June 8, 2012

Goth/emo boy from Austin surprises everyone... but is it real?

How is it his parents never heard him sing? Is this phony? Did the producers style and script this?


MadisonMan said...

The contacts are freaking me out.

Wince said...

"America's Got No Testicles!"

wyo sis said...

It's part of the "Oh Wow!" meme started by Susan Boyle. It's getting a little old by now. We have to go so long between real emotional Wow moments we've taken to manufacturing them. Some are better than others. It's surprising how many "regular" people have acting talent. Maybe Hollywood will become obsolete as we realize good...or even mediocre...acting talent isn't all that uncommon.

RonF said...

If this is fake and the producers knew it they should close this show down. If this is not really a 19-year old emo kid but he faked out the producers they need to tighten up their procedures big time.

If this is real they need to get this kid a vocal coach, because he's got an astonishing voice.

Scott said...

I don't understand what you mean by "phony."

rhhardin said...

Natalie Tran's ultimate comment on the Susan Boyle genre youtube

Patrick said...

Didn't see it going in that direction. Not a bit.

MadisonMan said...

The Oh Wow! really started with Paul Potts. Or maybe back with American Idol. Or any talent show back to the 50s.

If he has sung in front of people, he did a good job of acting like he hadn't, which is important if he's going into showbiz. It would be hard in my house to sing like that and not be heard everywhere, so I wonder at the hearing of his parents and the sturdy sound-proof construction of the house.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's all fake to me. All the "reality" shows are scripted. From the fat show to the talent show to the survivor show. Fake. Fake. Fake.

The neon blue eyes? Those are real.

Bob Ellison said...

His teeth are whiter than natural.

I guess that show is betting on viewer stupidity. It may be a good bet.

traditionalguy said...

Let me see now. Is the question whether he is a real zombie or a human impersonating a zombie, or a zombie impersonating a human ??

I love reality TV! Really, I do.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hollywood is as fake as the political class it supports.

Rob said...

Yes, it's phony. And singing a falsetto rendering of a soprano aria is an odd choice for someone who is (and identifies as) male. Next!

Anonymous said...

Sripted? Who knows. Framed in a "Susan Boyle-ish" way after they heard him sing - definitely.

I'm with MadisonMan, no way his family never heard that voice if he sang in the house. I can see him hiding it from his Emo friends though as it's anything but Marilyn Manson-ish.

rhhardin said...

Kiri Te Kanawa youtube

ex-madtown girl said...

I'm not a viewer. For the bestest in reality tv it's all about SYTYCD. But my inner sap really wants this to be real, and I thought his nerves and suppressed emotion at the end were both genuine. The only part I was skeptical about was the parent factor - I'm not sure I believe they could live in the same house as him and not hear him practicing even once, or not care about him at all (that's what their ignorance would imply to me) but then travel with him to the show. Hmmmm.....

john said...

I'm sure I saw this kid as an actor in a movie of a few years ago. IIRC, the scene was in a farmhouse and him unleashing a pack of rotweillers on Gregory Peck.

madAsHell said...

Could we find someone with more conflict??

This is completely scripted.

Fen said...

Same show that allowed Timothy Poe to misrepresent himself as an injured combat vet.

ThisAintHell has the details - the douche is a poser.


ex-madtown girl said...

One more thing - modern day castrati anyone?

DADvocate said...

The thing that makes me wonder is how articulate and well spoken he is. No stumbling over words, no pauses or "umms". Great voice though. And, it looks as if even Goths want their family's approval and acceptance.

Damon said...

I had the same initial impression. He doesn't seem genuine. He does not come across as shy or introverted. He doesn't seem nervous, soundbites are similar enough to sound scripted, and, apparently without reservation, he is ready to break free from being a shy introvert even though he has spent his life as an outcast. Really?

I think he created this as a ploy on his own. The producers would be taking a huge risk using a plant if it ever got out. It should be fairly easy to corroborate his story if it is true.

Kevin said...

Heard the first notes of O mio babbino caro and shut it off.

Anyone who is serious about that route would have sung a role written explicitly for countertenor and stopped dicking around.

Darleen said...

Geez, what a bunch of cynics!

I only drop into these kind of shows once in a while ... BGT via youtube. But you realize that most "talent" never does get beyond the house or school because there is a lot of luck involved in becoming "famous".

Does no one recall the garage band phenom of the 1960's? One-hit-wonders?

BGT's Jonathan & Charlotte is another 'dont judge the package' act but they actually have a school music teacher that paired and coached them.

And I wouldn't be surprised if this kid had never sung in front of his parents. Performing in front of your family in the home is tons more stressful then standing on a stage in front of strangers. Stage transforms you into someone else. (been there, done that)

Darleen said...

but I have to wonder about British citizenry ... Jonathan and Charlotte came in 2nd place ...

to a dog act ...

MadisonMan said...

I saw Jonathon and Charlotte's first performance, and though Simon's comments were right on.

