Via Drudge, which is continuing its black-and-white theme, now with Putin top and center — crouching and exposing his muscular arms — above a smiling Romney and an eye-blacked Drew Brees. The picture of Obama is, as it was yesterday, in the right-hand column. Today, it's a photograph — a nice photograph, with a hint of a smile. Also in Obama's column, Chinese ideograms above a link "China Ascends to No. 2 on FORTUNE 500..." Maybe the ideograms say "We're #2" (or "We try harder"). The stack of links between Obama's image and the Chinese writing reads:
'This Will Be My Last Political Campaign No Matter What'...I'm getting a decline-of-Western-civilization theme out of Drudge's new black-and-white trend. There's Putin on top, looking hyper-masculine. The Chinese are rising up (economically). And Obama's all used up. Nowhere to go. We talked about that back in April, after I received email from his campaign saying "In a few days, I'll be hitting the trail for my last campaign." I said:
Women outnumber men on US Olympic team...
Swedish billionaire's son arrested as U.S.-born wife found dead...
The man is 50 years old. His career is young. He's packing it in so early? This troubles me. Why no more stamina in the political arena?By contrast, Putin has gumption. Stamina. Staying power. And, by the way, he's sending warships to Syria.
I mean, what if he loses in November? He could run again. He could let 3 presidential terms pass and come back and only be as old as Romney is right now!
But even if he wins, what's he going to do? He can't run for President again, but there are other elective offices. Look at John Quincy Adams, John Tyler, and Andrew Johnson. All of them went on to seek other elective office and to win....
Why doesn't Obama have more gumption? It makes him seem too weak even now as he seeks reelection. Last campaign. That's annoying.
But what's in Drudge's column 1? The only photograph of a person is Obama's brother — George Obama — the one who lives in a hut. (Rush Limbaugh's been riffing about that for years.) The other Obama is being used in some right-wing propaganda film. Easy pickings. The man needs some money.
The top photograph in column 1 is Saturn. (Yesterday's Drudge had us worrying about the sun.) There's a "Strange Vortex Discovered on Saturn Moon...." Just above Saturn is "Wasserman Schultz: 'It Would Be Nice If We Had Candidate for President Who Was Committed To America'..." Yes, yes, let's stick with the strange vortex that is the American presidential election. For some reason, the Wasserman Schultz line is the only thing Drudge italicizes. Perhaps that's a prompt to read the quote sarcastically.
Clicking through, I see that Wasserman Schultz has radically changed her hairstyle since her appearance on Fox News Sunday (June 8). Did someone decide she needed to look more conservative/conventional/feminine?
Wasserman Schultz point, in this new clip, in this new hair, is about Mitt Romney stashing money outside of the United States:
Mitt Romney needs to come clean and release multiple years of his tax returns so we can see why he invested in a Bermuda corporation and transferred it to his wife's name the day before he became Governor of Massachusetts.Imagine a man who tried to make as much money as possible! The Democratic Party is hoping Americans have been trained to think of that as a bad thing.
So we can see why he's invested in Swiss bank accounts and accounts in the Cayman Islands. And you know, we also need to know why does -- what is the allure of investments out of the country. When he headed up Bain Capital, he was a pioneer in outsourcing and shipped jobs overseas.
It would be nice if we had a candidate for president who was committed to America. Mitt Romney is committed to making sure that either he makes the most money as humanly possible, or his investors do.
It's the decline of Western civilization, when we no longer flex muscles, we give up and let China take over. There's nothing else to run for.
We can always run for... cover.
Ann's Daily Drudge Dissection
It's a trap! :)
I think its meant to immunize him from criticism of his disastrous administration. People will hold their fire because a) he's black and b) "its his last campaign" so why expend energy criticizing him?
Just like Anthony Weiner, who was "finished" but is now trying to insert himself back into the world of politics.
Obama is not done. Don't fall for it.
Pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered. I wonder if this old adage will be true for Obama. He is so certain he'll win that he didn't take the surest path to massive power: stand down, let Hillary take the nomination this go-round, and insure his own seat on the Supreme Court.
And China is about to have its own Bubble Bursting Meltdown. Too bad we're not positioned to take advantage of it. In fact, it will likely hurt us as much as it does them.
