June 5, 2012

Live-blogging the Wisconsin recall election.

6:40 Central Time: Hang out here.

6:42: We just drove by our polling place, and I could tell by the lack of cars in the parking lot and along the street that there were very few people inside. This morning, when we voted (at 8:15 or so), there were cars, and inside there were people but no line. We were also up at the Capitol Square, where there was an "Occupy Madison"-style group at the State Street end, but not much else. A guy was banging a drum, and someone had put an "Anonymous" mask on the "Forward!" statue. I'll have some photos and video soon.

7:00: This was the scene at the Capitol at about 6:20 this evening:



"Eat The Rich"... "Liberté! Egalité! Fraternité!"...


7:52: Neil Cavuto, on Fox News from Madison, Wisconsin, shows a shot of the Transit of Venus, and I say "What does this have to do with Scott Walker?" and then Cavuto actually connects it to Scott Walker, using the segue "Imagine the history being made here. Right? You have the third governor in U.S. history being recalled, Venus passing through the sun, and people in the middle of what could be a revolution in Wisconsin, dining casually outside. The great confluence of events that you only get here on Fox Business Live."

8:00: The polls are closed. There's no litigation to keep any polls open late. And Fox Business News reports that it's too close to call at this point.

8:03: CNN's exit poll has 56% of men for Walker and 56% of women for Barrett. But there are more women for Walker (44%) than there are men for Barrett (43%). Independents favored Walker 50% to 49%. By the way, if these are exit polls, they obviously don't include all the early absentee voters, but perhaps they do a calcuation to account for that. The early voting efforts seemed to be done by Barrett supporters.

8:13: No actual vote counts yet, but they will appear here.

8:31: I get the feeling the TV shows are being theatrical with their "too close to call" announcements. Looking at the HuffPo "Election Dashboard," linked in the previous update, which is an actual vote count, we've got 58.3% for Walker and 41.1% for Barrett, with 7.4% reporting. Nearly the same spread between Kleefisch and Mitchell.

8:35: Intrade has Walker at 93.7%. I guess nobody believes the TV exit polls.

8:39: 60.6% Walker. 38.8% for Barrett. 11.4% reporting.

8:42: If you click on the counties at the HuffPo link, you can compare the current percentages to the percentages in 2010, when Walker beat Barrett in the regular election. So, for example, you expect the Democrat to win by a lot in Dane County (which includes Madison), and Barrett won with 68% in 2010. But right now, with 15.5% of the vote reported, Barrett is only winning with 55.8%. That's a HUGE step down from 2010.

8:51: Intrade's spiked to 98.7%.

8:54: Here's my edited video from the Capitol Square done around 6 p.m. this evening:

9:00: "NBC is full of shit!!! Dane County and Milwaukee haven't reported their results yet, and NBC called it for Walker?!?!" The outrage at Democratic Underground.

9:02: Fox News calls it for Walker.

9:03: CNN calls it for Walker. Man, the exit polling was pathetic. I just don't believe it was ever real. It was like the cable news channels colluded for the first hour and held off until 9 to tell us what we all knew. The question is how huge the victory is. We're looking at some numbers -- actual vote counts -- that are in the 60%/40% range.

9:06: Paul Begala is emoting like mad on CNN about how the Wisconsin recall has absolutely nothing to do with what will happen to Obama this fall.

9:11: Kleefisch wins too, CNN projects.

9:21: Meade gloats at Isthmus: "I hope somedaaaay you'll join us. And the state of Wisconsin can live as one."

9:39: Here's the Wall Street Journal: "Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker survived a recall election Tuesday, dealing a blow to organized labor, unsettling President Barack Obama's re-election strategy and signaling to Republican lawmakers across the nation that challenging government unions could pay political and fiscal dividends."

9:39: Larry Sabato on Fox Business says if the exit pollsters can't improve their techniques, the news shows shouldn't even use them.

9:42: Rebecca Kleefisch is giving her victory speech. She wants to thank everybody who never lost faith. A short speech, and those 2 little daughters seem to want to get off stage as quickly as possible.

9:49: Mitt Romney congratulates Walker: "Governor Walker has demonstrated over the past year what sound fiscal policies can do to turn an economy around, and I believe that in November voters across the country will demonstrate that they want the same in Washington, D.C. Tonight’s results will echo beyond the borders of Wisconsin. Governor Walker has shown that citizens and taxpayers can fight back – and prevail – against the runaway government costs imposed by labor bosses. Tonight voters said ‘no’ to the tired, liberal ideas of yesterday, and ‘yes’ to fiscal responsibility and a new direction. I look forward to working with Governor Walker to help build a better, brighter future for all Americans."

9:56: "Well, Russ Feingold said it’s not over till we win, which is kinda like the German position in Stalingrad. . . . But comparing one’s opponents to Hitler is right out. Right, Russ? Oh, never mind. . . ." 

10:02: Bloomberg editorial:  "Recall elections have their place: generally, in cases of serious breaches of the public faith or morality, or of extreme incompetence. The effort to recall Walker, however, stemmed from a political disagreement over his support for a law that, among other things, limited the collective-bargaining rights of public-sector employees.We have mixed feelings about the legislation...."

10:06: Walker is missing the prime time audience for his victory speech because BARRETT IS CHOOSING not to concede. Barrett, who said HE would end the "civil war" in Wisconsin. What hypocrisy!

10:09: Look at the blue-red balance on the map for last year's state supreme court battle. Now look at tonight's map.

