৬ জুন, ২০১২

"The Whupping in Wisconsin: Seven Key Conclusions."

'It's time to reflect. My own instincts are to enjoy the security of knowing things have not been upset. We're not going back. Peace has arrived. It's a beautiful morning. Or, as Meade just said: "It's morning in Wisconsin." But if the recall election had gone the other way, there would have been lusty gloating and aggressive interpretation of what it all means. What a stern repudiation of conservative politics it would have been!

So I want to look at some things like Erick Erickson's 7 conclusions. (The parentheticals are my reactions.)

1. "[D]efense of public sector unions is now a non-starter..." (This was known after the primary, when Barrett defeated Falk. Then Barrett had nowhere, really, to go. But he tried, with vague themes like bringing back "Wisconsin values" and making it possible for neighbors to speak to neighbors. The whole idea of the recall stopped making sense. )

2. The "coalition of disaffected independent voters, tea party activists, and Republicans held together." (Disaffected? I'd say the independent voters — e.g., me — coolly assessed the situation in Wisconsin and decided it's best to keep going in this direction.)

3. "[T]he Republican Party’s use of technology in its GOTV efforts really paid off.... The Democrats handed the GOP a marvelous gift of a recall that went on and on and on. By the time everyone got to the gubernatorial recall, the GOP had its GOTV tweaked perfectly." (Interesting. I kept hearing about how amazing the Democrats were on getting out the vote. The GOP never contacted us. We got 2 in-person visits from Democrats in the days before the election — in addition to Dem robo-calls — but on election day, we got nothing. I think one of the individuals who encountered Meade at the door — I never answer the door — figured out we were people who shouldn't be gotten out.)

4. We can discern that "Barack Obama is extremely nervous." (He was nervous and he showed it. That tweet-only contact with Wisconsin was an embarrassing display of nervousness. It made me think of that old 2008 theme: He voted present.)

5. "[E]xit polling does not work well for recall elections." (I'd say exit polling is so deeply defective that it should be ignored. I saw CNN using exit polling to make a show out of the night, to push ratings. They have these spiffy displays, to show numbers, which John King purports to explain to Wolf Blitzer, but the numbers are — I will presume from now on — bogus. It's like finding out "American Idol" doesn't count the phoned-in voters. No. It's worse. At least "American Idol" contestants are actually singing. But John King explaining the meaning of things that are not real? Why are we watching that? Is that independently entertaining? I can imagine a reality show where contestants are given ridiculous and false factoids and then they are judged by how much we enjoy their efforts to explain them. Actually, I used to play a little game like that with my sons when they were little. It was called "What if you had to argue...?")

6. "Barack Obama is still the favorite" in Wisconsin. (Is he relying on the exit polls?! I think the Obama people are completely freaked out now. And the better Walker does over the next 5 months, making things work — or making us feel that things are working — without the static or protests and recall and with economic numbers improving, the more the people of Wisconsin may get the impression that Romney can do things like that at the national level and save us from the depredations of liberal policy.)

7. "MSNBC is consistently the most entertaining news network in America when things go badly for the left.... I was actually concerned that Ed Schultz might have a medical episode on live television last night. It was … surreal." (I didn't watch much MSNBC. I get my fill of lefty acting-out in real life here in Madison. But maybe it is a fun TV show. Lord knows the CNN attempts at explaining nonexistent things are useless.)

Erickson has an 8th item, but he won't fully commit to it as a conclusion: "Anger does not win elections." (Anger... what exactly are we talking about? Dumb rage is unappealing, but some kind of fervor is needed. I think Barrett was a bad candidate because he was basically bland on the issues, he claimed he would restore good feeling, but he would rear up with angry talking points intermittently. This doesn't convince people that it's worth ousting somebody who's in the middle of doing a job that seems to be working and who seems reasonably steady and competent.)

২৩৭টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   237 এর 201 – থেকে 237
Alex বলেছেন...

Allie, 70% of the military are Republicans. Deal with it. Or an invoking your daughter is lame, lame.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

Oh bullshit. You run her up the flagpole every time you post here as if that somehow makes you a better person.

So take your moral authority and shove it lady.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Scott, again with the same old shit, IF I have a daughter in the military. Whatever. There are many minorities in the military, most of those minorities are liberal and Democrat. I don't know which way it breaks down, but to say that all or even most is wrong.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

Plant a cherry tree and feel good about yourself and walk away. However, you also need to make sure the tree is appropriate for your location. Water, stake and prune the tree. Protect the new tree from deer or other animals who will decimate the new shoots.