Re China, it does not help the DEMS when President Obama, Dopey Biden and Transportation Secretary LaHood each talk dreamily about how great it would be if we were like China. If they love China so much, maybe they should create some shovel ready jobs and dig themselves a hole to China like we did as kids on the beach.
And what a great TV AD Romney could run showing those 3 nitwits waxing fondly about China.
It is astonishing that a woman as utterly imbecilic as Debbie Wasserman-Test is actually allowed to repeatedly beclown herself on national television. Does she really think we don't know about her own overseas (including Swiss) investments, or does she think the Romney campaign won't bring that inconvenient fact up?
A pity our grandfathers weren't vouchsafed a vision of DWS; they'd have passed a constitutional amendment barring women from voting so fast, your head would spin.
I agree with Fen- Obama would love to stay in politics in some cushy job. He could bloviate from the Senate like Drunken Teddy Kennedy did for years. They will refer to him as the "Lying of the Senate".
Yes, because you cannot take after tax dollars and pretend they are your dollars and invest them in a place that is not under our control. Your after tax dollars are really ours waiting to be conviscated. The idea that money doesnt belong to the Govt. Is what offends the progressives. Does Canada, by the way, count as offshore? Costa Rica?
AJ Lynch wrote: If they love China so much, maybe they should create some shovel ready jobs and dig themselves a hole to China like we did as kids on the beach.
That hole is a great metaphor for the deficit.
It's like saying Jimmy Carter could run again after he lost in 1980.
John Kerry could run again. So could Walter Mondale. How about that guy with the Greek surname - is he still alive?
"And he’s particularly interesting because he lives in rubble on a few dollars a day while his powerful, multimillionaire brother doesn’t lift a finger to help him.”
It's who he is. Even though it would be politically advantageous to offer help to the grossly impoverished family members he featured in the autobiography that earned him millions, he doesn't.
Pocket change, greens fees, Michelle's shoe money could significantly improve his brother's life. But no.
He's a small, small man.
Drudge has had Putim photos up for a couple of days, starting with one of him peering over his sunglasses with the caption, "The West is in Decline." Maybe so, but Russia is in decline faster. The birth rate among ethnic Russians is 1.2, a virtual death spiral. Its population peaked in 1991 and is expected to drop 30 percent by 2050. The only element of its people reproducing at a significant rate are the Muslims.
Russia has the world's third highest rate of heroin addiction and one of the fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemics. Outside of weapons, raw materials, and supermodels, it produces nothing it can export.
So have fun smirking, flexing your biceps, and posing with guns, Vladimir.
Indices for decline of America? Try the headline that women outnumber men on the US Olympic team. Title IX has all but DESTROYED mens minor collegiate sports like gymnastics, swimming, wrestling, and at some small schools track as well--the continued feminization of America..
The Narcissist-in-Chief so desperately wants to control his image that he is continually playing the I am a victim card now.
He wants us to see him as a fading away now, but always well meaning, hero that used himself up in a fight against unfair private business successes. He alone has destroyed them with Czars and Orders as our eternal Hero of the Great Redistribution.
Hey come on, Blameless Barry is taking care of the First Mother-in-Law!
It will be his last public campaign. He will campaign quietly for a Supreme Court seat, so he can have the ultimate power to define words and laws as he sees fit.
It's going to be hard to walk around as the coolest guy on the planet after this. The Euro-preenies, where Bill Clinton gets a lot of his juice, won't be so enamored with him.
After Althouse's attempt at a critical, cultural reading of pop propagandist Drudge, we come to the core of the conservative conviction and defense with this line: "Imagine a man who tried to make as much money as possible! "
Just make the money and run or stash it in off-shore Cayman phony Cayman accounts. Just make the money, no distinction between venture capitalist who actually support innovation and job growth vs. financial manipulation that feeds off of companies through high fees while they sink into bankruptcy, or ship manufacturing jobs off shore. It is this broken social contract with America exemplified by Ronney's children who have avoided any service to the country, and his avoidance of paying taxes that also leads to our decline.
"This will be my last political campaign, no matter what. I've got nothing else to run for."
Sob sob rip rip sob...**
Me weeping copious tears while tearing out hair and renting garments.... or is that rending garments....
