July 6, 2012

"Romney and the Republicans announced yesterday that they brought in more than $100 million in June."

"For context, that's about what we raised in April and May combined. We're still tallying our own numbers, but this means their gap is getting wider, and if it continues at this pace, it could cost us the election."

Email, just now, from the Obama campaign.


God, An Original A-hole said...

And Team Obama expects people to respond to that? And donate?


It's about as far from the "Hope and Change" message as you can get...

It seems like Team Obama can't even come up with a reason why you should vote for him.

Oh me, I'm so glad I'm voting for Gary Johnson!

bagoh20 said...

Oh, pity is your message? Very inspiring.

BarrySanders20 said...

They can cue up "Democracy Died Tonight" dude and complain about how they were outspent and how unfair that is and explains why they lost and it's Citzens United's fault and Roberts really isn't their friend.

Of course, when Obama was spending gazillions against McCain that was just proof of how awesome he was.

X said...

It's about as far from the "Hope and Change" message as you can get...

I disagree Original Asshole

it could cost us the election.

is Hope and Change.

KCFleming said...

Within 6 hours of the Roberts love letter to Obama, the Romney folks called, and I gave.

I wonder how many wedding presents Obama collected in June?

coketown said...

Email, just now, from Anna Wintour, who accidentally hit "reply all" instead of "reply":

"My God, Barry. My GOD. I am just one woman. I only have so many arms with which to throw out gaudy furniture to prepare for these goddamn fucking bullshit fundraisers of yours. My God, Barry. What the fuck? I knew tossing SJP's entire townhouse into a trash heap was a thankless job, but for you to go and broadcast my shortcomings to the entire fucking world... My God. Barry. Really. Fuck you.


P.S. Those Sonny/Cher salt & pepper shakers I lent SJP to replace those hideous shakers she had in her dumpy shack? Yeah, I haven't seen them since. And SJP isn't returning my calls. Do something out this."

test said...

"Pogo said...

I wonder how many wedding presents Obama collected in June?"

When I saw Obama's request for wedding gifts I wondered what is the lamest wedding gift? The answer is either (a) a picture frame, or (b) a fruit bowl.

So now I'm thinking I should frame a picture of someone giving a fruit bowl and send it to the White House.

bagoh20 said...

I got a big fat envelope from "Barack Obama today! I didn't open it yet. The anticipation is killing me, but I want to build my emotions up to a crescendo before I release the torrent of joy.

Obama loves me,
yes I know,
George Clooney told me so.

Obama loves me when I'm good,
When I do the things I should,
Obama loves me when I'm bad,
Though it makes Him very sad.

edutcher said...

This is on top of Choom going out of his way to alienate his big money people.

Ah, yes, tell us about how he's neck and neck with The Romster.

God, An Original A-hole said...

This is almost as pathetic as the Win a Date With Obama advertisements.

And that had only coach-class airfare for the winner... Couldn't even spring for first-class? C'mon...

And now this?

Sad, sad.

chickelit said...

Who's Gary Johnson and why should we care?

MadisonMan said...

Wasn't Obama a fundraising juggernaut just 4 years ago? $750M?

What happened?

Tom Spaulding said...

There is another gap that has been getting wider since the 2008 elections.

Can you guess what it is?

We have a president who personally hates me. He says so. I am "the enemy", and need to be "defeated".

He does not want my vote because he has nothing to offer me in order to buy my vote.

What a sad joke.

chickelit said...

Wasn't Carol Herman a big Gary Johnson fan?

You don't suppose...

coketown said...

By the way, "Romney and the Republicans" sounds like a bad cover band. Rather benign, I think, and devoid of the sinister, menacing quality Team Obama is trying to project. "Romney and the Republicans announced yesterday that they brought in more than $100 million in June." Is your first thought:

a) Damn Nazis! They're on their way to buying--dare I say STEALING!--an election! I thought there were laws against this sort of thing! Hello, Mr. Feingold? It's me. No, it's importance this time. I swear. No, no, Mr. McCain isn't taking my calls anymore. It's you or nothing. I know, you're tired of hearing that...but really, it's important.

b) Hmm, sounds like their tour is doing really well. I haven't even heard of them! But $100 million in revenue in just one month--they must be good. Perhaps a blend of Donny & Marie and the Shirelles. I'd better check them out on Amazon...through the Althouse Amazone portal, of course.

bagoh20 said...

I suspect one John Roberts is worth to Romney what a hundred Cloonies is in campaign cash.

chickelit said...

MadisonMan said...
Wasn't Obama a fundraising juggernaut just 4 years ago? $750M?

From juggernaut to juggernought in four short years.

Just imagine what a hero he'll be if he wins on a shoestring.

Palladian said...

Wasn't Obama a fundraising juggernaut just 4 years ago? $750M?

