June 7, 2012

"Who are these people? They're not even from Wisconsin... and they're calling it over?!"

The day after the recall election, protesters show their spirit... confronting the CNN bus....

The Solidarity Singers shall not be moved... but the CNN bus is leaving.


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Farmer said...

But "the Right" both tolerated and encouraged the union thug nonsense.

Where, exactly is the "nonsense"?

Are you suggesting nobody in a union accosted, threatened, or tried to harm anybody?

Further, comparing that to Walker = Hitler is absurd.

Since Walker isn't Hitler, but people in unions were thugs.


I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Farmer said...

I know you live to make people miserable you hateful little mutant, but I can assure whatever disappointment I had is long gone. We're stuck with this jackhole, for now at least, and thems the breaks.

So why you are still miserable? I see most of the other Walker cult members here are still miserable too.

I'm not with Stupid, by the way.^

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

I know you live to make people miserable you hateful little mutant, but I can assure whatever disappointment I had is long gone.



Remember, it isn't a lie, if you believe it!

Brian Brown said...

I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Mind you, from the author of:

The Farmer said...

Because it's easier than making an intelligent argument, I suppose.

Why, it is almost as if you're an idiot or something.

Farmer said...


Remember, it isn't a lie, if you believe it!

Why don't you kiss him instead of talking him to death.

Brian Brown said...

I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Thank you for demonstrating my point.

Really, just precious.

Brian Brown said...

The Farmer said...

Why don't you kiss him instead of talking him to death.

Why don't you get a clue?

Farmer said...

Why, it is almost as if you're an idiot or something.

Great, now I feel bad about myself. I hope you're happy.

David said...

I don't feel bad Garage. I'm glad to see you. I'll get over it but hey nice of you to stop by.

Brian Brown said...

This Dem hack is now on TV repeating they "Obama won the exit polls" silliness.

I guess when you've lost every high profile race since Jan 2009, exit polls are something to hang your hat on???

Fen said...

When was the last time a liberal made an intelligent argument here?

None of the liberals here impress me as deep thinkers. Its all bumper-sticker sound bytes repeated ad naus.

Are people like Farmer the best they've got?

Farmer: That's your rationale for why it's okay to call your opponents lazy, entitled thugs?

See? Case in point - the best Farmer can come up with is a Strawman about something I didn't say.

Tim said...

The "Hitler finds out that Scott Walker won the Wisconsin recall election" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VC_ult6-Tb4&feature=youtu.be is much funnier than watching a bunch of real-life losers whining about losing out on their fantasy.

garage mahal said...

How did the Undisclosed Location work out for you?

Not bad. Was pretty busy with work. There was/still an incredible weed-line bite happening on Lake Monona. I think I fished 6 straight nights at one point. How about you?

Farmer said...

I appreciate you capitalizing my Strawman but he also likes to be called "Mr."

It's okay, I know you didn't know.

Tim said...

"None of the liberals here impress me as deep thinkers. Its all bumper-sticker sound bytes repeated ad naus."

Now, why did you have to go and insult bumper stickers?

Steve Koch said...


Your answer was idiotic snark. Let's try again.

Before Walker's reforms, Wisconsin deducted the union dues from state workers' paychecks, forcing them to join the union. Walker reformed this process by no longer confiscating the workers' wages to pay union dues. One result of this reform has been that state workers have been quitting gov unions in huge numbers.

Do you agree with this particular reform or not?

Tom Spaulding said...

Farmer: That's your rationale for why it's okay to call your opponents lazy, entitled thugs?

I didn't call them lazy, entitled thugs until they kept acting like lazy, entitled thugs and doing the things lazy, entitled thugs do... over and over and over.

I couldn't find any diligent, reasonable, peaceful State workers at the Capitol or at Isthmus or at Althouse to slather with praise for doing the obvious right thing.

Forgive me.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Garage, we don't worship our leaders with blind faith like you lefties. Walker was elected by a majority and he is doing his job to fix the state's financial affairs.
You lefties are so over the top crazy - (yeah with hate) it's hilarious to see you call us haters.
What we dislike is the left's financial ineptitude and fiscal corruption.