'This Will Be My Last Political Campaign No Matter What'...
Oh no, Obama's playing hard to get! No, no. It's a going out of business sale! Act now, while supplies last.
Hey, that's supply and demand. A basic rule of capitalism! He's learning! Stupid dumb fucker.
Little Debbie, what an idiot. She unfortunately is my congresswoman. She ought to disclose her tax returns (she refuses) and her foreign investments.
As for Romney and his Swiss accounts: a man smart enough to protect his wealth is smart enough to protect out nation's wealth.
What democrat hacks don't say is that most foreign banks don't want US nationals or residents opening accounts. Most turn away Americans. Too much regulatory and reporting hassles. Try contacting a foreign bank with the intent to open an account and most will tell you sorry, we don't take American's as clients. Stealth capital controls is what the democrats are instituting.
As for the reason for opening a foreign account, the reason is capital preservation. Setting an interest income aside simply look at the exchange rates for the Australian,Canadian Dollars and the Swiss Frank on January 20th 2009 and look at the exchange rate today. Simply stated if you had the means to open a foreign account in those currencies on that date and had done so, nothing fancy, just a plain vanilla certificate of deposit, the increase in the values of those currencies alone will have yielded you a greater return than anything you could have gotten on Wall Street. And with no risk at all other than the exchange risk. Incidentally non of the world's safest big banks are American. But Swiss, Canadian and Australian banks are on that list. It isn't that those countries have done such an outstanding job of managing their economies (by and large they have been pretty good on that) but rather how disastrous the democrats have been in managing ours.
As for Obama, after the train wreck of his Administration, he is right. He has no political future.
It is this broken social contract with America exemplified by Romney's children who have avoided any service to the country. . .
Proof, please? And while you're at it, delineate for us your "service to the country." As well, what have Obama's or Biden's spawn done in "service to the country?" Take your time. I'll wait.
. . .and his avoidance of paying taxes that also leads to our decline.
Again, proof. Which taxes has Romney "avoided," and, if you, please, distinguish between avoiding and taking advantage of legitimate deductions and loopholes. As well, let's hear about you. Do you take any deductions on your taxes? Do you return any more than the bare minimum back to the government, in line with your philosophy that the more you beggar yourself, the more patriotic you are?
Angry, envious and fatuous is no way to go through life, R/V.
First, my first stop after Drudge is now Althouse.
Second, I think the line up on the left with Chavez, Saturn, the brother, et al, represent the out-of-this-world issues brought to us courtesy of the left.
Third, below Obama's photo is the disaster of the cruise ship which hit the rocks.
Finally, Breese is looking confident reaching the role of top dog in the NFL. He is lined up with a confident looking Romney (who is giving his look of confidence to Putin, who is flexing Russian muscle).
Okay, now I'm thinking about this way too much. Help!
The Chinese characters mean "peace" ("hépÃng" in Mandarin)
RV speaks like someone who has no money but demands that he have say on how others invest theirs.
A partner that wants to share in the profit but not the loss and without contributing any capital. In other words, a progressive.
I'm sure he has no problem with the kennedy clan that has for decades kept the bulk of their wealth in offshore trusts.
RV may not be aware that US nationals and residents are required by law to list all of their foreign bank accounts and report al of their foreign earnings and the reporting is rather detailed. Inconvenient facts for democrats, getting in the way of their narrative. .
@ R/V: It is this broken social contract with America exemplified by Ronney's children who have avoided any service to the country
Romney and his children have avoided no such thing. They have simply not chosen to serve in the military, which is their right as US citizens.
Bill Clinton, on the other hand, demonstrably did avoid serving in the military. No problem with that, right, R/V?
They have, however, served in overseas missions doing good works, which I'm told by leftists should be considered another form of "service." Or did I get that wrong, R/V? The only notion of service is military service, after all?
Around two tenths of one percent of the population of this country is currently serving in in the military. Your statement is, as per your usual drivel, asinine and stupid.
Chris of course we will not know what taxes Romney avoid as he does not want to reveal all his tax returns. Joe Biden's son served in Iraq, but not one Romney child has done so. Percentage wise I probably pay more than most millionaires on my taxes, but I am not angry, instead I am one of those happy liberal/ moderates who live quite comfortably on income and investments.
