And that's one thing I have a hard time forgiving my father's generation for:
Selling me out to get over their own bullshit.
I will not fight for/support my own second-class citizenship in a world built by men. Any bitch that sees this as a winner-take-all game is gonna lose fucking with me.
It is telling that the first sinful result of the first sin committed in the Garden would be Eve's (representing all women to come)"desire for her husband". A more literal translation of the text reads "desire to rule over" her husband.
And the battle of the sexes was off and running . . .
Given all the fiscal problems MI is having, including the complete collapse of Detroit, one wonders how the citizens of the Wolverine State see this waste of the taxpayers' time and money.
PS Waiting for the first of the state reps to have her vagina actually speak.
Why do people always think smut for chicks is "clever"? But stuff for guys? Nooooooooo!
No one thinks that interracial triple penetration gangbangs just cry out for semiotic analysis or careful hermeneutic criticism. No, that's just crass.
But have a play that includes lesbian rape on a 13 yr old girl (it's now 16, but in the original it was 13) and it's high art fit for the most hallowed of public spaces.
Have you noticed that both life in corporate America (especially HR departments), and the outputs (rules, regulations) of our political class, started its recent decline, not over yet, simultaneously with women getting into more positions of power in both institutions? I suppose I could throw Academia in there too.
Now, correlation does not guarantee causality, but it should recommend some careful analysis.
If you respond to me at all, Aha! You fell into my trap. Refusing to respond to me is itself a response so Aha! * bounce* Aha! You fell into my trap.
So what is the difference between a vulva and a vagina anyway?
No wait, don't tell me. There are some things I guess I just don't want to know. There are words for every little thing down there, words for every little aspect of every little thing down there. So if I were to ever encounter a crossword puzzle where the human bodily nether region is the theme, words and phrases for aspects of the things found in the lower central human crack, female and male, dangling or tucked in, or flapping, hanging, sagging, veining, fuzzing up, engorging and all that, specific medical words for all that, then I would be satisfied to not be able to solve that imaginary puzzle.
Ann, you have to forgive us men. The understanding of the power of the Vagina goes back to the Epic of Gilgamesh, in which Gilgamesh sapped the strength of Enkidu with the power of a harlot's vagina:
Shamhat unclutched her bosom, exposed her sex, and he took in her voluptuousness. She was not restrained, but took his energy. She spread out her robe and he lay upon her, she performed for the primitive the task of womankind. His lust groaned over her; for six days and seven nights Enkidu stayed aroused, and had intercourse with the harlot until he was sated with her charms.
. . .
Enkidu ... his utterly depleted(?) body, his knees that wanted to go off with his animals went rigid; Enkidu was diminished, his running was not as before."
There is no misunderstanding that a vagina is a powerful thing. Men full of energy, and passion are trapped by its wiles, only to find themselves flaccid and weak upon withdrawing. The vagina saps the strength of man, his lust and passion.
No wonder men don't want this power word thrown at them in the state house.
Re-reading, I see the Republican group that voted was *largely* male. Hmmm. Wait. Why does this make a difference?
Because it lends credence to the notion that this was a political stunt to manufacture yet another a 'war on the wimmenz' meme to use as a club on the GOP.
I love the Vagina Monologue, not because of any aesthetic value it may offer (let's be honest it's piece of shit) but because, much like bumper stickers, the mere fact that a woman thinks it's intelligent is one hell of a red flag.
When the item about the ten legged crab found in the Roman sewer got to the part about how they noticed them where the line breaks open at the surface, how when you kneel down at the crack and peer into that gaping gash at the surface, the wound in the pipe that cannot not be healed, and peer into the darkness of the hole, then you can see the crabs crawling around in there and then the article called the ancient sewer line cloaca maxima and I cracked up laughing so hard I tossed the laptop. I was not expecting that.
That is one of my mostest favoritest words! That's not ever used on the Senate floor either come to think of it, what is it, banned over there?
Staging the play seemed like the perfect response to conservative men silencing women for speaking in direct terms about body parts -- specifically for saying the word vagina....
"This word being deemed inappropriate to be said on the House floor is creating a stir. We want to get people thinking about it."
"and we have more and more actresses calling to fill out the cast,"
I thought the word actress had been banned as inappropriate.
This is just another small chapter in the ongoing pissing match over who owns the language. Both sides can take turns kissing my ass and never stop.
This activity has opened my eyes. It's like an epiphany I'm having right now that I starting to realize I can get my favorite nether parts word said more frequently and even on the Senate floor.
This could take decades. But I think that if I write books and keep nudging and set clever traps then I can get people everywhere to say cloaca.
"Brown sparked the controversy when she said Wednesday: "I'm flattered that you're all so interested in my vagina, but no means no" -- a statement that opponents have called vulgar, unnecessarily provocative and an unfair reference to rape during a debate on bills about abortion."" *** "When will the speaking ban end?
"I have no idea. I have never even heard officially why I can't speak," Brown said." *** ""No one is throwing these words around (in the Legislature) without a rational context. If these men can't handle the debate about women's bodies, they shouldn't be taking away our rights" to abortion access, Whitmer said."
Apparently it was the inappropriate, unfair, and insulting rape inference, and not the word vagina.
Imagine if a Republican, of either gender, had made a joking allusion to rape by saying "No means no," in the course of a debate on abortion.
In the last 48 hours, the Detroit Free Press has devoted about four times the column-space to this phony controversy than the financial collapse of the City of Detroit. Granted; there's been a lot of coverage about the Detroit budget crisis before the last couple of days. But the Michigan Democrats (and their daily newsletter that goes by the name of the Detroit Free Press) have done everything they can to accessorize this wholly-manufactured contorversy.
Meanwhile, here's the really funny thing; there is a Wisconsin quality to all of this inasmuch as all Democrat efforts appear to be devoted to the heat and fire of outrage, completely forgetting about the legislation and the policy at hand. This debate occurred during debate on a package of bills that nibble around the edges of the abortion issue; increased malpractice insurance limits for abortion providers, some "anti-coercion" provisions, criminalization of abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, increased licensing requirments for abortion providers, prohibitions on "webcam" abortions where abortifactants are prescribed remotely, and requirements that aborted fetuses by buried or cremated.
All of that detail has been pushed off the front pages. Instead, everyone is talking about the word "vagina."
But I'm not sure I'm saying cloaca right myself. First I must ask an expert about this, a biologist who would know how to pronounce these words. I'm saying it like clow as in snow aka. Is that right? Because that would be a bummer to launch a [movement] and get the word wrong from the start.
vagina -ae f. 1. The sheath (or a sword or sim.), scabbard. b. (applied to other protective cases) 2. (transf.) A natural structure resembling a sheath; (esp. applied to the leaf-sheath that encloses an ear of corn before it emerges).
Phil, yes it is that. It is what you said. But it is so much more than that too. It is whence the precious eggs emerge. Eggs, Phil, life-giving eggs!
I understand that's why the eggs have to be thoroughly washed off before consumption, and I mean thoroughly, except for fish eggs because all that happens in water already and they're small and stuck together.
Why are the democrat pro-abortion females being asked to stop talking? I suspect they have already used up their allotted time, but I cannot tell from the article. All I gather is that yet again, the democrat females are victims.
This reminds me of a lady who had her obligatory Hysterectomy around 50, and she started bragging to everyone about the new procedures she had he doctor do while she was out of commission.
They measure the husband's penis carefully and then reconstruct her vagina so she is a perfect tight fit for him.
They couldn't stop bragging about it for both of them, which seemed weird. But thy sure thank God for modern medical advances.
Thanks for this,rh,"A natural structure resembling a sheath; (esp. applied to the leaf-sheath that encloses an ear of corn before it emerges)"
I just got the corn seed dealers invite to the 'knowledge plot academy', and instead of going for the "delicious pork chop dinner and fun giveaway items" I'm going to go to ask the guys, "show me the vaginas"....