10:12: Finally, Barrett is conceding. "Please, please, please, remain engaged, remain involved, because we will continue to fight for justice and fairness in this city and this state."

10:15: He continues with his bland banalities. Let us continue to do what is right. Tom Barrett. Epic fail. And then he — who said he'd end the "civil war" in Wisconsin — ends it with "Let's go get 'em." So... continuing the war. Ridiculous!

10:24: Walker's victory speech. "First of all,  I want to thank God for his abundant grace...." And the people in factories and farms have "sustained" him. He loves his wife, Tonette. "Tonette's just been a rock." (Women love that, being called "a rock.")  This must be so immensely rewarding to him. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. He's praising The Framers. "What has made our country unbelievable... what has made the United States arguably one of the greatest countries in the history of the world"... is that there have been men and women who have stood up. There have been "good and decent people" who had "courage." I know he's trying to say that about himself, even though he won't say "I." But: I was courageous and I made the tough decisions....

10:36: "Talking together... solutions... prosperity for all our people..." Walker is talking about ways to "bring all our people together": with brats and beer! "Now is the time for us to come together."

10:39: A very satisfying evening. I was touched to see Scott Walker, speaking in such a selfless, public-spirited way, after all the abuse he's taken for well over a year. He must feel so relieved and so vindicated, but there wasn't a shred of gloating or even basking. What a moment!


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vbspurs said...

Scott Walker for President, 2016. You heard it here last.

bagoh20 said...

vbspurs, Yea, they are spending more time on a poll that puts Obama ahead in WI than they are on this actual election.

I guess I can't blame them.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Thanks for the waste of time and money, democrats. Your parting
gift will be Romney taking WI in November.

Jason said...

All of the GOP senators are currently up comfortably in their races.

I have hard time believing any of them will lose after seeing the fab numbers Walker is pulling in everywhere.

ALH said...

Our long statewide nightmare is now over. Until tomorrow. Because Citizens United. Voter suppression! Bush!

vbspurs said...

On to the #Heat! Have fun with the results, you lovely Wisconsinites, and Althouse readers.


Voltimand said...

If the 60-40 disparity holds, I predict a tsunami wave rolling against Obama. A few percentage points and a few points here and there is like sweating out a hot seat. But this gap is, as per above, "Hiroshima." Listening as I type to Sarah Palin spinning out her "and" clauses: unions go down, small businesses go up as unions sink beneath the waves in the distance against a bright sunset. We'll see . . .

Jason said...

I actually had a Dem just tell me this on Facebook:

"Its not over yet. Only 35% of the vote in."

The delusion and denial is amazing.

Phil 314 said...

Listening to the pundits pontificate now.

Now that its over I have to say as a moderate Republican that this whole affair has been a massive misread by Dems and unions. Walker is no firebrand (the opposite of Rush) and his key issue, government employee benefits made perfect sense. (And the math added up. )

To try to portray him as a radical was not going to play. And now they've energized Republicans. Hell, I'm energized!

Paddy O said...

Wisconsin had an election today?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

GOP leading all 4 senate races by sizable margins.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Now.....the over under on how long it takes the Dems and the Liberals to try to force a recount and begin committing some serious vandalism and throwing massive temper tantrums.

If you ever had a Walker sign on your yard or a bumper sticker on your car...now might be a good time to recycle .....just sayin'.


Jeff in Oklahoma said...

Via Hotair

With 40 percent of the vote counted, Walker is ahead by … more than 18 points.

The One is in huge trouble.

edutcher said...

vb is right, maybe not '16, but certainly '20.

Walker is definitely going to bigger things.

Mark said...

Anybody seen Ritmo?

Brian Brown said...

Jason said...

I actually had a Dem just tell me this on Facebook:

"Its not over yet. Only 35% of the vote in."

The delusion and denial is amazing.

You should see what they are doing on Twitter.

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brian Brown said...

Barrett under performing by 5% in Dane County.


bagoh20 said...

Congrats Wisconsin, and to you too Meadehouse on the fine coverage.

I apologize for calling WI "California on the lake". It's only half that bad.

Tim said...

It's not too early, and it will never be too late to gloat.

If ever a group of fucking fuckers ever deserved to have their fucking faces rubbed in it, its this group.


edutcher said...

The WaPo is talking about Demos pushing Hillary in '16, but, if she might have had a chance, I think Willie has killed it by starting a nice little civil war inside the Democrat Party.

This is going to be a very bloody year for them, I think.

They have just had their heads handed to them in one of the most resounding repudiations of doctrine since 1932.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

So can someone now explain the recall petitions ?

That the voters were willing to give the democrats what they wanted.. maybe?

Napalm in the Morning said...

Obama will lose Wisconsin! Not only will two-time elected Gov. Walker pass his MASSIVE conservative grassroots organization off to Rom-Dog like a baton, the unions will NOT exhaust themselves over a guy who wouldn't even come to Wisconsin to help them. As labor hero Samuel Gompers said (and Obama himself has said on occasion): "Reward your friends and punish your enemies." It's become nothing less than a mantra for unions. Obama was not a friend during this process; and therefore, the unions will not reward him.

mesquito said...

Tomorrow's headline tonite!

Embattled Governor Survives Recall Bid

Right. "Survives".

Napalm in the Morning said...

Oh, great. Peter Barca is going to be on FOX - Greta. One can only wonder what diarrhea spews from his mouth this evening.

DADvocate said...

A couple of weeks ago we had a lot of rain. The rain caused the soil to become saturated.

