June 22, 2012

Why are you so selfish?

If you're on the left, you're sensitive about that aren't you? Well, then...
Got a birthday, anniversary, or wedding coming up?

Let your friends know how important this election is to you—register with Obama 2012, and ask for a donation in lieu of a gift. It’s a great way to support the President on your big day. Plus, it’s a gift that we can all appreciate—and goes a lot further than a gravy bowl.

Setting up and sharing your registry page is easy—so get started today.
It's the Obama Event Registry, and I know they are making fun of it over at Hot Air and Instapundit and all those right-wing places that attract the greedy sort of person who doesn't know what it means to truly bleed deep in your heart for the poor and suffering people of the world to whom Barack Obama will minister in his second term when he is finally free of the bonds of the electoral system. It is time to sacrifice — and to display to your friends and family how much you sacrifice — for the betterment of humankind. And if any of them are receiving presents for their wedding/anniversary/birthday, may they feel the shame and, in their weakness, may they know that you are a finer, truer liberal than they.


Simon Kenton said...

Well, Jesus, Ms Althouse! If ever I'm getting on your bad side, just PLEASE give me a warning. You talk about butt-blistering, you talk about painting the inside of somebody's jock strap with Atomic Balm Horse Liniment and Ground Fiberglass (Iactually, generally, you don't talk about that, but you get my drift), you can really lay waste when you touch off that keyboard. Great post.

Synova said...

And someone thought this was a good idea?

Deb said...

I think I'll donate to Karen Klein instead.

jeff said...

Amazing. I was a huge Reagan supporter in 80 and 84 and it would have NEVER occured to me to request something like this. Not to mention that my friends and relatives are all over the map, socially and politically. I assume most people are the same way? Whoever came up with this assumes if you are a Obama supporter, all your friends and relatives (the people coming to your wedding) all feel the same way? And that this could never backfire on your special day.

rhhardin said...

Readers of Shades of Grey may wish to withdraw their wedding registry at Home Depot, according to Mark Simone on Imus.

Tim said...

The Grifter-in-Chief wants to poach your wedding gifts.

Non-tax deductible, too!

I really, really want all those morons are support this asshole to donate as much as they possibly can to him, and then for him to lose.

Instead of china, crystal, silverware, matching towels, cookware, kitchen appliances, etc., etc., etc., give money to the "re-elect the wealth destroyer" campaign.

If I got that wedding invite, I'd donate the wedding gift to the Romney campaign, just for spite.

It would serve them right.

rhhardin said...

Either Obama is clueless or I am, is the situation.

yashu said...

Heh heh heh.

Once again, the Obama campaign preempts and transcends any parody of it. Beat that, Iowahawk: you can't.

edutcher said...

This was the other big story coming out this afternoon.

Yeah, forget all that stuff you need to start a life (you won't have the jobs you need, anyway), nothing's more important than Barack.

It's all about him.

Unless, of course, you care about the Romster officially vetting Paul Ryan.

WV "socketin" Not sure, but I think Judy Carne once said it to Burt Reynolds.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

What next?

Shaking down our couch cushions for spare change. T

Turning out our pockets for lint.

Scrounging through our purses at night for those coins stuck to old gummy old Life Savers candy?

CWJ said...

It's hard to improve on your posted comments. I won't even try, except to say that I just don't understand the mindset that would go for this appeal. It's a mystery. And to the extent that their actions might obligate the rest of us, its scary.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why is Obama so selfish to think that any bride would want this? This is HER big day.

Obama is gross.

Patrick said...

I wonder if an Althouse Amazon portal to the President's gift registry would generate any revenue.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dust Bunny - I'd gladly send Obama my sticky old life saver candy fuzz covered pennies.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Plus, it’s a gift that we can all appreciate—and goes a lot further than a gravy bowl.

Actually.....no. That gravy bowl or serving platter will become a family heirloom with treasured memories of holiday meals with Mom,Dad and the whole family.

Long after King Barack is worm food, another generation will enjoy using the gravy bowl.

David said...

Words fail.

Patrick said...