What happened?

4 years of an Obama presidency.

Zach said...

The number I always wonder about, but never see mentioned, is Obama's costs of funds raised.

Before the election got underway, Obama was talking about a billion dollar war chest. Now, some of that is just trying to scare rivals out of the race, but I think it's reasonable to think that he expected to raise more than they are raising so far. But what I really wonder is, did he set his fundraising *budget* for the larger number?

If you figure that costs are going to be steady or rising as a percentage of funds raised, you can see how a bad estimate of this year's fundraising haul could not only raise less money, but cost a *lot* more than you would want to spend if you knew in advance that the returns would be disappointing. It was a pretty common death spiral for startup companies that tried to go for the mass market back in the day -- you try for a million customers by advertising on the Super Bowl, then when the customers don't arrive, you discover that you don't have any money to improve the website, either.

Original Mike said...

Money does not equal votes, no matter how many times the 1st Amendment-hostile left says it does.

Of course, having money is better than not having money.

edutcher said...

chickelit said...

Wasn't Carol Herman a big Gary Johnson fan?

No, she dampened her drawers only for Willie.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Obama...what a whining little baby.

Wasn't Obama a fundraising juggernaut just 4 years ago? $750M?

What happened?

People got to see just what their money bought them the last time and they don't want to buy it again.

Hagar said...

"We are loosing!!!
So, won't you come ride with us?"

Dan in Philly said...

I wonder if O will make an issue of whether will use Federal Funds or not...

Ipso Fatso said...

Let's Hope!!!!!

Tom Spaulding said...

If Obama outspends Romney, will Weepy Cheese Boy cry tears over the Death of Democracy again?

And will it be Zombie Democracy, since it died that night in Wisconsin...?

garage mahal said...

You'd think these people would instead be saving their money for the impending biggest tax hike ever.


Fred said...

Check out




and see if the hype corresponds to the reality.

Synova said...

"Email, just now, from Anna Wintour, who accidentally hit "reply all" instead of "reply":

LOL, Coketown. I think I broke something.

But at least I hadn't gone upstairs to get the real-sugar Coke in a bottle I've been thinking of, so didn't end up with Coke on my monitor and keyboard!

KCFleming said...

"...these people would instead be saving their money for the impending biggest tax hike ever."

If we save it, Obama will confiscate it.

Bruce Hayden said...

A lot of things are driving this. One is the anger vote, angry at what Obama has done over the last 3 1/2 years, anger at where the country has gone, anger at the 5 trillion or so of borrowed money flushed down the toilet, angry about a fourth year of recession, etc.

But, now, some of the "smart money" is jumping in. The stakes are a lot higher now - back then, you might have to bundle a couple hundred thousand for serious consideration for some appointments - now it is a million. These are people who don't give just to give, but rather, give to be on the winning side. And, at least some of them are splitting their money, with some going to each side. And, even if they don't play both sides, many of them just sat on the side lines four years ago, knowing that their money wouldn't really help McCain that much.

What is interesting to me about Romney's fund raising is that it is so much lower key than Obama's. You see Romney out on the campaign trail, and not at fund raisers. He has to be doing a lot of it, but it just isn't all that visible. Plus, it could indicate that he has a better greased campaign running than does the President. We shall see.

gerry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gerry said...

Weepy Cheese Boy®

Gourmet Dairy products for discerning Progressives.

Available wherever fine molds are available.

Shanna said...

Hmm, sounds like their tour is doing really well. I haven't even heard of them!

You're right. Romney needs to start selling kitchy 'Romney and the Republicans' tshirts. I would buy one.

Tom Spaulding said...

Weepy Cheese Boy® Selection of Fine Products:

Raged Cheddar

Sweet Swiss Bank Account

Throwa Brick

coketown said...

But at least I hadn't gone upstairs to get the real-sugar Coke in a bottle I've been thinking of, so didn't end up with Coke on my monitor and keyboard!

I would feel awful if I caused you to waste a real-sugar Coke. That stuff is incredible! Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom.

(BTW when you're done with the bottle, send it to SJP. She's in the process of redecorating and has a Coke bottle chandelier at the top of the list.)

I'm Full of Soup said...

"Juggernought" heh.

CL, you have an unbelievable talent for wordplay.

Rocketeer said...

To use a gastronomic analogy,


The economy = bacon grease, and whininess = weird crunchiness


Romney's fundraising = my green beans.

Obama's fundraising = Palladian's green beans.

FleetUSA said...

Let's see it is July 6 and B0 and his campaign staff don't have their numbers together yet whereas Romney & Co. put their numbers out several days ago.

B0 runs this campaign like he has run the country - with sloppy slipshod business practices.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Coketown- hilarious stuff buddy, I look forward to your crafting President Obama's reply to Wintour!

tiger said...