Phil, yes! That is why I admire chickens so much. It's why I am for legislation to improve their conditions. Chickens are not just egg pooping machines, they have rights. To rationally discuss chicken rights we must openly use the word cloaca and not let poopy pants mutli-hole having Republicans discuss the matter by restricting our language. cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca .
"I may also from time to time be struck not by the rightness but by the dumb fortune, or irony, of certain placements of the parts and features of the body, as Yeats was, for example, by love's having pitched its mansion in the place of excrement...Certainly any changes I can dream up in the arrangement strike me as quite insane."
While both sexes agree that having two orifices that are interchangeable for some activities is convenient, only one of us thinks that blabbering is one of those activities.
clow as in snow aka. cloaca. See? you say vagina I say cloaca. Call response. Goes like this: vagina cloaca vagina cloaca vagina cloaca vagina cloaca. We sing, we do. I like these gals, they're fun.
A vagina has its own cleansing mechanism, all the references to sewers is getting a bit sick. That vagina was the tube in which your big fat baby heads travelled through to get into the world, show some respect.
"Have you noticed that both life in corporate America (especially HR departments), and the outputs (rules, regulations) of our political class, started its recent decline, not over yet, simultaneously with women getting into more positions of power in both institutions?"
Yes I have and here's what I see as the decline's instigators:
1- woman on woman back scratching/favoritism and its inseparable obverse, woman on woman gutting;
2- endless dramatics fostered by an abundance of women in an hierarchical organization.
Women are necessary in any hierarchical organization, indeed, any organization, yet, when they get in roles unsuited (e.g., line infantry) or numbers too many (probably indeterminate until past the time exceeded), an organization disorganizes. Men in roles unsuited and numbers too many has the same effect but in different ways. Ditto queers of both kinds.
It may be best seen as a matter of orthogenesis by any element of a system. Many women, and especially queer women, have been pushing their own orthogenesis for decades. It's destructive.
The Michigan House of Representatives was just wrapping up a session before an extended summer recess. Reps. Brown and Byrum had both had their opportunity to speak on the abortion bills on the second-to-last day.
On the final day of the session, the Republican leader told the Democratic leader, as a courtesy, that he had decided to not call on Brown and Byrum to speak on the last day, given the previous day's fireworks. (Another Democrat had been sanctioned by the whole House just a couple of weeks earlier. Rep. Jorge Sanatana, D-Detroit, had gotten into repeated physical confrontations with other Democrats such that his own leader had asked the Republican House leadership to remove Santana from his committee assignments.)
The courtesy was that instead of letting the two Reps just sit all session, they could go on to other personal matters. The "not calling on opposition to speak" tactic had been regularly applied to Republicans back when the chamber had been controlled by Democrats.
This is all much ado about nothing; but the story is acutally made EVEN MORE BANAL by the left-leaning media that wishes to simply shoehorn the story into the 'Repuboican War on Women' meme.
And on the first of May, we celebrate V-Day. And come June, oh-ho baby, it is the lick of my spoon. Come August, we like to celebrate Saint Suck My Big Fat F--king Sausage!
Tame it! Take it on headfirst with the skills that I will teach you at work and say no!...You will not control me! No!...You will not take my soul! No!...You will not win this game! 'Cause it is a game, guys. You want to think it's not, huh? You want to think it's not? You go back to the schoolyard and you have that crush on big-titted Mary Jane. Respect the cock. You are embedding this thought. I am the one who's in charge. I am the one who says Yes!...No!...Now!...Here!... And it's universal, man. It is evolutional. It is anthropological. It is biological. It is animal.! (simulating sexual thrusting)
...Let me tell you what we're gonna teach Denise when we put our calendars to work and we set goals. What I say is, 'Denise...' 'Denise the Piece.' I mark it down. I write it up. And you have been warned. Because I have my lasers. I have my Tasers, I have my ICBMs. I have my bazookas, I have my jets pointed right at you. Because me and my brothers, we like to celebrate. And on the first of May, we celebrate V-Day. And come June, oh-ho baby, it is the lick of my spoon. Come August, we like to celebrate Saint Suck My Big Fat F--king Sausage!
I set goals for myself and when I say I do not want to take it anymore. I will not take it anymore. Do you think she's your friend, Geoff? You come here and you think she's your friend. They're not your friends. Do you really think that she's gonna be there when things go bad? Huh, guys? When things go wrong, do you think they're gonna be there for us? Oh-ho. You think again. Oh, f--king Denise, Denise the piece. You're gonna give me that cherry pie, sweet mama baby.
Oh yeah, but listen up. That is not to say that we don't all need females just as friends, 'cause we're gonna learn later in Chapter 23 that havin' a couple of chick friends lyin' around, come in real handy in setting jealousy traps. We'll get to that later.
So I take it on Father's day it's fun to compare a vagina to a sewer? I don't think any Republican or conservative woman here would agree with that comparison or find it amusing.
"A vagina has its own cleansing mechanism, all the references to sewers is getting a bit sick. That vagina was the tube in which your big fat baby heads travelled through to get into the world, show some respect."
The Vagina Monologues is an invitation for disrespect.
"A vagina has its own cleansing mechanism, all the references to sewers is getting a bit sick. That vagina was the tube in which your big fat baby heads travelled through to get into the world, show some respect."
The most feminine part of a woman's body has always been my favorite part of a woman's body but the vagina monologues invites disrespect.
"A vagina has its own cleansing mechanism, all the references to sewers is getting a bit sick. That vagina was the tube in which your big fat baby heads travelled through to get into the world, show some respect.
Those here looking for the vulva need go no farther (further?) than Judy Chicago's "The Dinner Party" in which admiring critics/feministas have lionized her for "literally" putting "...the vulva on societies plate. And not in a hidden way." One critic going so far as to say Chicago "invites society to 'eat' of their vulva, of their womanhood." And further, for society in this figurative way "to 'nourish' itself with the profound achievements wrought by women."
Calling Christopher@ 12:02. Be sure to add Judy Chicago and The Dinner Party as yet another (OH-soooo-very valid) Red Flag test, lol..
A friend of mine has a Picasso of a woman displaying her cat flap, as if airing out on a hot summer day, hung low at table height right there in the dining room.
I'm trying to imagine a man saying something similar, snarky and slightly off subject (rape instead of abortion) and presenting it all as undue interest in his cock and jewels.
My brain insists on Austin Powers or else a rather dull athlete named Biff.
Austin finishes the line, "Are you interested in my jewels" with "baby."
Biff finishes the line, "You just want to see my cock" with that particular grab himself and lift up off his heels motion.
"You're all interested in my vagina" is just as rudely personal.
A man would be sued for harassment, even if he used the term "penis" and accused his female co-worker of having an untoward interest in his.
Freeman Hunt said; "She was quieted because she was being vulgar, not because she said, "vagina." The word "vagina" was not what made her speech vulgar."
Looks like the "vagina is a sewer" discussion died down a bit. Much quieter.
I will say this, it's not necessary to be vulgar in the State Legislatures to get a point across. But she shouldn't be censured indefinitely.
AllieOop said... "I will say this; it's not necessary to be vulgar in the State Legislatures to get a point across. But she shouldn't be censured indefinitely."
Neither Rep. Brown, nor Rep. Byrum, were "censured." For one day, the House leader would not recognize them for floor-speeches. There was not one thing about this silliness that was "indefinite."
Neither member of the House was denied any other opportunity to vote or participate in legislative affairs.
To read the hysterical Democrat-left, the two representatives were seemingly bound and gagged and dragged from the chamber forever. Ridiculous.
A friend of mine has a Picasso of a woman displaying her cat flap, as if airing out on a hot summer day, hung low at table height right there in the dining room.
I got a knowledge vibe from this one. Book knowledge is not the same as actual knowledge, though. I could write a thesis paper on this one. And damn those man hands are freaking me out.
"Yep, and the response from men here is so mature and insightful."