Revenant said...

the people who scream "lazy union thugs!"

Can we get a URL to some video of people doing this?

lge said...

That CNN employee preparing the bus was beautiful. He refused to get drawn into the hippies' insane guilt trip, or whatever it was. He just kept stating the simple, sane facts:
You're leaving? "Yeah."
Why are you leaving? "We're finished."
What are you finished with -- this job? "Yeah."
What was the job? "To cover the recall."
And it's over now? "Yeah."

Priceless! They'd have loved to start one of their idiotic "Shame! Shame!" rants on him. But he just kept giving sane replies to their belligerent questions, and they couldn't find an opening.

And then, finally, that great statement: "Eventually, the bus pulled away." That line could be an epitaph for their whole movement: Eventually, the sanity bus pulls away. Better get on it, or be stuck in insane belligerent holier-than-thou hippie land.

Tom Spaulding said...

Walker was elected by a majority...


But that's not enough times for Conscience of the Senate, Statesman Russ Feingold, First of His Name!

Farmer said...


Your answer was idiotic snark. Let's try again.

Before Walker's reforms, Wisconsin deducted the union dues from state workers' paychecks, forcing them to join the union. Walker reformed this process by no longer confiscating the workers' wages to pay union dues. One result of this reform has been that state workers have been quitting gov unions in huge numbers.

Do you agree with this particular reform or not?

Wait a second. Do I win a prize if I answer correctly?

Farmer said...

I have a sweet tooth. Just throwing that out there.

Tom Spaulding said...

Walker reformed this process by no longer confiscating the workers' wages to pay union dues. One result of this reform has been that state workers have been quitting gov unions in huge numbers.

Walker's not Hitler....he's Moses.

Anonymous said...

Ah, this is where all the fun is being had. Garage! Good man, glad to see you here.

Farmer, I'm a good baker.

tim in vermont said...

I agree with Garage, what is with the meanness? The voters of Wisconsin have endorsed Walker's ideas about public sector unions. You won't be seeing anybody walking those ideas back anytime soon in WI. The genie is out of the bottle. It will still be out of the bottle if Walker gets handcuffed in his office tomorrow morning. It won't matter. The statement has been made.

I just can't imagine what the motive for being rude would be.

Steve Koch said...


I was just trying to figure out which particular lefty sock puppet you are. It has to be somebody very short on substance, long on moronic snark, who is afraid or unable to discuss issues, and afraid to admit to being a lefty.

If I promise to be gentle, will you discuss this issue of the state confiscating workers' money to pay union dues? I would love to hear somebody, anybody defend the dem position on this.

It seems like the central question in the recall. If you agreed with Walker that it is wrong to force state workers to join a union and confiscate their wages to pay union dues, then you voted for Walker. If not, then you voted for the dem.

tim in vermont said...

"Wait a second. Do I win a prize if I answer correctly?" - The Farmer

Reject first, ask rhetorical questions later! This is what passes for debate on the left.

Anonymous said...

Tom Spaulding said,

"Walker's not Hitler....he's Moses."

6/7/12 7:39 PM

Yeah and tommorow he's going to part Lake Monona.

Jason said...

Were unions acting like thugs?

I don't need to draw that conclusion by looking at the loudmouth rubes.

I got all the evidence I needed from their elected leadership. Those people, of course, DO represent your union workers. They're paid to do so and are the official spokespeople and policymakers of the union movement.

I can also get evidence from union-organized, planned and sponsored actions, processes and events, happening with approved union funding.



tim in vermont said...

"Yeah and tommorow he's going to part Lake Monona."

That would be sort of pointless, since the employees have already made good their escape from the union. The waters parted when the reforms started to work.

Jason said...

Hey, Farmer...

Since it wasn't your friends acting like thugs, you won't mind when the rest of us "get a little bloody when necessary" with them.

To use the precise language, you know, of an elected member of Congress.


Anonymous said...

Moses Walker cures the sick, he will cut them off of Badger Care, they will die, problem solved, they are cured. Think of all the savings!

tim in vermont said...