Funny this comes out the day Mary Cheney married her girlfriend. I suspect Ms. Cheney is bright enough to see through the President's BS.

Anonymous said...

Obama and his crew used to be the coolest kids in town and now I swear they are the lamest of the lamest. How does one flip so dramatically so fast?

I tell you why. Because they were bullshit from the very beginning and fools fell for it. What's sad is some are STILL falling for it. Or what's worse refusing to admit they were fools.

David said...

I thought dems were in favor of gravy boats. Maybe it's gravy trains. High speed gravy trains.

Tim said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"Plus, it’s a gift that we can all appreciate—and goes a lot further than a gravy bowl.

Actually.....no. That gravy bowl or serving platter will become a family heirloom with treasured memories of holiday meals with Mom,Dad and the whole family.

Long after King Barack is worm food, another generation will enjoy using the gravy bowl."

Except, should the morons re-elect the Grifter-in-Chief, the need for family heirlooms will be of such small concern it won't really matter.

Rifles and ammunition would be a far better gift then.

David said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jason (the commenter) said...

Considering his target audience, this is actually a really good idea. However, considering his target audience, I don't think any of them will go through with it.

TosaGuy said...

Next they will send you a list of your neighbors and what they have donated, urging you to talk to them if they have not sufficiently donated.

Simon Kenton said...

Come on, people. Anybody would think you have no more understanding or subtlety than a bunch of KosKommenters. Wedding gifts are just a trial balloon. They aren't the real issue, just an indication of our devotion. What's wanted here are our children, and I for one have pledged SK, Jr. Top that, Mr. Secret Tapes!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Grandma, you really need to fork over little Billy's birthday money.
@ BarackObamaLeanForward .com

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Rifles and ammunition would be a far better gift then.

Already prepared. Guns, ammo, food, supplies and scotch.

TosaGuy said...

Julia would do this.....but unfortunately Obama didn't include marriage in the timeline of her life.

That is some mighty poor planning

wyo sis said...

He wants in on all that same sex marriage loot.

Revenant said...

Long after King Barack is worm food, another generation of women will enjoy using the gravy bowl.

Fixed. Let's be realistic, here. :)

exhelodrvr1 said...

Why don't people who will be dying before November include his campaign in their wills?

Tim said...

Jason (the commenter) said...

"Considering his target audience, this is actually a really good idea. However, considering his target audience, I don't think any of them will go through with it."

Yeah, I hear you. I'm totally down with the Grifter-in-Chief impoverishing his supporters...especially if the House Republicans can stop him from increasing welfare eligibility.

wyo sis said...

If I got an invitation asking me to give to Obama instead of giving the couple a gift I'd immediately send a huge gift to Romney in their name and tell them I did it.

Tim said...

***Obama Event Registry***

Got a family death scheduled through the Department of Health and Human Services coming up?

Let your family know how important this election is to you—register with Obama 2012, and ask for a donation in lieu of flowers. It’s a great way to support the President on the big day. Plus, it’s a gift that we can all appreciate—and goes a lot further than a notice in the local obituaries.

And, for the truly committed, we're accepting gold teeth, silver fillings - no contribution is too small!

Setting up and sharing your registry page is easy—so get started today.

Register with Obama 2012

Saint Croix said...

Need an Althouse is awesome tag.

Anonymous said...

Give up your gravy bowls to keep Obama on the gravy train.

ALP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AllenS said...

I just sent $50 to the Union Gospel Mission in St. Paul, MN. Fuck off Obama. Creep.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Tim: Yeah, I hear you. I'm totally down with the Grifter-in-Chief impoverishing his supporters...

I could see a liberal spontaneously doing this. But for the Obama team to ask people to donate like that, shows how out of touch they are.

Rusty said...

This smacks of desperation. Flop sweat and pit stains.

Funny you should mention that. Did Mittens feel he had to make a big deal about Ryan after the busload of nuns came to Wisconsin to protest Ryan's budget--which the Roster had already endorsed?

Having what to with what exactly?

I'm Full of Soup said...