I predict Obama will spend his post-presidential "career" speaking to blacks and blaming whites for everything. He's no Bill Clinton.
It is more likely that he will RUN FROM JUSTICE (To Kenya or Indonesia) when the truths about his treason and high crimes come out.
it will be his last campaign. if Obama somehow "loses" he'll have Mitt Romney arrested as an enemy of the state, congress will be declared illegal and martial law will be instituted. Then he won't have to worry about elections anymore. That's how dictators do it, right? And you can't complain or you're a raaaaaaaacist.
"Everything Barack Obama says has an expiration date"
- Rush Limbaugh, 2008.
roesch/voltaire said...
It is this broken social contract with America exemplified by Ronney's children who have avoided any service to the country, and his avoidance of paying taxes that also leads to our decline.
Last I looked, the same can be said of Barack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm.
"Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
Chris of course we will not know what taxes Romney avoid as he does not want to reveal all his tax returns. Joe Biden's son served in Iraq, but not one Romney child has done so.............."
Biden's son was a JAG officer at a well protected base camp. Probably buffing his resume for future political office. Meanwhile,McCain's son served as a Marine rifleman and Sarah Palin's son served in an Army infantry unit..........I don't remember you commending either.
re: black and white,
Printer ran out of color cartridge
Visually everything is equal
Chef of course service to the country can include more than military service, there are such things as Teach for America, working in hospitals etc.-- to get an idea of what I mean I suggest reading Tom E. Ricks article linked here; and as far as I know the Romney kids have not done service to the country, but yes they have taken on the Mormon missionary service required of its youth. Of course I understand that conservative pols like to pay lip service to the military, while avoiding any contact except through pork barrel contracts that is.
I still think Japan is going to crush America, as I read a lot of convincing material by convincing people saying just that thing in the late 1980's. They had them some fine reasons by God.
Also, China seems to appear to possibly have some areas where an ideal level of societal control won't be easily attainable when the Red Plague comes.
"It is this broken social contract with America exemplified by Romney's children who have avoided any service to the country. . ."
It is always funny to hear liberals and progressive Jews of the Democrat Party talking about various Republicans, or their family's "failure to serve in the military".
Sort of like Republicans berating certain liberal and progressive Jewish Democrat politicians and media puppetmasters , and their families, for failure to be actively involved and foursquare behind the gay agenda and critical race theory on college campuses.
Pollster going to a campus rally for the rights of transgendered to adopt, use whatever restroom they prefer, and free reassignative surgery:
"OK, now I need a show of hands of all the Young Republicans and evangelicals showing up here in support"
"Ummm, anyone??"
Pollster at Bahgram Air Base in Kabul:
"Great to be here! Now that I counted all you native Americans, Mexican immigrants, Texans at this meeting with 850 soldiers...lets see a show of hands of patriotic liberals and progressive Jews who are stalwart Democrats and serving in uniform here!"
"Oh, you three in the back? No, you didn't understand me. I was asking for soldiers here who are liberals or progressive jews, not hands raised by journalists covering the Narrative of the meeting of 850 soldiers.."
Lars, in this thread I thought we were talking about Romney, so what is your point?
And American what country do you live in-- paranoia? to somehow believe that one black president controls the pentagon, the CIA etc and can order the end of our democracy is beyond satire.
Imagine a man who tried to make as much money as possible! The Democratic Party is hoping Americans have been trained to think of that as a bad thing.
It is only bad if you're a Republican or prominent conservative.
Bill Clinton making $100 million + since leaving office goes without comment.
Romney's wealth is bad though.
roesch/voltaire said...
Chris of course we will not know what taxes Romney avoid as he does not want to reveal all his tax returns. Joe Biden's son served in Iraq, but not one Romney child has done so. Percentage wise I probably pay more than most millionaires on my taxes, but I am not angry, instead I am one of those happy liberal/ moderates who live quite comfortably on income and investments.
7/11/12 9:29 AM
He doesn't have to report his returns to you but he sure as hell does to the IRS. And they don't screw around when the reporting is fishy. As for you paying a higher percentage of your income than the average millionaire, what a joke. Most millionaires earn ordinary income and pay taxes at the ordinary income tax rate. Add state and local income taxes and your average millionaire pays closer to 50% of AGI than the paltry percentage you pay. But they only get one vote, just like you and the same as the welfare deadbeats that pay no taxes at all.
roesch/voltaire said...