So what is Walker's position on Badger Care?

Anonymous said...

Moses Walker smites the city of Madison with frogs.

Alex said...


I know you live to make people miserable you hateful little mutant, but I can assure whatever disappointment I had is long gone. We're stuck with this jackhole, for now at least, and thems the breaks.

Nah, we're stuck with your miserable fuckwit self. How's the commeupance, GARAGEY-BOY??????



Anonymous said...

I don't know why I bother

Lawyer Mom said...

@annalthouse: agreed, agreed. These young people were exploited and then well, . . . Gosh. The CNN bus positioning just made it worse.

Jon Burack said...

Don't worry too much. I for one am happy as a clam at high tide.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Alex, Garage has principles, you have none. He stands head and shoulders over you.

Tom Spaulding said...

Only 234 posts until they changed the subject. Is that better than the last time Walker beat Barrett, two years and billions in debt ago?

Alex said...

Allie - yeah Stalin had principles too. So did Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, etc...

Petunia said...

Garage! I'm so pleased you're not dead!

(Name the movie.)

The Governor probably WILL be able to part the Madison lakes later in the summer, when the algae blooms really kick in.

XRay said...

You're still a fucking idiot.

Methadras said...

Roger J. said...

I thought Thistle was cute--dumb, obscene, but cute. The pigtails were a nice touch.

She's cute if you like nasty looking hedgehog nosed, harpy pit vipers.

Synova said...

I must say that I'm pleased as well that garage is not dead.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
furious_a said...

There were a lot of very young protesters. They may seem ridiculous to you, but they are young. -- Prof. Althouse.

With all due respect, there are also alot of 20-year-old squad-leaders in Iraq and Afghanistan who most definitely do NOT seem ridiculous. That should be the standard to your sweet naive children should be held.

I especially enjoyed watching Molly Moonbeam and Paulie Patchouli harassing the CNN crewman -- can't a brother get a break?

David said...

Thistle is 43 years old.

basquegirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr. Forward said...

"Thistle is 43 years old."

Yeah, but she's young at head.

Rusty said...

Garage is back!

We thought you hung yourself from a bridge or something.

Don't be bitter.
It's going to get much worse for public employees

Roger J. said...

Garage--great to see you back--and its good to know (as I believed all along) you put fishing ahead of politics! How was the fishing?
My lady and I are floating the TN Buffalo river tomorrow, fly rodding for smallmouth. Tight lines, my friend.

Rusty said...

David said...
Thistle is 43 years old

I'd hit it.

I like the lefty magical thinking that singing is going to make a difference.
Getting dead people to vote makes a difference.

Paco Wové said...

Comedy gold like this: ↓

"You consistently prove you have no fucking idea what you're talking about."

is why I keep coming back to Althouse. Thanks, GM!

Scott M said...

Garage is back! WOOT! And not dead to boot. I'm glad you're doing well and it sounds like you gave the fish what for.

Now...can you see November from your house in Wisconsin?

Michael Haz said...

So what is Walker's position on Badger Care?

He added millions of dollars to BadgerCare and Medicaid. Both are now funded with more money that they were under the Doyle administration.

Michael Haz said...

I really don't get the name calling here.

Garage has his opinions and defended them well. No need to call him (or anyone else) names for doing so.

Some of the conservative commentariat on this blog beclown themselves when they stoop to the same kind of name-calling they criticize progressives for doing.

I seldom agree with a thing Garage says, but jeez...be adults, will ya?

Chip S. said...

Michael Haz said...
I really don't get the name calling here.

Garage has his opinions and defended them well. No need to call him (or anyone else) names for doing so.

This was the comment that marked the Return of Garage Mahal:

You consistently prove you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Those words were publicly brought up numerous times, like in both of debates before the election, and numerous other times on the campaign trail. Did you even try, or did you just make it up, or were you just parroting what you heard on wingnut blogs? Honestly curious.

I suggest that you read his comment with and without the bolded parts. Then tell me why this person is being so unjustly harassed here.