-- When men say stupid things, men tend to treat them dismissively and with extreme prejudice. If women want to be treated the same way as men, then they should expect to be insulted and dismissed in the same way the man would dismiss an idiot man. I'm not vulgar, so I wouldn't imply the woman was trying to rape me, but apparently, since the woman in question thought implying men wanted to rape her was intelligent discussion, if a man is of equal vulgarity to her, I can see him being, ah, dismissive.
Don't want people to be jerks to you? Don't accuse them of wanting to rape you.
Rusty, talk about being vulgar. Why denigrate the human vagina? Don't your mothers, sisters and daughters have them too? Don't conservative women have them too?
I'm far from being a prude, but wow. Beginning to sound like a .... wait for it....a war on the vagina.
"Why denigrate the human vagina? Don't your mothers, sisters and daughters have them too? Don't conservative women have them too?"
-- Eh, people throw around dick head, prick and I'm sure there are other vulgar terms for penises I don't know off the top of my head. Again, it would be ideal if people didn't use salty language at all, but the woman who is crying foul *was implying that the men she was insulting wanted to rape her.* Hence, "no means no." I can't really feel a lot of sympathy for her if people pile on after that.
Matthew: When men say stupid things, men tend to treat them dismissively and with extreme prejudice. If women want to be treated the same way as men, then they should expect to be insulted and dismissed in the same way the man would dismiss an idiot man. I'm not vulgar, so I wouldn't imply the woman was trying to rape me, but apparently, since the woman in question thought implying men wanted to rape her was intelligent discussion
The idiot woman was sanctioned b/c accusing men of wanting to rape here was in violation of house decorum. But since she used the word "vagina" in her tantrum, all the feminazi's are clutching their pearls and pretending she was banned for saying vagina.
There are already several instances on record where someone on the House floor used the word "vagina" in appropriate context. None of them were banned.
But apparently, there are alot of stupid women out there who get the vapors over this.
So Allie Oop asks why we denigrate the human vagina. And I say to myself, that's not fair, sometimes I denigrate the monkey vagina or the walrus vagina. And then of course I have to google "monkey vagina" (oh no!) and I got this.
Now you might ask, and I'm sure Allie will ask, why men do not have the proper respectful tone when it comes to the human vagina. Which, as she pointed out, gave birth to us! And the answer, I think, is that the vagina is an absolute blast, way fun, the bomb--you gay guys really ought to check it out--but because it's so much fun, so mind-blowing cool, so amazing, we find ourselves doing all sorts of shit to impress the owners of the vagina. In fact in my more romantic moments I might even suggest that it's not the vagina per se but really the whole package. Or at least a lot of different parts, working in harmony. Eyes, legs, boobies, etc. You can tell Picasso is an influence. Anyway, this amazing human we call woman--and some of us object to reducing said creature to "vagina," although of course that is a fun spot to visit--is so amazing and cool that we have a fear that she is manipulating us to do stuff that we wouldn't normally do. And so while we are quite fond of our former home--technically the uterus, which has also been mentioned on this thread, but we tend to lump 'em all together, vagina-uterus-home, and we want back in there. But there is also doubt. Ambivalence! And I think it's because of all the manipulation that goes along with vagina-love. Also you shrink our penis! On the other hand, you enlarge it, too. Up and down, up and down. And of course that is the male identity, we've been handling it since we were a small child--you know we pee out of it, right Allie? Don't get all goo-goo romantic on the penis. There's definitely a sewer-penis correlation. It's a cause and effect relationship. Unlike the vagina which has nothing to do with urine at all. Way cleaner. Way cleaner! Although kind of fishy, as has also been pointed on this thread. And while I like that smell a lot, in my experience women don't really want to hear about it. And, in a word, ambivalence. Freud stuff. Yes. That's pretty much what I want to say, on this, the vagina thread.
What kills me is that these feminist think that "vagina" is some universal term created by God to describe female genitalia. They always says "just say vagina that's what it is!" No it is not, it's female genitalia, and vagina is just a word, and it's only one word in a million to describe female genitalia. They should get over themselves they are the greatest bigots in the world. They are "vagina supremacists." It's all they are concerned with--it's extremely shallow and certainly not diverse, since all males are excluded from the elite bigoted club.
Lefty women are so godawful boring. Every utterance is a monologue, not just in re: the vagina.
Talk talk talk talk talk talk talk. An interminable cloacaphony of solipsistic pap. On and on and on, until you want to poke an awl into your ears just to make it stop, or perhaps that is their goal.
This is sixth grade girl territory: I'm gonna tell! Yer being mean to me!
I was at a medical conference this week, and the woman speaking about wear and tear arthritis in old ladies' knees said it was an example of gender bias in medicine.
Christ on ice skates!!1!
I left and went to a used book store to calm down.
There are fewer and fewer places to escape their awful thinking. Not work, not church, not the news. Ack.
Well, if your vagina is gonna behave itself, it can stay,... quietly.
But, I gotta tell that the last time a woman left her vagina here, it made a mess of the place, and generally ruined the conversation,... like they do.
Hell, no, St. Croix, totally on topic. The conference even had an entire session on vulvar abnormalities. There was so much estrogen in the talks I almost had a period.
The Vagina Monologues!...Say it slowly..Va...GI...Na...! Sounds like a bad chinese accent(don't start about chinese vaginas)
Okay, now we're talking about a part of the womans body that gets yeast infections. And to cure those infections you can buy products like Monostat 11. 11 becomes that's how many days it takes to cure the infection. But they also have MOnostat 7. 7 for the same reason. HUH? It's also available in 3?!? I have one question, WHY???!!!
Why would any sane person chose 11 over 7, let alone 3? It's because as stated on "The Big Band Theory" bitches be crazy.
Friday, setting the tables for my prents 55th anniversay, my sister, Mom, and my nephew, and I, got into a row about table arranging. My nephew and I set up the tables in rows across the floor, and started to set up the food table against the wall. Mom and Sis both said "No! Don't put that there." So we said well figure out where to place it then. So they dragged tables and chairs around into various configurations for 15 minutes until they returned to our original setup, with the food table against the wall. I refused to have anymore to do with arranging.
I say this with love in my heart for all women, the craziest man is more logical than the sanest woman. I love women, I got 3 living wiht me right now. But my wife, the smartest of us all by IQ standards just cannot be logical about somethings. This is not a bug, it's a feature. Just admit it, and all this battle of the sexes goes away. I don't want to be married to Mr.Spock. I love how she takes in every stray she finds. How she still cries about her grandparents being dead after 10 years. All the stuff I can't do.(putting up with me).
"But my wife, the smartest of us all by IQ standards just cannot be logical about somethings. "
That's whats known in gynopsychology as thinking with the vagina. The presence of jewelry, small animals, or coupons causes this. A wedding can cause the vagina to take over total control.
I gave up control to my wife a long time ago Bagoh. Told her she was the boss. Until I say she ain't the boss no more. Had to do it a few times. Seems to work for us though.
The thing is, she knows she can utterly destroy me with a word. She is my light, the reason I don't commit suicide, or go on a killing spree. I wake up to find an angel in my arms every morning. How can a man fall with that kind of support?
Andy? Give it a rest. Be strident some other time. Just relax for once in your life. The world ain't gonna end because some woman is being punished for being rude. The Society For The Perpetually Aggreived can take one day off.
I don't think she would like people to speak on those terms. It would surely harsh her mellow if forced to confront reality.
Anyway, these women's obsession with their vagina is unhealthy. Its primary purpose is realized during procreation and as an incidental but motivational center of pleasure for a couple engaged in the principal evolutionary function.
Hilarious. Perhaps some humanoids are little more than the sum of their parts. Well, sometimes they are and other times they are not. They are selective with an odd sense of contextual appropriateness.
"You realize it's the women who are being prevented from speaking? By a group of mostly men?"
-- There was no uproar when the majority was the opposite party and it was a group of mostly men keeping men from speaking. Maybe Republicans just need to have women go out whenever we need to criticize female members of the opposition so as to prevent cries of gender bias.