Of course I understand that conservative pols like to pay lip service to the military, while avoiding any contact except through pork barrel contracts that is.
Col Allen West & John McCain disagree with you.
Seriously, could you be any dumber?
I think Obama's statement is very revealing. It shows a man who wanted to become president, not be president. This was all about ego and thank God for that. Had Obama actually understood how to wield power (like Putin) and had so desired, he would have caused much more damage to this country.
rv - you are a hateful bigot.
Of course we will not know what taxes Romney avoided as he does not want to reveal all his tax returns.
Shifting the goalposts, eh? Funny how only a few posts above, you were certain Romney was avoiding taxes. Now you retreat behind a cloud of ignorance.
Joe Biden's son served in Iraq, but not one Romney child has done so.
As we don't have a draft, your point is nonsense. But I do like how serving in Bush's evil war for oil is now proof positive of one's patriotism for the left.
I am one of those happy liberal / moderates who live quite comfortably on income and investments.
"Investments" are now evil, R/V. Update your Newspeak dictionary accordingly.
rv - fuck the high horse you rode in on.
roesch/voltaire said...
Of course I understand that conservative pols like to pay lip service to the military, while avoiding any contact except through pork barrel contracts that is.
Gee, I seem to recall one of FDR's sons was a Marine Raider in WWII and Harry Hopkins' son was KIA.
I guess everybody on the Left abrogated that part of the social contract, too.
roesch/voltaire said...
Of course I understand that conservative pols like to pay lip service to the military, while avoiding any contact except through pork barrel contracts that is.
Congressman John P. Kline (R-MN-2) is a retired Colonel and Combat Veteran who served his country in the US Marine Corps for 25 years, disagrees with you, you effing pansy.
"Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
Chef of course service to the country can include more than military service, there are such things as Teach for America, working in hospitals etc...".
..or serving as a Congressional page, a community organizer, an SEIU official, an OFA telephone solicitor, a board member of a nonprofit historical society, a park ranger...yeh, I get it 'service to the country'. Heehee
roesch/voltaire said...
Of course I understand that conservative pols like to pay lip service to the military, while avoiding any contact except through pork barrel contracts that is.
You've never been in the military and Barack Obama is a chickenhawk.
PS: Pete Hegseth is running as an R for US Senate in Minnesota. He did multiple tours in Iraq & Afghanistan. You pussy.
Oh, look here:
Valerie Jarrett has credit line from a Bermuda insurance company valued between $100,000 & $250,000
I'm shocked!
sch/voltaire said...
Chef of course service to the country can include more than military service, there are such things as Teach for America, working in hospitals etcand as far as I know the Romney kids have not done service to the country
Ben Romney is a Doctor of Internal Medicine you ignorant clown.
Mitt Romney: Believe in Ameri, er Luxembourg, the Caymans, and Switzerland!
Debbie Wasserman Schultz & Valerie Jarrett & countless Obama bundlers: Believe in Ameri, er Luxembourg, the Caymans, and Switzerland!
FIFY, garage!
Garbage vomits: Believe in Ameri, er Luxembourg, the Caymans and Switzerland!
From the Daily Caller:
Disclosure forms reveal that in 2010, Wasserman Schultz invested between $1001 - $15000 in a 401K retirement fund run by Davis Financial Fund. As the fund discloses, it is invested in the Julius Baer Group Ltd and the State Bank of India GDR Ltd, as well as other financial institutions. . .
Similarly, according to disclosure forms from 2004, Wasserman Schultz had holdings in the Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund. That fund is invested in HSBC Bank (a British financial institution), Hengdeli Holdings (a Hong Kong watch company), Novo Nordisk (a Danish drug company), Volkswagen (a German auto company), Rakuten (a Japanese shipping business), Richemont Cie Financiere (a Swiss luxury goods company) and many others.
Oh, and just as the cherry on top, for R/V/s benefit - she won't release her tax returns, either.
Go back to masturbating over the any minute now! Walker indictment, you witless windbag.