This thread has some HOF all time classic comments Althouse - starting with Synova's "and someone thoght this was a good idea". Too many to list. Good job all!

yashu said...

leslyn @7:40

I think you got the parties mixed up.

Carnifex said...

I think you guys are missing what is actually going on here. This is stratgery of the highest order. I shall illuminate...

Zero has just had the worst week of a bad month of news. Because all the srories of his fuck ups are getting so big the LSM can't cover for him anymore. Hell, even NBC mentioned F&F. Not in anyway that hurt Zero but they did mention it.

So, how can a WH that depends on the LSM covering their ass make sure tha bad stories are nor mentioned? They do that by giving the LSM something to cover that is ridiculous.

This will get mocked, while the import things are ignored. Eventually, some peon will be blamed, thrown under the bus, and then nothing. For 2, possibly 3 weeks, depending on how the news cycle goes. Then another stupid, outrageous announcement will be given on a Friday(do you think a Friday release was an accident?)

They hope to eek out control for 3 months total, and then the election cycles will be upon us, and the LSM will ignore everthing else without prompting.

A lot of sarcasm is in my post, but with these snakes, there's enough doubt to consider it for real.

Anonymous said...

Now seriously folks, if you can come up with a more mockable campaign ploy, I'll send you my much treasured bed pan first used (and never cleaned) by my great Aunt Myrtle. Family lore has it that Auntie Myrtle was prodigious in every way, from her cheekbones on down.

Michael K said...

This is just too funny to be a serious issue. Obama has to be kidding. Even my federal employee daughter, who was a big Obama fan, is quiet these days when the subject comes up. I gave her a copy of The Amateur for her birthday last month. She gave me a copy of Obama's book 'Audacity of Hope" for Christmas a couple of years ago. I wish she had given me the other one as it sounds more interesting. I did break down and order Marannis' book.

kcom said...

I don't have any money but can someone give me an address to send a tea cosy to in lieu of cash. All those campaign workers would probably appreciate some hot tea.

Jane said...


"Breaking: President, film crew escorted from school bus after asking teenagers to taunt him #Obamafundraisingideas"

edutcher said...

leslyn said...

Unless, of course, you care about the Romster officially vetting Paul Ryan.

Funny you should mention that. Did Mittens feel he had to make a big deal about Ryan after the busload of nuns came to Wisconsin to protest Ryan's budget--which the Roster had already endorsed?

I'm sure leslyn thought she had some devastating rhetorical point planned as a rejoinder, but we'll never know what it was.

Then again, neither did she.

Quaestor said...

If Obama managed his campaign finances as well as he manages the national economy ....ERROR...ERROR...REBOOT

The reason Obama's in a jam is because his campaign spends it faster than it comes in, much like his Administration. And this in spite of the fact he gets all those presidential perks (i.e. dollars straight out of your pocket) that Romney must pay for out of his pocket, e.g. food, air transportation, security, cars, fuel, accommodations, television airtime whenever he wants it, computers, cellphones, network access, stationery, clerical staff, political staff, Marine guards, Marine band, etc.

So take pity on the guy -- but don't give him money, he's proven he can't handle it. Send him the extra toaster or that battery-operated espresso grinder your idiot second cousin gave you after you told him not to.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Giving money to Obama as an act of charity is like, after a disaster, giving money to the earthquake.

TosaGuy said...

"TosaGuy said... "Next they will send you a list of your neighbors and what they have donated, urging you to talk to them if they have not sufficiently donated."

Hey, that's a lesson courtesy of the Republicans during the Wisconsin recall"

The letter was from the lefty Greater WI Political Fund. http://my-my-my.newsvine.com/_news/2012/06/05/12065899-walker-recall-controversial-get-out-the-vote-mailer-shows-who-voted-who-didnt-in-recent-elections

Google first, then post

Chip Ahoy said...

The 4th of July is coming up soon and you can show how important this national holiday is by donating the money that you would spend on jingoistic vain patriotic expressions that are just noisy disruptive fire hazards to the Obama campaign instead. Do the right thing this year. :-)

Plus, since you are so super smart to know what jingoistic is without looking it up, go ahead and donate an extra $5.00 to reward yourself. :-)

ooonaughtykitty said...