Oh wait, then the left tells us that conservative women are just Dick Cheney in a skirt and not real women.
You've constructed such a well-designed set of rules that everything is sexist and the only thing that wouldn't be sexist is still sexist by de-sexing conservative women and denying them both agency and their gender identity.
Fen: More apt - "I need sex so bad I'm willing to kill for it" We need a word stronger than Slut to define this selfish mentality.
Leslyn: I always thought that word was "rapist" not "slut."
You misunderstand. Women know that intercourse carries the risk of impregnation that they will kill. They also know that birth control is not 100% effective and can result in the creation of a fetus they will kill.
And yet the choose to take that risk anyway. With full knowledge that one night of pleasure may result in the death of a human.
Hence: "I need sex so badly I'm willing to kill for it"
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It's considered a put down when a man is said to be thinking with his penis, but we are supposed to respect the wisdom of the queef.
Another double standard.
You guys fell into the "vagina" trap!
And that's one thing I have a hard time forgiving my father's generation for:
Selling me out to get over their own bullshit.
I will not fight for/support my own second-class citizenship in a world built by men. Any bitch that sees this as a winner-take-all game is gonna lose fucking with me.
Are we not entertained?
Beethoven's Fifth starts with the Morse code for the first letter of vagina.
There should be more classical music at demonstrations.
Let these ladies show some talent.
1 black roil go to 2
2 women roil go to 3
3 gays roil go to 4
4 latinos roil go to 5
5 99%ers roil go to 1
Rush was sent some vagina cookies by some academic feminist group.
He was inspecting one of the cookies on the air, and Snerdly told him he was holding it upside-down.
A variant of a classic joke.
A nurse then called in to say that wasn't a vagina but a vulva, not realizing that vagina is ain intentional euphemism. Vulva seems dirty.
It's really the vulva monologues, but where's the dignity in that.
Let me entertain you, let me make you smile.
"It's really the vulva monologues..."
Are you positive about that? I would think that after all this time, Ensler knows what a vagina is.
It is telling that the first sinful result of the first sin committed in the Garden would be Eve's (representing all women to come)"desire for her husband". A more literal translation of the text reads "desire to rule over" her husband.
And the battle of the sexes was off and running . . .
In this day and age of PC and ultrasensitivity, getting people to "fall into a trap" is hardly a sign of cleverness.
"you fell into a trap of thinking I fell into a trap"
So. In 2012 two women are banned by men, in a legislative body, from speaking. It boggle the mind.
When state House Republicans -- a largely male group -- indefinitely banned two Democratic women in the House from speaking in the chamber
Perhaps they were channeling Debbie Wasserman Shultz??
Given all the fiscal problems MI is having, including the complete collapse of Detroit, one wonders how the citizens of the Wolverine State see this waste of the taxpayers' time and money.
PS Waiting for the first of the state reps to have her vagina actually speak.
A skill common in the demi-monde
We are all Butters now.
The legendary snapper.
Why do people always think smut for chicks is "clever"? But stuff for guys? Nooooooooo!
No one thinks that interracial triple penetration gangbangs just cry out for semiotic analysis or careful hermeneutic criticism. No, that's just crass.
But have a play that includes lesbian rape on a 13 yr old girl (it's now 16, but in the original it was 13) and it's high art fit for the most hallowed of public spaces.
Isn't uterus the correct female body part when talking about abortion? Why was she talking about her vagina?
What the movement really needs: a vagina ventriloquist.
"Let me entertain you, let me make you smile."
Yes, some of us can just get along.
Maybe they were told to shut up because they are assholes, rather than because they are women.
"Why was she talking about her vagina?"
If I may hazard a guess, because that's where the penis is placed, which may result in pregnancy.
"Maybe they were told to shut up because they are assholes, rather than because they are women."
So you're saying its their assholes not their vaginas that is the problem.
"Why was she talking about her vagina?"
If I may hazard a guess, because that's where the penis is placed, which may result in pregnancy.
Oh, the issue was sex, not abortion. My mistake.
It's only a trap if you buy their brand of bullshit.
This just smacks of a contrived effort to have yet another "War on Women' political theater bullshit moment ala Slut Fluke.
"If I may hazard a guess, because that's where the penis is placed, which may result in pregnancy."
Of course that won't happen if we the taxpayers provide free birth control.
So you're saying its their assholes not their vaginas that is the problem.
Yea, pretty much.
The Job of Sex, a 70s parody of The Joy of Sex, said you should be able to say simple words like boat with your vagina.
So there is precedent for No.
No problem. It's an over-wrought subject.
We all fell into the vagina trap.
Have you noticed that both life in corporate America (especially HR departments), and the outputs (rules, regulations) of our political class, started its recent decline, not over yet, simultaneously with women getting into more positions of power in both institutions? I suppose I could throw Academia in there too.
Now, correlation does not guarantee causality, but it should recommend some careful analysis.
Just sayin.
Why ban them forever?
Such old hat! (Laurence Stern pun intended).
Remember from the 70's?
Or, if you're into the classics!
(Kidz, remember that all your early modern pornographic needs can be bought at Amazon through our hostess!)
If you respond to me at all, Aha! You fell into my trap. Refusing to respond to me is itself a response so Aha! * bounce* Aha! You fell into my trap.
So what is the difference between a vulva and a vagina anyway?
No wait, don't tell me. There are some things I guess I just don't want to know. There are words for every little thing down there, words for every little aspect of every little thing down there. So if I were to ever encounter a crossword puzzle where the human bodily nether region is the theme, words and phrases for aspects of the things found in the lower central human crack, female and male, dangling or tucked in, or flapping, hanging, sagging, veining, fuzzing up, engorging and all that, specific medical words for all that, then I would be satisfied to not be able to solve that imaginary puzzle.
Ann, you have to forgive us men. The understanding of the power of the Vagina goes back to the Epic of Gilgamesh, in which Gilgamesh sapped the strength of Enkidu with the power of a harlot's vagina:
Shamhat unclutched her bosom, exposed her sex, and he took in her voluptuousness.
She was not restrained, but took his energy.
She spread out her robe and he lay upon her,
she performed for the primitive the task of womankind.
His lust groaned over her;
for six days and seven nights Enkidu stayed aroused,
and had intercourse with the harlot
until he was sated with her charms.
. . .
Enkidu ... his utterly depleted(?) body,
his knees that wanted to go off with his animals went rigid;
Enkidu was diminished, his running was not as before."
There is no misunderstanding that a vagina is a powerful thing. Men full of energy, and passion are trapped by its wiles, only to find themselves flaccid and weak upon withdrawing. The vagina saps the strength of man, his lust and passion.
No wonder men don't want this power word thrown at them in the state house.
Why ban them forever?
"No problem. It's an over-wrought subject."
Sometimes I feel really wrought.
The old saying is that women realize early in life that they are sitting on a gold mine.
"Of course that won't happen if we the taxpayers provide free birth control."
I don't have a dog in that hunt.
(I retract my earlier statement. Re-reading, I see the Republican group that voted was *largely* male. Hmmm. Wait. Why does this make a difference?)
Re-reading, I see the Republican group that voted was *largely* male. Hmmm. Wait. Why does this make a difference?
Because it lends credence to the notion that this was a political stunt to manufacture yet another a 'war on the wimmenz' meme to use as a club on the GOP.
Crack's pimp hand is strong.
I love the Vagina Monologue, not because of any aesthetic value it may offer (let's be honest it's piece of shit) but because, much like bumper stickers, the mere fact that a woman thinks it's intelligent is one hell of a red flag.
When the item about the ten legged crab found in the Roman sewer got to the part about how they noticed them where the line breaks open at the surface, how when you kneel down at the crack and peer into that gaping gash at the surface, the wound in the pipe that cannot not be healed, and peer into the darkness of the hole, then you can see the crabs crawling around in there and then the article called the ancient sewer line cloaca maxima and I cracked up laughing so hard I tossed the laptop. I was not expecting that.
