Anyone that supports food being used for political sides should imagine how great they'd feel with Muslim Hot Dogs, Catholic Skittles, and NRA SpareRibs.
I want my food and my food suppliers - issue free.
@Brent, didn't you flip that? You'd want Oscar Meyer lovin' Muslims, Mars (is that who makes Skittles?) lovin' Catholics, and Hillshire Farms lovin' NRA.
I don't eat Oreos. If I want a chocolate sandwich cookie, I make my own.
Being gay is a part of someone's identity just like any other part. Are people who are upset about this also upset when products take on a green tint for St. Patrick's Day?
Is Irish pride political? Why is gay pride political if ethnic pride isn't?
I never quite got the whole "pride" thing. It is not as if one must become gay through great or dillegent effort. It is like me being proud of having blue eyes--as if I had anything to do with it.
“Being gay is an abmonitation in GOd’s eyes i wont be buying them anymore.”
More for me. At this point, are there even any companies left for the bigots to patronize? It's 2012 in America, it's rare for companies not to do special gay promotions and advertising.
Anyway, it apears to be a low risk move by Kraft. Hydrox cookies stopped being made a few years ago, so unless you are willing to go with inferior store-brands, Oreos it will be.
I can't think of anything more meaningless than being Irish-American in the new millenium. It's sort of like being a nothing that gets drunk on green beer once a year.
I especially do not understand Irish pride. I am not ashamed of my small fraction of Irish or even my half Italian heritage. But I do not feel the slightest bit of pride in that direction. What? Is it some big accomplishment on my part to have been born of Irish and Italian parents?
It must be hard to be an anti-gay bigot. First, people call you a bigot and you have to come up with increasingly convoluted reasons to explain away your bigotry which no one believes. Then, in every single conceivable metric related to gay people, equality is winning and bigotry is losing. And now you can't eat Oreos!
Does that mean that if a gay organization like the Human Rights Campaign makes a list of all of the foods that gay people eat, we can make all you straight people starve to death? :)
but what if they're right that being gay is an abmonitation. I don't think society really knows how to handle that... what does abmonitation mean? is it like an abominable admonishment?
@chickelit: I am the very model of a modern fibrous vegetable (with information animal and vegetable and mineral) for a couple of years. By contrast, garage can't decide who he is these days, poor thing.
"Does that mean that if a gay organization like the Human Rights Campaign makes a list of all of the foods that gay people eat, we can make all you straight people starve to death? :)"
Follow up question, Where did you read all straight people are boycotting this cookie? And a follow up to the follow up, why are you trying to alienate your straight supporters?
Anyway, it apears to be a low risk move by Kraft. Hydrox cookies stopped being made a few years ago, so unless you are willing to go with inferior store-brands, Oreos it will be.
Newman's Own are far superior to Oreo.
No word on whether they even care if adding food coloring will make them heroes to gays or not.
Is "gay pride" validated by bigotry of does it stand alone.. in its own compartment.. as it where?
I'm just curious.. I mean.. where does that "fake hate crime" from this morning fit in the "pride" compartment.. or maybe it has its own compartment.. off, off, Broadway.
That's the one place I don't go to. They were donating money to Exodus International which does reparative therapy. In general, I'm not a big fan of the partisan boycotts. That's my one exception.
@chickielit: I won't rag on garage in absentia. He's been around longer than I have. And I get the sense that he's going through stuff, so be nice to him.
Now that we brought up garage.. I'm going to use the opportunity to bounce something off of him.. absent or not.. it cant wait.
I was think about the import of Robert's "it's not the job of the court to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices".. and how alien that must sound to a citizen of Wisconsin.. like Garage.
Like hell I cant take Walker to court!.. I can just hear garage say.
I am now only going to get Newman's Own. Paul is one of my favorite actors. I love the Color of Money and Days of Thunder. I also respect that he does not push liberal bullshit with his food company and life in general. In fact I believe he is a Hollywood closet conservative. I don't remeber him being in a movie over the past few years so I suspect he has been blacklisted by the Hollyweird liberal establishment.
As a practicing homosexual, I won't buy Oreos anymore because I'm tired of being treated like a retard by PR and marketing departments everywhere. To me, that photoshopped cookie says, "Aww, look at yoooou! You're out and proud and just lovin' life! Yay gay people! We support you!" I was going to make a joke about maybe needing a Special Olympics for gays, but then I remembered they already exist.
I'm not a pair of 70 year old boobs. I don't need support. I don't need pride marches. And I sure as hell don't need Kraft Foods patting my ass over my sexual preference. I know most people that attend pride marches are dumb enough to be bowled over by a photoshopped cookie on a company's Facebook page, but those people are idiots. Retards even. Oh, I see. We've come full circle.
Also, fuck Kraft Foods for taking over Cadbury and destroying it.
@Coketown: Ahhhhhh. And the white filling represents jism. Or something. Except that back in the 1960s there weren't any black Mormons. Or were there? Squirrel!
I don't eat the stupid cookies. It's a weird ad campaign. I suppose they don't think it'll alienate any significant buying category. It bugs me because the love that won't shut up now intrudes in the world of cookies. Kee-rist! Will it never end? So goddamn boring.
I'm not doing a "what, you think gays are abnormal!" thing.
I read his comment to imply that people who were upset about the rainbow cookie could buy the "normal" cookie instead of the rainbow one. But it's not a real cookie, it's just a picture.
To paraphrase Freud, sometimes a cookie is just a cookie. Did world peace and prosperity break out this day? Otherwise why waste time on this nonsense.
Scott said... Muslim hot dogs? Why not? There are already Jewish hot dogs, and they're really good too.
7/3/12 4:54 PM
Not bad at all but there are better kosher dogs. Sinai 48's for one are very good, but like all truly kosher meats, they have to first soaked to get the excess salt out (used in koshering the meat). Then grill or boil as your prefer.
I'm not exactly boycotting Domino's Pizza, but that's uber-Catholic's Tom Monighan's joint, and he doesn't exactly like gay people, so I usually look for other options.
And we ordered a hand-tossed 16 inch from them last weekend and the middle was mushy. :(
Not that you'll like them more, but they've officially stepped away from reparative therapy.
I did see that, although obviously when Chick-fil-a made the donation Exodus was doing reparative therapy. As far as I know, all the ex-gay people have given up. It seems they are either pushing a lifetime of celibacy for gay people or telling gay dudes to marry women and bang them while dreaming about Heath Ledger or something.
California is in the process of making it illegal to try to turn your gay kid straight, or maybe that has been passed and signed already.
Andy R wrote: California is in the process of making it illegal to try to turn your gay kid straight, or maybe that has been passed and signed already.
To be followed-up with subsidies for juvenile sex change reparative surgery?
Visible gay pride is actually a really big deal, and the normalization of public displays of gay pride is what is leading to such rapid progress in gay equality.
The anti-gay bigots know this, and so they have to be opposed to this in theory, but in practice there is no way to attack a gay Oreo without sounding like a total nut job.
