn't go there. Then there was the tentative conversation, slowly moving towards political openness... and we were both quite conservative, shocking each other. Her dad was a PhD economist, so that likely made a difference. The rest of her extended family is liberal.

Oh, and Portlandia is hilarious at times, especially if you know Portland and that hipster type crowd. If you don't know Portland, it's not that funny.

David said...


After the massive public deny defaults maybe, but not until then.

ad hoc said...

purple penguin said:
Wisconsin has 42 delegate, but Walker said that 41 are going for Romney. Did Ron Paul get a delegate?

Yes, I happened to see it live at about 6pm EST and Walker said 41 delegates go to Romney and 1 delegate goes to Ron Paul.

Eric said...

Just practicing my freedom of speech! :)

Oh, your speech works just fine. You need more practice on your thinking, though.

Eric said...

After the massive public deny defaults maybe, but not until then.

Yep. Not until (fiscal) reality dawns.

Known Unknown said...

I would suggest that those who do satire the best are the ones who know most about the subject matter.

I get a kick out of Portlandia.

PianoLessons said...

I might be wrong but I was watching the roll call on CSPAN and did Minnesota really come in with like 45 votes for Ron Paul and 6 votes for Romney.

I need to check this out later but I swear that's what I heard.

What the heck is going on in Minnesota where they let Al Franken become one of their US Senators?

Palladian said...

My boyfriend likes "Portlandia" and he just showed me a bit of an episode that was pretty funny; a man and woman were in a restaurant ordering food and started asking about the chicken, how it was raised, if it was USDA organic or Oregon organic, who owned the farm, etc. The waitress brought out a folder with a picture of the chicken they'd be eating and a dossier about its life and personality. Then the couple insisted on driving 30 miles away to the farm to inspect it before they made a decision about their order... it got even more absurd from there.

I've never been to Portland, but it was funny to me because the exact same sort of people currently infest parts of Brooklyn. A bit heavy-handed, the satire, but funny.

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Anonymous said...

Actually OCS123's bot comment might have been the most insightful on the thread...she says clutching her Louis Louis Vuitton, Jersey not so much.

damikesc said...

Lindsey, nobody can filibuster a budget bill. Nobody can stop discussions on one either. Harry Reid chose to not have any passed for three years. Reid alone.

So how many budgets did Republicans stop in the Senate? None.

purplepenquin said...

nobody can filibuster a budget bill. Nobody can stop discussions on one either.


damikesc said...

Not hard to follow. Budget bills cannot be filibustered. If Reid brought one to the floor, a simple majority would pass it. The minority party cannot filibuster it nor prevent its appearance on the floor.

purplepenquin said...

Not hard to follow. Budget bills cannot be filibustered.

You also said "Nobody can stop discussions on one either."

If having a non-stoppable discussion on a bill isn't considered "filibustering", then what is it called?

damikesc said...

If having a non-stoppable discussion on a bill isn't considered "filibustering", then what is it called?

If the bill is brought to the floor, nobody can stop it. It is brought to a vote and passed.

Nobody can stop anybody from discussing the bill.


He has refused to do so for three years.

The lack of budgets are Harry Reid's fault solely.

purplepenquin said...

If the bill is brought to the floor, nobody can stop it. It is brought to a vote and passed.

Nobody can stop anybody from discussing the bill.

Unless you mean "They can discuss the bill in their own offices after it has been voted on", I still don't understand how both those statements can be true.

Æthelflæd said...

My favorite Portlandia scenes are from the feminist bookstore. Though the chicken/restaurant one was pretty funny, too.

damikesc said...

Unless you mean "They can discuss the bill in their own offices after it has been voted on", I still don't understand how both those statements can be true.

Leslie stated Republicans prevented budget bills from even being brought up for debate.

"Yo. edutcher. Yes you. think 85 times it wasn't allowed to be brought up for debate by ...drum roll please....those pesky senate republicans. "

She was full of shit, as per usual. I pointed it out. Nobody can stop debate on a budget bill from happening. It gets proposed, debated, and voted on within a specific limit of time.

Sigivald said...

Oregon is going to be the next red state on the left coast

I don't see it happening anytime soon.

It'd be nice, especially if we could rid Portland of its reflexive greenie-weenie stupidity.

But I don't see it happening.

(Though, contra Shouting Thomas, I've never even heard of one Dead cover band in Portland.

That strikes me as more of a Eugene thing.)

Eric said...

What the heck is going on in Minnesota where they let Al Franken become one of their US Senators?

There's a reason Republicans are pushing for voter ID. There's every reason to believe people who weren't eligible to vote put Franken over the top.

furious_a said...

Yo. Linsday: Yo. edutcher. Yes you. think 85 times it wasn't allowed to be brought up for debate by ...drum roll please....those pesky senate republicans.

"Budget bills are governed under special rules called "reconciliation" which do not allow filibusters."

Someone earlier said you were "full of sh*t" -- I concur.

During the 1,200+ days (and counting) that Majority Leader Reid (D-Nev) has failed to get a budget passed, it's been the Senate Republicans who have been forcing budgets to the floor for a vote.

Pragmatist said...

woo hoo...that is a howler. There is not enough small town, undeducated yahoo's in my state of Oregon to make us the so called "Red State on the Blue coast". Nice fantasy. But we do not have any red candidates (isn't red the color of the commie's?)to get anyone elected. And even a high unemployment rate is not enough to make people desperate enough to vote for the same gang that lead us into the quagmire in the first place. We even elected a retread blue governor in 2010 rather than go rogue. When someone reclaims the mantle of moderate, progressive Republican we might give up the other guys. But no Tom McCalls are on the horizon here. Just crackpots and scheming businessmen.

Amartel said...

Icepick @6:59, I was commenting on the sad Loaflogic at 6:06 pm, trying to tie racist skinheads to Republicans, not on the actual state of Oregon. I grew up there, in both very rural areas and in Portland, so I know the state well. The Pacific NW in general has always had its share of vacant-eyed shifty-grifty Aryan Brotherhood types, though I don't know if it's more there than in other country/backwoods parts of the nation. BTW, calling these assholes "right wingers" is political opportunism at its worst. Flat out lie. They are just as likely to be D voters (due to the freebies) as R voters, and that is if they trouble themselves to vote at all. Also, I don't know that their presence in the NW is due to the demographics. More likely they just like the backwoods as it goes nicely with their sad little paramilitary narrative.

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