>> Dust Bunny Queen said...
"What next?

Shaking down our couch cushions for spare change. T

Turning out our pockets for lint.

Scrounging through our purses at night for those coins stuck to old gummy old Life Savers candy?"

6/22/12 6:46 PM

What about selling a kidney?

TosaGuy said...

Instead of giving kids allowance, invest in their future by giving it to Barack Obama

Larry J said...

Why stop at a gift registry? Instead of spending two months salary on an engagement ring (my ass!), give her cubic zirconium and send the money to Obambi!

Obama 2012: Because 4 Years of Failure & Corruption Aren't Enough!

Carnifex said...

Some wise ass has set up a fake account at the Obama Register. His name is Ishka Bibble, and his page is called Ish's page. Geez! the nerve of some people, wastin the Presidents time, playing stupid pranks on him. I sugest every go to the Obama Register and set up their own page to counter this crass assholery.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama can have my vain expressions of July 4th jingoism.
I'll pack a box right now!

Then again, I really don't have time. I'm preparing my pretty little self to marry the government.

Revenant said...

Did Mittens feel he had to make a big deal about Ryan after the busload of nuns came to Wisconsin to protest Ryan's budget--which the Roster had already endorsed?

I doubt anyone gives a shit about the "busload of nuns".

What Ryan would bring to the Romney campaign is enthusiasm -- Ryan is one of the few Republicans who (a) has political power, (b) is competent, and (c) is liked by Tea Partiers.

If I were Ryan, though, I wouldn't go for it.

Richard Dolan said...

This pitch by Team O is getting into pretty weird territory, not all that different from some nasty cults. it's as if we've gone from the messianic One of 2008 to 2012's political version of Jim Jones or the Branch Davidian wackos from Waco. if that's the progression, then next stop is Dear Leader-dom. All they need is a creepy hymn to O-man.

Synova said...

"Beat that, Iowahawk"


Synova said...

"Why is Obama so selfish to think that any bride would want this? This is HER big day."

Julia thinks it's dreamy.

Carnifex said...

Don't forget the nifty lttle uni's all those guys get that turn into OWS haute couture.

Synova said...

Oh futz! Tosa Guy beat me to Julia.

TosaGuy said...

"All they need is a creepy hymn to O-man."

Creepy Obama Worship Song gets 1.6 million google hits.

Tim said...

"And if any of them are receiving presents for their wedding/anniversary/birthday, may they feel the shame and, in their weakness, may they know that you are a finer, truer liberal than they."

...whereby Obama finds another rational for endorsing gay marriage, and begins to contemplate endorsing polygamy. Gotta manufacture reasons and ways for people to give, give, give, give, give and give some more.

coketown said...

All this ridicule could have been avoided. "When you give alms to the rich and powerful, do not let the right wing know what the left wing is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Führer, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Oh yea.. in lieu of a present to a newlywed friend.. who is gambling hes not getting laid off while paying off a humongous school loan.. send it to Obama's money pot, because lord knows Obama is struggling with a meager $260 million.

Tim said...

"All they need is a creepy hymn to O-man."

Coming up: Creepy Hymn to O-Man

I knew this guys was a shit back in '07. Still stuns me that 53% of the electorate bought the game.

Ken said...

To be fair, the personal is political, right? And what could be more personal, and therefore the most political, event in anyone's life besides the covenant made between you and the one you love? It's only natural that weddings become political platforms.

Chip Ahoy said...

Well Citizen, another Summer is almost over and soon Autumn will bring harvest celebrations and our nation's children will be going door to door for tricks or treats. Time to get ready making those costumes.

Download the costume patterns right here.

And while you are thinking about all that sugar candy rotting your children's teeth, consider contributing instead to

Your precious little darling will be so adorable in their Obamabot costume, so take a picture and ENTER it in the PRECIOUS LITTLE DARLING IN OBAMABOT COSTUME FOR REELECT OBAMA NOW GODDAMNIT CONTEST.

