June 26, 2012

"I will be the first president in modern history to be outspent in his re-election campaign, if things continue as they have so far."

Emails Barack Obama:
I'm not just talking about the super PACs and anonymous outside groups -- I'm talking about the Romney campaign itself. Those outside groups just add even more to the underlying problem.
ADDED: Here's the rest of the email:

The Romney campaign raises more than we do, and the math isn't hard to understand: Through the primaries, we raised almost three-quarters of our money from donors giving less than $1,000, while Mitt Romney's campaign raised more than three-quarters of its money from individuals giving $1,000 or more.

And, again, that's not including the massive outside spending by super PACs and front groups funneling up to an additional billion dollars into ads trashing me, you, and everything we believe in.

We can be outspent and still win -- but we can't be outspent 10 to 1 and still win.

More than 2.2 million Americans have already chipped in for us, and I'm so grateful for it. As we face this week's fundraising deadline, can you make a donation of $3 or more today?

Every donation you make today automatically enters you to join Michelle and me for one of the last grassroots dinners of this campaign -- today is your last chance to get your name in.

These dinners represent how we do things differently. My opponent spent this past weekend at a secretive retreat for the biggest donors to both his campaign and the super PACs that support him.

I've got other responsibilities I'm attending to.

Donate today to stand for our kind of politics:


Thank you,



Matt Sablan said...

He was also the first presidential nominee in modern history to not accept public financing. Remember when out spending your opponent was a good thing and showed the support of the nation was behind you?

Sigh. Those long, lost days.

Anonymous said...

One man's problem is another man's solution.

Poor Obama. The wax holding his wings together has fully melted now and he is in free fall.

And the tragedy is that he's probably never fully educated himself enough to know what I'm talking about.

A tragic character if America has ever known one.

Synova said...

Oh sob.

And by how much did he outspend McCain?

After pledging to take matching funds and the limits involved with that, too.

Tom Spaulding said...

"I will be the first president in modern history to be outspent in his re-election campaign, if things continue as they have so far."

You are also the first president that I can recall to be so inept, unqualified and hapless at the helm of this country.

You suck, and you deserve to lose because you cannot handle the job. You have shown no "growth in office" that might have convinced me you could do better given another term.

You may not have any more of my money, and I subtract 50 points from Slytherin.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Everything Obama does is historic!

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DADvocate said...

You mean disabled credit card verification and accepting money from untraceable prepaid credit cards hasn't gotten him a record amount of money? Poor baby.

First modern day president outspent in his re-election campaign? That should tell you something.

DADvocate said...

BTW - this word verification is weird. Twice today, each on different posts, I've typed just the word, not the number and it accepted my comment. Maybe it's because my comments are so marvelous.

DADvocate said...

Everything Obama does is historic!

At first glance, I thought you said "histrionic."

edutcher said...

He may also be the first President to be abandoned by most of his contributors.

Which is why he is being outspent.

Because all those people would rather see the Romster elected.

But it's OK.

He goes down in history as the Biggest Spender of All Time.

Of course, it may destroy the United States, but he is "sort of God", after all.

And he needs a legacy.

Anonymous said...

Bush did it.

Chip S. said...

He finally found something he's good at--driving away contributors.

edutcher said...

DADvocate said...

BTW - this word verification is weird. Twice today, each on different posts, I've typed just the word, not the number and it accepted my comment. Maybe it's because my comments are so marvelous.

Dad, dude, WV can't read the number because it's part of an image.

Wait till you have to do one in Arabic.

Unknown said...

I'll believe it when it's over and all of it can be counted up. I figure the incumbent's theme for this election is fear. This is just a grace note.

Mark said...

What happened to Billion Dollar Barack?

Oh, that's right, after persecuting anybody not sucking on the public teat, he's found raising money isn't quite as easy as it was the first time around. (You know, when behind closed doors he could and would promise anything to anyone.)

Cry me a river, Grifter in Chief.

James Pawlak said...

He should grab as much cash as she can and convert them to Indonesian Rupias or Kenyan Shillings and flee the USA before probable indictments next year.

bagoh20 said...

You guys need to cut the crap, and just write him a check right f'ing now, or I swear to god, he will let those ocean rise!

That's a real nice county you got there. It would be a shame if anything were to happen to it.

Kris said...

Spending two seconds on Open Secrets proves most of his claims false.

rehajm said...

outspent. The last defense of a loser. Turns out in most big national races the reason one candidate raises more money than another is because that candidate has the support of more voters. Who then vote.

Rob said...

Poor poor Barack, he may be President, but he's a victim. And by virtue of his victimhood, he perfectly represents his Democratic constituency and taps into their Weltanschauung.

BarryD said...

Isn't this a really stupid strategy?

I mean, to me, it screams "We suck!"

Is that going to attract donors?

Tom Spaulding said...

I think he's probably gonna cry about it on TV like Weepy Cheese Boy did the night Scott Walker beat Tom Barrett (again) in the ill-fated recall election that proved (again) that Prog ideas are a "no sale", even in Wisconsin..

If only he had more money, all of his ideas would work.

Franklin said...

Is there a single issue - JUST ONE - that the Democrats don't try to turn on its fucking head when it works again them?

coketown said...

That would be funny if the footnote to his claim about a campaign being able to win even if outspent, but not if outspent 10 to 1, linked to the McCain 2008 campaign.

rehajm said...

I've got other responsibilities I'm attending to.

You mean flying to Boston on Air Force One to attend a fundraiser at Symphony Hall, a $40,000 a plate dinner at Hammersley's, and a reception at a private home in Weston?

Mary Beth said...

So far, Obama has raised more than twice as much as Romney and he ended March with 10 times as much. NYT

Amartel said...