And despite garage's vituperation, he was greeted overwhelmingly with good will by most of the conservatives here. It was a fellow liberal, The Farmer, who called him out for his mindless ranting @7:11.

X said...

Thistle. hmmm. I'm imagining this is what peter/ironrailsironweights wants, times infinity.

Brian Brown said...

Garage has his opinions and defended them well.

I'd love to see two examples of that.

Scott M said...

I'd love to see two examples of that.

The former is certainly true. It's the latter that lacks from time to time.

Brian Brown said...

Some of the conservative commentariat on this blog beclown themselves when they stoop to the same kind of name-calling they criticize progressives for doing.

Why in the world should people who lie as a manner of course, wish death on their political opponents, and want to take tax payer money and funnel it to a special interest who will vote for their party and more special interest funding, be treated with grace in defeat?

Their ideology is a sick joke, and that is why I treat them with contempt & disdain at every turn.

If they were at all capable of critical thinking, intellectual honesty, or admitting error, they would be treated more fairly.

Farmer said...

It was a fellow liberal, The Farmer, who called him out for his mindless ranting @7:11.

I am not a fellow liberal.

Also, you have a cool moustache.

Chip S. said...


I wear the shades to hide my serial-killer eyes.

Rusty said...

And despite garage's vituperation, he was greeted overwhelmingly with good will by most of the conservatives here. It was a fellow liberal, The Farmer, who called him out for his mindless ranting @7:11.

I'm just happy he's alive.
The writers cramp has got to be a killer though.

X said...

The Farmer is not a liberal and not a conservative and not a libertarian. Probably a Granger.

Chip S. said...

I wonder if he's from the Dells.

Methadras said...

AllieOop said...

Moses Walker cures the sick, he will cut them off of Badger Care, they will die, problem solved, they are cured. Think of all the savings!

Typical leftard hyperbole. I'm shocked you didn't say that he would throw old ladies under buses and put babies in meat grinder for restocking the beef aisle. Gosh, since lake Manona needs parting maybe when Trumka and the other union stooges chase after him through it, he can close it back on them. Now that would be a savings.


Methadras said...

AllieOop said...

Alex, Garage has principles, you have none. He stands head and shoulders over you.

Your standards are already low as they are, so praising garage for being a leftard isn't saying much. Oh wait, you are too. Peas in a pod. lulz.

Methadras said...

Jay said...

Garage has his opinions and defended them well.

I'd love to see two examples of that.

I'd love to see any examples of that.

Anonymous said...

God, that is one ugly broad. A typical lefty woman---not the top of the heap sexually, so she uses politics as a proxy for every man who chose to jerk off to the prom queen over her. And I'll bet said woman has had more visitors to her love tunnel than the Golden Gate Bridge, if only to show how "sexy" she really is.

Trochilus said...

Ann sez:

"There were a lot of very young protesters. They may seem ridiculous to you, but they are young.
. . . ."

Ann, you may personally recall the fellow identified in the MacIver clip as Michael Dickman beginning at about 15 seconds in -- the one who insists, "We didn't lose ... We did NOT lose!"

If you go back and review your prior post and clips of August 12, 2011, when you were assaulted I think you'll remember him. He wasn’t the guy who actually attacked you -- in fact I think he was the guy who stepped in break off the physical attack when his fellow protester took a whack at you and your camera -- the "peacemaker."

But it sure looked to me back then (and still looks to me now) like he intervened in a way that was clearly intended to protect his fellow protester, the actual attacker.

After immediately telling you, in a very condescending way, "I’ll take care of him. You take care of yourself," he successfully created a diversion for the attacker, by engaging you in conversation, lecturing you about Jesus, and telling you that you were on the "wrong side" of the issue, thereby allowing your attacker to fade away into the crowd.

Ah, to be young again, huh?

gerry said...

So why you are still miserable? I see most of the other Walker cult members here are still miserable too

I now understand projection completely.

Rusty said...

X said...
The Farmer is not a liberal and not a conservative and not a libertarian. Probably a Granger.

Oh, good. The motor on my furnace is going out. I bet he could get me a sweet deal.
Is it Granger or Grainger?

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