Think of the children.

Chip Ahoy said...

Thanksgiving is a ti

oh fuck it.

dreams said...

"Well, Jesus, Ms Althouse! If ever I'm getting on your bad side, just PLEASE give me a warning. You talk about butt-blistering, you talk about painting the inside of somebody's jock strap with Atomic Balm Horse Liniment and Ground Fiberglass (Iactually, generally, you don't talk about that, but you get my drift), you can really lay waste when you touch off that keyboard. Great post."

I agree, Althouse can kick some butt. I just shared her post on Facebook.

dreams said...

"I wonder if an Althouse Amazon portal to the President's gift registry would generate any revenue."

Oh, so maybe Althouse is just fiendishly clever? Selfish and greedy too?

bagoh20 said...

I wonder if you got caught robbing a bank and claimed that you were gonna donate it all to the Obama campaign, would the sheriff get a call from the Obama campaign or Eric holder. I know the bank would to see if they could beat that offer.

Michael said...

What is the issue some commenters have with the portal to Amazon offered on this site? I mean, what the fuck, the Professor offers a stimulating platform for us to amuse ourselves, compose our thoughts and there is some problem that she might make a little something by steering us to Amazon? And people think it awesome to snide about it. Why, exactly? Is it envy, stupidity or just stupidity?

wyo sis said...

Your kids don't need new school clothes and supplies. A gift to Obama goes a lot further than those new crayons.

Forget your vacation this year. A gift to Obama goes a lot further than a trip to the Grand Canyon.

Do you really need to see that movie?

The possibilities are endless. Let Obama be your next dependent, he'll do a lot more for you than that kid you thought you'd like to have.

ddh said...

All the Obama wedding registry needs to be perfect is a video of Anna Wintour intoning "Don't be late."

Tim said...

Obama in '08: "I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.

Obama in '12: "all your wedding gift belong to us,'

with apologies to: http://twitchy.com/2012/06/22/obama-says-all-your-wedding-gifts-belong-to-me-sparks-obamafundraisingideas/

wyo sis said...

Yeah, I'll go there Chip. Thanksgiving will be too late send your air miles now.

dreams said...

"What is the issue some commenters have with the portal to Amazon offered on this site? I mean, what the fuck, the Professor offers a stimulating platform for us to amuse ourselves, compose our thoughts and there is some problem that she might make a little something by steering us to Amazon? And people think it awesome to snide about it. Why, exactly? Is it envy, stupidity or just stupidity?"

I don't have a problem with it, I've used it to buy some stuff though nothing large or expensive.

Daddy Binx said...

***Obama Event Registry***

Expecting an unplanned (and unwanted) little bundle of joy?

The Department of Agriculture has determined that it will cost you $235,000 to raise that child to the age of 17. Why not terminate that pesky pregnancy now and save, save, save?

Let your friends and family know how important this election is to you— register with Obama 2012, and ask for a donation in lieu of a bunch of booties, blankets, and binkies. It’s a great way to support the President on the big day. Plus, it’s a gift that we can all appreciate—and it's a whole lot cheaper than trying to raise some bratty kid.

Setting up and sharing your registry page is easy—so get started today.

Register with Obama 2012

Tim said...

"Actually I was thinking of the flier that listed the highest-paid Janesville teachers and urged people to look them up on the public recall petitions--and then ask the school superintendent that “my child be assigned to a classroom taught by a non-radical teacher during the 2012-2013 school year."

That's what private schools are for.

EVERYONE knows that.

David R. Graham said...

S/He and entourage own the country, to include persons and property. So why not point out great patriotic opportunity/duty to direct wedding and all other voluntary giving to them? Rulers own the ruled, do they not? Besides, America is an evil country, racist, imperialistic, colonialist, so fleecing of Americans is deserved by them, to atone for their sins. As is diluting their Americanism, citizenship and rooting religion into oblivion with unintegrated and hostile foreigners. It makes sense. S/he is confident of remaining in power one way or another. That confidence is justified.