The bigots are dreading the day when every single television show has a pro-gay message and every single company is doing pro-gay advertising. But there is nothing they can do to stop it.
"chickelit said... Andy R wrote: California is in the process of making it illegal to try to turn your gay kid straight, or maybe that has been passed and signed already.
To be followed-up with subsidies for juvenile sex change reparative surgery?"
Maybe they'll follow up by making it a crime to convert your "naturally athiest" children into Christians.
I think what makes Alec Baldwin's character not get too agitprop is the fact that he plays an executive of the company that actually does fund his paycheck. Even progressives know which side of the bread is buttered.
Since I alone had employed the broccoli avatar for a very long time -- and was in fact mocked by Althousians for using it -- I am vindicated. Bow down before me, foo.
Back in the day, a vegetabletarian friend told me that Sunshine Bakery (which made Hydrox) only used vegetable shortning and not animal fats in its cookies.
Since Oreos are the fare of heterosexual families, it just might hurt.
Andy R. said...
Being gay is a part of someone's identity just like any other part.
Dr Freud begs to differ.
Are people who are upset about this also upset when products take on a green tint for St. Patrick's Day?
The Caholic haters (many of whom seem to be homosexual) probably are. It must be hard to be an anti-gay bigot. First, people call you a bigot and you have to come up with increasingly convoluted reasons to explain away your bigotry which no one believes.
Actually, nobody's ever called me a big-ot and, in the reasoned discussions I've had with people on the matter - including several here - I simply invoke Dr Freud.
Then, in every single conceivable metric related to gay people, equality is winning and bigotry is losing. And now you can't eat Oreos!
In all point of fact, I always liked Swiss Creme Sandwiches better.
As far as metrics, it looks like the whole queer thing peaked last year.
As far as metrics, it looks like the whole queer thing peaked last year.
What makes you think that? Did you read the top Republican pollster memo that said that support for gay people was not only increasing, but increasing at an even quicker rate than before?
"Well, who woulda thunk a rainbow colored cookie could get this many comments."
It's not actually a cookie. It's a photoshop of a cookie. A virtual gay cookie. That is neither a cookie nor gay. And after careful consideration really kinda makes it a rather appropriate subject for discussion on althouse.
AllieOop said... Andy, you really are a doll and you have the patience of a saint, with all the bashing you get here at Althouse.
Andy doesn't get bashed here--just his looney ideas. And deservedly so. And I for one don't dislike him--I just dislike Sullivanism and all that unrepentent bashing of middle America. I don't like it in you either, Allie. :)
Didn't Ronald Reagan show how to treat commies? Trust, but verify?
Reagan was a senile old fool.
Anyhow, I'm pretty sure I extended the invite to take you and/or your party out for a boat ride long before you came to Madison. You could have easily "verified".
Well Garage, You can look up my credentials on a marvelous State of Wi. website. And, Kohl and Baldwin are laughed at bipartisan in DC. What's unbelievable is you find that hard to believe.
Thanks for the offer but I only cook and eat fish. Plus, Madison Lakes smell like my asshole after a night of eating hot peppers. I turn down offers just to go boating because of the affronts visually and nasally. We went to dinner @ Sardine[a good restaurant which makes it great for Madison]. The smell of Lake Monona made it impossible to sit outside.
As far as metrics, it looks like the whole queer thing peaked last year.
What makes you think that? Did you read the top Republican pollster memo that said that support for gay people was not only increasing, but increasing at an even quicker rate than before?
No, but I did see the CBS poll a couple of months ago showing support for same sex marriage and civil unions declining in the last year or so.
PS Who, dare I ask, is the top Republican pollster?
Given Hatman's choice of documentation, I'm all atwitter.
@ndspinelli Yea the lakes are pretty bad right now. Nobody seems to want to do anything about it either. Which is a damn shame. Usually that side of the lake you were on isn't that bad.
We boat over to the Sardine every once in a while. They used to serve a fantastic skate dish, but last time I was there they weren't offering it.
If you open up any magazine targeting a specific demographic, be it gays, women, blacks, or Hispanics, you'll see major brands targeting those audiences.
Our pride parade in Saint Petersburg, Florida had Macy's, Progressive, Geico, Pepsi, Budweiser, and more. They were marching in the pride parade, and most of them were rainbowed up. The guys from Home Depot were handing out chocolate kisses. "Want a kiss?"
Garage, like all good restaurants, Sardine changes their menu to keep fresh. I've had their skate and it is good. Last week my bride had char w/ asparagus and capers, I had whitefish w/ fava beans["and a nice chianti"]. Our friends had mahi and lamb chops. We had mussels, antipasto and salads. Everything was good to very good. Our waiter was in over his head a bit but he recovered.
Chickelit, I've not been to Wingra this year, I sometimes walk around there. However, the reports are it's doing better this year. Glad to hear you had a nice visit to your homeland.
Finally, Garage..if you do take me fishing would it be ok if I call you Fredo?
The Caholic haters (many of whom seem to be homosexual) probably are.
The Catholics marched in our pride parade this year. They were joined by the Methodists (lots of Methodists), Lutherans, Quakers, Episcopalians, and Unitarians. Nobody booed them.
All to the good, but I've seen and heard more than a few derogatory references over the years.
Key finding: It notes what recent same-sex marriage surveys have found, which is a change in public support "at an accelerated rate with no sign of slowing down."
Free Republic went with the "Top Republican Pollster" headline from Medialite, although I'm not sure how official that title is.
It was a pretty big deal when it came out. I got the impression from a lot of conservative commentary that this was them realizing they have lost the war against gay marriage. At this point, I think many of them are going to stop fighting and hope the Republican Party suffers as little damage as possible from its previous position.
I'm curious how you're able to look at the polling data we have and not see it as just a total upcoming rout in favor of marriage equality.
"The bigots can surrender at any time. Until then, boohoo."
I'm not a bigot you complete imbecile.
My objection is that every damn thing has to be about gays in one way or another. It doesn't matter what the subject matter is because no matter what it will turn out to be about gays.
Really you bore me. And endless prattling about gay this or gay that frankly bores me even more.
I wasn't talking about you. I didn't say "you bigot" should give up. I said "the bigots". The reason you, ed, have to hear about the gays so much is because other people, the bigots, are putting up a fight. You think black people were in the news quite a bit during the civil rights period when MLK was leading marches? Maybe so. As long as bigots keep fighting to oppress the gays you're going to keep hearing about it.
How much did you hear about DADT when the fight was happening versus now that it's over? Once the bigots lose it becomes a non-issue and can be ignored.
Now I'm not particularly sympathetic to your plight of having to constantly hear about today's civil rights struggle, but I wasn't calling you a bigot.
I went paddle boating on Wingra--there were plenty of weeds, but no detectable smell.
I'm on Wingra every day. It is the cleanest lake in Madison, by far. I try to stay away from the Vilas Park side of the lake though, and stay near Wingra Park.
I was moving through the shallows last week near the Arb -- there's a spot on the shore where the fish spawn so it's relatively weed-free -- and saw an 18-inch something (non-carp) high-tailing it to deeper water.