Than we had a


KCFleming said...

A toast to Wisconsin, from the still-stupid state of Minnesota, land of 10,000 taxes, and 100,000 regulations.

You have Walker.
We have Franken. And Dayton, the dumbest man in St. Paul.
Pray for us.

Freeman Hunt said...

Peter, nice pictures. That is a cool setup.

My picture.

Freeman Hunt said...

Congratulations, Wisconsinites! Your state is not as silly as some might have imagined.

Voltimand said...

Watch Democrats in the days to come to commit the fundamental mistake they perpetrated in the beginning: thinking only of the fact that their sources of political support were in danger of termination--and they never, ever asked themselves how the people who opposed them in Wisconsin thought and felt. They just didn't exist for them, and they still don't. Psychologists have a name for this kind of irremediable denial.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

I think the slogan for this election is, "And we mean it this time!"

Petunia said...

NEXT STEP. Call a special session of the legislature this summer. Pass the recall reform bill. General election in November. Then repass the bill in the January session as required by state law for state Constitutional amendments.

Then referendum on the the amendment in the spring, and the recall madness will be over.


Bahahahahahahaha! Barca not discounting a Truman-Dewey situation.

I Callahan said...

Peter Barca is going to be on FOX - Greta. One can only wonder what diarrhea spews from his mouth this evening.

He questioned why everyone was calling it, when Milwaukee and Madison weren't counted yet.

What a stark raving loon.

Petunia said...

MSNBC appears already to have stopped their live coverage from Madison. I am grinning from ear to ear.

Seriously, though, if Garage doesn't return soon, I think we should mount a search operation. I do wonder if something bad has happened apart from his political hopes' being shot down in flames.

edutcher said...

Over at Professor Jacobson's blog watching the fireworks.


This is a moment made for Churchill.

You can just hear him talking about standing up to the Lefties.

If we can stand up to them, all America may be freed and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands.

Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the United States last for a thousand years, men will still say, This was their finest hour.

This is one of those times when you wish it was daylight and the sky was filled with planes.

Mark said...

Lots of emergency laundry for Team Obama right now...

Fen said...

For delicious tears go to Dem Underground:


DADvocate said...

Embattled Governor Survives Recall Bid

You got it, mesquito. Kinda like Andrew Jackson and his troops survived the Battle of New Orleans.

Fen said...

They think its "fishy" Walker won by such a wide margin.

And they don't know anyone who voted for Nixon either :)

Chip S. said...

I'd like to take a moment to say a word in praise of garage mahal, Roesch-Voltaire, Allie Oop, Bailey, leslyn, machine, and all the other Althouse lefties for their dignified concessions tonight.

I'd like to, but since none of them is here, I guess I can't.

So instead I'll just say...TOTAL RECALL!!

Napalm in the Morning said...

"State Democratic Chairman Mike Tate has just told supporters of Mayor Tom Barrett 'we're not going to let the media call this election,' to news some networks have given the race to Gov. Scott Barrett.

He said people are still in line waiting to vote.

'Stay around because we're going to make big news later,' he told the crowd that chanted Barrett's name."

Apparently, by "making big news later," Tate and his wingman Graeme Zielinski intend to perform Abbott and Costello's famous "Who's On First?" routine for disgruntled audience members.

Napalm in the Morning said...

Tate quote from...


BarryD said...

Maybe Tate is planning to commit seppuku on live TV or something, because he surely can't think that the "news" will be a Barrett victory.

Beta Rube said...

A door is closing on an era in Wisconsin tonight. The WEAC crowd has dominated politics here for decades.

Tomorrow is a great day to do business in Wisconsin. Can't wait.

Oh happy day!!

yashu said...

My heartfelt congratulations to Wisconsin-- and thank you for defeating the recall! This is a very good thing for Wisconsin and the USA.

Peter V. Bella said...

Did anyone ever doubt Walker would survive a recall? Those who did are, well, morons.

Jason said...

LOL at the guy on CNN, crying, who said "Democracy died tonight".

Also claimed that Walker outspent Barrett $34 million to $4. What a fucking fool.

ALH said...

CNN reporter getting blasted out by protesters in Madison.

A young man crying and saying "If we don't win tonight, democracy and the USA is dead".

Wow. SOunds like he's auditioning for the State Democrat chairman job.

BarryD said...

Congratulations Wisconsin!

I don't live anywhere near the place, and my only interactions with the state have been some custom boot orders. And still, I'm elated.

Imagine how November will feel.

Jason said...

Fitzgerald and Jerry Pitrowski have both been declared winners in their senate races. 2 down, 2 to go.

redcybra said...

I think they're still stuffing the ballot boxes in Milwaukee. According to the HuffPo interactive map, only 13.6% of votes in Milwaukee county have been reported, about 55,000, and 52.8% are for Walker. That CAN'T be right.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fen - LOL "Diebold" and "Citizens United" seem to be the tears dujour.

marylynn said...

I was so nervous earlier today it was like watching the Packers in the Superbowl! What a relief - and a full night of sleep in store instead of having to watch returns all night!
Thanks all of my fellow Wisconsinites for voting for what is right, and thank you everyone else in the nation that was praying for a Walker victory.

Jamieson said...

Congratulations WI conservatives! Now that Gov. Walker has "more flexibility after the election" I offer three words of advice: RIGHT TO WORK!

Jason said...

Thanks, Democrats, for making Scott Walker a GOP rockstar over the past year an a half.

Walker is no longer just a governor. He's one of the leaders of the conservative movement.

