৩ জুন, ২০১২

Eric Holder and David Axelrod "stood chest to chest" — "It was like a school yard fight."

At cabinet meeting. They had to be separated... by Valerie Jarrett.

৬০টি মন্তব্য:

FleetUSA বলেছেন...

I would prefer if all three were leveled.

Automatic_Wing বলেছেন...

Did they reenact the Michael Jackson Beat It video?

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Put political hacks in Holder's justice department? Holder does need any help in that regard. He surpassed John Mitchell 2 1/2 years ago.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

It's easy to make fun of assholes like these but the sorry fact is that we've made a country where pissing matches between arrogant super wonks determine which way the rest of us will be jerked by the short hairs. So who are the real assholes?

Cincinnatus বলেছেন...

Ann, did you see the last paragraph?

""You never know who is going to be president four years from now," Mr Obama is said to have told aides during a discussion about whether he should be able to detain terror suspects indefinitely. "I have to think about how Mitt Romney would use that power."

Notice that Obama automatically assumes bad motivations by his opponents?

Meade বলেছেন...

We're much more civilized here in Wisconsin. We just fly out of our chairs with fists a-shaking at our opponent, then the opponent takes the temperature of the fist-shaker's neck with his fingers. Fist-shaker then plants a story in the press that her opponent got her in a chokehold as if the temperature-taker had rushed into her office, grabbed her by her throat, and had to be pulled off by Chief Tubbs before losing consciousness. When, in fact, fist-shaker got into temperature-takers grill and fist-shaker had to be pulled away from temperature-taker gently taking the temperature of fist-shaker's aggressing neck.

Never becomes a federal case. Just state Supreme Court.

Moose বলেছেন...

man, this stuff is a hoot.

Anna বলেছেন...

This frightens me terribly.

What a bunch of thin skinned screamers.

Heaven help this Republic election night as it proves Romney wins. These jokers will act like a bunch of squirrels who just had their acorns stolen.

Rose বলেছেন...

What do you think he MEANS by "I have to think about how Mitt Romney would use that power."?

As he's trying to create the impression that he's Mr. Hunt-'em-down-tough-guy, is he implying that Romney might offer them tea and crumpets?

This IS Obama, after all, whose buddy is a domestic terrorist. He is also, conversely, a guy who got into office by effectively 'assassinating' his opponents. There is a cold and ruthless side to him.

edutcher বলেছেন...

I have to agree with Anna and Iuconnu.

And these are the people who are so superior to anything the Conservatives have.

BTW Where was Choom?

Hiding under the table or mellowing out with a little weed?

Hagar বলেছেন...

Holder accusing Axelrod of politizing the Justice Department is pretty rich.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I'm not buying.

I'm wondering if this story is a plant to spread the fudd that Holder's DoJ was not politically infiltrated, to make his voter ID attacks seem like regular law enforcement.

I mean, of all of Obama's team, Holder is in the deepest trouble and the most in need of rescue.

On the other hand, maybe Obama's team is disintegrating, and we're seeing first one to the DA, so to speak.

Pastafarian বলেছেন...

My first thought after reading the headline was that this seems implausible; these two men appear to be barely men, a pair of nut-less dweebs, and they might put a story like this out to make them appear more manly.

But the details make it more believable. They weren't fighting over some matter of principle or policy, they weren't discussing Fast and Furious or prosecuting Black Panthers for voter intimidation-- one was upset that the other made him look bad in the press.

And then they were separated by a 4-foot tall woman who resembles a chipmunk. Sounds right.

Top to bottom, this is the worst administration in my lifetime. Are there any historians here that could tell us whether there has ever been a more corrupt and incompetent executive branch?

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"You never know who is going to be president four years from now," Mr Obama is said to have told aides during a discussion about whether he should be able to detain terror suspects indefinitely. "I have to think about how Mitt Romney would use that power."

-- That's the same thing we told Bush. Funny, that.

Wince বলেছেন...

"Eric Holder and David Axelrod "stood chest to chest" — "It was like a school yard fight."

Well, it's only fair to get Axlerod's recollection of the incident.

Brian Brown বলেছেন...

Keep in mind these two hacks work for a guy personally holding a hit list.

Isn't the Obama Presidency grand?

cassandra lite বলেছেন...

What Kissinger said about Iran and Iraq.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Holder rise to political hackdom accelerated when he led the charge (ha) to pardon Marc Rich. He was rewarded handsomely.

Let's hope he also is in need of a pardon.

ndspinelli বলেছেন...