Maybe I'll go down tomorrow bright and early before the heat gets blazing.
It's depressing to realize I have no economic leverage one way or another, because I consume so few things that could effectively be boycotted... Ccookies? Don't eat 'em. Fast food? Don't eat it. TV shows? Don't watch 'em. I'm powerless!
Here is an article on the memo, "Bush '04 pollster: Change in attitudes on gay marriage across the board"
Never heard of him. Just because the New Republic likes what he has to say doesn't make him the top Republican pollster.
You're looking for Karl Rove.
How much did you hear about DADT when the fight was happening versus now that it's over? Once the bigots lose it becomes a non-issue and can be ignored.
No, it's not a non-issue any more than the extermination of the Jews was a non-issue when the Nazis hushed it up.
As I noted yesterday, the Establishment Media has hushed it up, but there are problems aplenty with the repeal of DADT.
If Hatman would like to be edified, he can do a little research into the columns of Rowan Scarborough at the Washington Times.
Just because the New Republic likes what he has to say doesn't make him the top Republican pollster.
That was the Free Republic I linked to. Bit of a difference.
Did you read the memo? Every single age and partisan group is moving in support of marriage equality at an increasing rate. The anti-gay bigots are reduced to complaining about gay Oreos on facebook.
The only downside is that the Republicans are caving so quickly I don't think they are going to face much punishment at the ballot box.
Not everyone in this country is obsessed with their genitals.
Irish and Italians and Mexicans, for that matter, have a culture that they had in the old country. Many of their descendants try to keep it alive, at least in part, because it is related to family.
Gays are all about their own sex organs. Not the same thing.
AndyR wote: [re: Chick-fil-A] They were donating money to Exodus International which does reparative therapy.
Why boycott Chick-fil-A over their donations to EI? What's wrong with reparative therapy if the recipient believes it will make him happy? Every day men and women are getting so-called "gender re-assignment" surgery for the same reason. That's one major league bigotry problem you've got, askewhatgut.
Andy R. said... Being gay is a part of someone's identity just like any other part. Are people who are upset about this also upset when products take on a green tint for St. Patrick's Day?
I don't buy Oreos anyway, but WTF, why can't you just make a damn cookie?
It's nice to see Andy's back with his kindergarten lectures. That's his identity, trying to act all grown up and sophisticated when he only has the capacity for concrete reasoning.
If there is a real complaint to be made about capitalism, it's that it makes whores out of many. (In reality, it's that many are willing to whore themselves out.)
It seems obvious that businesses would want to be seen as supportive of gay people.
Just as obvious as small businesses wanting to be supportive of the Thug Insurance Company: "Nice shop you got'd be a shame if something happened to it."
Renee: Also I'm surprised with all the corporate sponsers in Pride Parades. I can see local businesses, but national chains???
They have teams which go all over the country showing up at one event or another. A pride parade is just another opportunity to make a positive face-to-face connection with 20 to 30 thousand people.
Having someone hand you a free bottle of Tropicana orange juice after you've been standing in the sun for two hours is a blessing. People remember.
And if these companies have local employees who want to show up and join in, all the better for morale.
As a diabetic, I have learned to watch my treats. Loved Oreo's for the first 35 years of my life. Now, they just seem to grainy and tasteless compared to so many other cookies, especially Anything Pepperidge Farm.
Rita Rudner: Why do they even bother putting expiration dates on Pepperidge Farm Cookies? They usually don't make it out of the store.
where has everybody been ? many companies, most notably absolut vodka and anheuser-busch, have been doing similar 'pride' advertising for decades. suddenly, a rainbow oreo is a big deal??
They were donating money to Exodus International which does reparative therapy. Why do you care? If it doesn't work, they've wasted their money and look foolish. If it does work, he just wasn't that into you.
where has everybody been ? many companies, most notably absolut vodka and anheuser-busch, have been doing similar 'pride' advertising for decades.
A ton of companies have been doing gay/pride advertising for a while, but they were doing it for gay audiences. Absolut would do a rainbow bottle in the pride brochure for the gays and the straights would never even know it was happening.
Now, companies are doing their gay advertising in front of everyone. It normalizes gay. It's a tipping point, and it's a big giant deal. All the department stores that have started running gay families in their ads. The Target shirts, the gay Oreo, they are being big and in your face with their gay stuff.
It upsets the bigots, because they don't like to see gay people treated as normal. They don't like to see gay people at all, they want them kept in the closet. It's why One Million Moms has been running around attacking companies just for showing a gay person, or a gay family. To them, it's not about gay marriage, but just fighting back against the presence or visibility of gay people.
You can't run ads that treat gay families as normal and still try to oppress them.
If I did buy Oreos, I wouldn't stop buying them now. If I didn't buy Oreos, I wouldn't start buying them now.
To be fair and to provide full disclosure, I've been into lower carbs and lower-glycemic food choices, for the vast most part, for many months now. And even a few years before that, the cookies I (we) ate, I baked myself. (The philosophy behind that: If you're going to have a cookie, have a cookie, for goodness sake! And that is the philosophy I will continue to maintain, going forward, by the way.)
However, nothing in my second paragraph in any way takes away from what I said in the first. There is consistency of decades standing therein, and I don't plan on changing in that regard.
Good grief, jimspice, I don't hardly think I'm representative of even any particular subgroup of commenters at Althouse. And goodness knows that the majority of commenters here, much less any subgroup in particular, wouldn't hardly think so either. (Actually, many would of both would firmly NOT think so.)
So, since I know you're not responding to my one, lone, little comment: What, and who, exactly are you talking about? Perhaps you should specify.
That is, unless you're all about the broad-brushing;--you know, "ladies and gentlemen!" showmanship and drama and whatnot. In which case: WTF? How are you different from anyone else? Etc.
Although, on the other hand, you might maybe perhaps be hardily, not to mention heartily, be offering kudos all around, to all and sundry--in which case, I apologize.
I'm curious how you're able to look at the polling data we have and not see it as just a total upcoming rout in favor of marriage equality.
Eventually, and probably sooner rather than later, neuroscience will identify a cure for the psychological defect known as homosexuality. The overwhelming majority of decent parents will have their gay kids cured, and the world can abandon the nonsensical equation of mental illness and normalcy.
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1 – 200 of 212 Newer› Newest»Anyone that supports food being used for political sides should imagine how great they'd feel with Muslim Hot Dogs, Catholic Skittles, and NRA SpareRibs.
I want my food and my food suppliers - issue free.
Why don't Kraft dunk them in dark chocolate sause and rename them "Fudge Packer Delites!"
Boycott Kraft and we can only pray that God sends all fags to hell.
It looks like an Oreo stuffed with tutti frutti cream filling.
@Brent, didn't you flip that? You'd want Oscar Meyer lovin' Muslims, Mars (is that who makes Skittles?) lovin' Catholics, and Hillshire Farms lovin' NRA.
I don't eat Oreos. If I want a chocolate sandwich cookie, I make my own.
