June 6, 2012

Disappointed Barrett voter: "The end of the U.S.A. as we know it just happened."

"Every single one of you out there in the nation, if you're watching, democracy died tonight."

Also at the link: The Barrett supporter who slapped Barrett in the face (for conceding).

And check out Adam Schabow — here he is in happier times — emoting late last night:

Time for Republicans and conservatives to act mature... even if you don't think Democrats and liberals would be acting very dignified right now if the election had gone the other way.


Fen said...

Every single one of you out there in the nation, if you're watching, democracy died tonight.

Good thing we live in a Republic then. Libtard.

Dan in Philly said...

Neiner, neiner, neiner!!!

Scott M said...

The smack thing was over the top. I'm betting two things went through Barrett's mind instantly.

1) Oh, no you di'int!


2) Thank God I lost so I don't have to serve idiots like this short little bitch.

Seeing Red said...

LOLOLOL I'm at Powerline watching that altered Wintour vid and Meeshell is there in Madison, WI, saying for the 1st time in her adult lifetime she is really proud of her country.

Somehow I don't think she is today.

cassandra lite said...

Democracy is when I get my way.

Tolerance is when you agree with me.

Kevin said...

Maturity is overrated.

What is best in life?
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their hack journalists.

Matt said...

The problem is that it is hard to maintain the maturity level. I want to be gracious in victory, but it is hard when it is met with accusations that I helped bring on the end of democracy by casting a vote.

And where did that guy get $4 million dollars? I bet the unions spent that much on catering during their recall strategy sessions?

cassandra lite said...

Democracy is when I get my way.

Tolerance is when you agree with me.

Rusty said...

Go visit Iowahawk and read what disgusting losers Wisconsin lefties are.
I don't know what's worse, the over the top vitriol or pathetic lack of education.

Fen said...

Maturity is overrated. What is best in life? To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their hack journalists.

And then make the rubble bounce.

Welcome to Wisconsin, Mr Obama.

LincolnTf said...

They are all such spoiled punk children. From the howling pussy who thinks the world is going to end because he didn't get his way, to the bitter little bitch who just had to get violent before she could consider her Union duty done, the worst of the worst in American politics.

Balfegor said...

Time for Republicans and conservatives to act mature

W-what? We don't even get 24 hours to lick the tears of unfathomable sadness from their cheeks?

Paddy O said...

I think they had the USA confused with someone else.

Kevin said...

Adam Schabow put a lot of time and energy into his anti-Walker videos.

And yet you ignored him.


Scott M said...


Do you have a email that I can toss something to you might find pretty damned interesting?

RecChief said...

simply another instance of a liberal saying, "you didnt do what I want so you must be a)stupid, b)evil, c)deranged, or d) all of the above." yawn.

Paul said...

"Every single one of you out there in the nation, if you're watching, democracy died tonight."

What a bunch of stupes. The election WAS DEMOCRACY IN ACTION. And the voters decided.

Just like democrats... if they don't win, thy whine.

alan markus said...

I only made it to 4 minutes. Anyone beat that time? Was the next 7 minutes as inane as the first 4?

Fen said...

I love hearing this libtard whine about the prominence of conservative radio talk shows.

Hey Doofus! The only reason these AM talk shows exist is because you and your kind pushed conservative speech out of the MSM. We had to set up a parallel venue to express ourselves.

So, its not enough that you have ABC CBS NBC MSNBC NPR AP Reuters CNN etc. You have to whine that we moved to AM radio and made it effective.

I'm guessing you wouldn't be satisfied until all conservative speech was banned from public consumption?

Fricken little Nazi. Your tears are delicious.

Balfegor said...

Adam Schabow put a lot of time and energy into his anti-Walker videos.

I watched a few minutes, then fast fowarded through to see if the beer cans started piling up. Would have been funny if after every cut, he had another one. Oh well -- I guess he's a little self-serious for that. Missed an opportunity to go down with good humour.

Anonymous said...

Oh for Pete's sake, we'll get over it.

Fen said...