Considering I've planted Montmorencys twice so far, and they've thrived -- with very little maintenance -- I'm not sure exactly what follow-up is needed. Aphid infestations? None. There might be deer along this bike path (there are certainly coyotes) but they don't stick around (it's right next to the let your dog run free through here parcel of land between the cemetery, golf course and bike path).

You can criticize me for many many things, but knowledge of horticulture is waaaay down on the list.

Scott M বলেছেন...

I don't know which way it breaks down, but today that all or even most is wrong.

It's statements like that that make me doubt you, so I'll stick with "if" and give you the benefit of some doubt. The fact that you think it's even close, re liberals vs conservatives in the active duty military says a lot.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Kiss my ass Hoosier.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

You know I posted a picture of my daughter here, I think this game has gotten very old, it really does not reflect well on you folks.

Guess I'll go to that celebratory picnic on the lake in our pontoon boats after all, my conservative neighbors at least are a decent bunch.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Yep, and I'll keep bringing it up evey time someone here says that the military is comprised of conservatives as did Simon.

THAT gives me the moral authority jackass.

Good for your daughter and everyone should honor her service. Good for you for raising responsible and honorable children.

But it doesn't give YOU any more credibility or any special moral authority in a political discussion. I doesn't give you the right to waive your daughter's service around like a bloody shirt. (That is an historical reference...look it up).

If you want to debate issues and debate religion and debate anything go ahead. If your daughter wants to do the same, I'm sure everyone would be more than interested in her opinions and all would be able to conduct a civil conversation. However, your daughter's opinions do not give YOU cover or super special moral authority for your own opinions.

The military IS "mostly" comprised of conservative leaning men and women. That is a fact. The fact that your daughter is a liberal in the military and as such is in the minority is also a fact. So?

Trying to declare "moral authority" based on the actions of others is a show of weakness of position.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


You know I posted a picture of my daughter here, I think this game has gotten very old, it really does not reflect well on you folks.

You're the one bringing up your daughter. That doesn't really reflect well on you.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

You know I posted a picture of my daughter here, I think this game has gotten very old, it really does not reflect well on you folks.

Perhaps we need to make it more clear.

Who. Gives. A. Fuck.

Your daughter is not posting here. You are.

@ Madison Man. I wasn't disparaging YOU for planting a tree or two. Cherry trees would be fabulous along a biking path and I think you should do it. I'm pointing out that the best of ideas, still need to have some follow up beyond the idea stage.

No aphids! I'm jealous.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Of course , when JAL mentions she has a son in Afghanistan it's OK right, because she is a conservative, what a bunch of fucking hypocrites you are.

Ugh. Some of you here represent the worst in conservatism, glad my neighbors don't resemble you.

Dave বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Aridog বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Nathan Alexander বলেছেন...

Do you know 100% which way she votes?

What if she is just telling you she is still liberal so as to maintain family harmony, but votes conservative when she gets in the booth?

Would that change anything?

Chip S. বলেছেন...

Where the hell is Audie Murphy's Mom?

She sagely reminded us that every person in the military has a parent. Except the orphans, of course.

Aridog বলেছেন...

AllieOop said...

"Yep, and I'll keep bringing it up evey time someone here says that the military is comprised of conservatives as did Simon.

THAT gives me the moral authority jackass.

I've tried to stay out of this hi-jacking, but you make it impossible. As a combat veteran I must ask you just how does your child's service give YOU moral authority? Moral authority that is somehow greater than those who have not served? Even if you have served yourself.

You just don't get it do you? For one, despite my service time, enlisted in 1968 no less, I can't imagine claiming any such moral authority. The men and women with moral authority in this subject arena are all taking dirt naps.

Alex বলেছেন...

Allie is proposing a country where only those who have served in the military get the right to an opinion.

Roger J. বলেছেন...

hmmm--the "moral authority" argument, IIRC, was created by the excrable Maureen Dowd with respect to Cindy Sheehan--say, whatever happened to Ms S? Apparently her "moral authority" only applied with respect to Mr Bush's policies.

Steve Koch বলেছেন...

Nice to see the mostly mellow ruminations.

Two years ago Wisconsin ranked 41st in state business climate rankings. Now it is up to 20th. That should translate into an improved economy as more businesses move into the state.

Steve Koch বলেছেন...


Of course you're proud of your daughter serving.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


Of course , when JAL mentions she has a son in Afghanistan it's OK right


Roger J. বলেছেন...

alex: wasnt that the argument in Starship Troopers?

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...


Your moral preening about the political affiliations of your possibly existing daugher fall on deaf ears.

You have no moral authority, period. It makes no difference at all if one, or even a sizeable minority of active duty service members share in your looney left wing values. Any organization with that many people will have a wide ranger of viewpoints, but that vast majority (born out by every poll done in the last several decades) are conservative. The military vote will be one of the factors that puts little Zero out to pasture, which is why in past elections democrats have worked so hard in many cases to make it dificult for them to vote.