That is one of my mostest favoritest words! That's not ever used on the Senate floor either come to think of it, what is it, banned over there?
Staging the play seemed like the perfect response to conservative men silencing women for speaking in direct terms about body parts -- specifically for saying the word vagina....
"This word being deemed inappropriate to be said on the House floor is creating a stir. We want to get people thinking about it."
"and we have more and more actresses calling to fill out the cast,"
I thought the word actress had been banned as inappropriate.
This is just another small chapter in the ongoing pissing match over who owns the language. Both sides can take turns kissing my ass and never stop.
I would be the happiest person in the world if the euphemism "bearded clam" were no longer tragically obsolete.
Why are there no Republican female legislators appearing? I'm confused.
This activity has opened my eyes. It's like an epiphany I'm having right now that I starting to realize I can get my favorite nether parts word said more frequently and even on the Senate floor.
This could take decades. But I think that if I write books and keep nudging and set clever traps then I can get people everywhere to say cloaca.
cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca
A model of efficiency.
"Brown sparked the controversy when she said Wednesday: "I'm flattered that you're all so interested in my vagina, but no means no" -- a statement that opponents have called vulgar, unnecessarily provocative and an unfair reference to rape during a debate on bills about abortion.""
"When will the speaking ban end?
"I have no idea. I have never even heard officially why I can't speak," Brown said."
""No one is throwing these words around (in the Legislature) without a rational context. If these men can't handle the debate about women's bodies, they shouldn't be taking away our rights" to abortion access, Whitmer said."
Apparently it was the inappropriate, unfair, and insulting rape inference, and not the word vagina.
Imagine if a Republican, of either gender, had made a joking allusion to rape by saying "No means no," in the course of a debate on abortion.
In the last 48 hours, the Detroit Free Press has devoted about four times the column-space to this phony controversy than the financial collapse of the City of Detroit. Granted; there's been a lot of coverage about the Detroit budget crisis before the last couple of days. But the Michigan Democrats (and their daily newsletter that goes by the name of the Detroit Free Press) have done everything they can to accessorize this wholly-manufactured contorversy.
Meanwhile, here's the really funny thing; there is a Wisconsin quality to all of this inasmuch as all Democrat efforts appear to be devoted to the heat and fire of outrage, completely forgetting about the legislation and the policy at hand. This debate occurred during debate on a package of bills that nibble around the edges of the abortion issue; increased malpractice insurance limits for abortion providers, some "anti-coercion" provisions, criminalization of abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, increased licensing requirments for abortion providers, prohibitions on "webcam" abortions where abortifactants are prescribed remotely, and requirements that aborted fetuses by buried or cremated.
All of that detail has been pushed off the front pages. Instead, everyone is talking about the word "vagina."
You guys fell into the "vagina" trap!
Oh no! It's the vagina paranoia!
Happy Father's Day to all those brave men who enter...the Vagina Zone.
Chip, a cloaca is a vagina that does double duty(so an appropriate name for a sewer).
Isn't uterus the correct female body part when talking about abortion? Why was she talking about her vagina?
I'm glad I'm not the only one wondering that.
She was talking about a bill that would restrict abortions after 20 weeks. What does that have to do with vaginas? Hers in particular.
She is either ignorant or was trying to be provocative. Or both.
"Happy Father's Day to all those brave men who enter...the Vagina Zone."
On this Father's Day, we need to remember how they became fathers.
But I'm not sure I'm saying cloaca right myself. First I must ask an expert about this, a biologist who would know how to pronounce these words. I'm saying it like clow as in snow aka. Is that right? Because that would be a bummer to launch a [movement] and get the word wrong from the start.
cloaca -ae f. An underground drain, sewer
You want
vagina -ae f. 1. The sheath (or a sword or sim.), scabbard. b. (applied to other protective cases) 2. (transf.) A natural structure resembling a sheath; (esp. applied to the leaf-sheath that encloses an ear of corn before it emerges).
Oxford Latin Dictionary
Phil, yes it is that. It is what you said. But it is so much more than that too. It is whence the precious eggs emerge. Eggs, Phil, life-giving eggs!
I understand that's why the eggs have to be thoroughly washed off before consumption, and I mean thoroughly, except for fish eggs because all that happens in water already and they're small and stuck together.
The funniest bit to me was when she compared her vagina to her elbow.
I think we might have to start licensing sex in Michigan. She seems a little confused.
"And it's Ric Flair, with a bionic vagina to the face!"
"What's the matter with you? Oh, nothing, just a little tennis vagina."
This is what I think of when I hear cloaca
Why are the democrat pro-abortion females being asked to stop talking? I suspect they have already used up their allotted time, but I cannot tell from the article. All I gather is that yet again, the democrat females are victims.
This reminds me of a lady who had her obligatory Hysterectomy around 50, and she started bragging to everyone about the new procedures she had he doctor do while she was out of commission.
They measure the husband's penis carefully and then reconstruct her vagina so she is a perfect tight fit for him.
They couldn't stop bragging about it for both of them, which seemed weird. But thy sure thank God for modern medical advances.
Thanks for this,rh,"A natural structure resembling a sheath; (esp. applied to the leaf-sheath that encloses an ear of corn before it emerges)"
I just got the corn seed dealers invite to the 'knowledge plot academy', and instead of going for the "delicious pork chop dinner and fun giveaway items" I'm going to go to ask the guys, "show me the vaginas"....
Phil, yes! That is why I admire chickens so much. It's why I am for legislation to improve their conditions. Chickens are not just egg pooping machines, they have rights. To rationally discuss chicken rights we must openly use the word cloaca and not let poopy pants mutli-hole having Republicans discuss the matter by restricting our language. cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca cloaca .
Oh golly! Yet another recitation of the stupidest monologs since Noah left the ark.
How about if we make abortion mandatory for Democrats? Will that work?
prevent us from discussing, but you got that. cloaca
"I may also from time to time be struck not by the rightness but by the dumb fortune, or irony, of certain placements of the parts and features of the body, as Yeats was, for example, by love's having pitched its mansion in the place of excrement...Certainly any changes I can dream up in the arrangement strike me as quite insane."
Stanley Cavell "The Claim of Reason"
While both sexes agree that having two orifices that are interchangeable for some activities is convenient, only one of us thinks that blabbering is one of those activities.
clow as in snow aka. cloaca. See? you say vagina I say cloaca. Call response. Goes like this: vagina cloaca vagina cloaca vagina cloaca vagina cloaca. We sing, we do. I like these gals, they're fun.
A vagina has its own cleansing mechanism, all the references to sewers is getting a bit sick. That vagina was the tube in which your big fat baby heads travelled through to get into the world, show some respect.
"Have you noticed that both life in corporate America (especially HR departments), and the outputs (rules, regulations) of our political class, started its recent decline, not over yet, simultaneously with women getting into more positions of power in both institutions?"
Yes I have and here's what I see as the decline's instigators:
1- woman on woman back scratching/favoritism and its inseparable obverse, woman on woman gutting;
2- endless dramatics fostered by an abundance of women in an hierarchical organization.
Women are necessary in any hierarchical organization, indeed, any organization, yet, when they get in roles unsuited (e.g., line infantry) or numbers too many (probably indeterminate until past the time exceeded), an organization disorganizes. Men in roles unsuited and numbers too many has the same effect but in different ways. Ditto queers of both kinds.
It may be best seen as a matter of orthogenesis by any element of a system. Many women, and especially queer women, have been pushing their own orthogenesis for decades. It's destructive.
It's funny how you can't say vagina but you can say transvaginal ultrasound.
About the "silencing" in this case...
The Michigan House of Representatives was just wrapping up a session before an extended summer recess. Reps. Brown and Byrum had both had their opportunity to speak on the abortion bills on the second-to-last day.