Do you have a email that I can toss something to you might find pretty damned interesting?

Sure, but I can't give it out here. Maybe Meade will help us out? You send to him and he can send to me?

Brian Brown said...

Why are these people taken at all seriously?

DADvocate said...

One liberal talk show vs a "kazillion" conservative talk shows, that should tell you something. Schabow needs a high school civics lesson to understand "democracy", and, as Fen pointed out, "republic".

Suck it up, crybaby. Get a real job and don't forget to put on your aluminum foil beanie next time.

rehajm said...

He's drinking high life? Of all the wonderful beverage options in WI? Is this a gay hipster thing?

Seeing Red said...

I watched it all, he's considering voting for Mitt so we can hit rock bottom because that's what it's going to take.


Scott M said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

The Madison Riot Gang's dominance charade ended tonight. They have now had to listen to another opinion, respectfully.

Oh, the depth of the agony of listening to others!!!

This nice young man made into a slave to a false reality incubated by the Madison elites to better line their pockets at the State of Wisconsin's expense.

Losing may open his eyes. He has a passion that could work as well for Conservatives the day his eyes are opened.

Rabel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FedkaTheConvict said...

Adam Schabow has that gay lisp thing going.

Patrick said...

I managed to get through the whole thing. Two observations: One, at about 8 minutes, he said "I've got nothing else." He went on of over three and a half more minutes, none of which was any better than the first 8. Two, very few people can effectively sport the bald with a beard look. Mr. Schabow is not one of them.

Pastafarian said...

Is this Adam Schabow guy for real, or is this a parody?

I like the tamborine in the background, the ironic can of Miller High Life, and the way he just gazes out into space for several seconds at a time before scolding the camera with "Theriously, what ith wrong with you guyth?"

Hee-larious. A little ham-handed, perhaps.

I'll leave the maturity to guys who are better able to dole it out, like PaddyO or ScottM.

Fen said...

AllieOop: Oh for Pete's sake, we'll get over it.

Uhh... you just wasted $20 million on a recall because you could NOT get over it.

I expect alot of bullshit from the Left after they get their asses handed to them by a 10 point margin. But you are not allowed to say "we'll get over it" after your actions for the past year. At least not without choking on it.

Anonymous said...

Oh the utter shock and surprise that people don't like your hand in their pockets.



Rabel said...

I hope Adam's cat made it through the night.

MadisonMan said...

I saw the slap, but wasn't sure how much anger was behind it.

I was reminded of This Clip.

Matt Sablan said...

If democracy died tonight, whatever will I do in November?

Curious George said...

"AllieOop said...
Oh for Pete's sake, we'll get over it."

Sure, but will you ever understand? Many of my friends and family are libs, as are their friends. The one common theme is voters are "idiots."

You've been thrashed two cycles in a row. Time to face the facts.

Seeing Red said...


I will never understand. 310 million people yet only about 3m watch Fox News. It's like:

"I'm Sucking up your IQ, Vacumming your Cortex, Feeding off your Brain." ―Edward Nygma (Singing)

lemondog said...


O, who to believe, who to believe!

Warren Buffett: U.S. recession is unlikely

US Already in 'Recession,' Extend Tax Cuts: Bill Clinton

Fen said...

Naw. Just send it to ravenloff@hotmail.com It's my spam email :0

Sent. email ID is fenrisulven

Anonymous said...

The burning question on my mind is:

Is the daily singalong at the Capitol going on today?

BarryD said...

Something you learn from horror movies: the vampire/zombie/alien/psycho is not dead until he is REALLY, REALLY dead. Never turn your back on him and assume he's dead. Remain aggressive even after you think you are safe. There's time for "acting dignified" when you KNOW he's dead.

Michael said...

I suggest they double union dues. Solidarity.

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying the lamentations of the WI reactionary progressives

and the others who voted like they did yesterday

those who live in Chicago

and those who live in empty lots

and those who inhabit cemeteries.

The last group are strangely silent though.

Anonymous said...

Barry -

At that point in the movie, I always say "Sever the head". That started after I saw "Fatal Attraction."