Dear Mr. President,
Please keep blaming everybody but yourself.
Please keep pushing big government programs and revenue enhancement.
Please keep implying that your color is relevant.
Please keep failing to meet the standards that you apply to everyone else.
Please keep exploiting class, race, sex, and religious differences to gull the stupid.
Please keep ignoring the rule of law and your own campaign promises.
Please keep thinking that America hasn't noticed or doesn't care about all of the above.

Astro said...

Apparently he's not counting the trillions of dollars he has spent buying votes, the past 3 and half years.

pauldar said...

Well, well well. Apparently the $100 I and the wife sent to Mr. Romney is making Obama cry. Seems fair, as everything he has done so far, has had the same effect on us.

bagoh20 said...


The guy who said that actually had to apologize. Because some people voted for a lying S.O.B.

"Hey, he was better than the other guy."


Larry J said...

Chip S. said...
He finally found something he's good at--driving away contributors.

Oh, he's good at a lot of things. For example:

1. He's great at pissing off our neighbors such as Canada (Keystone pipeline) and Mexico (Fast and Furious).

2. He's good at pissing off our long-time allies like the British and Israelis.

3. He's great at giving aid and comfort to our enemies.

4. He's absolutely terrific at spending more than income, be it the national budget (borrowing $4 billion per day) or his campaign.

5. He's great at giving government contracts and loan guarantees to cronies, bundlers and contributors.

6. He's great at playing the class warfare card, although he seems a might bewildered that the people he has been demonizing all these years are now reluctant to donate for his reelection. Go figure.

Now, when it comes to being an honest, ethical and competent president, he's not so great. In fact, he doesn't even rise to the level of mediocre. And to think, he can't understand why so many people won't donate to his campaign. It's a mystery.

traditionalguy said...

The "outspent" meme is very subjective and aimed at America's sympathetic underdog knee jerk supporters.

The 800 million dollar contribution gorilla in the room is the value of NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, WaPo and NYT pumping out their running Obama commercial 24/7 for years. CNN has joined Fox as semi-fair since The Clinton's sent out the Hillary 2016 signal not to go down with the ship while ruining their reputation by lying for loser Obama.

MadisonMan said...

Like others, I see that email as a tacit admission that his policies fail to excite his base (or any others) into a spending frenzy.

The solution seems obvious to me, and it's not whining about it.

Revenant said...

If he wins, he will be the first President in American history to whine his way back into office.

JC said...

My thought for most of the past 3 years was that he would sequester his personally raised funds and drop out of the race with about a billion with a bee dollars in his pocket. Now I suspect he just wants to serve his time and get elected Secretary General of the United Nations, so as to continue the good work. (NB- there has never been a UN SG from North America, Australia, or Antarctica. Having a Blsck man from the US would seem to be a good idea, no?)

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Preemptive whining.

Boo Hoo. No one wants to give me their wedding and birthday presents. If I lose it is all your fault you cheap fucks.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Were violins playing as you opened that email from the Prez?

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans said...

What was secret about Romney's weekend? Did he meet with like the Bilderberg group? Maybe someone from the Obama admin could be helpful and release the drone video. Was it so secret that the people he was with like used forks? Ann, did you go NY and go to Sarah Jessica Parker's house and not tell us? I mean it wasn't like a secret meeting and you do travel a lot. Now, not telling us, THAT would be uncivil!

JC said...

BTW, the word verification is generated by Google as a part of their OCR program for Google books. The numbers are for their address recognition map application. They don't know what the right numbers are.

garage mahal said...

Is Romney even still in the race? If he is they sure keep him away from cameras and microphones. It's just weird that Republicans never talk about Romney, but they love to talk about Obama, hour after hour, day after day. What he eats, what he drinks, his college girlfriends, his distant relatives, what he likes on a hot dog, etc etc etc. Sort of stalkerish?

mccullough said...

Since Romney is out raising Obama in hard donations from individual contributors Obama should thank the Supreme Court for Citizens United. His only hope is to have Buffett and Soros outspend the Koch brothers on Super PAC ads.

Eric said...

Oh, my heart aches for our poor president. Winning the election will be so much more difficult without a 3:1 spending advantage over his opponent.

And since the young idealists have realized how much he was oversold the Democrats are having to pay people to do things they could have relied upon volunteers to do in 2008.

Obama is in serious trouble. He could still pull it off, but it's not going to be a cake-walk like last time.

Eric said...

It's just weird that Republicans never talk about Romney, but they love to talk about Obama, hour after hour, day after day.

Because if the election is about Obama the Republicans win.

Revenant said...

It's just weird that Republicans never talk about Romney, but they love to talk about Obama, hour after hour, day after day.

Yes, how "weird".

KCFleming said...

Obama Kidney Sales Registry

Register your kidney with Obama 2012!

Got a second kidney, and no history of HIV, TB, or malignancy?

Instead of a small check or credit card offering that you’ll soon forget about, ask yourself, your friends and your family for something that will go a little further: a kidney donation to Obama for America.

Register your kidney —whether it’s 10, 20, or 30 years old —with the Obama campaign. It will be auctioned off, and the proceeds used for the re-election campaign.

It’s a great way to show your support for a cause that’s important to preserving our right to health care.

Just log in or sign up to give a kidney to Obama 2012!

edutcher said...

Maybe he can get some of it from McCaskill, Manchin, and all the other Demos who aren't going to the convention this year because they don't want to be seen in the same state with him if they can avoid it.

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans said...

What was secret about Romney's weekend? Did he meet with like the Bilderberg group?

Well, now we know what Ron Paul did with all his tin foil.

Mogget said...