On the final day of the session, the Republican leader told the Democratic leader, as a courtesy, that he had decided to not call on Brown and Byrum to speak on the last day, given the previous day's fireworks. (Another Democrat had been sanctioned by the whole House just a couple of weeks earlier. Rep. Jorge Sanatana, D-Detroit, had gotten into repeated physical confrontations with other Democrats such that his own leader had asked the Republican House leadership to remove Santana from his committee assignments.)
The courtesy was that instead of letting the two Reps just sit all session, they could go on to other personal matters. The "not calling on opposition to speak" tactic had been regularly applied to Republicans back when the chamber had been controlled by Democrats.
This is all much ado about nothing; but the story is acutally made EVEN MORE BANAL by the left-leaning media that wishes to simply shoehorn the story into the 'Repuboican War on Women' meme.
That vagina was the tube in which your big fat baby heads travelled through to get into the world, show some respect.
Yeah, that's Mother's Day, we already had that.
I bought her a blender.
Equal Time:
And on the first of May, we celebrate V-Day. And come June, oh-ho baby, it is the lick of my spoon. Come August, we like to celebrate Saint Suck My Big Fat F--king Sausage!
"Respect the Cock! ...And tame the cunt!"
Tame it! Take it on headfirst with the skills that I will teach you at work and say no!...You will not control me! No!...You will not take my soul! No!...You will not win this game! 'Cause it is a game, guys. You want to think it's not, huh? You want to think it's not? You go back to the schoolyard and you have that crush on big-titted Mary Jane. Respect the cock. You are embedding this thought. I am the one who's in charge. I am the one who says Yes!...No!...Now!...Here!... And it's universal, man. It is evolutional. It is anthropological. It is biological. It is animal.! (simulating sexual thrusting)
...Let me tell you what we're gonna teach Denise when we put our calendars to work and we set goals. What I say is, 'Denise...' 'Denise the Piece.' I mark it down. I write it up. And you have been warned. Because I have my lasers. I have my Tasers, I have my ICBMs. I have my bazookas, I have my jets pointed right at you. Because me and my brothers, we like to celebrate. And on the first of May, we celebrate V-Day. And come June, oh-ho baby, it is the lick of my spoon. Come August, we like to celebrate Saint Suck My Big Fat F--king Sausage!
I set goals for myself and when I say I do not want to take it anymore. I will not take it anymore. Do you think she's your friend, Geoff? You come here and you think she's your friend. They're not your friends. Do you really think that she's gonna be there when things go bad? Huh, guys? When things go wrong, do you think they're gonna be there for us? Oh-ho. You think again. Oh, f--king Denise, Denise the piece. You're gonna give me that cherry pie, sweet mama baby.
Oh yeah, but listen up. That is not to say that we don't all need females just as friends, 'cause we're gonna learn later in Chapter 23 that havin' a couple of chick friends lyin' around, come in real handy in setting jealousy traps. We'll get to that later.
Algore created the vagina for appreciation of men and babies, the vulva for men's appreciation and the uterus for babies' appreciation.
It's an entirely different body part that women are most appreciative of.
So I take it on Father's day it's fun to compare a vagina to a sewer? I don't think any Republican or conservative woman here would agree with that comparison or find it amusing.
Well have fun, all you potty mouths.
"A vagina has its own cleansing mechanism, all the references to sewers is getting a bit sick. That vagina was the tube in which your big fat baby heads travelled through to get into the world, show some respect."
The Vagina Monologues is an invitation for disrespect.
"A vagina has its own cleansing mechanism, all the references to sewers is getting a bit sick. That vagina was the tube in which your big fat baby heads travelled through to get into the world, show some respect."
The most feminine part of a woman's body has always been my favorite part of a woman's body but the vagina monologues invites disrespect.
"A vagina has its own cleansing mechanism, all the references to sewers is getting a bit sick. That vagina was the tube in which your big fat baby heads travelled through to get into the world, show some respect.
Agree 100%, AllieOop.
"...Certainly any changes I can dream up in the arrangement strike me as quite insane."
Sweet talker.
And this Sabbath is shot to hell. One of these days I'm going to keep a holy Sabbath.
Anyway, in church this morning we baptized six little babies. They were really cute. It was a really happy day.
I'm sorry I called babies "tit-sucking shit machines" earlier in the week. That was rude. My bad.
Those here looking for the vulva need go no farther (further?) than Judy Chicago's "The Dinner Party" in which admiring critics/feministas have lionized her for "literally" putting "...the vulva on societies plate. And not in a hidden way." One critic going so far as to say Chicago "invites society to 'eat' of their vulva, of their womanhood." And further, for society in this figurative way "to 'nourish' itself with the profound achievements wrought by women."
Calling Christopher@ 12:02. Be sure to add Judy Chicago and The Dinner Party as yet another (OH-soooo-very valid) Red Flag test, lol..
Thanks a lot, Phil. Now I can never watch Star Wars again.
This is the kind of thing that makes people think women are stupid and hysterical.
This is the kind of thing that makes people think women are stupid and hysterical.
Yep, and the response from men here is so mature and insightful.
A friend of mine has a Picasso of a woman displaying her cat flap, as if airing out on a hot summer day, hung low at table height right there in the dining room.
That vagina was the tube in which your big fat baby heads travelled through to get into the world, show some respect.
I am outraged and offended. We Caesarian-Americans will no longer be marginalized and ignored by society at large. I demand an apology to my people.
Yep, and the response from men here is so mature and insightful.
Maybe I have pussy insight and I don't want to share!
As for immaturity, ahhhhh, you got me.
Come on, in honor of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along."
I want to know how that mofo got to have a fucking pool in his backyard? I just have some flowers, tomato and basil, thyme and rosemary plants.
She was quieted because she was being vulgar, not because she said, "vagina." The word "vagina" was not what made her speech vulgar.
Of course, these women know that, but they fly into a harp seal chorus, pretending the issue is something else that they find easier to argue.
I don't think that it will be possible to rehabilitate the word "feminism."
I'm trying to imagine a man saying something similar, snarky and slightly off subject (rape instead of abortion) and presenting it all as undue interest in his cock and jewels.
My brain insists on Austin Powers or else a rather dull athlete named Biff.
Austin finishes the line, "Are you interested in my jewels" with "baby."
Biff finishes the line, "You just want to see my cock" with that particular grab himself and lift up off his heels motion.
"You're all interested in my vagina" is just as rudely personal.
A man would be sued for harassment, even if he used the term "penis" and accused his female co-worker of having an untoward interest in his.
Blogger Andy R. said...
It's funny how you can't say vagina but you can say transvaginal ultrasound.
6/17/12 1:05 PM
Try say "transvaginal ultrsound" five times real fast. It's as funny as vagina.
"This is the kind of thing that makes people think women are stupid and hysterical."
Yep, and the response from men here is so mature and insightful.
Sarcasm is the something's wrong and men have to fix it complaint.
I googled "lady parts" and I got this.
I mute all tv ads, but I've seen a lot of ambulance chaser ads about suing transvaginal mesh manufacturers. Can anyone explain what that is?
Freeman Hunt said;
"She was quieted because she was being vulgar, not because she said, "vagina." The word "vagina" was not what made her speech vulgar."
Looks like the "vagina is a sewer" discussion died down a bit. Much quieter.
I will say this, it's not necessary to be vulgar in the State Legislatures to get a point across. But she shouldn't be censured indefinitely.
Freeman Hunt said:
I don't think that it will be possible to rehabilitate the word "feminism."
That wins the month of June for Best Post.
And "Most Accurate".
They should have just taken it to Twatter.
Looks like the "vagina is a sewer" discussion died down a bit. Much quieter.
A woman's work is never done.
AllieOop said...
"I will say this; it's not necessary to be vulgar in the State Legislatures to get a point across. But she shouldn't be censured indefinitely."
Neither Rep. Brown, nor Rep. Byrum, were "censured." For one day, the House leader would not recognize them for floor-speeches. There was not one thing about this silliness that was "indefinite."
Neither member of the House was denied any other opportunity to vote or participate in legislative affairs.
