During the first quarter of 2012, employers added an average of 226,000 jobs a month, the Labor Department said. But job creation slowed in the second quarter to an average of 75,000 a month--far below the level that is needed to make a dent in the unemployment rate.
The job market seemed to flatline on all fronts in June, as only professional and business services added jobs, while other industries showed little change. The number of people officially labeled unemployed held steady at 12.7 million, and the number of people who have been out of work for six months or more remained at 5.4 million, accounting for nearly 42 percent of the overall unemployed.
July 6, 2012
"The economy continued its sluggish performance in June as employers added just 80,000 jobs..."
"... and the nation’s unemployment rate remained at 8.2 percent, the government reported Friday...."
"The private sector is doing fine."
Summer of Recovery!
Christ almighty. And there are people who seriously want to re-elect this guy?
Heck of a job, Barry.
As I said last night, the Democratic Party's War on Math is a real doomsday machine.
Jobs need to increase 130,000 per month just to keep up with population growth. The economy hasn't done this in many months. Employment as a percentage of able adults continues to plummet. In other news ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, AP, NYT, WP all silent about our failing economy.
They were hoping for 120,000.
And, it's even ruining Moochelle's Vacation Summer.
Bet she isn't proud of her country anymore.
PS Polls notwithstanding, it's a measure of how scared the Administration is that Choom's bus (do the wheels even touch the ground anymore?) is in PA today.
We should thank our good fortune at having a Democrat in the White House. The MSM would certainly describe the pressent situation as a depression if it were otherwise.
Ergo, Obama has saved us from a depression!
Good news.
As CNBC spun this morning..."the silver lining is that weekly earnings rose by a penny."
It will be interesting to compare the media reports between this election cycle and the leadup to Bush-Clinton-Perot in 92. In 92 the economy was improving but the focus remained relentlessly negative until after the election. I rather suspect this time we'll be treated to a thousand stories on how the economy is improving and the job recovery is just around the corner.
It's the heat.
Hope & Change!
This economy sucks.
edutcher said...
PS Polls notwithstanding, it's a measure of how scared the Administration is that Choom's bus (do the wheels even touch the ground anymore?) is in PA today.
talking about Romney as outsourcer, yet:
From ABC: The $1.1 million jet-black rumbling bus that has been carrying Obama through the Midwest this week was designed in part by Prevost, a motor coach manufacturer based in Quebec. The New York Post was first to report this, and Provost officials confirmed this fact to ABC News. ...
The only U.S.-headquartered coach manufacturer, Motor Coach Industries, based in Schaumburg, Ill., also builds the country's only "buy American compliant" coach, the majority of whose parts are made here, an MCI spokeswoman said.
It's unclear whether the Secret Service considered this option.
Sarge, last I heard, GM's sales are pretty much overseas.
And then, there's the Volt...
Did the government pull numbers out of its thousand bums and produce an aggregate number again? The numbers are useful in comparing with the previous times they did that.
LakeLevel, you beat me to it, but here's a link:
Robert Reich, 2006: The nation needs 150,000 new jobs a month just to keep up with population growth...
Pelosi, similarly, went on and on about a "jobless recovery". That's not a popular talking point these days. Hell, we'd take any kind of recovery as a recovery nowadays.
I am so with dbp on this one. Can you imagine if we had a republican president now? The MSM would be beating this like a drum morning, noon and night until their prefered democrat was cruising in the polls. What fun is their preaching the status quo and "it could have been worse"?
Good stuff:
@jimgeraghty: In August 1950, with a national population of 150 million people, the U.S. economy created 734,000 jobs"
This President is beyond incompetent.
Naturally no mention of the ACA a/k/a Liarcare also being an incentive to outsource.
Always the bad news is unexpected! And wait for the revised numbers, no doubt even worse. Here's looking at you kid. And remember, we will always have healthcare.
The economy's "sluggish performance"?
Is that a reference to the slug's relatively slow rate of locomotion, or the effect on the economy of the government's blood-sucking tendencies?
Widmerpool said...
"Christ almighty. And there are people who seriously want to re-elect this guy?"
Yes, of course there are.