Being gay is a part of someone's identity just like any other part. Are people who are upset about this also upset when products take on a green tint for St. Patrick's Day?
Is Irish pride political? Why is gay pride political if ethnic pride isn't?
I liked the old Hebrew National ad campaign:
--We answer to a higher authority
I never quite got the whole "pride" thing. It is not as if one must become gay through great or dillegent effort. It is like me being proud of having blue eyes--as if I had anything to do with it.
“Being gay is an abmonitation in GOd’s eyes i wont be buying them anymore.”
More for me. At this point, are there even any companies left for the bigots to patronize? It's 2012 in America, it's rare for companies not to do special gay promotions and advertising.
Being Irish is not sinful. Being a fudge packer is.
The New England Confectionery Company laughs at this.
I never quite got the whole "pride" thing
Do you feel the same way about Irish pride? Do you also feel the need to complain about St. Patrick's Day?
Anyway, it apears to be a low risk move by Kraft. Hydrox cookies stopped being made a few years ago, so unless you are willing to go with inferior store-brands, Oreos it will be.
I love that oreo!!!
Vicki from Pasadena
Andy R. said...
Why is gay pride political if ethnic pride isn't?
Show me a food which celebrates heterosexuality. Even onion rings and hot dogs are disorienting.
Muslim hot dogs? Why not? There are already Jewish hot dogs, and they're really good too.
Show me a food which celebrates heterosexuality.
Until recently the answer to this was "wedding cake".
I can't think of anything more meaningless than being Irish-American in the new millenium. It's sort of like being a nothing that gets drunk on green beer once a year.
I especially do not understand Irish pride. I am not ashamed of my small fraction of Irish or even my half Italian heritage. But I do not feel the slightest bit of pride in that direction. What? Is it some big accomplishment on my part to have been born of Irish and Italian parents?
It must be hard to be an anti-gay bigot. First, people call you a bigot and you have to come up with increasingly convoluted reasons to explain away your bigotry which no one believes. Then, in every single conceivable metric related to gay people, equality is winning and bigotry is losing. And now you can't eat Oreos!
Disgusted with oreos Being gay is an abmonitation in GOd’s eyes i wont be buying them anymore
I was not aware that God's eyes were for sale.
MM does it again.. steals my thunder.
Ok.. good catch.
Does that mean that if a gay organization like the Human Rights Campaign makes a list of all of the foods that gay people eat, we can make all you straight people starve to death? :)
A really solid reason not to buy or eat Oreos is that they're lousy cookies.
@Scott: What up with you and Garage's cruciferous avatars?
Hey goes it?
but what if they're right that being gay is an abmonitation. I don't think society really knows how to handle that... what does abmonitation mean? is it like an abominable admonishment?
@chickelit: I am the very model of a modern fibrous vegetable (with information animal and vegetable and mineral) for a couple of years. By contrast, garage can't decide who he is these days, poor thing.
"Does that mean that if a gay organization like the Human Rights Campaign makes a list of all of the foods that gay people eat, we can make all you straight people starve to death? :)"
Follow up question, Where did you read all straight people are boycotting this cookie? And a follow up to the follow up, why are you trying to alienate your straight supporters?
Anyway, it apears to be a low risk move by Kraft. Hydrox cookies stopped being made a few years ago, so unless you are willing to go with inferior store-brands, Oreos it will be.
Newman's Own are far superior to Oreo.
No word on whether they even care if adding food coloring will make them heroes to gays or not.
@leslyn, thank you thank you. :)
Chip S. responded...
Until recently the answer to this was "wedding cake".
Nice! Except that a "gay" wedding cake is indistinguishable from a straight wedding cake.*
*Aside from the figurines.
Is "gay pride" validated by bigotry of does it stand alone.. in its own compartment.. as it where?
I'm just curious.. I mean.. where does that "fake hate crime" from this morning fit in the "pride" compartment.. or maybe it has its own compartment.. off, off, Broadway.
At this point, are there even any companies left for the bigots to patronize?
Whichever ones the liberals are boycotting. Dominos and Chick-Fil-A?
@Scott: At least you were original. Garage is, as usual, derivative.
Bait taken, quickly and repeatedly. Its too easy.
Hydrox used to be chocolatier. I miss them.
Golden Oreos are da bomb. And so are Golden Oreos with chocolate filling. White on the outside, black on the inside, just like Bill Clinton.
@jeff: Are you serious?
Andy R. whined...
It must be hard to be an anti-gay And now you can't eat Oreos!
They're not my preference, but what's wrong with the normal Oreos?
What's next, Twink-ies? That was too easy.
I quit eating mass-produced cookies a long time ago and this wouldn't affect me one bit if I cared about sexuality.
It is actually very easy to be an "anti-gay bigot" at least in Andy's eyes.
Garages avatar is a jab at Scalias Oral arguments hypo.. member?
That's the one place I don't go to. They were donating money to Exodus International which does reparative therapy. In general, I'm not a big fan of the partisan boycotts. That's my one exception.
They're not my preference, but what's wrong with the normal Oreos?
What do you mean?
@chickielit: I won't rag on garage in absentia. He's been around longer than I have. And I get the sense that he's going through stuff, so be nice to him.
Newman's Own are far superior to Oreo.
Thanks Tom! I will have to give them a try, though I expect like most treats in our house, the kids will get most of them.
Fun fact: The original Oreo was developed to support both polygamy and interracial marriage during the 1960s.
Why are people bigoted against bigots?
Andy R. asked...
What do you mean?
I meant that in a grocery store cookie aisle, I wouldn't choose Oreos. Not my favorite. I don't have a sweet tooth. I have a salt tooth.
Scott wrote: And I get the sense that he's going through stuff, so be nice to him.
I get the feeling that he goes through beers. That's one reason I was afraid to meet-up with him in Madison. I know my limit and it's pretty high!
I could go for an Oreo ice cream sandwich right now, however.
I meant that in a grocery store cookie aisle, I wouldn't choose Oreos. Not my favorite. I don't have a sweet tooth. I have a salt tooth.
I wasn't asking about the "preference" part, I didn't understand what you meant by "normal Oreos". As opposed to what?
Now that we brought up garage.. I'm going to use the opportunity to bounce something off of him.. absent or not.. it cant wait.
I was think about the import of Robert's "it's not the job of the court to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices".. and how alien that must sound to a citizen of Wisconsin.. like Garage.
Like hell I cant take Walker to court!.. I can just hear garage say.
I thought from the headline that this was about Clarence Thomas or some such.
I think chickelit might be a little buttsore that I unfollowed him on Twitter.
"Is Irish pride political?"
I am now only going to get Newman's Own. Paul is one of my favorite actors. I love the Color of Money and Days of Thunder. I also respect that he does not push liberal bullshit with his food company and life in general. In fact I believe he is a Hollywood closet conservative. I don't remeber him being in a movie over the past few years so I suspect he has been blacklisted by the Hollyweird liberal establishment.
I didn't understand what you meant by "normal Oreos". As opposed to what?
Smoke 'em out, Andy.