Shanna said...

Let Obama be your next dependent, he'll do a lot more for you than that kid you thought you'd like to have.

He already kind of is. Can I write him off on my taxes?

What is the issue some commenters have with the portal to Amazon offered on this site? I mean, what the fuck

People are joking. Lighten up, Nancy.

JAL said...

Is it envy, stupidity or just stupidity?

Naaah. None of the above. Some of the Althousians just like to needle her.

She's tough.

JAL said...

Any word from Miss Manners?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What is the issue some commenters have with the portal to Amazon offered on this site? I mean, what the fuck, the Professor offers a stimulating platform for us to amuse ourselves, compose our thoughts and there is some problem that she might make a little something by steering us to Amazon? And people think it awesome to snide about it. Why, exactly? Is it envy, stupidity or just stupidity?

Lefties hate profit, unless it's for them. Then they love it and it's all A-OK.

bagoh20 said...

This another case of the unprecedented incompetence of this guy and his people. This is being widely panned - a major PR screw up and unforced error. What next, presidential panhandlers?

TosaGuy said...

"Actually I was thinking of the flier that listed the highest-paid Janesville teachers and urged people to look them up on the public recall petitions--and then ask the school superintendent that “my child be assigned to a classroom taught by a non-radical teacher during the 2012-2013 school year.”

Hey highly paid radical teachers....feeling guilty because you are drawing a check and parents won't put their kids in your empty classroom? Donate part of yoru check to Barack Obama so he can educate us all!!

DADvocate said...

If it wasn't for low class, he'd have no class at all.

wyo sis said...

It's almost like Obama WANTS to lose this race.

Les Carpenter said...

This man's arrogance would be funny were it not so pathetic.

What a jac*a*s, I wouldn't sacrifice a bad bout of hiccups for Obama.

TosaGuy said...

Hey Wisconsin Public Employees, Sorry about your loss a few weeks ago. I really tried to help Tom out. I did tweet a time or two and waved from Air Force One as I flew to Minneapolis. Anyway, sorry it didn't work out. But lets make lemons into lemonade. Since most of you have quit your union and no longer pay union dues, how about sending me that money instead?

Your Friend


Carnifex said...

A young Mickey Roooney as Andy Hardy: "Hey gang! The President is in trouble and needs our help!"

Judy Garland: "Well gee Andy, what can WE do? We'r just a bunch of kids."

AH: "We can put on a show!. Mr. Johnson at te school will let us us the school stage"

JG: "I don't know Andy, singing and dancing sounds so corny. This IS the coolest President we've ever had though. And he's black too. Well, somewhat."

Ah: "Judy Garland! You selfish bitch! You go out there and sing...Sing for that coolest President ever."

JG: "Okay Andy, but there must be other things we can do for him"

Anonymous teenager 1 (AT1): "we could hold a bake sale and give Obama all of the proceeds."

AT2: "We could open a kissing booth featuring Henry Waxman."

AT3: "We could steal all Namcy Pelosi's meds and sell them."

ATF Agent: "We could sell firarms to Mexican drug lords in hopes of fomenting so much violence that the Mexican Government demands our Second Amendment be scratched."

E(ric) H(older): "Shhhh! That's not for public disemination."

B(ill) C(linton):"Did somebody say 'SEMEN', OR 'SEAMEN', OR 'SEE MEN'? We must be precise in our definitions...Hey Judy! Nice tits!"

AH: "Hey everybody! It's the first 'first' black president! Mr. President can you play the sax for our show?"

BC: "Well little feller it all depends on if the Toto in my pants can find its home with little Dorthy there."

JG: "Ohh, Mr. President, you silver tongued devil."

BC: "Yeah. It's the one thing...oops, second thing I'm famous for. Anyway what's this show about?"

AH: "It's a fund raiser fir Barrack Obama! He needs our help defeating that successful business man, family man, and deeply religious man, Mitt Romney, before Romney can take away abortions from prepubescent teenage girls!"