After all, if one wasn't smart enough to see through the cultish-charade the first time around, why would anyone think those dim-wits smart enough to learn from experience?
"It's the heat"
It's not Obama's fault. It's global warming!
This is very dismaying, unbelievable to think that it averages only 1600 jobs per state. I once started a business and added 2 Full Time Employees to the statistics all by myself.
And apparently this includes part timers as well.
This is bad news for my son getting out of college at the end of the year.
I don't think "at least we are creating and not shedding jobs" has much to offer as a consolation.
At what point does getting a job equate to the odds of winning the lottery. Sigh.
Interesting--that 80,000 figure is slightly less than the number of immigrants legally admitted to the US on a monthly basis. The question of why a country with our levels of unemployment needs a steady flow of immigrants--most of them unskilled--is off the table as far as out politicians are concerned.
Obama is hammering Romney on his supposed outsourcing of jobs. It would be interesting if Romney responded, "What's the difference to an American worker if he's replaced by a worker in Mexico or an immigrant from Mexico?"
It'll never happen, of course.
Finally some good news for Romney and conservatives.
Wanna bet Krugman is on his keyboard, as we speak, with the same old "stimulus was too small" bullshit!
It is also interesting that the eggheads that got us into this mess,(Rohmer, Summers, Goolsbee, Orszag, not Bush) are long gone!
"It's the heat."
-- It's the humidity.
Keeping in mind who is providing the numbers (and Rep vs. Dem is irrelevant here), maybe way more jobs were really created, or way less.
Gov't numbers = useless non-information.
garage mahal said...
"Finally some good news for Romney and conservatives."
No, not at all.
No doubt it helps Romney, but the pity of it is, Obama voters, dumber than average, need harsh, painful lessons to learn. Obama's consistent failings on the economy might be (I for one doubt it) the thing to convince them to pull their heads out of their asses and think about the damages they've done to the productive economy.
Like I said, I doubt it, and before long, Obama's drones will be telling us "...8.2% is the natural rate of unemployment..."
At least the media is no longer listing this as "unexpectedly poor data."
No doubt it helps Romney, but the pity of it is, Obama voters, dumber than average, need harsh, painful lessons to learn.
Thanks for your honesty. Why would Republicans stop obstructing when it's working?
1.) Refuse to even debate job policies they used to support
2.) blame policies.
The media is too dumb or complicit to point it out. Good thing we got rid of those 600,000 public workers or we would really be in trouble.
It is even worse than the numbers tell.
Almost 1/3 of those jobs were from temp companies. Temporary jobs .....NOT permanent jobs.
Going forward, with Obamacare, most new jobs will be temporary or part time. The job creators are not stupid and they aren't in business to lose money.
Obama has accomplished exactly what he set out to do. Ruin this country.
"Wanna bet Krugman is on his keyboard, as we speak, with the same old "stimulus was too small" bullshit!"
He's written that column what, every other week since, when, forever?
Also, wait for Garage to break it down for us - it's all Bush, Walker, Limbaugh and Romney's fault: all we need is more public sector employees and higher, much higher taxes.
That'll do the trick.
garage mahal, Republicans support:
* Fracking
* Keystone Pipeline
* De-regulation
* Lower taxes
They dislike:
* Carbon regulation
* Obamacare
* Government venture-socialism
That's a short list of the preferences that would tend to expand the economy. What's your short list?
"This economy sucks"
No it doesn't, that's just Biden's gravitas.
"Thanks for your honesty. Why would Republicans stop obstructing when it's working?"
Obstructing more job killing?
Our idiot president's "jobs bill" is to job creation what smoking is to cancer prevention.
The employed, well, at least those in the productive, private sector, are happy someone is trying to protect them from our president and his party of parasites.
Break it down for us - exactly how do higher taxes and more parasites pushing paper from one bureau desk to another improve productivity and create wealth?
garage mahal said...
Finally some good news for Romney and conservatives.
We've been getting this stuff since the second dip.
But, to make garage really happy, not only is manufacturing the lowest it's been in 3 years, retail is at its worst in 2 years.
garage mahal said...