The problem with watching BGT on youtube is that it will consume my afternoon. How can you not watche George Sampson or Aiden Davis?

Wally Kalbacken said...

Pardon my ignorance - but what the hell does the "/emo" mean?

Dustin said...

"The producers would be taking a huge risk using a plant if it ever got out. It should be fairly easy to corroborate his story if it is true."

Why would they be taking a risk?

No one takes these shows seriously. No one is alarmed when they realize reality TV is scripted.

Pretty sure the producers just want people paying attention. This showing up on Althouse is the only reason I'm even aware of the episode, so it seems they got what they wanted.

Oh look... they made the captcha harder. Where did I put my glasses?

jungatheart said...

rh, your Kanawa link is broken. This is my favorite version,


though her mic cuts out on the high note. Do you think there's too much vibrato?

Damon said...

But you realize that most "talent" never does get beyond the house or school because there is a lot of luck involved in becoming "famous".

Hate to burst your bubble but that statement isn't true. That is what mediocre talent likes to think. Granted there is some luck, but most talent is good and not great. More often than not great talent transcends. The talent on these shows is normally nowhere close to great. Answer this, how many true successes have these shows produced.

acm said...

I don't believe that he's entirely self-taught, but I can buy not ever singing for his parents, or performing. It's not like you can prove he's never sang for his parents, though and it doesn't really matter because his voice would've been sufficient on its own.

I don't know why we're talking about him, when Tim Poe was on the same show, telling lies that are pretty easy to check. No one is coming forward saying they performed opera with this emo kid, but people are coming forward saying they served in Afghanistan with Poe (where he didn't get injured, at all, let alone a life-altering brain injury) and others are providing proof that he was in a band with them five-ten years ago, meaning that he didn't suddenly learn to sing in the shower at the suggestion of a speech therapist.

Damon said...

Oh, and these aren't talent contests... they are popularity contests.

And seriously, the captcha is... really talented.

acm said...

"Answer this, how many true successes have these shows produced."

Well, Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson, Kelli Pickler and Jennifer Hudson from American Idol have done alright for themselves...but that kind of proves the point--- commercial success/fame are not the same as great talent. I can believe that there are a lot of truly talented singers, especially those who are in less mainstream genres, who just flat aren't willing to pull up roots and move, deal with constant rejection, acquire the "right" look ( e.g. lose 30-80 pounds like Carrie and Jennifer did) and do all the crap that one often has to do to make it. It's less about luck than willingness to take risks and put up with crap...these shows are more or a shortcut than the only chance, ever, at fame.

Kate Danaher said...

On the Intertubes, you can run, but you can't hide. Here he is singing Ave Maria(h/t Loudwire.com)

Jenny said...

My girls love the show, but we fast forward through the inappropriate stuff. When I saw this guy live, I immediately disbelieved his story. You can't get that good all on your own with no instruction and so little practice that no one has ever heard you practice. I majored in music in college. I was no great talent but was around them and I know how much time they put in to achieve stunning performances. A Lot. I think his backstory is a ruse and I think his parents are in on it which is too bad because his voice is good enough all on its own.

Palladian said...

Anyone who is serious about that route would have sung a role written explicitly for countertenor and stopped dicking around.

Exactly! There's a huge repertoire for such a vocal range, but it also requires a huge amount of talent and discipline to pull it off. Television hates talent and discipline in any great measure.

edutcher said...


Rusty said...

MadisonMan said...
The contacts are freaking me out.

For a minute there I thought my Husky was on TV.

Hi, Darleen.

LoafingOaf said...

"On the Intertubes, you can run, but you can't hide. Here he is singing Ave Maria(h/t Loudwire.com)"

Link fixed.

What does that prove? That video shows him singing all alone in his room. It actually makes it seem more real. There are a lot of kids who practice singing on YouTube and people in their offline lives don't even know it.

Darleen said...

That is what mediocre talent likes to think.

It's what mediocre talent depends on:

The Twilight Saga
Kristen Stewart
Kim Basinger

feel free to add your own "how the hell did THEY get success" mediocre talents to the list

LoafingOaf said...

You can't get that good all on your own with no instruction and so little practice that no one has ever heard you practice. I majored in music in college. I was no great talent but was around them and I know how much time they put in to achieve stunning performances. A Lot. I think his backstory is a ruse and I think his parents are in on it which is too bad because his voice is good enough all on its own.

You may be right, but then again, he also may have been alone in his house for hours every day.

But if it was his parents who were behind BSing us and not the TV producers, I'd have to say that was pretty smart! And they better stick to their stories!

Jenny said...

You may be right, but then again, he also may have been alone in his house for hours every day.

It is a possibility that he spends a lot of time alone and used that time to practice, but what is the likelihood that his parents would make fan posters, bring him to a talent show, and wait for hours for him to perform if they had no idea what was going to happen. Especially if they have left him so alone in his life that he had the time to develop that voice with no one knowing about it.