It's useless junk food. Much better to bake your own fresh chocolate chip cookies!
I don't remeber him being in a movie over the past few years so I suspect he has been blacklisted by the Hollyweird liberal establishment.
He's dead is probably why.
As a practicing homosexual, I won't buy Oreos anymore because I'm tired of being treated like a retard by PR and marketing departments everywhere. To me, that photoshopped cookie says, "Aww, look at yoooou! You're out and proud and just lovin' life! Yay gay people! We support you!" I was going to make a joke about maybe needing a Special Olympics for gays, but then I remembered they already exist.
I'm not a pair of 70 year old boobs. I don't need support. I don't need pride marches. And I sure as hell don't need Kraft Foods patting my ass over my sexual preference. I know most people that attend pride marches are dumb enough to be bowled over by a photoshopped cookie on a company's Facebook page, but those people are idiots. Retards even. Oh, I see. We've come full circle.
Also, fuck Kraft Foods for taking over Cadbury and destroying it.
@Coketown: Ahhhhhh. And the white filling represents jism. Or something. Except that back in the 1960s there weren't any black Mormons. Or were there? Squirrel!
Doritos were first.
I don't eat the stupid cookies. It's a weird ad campaign. I suppose they don't think it'll alienate any significant buying category. It bugs me because the love that won't shut up now intrudes in the world of cookies. Kee-rist! Will it never end? So goddamn boring.
I'm not doing a "what, you think gays are abnormal!" thing.
I read his comment to imply that people who were upset about the rainbow cookie could buy the "normal" cookie instead of the rainbow one. But it's not a real cookie, it's just a picture.
"They were donating money to Exodus International which does reparative therapy."
Not that you'll like them more, but they've officially stepped away from reparative therapy.
"As a practicing homosexual..."
Where's your dojo?
That's one reason I was afraid to meet-up with him in Madison. I know my limit and it's pretty high!
So you were afraid you might have too much to drink, and.......what? Hit on me?
To paraphrase Freud, sometimes a cookie is just a cookie. Did world peace and prosperity break out this day? Otherwise why waste time on this nonsense.
Scott said...
Muslim hot dogs? Why not? There are already Jewish hot dogs, and they're really good too.
7/3/12 4:54 PM
Not bad at all but there are better kosher dogs. Sinai 48's for one are very good, but like all truly kosher meats, they have to first soaked to get the excess salt out (used in koshering the meat). Then grill or boil as your prefer.
It's just a picture?! My world is upside-down!
I'm not exactly boycotting Domino's Pizza, but that's uber-Catholic's Tom Monighan's joint, and he doesn't exactly like gay people, so I usually look for other options.
And we ordered a hand-tossed 16 inch from them last weekend and the middle was mushy. :(
Not that you'll like them more, but they've officially stepped away from reparative therapy.
I did see that, although obviously when Chick-fil-a made the donation Exodus was doing reparative therapy. As far as I know, all the ex-gay people have given up. It seems they are either pushing a lifetime of celibacy for gay people or telling gay dudes to marry women and bang them while dreaming about Heath Ledger or something.
California is in the process of making it illegal to try to turn your gay kid straight, or maybe that has been passed and signed already.
I don't remember Paul Newman dying. The media must have surpressed the news.
Did he die of natural causes or was it suspicious?
@garage: more drunk.
garage mahal said...
I think chickelit might be a little buttsore that I unfollowed him on Twitter.
Yeah, I'm sure he was devastated.
What was the problem? A note of dissonance in the echo chamber?
@cubanbob: Being in the penumbra of NYC we do have better Kosher options, true that.
(My boss is Jewish and she's trying to get me on Nutrisystem.)
Andy R wrote: California is in the process of making it illegal to try to turn your gay kid straight, or maybe that has been passed and signed already.
To be followed-up with subsidies for juvenile sex change reparative surgery?
But it's not a real cookie, it's just a picture.
Did he die of natural causes or was it suspicious?
He got hit in the head by a pissed off Leprechaun who found the Pot-o-Gold at the end of the Pride Rainbow was a picture of a cookie.
It's just a picture?! My world is upside-down!
Visible gay pride is actually a really big deal, and the normalization of public displays of gay pride is what is leading to such rapid progress in gay equality.
The anti-gay bigots know this, and so they have to be opposed to this in theory, but in practice there is no way to attack a gay Oreo without sounding like a total nut job.
The bigots are dreading the day when every single television show has a pro-gay message and every single company is doing pro-gay advertising. But there is nothing they can do to stop it.
@Free@Last: He choked on a cookie.
To be followed-up with subsidies for juvenile sex change reparative surgery?
Probably. #winning
The bigots are dreading the day when every single television show has a pro-gay message...
They're not the only ones dreading this. Agitprop makes piss-poor tv.
@Chip S.: Hear, hear.
Agitprop makes piss-poor tv.
Have you ever watched "Modern Family"? practice there is no way to attack a gay Oreo without sounding like a total nut job.
Or defend one, for that matter.
Don't make me switch teams. I have no good reason so far, but if I have to to get my Oreos, well, I just hope Andy is an exception to the group.
Have you ever watched "Modern Family"?
Yes. And w/o Sophia Vergara's tits it would be unwatchable.
Andy - yeah I did try to watch MF and I had to stop because of the agitprop.
They're not the only ones dreading this. Agitprop makes piss-poor tv.
In the future, all networks will simultaneously air "Waiting For Bigot" (with bigot pronounced big-O)
Andy - yeah I did try to watch MF and I had to stop because of the agitprop.
What did you find so objectionable?
"chickelit said...
Andy R wrote: California is in the process of making it illegal to try to turn your gay kid straight, or maybe that has been passed and signed already.
To be followed-up with subsidies for juvenile sex change reparative surgery?"
Maybe they'll follow up by making it a crime to convert your "naturally athiest" children into Christians.
What did you find so objectionable?
The lack of funny stuff.
The problem with agitprop is that every bit of dialog is completely predictable, which drains it of all comedic value.
I'm sure someday California will subsidize sex reassignment surgery for toddlers. And they'll cut school and police budgets--again--to pay for it.
That's the problem with California. Even when you're #winning, you're #losing.
But the predictability is the quality that the true believer adores in agitprop. You can always get an audience preaching to the choir.
@garage: more drunk.
That's what boats are for. I kid.
I could have gotten you on some pretty fabulous boats. Like mine. You missed out.
I don't eat carbs or politics.
Garage was just looking for a channel for his submarine.
That's not agitprop. That "TV".
Actually, playing against type can be pretty funny. Alec Baldwin on 30 Rock is probably the best example.
I think what makes Alec Baldwin's character not get too agitprop is the fact that he plays an executive of the company that actually does fund his paycheck. Even progressives know which side of the bread is buttered.
Or something.
The broccoli proliferation in this thread is confusing.
For a split second there I thought garage had made a sensible comment.
Since I alone had employed the broccoli avatar for a very long time -- and was in fact mocked by Althousians for using it -- I am vindicated. Bow down before me, foo.
Hydrox cookies says, "Thanks!"