Chip Ahoy said...

Okay, Adam Schabow, my laptop has poor sound, I have it all the way up and I thought I heard you start out your video by asking, "What the fuck is wrong with you guys?" and that forced me to shut it off, so that was like, what, three seconds? Honestly now, I'm asking this as a real question seems my curious side is insatiable, how do you expect a person like myself [pure of heart and intention, tender in the sensitive areas like the bristly little hairs and hammers and drums and tiny bones of the inner ear innocent to harsh potty mouth words] to listen earnestly when you start off so cuntishly condescending? If you were amusing after that, I missed it.

Christopher in MA said...

Time for Republicans and conservatives to act mature.

Why? Honestly, Althouse, shall we troll through the posts from the last few months from garage, allie, machine, leslyn, shiloh and God knows who else, smirking about their "power," crowing over Walker's presumed legal troubles and sliming the rest of us as Neanderthals who hate those poor teachers who are working so, so hard?

Screw them. Punch back twice as hard. Maybe if their faces are metaphorically slammed into the pavement enough times, they'll stop being pissy children and actually try being responsible holders of the electoral franchise.

Bill said...

alan said "I only made it to four minutes".

I started playing the video and then reopened the post in a new window so I could have the video on as I was reading the comments. After what seemed like about 10 minutes I couldn't take any more so I looked and, sure enough, 4 minutes.

The most gracious thing I can think to say is that, like other places where they're standing up to the unions and winning, they're going to find out that Walker is the best friend they've got.

Cedarford said...

I would wait and see how the unions and the Left take the comeuppance.
If they start on a "New Narrative" about how the Hating Haters of the Republican Party deceived the noble voters of Wisconsin into bashing hard-working caring and nurturing people of Government and the unions, how the minorities will be oppressed to the point of genocide, and Wisconsin is now in a dark era of jack-booted Fascism....

My inclination would be to go after them as petulant winers and un-American.

Chip S. said...

OK Althouse, posting the Adam Schabow video and then asking us to be mature is the essence of cruel neutrality.

Sidesplittingly hilarious.

But that was really an outtake from Arrested Development, right? David Cross absolutely nails the role of Tobias Fünke.

Eric said...

simply another instance of a liberal saying, "you didnt do what I want so you must be a)stupid, b)evil, c)deranged, or d) all of the above." yawn.

You forgot "ignorant" and "backward".

Chuck66 said...

My parents spent $20 Million on the recall and all I got is this lousy video.

Chip S. said...

@Eric--No, no, no. The voters were brainwashed by the "state media".

Srsly. That's what he believes. The media are biased against Democrats and "progressives".

But don't call him a fool. That wouldn't be mature.

kk said...

If you actually make it to the end, he talks himself into voting for Mitt Romney so that then "we'll hit rock bottom, and then maybe, maybe, you'll all understand."

Maybe we will, Adam. Let's test that theory. But it would really help if you could get a bunch of other depressed liberals to vote for him too, just to make sure it works. You show us, okay?

Adam Schabow said...

I would ask that you all watch my look back and my speech here. I believe I made a really good case for the removal of Governor Walker. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppG2YDhKRII&feature=g-all-lik

But the people of Wisconsin has spoken last night and they did not want to recall Scott Walker. As a liberal, that was still very clear to me. I don't understand it, but I accept it.

But please remember that this video was taken immediately after the loss. I am in no way apologizing for it, but please remember the mindset and depression I was in. No script, just me rambling...warts and all. So after two years of volunteering and working my ass off for a cause that I truly believed, it was a really huge blow.

Hopefully, you can understand that. Now, even though most of you have made fun of me and my videos, I'm proud of them. I'll probably do them again.

Adam Schabow

Chip S. said...

Hey Adam, Props for showing up here.

Gotta question for you: Was that a 48-star flag in the background?

Scott said...