Our President is a liar.

A few days back he said he was 'out spent' in 2008 when he raised $750 million for his primary and campaign funds; doubling McCain's take.

He also said he would adhere to Fed Election rules until he realized how much more he would get but not following them.

A liar, pure and simple. And the kicker is the continued ignoring of this by the MSM. If a Rep. let alone Bush had done these things the press would calling for his blood.

Thorley Winston said...

@ Fred thanks for providing the links to OpenSecrets.org. If I’m reading them correctly it’s looks like Obama has raised $255 million and spent $14 million compared to $121 million raised and $55 million spent by Romney. So basically Obama has a 2 to 1 money advantage over Romney but is complaining that he’s going to be “outspent.”

Gabriel Hanna said...

Super PACs have given $2 for Obama for every $1 they gave to Romney.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Obama is bad at math like most Dems.

Synova said...

"So basically Obama has a 2 to 1 money advantage over Romney but is complaining that he’s going to be “outspent.”"

I'm sure I'm not the only one who saw the "Romney and the Republicans" part and understood that it included non-Romney money for non-Romney races.

This is why I object to the definition of "lying" that requires the intent to deceive be accompanied by something not-true.

Synova said...

But it sure is an inexplicable lie.

It worked well to be seen as the underdog in 2008.

This isn't 2008.

ricpic said...

Barry is so nakedly venal.
And yet, and yet, he's also so doggone good.
How do you square that contrasomething?
You don't.
Ya just love the guy 'cause he's so absofuckinglutely lovable.

Michael in ArchDen said...

"We're still tallying our numbers...." means they're pretty sure they raised more, but that would undercut their fundraising message.

So what are the reporting laws here? Did Romney report early and give the president this window to exploit, or is OFA reporting late?

yashu said...

See this article by Jim Geraghty on "Obama's Super-PAC Advantage":

The truth is that the super PAC founded by top Obama staffers and its aligned “independent” groups are outspending groups that oppose the president by roughly two to one.

NB these super PACS are funding overwhelmingly negative ads. All the while, of course, Axelrod refers to "“the Rove and Koch brothers contract killers over there in super-PAC land.”

Contract killers.

It's weird, isn't it, that the Obama campaign-- the campaign of an incumbent POTUS (the most powerful position in the world)-- feels it has to run as an underdog, eliciting pity? Thereby connoting an image of "Romney and the Republicans" as a powerful alpha dog (albeit a vicious one)?

The Drill SGT said...

MadisonMan said...
Wasn't Obama a fundraising juggernaut just 4 years ago? $750M?

What happened?

Queue a Lincoln quote abot fooling all the people some of the time, etc...

Gabriel Hanna said...

@Synova:This is why I object to the definition of "lying" that requires the intent to deceive be accompanied by something not-true.

This is why I objection to a definition of murder that requires the intent to do harm accompanied by an actual unlawful killing. Because I want to vastly expand the number of things I call "murder". It's so hard to choose from so many words if they all mean different things. Let's equate them all and pick the most inflammatory one.

Sydney said...

I haven't given Romney any money, but I am giving him my time this weekend. I used to think I couldn't vote for him what with Romneycare and all, but after the Supreme Court decision, I decided we need to throw every bum out who voted for that freedom killing monstrosity. I'll do my bit to help.

Does anyone know what other races around the country involve politicians who voted for Obamacare?

Synova said...

Yet intent is exactly what defines murder. And someone certainly can murder by intent and *inaction* and get convicted of it. There are a number of ways to get convicted of murder without actually killing someone yourself.

I'm not sure what point you're attempting to make.

Lying is all about intent.

The word does have a meaning and it's defined by intent first.

coketown said...

AJ Lynch said...

Coketown- hilarious stuff buddy, I look forward to your crafting President Obama's reply to Wintour!

The juicy follow-up happened in an AOL chatroom. But it's too many characters to copy as a comment. So it's reproduced here.

Roger J. said...

Sydney--my guess would be any incumbent running again with a D after their name--its a target rich environment

Paul said...

Don't worry. Obama's crew will just get more graft from another 'stimulus' package... oh wait, congress won't go on that now.. bummer.

Maybe Obama can get some more of those overseas small credit card 'donations' that can't be traced like he did in the last election, at least if his overseas masters still have any confidence in him.

Elle said...

I'm a WASPy SAHM married to someone working in the Finance world while raising two WASPy males in the Texas suburbs.

Obama isn't raising enough funds?


Welcome to the party.

JohnnyT1948 said...

fleetusa said

"Let's see it is July 6 and B0 and his campaign staff don't have their numbers together yet whereas Romney & Co. put their numbers out several days ago.

B0 runs this campaign like he has run the country - with sloppy slipshod business practices."

No, they are just waiting for the chargebacks on the credit card contributions that were not valid so they know how much they really got.

cold pizza said...