Obama, the first gay president, and a gay pride Oreo walked into a bar...
I dunno, but someone has to be writing this joke.
Back in the day, a vegetabletarian friend told me that Sunshine Bakery (which made Hydrox) only used vegetable shortning and not animal fats in its cookies.
Wikipedia says Hydrox predated Oreos, and that the successor to Sunshine Bakery is Kellog's, who seem to have killed the product.
Garage, I don't believe you have a boat.
Bow down before me, foo.
Cubby, is that you speaking from beyond the grave?
Well, who woulda thunk a rainbow colored cookie could get this many comments.
Wow, speaking of California:
"California bill would allow a child to have more than two parents"
Andy - California is already going down the tubes, so why not pass more ridiculous family-destroying laws?
Why, are all people named Garage Mahal prohibited from owning a boat?
Wow. Look how much Crisco they stuffed in that gay Oreo.Should have a warning label against taking orally.
" Why is gay pride political if ethnic pride isn't?"
I doubt I could explain it to you.
When did Oreo cookies become a gay thing ? What ever happened to Clarence Thomas ? Geez.
I guess I can't keep up with the lefty BS. It changes too fast.
I think Andy is a closet hetero, but in this white/hetero bashing culture he's afraid to come out.
Be interesting to see how this goes.
Since Oreos are the fare of heterosexual families, it just might hurt.
Andy R. said...
Being gay is a part of someone's identity just like any other part.
Dr Freud begs to differ.
Are people who are upset about this also upset when products take on a green tint for St. Patrick's Day?
The Caholic haters (many of whom seem to be homosexual) probably are.
It must be hard to be an anti-gay bigot. First, people call you a bigot and you have to come up with increasingly convoluted reasons to explain away your bigotry which no one believes.
Actually, nobody's ever called me a big-ot and, in the reasoned discussions I've had with people on the matter - including several here - I simply invoke Dr Freud.
Then, in every single conceivable metric related to gay people, equality is winning and bigotry is losing. And now you can't eat Oreos!
In all point of fact, I always liked Swiss Creme Sandwiches better.
As far as metrics, it looks like the whole queer thing peaked last year.
I doubt I could explain it to you.
Do please try. I'm quite curious.
I think Andy is a closet hetero, but in this white/hetero bashing culture he's afraid to come out.
I'm actually a gold star gay. And quite thankful about it.
As far as metrics, it looks like the whole queer thing peaked last year.
What makes you think that? Did you read the top Republican pollster memo that said that support for gay people was not only increasing, but increasing at an even quicker rate than before?
Why is every fucking thing in the world sooner or later about gay people? Gays are around 2% of the population.
Honestly at this point I oppose gay marriage just to stick a thumb in your collective eyes.
Garage, I don't believe you have a boat.
I don't believe you're a PI.
Next time you're in the area, email me, and if you're lucky, I might take you out. If you want to go fishing I might have to charge for you it though.
Andy, you really are a doll and you have the patience of a saint, with all the bashing you get here at Althouse. Keep on fighting the good fight!
@ AllieOop
"Well, who woulda thunk a rainbow colored cookie could get this many comments."
It's not actually a cookie. It's a photoshop of a cookie. A virtual gay cookie. That is neither a cookie nor gay. And after careful consideration really kinda makes it a rather appropriate subject for discussion on althouse.
Why is every fucking thing in the world sooner or later about gay people? Gays are around 2% of the population.
The bigots can surrender at any time. Until then, boohoo.
AllieOop said...
Why, are all people named Garage Mahal prohibited from owning a boat?
Didn't Ronald Reagan show how to treat commies? Trust, but verify?
Do you think Reagan was paranoid?
My WV has the number 19 in it!
Black on the outside. Gay on the inside.
Garage told Spinelli: Next time you're in the area, email me,..
Don't you two guys live about 30 miles apart?
AllieOop said...
Andy, you really are a doll and you have the patience of a saint, with all the bashing you get here at Althouse.
Andy doesn't get bashed here--just his looney ideas. And deservedly so. And I for one don't dislike him--I just dislike Sullivanism and all that unrepentent bashing of middle America. I don't like it in you either, Allie. :)
Didn't Ronald Reagan show how to treat commies? Trust, but verify?
Reagan was a senile old fool.
Anyhow, I'm pretty sure I extended the invite to take you and/or your party out for a boat ride long before you came to Madison. You could have easily "verified".
I'm still hacked off about them removing the transfat.
I thought they were both East-siders.
Well Garage, You can look up my credentials on a marvelous State of Wi. website. And, Kohl and Baldwin are laughed at bipartisan in DC. What's unbelievable is you find that hard to believe.
Thanks for the offer but I only cook and eat fish. Plus, Madison Lakes smell like my asshole after a night of eating hot peppers. I turn down offers just to go boating because of the affronts visually and nasally. We went to dinner @ Sardine[a good restaurant which makes it great for Madison]. The smell of Lake Monona made it impossible to sit outside.
Garage said:
"Reagan was a senile old fool."
Gorby didn't think so. You must be a Putin commie.
Here's the thing about Oreos: they're cookies. All cookies are Dutch and therefore very tolerant.
The Dutch don't care for leaky dykes.
Andy R. said...
As far as metrics, it looks like the whole queer thing peaked last year.
What makes you think that? Did you read the top Republican pollster memo that said that support for gay people was not only increasing, but increasing at an even quicker rate than before?
No, but I did see the CBS poll a couple of months ago showing support for same sex marriage and civil unions declining in the last year or so.
PS Who, dare I ask, is the top Republican pollster?
Given Hatman's choice of documentation, I'm all atwitter.
I don't like food items that put me on the defensive. And it did.
Still I would buy a rainbow oreo and they know it.
As for Gay Pride Month will become another drinking holiday, like Saint Patrick's Day or Cinco de Mayo lost of any historical meaning.
All cookies are Dutch and therefore very tolerant
kookjes, alsjeblieft!
@Spinelli: I went paddle boating on Wingra--there were plenty of weeds, but no detectable smell.
Sorry to be so dull, but I eat the plain vanilla oreos called Golden Originals. They are good and the crumbs blend in better.
Who would buy Shades of Gray Oreos Fifty to the box?
But does this mean my sexual style is Golden Original? Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Nabisco uber alles.
Yea the lakes are pretty bad right now. Nobody seems to want to do anything about it either. Which is a damn shame. Usually that side of the lake you were on isn't that bad.
We boat over to the Sardine every once in a while. They used to serve a fantastic skate dish, but last time I was there they weren't offering it.
Hehe Tradguy, they may taste better than they look.
@dbp 4:56
You mean you don't think the Irish saved civiization?
Most brands have secret lives.
If you open up any magazine targeting a specific demographic, be it gays, women, blacks, or Hispanics, you'll see major brands targeting those audiences.
Our pride parade in Saint Petersburg, Florida had Macy's, Progressive, Geico, Pepsi, Budweiser, and more. They were marching in the pride parade, and most of them were rainbowed up. The guys from Home Depot were handing out chocolate kisses. "Want a kiss?"