"Being a leftist means never having to say you're sorry"

Our hostess might have a point though....lets empathize with these poor dears, and encourage them, rather than giving up, to continue to fight the good fight, tell their story to anyone who will listen (and even those who won't), and work extra hard to shame those ignorant Neandrethals into seeing the one true way...

If enough of them fall for it, that should wrap things up nicely for November as well....

sonicfrog said...

"What the FUCK is wrong with you stupid idiot voters" is not a way to regain their support.

I'm just saying!

Seeing Red said...

Maybe if you listened you would understand, you wouldn't agree, but you would understand.

OTOH if you had listened all along, or engaged, or entertained the possibility Walker could still win, it might not have been such a surprise.

yoobee said...

I made it through the whole video, mostly because I wanted to see if he was going to cry (he didn't but it looked like he came close). He says "that's all I got" at 7:50, but goes on for four more minutes and references RoboCop.

I've only lived in Wisconsin for about two years. I know that this guy is from Milwaukee, but it's amazing to me how much the protesters in Madison think they represent the entire state. The fact that any of them were blindsided by this result convinces me just how deluded they are.

Daddy Binx said...

I hate to say it, but it's just going to get worse. There's too much bad-will inertia out there to just dissipate on its own.

You've got to slow it down before you can stop it. And the trend it currently in the wrong direction.

I didn't even make it to the 4 minute mark, BTW.

Scott said...

Adam, dude, you need a girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

Adam, don't let these people get to you, they do not represent the best in conservatism, sadly. My conservative neighbors in Waukesha County were much more gracious:) .

sonicfrog said...

"It doesn't help that these batteries keep running out..."

What a great metaphor for their diminishing power, isn't it!

Seeing Red said...

These people? After 30 years of being called the vilest names, I don't have to take it anymore. Have we called for his death?

Once again, we're fucking stupid.

bagoh20 said...

"Time for Republicans and conservatives to act mature..."

I'll try, but Adam Schabow sets a high bar in that regard.

He spends all that time and never says anything other than: I'm very sad, and how dare you make me feel that.

I can't see the anti-smoking ban lady acting like this.

They are kind of relative versions of a certain type of left and right characters, but she is upbeat and optimistic even as the tide rolls against her, and this guy basically cries if his friends go home.

I'm so glad I'm not a leftie. I can't imagine it not making me miserable. There certainly are some people who prefer that mood.

edutcher said...

The mob was at the jailhouse door and they wanted to lynch Scott Walker.

That's what he's really crying about.

AllieOop said...

Oh for Pete's sake, we'll get over it.

These people haven't gotten over Joe McCarthy.

lemondog said...

Need baby hawk update. See only one in nest.

Chip S. said...

My conservative neighbors in Waukesha County were much more gracious:) .

Did you start your conversation with them by asking, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Balfegor said...

Re: Adam Schabow:

But please remember that this video was taken immediately after the loss. I am in no way apologizing for it, but please remember the mindset and depression I was in. No script, just me rambling...warts and all. So after two years of volunteering and working my ass off for a cause that I truly believed, it was a really huge blow.

Hopefully, you can understand that. Now, even though most of you have made fun of me and my videos, I'm proud of them. I'll probably do them again

Hullo, good of you to show up. Oh, I think most of us understand the blow of political defeat (I went back and peeked at our reactions during the 2008 Election thread). As I wrote above, though, when you're performing on stage like that (even just rambling into a webcam), I think a bit of lightness would go a long way.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Wow, he sounds exactly like he looks.

Rob Crawford said...

I believe I made a really good case for the removal of Governor Walker.

That's cute.

Do you understand why the majority of the voters disagreed?

Kensington said...

"Time for Republicans and conservatives to act mature..."

Look, if Scott Tenorman is going to insist that democracy died, then I'm going to drink his sweet, sweet tears. How can I not? To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, it would take a heart of stone.

Shanna said...

if you're watching, democracy died tonight.

People unclear on the concept...

Kensington said...

And imagine what they're going to do if Obama loses? I think some of them are literally going to Jonestown themselves if this happens.

Sal said...

Uhh... you just wasted $20 million on a recall because you could NOT get over it.

