June 8, 2012

GOP goes after Obama exactly the way Obama went after McCain.

A new ad, modeled closely on one from 2008.


Synova said...

Romney may be an enormous compromise for the Tea Partiers, conservatives, and right-religious voters...

But he's winning his own side by not being a wus.

traditionalguy said...

The Clinton wing is at general quarters and going after Obama every day now.

The level headedest one of all, Lanny Davis, let fly that Obama is "surrounded by viscious people" for saying that Booker is dead to them.

Of course a man whose only skill has been as executive officer of his campaign cannot say that he is not the one to blame.

While Romney is playing the good cop, the Clinton Operation is playing the bad cop.

Obama is being outflanked from both sides, and has lost his media air cover.

It is never wise to fool around with the survival Bibi's People.

Wally Kalbacken said...

It is sweet to see this because for so many cycles it seemed that Republicans were using the same old media people, and frankly, from what I see of Romney and the RNC so far this go-round, I think they finally get it. The Solyndra press conference, for example, was quite smart.

Looking back at the ad on McCain, I recall hearing him utter those words, live, and I felt as if that was the sound of success escaping. For Obama, it was when I heard him utter the word "speculators" in reference to the Chrysler bondholders who weren't keen on receiving a preference less than they bargained for (on the the face of their bonds.) He knew better as he used that term, and I though that was the revelation that this guy was an opportunist.

Nice media so far, keep up the good work.

West Town said...

They're using the President's vanity and insecurity against him. He feels that he needs to be in front of a camera and that he has the natural talent for it.

They also knows that the media will try to defend the indefensible which puts it all out there for an electorate that has wisened to Obama's art.

The rule of Lemnity said...

But he's winning his own side by not being a wus.

I agree.

I liked the add.

AlanKH said...

McCain must be fuming. (I hope.)

Anonymous said...

Oh Goody--Captain Underoos found his nutsack. Congrats on making it to the 5th grade, buddy boy.

Meanwhile, Obama's planning with Holder on which murderers, terrorists, and rapists they won't be prosecuting and then quietly directing them towards Romney HQ.

Your president sure is a wonderful guy, Althouse.

edutcher said...

What Synova said.

You're starting to see blogs saying, "I'm really starting to like this guy". People like the fight the Romster is showing, but it's more than that.

Some people don't learn.

Smart guys learn from their mistakes.

Really smart guys learn from other people's mistakes.

The Romster is showing himself to be a really smart guy.

rhhardin said...

Obama is the one actually killing the economy. The question is whether it's deliberate.

"No investment will pay. We will take your earnings."

yashu said...

Oh great, a new moby (or old with new name, or someone's sockpuppet): "whoresoftheinternet." Cf. Fleetwood Mac suicide thread.

Roger J. said...

If anyone understands vicious partisan politics, its Lanny Davis

rehajm said...

But he's winning his own side by not being a wus.

The Dems are definitely on their heels. It appears they believed all they would have to do is keep wheeling out the dog on the roof story and they'd be fine. I'm starting to get the feeling Romney's winning more than just his own side.

Larry J said...

Obama: The private economy is doing fine.

Richard Pryor: Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?

Aridog said...

Obama is the one actually killing the economy. The question is whether it's deliberate.

Deliberate, in near perfect accord with the Cloward-Piven Strategy. Overload a system to crush it.

Tank said...

As someone who is ... cool ... to Romney as a candidate, I too am impressed by the fact that he seems to want to be President enough to fight for it, and maybe even knows how to do it. Unlike McCain, another guy I was cool to, who was satisfied, nee happy, to be a dignified loser.

Romney as President will be no great conservative. Of course, he or a box of crayons would be better than Zero.

AllenS said...

Obama is the one actually killing the economy. The question is whether it's deliberate.

Put me down as someone who thinks that Obama just doesn't know what he's doing. He doesn't have a clue as to how things are accomplished in life because everything has been handed to him. Look at his job as a community organizer. Millions of dollars were just given to him, and he spent the money. Did anything in that part of Chicago get better? Did the graduation rates go up? Did teen pregnancy go down? Was there a decrease in crime? Were more jobs created? No, none of that happened. All he knows is how to spend taxpayer money.