Garage, like all good restaurants, Sardine changes their menu to keep fresh. I've had their skate and it is good. Last week my bride had char w/ asparagus and capers, I had whitefish w/ fava beans["and a nice chianti"]. Our friends had mahi and lamb chops. We had mussels, antipasto and salads. Everything was good to very good. Our waiter was in over his head a bit but he recovered.
Chickelit, I've not been to Wingra this year, I sometimes walk around there. However, the reports are it's doing better this year. Glad to hear you had a nice visit to your homeland.
Finally, Garage..if you do take me fishing would it be ok if I call you Fredo?
Damnit, these people have ruined NOT buying Oreos for me.
For years I've refused to buy Oreos because they're disgustingly over-sweet. Now if I refuse to buy Oreos people will assume I have An Agenda.
edutcher: The Caholic haters (many of whom seem to be homosexual) probably are.
The Catholics marched in our pride parade this year. They were joined by the Methodists (lots of Methodists), Lutherans, Quakers, Episcopalians, and Unitarians. Nobody booed them.
Finally, Garage..if you do take me fishing would it be ok if I call you Fredo?
I see what you did there. Aside from a gaff and a fishing net, we're unarmed on the pontoon.
I never bought Oreo's anyway. I always bought Hydrox. Alas, Oreo's killed Hydrox several years ado.
Jason (the commenter) said...
The Caholic haters (many of whom seem to be homosexual) probably are.
The Catholics marched in our pride parade this year. They were joined by the Methodists (lots of Methodists), Lutherans, Quakers, Episcopalians, and Unitarians. Nobody booed them.
All to the good, but I've seen and heard more than a few derogatory references over the years.
If I malign anybody unfairly, I stand corrected.
Oh damn Edutcher, you had to go and prove me wrong!
PS Who, dare I ask, is the top Republican pollster?
Here is an article on the memo, "Bush '04 pollster: Change in attitudes on gay marriage across the board"
Key finding: It notes what recent same-sex marriage surveys have found, which is a change in public support "at an accelerated rate with no sign of slowing down."
Free Republic went with the "Top Republican Pollster" headline from Medialite, although I'm not sure how official that title is.
It was a pretty big deal when it came out. I got the impression from a lot of conservative commentary that this was them realizing they have lost the war against gay marriage. At this point, I think many of them are going to stop fighting and hope the Republican Party suffers as little damage as possible from its previous position.
I'm curious how you're able to look at the polling data we have and not see it as just a total upcoming rout in favor of marriage equality.
@ Andy R.
"The bigots can surrender at any time. Until then, boohoo."
I'm not a bigot you complete imbecile.
My objection is that every damn thing has to be about gays in one way or another. It doesn't matter what the subject matter is because no matter what it will turn out to be about gays.
Really you bore me. And endless prattling about gay this or gay that frankly bores me even more.
I'm not a bigot you complete imbecile.
I wasn't talking about you. I didn't say "you bigot" should give up. I said "the bigots". The reason you, ed, have to hear about the gays so much is because other people, the bigots, are putting up a fight. You think black people were in the news quite a bit during the civil rights period when MLK was leading marches? Maybe so. As long as bigots keep fighting to oppress the gays you're going to keep hearing about it.
How much did you hear about DADT when the fight was happening versus now that it's over? Once the bigots lose it becomes a non-issue and can be ignored.
Now I'm not particularly sympathetic to your plight of having to constantly hear about today's civil rights struggle, but I wasn't calling you a bigot.
I went paddle boating on Wingra--there were plenty of weeds, but no detectable smell.
I'm on Wingra every day. It is the cleanest lake in Madison, by far. I try to stay away from the Vilas Park side of the lake though, and stay near Wingra Park.
I was moving through the shallows last week near the Arb -- there's a spot on the shore where the fish spawn so it's relatively weed-free -- and saw an 18-inch something (non-carp) high-tailing it to deeper water.
Maybe I'll go down tomorrow bright and early before the heat gets blazing.
The rainbow Oreo is not really gay. It's just pretending to be gay to earn a little extra cash.
Just like this Kookie:
Cookies/Kookies are like that
It's depressing to realize I have no economic leverage one way or another, because I consume so few things that could effectively be boycotted... Ccookies? Don't eat 'em. Fast food? Don't eat it. TV shows? Don't watch 'em. I'm powerless!
Dear Oreos,
Welcome to the party.
Andy R. said...
Here is an article on the memo, "Bush '04 pollster: Change in attitudes on gay marriage across the board"
Never heard of him. Just because the New Republic likes what he has to say doesn't make him the top Republican pollster.
You're looking for Karl Rove.
How much did you hear about DADT when the fight was happening versus now that it's over? Once the bigots lose it becomes a non-issue and can be ignored.
No, it's not a non-issue any more than the extermination of the Jews was a non-issue when the Nazis hushed it up.
As I noted yesterday, the Establishment Media has hushed it up, but there are problems aplenty with the repeal of DADT.
If Hatman would like to be edified, he can do a little research into the columns of Rowan Scarborough at the Washington Times.
I didn't realize Hydrox was no longer with us. It doesn't matter. I avoid carbs anyway. Who care what Oreo promotes?
Just because the New Republic likes what he has to say doesn't make him the top Republican pollster.
That was the Free Republic I linked to. Bit of a difference.
Did you read the memo? Every single age and partisan group is moving in support of marriage equality at an increasing rate. The anti-gay bigots are reduced to complaining about gay Oreos on facebook.
The only downside is that the Republicans are caving so quickly I don't think they are going to face much punishment at the ballot box.
Alex: IsIrish pride political?
Irish pride is extremely political, shithead. Or did you think Irish pride begins and ends with Shamrock Shakes on St Patrick's Day?
Oh fuck. St. Petersburg is same place where I go to for vacation. Jason, I have a question. What is purpose of this pride?
JAL said...
@dbp 4:56
You mean you don't think the Irish saved civilization?
I haven't read it. I am glad if fellow countrymen of my ancestors amounted to something*, but it is no accomplishment of my own to be their decendant.
*My own ancestors were peasants on both sides of my family tree and if they ever did anything beyond reproducing it is lost to history.
"I doubt I could explain it to you.
Do please try. I'm quite curious. "
Not everyone in this country is obsessed with their genitals.
Irish and Italians and Mexicans, for that matter, have a culture that they had in the old country. Many of their descendants try to keep it alive, at least in part, because it is related to family.
Gays are all about their own sex organs. Not the same thing.
Andy R. said...
Just because the New Republic likes what he has to say doesn't make him the top Republican pollster.
That was the Free Republic I linked to. Bit of a difference.
Did you read the memo? Every single age and partisan group is moving in support of marriage equality at an increasing rate.
And the race between Scott Warker and Tom Barrett was going to be razor-thin.
The anti-gay bigots are reduced to complaining about gay Oreos on facebook.
The only downside is that the Republicans are caving so quickly I don't think they are going to face much punishment at the ballot box.
That's why every referendum on same sex marriage is killed at the ballot box.