No doubt it helps Romney, but the pity of it is, Obama voters, dumber than average, need harsh, painful lessons to learn.
Thanks for your honesty. Why would Republicans stop obstructing when it's working?
1.) Refuse to even debate job policies they used to support
2.) blame policies.
The media is too dumb or complicit to point it out. Good thing we got rid of those 600,000 public workers or we would really be in trouble.
7/6/12 10:04 AM
Getting rid of 600,000 drones that produce no wealth, add no value and drain the economy is a good albeit small start. The rest of your comment is your usual drivel. Its the equivalent of modern doctors refusing to do bloodletting, leaching and cupping as a first line of treatment that you are moaning about. Why would any sane person who has the least bit of knowledge about economic and business want to help promote such stupid policies as those put forward by the democrats? You don't have to be a fireman to know adding gasoline to a fire is not the right way to put out a fire.
garage mahal said...
No doubt it helps Romney, but the pity of it is, Obama voters, dumber than average, need harsh, painful lessons to learn.
Thanks for your honesty. Why would Republicans stop obstructing when it's working?
What, exactly, is working?
And the obstruction is all coming from Dingy Harry and the Senate.
Every bill the House passes is shot down.
(I know he has to post this stuff (he's our Bob Beckel), but does he honestly buy this nonsense?)
garage mahal said...
Thanks for your honesty. Why would Republicans stop obstructing when it's working?
Why would you keep commenting when you don't know the first thing about economics?
Refuse to even debate job policies they used to support
Please cite an example of this.
And while you're busy not doing that because it is an absolute lie, please explain why you can't bring yourself to criticize the President for delaying the Keystone XL pipeline?
Hey Garage, not a single Republican obstructed all those "shovel ready" job projects that we were told would prevent this nightmare!
garage mahal? You still there?
I do mean my question seriously. What do you think would expand the economy, create jobs, increase average income, and put America on a good economic track?
I'm really curious, because it seems to me that most liberals haven't even asked these questions. Paul Krugman at least keeps ponying up for inflationary spending. Stupid, but honest.
What will do the trick? Can it be done in time to save Obama's re-election? Or can he, like FDR, keep selling us spoiled goods long enough to earn an undeservedly honored place in history?
What, exactly, is working?
Inaction and obstruction. Conservatives are privately rooting for high gas prices and a stagnant economy. I know they'll never admit of course. But it's their only hope of winning, especially in light of having to pin all their hopes on Romney, of all people.
Anyways the net worth of billionaires has gone way up under Obama, shouldn't they be cheering that?
"Ha, Ha, turns out there's no such thing as "shovel ready" jobs!"
Blameless Barry
garage mahal, you're (1) projecting and (2) spouting bullshit. Conservatives would tend to be happy if the country were prospering. That's why Clinton got re-elected. Rich people have not become richer under Obama. It'd be nice to think so, just as it'd be nice to think that poor and middle-class people have got richer, but it's not the case.
Rich people have not become richer under Obama.
Oh come on. If you were to check the net worth of the huge GOP donors like the Koch brothers or Sheldon Adelson, under Obama, what would you find? (I checked)
I thought Obama said by now it would be 5.4 pct rate of unemployment???
What happened? What happened to those TRILLIONS of bucks blown? What happened to that 'stimulus'? What happened to those green jobs?
Obama happened, that's what!
Hope for change in 2012 cause we sure can't stand another four years of this Putz.
And yes, rich people have not become richer OVERALL. The number of rich are down.
You want to look at who made money during these times? Go look at the bank accounts of Pleosi, Reid, Obama, aw even Republican politicians.
Bunch of lying cheating weasels.
'we have to pass it to find out what is in it' kind of crap.
VOTE THEM OUT in 2012... they are the true grifters here, not Koch or Adelson.
"garage mahal said...
Conservatives are privately rooting for high gas prices and a stagnant economy. "
Let's ask ourselves what this statement means. To me it says leftists believe Americans are idiots. Apparently garage believes Americans can be convinced to keep the shitty economy because other people think keeping it is a bad idea. Presumably the nuances flow better in the original leftese.
Just curious though, does this theory mean leftists were rooting for the financial meltdown?