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz' last appearance on Fox was a mere three days ago, July 8, not June 8. I don't think her hair has been 'radically changed' so much as professionally styled. It doesn't look like a new cut or new highlights.
Her usual go-to look is the big wet-look curls and today, it looks like she's had it professionally washed and maybe even hot-rolled. I think she did it to look less ethnic, not more feminine. Oh, hell, it might just be that there's less humidity in DC now that the heat wave broke.
"Perhaps that's a prompt to read the quote sarcastically."
Wait. Wasn't this supposed to be a multiple choice test?
Alex, I think that I am less of a bigot than say Joe Walsh, the Tea Party hero, who mocks the service of Tammy Duckworth, and I do not mean to suggest that all political conservatives avoid the military, but if you compare the number of Republicans in congress who served vs the number of Democrats who did, you begin to get a sense of what I meant. And of course I am trying to reflect the style of this blog which like to indulge in hyperbole.
....but if you compare the number of Republicans in congress who served vs the number of Democrats who did, you begin to get a sense of what I meant..."
Why don't you look at the actual numbers and get back to us?
roesch/voltaire said...
Alex, I think that I am less of a bigot than say Joe Walsh, the Tea Party hero, who mocks the service of Tammy Duckworth
Joe Walsh did no such thing, you lying pile of garbage.
but if you compare the number of Republicans in congress who served vs the number of Democrats who did, you begin to get a sense of what I meant.
You have not the foggiest clue what such a comparison would show.
You have beclowned yourself to a level that would prevent anyone with a brain from commenting further.
But you'll be back with more lies and idiocy.
Oh, and just as the cherry on top, for R/V/s benefit - she won't release her tax returns, either.
Hahaha. DWS isn't running for president, is she?
As if $1001-$15000 is remotely comparable anyways?
Romney's money goes on better vacations than 99% of Americans. I'm thinking this might be a campaign issue.
rv - are you seriously implying that more Democrats serve in the military then Republicans? LMAO!!!
Imagine a man who tried to make as much money as possible!
I read a statement like that and think, wow - you were the folks who welcomed snake oil salesmen into town before, having been thoroughly fleeced, you demand SOMEBODY chase them out of town.
Mitt's been a scam artist and will stay a scam artist.
You all his ignorant people with "problems" and will stay ignorant people with "problems."
You deserve each other,...
He can't really run for anything else, because he never had any skills in this arena to begin with, and the last 4 years has proved that beyond a doubt.
He is an experiment that (hopefully) has failed. A college prank courtesy of the Ayres, Dorn and all the ghosts of the ol' Weathermen gang.
"I'm going to be President!"
Yes. And then your term will end and that will be that. Life will go on and adults will again be, to some degree at least, in charge.
gm - sure make class warfare a campaign issue,, let's gin up the hatred of the rich.
garage mahal said...
Hahaha. DWS isn't running for president, is she?
Oh, so only people running for President have to release their tax returns.
Gee, I wonder why you're suggesting that?
Romney's money goes on better vacations than 99% of Americans. I'm thinking this might be a campaign issue.
Just like the investigations of Walker were?
Seriously dipshit, given your track record, you may want to refrain from what is or are not valid "campaign issues"
roesch/voltaire said...
Alex, I think that I am less of a bigot than say Joe Walsh, the Tea Party hero, who mocks the service of Tammy Duckworth
Then roesch might want to get the facts.
Walsh contends Duckworth is trying to skate into office on her record alone.
If that's all he's saying, it's a valid point.
BTW How many non-Democrat vets has roesch defended?
First, my first stop after Drudge is now Althouse.
I actually come here first now. Drudge is just too tabloid-y and depressing sometimes.
Bu bu bu bbbbb but what about __________???????
Hahaha. Going to be a fun race.
Romney's money goes on better vacations than 99% of Americans.
Hmm. Didn't know money could go on vacation, it - like you - not being a sentient being. But I doubt it goes on better vacations than your Little Black Jesus.
I'm thinking this might be a campaign issue.
I'm sure you do. Just like you thought Walker was going to lose.
Going to be a fun race.
Perhaps. I'm looking forward to your disappearing in a bitchy sulk after the SCOAMF gets his walking papers, just like you did when Walker won.