Chip S. said...

"If we don't win tonight, democracy and the USA is dead".

Is that a lamentation or a threat?


glenn said...

I wonder why all the Barrett folks are wearing masks and blowing airhorns to drown out the CNN guy (Hint Barrettistas, CNN is part of your tea).

Tim said...

Fen said...

"For delicious tears go to Dem Underground:


I almost never enjoy anyone's pain, but after a quick read of the near-suicidal responses from the illiterati comprising the "Democratic Underground," I have to confess their misery warmed my heart ever so much.

FedkaTheConvict said...

Daddy won.

PackerBronco said...

Appomattox is the best and only way to end a Civil War.

BarryD said...

If only their suicidal emo acting out were serious... One can dream, right?

Anonymous said...

As others have said:

Pulitzer for Meadhouse!

Jason said...

Im still astonished by the spread.

About 2/3 of the vote in, and Walker is up 17.

Just. Wow. What a show of support by the silent majority.

kcom said...

That guy crying (literally tears and wild-eyed ranting) on CNN that democracy died tonight in the USA was really sad. Number one, it's not true and number two, Wisconsin is just not important enough to kill democracy in the whole United States. Especially over one governor's recall election. The man was clearly out of control. But then, they switched to Paul Begala and he was barely holding back tears, too.

KCFleming said...

On the Frabjous day, when the Walker again wears the crown —on that day, I shall Futterwacken— vvvigorously.

O Frabjous day! Calloo, callay!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You want to know what the best thing about this is?

Elections still matter!

Back in 2008 the talk was how unions were going to do away with the secret ballot.. remember that?

Now we talking about about their very survival.

This is what happens when you take the voters for granted.

This.. this is what democracy really look like!!

Viva Wisconsin!

Watch people wanting to move there now.

Michael Ryan said...

Is this like the polls on gay marriage? People lie to the pollsters so they can look all progressive and modern?

Beta Rube said...

So what's the lefty deal with Diebold voting machines? Are they part of the Koch conspiracy?

The folks at DU are going crazy.

Jason said...

The funny thing about that Walker spread:

Waukesha Cty. is still 50% out.

Walker has a real chance to win by double digits. Astounding.

Michael Haz said...

Man oh man, I hope that the Democrat Party of Wisconsin keeps Mike Tate and Graeme Zielinski on board through the November election cycle.

George said...

If this is anything close to the final tally, every R/D weighting currently in use in bogus and Rommey is comfortably ahead of Obama in the general election.

ALH said...

I do think that 3 minutes of CNN pretty much summed up the last 18 monhts: angry liberals chanting and screaming. Conservatives voting and winning.

Napalm in the Morning said...

CNN and MSNBC fighting it out on who gets to say that Walker "had more money" the most times. Yet, to them, Obama raking in a billion dollars in '08 had nothing to do with his victory. The liberal double-standard syndrome is quite incredulous.

Pianoman said...

65% reporting. 58-42.

I mean, holy crap y'all. The polls weren't even close.

Wonder if that's it for Garage. His special brand of sarcasm and murky conspiracy theories might be lost to us forever.


(Was that 140 or characters or less? not sure)

FedkaTheConvict said...

>>I think they're still stuffing the ballot boxes in Milwaukee. According to the HuffPo interactive map, only 13.6% of votes in Milwaukee county have been reported, about 55,000, and 52.8% are for Walker. That CAN'T be right.<<

Why not? The Milwaukee suburbs are very conservative and supported Walker for all the years he was County Executive.

Plus, Democrats can take people to the polls but they can't know for sure how they voted.

Curious George said...

"Freeman Hunt said...
Congratulations, Wisconsinites! Your state is not as silly as some might have imagined."

Thanks Freeman, but I've been saying it for over a year: Madison /= Wisconsin.

Beta Rube said...

Many thanks to Meadehouse for spectacular coverage of this entire mess from day one.

Far and away the best coverage in the state.

Jason said...

Terri Moulton up 20 points in that senate race with 2/3 of the vote in. Seems a formality there for the 3rd GOP seat.

The last one left is Waanggard. Results have been slow out of Racine so far, for whatever reason. Still only 10% in.

ALH said...

I've always thought Graeme Zelinski seems unhinged - almost boardering on mentally ill. His rants and tweets are what you might expect from Janeen Garofolo, not a high level political player. Yes, MHaz, I hope they keep him!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Romney just won the election in November.

Jason said...

CNN and MSNBC fighting it out on who gets to say that Walker "had more money" the most times. Yet, to them, Obama raking in a billion dollars in '08 had nothing to do with his victory. The liberal double-standard syndrome is quite incredulous.

The funny thing is, Obama felt his 6 fundraisers were more important than visiting Wisconsin last week to support Barrett.

Money only matters when the GOP wins.

Napalm in the Morning said...

"Man oh man, I hope that the Democrat Party of Wisconsin keeps Mike Tate and Graeme Zielinski on board through the November election cycle."

They will. After the WI unions refuse to help Team Obama they'll need a couple of chaps to sit in a county fair-style dunking tank in order to raise money for the campaign.

Beta Rube said...

Waukesha is more lopsided for Walker than Dane is for Barrett.

If any denizens are here, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Joe Schmoe said...

Thank you Wisconsin. There is hope for the rest of the country.

Paco Wové said...

So I was out this afternoon / evening trying to get some good pictures of the transit of Venus -- anything interesting happening?

JohnJ said...

So many, many things I’d like to revisit. But maybe it’s now time to just move on (so-to-speak).