Uhh, why don't count for us all the ways the right is sitting pretty because of the $18M recall. Really go ahead...I think you guys came out alright. You're welcome.

Kensington said...

That said, props to Adam Schabow for facing the crowd. I know how you feel, brother.

It's how I felt the night Obama won.

Curious George said...

"Adam Schabow said...
I would ask that you all watch my look back and my speech here. I believe I made a really good case for the removal of Governor Walker. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppG2YDhKRII&feature=g-all-lik

But the people of Wisconsin has spoken last night and they did not want to recall Scott Walker. As a liberal, that was still very clear to me. I don't understand it, but I accept it.

But please remember that this video was taken immediately after the loss. I am in no way apologizing for it, but please remember the mindset and depression I was in. No script, just me rambling...warts and all. So after two years of volunteering and working my ass off for a cause that I truly believed, it was a really huge blow.

Hopefully, you can understand that. Now, even though most of you have made fun of me and my videos, I'm proud of them. I'll probably do them again.

Adam Schabow"

Adam, the video you posted has 113 views. I would guess that most are from people like me who once seeing them, and realizing what a self-absorbed emo dumbass you are, posted them to others so they could have a laugh. You feel betrayed? Seriously? Bitter pill time. No one cares about all the time you put in, or your butt-hurt feelings, or your stupid videos, or your dumbass ideas. The sooner you understand that, the sooner life will get better. I'm sure your mom used to tell you were special...it was a different kind of special.

James Pawlak said...

Violence is the common response to being forestalled by the democratic choices of the People.

Anonymous said...

No Chippy dear but I ended up with one of them in my bed this morning, I asked him "what the fuck are you doing here?" We were both fully dressed and neither one of us knew answer.

Now I'm off to bask in the love of my conservative neighbors, I guess I won't move to Madison after all.

Ta Ta!

Chip S. said...

I still want to know why Adam apparently used a 48-star flag as a prop.

Still mad at Eisenhower over Alaska and Hawaii?

All you could scrounge up at the last minute for your patriotic video?

Unaware that it's not the current US flag?

Fen said...

Barger said...
Fen: "you just wasted $20 million on a recall because you could NOT get over it."

Barger: Uhh, why don't count for us all the ways the right is sitting pretty because of the $18M recall. Really go ahead...I think you guys came out alright. You're welcome.

Wow. The Stupid hurts! You wasted everyone's time and money on your sour grapes recall, we kicked your ass back into your momma's basement, and you want to pretend you did us a favor?

Shorter Barger: "Hey Zimmerman, you should thank us for locking you up and putting you into debt $100k to defend spurious charges. It all worked all okay in the end, yes?"

What a libtard.

DADvocate said...

Adam - your video is a perfect example of why there are no videos of myself on the Internet. And, when there are, I won't be trying to be serious.

Internet video catharsis is a recipe for disaster. I recommend you live in the 'hood a few years to expand your world view.

Seeing Red said...

AllieOop said...

Oh for Pete's sake, we'll get over it.

These people haven't gotten over Joe McCarthy.

Or Nixon or Hiss or Reagan.

Chip S. said...

AllieOop said...
No Chippy dear but I ended up with one of them in my bed this morning...

Now that's reaching out to your opponent.

Michael said...

Remember, conservatives, you have to win twice and the second time requires you be gracious in victory.

Fen said...

Daddy Binx: I hate to say it, but it's just going to get worse. There's too much bad-will inertia out there to just dissipate on its own.

Oh much worse. The best part is how innoculated against reality liberals are from using information brokers like CNN and MSNBC.

It will be like watching baby seals get clubbed.

Fen said...

@ Adam

Hat tip to ya for having the balls to come here and face the Schadenfreude.

Do you get what I said about talk radio (at 12:25pm) ?? That if your side hadn't censored and supressed conservative speech on the alphabet networks, conservatives never would have needed to start up AM talk shows as a parallel venue to express ourselves?

Because listening to you complain about that is like hearing Dr Frankenstein whine about his own monster destroying his lab.