BC: I'm all for pregnant teenage girls Andy, but I ain't liftin' a finger to help that ni..."

I'll stop it here.

Carnifex said...

Apologies to the grammer nazis, for some reason I can't type worth adamn anymore.

ddh said...

Does the Obama campaign accept donations of food stamps?

KCFleming said...

Has Barack picked out his wedding dress yet?

bagoh20 said...

Nice work Carnifex. I hope Obama doesn't steal it. They wouldn't even mind the sarcasm.

I think they believe that their screw-ups will get them pity donations, and the good stuff, if they ever stumble upon it, will work too. They don't care how bad it looks, just get the damned money.

ddh said...

Kids! You don't have to be 18 to keep me working for you in the White House. The Tooth Fairy wants you to share.

Your friend,
President Obama

Crankycon said...

This is crazy.

What's next? Will Obama present every married couple with a copy of "Dreams from My Father"?

wyo sis said...

Only for a substantial donation and a % of the take.

Synova said...

LOL Carnifex.

(Totally random gripe: Why do people in charge of computer security think it's a good idea to make you change your password every semester to something new and twisty which just about guarantees it's going to be written on a note card and taped to the front of your monitor? Just saying, in case anyone wants to steal my stuff later, that by the time I graduate my password is going to be S*ckmyN*ts!)

KCFleming said...

Synova's awesome.

bagoh20 said...

I don't know if others do this, but I have a system for passwords that makes it different for every application but does not require memorizing any of them, so what does not work for me is changing it, or when they require it to have specific characters or format.

Also the common system of security questions is lame. Most of them like: the city you were born in, or your first pet, or such are things that other people may know about you, so that's not so good.

The ideal is when you can write you own questions and answers. That system virtually eliminates having to remember, but is still very secure. IMHO.

coketown said...

Just saying, in case anyone wants to steal my stuff later, that by the time I graduate my password is going to be S*ckmyN*ts!)

Synova, dear, you need at least one number.

bagoh20 said...

If you are looking for it, no, there is no joke in that last comment. I'm just bored, and too old to masturbate.

bagoh20 said...


Carnifex said...

An esy way to store passwords is to download a few books. When you invent a new password, and its better if it's total gibberish, just randomly insert the new password in the document. If you forget the password, pull up your book, and run spellchecker on it.
Voila... there's your password.

My wife and I use the same password for everything. Only she and I, and 2 other people know it. Well 4...5 know it, but we trust 4 of them.

Carnifex said...


Too old to cut the mustard doesn't mean you can't lick the jar...go find teeny bopper and show her what an old man can do.

bagoh20 said...

"show her what an old man can do."

I think that would involve begging.

John Stodder said...

Ann this was an enlightening post. You solved a mystery.

My liberal friends are, if anything, MORE passionate and insistent on their support for Obama. I have stopped criticizing Obama in earshot of these friends. They simply can't handle it.

I didn't understand why. He's been such a failure. They read the news. They know about the high unemployment rate, the failed Arab Spring, the stimulus failure, Fast and Furious, etc. They don't talk about it, but it's not like they deny these things exist. They can't really deny that he's been an unsuccessful president.

But I think the campaign, with this idea, has captured the zeitgeist and you, Ann, picked up on it.

It's all about making Obama king. Not for life, but for 2-4 years, starting with the day after election day.

The fantasy is, Obama's been holding back, and with re-election, he'll be unleashed. And all the good he can do, his lightkeeper qualities that my friends and other liberals know is there, inside him, an eternal flame, will finally be shown to the world. He will rule, and nobody can touch him, and his aides won't be telling him he can't do this, can't do that, it'll hurt his re-election. The re-election is a specific cause -- give America an unchained, unabashed leftist president with nothing but history to concern himself with. What might he do?

That's the dream... the one Teddy was talking about,, lo, 32 years ago, the dream that will never die...

Seriously, that's what it's all about. That's why this promotion, so absurd to those of us who see this campaign as desperate, is in fact brilliant and part of the overall scheme. I'm not saying it will work, but it's the only answer. Make it a cause. Create social pressure to vote for Obama and to give money to him. Maybe by pressing, bullying and wheedling, it'll make an impression, enough to get him over the top.