Having just said that…

I’d really like to know what nitwit first shouted (or hand painted) “Shame!” That’s the insult that became the calling card of last year’s self-absorbed mob. My guess is that it really p*ssed off a sizable number of decent, fair-minded citizens.

I suppose we should thank him.

RonF said...

Just got out of Troop meeting here in the SW Chicago suburbs. I have friends that live in Wisconsin and I've been up there a fair amount with the Troop camping and personal outdoor trips.

Congratulations, Wisconsin! You have seized power from special interests. Now - use it!

Jason said...

Ha. FOX says Tom Barrett hasnt even called and conceded yet. Trailing by 200K votes and only 25% of the vote left out there.

What a fucking tool. What the hell are you people in Milwaukee smoking to have this idiot as your mayor?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The professor can put this a lot more eloquently than me I'm sure.. but isn't it ironic that the very thing the unions wanted to do way with - the secret ballot - its very thing that came tolling for them?

You don't have to be a phd to figure out that when it came right down to it people were telling pollsters what they wanted to hear.. but at the polling booth, the poll that counts, people voted their conscience.

Its a beautiful thing.

David said...

Although it may sound like Obama bullshit, I would not read too much in to November from this. It was a local election with local issues and a weak democratic candidate who ran a bad campaign. Wisconsin voters said pretty clearly that Walker's reforms did not seem all that radical to them, and that the recall annoyed them. November will be different.

edutcher said...

PackerBronco said...

Appomattox is the best and only way to end a Civil War.

Appomattox, Hell!

This is Waterloo!

George said...

If this is anything close to the final tally, every R/D weighting currently in use in bogus and Rommey is comfortably ahead of Obama in the general election.

What I've been saying for a couple of months now.

They must be hosing Moochelle down with crushed ice.

No vacation this year.

gloogle said...

Allie Oop? Allie Oop?
Beuhler? Beuhler??....

Freeman Hunt said...

This marks the first time in a long time that I've missed cable. I would have liked to watch the television personalities cry like they did when Scott Brown won. I saw Maddow cry then, and Matthews try to comfort her with poetry. That's not a joke. I actually saw that.

ALH said...

The fact that Barrett doesn't have the decency to concede the election is a fitting end to this recall.

Anonymous said...


Go to Legal Insurrection for celebratory music and fireworks!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm in the same boat freeman. people here are watching the Celtics..

and i dont have cable in my room.

JAL said...

From the Yahoo homepage 11:07 PM EDST:

Wisconsin governor wins recall election

Scott Walker narrowly survives a union-led challenge by Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.


Do they have 17 year old OWS people writing the ledes?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Be sure to read Ann's update to this post that includes an excellent quote from Romney.
He nailed it.

George said...

David, if Obama were up for election in WI today he'd have lost by a lot. What's going to change that between now and November?

And if he's losing WI he's toast.

ampersand said...

Congratulations to all Cheese Eating Victory Monkeys. I wonder if that I'm Sorry website organized when Bush was re-elected in 2004 is still available for the crybabies.

Michael Haz said...

You know who is having an uneasy evening? Tammy Baldwin.

SteveR said...

Milwaukee and Dane are lagging but too little too late. Go ahead and empty the trunks.

Jason said...

Seriously....Barrett is going to have a hard time getting the same amount of votes that the recallers supposedly had on their petitions.

With 25% of the vote out, Barrett still needs 150K votes just to get to 900,000.

Amazing. And pathetic at the same time.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Governor Walker, I just want you to know, we're all counting on you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

barrett(D-LOSER) is gross.

James said...

Barrett concedes

Chip S. said...

@Tom Barrett:

You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?

Petunia said...

John Nichols of the failed Crap Times newspaper and idiotic The Nation website, on MSNBC with Egregious Ed: Money can take a dysfunctional and not credible governor and turn him into something functional.

Eff off, John, you're a complete idiot and whatever shreds of journalistic credibility you might have had are long gone.

TONIGHT is what democracy looks like.

David said...

Looking at the Journal-Sentinel map, which shows who is leading county by county, it's really striking how much it's Milwaukee and Dane counties vs. the rest of the state. Dane is now 68-32 for Barrett. Milwaukee is about 55-45 but with only 28% of the votes in.

The party of tax to govern vs. the party of govern to limit taxation.

StoughtonSconnie said...

Funniest thing I've seen this evening here in Stoughton? Watching the local Fox affiliate (Fox 47), and just saw not one but two Barrett ads. One at 9:35 (an hour and a half after the polls closed), and one at 10:05. So Team Barrett got sold airtime AFTER the polls closed? So very sad that their incredible fiscal savvy will not be running the sho in my state.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

BTW does anybody know what Walker plans to do with this this gifted mandate?

I mean.. isn't it like an early Christmas?

JohnJ said...

“That's not a joke. I actually saw that.”

I didn’t for a second think it was a joke.

Jason said...

Tom Barrett is getting pretty good at these concession speeches.

After all, he's had lots of practice.

sane_voter said...

I guess that last PPP poll showing Walker only by 3 was pure shite.

Wally Kalbacken said...

It's all over but the cryin'!

Jason said...

I guess that last PPP poll showing Walker only by 3 was pure shite.

It looks like the Marquette Poll of last week showing Walker winning by 7 is going to be pretty much dead on.

The exit polls were garbage. With early voting and absentee voting now common, those types of polls are going to become more obsolete.