It's just weird that Republicans never talk about Romney

He seems to be personally boring and professionally competent, which neither requires nor inspires much and is a welcome with respect to the rock star incompetence that characterizes Obama

Rusty said...

garage mahal said...
Is Romney even still in the race? If he is they sure keep him away from cameras and microphones. It's just weird that Republicans never talk about Romney, but they love to talk about Obama, hour after hour, day after day. What he eats, what he drinks, his college girlfriends, his distant relatives, what he likes on a hot dog, etc etc etc. Sort of stalkerish

When you fuck up a lot you tend to get talked about a lot. You of all people should know this.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Never fear Democrats! Obama still has all those foreign donors he can get money from!

Chuck said...

It is startling to hear Obama so clearly channeling the recent historic Democrat defeat in Wisconsin; "We could be outspent and still win, but we couldn't be outspent 10 to 1 and still win..."

Because there isn't a chance that Obama will be "outspent" by 10 to 1 in the 2012 general election. There was no need for him to go so histrionically far. Except as an echo of Wisconsin. Why Wisconsin? Was this a Wisconsin-focused email, I wonder?

btw: Obama outraised and outspent McCain by 2 to 1 in 2008.

Hagar said...

That is one dumb e-mail regardless of what his situation is.

Curious George said...

Better start stopping the oceans from rising or something asshole.

bagoh20 said...

Will Obamacare cover my kidney donation surgery?

What about the post surgery costs?

Oh, it's one of those good news/bad news things, huh? That's what I figured.

But hey Mr. President, I have two kidneys! Be a shame to waste one, and I think you're swell!

KCFleming said...

Give your left nut for Obama 2012!

KCFleming said...

Sell your own Grandmother for Obama 2012!

KCFleming said...

Buy a lottery ticket and give it to Obama 2012!

KCFleming said...

Man, Obama oughtta hire me.
I'm full of friggin' ideas.

bagoh20 said...

"It's just weird that Republicans never talk about Romney."

They don't need to talk him up - he has a record and he's not hiding it.

This is a huge improvement, and should be at least a minimal standard for any candidate nominated, let alone elected.

Who was it around here that voted for a guy with no record?

Widely Seen said...

Fine whine -- it can be a hard sell in troubled times...

Michael K said...

In case anyone should be interested, Zimmerman passed a lie detector test the day after Martin was shot. Does anybody think that will stop Corey ?

Obama is the topic but it is about his "son" after all.

garage mahal said...

They don't need to talk him up - he has a record and he's not hiding it.

Yes. He is a religious man, but you can't talk about his religion. He was a governor, but you can't talk about his record as governor. He was a businessman, but you can't talk about what he did in business. Romney absolutely will not take a stand, on anything! Plus he isn't a very likable person to begin with. I don't think it's going to cut it in the end. It will be funny to see the Adelsons and the Kochs spend a billion dollars on Romney, and lose. But the media lets him get away with the incessant lying, and we know that isn't an impediment for Republican voters, so who knows.

Henry said...

A grassroots dinner? How about a steak?

Revenant said...

but you can't talk about [etc etc]

Or else what? What happens if you talk about his religion, for example? Do the Mormon Police come and arrest you for blasphemy, and spirit you off to the secret cells under the tabernacle? :)

Tom Spaulding said...

You got questions, I got answers.

Is Romney even still in the race? If he is they sure keep him away from cameras and microphones.

Who is they? Not covering Romney enough on your fave channel? Try a different channel. Did you have some questions on where he stands on the issues? Visit his website. Need more Romney facts, try Politico...they're fact checking his baseball anecdotes. Stalkerish.

It's just weird that Republicans never talk about Romney, but they love to talk about Obama, hour after hour, day after day.

Competency is it's own billboard. When the competition is that awful, you don't really need to sell it to reasonable people, reality is reality. Mitt Romney the man is not the issue. What Mitt Romney stands for is the issue. I'm voting for the most conservative candidate, you're voting for...Barack.

The Dems always get that backwards...pick a charismatic guy, follow blindly, forgive him of all transgressions and failures. Your side is still trying to "save or create" enough grievance coalitions to squeak a re-election out despite the worst economy in my lifetime. It will not work, and they know it.

Your guy sucks at being the president, always has and continues to. Part of the ongoing conversation is that we really can't point out the epic fail of your 2008 vote enough. You all should be shamed and embarrassed into chastened silence, having saddled us with that fool for four years and hoping for four more, but here you are...whining again, this time about Mitt Romney not getting enough play.

What he eats what he drinks his college girlfriends, his distant relatives, what he likes on a hot dog, etc etc etc. Sort of stalkerish?

IWe also want to know what he thinks, why he gets it all so wrong, what his goals are, what his motives are. It's called "vetting", yet another task left undone by the Left, now finally being attempted...if only to be used as future "excuses" and "we had no idea he was a fraud" disavowals for the electoral beating your side will experience in November.

Glad to help.

Eric said...

Yes. He is a religious man, but you can't talk about his religion. He was a governor, but you can't talk about his record as governor. He was a businessman, but you can't talk about what he did in business.

Eh? I guess, if by "talk about" you mean "slander without any response from the Republicans". That kind of talking about? Rumors and such?

There's been a whole lot of talk about Romney's stint at Bain. It's been explored more closely than Obama's entire (short, and to be honest, somewhat empty) history was explored in 2008.

Henry said...

Every donation you make today automatically enters you...

Am I right to conclude that what Obama is selling you is a lottery ticket?

First prize is his presence.

That does sum up his administration.

Dante said...

Maybe this isn't a comment on how badly obama sucks, but on how badly romney sucks.

Hey, didn't obama say his wife can do more pushups than he can because she doesn't go all the way down? So Obama must go all the way down. I guess Romney must be able to swallow the whole twig and berries.

Rabel said...

"I've got other responsibilities I'm attending to."

Throwing that statement in at the end of the e-mail is a bit bizarre. It's hard to see how it is appealing to a potential donor as even the mainstream press has noted that the President is in a near full-time campaign and fund raising mode.

Several apparent misjudgements have come from the Omama campaign recently. I suspect they come directly from Obama himself.