And boy will it get nasty if Obama loses. Romney is the dream-killer. He'll call Bush and accuse him of having it easy.

Carnifex said...

It's good for your ego to hear 'em beggin' };-)

@John Stodder

That's what I fear. That, and the fate of our country rests with people who will not be bothered to think about what adisaster Zero has been, because "Desperate Housewives", or "American Idol" is on. Tv and the dumbing down by the NEA will do to America what England, Germany, Russia, China, and all those little arab bastards couldn't. Destroy America.

crosspatch said...

I read on Twitter that Obama and a film crew were thrown off a bus of middle school kids.

Chip Ahoy said...

i-Tunes forced a changed password and made such a BFD out of it, so insistent, so demanding, so specific, it wasn't a password at all. Three pages then fail. They totally defeated the purpose. It was idiotic.

So I told them bite me.

And they were so nice trying to help me. They really were. Bless their little hearts, I love them so.

But I happened to be an gen-you-wine asshole that morning, a big fat giant asshole, and I found it fun to drag out the service by being retarded recalcitrant and generally thick and it was so much fun dragging out the whole thing explaining over and over repeating and emphasizing and developing greater depth to why I am unwilling to change my password to spend $1.00.

I kept saying $1.00.

I'm such an ass, I wrote him, to check [xkcd password strength] as if he would. Then finally admitted there was nothing he could do. Thanks for the help but now, eh, I'll think about changing it later when I cannot find something elsewhere for 10¢ or for free. Last resort. But be of good cheer, i-Tunes is still a good place to samplemusic.

Motivated by David Thorn's inspirational exchange with Jane Gilles. Thorn tried to pay a bill with a drawing of a spider. The polite discussion went on at length. Eventually he auctioned the spider picture on eBay, winning bid $10,000 but during that time copies appeared on eBay accessorized the spider with holiday outfits and other costumes so that the 7-legged spider rapidly developed into an internet meme.

Clyde said...

You can't make this stuff up! And stunningly enough, this was not from The Onion.

We've been arguing about whether Obama is Carter 2.0 or Nixon 2.0, but apparently, he's really just the Second Coming of the Grinch Who Stole Christmas (and birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, etc.).

I wouldn't touch him with a 25-1/2 foot pole.

AlanKH said...

Left-wing political selfishness knows no bounds.

A wedding is about the bride and groom, NOT ABOUT SOME GREEDY TINHORN POLITICIAN.

jvermeer51 said...

The left doesn't care about the poor and downtrodden. They care about telling you how much they care about the poor and downtrodden.

Rusty said...

You know what's cool? I'll tell you what's cool.
Some old lady bus monitor in New York State is raising more money than Barack Obama.
Did I say cool?
I meant funny as hell.

Deb said...

Tzedakah for Obama.

samanthasmom said...

Got a shovel ready relative? In lieu of flowers. . . .

Paco Wové said...

"Some old lady bus monitor in New York State is raising more money than Barack Obama."

Maybe the Democrats could put out a video of Obama being bullied by some mean Republican kids.

Mr. D said...

And boy will it get nasty if Obama loses. Romney is the dream-killer. He'll call Bush and accuse him of having it easy.

No doubt about that.

gbarto said...

If you donate through the registry, who is listed as the contributor? The person with the registry? Or the person who made the donation? Looks to me like the Obama team took a little bad press on a Friday afternoon and created yet another way to make it just a little harder to keep track of who's writing the checks and where their money is coming from.

David-2 said...

It is obvious that the Obama campaign has some savvy staffers who just read a Microsoft Research paper being discussed on the web this week: "Why Do Nigerian Scammers Say They Are From Nigeria?"

The reason: It takes a lot of effort on the part of a email scammer to deal with false positives, so they want to weed out as many as possible up front. They pitch their spiel at the most naive, gullible suckers. Only that way can they concentrate on the most likely to give up the cash.

You can see how this applies here ...

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