Mark said...

re: Democrats and money --

I would use this ring from a desire to do good

The desire to do good trumps all for them. As long as you have the correct Party affiliation and the "do good" agenda falls (arguably) within doctrine, the actual implementation and costs incurred are water under the Bridge of Khazad-dûm.

Mel said...

Mahlon Mitchell is an idiot.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Its not over!

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Seriously, though, if Garage doesn't return soon, I think we should mount a search operation..."

Start at Caracas and if he's not there, try Havana.

Pianoman said...

That's a good point, Jason. I'd add "quicker vote tallying" to that list. I'm watching this site tonight:


It's a great way to watch the results. Who needs exit polls when you've got this?

Noocyte said...

Barrett: "Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?! I think you overestimate their chances!"

By the by, what exactly are the Leftards on about when they bray that Walker can now be indicted for somethingorother? I've seen a few references to this, but don't want to sully the moment by diving into the Fever Swamps for the answer. Anyone have it on hand!

James said...

Mahlon Mitchell is an idiot.

You can say that again.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If it's not close, they can't cheat.
I am still bothered by same-day registration and NO ID required.

Michael Haz said...

Mahlon Mitchell is an idiot.

Chip S. said...

"... Seriously, though, if Garage doesn't return soon, I think we should mount a search operation..."

He's easy to find on twitter.

But why would you want to?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Insted of Amber Alert.. its Garage Search and Rescue..

or Garage Recover?

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Barrett: "Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?! I think you overestimate their chances!".."


Dust Bunny Queen said...

If it's not close, they can't cheat.
I am still bothered by same-day registration and NO ID required.

YES! Just imagine what the real numbers would be if we had verifiable voting and honest counting of the votes.

Napalm in the Morning said...

Loud-mouth miscreant WI Spox Graeme Zielinski guaranteeing that the "Governor will be recalled!"


Everyone really ought to send Graeme a message of condolense tonight. Graemez@wisdems.org.

Michael K said...

O'Malley has taken time out from running Maryland into the ground to opine that Walker hasn't been indicted "yet." What a way to heal the wounds.

Original Mike said...

Could we please have our state back, now?

Rob said...

I dreamed I saw Scott Walker last night,
Alive as you or me
Says I, "But Scott, the unions said you're dead,"
"I never died," says he
"I never died," says he.

Matt Sablan said...

This is not the end? Apparently, Barrett also thinks this is not over till we win. Like Feingold... or Cobra Commander.

m stone said...

I echo the comment on superlative coverage from day one by Meadehouse.


Franklin said...

Seriously...where is Garage? I need a warm glass of tears before I go to sleep.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dust Bunny - right on. I am sick to death of the left whining about disenfranchisement all while they open the door to more potential fraud.

James said...

Barrett still has less votes than the recall "signatures."

ALH said...

Was flipping thru channels... Did MSNBC really not show Walker's victory speech??? I guess they do have the losing Lt Governor candidate on, but wow.

Noocyte said...

Hoosier Daddy said... "... Barrett: "Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?! I think you overestimate their chances!".."


6/5/12 10:27 PM

Heh. Well, one may note that you did catch the reference...

Writ Small said...


Union workers manufactured the recall. Savor the irony.

The difference between the exit polls and the actual polls is the best argument ever against card check (EFCA) legislation.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Stop my beating heart. There is sanity in California.

San Jose voters approve pension reform!.

"San Jose voters Tuesday appeared to be handing Mayor Chuck Reed a crucial victory with his nationally watched pension reform measure leading with more than 71 percent approval in early returns."

Chip S. said...

For those of you hoping to hear from garage mahal in the "acceptance" stage of grief, I'm sorry to tell you that he's stuck on "denial":

it's not the candidate. we were outspent. plain and simple.....

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sure. What a selfless person! Payola will do that.

What a buffoon.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Methadras said...

Absolute, total destruction of the leftard machine in Wisconsin. It was a impaling of all things left in that state. And yeah, a big fuck you to every leftard on this blog. A GIANT FUCK YOU. Fuck you, your ideology and everything it represents because it is a double face palm intergalactic fail.

JAL said...

From the results:

Barrett: 942,431

So ... .. . Everyone who signed the recall petition voted for Barrett?


And what's the DOJ doing with the results of the election? Checking out the 119% turnout?

ALH said...

Walker is a good man. The way he has kept his cool for the past 18 months is amazing. Yeah, in my book he deserves to gloat. The fact that he doesn't speaks to his character.

I do think Walker (and Kleefisch) have a sense of the potential national and historical importance of this victory.

What didn't kill them has made them stronger.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Of course it reverberated beyond the "borders" of Wiscaansin. That's where all his funding came from.

Obviously some out-of-state backers were shaking in their boots at the thought of him not having enough local payola to pull off this astonishing victory.

But seriously. God did it. That's how we know the weasly little mutherfucker is so humble. He attributes the power he wields over others to divine intervention. While cutting funding to people who could use it more than the people he gives it to.

God would be so proud.

Paco Wové said...

Ah, finally one of the progressives shows up to shriek and rant and whine and pule.

Methadras said...

Chip S. said...

For those of you hoping to hear from garage mahal in the "acceptance" stage of grief, I'm sorry to tell you that he's stuck on "denial":

it's not the candidate. we were outspent. plain and simple.....

Leftards were outspent 7 to 1 and by whom? Conservatives. If the leftards believed so much in their ideology and their candidates (because afterall THEY GOT TO VOTE FOR THEM) then there wouldn't be any room for excuse making which the moronic leftards, like garagemcfuckface are so good at.