A girly man dust up! Jarrett was the most manly one there.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

When soft, chinless, and sunken-chested bureaucrat weenies go toe to toe, it is most difficult not to laugh out loud.

A coupla internet tough guys, those two.

jeff বলেছেন...

"Mr Obama is said to have told aides during a discussion about whether he should be able to detain terror suspects indefinitely. "I have to think about how Mitt Romney would use that power.""

That's pretty funny. He thinks he is setting the precedent for all future presidents? He doesnt think a President Romney might be making the exact same decision, or does he think all future presidents will just shrug their shoulders and ask what Obama decided to do on a specific issue and just go with that?

Tim বলেছেন...

"Denying impropriety, Mr Axelrod, a hangdog 57-year-old veteran of Chicago politics, is said to have told Mr Holder: "I'm not Karl Rove"."

No, Axelrod is most decidedly not Rove.

Rove got a qualified man elected, and then re-elected, president.


He duped a 53% majority of voters into thinking the least qualified man ever nominated by a major political party for president was, somehow, magically, actually qualified for the office.

P.T. Barnum applauds; the founding fathers weep, and future generations get the bill.

One wouldn't believe it unless one actually lived through it.

hombre বলেছেন...

Holder was pissed because he thought Axelrod wanted to post a commissar in the DOJ. We now know Axelrod was mistaken. Holder was the commissar all along.

greg46107 বলেছেন...

Heh. I love watching girls fight.

Seven Machos বলেছেন...

I remember when Don Regan put Ed Meese in a chokehold back in '84, and when Rumsfeld had Elaine Chao in a German suplex in '04. Internecine fighting of this kind is always a great thing for the inner circle of an incumbent president.

glenn বলেছেন...

"Eric Holder and David Axelrod "stood chest to chest" — "It was like a school yard fight."

Lotta growing up to do amongst the Obamanauts

Humperdink বলেছেন...

@gcw Heh. I love watching girls fight.

It was reported that Axelrod was suffering from a yeast infection.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Pasta & Pogo:

Not so fast- you are talking about two members of the abolutely brilliant Team of Rivals the press was slobbering over 3 years ago.

slumber_j বলেছেন...

Manly, yes, but I like it too.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Meade's right. The Obama Cabinet members need to practice their choke holds. These two guys let a little woman jump between them and they never got even a headlock, much less a choke hold, started.

And Axelrod had also better start carrying in case Holder begins slamming his head into the concrete like all those people do.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Where they comparing each others bitch tits?

Eric বলেছেন...

What were David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett doing at a Cabinet meeting?

madAsHell বলেছেন...

Yeah....cuz Valerie Jarrett brings the heat.

WTF...these pussies backed down for Valerie Jarrett? These guys have NO stones.

Axelrod is still pickin' wedgies out of his ass from elementary school.....and Holder couldn't kick his wedgified ass?

The whole administration has a testosterone deficit.

5 more months!!

somefeller বলেছেন...

Pogo says:A coupla internet tough guys, those two.

That's may be true. But it's also probably true of most of the people deriding their manhood in internet comments pages.

Paul বলেছেন...

While Rome is burning and the Visigoths are at the gates Cesar's underlings start to bicker....

Or is this the Führer's underlings that start to bicker as Berlin burns..

Not sure myself.

Either way, the rats will soon be leaving the sinking ship.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

@Somefeller It's easy to be tough guys like Holder, Axelshaft and the the Zero when you have the full, unlimited resources of the federal government behind you.

Holder's justice department was exposed early on when he refused to prosecute the New Black Panther intimidation of voters in Fast Eddie Rendell's hometown.

Now he's going after the state of Florida for purging voter rolls of dead voters. How quaint.

Not to mention (but I will), personally going after Sheriff Joe Arpaio. And before that, the state of Arizona for enforcing immigration laws.

Holder is a hack that does the bidding of Zero and the Shaft.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

My assumption is that this kind of nonsense goes on all the time. Sometimes we hear about it, sometimes we don't.

Nathan Alexander বলেছেন...

Actually, my first thought was:
Why do we have to get this sort of news from overseas news organizations?

Why don't US news organizations report things like this? Because it might make Obama look bad?

KCFleming বলেছেন...

somefeller said...
"Pogo says:A coupla internet tough guys, those two.
That's may be true. But it's also probably true of most of the people deriding their manhood in internet comments pages.

Don't sell yourself short, somefeller. I have no doubt you could take Holder. Easy peasy japanesey.

Madman, mebbe so. Certainly in Nixon's administration. I doubt many of Reagan's or Bush's meetings came to this.

Chip Ahoy বলেছেন...