Fen said...

AllieOop: No Chippy dear but I ended up with one of them in my bed this morning...

Chip: Now that's reaching out to your opponent.

Not what I had in mind when I said we would "make the rubble bounce"...

Fen said...

BTW Adam, you don't expect us taxpayers to pay for your birth control? And we're not hateful monsters for refusing to do so, right?

Just checking....

Chip S. said...

Every guy in Bedrock wanted to make Betty Rubble bounce.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Time for Republicans and conservatives to act mature

Oh, come on. Not yet!. Let us revel in the happy happy joy joy for now.

While the libs can sing a version of this

Then we can be adults.

Well...maybe later. I'm so happy

FedkaTheConvict said...

"Adam, dude, you need a girlfriend."

Girls have cooties.

Seriously, does Adam sound like a male, notice I said male and not man, who is interested in girls?

Rocketeer said...

No Chippy dear but I ended up with one of them in my bed this morning, I asked him "what the fuck are you doing here?" We were both fully dressed and neither one of us knew answer.

You're doing it wrong. Both of you.

Rusty said...

Perhaps,Adam, if you viewed politics through the lens of reason rather than as a system of belief you wouldn't find yourself whats wrong with other people.
The fault lies with you.You placed your fragile faith in the hand of other failable people.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Ok finally listened to the video. What a pathetic whiner.

"I tried to get you to know where we are coming from" boo hoo. sob sob.

Guess what. We DO know where you are coming from. We don't like that place.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Ack. sorry for that last video. It wasn't what I meant.

n.n said...

Neither a tyranny of a minority nor a majority is desirable. There is little value to be derived from a pure democracy. Wisconsin has elected to pursue positive progress as we strive to recover the Republic.

Quaestor said...

I despise this whingeing puerile display. If anybody deserved to be on the losing side of a political question it's Adam Schabow, a total creepazoid. I hope he suffers.

What Walker should have said last night.

RecChief said...

Adam- good of you to show up here. However, my earlier comment stands. When you set it up that there is "something wrong" with those of us that do not share your point of view, or remain unconvinced of your argument, you aren't going to be able to convince many, other than those who already agree with you. Rather than blaming everyone for somehow being morally or mentally defective. Try hangoing out and having an actual discussion/ debate with a group of conservatives. I can appreciate that there is a real debate over the role of government, what it should and should not do. I happent to believe that government should be limited, at least nationally, there are a lot of decisions that are governed by local demographics and other factors. But every time I try to have a real discussion with a liberal, all I get is, " That's just soooo (morally) wrong!" and "Why are you so ignorant/stupid/easily manipulated/evil/beholden to your religion etc etc etc." This isn't debate or discussion. Nor is demanding that conservatives assume your position a sign of cooperation/compromise/bipartisanship. So, let me ask you a question: What the fuck is wrong with you?



Fen said...

Ah,I guess Adam was just a drive-by.

Can't blame him. His ideology hasn't prepared him for venues that offer direct feedback, so he would get mauled his first day here.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Adam, don't let these people get to you, they do not represent the best in conservatism, sadly. My conservative neighbors in Waukesha County were much more gracious:) ..."

Ever think its because you don't come off to them as a petulant twit as you do here? Ever stop and think you don't represent the best in liberalism?

Whether you realize it or not, you and the other usual suspects never even attempted anything resembling a good faith argument in this forum. Want graciousness? Put down the drums and vuvuzelas and start acting like responsible adults.

Petunia said...

What Hoosier Daddy said.

Adam deserves a lot of credit for showing up here to defend his videos. But really, the videos are just a bunch of self-indulgent whining. He doesn't make the case against Scott Walker, he just comes off as a spoiled emo guy who can't believe anyone would disagree with him.

Jason said...


Sigivald said...

That word he keeps using. I don't think it means what he thinks it means.

Frankns said...

In the immortal words of H. Solo "Don't get cocky, kid"

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... In the immortal words of H. Solo "Don't get cocky, kid".."

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Quaestor said...