Michael Haz said...

Ritmo - Stuff it.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

That's where all his funding came from

And strangely enough most of the voters were actually from Wisconsin.

Petunia said...

Oh, good, Chip S., I'm glad Garage the person appears to be alive and well. I just wondered why he wasn't on here anymore and thought he might have had something disastrous happen to him apart from his political hopes being shot down in flames.

Cool pic, Freeman!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Go move to Wiscaansin, then, Fucktard Meth-head-ras. California sure don't care for the likes of you.

You'll fit in as well as Althouse.

But with that characteristic, mentally deficient habit of yours to express yourself in some sloppy, homegrown creole of profanity and violence, that you so excel at. It's sort of a new language in itself. For half-humans.

Your daddy must have beat your ass good every time you opened your mouth as a toddler. Taught you not to think, didn't it?

sane_voter said...

When I see Ed Schultz on MSNBC I can't stop hearing this

kcom said...

it's not the candidate. we were outspent. plain and simple.....

To Garage (in absentia):
Yes, it was the candidate. And it was the choice of battles. You picked the time and you picked the place. And you decided, even after the Prosser election, that you had the majority on your side. And you thought you were going to get all the union support you could want. And plenty of their money. And the support of national Democrats. And you were wrong. You fucked up (in the words of "Animal House"). Too bad.

You could have been grown ups and waited for the next election. The people you alienated with the recall might have voted for you then. It would have been a wiser use of your money. You wouldn't have to whine about that either. But it was your call. Your fault.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Up your ass, Haz. Silly peckerhead.

What are you getting so fucking touchy about, anyway? This is not the behavior of adherents to a confident political philosophy.

chickelit said...

@Ritmo: Need some bath salt for that wound?

sane_voter said...

How come Barrett's face was a red as a radish during his concession?

Methadras said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

Go move to Wiscaansin, then, Fucktard Meth-head-ras. California sure don't care for the likes of you.

You'll fit in as well as Althouse.

But with that characteristic, mentally deficient habit of yours to express yourself in some sloppy, homegrown creole of profanity and violence, that you so excel at. It's sort of a new language in itself. For half-humans.

Your daddy must have beat your ass good every time you opened your mouth as a toddler. Taught you not to think, didn't it?

Sour grapes look good on you. All tart and loser like. It's okay monkey boy, I know that your arms are tired from always flinging your specific brand of shit. Yes, salad-tosser, I'm gloating. Ah, there you go, just a little deeper. That's it. Good boy.

Mark said...

Watching Ritmo lose it: Priceless.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Any idea that needs that much money to assert itself obviously isn't all that powerful or righteous.

I believe the responses seen just now prove that.

Alex said...

Congrats cons, Walker will be indicted on federal charges soon enough.

Anonymous said...

Walker supporters have completely overun the Uppity Wisconsin Live blog. Hilarious.

chickelit said...

Progressivism started out in Madison. It's only fit that it should go back there to wound lick. If this doesn't kill it, it will become stronger.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Any idea that needs that much money to assert itself obviously isn't all that powerful or righteous.

So, why then is Obama out fund raising like mad to try to accumulate over a billion dollars for his ideas?

If he was truly righteous, he should stand on the mount and give us a sermon....right?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What did I lose? Am I from the micro-state of Wisconsin? No. Did I just have to run again halfway through my term, and require the backing of carpetbaggers to pull it off? No.

Chip S. said...

Walker will be indicted on federal charges soon enough.

So, Re-elect Kleefisch in '14?

No problem.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So, why then is Obama out fund raising like mad to try to accumulate over a billion dollars for his ideas?

This is a ridiculous question. It's like asking someone who doesn't prefer nuclear war why he doesn't commit to unilateral disarmament.

Confusing pragmatism for morality or one's ideals is at the heart of the rotten core of conservatism.

Methadras said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

Up your ass, Haz. Silly peckerhead.

What are you getting so fucking touchy about, anyway? This is not the behavior of adherents to a confident political philosophy.

You aren't even dumb enough to be elevated to dimwit. Monkey boy, this is the behavior of winners of a confident political philosophy that was upheld and reaffirmed. Your comrades brought this war on and they brought it on themselves. Conservatives in Wisconisn just won that war. Celebration is in order. Don't like it, then go find the highest point in whatever hovel you live near and jump off of it (and no, not from you crib either). Or just die in a fire. I don't care which.

Palladian said...

Expect one of the Weeks Hall hawks to drop the tiny, bloody corpse of the Wisconsin Democrats in front of the hungry eyasses tomorrow morning.

Rose said...

Mel siad: If there is a swearing-in or something, you two deserve seats right up front (and I don't give a damn who calls me a syncophant). This is your victory, too, over the creeps who tried to intimidate you.

Kiss your wife, Mr Meade, that is one gutsy lady.

Amen - and THANK YOU.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So, why then is Obama out fund raising like mad to try to accumulate over a billion dollars for his ideas?

This is a ridiculous question. It's like asking someone who doesn't prefer nuclear war why he doesn't commit to unilateral disarmament.

Confusing pragmatism for morality or one's ideals is at the heart of conservatism's rotten core.

I've been gone too long. It's evident y'all are forgetting how to think.

PackerBronco said...

the best thing that could have happened for this state was a decisive victory. Imagine having to endure a recount!

Oh, and Garage, you can stop voting now, the election is over.

Mark said...

Ritmo, just so you know, you're giving all of us cons a Conan "What is good in life?" moment.