The FEC also puts the lie to the claim about being outraised:

Totals thru 5-31

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

In lieu of "walking" guns to Mexico.. donate them to Obama 2012

.. so we could have Holder do it and then set up a hotline for when those guns come back over the border and Arizona troopers dare to try stop it...

Let me stop there.. this mockery is soo out there.. it might taint my Althousian gravitas.. or something.

Penny said...

Not much of a mathematics type, but Mr.President?

Why would you need to spend one thin dime on the "Democratic Primary"?

I don't recall you having any serious competition?

Jane the Actuary said...

Wow -- this is bizarre. "I have a God-given right to have (and spend) more money than my opponent. The mere prospect that this may not be the case is an injustice! The White House is mine! mine!" (The toddler definition of posession: It's mine! If I ever touched it, it's mine! If I ever saw it, it's mine!)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What the hell does "walking" guns mean anyway?

Dont answer that.. that's for a fast and furious post.

Penny said...

None of my business how you spend your re-election money, Mr.President.

But in hindsight?

Wouldn't you agree that maybe you should have SAVED what you did get from your small donor supporters?

Not like you didn't know there was going to be a "rainy day" when you would finally meet your Republican competition, and in a bad economy.

Penny said...

Something to be learned here. For sure!

edutcher said...

Pogo said...

Sell your own Grandmother for Obama 2012!

Barry already did.

yashu said...

What he eats what he drinks his college girlfriends, his distant relatives, what he likes on a hot dog, etc etc etc. Sort of stalkerish?

Actually it's the Obama campaign (not the Romney campaign) that's intent on making this election all about Obama's personality, Barack Obama as "a personality" (and more generally about the candidates' personalities, as opposed to their records and policies). Cf. Obama and Michelle recently regaling us with the tale of their first date, etc. Aren't they just adorable, the coolest first couple ever? Don't you just love them, America? They should have their own reality show.

Obama's the one running a campaign as scripted by the celebrity PR flacks at People Magazine. Dinner with George Clooney, dinner with Anna Wintour! Breakfast with the 20 hottest young stars! The Preezy of the United Steezy, king of the slow jam! Isn't he dreamy.

Obama's the one who wrote 2 memoirs, not Romney. Obama's the one whose 2 books regale us with all the (largely fictitious) details of "what he eats what he drinks his college girlfriends, his distant relatives, what he likes on a hot dog, etc"-- these are not details from books about Obama written by conservatives.

And the Maraniss book (written by someone friendly to Obama) is belatedly pointing out all the fabulating in those memoirs, the truthiness of which the MSM has been remarkably incurious about since 2008.

It's the Obamaphilic Jody Kantors and outfits like the NYT and WP that like to regale us with tales of the Obamas, their sparkling and oh-so-cool personalities, awe-inspiring lives, and their wonderful marriage. (And tales of Romney's mean high-school pranks and his wife's expensive equestranism.)

Meanwhile, Time magazine is complaining that Romney is too one-note in his focus on the economy. How boring. Heh, like boring through rock. Go Mitt.

Brian Brown said...

He also is the first President in American history to:

-Preside over a credit downgrade
-Add $5 trillion to the national debt

bagoh20 said...

Do you realize that everything you have said about Romney would be racist if one of his parents happened to be black?

I more than welcome an honest comparison of the two men running for this job.

Let the media do their job and put it in a neat spreadsheet listing accomplishments and failures. Beliefs and policies. Lets do it. I got no problem with that, because I want to pick the best guy for the job.

But, lets not have a column for pants crease, race, or ocean leveling. I'll let you have one for "Will buy gas for my car." That will to help the Obama base pick their guy more easily.

Mark O said...

My God, he’s a whiney little dick. Smells like Nixon.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
Is Romney even still in the race? If he is they sure keep him away from cameras and microphones.


He wasn't live on television in front of Solyndra recently or anything!

He wasn't on Face the Nation ten days ago or anything!!

You are an effing moron.

So just shut up now.

bagoh20 said...

Oh yea, and to address your concerns, we can have column for "lies and broken promises" too. Let's see how that works out.

wyo sis said...

Just some random thoughts.

That Obama---it's like he has to be first at everything.

Why do Dems talk incessantly about Romney's relegion and his wife's MS and never mention Obama?
Because they're pricks.

Why oh why can't Obama get money from young people?
Because all the young people who voted for him in 2008 are now living in their parent's basement, and the ones who were too young then have seen the handwriting on the wall.

ricpic said...


yashu said...

Romney was recently on that bus tour through swing states.

You can be sure if he'd done or said anything embarrassing we would have seen A WHOLE LOT of Romney in the MSM.

All we got from the MSM was that snippet about the amazingness of Wawa (which the MSM had to distort to mock Romney, only embarrassing themselves).

So I'm guessing the bus tour went pretty well.

Meanwhile, Obama has been making news, what with deploying executive orders and executive privilege all over the place.

Anonymous said...

First lesson of salesmanship: never let 'em see you sweat.

Obama is sweating it, big time.

Big Mike said...

I the iron triangle of Reid, Pelosi, and Obama hadn't made such a total botch of the US economy then it wouldn't matter how much money Romney had to spend.

Obama is treating this election the same classically liberal way he treated the stimulus -- it doesn't matter how you spend it, just throw money at a problem and eventually it goes away.

Throwing money at his reelection is just money flushed down the toilet.

garage mahal said...

Why do Dems talk incessantly about Romney's relegion and his wife's MS and never mention Obama?

They don't. And neither do Republicans. Is Mormonism discussed on this blog? Very seldom.

But whatever Mormons are smoking is some way better shit than whatever old Rev Wright is smoking. Does Romney believe in the Founding Fathers lost tribes theory? I doubt he would ever get asked that.

Rabel said...

I may have to withdraw my claim that Obama is in full-time campaign mode.