"Just make the money and run or stash it in off-shore Cayman phony Cayman accounts. Just make the money, no distinction between venture capitalist who actually support innovation and job growth vs. financial manipulation that feeds off of companies through high fees while they sink into bankruptcy, or ship manufacturing jobs off shore."
It's clear you have no idea what you are talking about. Did you ever take an economics class ? If you took a recent one, it was probably Marxist anyway but you really sound ignorant here.
"Romney's money goes on better vacations than 99% of Americans. I'm thinking this might be a campaign issue."
The idiots who passed the FATCA law have screwed up relations for all Americans with the Swiss. Americans who live in Switzerland are now having Swiss banks close their accounts and tell them to go elsewhere. Have you ever heard of the Smoot- Hawley tariff ? That example of stupid xenophobia did us a lot of good. This will have a similar effect until the GOP Congress can repeal it.
"I'm getting a decline-of-Western-civilization theme out of Drudge's new black-and-white trend."
Yes, it's what everyone is feeling because that's what they're seeing, "Western Civilization" (more accurately denoted as the Latin Church) being fundamentally transformed into chaos. The de facto Executive Authority of the USA at this time is the Muslim Brotherhood.
The "my last political campaign" bit is the truth as best he sees it: there won't be more elections, so he won't have to campaign politically again. Other types of campaign, foreign and domestic, there will be.
Anytime I see the name John Tyler I am reminded of the most amazing bit of trivia I have ever seen:
John Tyler, who died in 1862 has two living grandchildren, Lyon Tyler (b. 1924)and Lyon Tyler (b. 1928).
Mind boggling to think about.
Currently Drudge has a pic of Putin doing a squat with muscles bulging. Atop that is a pic of Saturn. I get an Atlas vibe, but Putin, with his ships to Syria is not shrugging, is he?
"This will be my last political campaign, no matter what. I've got nothing else to run for."
... thank God! And I hope he keeps his pie-hole shut after he is kicked out of office, unlike his co-failure-in-chief Jimmy Carter.
"garage mahal said...
Romney's money goes on better vacations than 99% of Americans. I'm thinking this might be a campaign issue."
Let's hope so. Obama and his spendthrift wife have spent tens of millions of not his money, but our's, on vacations.
Obama's a wuss. He's used to being affirmative actioned rather than actually working.
You forgot Taft, who became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Tell me, Garage, what percentage of Americans go on better vacations than Michelle's Spain vacation, or spend like her on of her shopping sprees? Romney earned his money. Why do you presume to tell him how to spend it? Why don't you go out and make the big bucks and spread it around to the downtrodden? Too lazy or too stupid?
Romney earned his money. Why do yuo presume to tell him how to spend it?
Because shut up, that's why.
Honestly, DADvocate, I hope you aren't expecting anything close to an answer from the insensate broccoli imagining itself to be a pithy commenter.
Why do you presume to tell him how to spend it?
I'm not telling Romney to do anything. I'm saying he is monumentally stupid for not seeing this as a campaign issue when he's been running for years. Oh well.
I paused AdBlock on Chrome to see if Drudge's ads are in black and white. They aren't. The site looks much cooler with the ads blocked.
And the tagline on Drudge's Twitter account is "Black and white and read all over."
So, I think the switch is because Drudge wanted the new answer to the old newspaper riddle ("What's black and white and read all over?") to be The Drudge Report.
notice garage has nothing to say about the racist BOOers against Romney at the NAALCP.
""This will be my last political campaign, no matter what. I've got nothing else to run for.""
I'm sure that like all Obama promises, this one comes with an expiration date.
And drudge is going black and white to increase the impression of looking at a newspaper.
I'm wondering what years there were that Romney didn't release his tax forms.
By saying he must release his tax forms, Wasserman implies that he hasn't done so. And I don't know how it's possible to have run for President a couple of times and been a governor without releasing tax records.
Besides which, she apparently knows where his money is, so how did she find out if it wasn't because he released the information?
The Swiss sure as hell won't tell anyone. That's their *thing*.