The worst part is to see so many people in this country that will vote for him. Especially people who should know better.

Hagar said...

I said yesterday that Obama has a seriously warped understanding of economics.
It may be more correct to say that he has no understanding of economics.
I think he may well inhabit a plane where economics do not exist - it is just a word invented by the exploiters to confound the exploited - hence the repeated malapropisms.
It is like a severely colorblind person making conversation about impressionist paintings or a tone-deaf person commenting on music. It is not going to make sense to normally equipped people, whatever their persuasion might be.

Icepick said...
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Icepick said...

So the Obama campaign is imitating ads from a losing campaign in 2008 (the 3 AM ad) and doing it not just badly but stupidly. The Romney campaign is co-opting ads from the winning campaign in 2008 and doing it pitch-perfectly.

How is this supposed to be a close election?

tim in vermont said...

Remember how Reagan said that George H W Bush was "dead to him" for calling Reaganomics voodoo economics? I don't either.

We are supposed to ignore Clinton and Booker, write them off as senile (Clinton) and washed up (Booker) but everybody still knows the "voodoo economics" quote from three decades ago...

Ross said...

I'm with AllenS. Obama just doesn't know how to be a good president.

I think it's time for Romney to replace him.

Anonymous said...

Romney is treading on dangerous ground by criticizing Obama. Americans aren't going to reward racism.

tim in vermont said...

So your choice for president is between Montgomery Burns competence, but with Ned Flanders' personality and values, or a good looking version of Homer, for whom should I vote? Oh this is so tough.

tim in vermont said...

When Obama first came on the scene, I used to think of him as an "organ grinder's monkey." That is, the one thing he was good at was working a crowd with his tin cup, collecting money. He had everything but the fez. But I never said it because it was pretty obviously possible to construe that comment as racist.

However, it seems the past four years have borne it out, so I am just going to say it.

Hagar said...

This harping on political campaigns being so dependent on money spent on TV ads; isn't that a bit insulting to the voters, even if it was true?

It is also worth noting that it is the TV and print media rhat are telling us this, and it seems to me that the last thing these people would want, is for the spending to stop.

KCFleming said...

This ad was Romney giving Obama a much-needed hair cut.

KCFleming said...

Actually, more like a noogie.

The haircut will come soon enough, mehopes.

The Drill SGT said...

Well, it’s payback time:
[F]ormer McCain aides, now, are relishing the moment.
“McCain was trying to calm people at a moment of real crisis — i think his intentions were good,” one former top aide said in an email. “Obama’s just trying to build support for raising taxes and make the case for his own stewardship.”
Another former McCain aide was blunter.
“We very much look forward watching Team Romney put Obama’s head in a vice over this,” he emailed “What goes around comes around, assholes.”

Brian Brown said...

Obama is the one actually killing the economy. The question is whether it's deliberate.

He promised to fundamentally transform America.

Mark me down in the "deliberate" camp...

cubanbob said...

tim in vermont said...
When Obama first came on the scene, I used to think of him as an "organ grinder's monkey." That is, the one thing he was good at was working a crowd with his tin cup, collecting money. He had everything but the fez. But I never said it because it was pretty obviously possible to construe that comment as racist.

However, it seems the past four years have borne it out, so I am just going to say it.

6/9/12 8:37 AM

Your sir are correct! The question is who is the organ grinder? I suspect one if we can see the investment strategies of one George Soros and another character named Warren Buffet they might be secretly shorting the economy. Soros after all did make a fortune shorting the pound in the early 90's.

1775OGG said...

Hurrah for Romney and trust he'll continue doing that too.

OBTW: down with trolls everywhere!

Wince said...

But it's always different, better when Obama does anything:

"You never know who is going to be president four years from now. I have to think about how Mitt Romney would use that power."

-- President Obama, quoted in Kill or Capture by Daniel Klaidman, at the start of his presidency discussing a policy of indefinite detention for terror suspects.

Chris Althouse Cohen said...

The main difference: the Romney ad uses the main theme beat from The Terminator.