Looks like he declared war on Russia yesterday:

This seems kinda important

n.n said...

What happened to the millions (or is it hundreds of millions) from unknown (or undisclosed) foreign contributors? All he has to do is, once again, turn a blind eye and his fortune will reappear.

John Cunningham said...

A pal of mine donated $3 via credit card at Comrade Urkel's site. they have turned off AVS verification and security, so he gave this personal info--
Josef V. Stalin
Executive Suite, the Kremlin
No.2 Red Square
Moscow, Russian Federation
employer and position--
Communist Party of Soviet Union,
General Secretary

the donation went through

Clyde said...

Those greens fees must be eating him up.

Seriously, he's had more than 150 fundraisers with his fatcat contributors and he's still being outraised? Come on, libs, ante up! Pour more money down that rathole.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Wait a minute..

Wasn't Iran Contra about the illegal sale of armaments to Iran?

Iran Contra was a big deal back in the day..

Fast and Furious is about a gun walk.. to Mejico.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I guess selling to drug cartels is.. is.. its RIGHT THING TO DO!!


Revenant said...

They don't. And neither do Republicans. Is Mormonism discussed on this blog? Very seldom.

Althouse "Mormons" tag

Dante said...

It's Bush's fault.

Romney is Bush's fault too.

And so was McCain.

Dante said...

"They don't. And neither do Republicans. Is Mormonism discussed on this blog? Very seldom."

What's interesting to me is that I've had two Jews talk to me about Mormonism, and how Romney is unelectable because of "Magic Underwear." These people don't know each other.

Kirby Olson said...

One wonders if Obama can ever tell the truth even to Michelle, even to his daughters, even when he's talking to himself in the privacy of his dreams.

Known Unknown said...

"They don't. And neither do Republicans. Is Mormonism discussed on this blog? Very seldom."

I would gladly discuss Romney's religion in light of its impact (or lack thereof) on his governance in office.

campy said...

Is Mormonism discussed on this blog? Very seldom.

Why should it be? Only a bigot would vote based on a candidate's religion.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Yashu just made an alltime great comment! Great job!

mrs whatsit said...

Tom Spaulding wrote: "You may not have any more of my money, and I subtract 50 points from Slytherin."


Titus said...

Nora Ephron's dead.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

To put it in Trooper speak..

Did you know that Obama sold guns to drug cartels in Mejico resulting in the deaths of hundreds of Mejicans as well as two Americans?

Comanche Voter said...

Well Barack, I've got a line from WW II for you:

"El Tougho Shitto as they say in the Spanish Marines".

And another;

"Toughsky Shitsky as they say in the Russian Marines".

Rusty said...

garage mahal said...
They don't need to talk him up - he has a record and he's not hiding it.

Yes. He is a religious man, but you can't talk about his religion. He was a governor, but you can't talk about his record as governor. He was a businessman, but you can't talk about what he did in business. Romney absolutely will not take a stand, on anything! Plus he isn't a very likable person to begin with. I don't think it's going to cut it in the end. It will be funny to see the Adelsons and the Kochs spend a billion dollars on Romney, and lose. But the media lets him get away with the incessant lying, and we know that isn't an impediment for Republican voters, so who knows.

That's all well and good garage, but this post is about how your lord and savior, Obama, cant sell himself in the marketplace of ideas.
Got any ideas on why nobody seems to want give their money to the loser in chief?

garage mahal said...
Why do Dems talk incessantly about Romney's relegion and his wife's MS and never mention Obama?

They don't. And neither do Republicans. Is Mormonism discussed on this blog? Very seldom.

But whatever Mormons are smoking is some way better shit than whatever old Rev Wright is smoking. Does Romney believe in the Founding Fathers lost tribes theory? I doubt he would ever get asked that.

I know its difficult for you, but do TRY to stay on topic. You can save the senseless horseshit for a cafe.

Michael Haz said...

What, the wedding gifts weren't enough?

Jaq said...

Obama complaining about his funding drying up reminds me of Andy Kaufman, when nobody believed he was dying. Nobody believes he is not going to screw them over after they give him their money.

JAL said...

Now I suspect he just wants to serve his time and get elected Secretary General of the United Nations

That has been my thought for a couple years now.

Only place for him to go.

Question: Will they have him? They know he's a wuss.

Dante said...

"Why should it be? Only a bigot would vote based on a candidate's religion."

What about race? Blacks voted well out of proportion for Obamao in the primary. Are they therefore bigots?

JAL said...

@GM Romney absolutely will not take a stand, on anything!

Who is it who votes "present" again?

JohnJ said...

Every detailed analysis of fundraising and spending that I’ve seen finds that the President leads Romney, so that particular whine is unfounded. But, the spending by the respective campaigns is going to be far more equitable this time than last.

Anyone up for a fair fight?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Pogo would outsource American jobs for Romney!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

On just about every level Obama's new email is misleading, unfair and untrue..

yashu said...

He was a governor, but you can't talk about his record as governor. He was a businessman, but you can't talk about what he did in business.

You can't? Says who? What's stopping you? I seem to recall Obama, his surrogates, and the MSM not long ago blaring about Bain and then about Romney's record in MA (47th in job creation! with uh 4.7% unemployment…). These are still topics of current Obama ads and speeches. (E.g. the latest, Bain outsourcing, or offshoring, tomato tomahto what's the difference?).

Indeed, Cory Booker. Bill Clinton, Deval Patrick, and other high-profile figures have talked about Romney's record as businessman at Bain and as governor of MA. Too bad those conversations on Bain's evil vampire capitalism and MA's dismal unemployment record seem to have… petered out.

Must be Republicans to blame, forcibly prohibiting people from talking about Romney's record as businessman and as governor.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What about race? Blacks voted well out of proportion for Obamao in the primary. Are they therefore bigots?