To read the hysterical Democrat-left, the two representatives were seemingly bound and gagged and dragged from the chamber forever. Ridiculous.
AllieOop said...
So I take it on Father's day it's fun to compare a vagina to a sewer?
if ya quit puttin' stuff other than penis' in em you wouldn't have that problem.
A friend of mine has a Picasso of a woman displaying her cat flap, as if airing out on a hot summer day, hung low at table height right there in the dining room.
Now I'm trying to find that Picasso.
Here's a cat, but no flap.
This seems like some kinda something.
I got a knowledge vibe from this one. Book knowledge is not the same as actual knowledge, though. I could write a thesis paper on this one. And damn those man hands are freaking me out.
She's playing with something under the table. I got hand issues again. Castration!
Not loving the Picasso women. I prefer pop art myself.
"Yep, and the response from men here is so mature and insightful."
-- When men say stupid things, men tend to treat them dismissively and with extreme prejudice. If women want to be treated the same way as men, then they should expect to be insulted and dismissed in the same way the man would dismiss an idiot man. I'm not vulgar, so I wouldn't imply the woman was trying to rape me, but apparently, since the woman in question thought implying men wanted to rape her was intelligent discussion, if a man is of equal vulgarity to her, I can see him being, ah, dismissive.
Don't want people to be jerks to you? Don't accuse them of wanting to rape you.
Since it's father's day, here's some manly symbolism for the father of our country. Yay!
Rusty, talk about being vulgar. Why denigrate the human vagina? Don't your mothers, sisters and daughters have them too? Don't conservative women have them too?
I'm far from being a prude, but wow. Beginning to sound like a .... wait for it....a war on the vagina.
Picasso had a late porn period, Suite 347 or something.
"Why denigrate the human vagina? Don't your mothers, sisters and daughters have them too? Don't conservative women have them too?"
-- Eh, people throw around dick head, prick and I'm sure there are other vulgar terms for penises I don't know off the top of my head. Again, it would be ideal if people didn't use salty language at all, but the woman who is crying foul *was implying that the men she was insulting wanted to rape her.* Hence, "no means no." I can't really feel a lot of sympathy for her if people pile on after that.
Ah, yes. "The Vagina Monologues" and it's good rape. We all should use it as a guidepost.
Why denigrate the human vagina?
Minds out of the gutter.
Matthew has anyone said said a penis was thing that floated in sewers? Oh had anything to do with sewers?
Is a woman's vagina a sewer, a cloaca? If so then why do men keep trying to get in them? Go figure.
Matthew: When men say stupid things, men tend to treat them dismissively and with extreme prejudice. If women want to be treated the same way as men, then they should expect to be insulted and dismissed in the same way the man would dismiss an idiot man. I'm not vulgar, so I wouldn't imply the woman was trying to rape me, but apparently, since the woman in question thought implying men wanted to rape her was intelligent discussion
The idiot woman was sanctioned b/c accusing men of wanting to rape here was in violation of house decorum. But since she used the word "vagina" in her tantrum, all the feminazi's are clutching their pearls and pretending she was banned for saying vagina.
There are already several instances on record where someone on the House floor used the word "vagina" in appropriate context. None of them were banned.
But apparently, there are alot of stupid women out there who get the vapors over this.
You've come a long way, baby. Not.
why do men keep trying to get in them?
Hard wiring. It makes no sense to the men either.
And they're hard-wired to make sense of things.
I think Chip is about to write the "Cloaca Monologues".
I'm sure plenty of chicks will want to watch.
In the mid-70's we had a local car salesman who would break the ice with young males on the used car lot:
"You looking for a two-door hardtop with a vaginal top?"
She was quieted because she was being vulgar, not because she said, "vagina." The word "vagina" was not what made her speech vulgar.
ah. Well, there it is. The thing that wasn't mentioned at the link. Doesn't fit the narrative.
Didn't read all of the comments, but the female representative using vagina in lieu of womb or uterus was stupid.
But the Republicans banning her from speaking are even stupider.
So Allie Oop asks why we denigrate the human vagina. And I say to myself, that's not fair, sometimes I denigrate the monkey vagina or the walrus vagina. And then of course I have to google "monkey vagina" (oh no!) and I got this.
Now you might ask, and I'm sure Allie will ask, why men do not have the proper respectful tone when it comes to the human vagina. Which, as she pointed out, gave birth to us! And the answer, I think, is that the vagina is an absolute blast, way fun, the bomb--you gay guys really ought to check it out--but because it's so much fun, so mind-blowing cool, so amazing, we find ourselves doing all sorts of shit to impress the owners of the vagina. In fact in my more romantic moments I might even suggest that it's not the vagina per se but really the whole package. Or at least a lot of different parts, working in harmony. Eyes, legs, boobies, etc. You can tell Picasso is an influence. Anyway, this amazing human we call woman--and some of us object to reducing said creature to "vagina," although of course that is a fun spot to visit--is so amazing and cool that we have a fear that she is manipulating us to do stuff that we wouldn't normally do. And so while we are quite fond of our former home--technically the uterus, which has also been mentioned on this thread, but we tend to lump 'em all together, vagina-uterus-home, and we want back in there. But there is also doubt. Ambivalence! And I think it's because of all the manipulation that goes along with vagina-love. Also you shrink our penis! On the other hand, you enlarge it, too. Up and down, up and down. And of course that is the male identity, we've been handling it since we were a small child--you know we pee out of it, right Allie? Don't get all goo-goo romantic on the penis. There's definitely a sewer-penis correlation. It's a cause and effect relationship. Unlike the vagina which has nothing to do with urine at all. Way cleaner. Way cleaner! Although kind of fishy, as has also been pointed on this thread. And while I like that smell a lot, in my experience women don't really want to hear about it. And, in a word, ambivalence. Freud stuff. Yes. That's pretty much what I want to say, on this, the vagina thread.
St. Croix, you made me laugh. I love it when you get philosophical.
Boys will be boys, I guess. My 9 year old grandson makes fart noises with his armpit, funny stuff.
When do boys outgrow it?
um, never, sorry!
For Saint Croix and Allie Oop ... a graphic truth. No snark, it's one of my favorite truth photos, and testimony to better halves everywhere.
What kills me is that these feminist think that "vagina" is some universal term created by God to describe female genitalia. They always says "just say vagina that's what it is!" No it is not, it's female genitalia, and vagina is just a word, and it's only one word in a million to describe female genitalia. They should get over themselves they are the greatest bigots in the world. They are "vagina supremacists." It's all they are concerned with--it's extremely shallow and certainly not diverse, since all males are excluded from the elite bigoted club.
Saint Croix'S rant is much funnier if you read in Roberto Unger's voice.
Another chapter in the vagina wars.
More apt:
"I need sex so bad I'm willing to kill for it"
We need a word stronger than Slut to define this selfish mentality.
"Boys will be boys, I guess. My 9 year old grandson makes fart noises with his armpit, funny stuff.
When do boys outgrow it?"
-- When women don't accuse people who disagree with them as wanting to rape them.
Oh, look! ... CLOACA!!
Don't fall in!
To the vagina trap.
"These big vagina ladies are getting away with murder!"
Armstrong and Getty:
"Octomom has a porn film coming out. I expect a big opening."
Leslyn, I love your avatar. But I gotta tell ya: that's like Bill Clinton using Monica's picture.
LOL, Aridog.
That kinda reminds me of this.
I'll have what Saint Croix is having.
That was the most concise, thorough and scholarly description of ... something, that I ever heard.
"My 9 year old grandson makes fart noises with his armpit, funny stuff."
Nobody falls for you blaming him, do they?
Blame the dog - they can't argue.
Vagina monologue in deed.
I got the first two sentences, but the third one is puzzling me.
Eve's Monologue
Much more entertaining than the Vagina Monlogues.
Lefty women are so godawful boring. Every utterance is a monologue, not just in re: the vagina.