I recall lots of analysis in recent months suggesting that REDUCED income among the wealthy has been very problematic for governments at all levels. Since the tax code is top heavy, less income means less tax revenue!
This was central to the debate about bonus money paid to top executives on Wall Street!
What do you think would expand the economy, create jobs, increase average income, and put America on a good economic track?
There have been numerous reports about this country's incredible reserves of oil and natural gas deposits that are untapped. The job boom seen in North Dakota is a taste of what we would see if we unleashed our resources on exploiting this wealth.
Yet, the word oil is a vulgarity to many who would rather see millions wallow on unemployment rather than earn princely salaries. This is especially alarming when its safe to say our manufacturing sector is not coming back anytime soon, if ever.
garage mahal, I'm not talking about a couple of data points, as you are. I'm talking about "the net worth of billionaires", as you put it. That's a pretty small group, so I also include what we might generally call "rich people".
You say they're getting richer. Have you looked at their portfolios?
Or are you trying to compare average wealth among wealth strata? There, you might have an argument. Obama has impoverished everyone, which hurts the poor and middle class more than the rich, who still retain some of their wealth.
Again, what policies do you propose to improve the situation?
By the way, garage mahal, I'm not laying a trap here.
Ha ha ha! No, wait; I am laying a trap! Never mind. I'm trying to be direct here.
Again, what policies do you propose to improve the situation?
Remove as many Republicans from the levers of power to start with. Invest in education and job training. There is a chronic shortage of mid level skill workers right here in Wisconsin, and what does our governor do? Slash tech college funding.
There are thousands and thousands of structurally deficient infrastructure systems across this country that are in dire need of overhauling. Sewer, water, bridges, schools, and on and on. There are unemployed people with skills that can do the job, they just need someone to tell them where and to sign them a check. Hell, paying someone to dig a hole and fill it back up is preferable to doing nothing at this point.
Can anyone point to a respected economist who thinks strangling the economy is the best way out of a nasty recession?
garage mahal said...
There are thousands and thousands of structurally deficient infrastructure systems across this country that are in dire need of overhauling. Sewer, water, bridges, schools, and on and on. There are unemployed people with skills that can do the job, they just need someone to tell them where and to sign them a check. Hell, paying someone to dig a hole and fill it back up is preferable to doing nothing at this point.
I seem to recall the Administration and the last Congress did something like that only they made it in the form of grants to their political pals instead of specifying the money be used to do what garage suggests.
He may want to consult Zero, Dingy Harry, and Princess Botox about that.
Can anyone point to a respected economist who thinks strangling the economy is the best way out of a nasty recession?
Probably anybody but Krugman.
garage mahal said...
What, exactly, is working?
Inaction and obstruction.
Only on the Democrat side. I haven't seen Choom do anything but tell Medvedev to stay cool and wait for him to have more "flexibility" after the election.
Conservatives are privately rooting for high gas prices and a stagnant economy.
We don't have to. It's been here for at least 2 1/2 years.
I know they'll never admit of course. But it's their only hope of winning, especially in light of having to pin all their hopes on Romney, of all people.
No, the Demos have foisted on the country the most unpopular measure since Prohibition and Choom is implementing cap&trade and the DREAM Act by regulation and fiat.
And the Republicans don't need any other hope of election but Democrat policies.
Didn't Newsweek come out with a poll saying the public didn't trust Barry with health care 57/38?
I seem to recall the Administration and the last Congress did something like that only they made it in the form of grants to their political pals instead of specifying the money be used to do what garage suggests
I seem to recall GOP governors and congressman getting their pictures taken at ribbon cutting ceremonies on projects funded by the stimulus, and taking credit for them. Romney has done the same thing. Credit for chutzpah though.
garage mahal, you proposed:
Remove as many Republicans from the levers of power to start with. Invest in education and job training. There is a chronic shortage of mid level skill workers right here in Wisconsin, and what does our governor do? Slash tech college funding.
There are thousands and thousands of structurally deficient infrastructure systems across this country that are in dire need of overhauling. Sewer, water, bridges, schools, and on and on. There are unemployed people with skills that can do the job, they just need someone to tell them where and to sign them a check. Hell, paying someone to dig a hole and fill it back up is preferable to doing nothing at this point.