Paco Wové said...

Remember: you're all mean stupid poopy-heads and Ritmo doesn't care about you or your stupid election! He doesn't care so much he had to run over here and tell you!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You don't even know me, Meth-head. Or anything, really.

But you do know how to behave like a toddler who went through more bars of soap being scrubbed through his potty mouth than it takes to clean an elephant.

You can suck it too. Confident people have a sense of direction, which you obviously lack. You are like a furious whirlwind of angry, profane non-thoughts.

Methadras said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

Any idea that needs that much money to assert itself obviously isn't all that powerful or righteous.

I believe the responses seen just now prove that.

Monkey boy pontificates the obvious as a detriment to ideology as a function of monetary largess. Did you lose your dunce cap again? Look monkey boy, in the market place of idea, money is required to forward those ideas as the workings of that given ideology and in this country, unlike the collectivist havens you pine for, money equals free speech. Therefore it is quite clear that conservatives and conservativism has spoken loudly and clearly. I'll leave it to you and whatever hapless braincells you have left to figure out what that means. Happy shit throwing.

ALH said...

Chicklit said: "Progressivism started out in Madison. It's only fit that it should go back there to wound lick. If this doesn't kill it, it will become stronger."

Doesn't being progressive warrant some type of say, NEW, idea. What is a NEW IDEA that Falk or Barrett was bringing to the table? Spend more money? Go back to the policies that had Wisconsin $3 billion in debt? Build a choo choo track?

I'm all for progressivism. The problem is that holding on to an old blue model of high taxes, powerful labor unions and entitlements is outdated. Encouraging lean and effective government is more progressive than that. Walker was bold and made changes. He has been rewarded by the people.

Alex said...

Hey Ritmo - if your side's ideas are so fucking obvious, moral, upright and all that shit, why is Obama raising a billion dollars?

Alex said...

Ritmo - making fun of someone's online nickname is quite juvenile. I expected more of you. Where is your magnanimity in defeat?

yoobee said...

Did anyone see what happened after Barrett gave his speech? Apparently an aide (?) slapped him. I'd love to see video of that.

Mark said...

I need popcorn!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, just so you know, you're giving all of us cons a Conan "What is good in life?" moment.


Cheers back. I'm glad to give as much to a group of people with so obviously few moments as those you describe.

Such joylessness your worldview brings. No wonder Meth-head-erest behaves likes a hundred-year old hemorrhoid.

Methadras said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

You don't even know me, Meth-head. Or anything, really.

But you do know how to behave like a toddler who went through more bars of soap being scrubbed through his potty mouth than it takes to clean an elephant.

You can suck it too. Confident people have a sense of direction, which you obviously lack. You are like a furious whirlwind of angry, profane non-thoughts.

Ergo, you have nothing more to say. Check. See you in November, bootlicker.

Seven Machos said...

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of poor, poor Meadowlark!

That is good! That is good!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Alex apparently thinks I just ran to defend my seat as governor of Wisconsin.

Is this the sort of mind running the Republican-libertarian show? Doesn't sound too swift.

chickelit said...

Well Walker's win certainly vindicates the Tea Party and Tea Party politics.


Chip S. said...

Such joylessness your worldview brings.

Whereas your worldview seems to make you Little Miss Sunshine.

Mark said...

Ritmo loved Wisconsin when he thought she was going to put out for him.

Now she's just a slut. And Ritmo is blue. And very angry.

Poor Ritmo.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of poor, poor Meadowlark!

That is good! That is good!

This sounds better when read aloud (and in character) by the guy who played this dude, after his face got all warped.

Thank you for showing the true emptiness of conservative virtue. (An oxymoron).

yoobee said...

So according to local Milwaukee news, Barrett met a supporter as he left the stage after his concession speech. The supporter was very angry that Barrett conceded early, and she asked him if she could slap him. Barrett, interpreting it as a joke, leaned forward, and she gave him a hard slap across the face. Then the handlers separated the supporter from Barrett.


Chuck66 said...

I have relatives in Buffalo county (the adapted home of Illinois resident angry Katheleen Vinehout). The county tends to vote democrat. But it did go 53% for Walker in 2010 (a surprise). Went for Walker 61% tonight. This is what democracy looks like.

Geesh, Taylor county went 74% for Governor Walker. I shall vacation there this fall.

bagoh20 said...

Well if Freeman is gonna post her photo of Venus transiting the sun I'll show mine too. Taken with a Jurassic Technology 42S and a Bulbous Synoptic AF filter. It came out pretty good, and I was surprised at the detail:

Venus in Transit

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do I even know who Mark is? Am I supposed to give a rat's ass?

Chip S. said...

Yup, conservatives & libertarians wallow in misery and anger, while lefties are ennobled by their ideology.

Except maybe the person who tweeted this:

Please somebody kill Scott Walker.—
(@Prototypeisgame) June 06, 2012

or this:

I wanna kill scott walker so fucking baddd!!!!! & the racist dumb assholes that voted for him #nbs—
FatBitchess&GoodWeed (@DomoSoloDolo) June 06, 2012

Lots more--and much worse--ones abound.

Yes, it's just a bunch of happy warriors on the left.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Other quotes by Repubs on this thread could start here

Methadras said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

Thank you for showing the true emptiness of conservative virtue. (An oxymoron).

So we should be expecting to see you ride off into the sunset, over the rainbow on the back of my little pony then, never to be seen? Wow, today there would be a god.

James said...

UppityWisconsin's server has crashed.

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