I had to snicker when some Democratic twit -- Reid, maybe, I forget -- made the remark that you only put money in Swiss bank accounts if you "have something to hide" or "think the Swiss franc is stronger than the dollar". We'll ignore the false dichotomy for now. The funny bit: the Swiss franc IS stronger than the dollar. In February of '09 a franc was only worth 86 cents. Now it's worth $1.03.
It'll still probably be effective campaign rhetoric, of course. Resentment politics works.
"Of course I understand that conservative pols like to pay lip service to the military, while avoiding any contact except through pork barrel contracts that is."
I always thought that was John Murtha.
Also, shouldn't that be, the son was arrested after the wife was found dead?
Or were the events actually simultaneous?
Holy Fred, Revenant!!
My wife and I are skiers, and back in the day we'd ski in Europe. Back then it was actually cheaper than CO. And back then, mid late 90s, you could get 3 or even 4 Swiss francs to the buck. Now you tell me the $ is underwater compared to the cf? Wow, I guess we're not going back anytime soon!
Romney's money goes on better vacations than 99% of Americans. I'm thinking this might be a campaign issue.
Because I'm supposed to care more about how Romney spends his money than how the President spends mine.
SO suddenly liberals don't care about Obama's extravagant vacations?
SO suddenly liberals don't care about Obama's extravagant vacations?
They never cared about Obama's extravagant vacations.
They're liberals.
Because I'm supposed to care more about how Romney spends his money than how the President spends mine
Romney said he didn't know where he was spending his money. Oh well!
@Heyboom: "John Tyler, who died in 1862 has two living grandchildren, Lyon Tyler (b. 1924)and Lyon Tyler (b. 1928)."
What about Steven? Isn't he about that old?
"Romney said he didn't know where he was spending his money. Oh well!"
Reading liberal speak this means... when Romney entered public office he moved his investments to a fund that will purposely keep him from knowing where the money is so that he can be scrupulous about avoiding conflict of interest.
Am I close?
I know that politicians often do that sort of thing.
I had thought it was one of those obvious sorts of practices that everyone could agree was a good thing to do, no matter what side of the political spectrum they were on.
Guess I was wrong.
From the Russian fleet to Syria article:
Russia has occasionally sent naval vessels on maneuvers in the eastern Mediterranean, and it dispatched an aircraft-carrying battleship, the Admiral Kuznetsov, there for maneuvers with a few other vessels from December 2011 to February 2012.
A what? An "aircraft-carrying battleship"? It's called an "aircraft carrier", guys. I see history isn't a required subject in school any more.
"Because I'm supposed to care more about how Romney spends his money than how the President spends mine"
Romney said he didn't know where he was spending his money. Oh well!
It is kind of cute that garage views that as a cutting rebuttal. :)
Seems like Drudge picks up on the underdog superhero persona (political Batman) that Obama began to create with fiction about his father and grandfather in the Dreams book. Obama created the non-white, underdog hero ("magic negro") who will champion the cause of "his people" against "the (white male) establishment." He turns the election into a racial and class war that pits the Obama Hero Cult against the Anybody But Obama Demons. It is black and white in most every way, and it makes quite a narrative.
Eh. Obama can always fall back on papa's citizenship/s. He can run for president of Kenya or declare himself Queen of England, and since Europe loves him so much they can just crown him the new Unholy Roman Emperor. He's got opportunities in Jakarta as well.
Well, why should he run again? Most of his work is already done.
Garage, wtf happened to you during that recall cpaogm bitch?
Um campaign. I mean that was one of the most disgraceful, pussiest disappearances in the history of the Internet.
I'm noticing what light weight surrogates obama has to do his fighting for him on the campaign trail. Robert Gibbs came out of the ground like a dung beetle to spin a big glob of shit this way and that. Debbe Whatername Bitch who has been already been canned by the DNC garbles the same talking points. Not a deep bench at all. I guess the stench of failure is that over powering. At least good old, slow Joe Biden will be there by his side
A what? An "aircraft-carrying battleship"? It's called an "aircraft carrier", guys.
Actually it's a combination. The Russians call it a "heavy aircraft carrying missile cruiser"
In other words, it's an aircraft carrier with 24 cruise missiles (and it appears to be a pile of junk, like so many soviet surface ships.)
Shorter Dem line of attack:
Mitt Romney makes more money and lives in a nicer house than I do. I HATE him. You should, too.
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