Your idealogy was soundly rejected last night, and I will not be as gracious as Governor Walker. You do not deserve.

So in conclusion, nana nana boo boo, stick your head in doo doo.

TOTAL RECALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex বলেছেন...

Roger - yes it was and I can't say I'm against the concept of tying voting rights to federal service. But let's have the conversation. You don't get to say right now that just because you were in the military that gives you more rights then someone who didn't. That's not our system.

Scott M বলেছেন...

wasnt that the argument in Starship Troopers?

If we had Heinlein's Starship Troopers government, Ms Oop would not get to vote. Her daughter, if she actually is serving or has served, would. Ms Oop could have any opinion she wanted, though.

Roger J. বলেছেন...

heatydes 38alex--I wasnt supporting Heinleins argument and I would never suggest just because I have served gives me no special rights, nor, as you say, should it.

Simon বলেছেন...

AllieOop said...
"Simon, are you a Priest? If so, you seem to be highly political…."

No, I'm a married layman.

"if you were the Chaplain to my daughter in Afghansitan who is serving with the Marines as a Corpsman and is a liberal and progressive, what might you say to her? I know she is upset as I am this morning, while she is over there serving her country."

I would say "thankyou for the service you give, and the honor you bring to, our country."

"Is there something wrong with being political and being a Priest, can a Priest maintain his own religious convictions and be highly political? I'm asking, I honestly want to know."

I think priests can be political, but it's difficult for them to be partisan, not only for pastoral reasons, but for the for the reasons outlined in this post and more recently in this one.

"I'll keep bringing it up evey time someone here says that the military is comprised of conservatives as did Simon."

The military is composed—the whole comprises the parts, the parts compose the whole—by-and-large of people who are not hostile to the military. Because liberals are hostile to the military (what it does, how it does it, what it represents, what it involves), they typically self-select out of military service. There are exceptions, to be sure, but there is a simple reason why General Clark had the endorsement of precisely zero of his former colleagues, and it wasn't that they didn't like him personally.

Scott M said...
"Unitarian and chaplain are a bit like saying two other clever, pithy things that don't necessarily have anything to do with each other."


Seeing Red বলেছেন...

My dad is buried in Lincoln Cemetary, what moral authority does that confer upon me?

Chip S. বলেছেন...

That depends.

What are your politics?

Steve Koch বলেছেন...

In retrospect, how did it ever make sense for a state to force its employees to join a union and to confiscate employees' wages for union dues? How is that even constitutional? Why would even most dems support that attack on liberty?

It seems obvious that these two basic reforms (i.e. not permitting states to force state workers to join a union or to confiscate state employees' wages for union dues) will spread very rapidly across most states. This will cause state gov employees union membership to plummet (as occurred in Wisconsin), leading to much lower political contributions by state gov unions.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

No aphids! I'm jealous

Plenty of Japanese Beetles though, and lots of lawns that the grubs can munch on in winter/spring. (sigh).

Well, the trees are done fruiting by the time the beetles arrive, and short of plucking those indestructible little buggers off and putting them in kerosene and lighting it and watching them die a very fiery death (highly satisfying!) there's not much to do.

My tree this year had plenty of flowers but not much fruit. I'm not sure if the flowers came out before most of the bees (during the super-early warm spell that was the last two weeks of March) or if some spotty frost hit it during April. I'm inclined towards the former explanation.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

I think priests can be political

I think bishops have to have politically savvy. How can you ascend to the upper reaches of a bureaucracy like the church if you are not? I know that's not the kind of political you mean, but it's related.

The bishop here is highly political. So is our Parish Priest, but in the opposite direction. It makes for interesting tension.

Scott M বলেছেন...

There is plenty of diversity within the clergy. One priest might be very religious while another might be a Unitarian.

Simon বলেছেন...

MM, funnily enough, your bishop was recently spanked by the National Dissenting Reporter for not being political enough—see my post here!

Farmer বলেছেন...

This is what the left is all about: alienating the individual (it's all about the "collective" or "the state"), making them unhappy by setting them in conflict with their fellow man

Good point: the right hasn't been in conflict at all over the past year with the lazy, entitled union thug leeches who work for the state of Wisconsin. They just want everybody to get along!

Except the union thugs who work for the State. They can go straight to hell.

Scott M বলেছেন...

Except the union thugs who work for the State. They can go straight to hell.

If something cannot go on forever, it will not. It's not the person involved with that thing that the conflict begins with, however much that person(s) decides to fight back, but rather the unsustainable thing is the primary target of our ire.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   237 এর 201 – থেকে 237   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»