As they have for just about any Democrat.

But because you're a bigot, you conclude that race is the only thing that motivates them.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

Well Ritmo, everyone knows all Republicans are White, even the Black ones.

Tim said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

"Pogo would outsource American jobs for Romney!"

Oh. Damn.

The moron quotient on board just doubled.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Who is it who votes "present" again?

Lol. ACA was such a flimsy stand to take.

A reminder of the people that these Althousian Republicans would like to kill off, since those lives get in the way of their "freedom".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So you prefer to outsource American jobs too, Tim? That's the smart thing to do, huh?

Just let it all out tonight, why don't you.

Are you from Romney's adopted state, BTW? Can you provide expertise on his record as governor?

Because apparently he can't.

JAL said...

I've got other responsibilities I'm attending to.

My putting needs some tweaking.

bgates said...

It's just weird that Republicans never talk about Romney, but they love to talk about Obama

Hey, we're going to have eight years to talk about Romney. Beginning six months from now, nobody will ever need to mention Obama except to remind people like you how horrible your judgement is, and to explain the source of the terrible problems which the Romney administration inherited.

Methadras said...

What does desperation smell like? A pack of menthol kools on the white house back lawn.

The Advertising Guy said...

Like everything else with Obama, the 2008 fundraising was a fraud. Using a few donor's like Soros funding his campaign with vcc's to make it look like there were thousands.

I remember when paypal stopped with vcc's and my first thought was this will totally screw over the Obama fundraising. Thought by now they would have figured out a new scam, but they aren't that bright.

Methadras said...

garage mahal said...

Is Romney even still in the race? If he is they sure keep him away from cameras and microphones. It's just weird that Republicans never talk about Romney, but they love to talk about Obama, hour after hour, day after day. What he eats, what he drinks, his college girlfriends, his distant relatives, what he likes on a hot dog, etc etc etc. Sort of stalkerish?

Slow news day for you, fat boy? When Urkel is given enough rope to hang himself with, you'll be right there underneath him to prop him up on your shoulders. Why should we talking about Romney when Urkel is his best advertising for a defeat in 2012. ChoomBoy is the gift that keeps on giving, kinda like your mom.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Competency is it's own billboard.

Lol. Irony, much?

Methadras said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

What about race? Blacks voted well out of proportion for Obamao in the primary. Are they therefore bigots?

As they have for just about any Democrat.

But because you're a bigot, you conclude that race is the only thing that motivates them.

Not anymore, since Urkel threw blacks under the bus in favor of the homosexuals. Guess he knows which side his bread is buttered on now don't we.

yashu said...

(Thanks AJ Lynch, I'm a longtime fan of your comments and love your Cartman avatar.)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not anymore, since Urkel threw blacks under the bus in favor of the homosexuals.

Explain what "Urkel" did to, as you put it, throw blacks under the bus?

Or is this just your attempt at being clever? ("Blacks should have a right to hold bigoted opinions on what rights gays should have!").

That's clever, man. A machine couldn't come up with something that incisive.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's really disrespectful to not respect a constituency's bigotry of others. This is one of Methadras' bright ideas. And it sums up Republican political philosophy perfectly. The most important thing, they would have us believe, is to respect a voter's bigotry, his ignorance, his lack of virtue. If these things couldn't be pandered to, then what would Republicans stand for?

Eric said...

They don't. And neither do Republicans.

Laughable. Fresh Air has had not one but two Mormon stories in the last month. Once because someone wrote a book and once interviewing the writer of a piece in the NYT. *

That's on top of another book interview 6-9 months ago where the Ms. Gross was careful to delve into the author's contentino that Romney's mission shaped his life and did I mention he was a Mormon because only wacky religious people go on missions and stuff?

Now, I agree there was a crescendo during the primary season as they tried to wound him among evangelicals and face someone easier to beat in the general election. But the "did I mention he was Mormon not that there's anything wrong with that" machine is has been getting a good workout this year and won't be turned off until November.

* As an aside, is anyone else annoyed when journalists interview each other? I notice whenever they want to make some group look bad they interview a journalist who wrote a book about that group instead of having a member of the group explain what it's about.

Methadras said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

Not anymore, since Urkel threw blacks under the bus in favor of the homosexuals.

Explain what "Urkel" did to, as you put it, throw blacks under the bus?

Or is this just your attempt at being clever? ("Blacks should have a right to hold bigoted opinions on what rights gays should have!").

That's clever, man. A machine couldn't come up with something that incisive

Prop 8 in California passed with a vast majority for the affirmative being blacks. North Carolina hosted a vast majority of blacks also voting to not allow homosexual marriage to be law. Your last quote is why you are a moron since homosexuals enjoy the same rights as heterosexuals. Clarify which rights they don't have, but you and I know that this will be another attempt at thread crapping by you.

Aside from that, massive fund raising bundlers from homosexual activists groups have been giving even more money than blacks have to Urkel ever since his calculated evolving stance on homosexual marriage. He did the calculus, guess who has more cash? He's alienated his black mostly anti-homosexual voting base. Even black pastors and church leaders are making claims they will not support him and stay away from the polls come November.

Also, I don't need to be clever when Urkel's actions and words do all the talking necessary to prove the point of his utter incompetence and having tools like you come running to defend that incompetence at almost every point.

Methadras said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

It's really disrespectful to not respect a constituency's bigotry of others. This is one of Methadras' bright ideas. And it sums up Republican political philosophy perfectly. The most important thing, they would have us believe, is to respect a voter's bigotry, his ignorance, his lack of virtue. If these things couldn't be pandered to, then what would Republicans stand for?

Do you even understand the stupidity you write? Did I say this? "Blacks should have a right to hold bigoted opinions on what rights gays should have!"

I don't even remember saying something like that.

Mark said...