These are simple spending programs, as you finally admit in your last sentence. Look up "broken windows" if you like.
My question was: how do you promote economic growth? Don't we agree that that is what we need? Or are you after something else, like wealth equality at the expense of enrichment?
There are thousands and thousands of structurally deficient infrastructure systems across this country that are in dire need of overhauling. Sewer, water, bridges, schools, and on and on. There are unemployed people with skills that can do the job, they just need someone to tell them where and to sign them a check.
Isn't that what the 3/4 trillion 'stimulus' bill supposed to do?
As for your mid skill level worker shortage, they tend to he pretty hard hit in this economy. One would think workers would be flocking to your state. Willie Sutton was supposedly asked why he robbed banks and said because that's where the money is.
garage mahal said...
Invest in education and job training.
Notice how the idiot just repeats the talking points.
Notice how the idiot ignores the fact there are millions of people with college degrees (and masters's degrees) looking for jobs.
Notice how the idiot ignores this fact:
The program's goal was to train 124,893 people and put 79,854 in jobs. But 17 months later, 52,762 were trained and 8,035, or roughly 1 in 10, had jobs.
Don't worry, the idiot will come back and say something even dumber.
garage mahal said...
I seem to recall the Administration and the last Congress did something like that only they made it in the form of grants to their political pals instead of specifying the money be used to do what garage suggests
I seem to recall GOP governors and congressman getting their pictures taken at ribbon cutting ceremonies on projects funded by the stimulus, and taking credit for them. Romney has done the same thing. Credit for chutzpah though.
The Romster? Good trick, since he hasn't been a governor in at least 4 years.
As for the rest, pictures?
garage mahal said...
Inaction and obstruction
Please list the last GOP sponsored legislation Harry Reid brought up for a vote.
Further, if "jobs bills" are all that are needed to kick start the economy, why didn't the Democrats pass any with 59 or 60 senators and with Speaker Pelosi?
Oh, facts and logic are too hard for you.
Never mind.
Again, what policies do you propose to improve the situation?
Remove as many Republicans from the levers of power to start with.
I couldn't help but recall Nancy Pelosi's assertion that extending unemployment insurance creates jobs which makes your comment quite funny.
garage mahal said...
There are thousands and thousands of structurally deficient infrastructure systems across this country that are in dire need of overhauling.
None of which have anything to do with federal spending.
Note: the President you voted for and will again put a moratorium on offshore deepwater drilling.
Note: the President you voted for and will again has delayed the Keystone XL pipeline.
Note: “You will never see another federal dam"
-Deanna Archuleta, Obama’s deputy assistant secretary of the Interior
Just shut up and vote Democrat ok, dummy?
garage mahal said...
No doubt it helps Romney, but the pity of it is, Obama voters, dumber than average, need harsh, painful lessons to learn.
Thanks for your honesty. Why would Republicans stop obstructing when it's working?
1.) Refuse to even debate job policies they used to support
2.) blame policies.
The media is too dumb or complicit to point it out. Good thing we got rid of those 600,000 public workers or we would really be in trouble.
That's what I like about you ,garage. You never miss an opportunity to make yourself a lying idiot.
All that needs to happen for jobs to be created is for Obama to lose in November. Even a lying liberal hack like you should know this.
Can anyone point to a respected economist who thinks strangling the economy is the best way out of a nasty recession?
Then why are you democrats doing it?
You can quit digging any time now. The rest of us aren't quite as dumb as you are.
"Remove as many Republicans from the levers of power to start with. Invest in education and job training. There is a chronic shortage of mid level skill workers right here in Wisconsin, and what does our governor do? Slash tech college funding."
How about slashing funding for 'studies' and use those funds for vocational training, that being where the jobs are. And while we are at it remove all democrats from the levers of power since over the last 100 years they have been proven to wrong on just about everything.
garage mahal said...
I seem to recall the Administration and the last Congress did something like that only they made it in the form of grants to their political pals instead of specifying the money be used to do what garage suggests
I seem to recall GOP governors and congressman getting their pictures taken at ribbon cutting ceremonies on projects funded by the stimulus, and taking credit for them. Romney has done the same thing. Credit for chutzpah though.
