June 18, 2012

"Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans 45%, Democrats 38%."

A Rasmussen poll of likely voters.
Republicans have consistently held a modest advantage over Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot since June 2009....

Democrats enjoyed a seven-point advantage on the Generic Congressional Ballot when Barack Obama took office as president in January 2009....


Andy said...

Everyone knows that the actual real-life shitty Republican candidates are much worse than the generic idea of a Republican.

Michael K said...

" the actual real-life shitty Republican candidates are much worse than the generic idea of a Republican."

Those stupid voters don't seem to agree.

I'm not getting cocky but it is harder and harder.

Brandon said...

If this is true, why do they continue to weight Presidential polls somewhere on the average of +7D?

bgates said...

Other things that "everyone" knew:

* Nobody with more than a grade school education could take Constitutional objections to Obamacare seriously

* The passage of the stimulus bill returned unemployment to 7% by 2011

* The Facebook Revolution ushered in a new and dramatically better Egyptian government

* The successes of two years of united Democratic government led to expanded Congressional majorities in the midterms and forced Republicans to choose between tacking hard left or being destroyed by the radical and unpopular Tea Party (a pale imitation of the beloved mainstream Occupy movement)

edutcher said...
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edutcher said...

Pelosi Galore and Dingy Harry had the greatest chance since Roosevelt in '32 and are living proof that the hard Left has destroyed the Democrat Party.

Andy R. said...

Everyone knows that the actual real-life shitty Republican candidates are much worse than the generic idea of a Republican.

Still better than anything the Demos put up, as evidenced by the last election.

But who are we to argue with the King of Froth?

sane_voter said...

If this is true, why do they continue to weight Presidential polls somewhere on the average of +7D?

Because the MSM want to hide BO and the Dems weakness. In 2008 the total house votes were +10D, in 2010 +7R. Barack won by 7 in 2008.

So far in 2012, the primary voters appear to be closer to 2010 than 2008. So if Rass is even close, the polls are way off.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Everyone knows real life democrats are either corrupt or economically illiterate, with nothing to pedal but worn out leftwing ideas.

Fen said...

I ignore Generic polls. Even from Rass.

Wally Kalbacken said...

The fat lady is cleaning her throat, and the GOP is warming up the rusty stream-roller.

Rusty said...

Andy R. said...
Everyone knows that the actual real-life shitty Republican candidates are much worse than the generic idea of a Republican.

Are you sure you're gay?
Gay's are supposed to be creative, insightful, witty, perceptive.
You're none of those things.
You're a really angry, boring person.

WV 69 withereh
See. Even the word thingie think you're boring.

tim in vermont said...

"Everyone knows that the actual real-life shitty Republican candidates" - Andy R

Did you know that people associate the words one uses to describe others with the speaker more than the subject of the description? Obviously not. Whatever.

Fen said...

What's hysterical about Andy is that he is bigoted toward Christians.

You'd think a gay man who had actually suffered from intolerance wouldn't have such a huge blind spot.