LoafingOaf said...

but what is the likelihood that his parents would make fan posters, bring him to a talent show, and wait for hours for him to perform if they had no idea what was going to happen.

Good point, Jenny. I, too, thought it didn't fit when they showed the parents and they had a poster. I dunno...

Triangle Man said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Triangle Man said...

He needs a lot of work if he is going to try and sing counter tenor professionally instead of singing falsetto on YouTube. Take a listen to a real counter tenor from Chanticleer (around 2:18).

LoafingOaf said...

On the other hand, he may have told his parents he wanted them to come support him and he'd show them what he's been working on, or something. He may have simply been embarrassed to sing in front of his parents before then.

LoafingOaf said...

Triangle Man: Or, since he loves makeup and has started out as a Marilyn Manson doing opera thing, he could stick in the pop music world and go in a Klaus Nomi direction.

Jenny said...


I hope you are right because I don't like being cynical, but there is something odd about the whole situation.

Leland said...

It could be real, but if truly so, I think he may just be a human parakeet. One could practice a song and mimic it. The question is whether he could sing other songs (as Howie and Howie discuss later).

Still, I don't care how well he sings, there's plenty of people that have his talent that are willing to dress normal. If he is willing to do that, then he might have a shot. I'm not against emo, but look at who is accomplished in this field.

sakredkow said...

~~I'm the slime oozing out of your teevee set~~

Triangle Man said...


Klaus Nomi is a reasonable fit. Well done!

Kchiker said...

"Still, I don't care how well he sings, there's plenty of people that have his talent that are willing to dress normal.”

Tell Prince that.

CWJ said...

No Ann, the producers didn't style and script this. They don't have to. With so much "talent" available to reality TV, plus the incredible power of editing and reshuffling hours of tape down into minutes of show, there is no need to script. They can pretty much find (in this case) or portray anything they want.

PaulV said...

I know people from Eliot Amin's high school. He stopped attending one year to take care of his mother. Vice principal told him a spot at Freeman High was too valuable not to go to school. He interperted that as advice to drop out. That VP has not lived it down.

Rusty said...

Darleen said...
That is what mediocre talent likes to think.

It's what mediocre talent depends on:

The Twilight Saga
Kristen Stewart
Kim Basinger

feel free to add your own "how the hell did THEY get success" mediocre talents to the list

I'm still trying to figure out Pauly Shore.

Freeman Hunt said...

I'm with CWJ. You don't have to do scripting when you have massive pools of material and editing.

Synova said...

Didn't say he didn't have voice lessons.

Go back and look. He hasn't sung in *public*, not even in front of his family.

Doesn't mean he didn't have professional instruction.

Sofa King said...

A brilliant demonstration of reality tv editing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBwepkVurCI

Synova said...

He looked genuinely nervous.

madAsHell said...

Pardon my ignorance - but what the hell does the "/emo" mean?

I wish my lawn were emo, cuz then it would cut itself!

Known Unknown said...

Kim Basinger

Let's say she has (had) certain genetic talents.

Never underestimate the constant puberty of directors and their casting compatriots.

Known Unknown said...

I think a Goth Opera singer isn't a bad schtick.

He can sing, and if the Ave Maria clip is any indication, put together a striking ensemble.

paul a'barge said...

Austin. Keeping it weird.

SukieTawdry said...

Sorry, but that made my ears bleed. There are a number of talented countertenors out there, but this guy isn't one of them.

Indigo Red said...

LaughingOaf said: ...Here he is singing Ave Maria(h/t Loudwire.com)"
... That video shows him singing all alone in his room.

From the AGT video, Andrew de Leon says, "I've never performed in front of anybody."

Well, sorry, Andy. I watched the Ave Maria video and the camera is moving around and shaking, zooming in and out because someone else is holding the camera. Andrew has performed before other people.

Richard Dolan said...

His falsetto is quite strong but only occasionally under control. Dr. Johnson would have been impressed but for reasons different from those of the AGT judges.

Chip Ahoy said...

My favorite part is where the guy goes, "I'm used to rejection and being told I can never do anything right, like pick out proper contact lenses." I totally related to that because my dad, bless 'im, was always so domineering and demanding and critical. And harsh. Totally harsh. Like I enlisted or something. So I was relating all over the place, like the guy turned out to be loner and then he goes, "oh yeah, they're here. There they are. Stand up Pa." The camera shows the parents hugging and joying and holding up a sign indicating their love and support. Ah. I love happy resolutions like that.

LoafingOaf said...

Well, sorry, Andy. I watched the Ave Maria video and the camera is moving around and shaking, zooming in and out because someone else is holding the camera. Andrew has performed before other people.

But the video was posted only recently, I assume after the TV show's taping. How do you know it was recorded before then?

And even if it was, he said he's never performed in front of the public before. I might not consider the cameraman the same.

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