Why don't U.S. news organizations cover it? Maybe they will. The book will be released two days from now. You can preorder now, Prime users 18.48, a savings of 34% off retail price. Buy now through the convenient Althouse/Amazon portal, which turns out to be a sleezy hallway that needs vacuuming badly and smells of cigarettes, but you can hasten through that while holding your breath.

JAL বলেছেন...

Who choked whom?

Chip Ahoy বলেছেন...

I am totally ace at guessing those numbers. I cannot be faked out by non number scribbles that are more significant than the numbers themselves. HaHa now they're trying to make them harder nanner nanner :-p

Chip Ahoy বলেছেন...

Wisconsin judge David Prosser grabbed judge Ann Bradley by the neck in an unprovoked attack and shock it like she owed him money until she collapsed in a rattled heap and that is very ungentlemanly and indicative of a temperament unsuitable for the bench. I learned all that right here.

JAL বলেছেন...


Meade বলেছেন...

The hawks are allegedly . At least... til they fledge.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Not to mention (but I will), personally going after Sheriff Joe Arpaio. And before that, the state of Arizona for enforcing immigration laws.

Regardless of what one thinks about immigration, Arpaio is still a criminal and a thug.

Scott বলেছেন...

That pic of Axelrod posted on Drudge now... he does sort of look like the first leader of post-Weimar Germany.

Dante বলেছেন...

On my first day working in a TV production truck (in 1998), I learned this bad behavior happens all the time among passionate workers, but is shocking to outsiders.

Even as the fighters go to the bar after, kiss and make up and forget the whole thing.

But I giggle at "No Drama Obama," which pegged those quoters as idiots.

Carnifex বলেছেন...

@ Revenant

If I hold Joe Arpaio up against Eric Holder could you tell the difference?

(here's a hint...Arpaio didn't authorize a program resulting in the deaths of hundreds of people. He made convicts eat bologna sandwiches)

I can see where some people would get confused.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

I find Valerie Jarrett utterly fascinating. Who is this woman who is "almost a sister" to our President, and who (allegedly) iced out mighty Oprah Winfrey from the inner White House sanctum?

I recall umpteen amount of articles on Karl Rove and Karen Hughes back in the day. Reporting about a President's right-hand man, or alter ego used to be a mainstay of WaPo's coverage.

But I'll be darned if I've seen the least amount of interest in delving into Valerie Jarrett's past and present, by our media warrior class.


MayBee বলেছেন...

Holder has a porn 'stache and Axelrod looks like the guy who clerks the adult book store.

It took Jarret with her mom hair to take the tension out of the room.

Nathan Alexander বলেছেন...

I noticed that there was no link to your assertion.

So I checked.

Turns out, you lied. Again.


At the time of my posting of the link (at least 12 hours after the incident), there is only one news organization reporting on the scuffle between Holder and Axelrod scuffle:
The Telegraph, a UK corporation.

Reporting on a book, but as the "Obama ate a dog" incident showed, the US media is engaged in outright Obama hagiography, not reporting of news.

So why do you feel it necessary to lie in defense of Obama's propaganda organizations? Don't you realize it causes liberal ideology more problems in the long run by exposing that lying is always your first and most natural reaction?

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"Axelrod is most decidedly not Rove.

"Rove got a qualified man elected, and then re-elected, president."


Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"My assumption is that this kind of nonsense goes on all the time."

Absolutely, MadMan!

We don't have statesmen walking the halls of power in Washington...they're egocentric power-freaks and scumbags, fighting over turf and influence.

This is as persistently the norm as are the lies they all tell the public, all the time. Neither party is credible.

X বলেছেন...

"I have to think about how Mitt Romney would use that power."

so does Bill Ayers.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Isn't the first rule of drama that you have to care about one of them?

Have at it, boys.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

Apparently, Axelrod is also stressing he never sat in on terrorism meetings at the White house. Something tells me, between this leak and that one, that someone on the inside is on the outs with Axelrod and looking to cut him off at the knees politically.

vet66 বলেছেন...

Gives new meaning to "menage a Trois"! What a bunch of losers. I do love it when the protagonists start eating their own, so to speak.

Comanche Voter বলেছেন...

Send Axelrod and Holder to two weeks of USMC boot camp. At the end of that time, they'd finally know how to kick each other in the groin--and we can let them square off again. Until then just a bunch of sound and fury from squirrely little guys. Mentally, morally, and physically--not to mention ethically challenged. But a good swift kick in the nether regions just might smarten 'em up.

jacksonjay বলেছেন...

Racism! No other answer! Clearly Axel is not comfortable with Blacks in postitions of power!