June 28, 2012

"Liberals plan single payer push if mandate falls."

"The Congressional Progressive Caucus will hold an 11 a.m. news conference outside the Supreme Court, along with liberal groups, to advocate for a universal, single-payer system — essentially, Medicare for everyone."


pauldar said...

In honor or Ann's new way of discussing Bullshit

Bullshit on that.

Once written, twice... said...
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The rule of Lemnity said...

The individual mandate survives as a tax.

That means it lives to me but.. is it constitutional?

The rule of Lemnity said...

So the mandate is constitutional. Chief Justice Roberts joins the left of the Court.

Mel said...

looks like it survived. unreal.

edutcher said...

They plan single payer, anyway.

Once written, twice... said...

If the individual mandate is tossed then "Medicare for all" is the only option. I predict conservatives will look back and regret today's decision if the mandate is tossed.

6/28/12 9:10 AM

dreams said...

A 5 to 4 decision that liberals will think is just fine.

Rusty said...

Not with a bang, but with a wimper. It was fun while it lasted.
I'd become a democrat, but I'm just not that dumb.

test said...

This would be such a colossal political disaster I have a hard time beliving it even though progressives have consistently shown zero economic or political acumen. You could not pick a single issue more damaging to the Obama campaign or leftist political prospects in America.

It's such a bad idea I wonder if the announcement is designed to give Obama a Sister Souljah opportunity. If it happens, I think the conference will be a "Scalia has mounted a coup" style hysteria revival.

Hagar said...

Is that "push" or "putch"?

Hagar said...


rehajm said...

Headline update: "Liberals plan single payer push if mandate is upheld."

Bruce Hayden said...

Yeh, like the Dems are going to take the House and keep the Presidency and the Senate this coming election. Right.

Of course, it is moot now, with CJ Roberts siding with the statist leftists on the Court...

Carol said...

I predict most people will comply at first and sign up with the insurance exchanges, but as time goes on more and more will just opt for the penalty.

It'll become such a big problem that eventually Congress will tweak this monstrosity into single payer.

n.n said...

That will only work if Americans are working. Otherwise, we will continue to enjoy progressive corruption through redistributive change. The inclusion of illegal aliens through a selective rule of law will only serve to accelerate the progress.

jim said...

Single-payer would be such a tragedy: how can you keep America's infant mortality rate going up & life expectancy falling with a system that actually works?

Also, you're forgetting the REAL core of the matter: $$$$$.

Single-payer doesn't pay well enough for BlueCross & Co., so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a sudden outbreak of mathematical literacy & sanity to save the day.