Driving that train
High on cocaine
Barry Choom you'd better
Watch your speed
Trouble ahead
Trouble behind
And you know that notion
Just crossed my mind.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Prop 8 in California passed with a vast majority for the affirmative being blacks.

Not that I believe you, nor should anyone. But you're too dumb to realize that even if this was true, it has no bearing on California's electoral votes in November.


North Carolina hosted a vast majority of blacks also voting to not allow homosexual marriage to be law.

Again. Who cares? You're defending lackeyism. You're a bootlicker, like Romney. Obama takes a stand regardless, which is what people with principles do.

If you had any, you'd understand.

Your last quote is why you are a moron since homosexuals enjoy the same rights as heterosexuals.

Too dumb to address.

Clarify which rights they don't have, but you and I know that this will be another attempt at thread crapping by you.

Yes, you're afraid. It's obvious that the right to marry who they want is the issue -- upholder of low thread quality.

Aside from that, massive fund raising bundlers from homosexual activists groups have been giving even more money than blacks have to Urkel ever since his calculated evolving stance on homosexual marriage. He did the calculus, guess who has more cash?

Which, when Romney does this, you consider to be smart. So apparently you define intelligence differently depending on who exhibits it. Which makes you either dumb, unprincipled or inconsistent. Or all three.

He's alienated his black mostly anti-homosexual voting base.

Blind assertion.

Even black pastors and church leaders are making claims they will not support him and stay away from the polls come November.

How many? Are they enough to suppress a whole bloc of a vote? Or do you assume that bloc to be as sheep-like in their voting as your friends aboard this comments section do?

Who the hell votes simply because of how some purported religious leader tells them how to vote? Where is the evidence of people (particularly blacks) being this sheep-like? We already know that you're a sheep. But this concerns other people.

Also, I don't need to be clever when Urkel's actions and words do all the talking necessary to prove the point of his utter incompetence and having tools like you come running to defend that incompetence at almost every point.

Blah blah blah weaksauce butthurt playground taunts.

Penny said...

Ritmo presents as "man in

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Did I say this? "Blacks should have a right to hold bigoted opinions on what rights gays should have!"

I don't even remember saying something like that.

In that case, try one of these.

Your statement that Obama alienated homophobic blacks assumes that their homophobia is not up for debate or challenge by him. Which is a condescending way to treat both:

1. That voter
2. The other non-bigots and constituencies that don't care to indulge such bigotry, regardless of how superficially it keeps coalition "smooth" and avoids upsetting the applecart.

Penny said...

Do you suppose he needs... something?

tiger said...

Rusty said...
garage mahal said...
Is Romney even still in the race? If he is they sure keep him away from cameras and microphones. It's just weird that Republicans never talk about Romney, but they love to talk about Obama, hour after hour, day after day. What he eats, what he drinks, his college girlfriends, his distant relatives, what he likes on a hot dog, etc etc etc. Sort of stalkerish

When you fuck up a lot you tend to get talked about a lot. You of all people should know this.

As they at Fark '(golf clap),+1, WTG'

In reading garage's posts it struck me that he acts like 5 year old in a room full of adults bouncing around, demanding that they pay attention to him.

Tim said...

"So you prefer to outsource American jobs too, Tim? That's the smart thing to do, huh?"

Well, here's a clue: One of the reasons you're a moron is, you make shit up.

Not surprising.

Known Unknown said...

Charlie Rangel just won the Dem primary in D13

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Penny, get a life and stop stalking.

Penny said...

It won't be coming from me, but I know so many of you out there want to help.

RIGHT MO? Ritmo?

It's all about that LONG eye. :P

Penny said...

And who or what is "MO"?

gk1 said...

I dunno, maybe this whiney approach obama is using is what works best for liberals. God knows they whine enough till they get their way. Stamp your feet, hold your breath, SHAME!!!!

Anonymous said...

Penny, was Leslyn right?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do you need a hug or something, Penny?

wyo sis said...

"Who the hell votes simply because of how some purported religious leader tells them how to vote?"

Voting for someone because of what a religious leader says---hmmm---as opposed to a columnist, a commenter, a pundit, a magazine cover, a political ad, a spin doctor, a political party, a fund raising appeal, a yard sign, an ideology, a free contraceptive, a bus coming to the neighborhood to pick up wino's, etc. if we don't vote for one of those reasons why are we spending so much money on politics?

dave in boca said...

"[Obama] was also the first presidential nominee in modern history to not accept public financing."

What goes around can sometimes bite one in the a$$..!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The R-Money Campaign just came out with a THEME SONG! How exciting.

Here's the inspiration for its tune, as sung to these lyrics:

He's too afraid
to take a stand
He can't relate to
the common man
He drives his fancy cars
all alone
upon the grounds of
his gaudy home
Just lettin' you know that
he doesn't care
about the country or anything but his blow-dried hair!

wyo sis said...

It's simply this:
The choice is either Obama or Romney. That's all anyone who's lived through the last 4 years needs to hear.

Penny said...

Leslyn is MO right than we give her credit for on nearly any given day. And I NEVER turn down a hug, nor look for a reason not to give as many as I can, Rightmo.

And to Allie, last but never least. You're special, and I LOVE spending time with you.

Can we leaf it at that?

Anonymous said...

We can, we can even branch out and have a group hug, a big warm Althouse group hug.

Mark said...

Ritmo, thank you for playing.

Revenant said...

Who the hell votes simply because of how some purported religious leader tells them how to vote?

I'm not sure.

On the other hand, the "ZOMG MONEY RUINS POLITICS" crowd apparently believes that most of the electorate votes the way television commercials tell them to vote, so it would appear there are a lot of easily-led swing voters out there. :)

Mark said...


Only if it's money spent on the wrong candidate. Billions Barry didn't bother anyone until Barry couldn't pony up the billions.

Boo. Hoo.

Penny said...

ALL playing, but Althouse.