7/6/12 11:56 AM
You mean like standing in front of Solyndra? Keep digging fool.
"They did it!" garage mahal says. That makes it good.
Again, what's your proposal, besides firing the people you unreasonably hate, and spending money we don't have?
As for your mid skill level worker shortage, they tend to he pretty hard hit in this economy. One would think workers would be flocking to your state.
Wisconsin is a Tea Party paradise, yet we have one of the worst job growth records in the country. I guess busting unions and abortion legislation don't create jobs. Nobody could have predicted.
The school example of government "creating jobs" is the house weatherproofing program funded by the "Porkulus."
Remember that?
It was so simple, both the program and the actual work, that it would immediately put "people to work" and "stimulate the economy."
More than a year later, someone noticed that no weatherproofers were being hired and no work done, and asked why.
They went to looking and found the answer was that whatever Gov't department it was that was to administrate the program was still busily writing regulations for it, which they may still be working at, since no more has been heard of this program.
Again, what's your proposal, besides firing the people you unreasonably hate
I don't unreasonably hate them. The leaders of YOUR party said from day one that their #1 goal was to make Obama a one term president. What do you think they meant by that? We're living that #1 goal right now.
"The leaders of YOUR party said from day one that their #1 goal was to make Obama a one term president. What do you think they meant by that"
It obviously means they're going to try to elect a Republican in the next election. Isn't that what political parties do?
Actually, Garage, we are now living the results of YOUR MAN getting elected in 2008.
Wisconsin was #17 in the nation for lowest unemployment in May 2012.
So you just lied or showed your ignorance again. Tea Party politics does work.
and as to making Obama a one-term President, why would you want to give a 2nd term to a President that has caused unemployment, gas prices, inflation, etc, to be this high?
Remember: if the GOP was powerful enough to make the economy this bad despite Obama being President, then they wouldn't care who was President, would they?
They'd just do the things they wanted to, and take credit for it.
By the way, your accusation is a confession of your belief that Obama is completely incompetent and unable to run the country as President. Nice to see we agree on something.
Of course, the people writing those weatherproofing regulations do have well-paying jobs with benefits; the rest of us, not so much.
But that's Obamanomics.
garage mahal said...
Again, what's your proposal, besides firing the people you unreasonably hate
I don't unreasonably hate them. The leaders of YOUR party said from day one that their #1 goal was to make Obama a one term president. What do you think they meant by that? We're living that #1 goal right now.
Little did you know your lord and savior would do it all by himself.
Blameless Barry and his Merry Band of Eggheads (Berkley, Harvard, U of Chicago) believed that corps and the economy could withstand all of their tinkering! They study books and not the real world!
Corporations trimmed their sails and maintained their profits, as evidenced by rebound of stock market! They put their profits in the bank! Lotsa cash on the sideline!
Blameless Barry was wrong! Did I mention the "shovel ready" projects that he and Jobs Czar Jeff Immelt laughed about not existing?
While the Blameless One is trying to pin outsourcing on Mittens, will he mention GE outsourcing? Probably not!
Wisconsin is a Tea Party paradise, yet we have one of the worst job growth records in the country. I guess busting unions and abortion legislation don't create jobs. Nobody could have predicted.
Didn't you earlier claim you have a shortage of mid skill level workers?
I don't unreasonably hate them. The leadersof YOUR party said from day one that their #1 goal was to make Obama a one term president.
Isn't that typically the goal of the opposing political party?
Financed through the accumulation of debt exceeding 10% of our annual GDP. It's a wonderful hidden tax on every man, woman, and child, and a constant drag on our economy. And much like the so-called "health care reform", it also does not address causal factors. Worse yet, much like the so-called "health care reform", it serves to obfuscate and exacerbate those progressive conditions which it purports to resolve.
They might be stupid.
There was an article somewhere that black unemployment reached new highs, but only because more black ppl were looking for work, not because jobs were cut.
Why are more black ppl suddenly looking for work? What happened? Anyone? Anyone?
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