And homosexual rights is sooo much more important to most people than the economy, right?
A RINO pollster does not a cave make, sweetheart.
Gays are all about their own sex organs.
Ah, you just need to learn about gay culture.
AndyR wote:
[re: Chick-fil-A] They were donating money to Exodus International which does reparative therapy.
Why boycott Chick-fil-A over their donations to EI? What's wrong with reparative therapy if the recipient believes it will make him happy? Every day men and women are getting so-called "gender re-assignment" surgery for the same reason. That's one major league bigotry problem you've got, askewhatgut.
This just in:
Andy R. reprises the temperance movement, circa 1916.
Andy R. said...
Being gay is a part of someone's identity just like any other part. Are people who are upset about this also upset when products take on a green tint for St. Patrick's Day?
Not upset. Just think it's childish. Lke you.
I don't buy Oreos anyway, but WTF, why can't you just make a damn cookie?
It's nice to see Andy's back with his kindergarten lectures. That's his identity, trying to act all grown up and sophisticated when he only has the capacity for concrete reasoning.
SO it's not an insult when Democrats call Clarence Thomas an Oreo?
I won't buy anything but the white frosting Oreos. They started flavoring the seasonal colored ones, and they're hideous.
If there is a real complaint to be made about capitalism, it's that it makes whores out of many. (In reality, it's that many are willing to whore themselves out.)
On Saint Patrick's Day, yes I get offended. I'm not Irish, but neither was Patrick.
Also I'm surprised with all the corporate sponsers in Pride Parades. I can see local businesses, but national chains???
Also I'm surprised with all the corporate sponsers in Pride Parades. I can see local businesses, but national chains???
What surprises you about this? It seems obvious that businesses would want to be seen as supportive of gay people.
Does it matter? Love is a many-splendored thing. It is wise to keep your own counsel with regard to whom and how you love.
It seems obvious that businesses would want to be seen as supportive of gay people.
Just as obvious as small businesses wanting to be supportive of the Thug Insurance Company: "Nice shop you got'd be a shame if something happened to it."
Renee: Also I'm surprised with all the corporate sponsers in Pride Parades. I can see local businesses, but national chains???
They have teams which go all over the country showing up at one event or another. A pride parade is just another opportunity to make a positive face-to-face connection with 20 to 30 thousand people.
Having someone hand you a free bottle of Tropicana orange juice after you've been standing in the sun for two hours is a blessing. People remember.
And if these companies have local employees who want to show up and join in, all the better for morale.
Oreos are edible only when accompanied by Milk.
I prefer 2% (I have commitment issues on either side).
As a diabetic, I have learned to watch my treats. Loved Oreo's for the first 35 years of my life. Now, they just seem to grainy and tasteless compared to so many other cookies, especially Anything Pepperidge Farm.
Rita Rudner: Why do they even bother putting expiration dates on Pepperidge Farm Cookies? They usually don't make it out of the store.
Renee said...
Also I'm surprised with all the corporate sponsers in Pride Parades. I can see local businesses, but national chains???
They don't necessarily publicize it (like Gay Days at Disney World) and they know homosexuals don't have kids, so lots of disposable income.
Money changers.
where has everybody been ? many companies, most notably absolut vodka and anheuser-busch, have been doing similar 'pride' advertising for decades. suddenly, a rainbow oreo is a big deal??
Zero interest in this either way.
Otherwise, it's so often critically important that the companies whose products I buy perfectly affirm who I am as a person.
They were donating money to Exodus International which does reparative therapy.
Why do you care? If it doesn't work, they've wasted their money and look foolish. If it does work, he just wasn't that into you.
where has everybody been ? many companies, most notably absolut vodka and anheuser-busch, have been doing similar 'pride' advertising for decades.
A ton of companies have been doing gay/pride advertising for a while, but they were doing it for gay audiences. Absolut would do a rainbow bottle in the pride brochure for the gays and the straights would never even know it was happening.
Now, companies are doing their gay advertising in front of everyone. It normalizes gay. It's a tipping point, and it's a big giant deal. All the department stores that have started running gay families in their ads. The Target shirts, the gay Oreo, they are being big and in your face with their gay stuff.
It upsets the bigots, because they don't like to see gay people treated as normal. They don't like to see gay people at all, they want them kept in the closet. It's why One Million Moms has been running around attacking companies just for showing a gay person, or a gay family. To them, it's not about gay marriage, but just fighting back against the presence or visibility of gay people.
You can't run ads that treat gay families as normal and still try to oppress them.
To them, it's not about gay marriage, but just fighting back against the presence or visibility of gay people.
I love how you can read their minds to discern their motives...
btw, do we have a gay history month yet? I think its really vital that we cater to the 2% of the population that is gay.
They were donating money to Exodus International which does reparative therapy.
Yeah, but the food's delicious. :)
Yeah, but the food's delicious. :)
Exactly! I don't give a flying fuck if they're waterboarding some silly, confused faggots in the basement— Chik-Fil-A is delicious.
When are gay people going to ditch the rainbow? It's so tasteless and 12-year old girlish.
Gay men are the ones with taste in our society, yet they have that wretched rainbow representing them. Doesn't make sense.
Do people who boycott Chick Fil A also boycott movies with Scientologists or other scientology-owned businesses?
If I did buy Oreos, I wouldn't stop buying them now. If I didn't buy Oreos, I wouldn't start buying them now.
To be fair and to provide full disclosure, I've been into lower carbs and lower-glycemic food choices, for the vast most part, for many months now. And even a few years before that, the cookies I (we) ate, I baked myself. (The philosophy behind that: If you're going to have a cookie, have a cookie, for goodness sake! And that is the philosophy I will continue to maintain, going forward, by the way.)
However, nothing in my second paragraph in any way takes away from what I said in the first. There is consistency of decades standing therein, and I don't plan on changing in that regard.
And there, ladies and gentlemen, for you utter disgust and repulsion, are the Ann Althouse commenters.
Good grief, jimspice, I don't hardly think I'm representative of even any particular subgroup of commenters at Althouse. And goodness knows that the majority of commenters here, much less any subgroup in particular, wouldn't hardly think so either. (Actually, many would of both would firmly NOT think so.)
So, since I know you're not responding to my one, lone, little comment: What, and who, exactly are you talking about? Perhaps you should specify.
That is, unless you're all about the broad-brushing;--you know, "ladies and gentlemen!" showmanship and drama and whatnot. In which case: WTF? How are you different from anyone else? Etc.
Although, on the other hand, you might maybe perhaps be hardily, not to mention heartily, be offering kudos all around, to all and sundry--in which case, I apologize.
That other hand seems highly unlikely.
I'm curious how you're able to look at the polling data we have and not see it as just a total upcoming rout in favor of marriage equality.
Eventually, and probably sooner rather than later, neuroscience will identify a cure for the psychological defect known as homosexuality. The overwhelming majority of decent parents will have their gay kids cured, and the world can abandon the nonsensical equation of mental illness and normalcy.
This is the Oreo maker's Piss Christ moment.
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