You buy that? lol

Penny said...

She's a party animal!

Penny said...

Not the "ha ha ha", kinda party animal.

More the "ho ho ho" hostess!


Whatever works!

Mark said...

But you're too dumb to realize that even if this was true, it has no bearing on California's electoral votes in November.

If you don't think Black turnout will be important in November, you need to get an NMR on your thinking equipment.

At this point, with the flop sweat starting to stink up the room, everything is in play Ritmo.

Penny said...

"Flop sweat" this Friday night sounds like a plan.

And if you can keep that going into a month of manic Mondays through friggin' Fridays, I just might have to higher you myself.

Penny said...

King Rightmo!

Penny said...

Not sure about anyone else, but I quite like a man who never quits.

And he has things to say...too!

Nora said...

"The Romney campaign raises more than we do, ... "

And I should believe Obama's fundrising pitch on this why? I don't believe a word coming from his campaign.

2 days ago I heared the same nonsense on NPR, you know about how all Romneys donors are fat cats and all the Obama donors are individuals, blah blah ... you know, unions, MSM corporations and Soros paid organizations are all small stuff in NPR universe ...

yashu said...

Agreed Nora, Obama wants to claim the underdog narrative, whether or not it's true.

I mean, pretty much by definition, the incumbent POTUS can't be an "underdog"-- it's like an oxymoron. But there you go.

It's amusing, however, to see the Obama campaign trying to sing from the same songbook we heard from Newt and Santorum in the primaries-- the outfunded underdog song. Hilariously incongruous coming from a POTUS.

La Pasionaria said...

The President had that one coming. If you start with big progressive majorities and dont use them to bring about serious campaign finance reform you will be eaten alive in the reelection campaign.

He thought that its okay that democracy is up for sale in this country because he might win the bidding war - shame on him!

DADvocate said...

Wow! I can hardly believe the anti-Mormon, bigoted remarks by garage and ritmo.

Matt Sablan said...

Outsourcing jobs is a weak attack on Romney, consider that as governor, unemployment dropped to what is known as "full employment" (how much you want to credit him is up to you.) Under Obama, even with his stimulus, we had nearly 10% unemployment, with even more if you count those who had completely given up.

So. Yeah. Let's talk about jobs.

Matt Sablan said...

"Yes. He is a religious man, but you can't talk about his religion. He was a governor, but you can't talk about his record as governor. He was a businessman, but you can't talk about what he did in business."

-- They tried. Remember when Axelrod was pushing "Romney is weird," and even Politico was sickened by his attempt to smear Romney with dog whistles about his religion? They tried about his time as governor too. Too bad he had full employment and made things better. They tried to attack his career as a businessman, and were met with a counter ad -the same day- that showed they were lying and that showed how Bain had saved a small town from dying.

So, the reason no one is talking about those things Garage, is because they no longer pose a risk to Romney, but are actually strengths. So, the media stopped reporting on it.

You don't even hear about the dog on the roof thing any more since Romney and his sons got on jet skis and -saved a drowning family and their dog-, a story that only came out big because of that lame attack. Your political head honchos have realized these are liabilities to attack him on, so now you just have Buzz Feed sexualizing Mrs. Romney by putting her in faux Viagra ads. Because that's all they've got.

Matt Sablan said...

My favorite part of the ad? That the people were filmed in the snow and bundled up. Why were they like that? Because the Romney campaign prepared the counter punch back when it was snowing.

They held it in reserve for months solely to knock the narrative flat in a single blow. It worked.

Your guy? He had some woman from Vogue cut an ad that the RNC turned around and used against him. Though, I think it took the RNC a few days. So, they're not quite as agile as the Romney campaign.

Tim said...

DADvocate said...

"Wow! I can hardly believe the anti-Mormon, bigoted remarks by garage and ritmo."

Yep. When the cry bigotry, they're just projecting.

It's all they've left. Their bag of tricks is as empty as their skulls.

Tim said...

DADvocate said...

"Wow! I can hardly believe the anti-Mormon, bigoted remarks by garage and ritmo."

And, to complete the trifecta, all we need is for Robert Cook or RV to come in with an ill-informed lecture on how anti-Mormon bigotry really isn't anti-Mormon bigotry.

JamesB.BKK said...

Does anyone else think asking for a mere - mere! - three bucks is lame?

Hagar said...

The Obama campaign is advertising that the "smart money" think they are losers.

Rusty said...

JamesB.BKK said...
Does anyone else think asking for a mere - mere! - three bucks is lame?

53% of the voting population voted for a Chicago shill and the country gets a game show host.

" For just three dollars you too can be a contestant! Just remember folks, the minibar is cash only!
Vote early! Vote often! Win valuable prizes!"

What a schmuck.

Christopher in MA said...

Wow! I can hardly believe the anti-Mormon, bigoted remarks by garage and ritmo.

They're small fry. Wait until Crack shows up with his weapons-grade brand of crazy.

TomB said...

So what happened to stimulus? One would think that a combined $2 billion or so would be packaged as a traveling stimulus package! Its just what President Obama has been asking for, isn't it?

wildswan said...

They're doing "Dinner with Obama" or Anna Wintour.
Well, what about "County Fair with Debbie Wasserman Schultz" where you throw a ball at a bullseye and Debbie gets dunked if you hit the bullseye. Or better yet "County Fair with Anna Wintour." Or in Loudoun County fairs they have this event called "bull poker" where a group sits in a circle on chairs and a bull runs at them and the last person still sitting wins. For three dollars you get to pick seven Democrats to play this. I think this might close the funding gap.

Henry said...

Wow! I can hardly believe the anti-Mormon, bigoted remarks by garage and ritmo.

I'm not.

They're small fry. Wait until Crack shows up with his weapons-grade brand of crazy.

Crack is crazy. But at least it's his own version of crazy.

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