Talk talk talk talk talk talk talk.
An interminable cloacaphony of solipsistic pap.
On and on and on, until you want to poke an awl into your ears just to make it stop, or perhaps that is their goal.
This is sixth grade girl territory: I'm gonna tell! Yer being mean to me!
Obligitory Curb Your Enthusiasm link:
Shit, even Father's Day is about them.
Few things are more tiresome than a leftist scold.
Pogo, OK, just for that, I'm going to take my vagina and go home, hmpfff.
And this wasn't the Fathers Day thread , it was the VAGINA thread, LMAO.
NOW I'm going home.
Sweetheart, I hope it goes everywhere you go, if not, you should prolly go see a doctor. ;-)
Hence forth my vagina will no longer speak to any of you dicks. So there.
"Hence forth my vagina will no longer speak to any of you dicks. So there."
Mazel tov!
Hava nagila
Hava nagila
Hava nagila ve-nismeha!
Finally a vagina is going to stop talking! It's not that guys oppose vaginas talking. It's just that we're trying to watch the game on tv.
And I want to give a standing ovation to the entire blog for staying on point. Way to focus on the vagina. I'm so proud.
I was at a medical conference this week, and the woman speaking about wear and tear arthritis in old ladies' knees said it was an example of gender bias in medicine.
Christ on ice skates!!1!
I left and went to a used book store to calm down.
There are fewer and fewer places to escape their awful thinking. Not work, not church, not the news. Ack.
Oh never mind. I'd rather talk to my girlfriends anyway.
Except for Pogo. Damn it.
He's a skunk, what does he know, oops I mean a possum.
Well, if your vagina is gonna behave itself, it can stay,... quietly.
But, I gotta tell that the last time a woman left her vagina here, it made a mess of the place, and generally ruined the conversation,... like they do.
Hell, no, St. Croix, totally on topic. The conference even had an entire session on vulvar abnormalities. There was so much estrogen in the talks I almost had a period.
Now you men don't REALLY want a well behaved vagina, just a meek, quiet one, one that knows its place.
Just don't punch and then claim we can't hit back because yer a girl.
That's all.
Well, damn it, then quit calling our precious vaginas a cloaca!
That's what I mean. Men call each other all sorts of shit, and don't pay it no never mind.
But women get all girly and pious when treated just the same. It speaks of weakness and double standards.
WEAK?! Ha, I'd like to see some of you squeeze a big 10 pounder out into the world.
The Vagina Monologues!...Say it slowly..Va...GI...Na...! Sounds like a bad chinese accent(don't start about chinese vaginas)
Okay, now we're talking about a part of the womans body that gets yeast infections. And to cure those infections you can buy products like Monostat 11. 11 becomes that's how many days it takes to cure the infection. But they also have MOnostat 7. 7 for the same reason. HUH? It's also available in 3?!? I have one question, WHY???!!!
Why would any sane person chose 11 over 7, let alone 3? It's because as stated on "The Big Band Theory" bitches be crazy.
Friday, setting the tables for my prents 55th anniversay, my sister, Mom, and my nephew, and I, got into a row about table arranging. My nephew and I set up the tables in rows across the floor, and started to set up the food table against the wall. Mom and Sis both said "No! Don't put that there." So we said well figure out where to place it then. So they dragged tables and chairs around into various configurations for 15 minutes until they returned to our original setup, with the food table against the wall. I refused to have anymore to do with arranging.
I say this with love in my heart for all women, the craziest man is more logical than the sanest woman. I love women, I got 3 living wiht me right now. But my wife, the smartest of us all by IQ standards just cannot be logical about somethings. This is not a bug, it's a feature. Just admit it, and all this battle of the sexes goes away. I don't want to be married to Mr.Spock. I love how she takes in every stray she finds. How she still cries about her grandparents being dead after 10 years. All the stuff I can't do.(putting up with me).
How come women are strong enough to have a baby, but too weak to have an argument?
Oh yeah?! Well men have SMEGMA! Ew.
Well Pogo, my vagina is laughing too hard, it's not in the mood to argue.
"But my wife, the smartest of us all by IQ standards just cannot be logical about somethings. "
That's whats known in gynopsychology as thinking with the vagina. The presence of jewelry, small animals, or coupons causes this. A wedding can cause the vagina to take over total control.
Just re-rreading the headline for this post..."Ensler flies in" can lead to so many punch lines.
"on her broomstick"
"and the flies carry it up"
"Manny makes tthe tag at second"
Such ripe, fecund ground for a wise acre.
Venus Fly Trap.
How come women are strong enough to have a baby, but too weak to have an argument?
You realize it's the women who are being prevented from speaking? By a group of mostly men?
I gave up control to my wife a long time ago Bagoh. Told her she was the boss. Until I say she ain't the boss no more. Had to do it a few times. Seems to work for us though.
The thing is, she knows she can utterly destroy me with a word. She is my light, the reason I don't commit suicide, or go on a killing spree. I wake up to find an angel in my arms every morning. How can a man fall with that kind of support?
Andy? Give it a rest. Be strident some other time. Just relax for once in your life. The world ain't gonna end because some woman is being punished for being rude. The Society For The Perpetually Aggreived can take one day off.
I'd like to see some of you squeeze a big 10 pounder out into the world.
Man, that's like 10 ribeyes.
But you know we do our part, Allie. Orgasms and ejaculation. We're on it!
Also, if you need some snow pee art, we can handle that.
So will they be reading the original play, as written, or the secondary (tertiary?) version?
You realize it's the women who are being prevented from speaking? By a group of mostly men?
OMG! A group of MOSTLY MEN!!!
silencing women for speaking in direct terms
I don't think she would like people to speak on those terms. It would surely harsh her mellow if forced to confront reality.
Anyway, these women's obsession with their vagina is unhealthy. Its primary purpose is realized during procreation and as an incidental but motivational center of pleasure for a couple engaged in the principal evolutionary function.
Hilarious. Perhaps some humanoids are little more than the sum of their parts. Well, sometimes they are and other times they are not. They are selective with an odd sense of contextual appropriateness.
"Now you might ask, and I'm sure Allie will ask, why men do not have the proper respectful tone when it comes to the human vagina."
My partner used to say a woman was a life support system for a vagina.
I don't think he said that to his wife.
Eve Ensler looks like a cross between Alfred E. Newman and Anna Wintour.
You drive a Volvo. If you live in Saskatchewan, you an drive it to Regina. Wait, what?
wv: "vokyou" (you too, wv program)
"You realize it's the women who are being prevented from speaking? By a group of mostly men?"
-- There was no uproar when the majority was the opposite party and it was a group of mostly men keeping men from speaking. Maybe Republicans just need to have women go out whenever we need to criticize female members of the opposition so as to prevent cries of gender bias.
Oh wait, then the left tells us that conservative women are just Dick Cheney in a skirt and not real women.
You've constructed such a well-designed set of rules that everything is sexist and the only thing that wouldn't be sexist is still sexist by de-sexing conservative women and denying them both agency and their gender identity.
But, yeah. Mostly men!
I'll have what Saint Croix is having.
That was the most concise, thorough and scholarly description of ... something, that I ever heard.
He's channelling Francis Ponge.
I'd like to see some of you squeeze a big 10 pounder out into the world.
Yes, but can Allie pee around a corner?
Fen: More apt - "I need sex so bad I'm willing to kill for it" We need a word stronger than Slut to define this selfish mentality.
Leslyn: I always thought that word was "rapist" not "slut."
You misunderstand. Women know that intercourse carries the risk of impregnation that they will kill. They also know that birth control is not 100% effective and can result in the creation of a fetus they will kill.
And yet the choose to take that risk anyway. With full knowledge that one night of pleasure may result in the death of a human.
Hence: "I need sex so badly I'm willing to kill for it"
You guys fell into the "vagina" trap!
Big deal. Men have been doing that for thousands of years.
A friend once told me "All poetry is about pussy." Not totally true, but it's close.
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