(with sincere apolgies to Mike Love, et al) Brought to you by Capitol Records (TTTO Help Me, Rhonda):

Well since he came to town
Ive been out lookin for a job
Come in late at night
And in the mornin I'm an unemployed slob

Well, Romney you look so fine (hair so fine)
And I know it wouldn't take much time
For you to help me Romney,
Help me get him off of my chart

DUM dum dum DUM dum dum dum...


Gabriel Hanna said...

@Synova:There are a number of ways to get convicted of murder without actually killing someone yourself.

Charles Manson springs to mind. But no one was convicted of murder with their victim still living. And no one has lied if they have made true statements. They might have misled or deceived you, certainly.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


There aren't really many ways of committing murder such that you can be convicted of it that don't involve doing anything yourself. The felony murder rule means that you are involved in a crime in the course of which someone else kills someone. Murder-for-hire involves hiring a killer. And so forth.

The closest thing I can think of would be refusing help to someone in mortal distress when you could easily give it. Say your rich uncle, who's willed you all his money, is having a choking fit, and you just wait until he's dead before going to get help. Could that be prosecuted as a murder case? I think it would be essentially impossible.

wv: 222 citlese. 1/3 of the Number of the Beast. Hmmm.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Gabriel Hanna,

If Obama is comparing Democratic fundraising for his Presidential campaign alone to Republican fundraising for Romney and every other Republican candidate for any office in the entire country, then Synova's damn well right. That is so blatantly deceptive that you might as well go ahead and call it a lie.

wv: eenAlso 193

Penny said...

Dear President Obama,

When you throw away the buck, you give up the doe.

Your friend,

Rose said...

it could cost us the election.
One word. GOOD.

Fred said...

Synova said "I'm sure I'm not the only one who saw the "Romney and the Republicans" part and understood that it included non-Romney money for non-Romney races."

Well, that's easy enough to check. Ask Mr. Google what Romney alone raised in June. Answer: more that $100M. So I think you misunderstood.

Known Unknown said...

Roll-your-own gets rolled

Synova said...

Mr. Google still says Romney and the Republican National Committee. We might assume that the RNC money is only the RNC money specifically marked for Romney's campaign, but Mr. Google does not SAY that.

And everything else shows Obama and the Democrats, together or separately, with more money than the Republicans.

Also, I have to wonder... if *this* counts as a fundraising own-goal for Obama...

(CNN)"And the campaign underwent a fund-raising boom in the hours after the Supreme Court ruled to uphold the controversial health care law that Romney and Republicans vehemently stand against. Less than 24 hours after the high court announced its decision, Romney's camp took in more than $4.6 million online from over 47,000 contributors."

If we want to finely parse the truth, does that even count as Romeny fund raising... if Obama did it?

(I'm kidding... gotta love Mr. Google though.)

Penny said...

When we were kids, we contemplated which came first...the chicken or the egg.

Now that we're adults interested in our politics, we contemplate which comes first...the money or the message.

Fred said...

Here's what I found when I asked Mr. Google about the RNC part... Politico's Mike Allen first reported the total, which includes contributions to both Romney's campaign and the Romney Victory Fund—a joint account between the Romney campaign and the Republican National Committee.


Mary Beth said...

This is why I object to the definition of "lying" that requires the intent to deceive be accompanied by something not-true.

There are lies of commission where you say something false and lies of omission where you leave out true information in order to deceive the other person.

When my son was in school I asked him if he had been working on a paper that I knew he needed to do for English class. He replied that he got to school early enough to work on it there. It took me about fifteen minutes before I realized he didn't answer my question.

He did get there early but he wasn't working on it there.

Penny said...

"Money can always buy an election. It's a law."


One of the many "laws" in our mind's eye.

Penny said...

Hell, if there weren't so many "criminals" in our mind's eye, we might even... BLINK!

Penny said...

Go ahead, BLINK! ...You KNOW you want to!

Bob Ellison said...

I've been wondering what will happen if Obama loses the election. My prediction is that the left will go all apeshit.

But what if Obama wins? What will happen? Who will go apeshit? Probably nobody. It may be a big surprise.

In that case, I predict a big let-down in conservative America. They may not get up from it.

cubanbob said...

Bob what happens if the republicans win the congress and Obama gets reelected? That might be Choom's worse nightmare. Endless investigates and scandal exposed. Fast and Furious already makes Watergate look like chump change.

John Richardson said...

Wasn't Obama a fundraising juggernaut just 4 years ago? $750M?

What happened?

The foreigners has stopped their illegal campaign contributions and all Barry is left with is impoverished Americans.

And here in the mountains of NC, Barry is running tons and tons of TV ads attacking Romney. Mitt, it seems, is saving his money for when it counts.

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