Adam Schabow wrote:
[Even] though most of you have made fun of me and my videos, I'm proud of them. I'll probably do them again.

Here's some news for ya. Those videos of your were nothing but self-indulgent bullshit, not to mention the jejune content and that atonal wheezing and guitar abuse you seem to believe is music. It was too pathetic to make sport of.

Yeah, go ahead make some more videos. People like you never learn.

Meade said...

"No Chippy dear but I ended up with one of them in my bed this morning, I asked him "what the fuck are you doing here?" We were both fully dressed and neither one of us knew answer.

Now I'm off to bask in the love of my conservative neighbors, I guess I won't move to Madison after all.

Ta Ta!"

Typical lazy loony lefty. Anyone can have an affair with their next door neighbor. Show a little ambition and cast a wider net. Or web. It's a world wide web world now. Live in it.

Quaestor said...

Kingston wrote:
And imagine what they're going to do if Obama loses? I think some of them are literally going to Jonestown themselves if this happens.

Ahhh, the prospect is mouthwatering... Seriously, a little Darwinian pruning of the American family tree is just what's called for in a country that can breed the likes of Adam Schabow. If 30 million Schabows off themselves on November 7, it'll all be to the good. I'll chip in for the Kool-Aide.

Meade said...

Adam, on your most recent video, at 10:10 you wonder if you should just vote for Mitt Romney in November, giving me a small glimmer of hope that you do, in fact, have some common sense. For that, I congratulate you.

Ann Althouse said...

"But please remember that this video was taken immediately after the loss. I am in no way apologizing for it, but please remember the mindset and depression I was in. No script, just me rambling...warts and all. So after two years of volunteering and working my ass off for a cause that I truly believed, it was a really huge blow. Hopefully, you can understand that. Now, even though most of you have made fun of me and my videos, I'm proud of them. I'll probably do them again." Adam Schabow.

Thanks for dropping in here. (And I hope you post again and respond to the many people who have responded to you. It's an ongoing conversation.)

You say people "have made fun" of you, but, come on, you're being at least a bit of a comic character? I liked the "Milwaukee and Madison" song, and I think it would be quite hard for a professional comedian to play the role of someone acting like you. It would take Phil Hartman level acting skill to do it. I think the DIY YouTube look is part of the comedy, and you know that. Sure, you did it late at night, when you were depressed, but you did *that* on purpose, and you did some editing.

Finally, on this theme of how *hard* you worked. Sorry, but it would be really scary if the side that worked hardest won in politics. What about all the people with jobs and families and diverse interests? They should put normal life to the side so they can keep these political over-workers like you from taking over the government? I thought the recall was especially unfair to people with normal, balanced lives who put in some political effort at the regular intervals. Excessively political people who go at it constantly create risks for people with more balanced lives. It's not fair! Fortunately, all that hard work didn't pay off. Great!

Chip S. said...

Poor Adam. All his life his teachers have built his self-esteem by telling him he was really good at music.

And thinking.

Then he got discovered by Althouse.

Scott M said...

I find your lack of faith disturbing.


Quaestor said...

Ann wrote:
[It] would be really scary if the side that worked hardest won in politics.

Excellent point. It was hardworking politicians who gave us the American Civil War, the Bolshevik Revolution, WWII and North Korea. All politics all the time is the antithesis of the American Way.

With such a fundamental misunderstanding of the country that gave him birth it's no wonder being Adam Schabow is an exercise in futility.

Anonymous said...

Oh, but Meade , I do, or I should say I have.

Tom Spaulding said...

It never will occur to them that it is their ideas that suck, will it?

RonF said...

Too much whining for me. Plus, he drinks lousy beer, so he obviously has poor judgement about everything else.

Meade said...

No, Tom Spaulding, predictably, it never will. You can see them now, gnashing their teeth in various forums. Their critiques are all over tactics and strategy, leadership failure and lack of money. The very last thing they will consider - because it is essentially their religion - is that their ideology is faulty.

Toad Trend said...

"...it's no wonder being Adam Schabow is an exercise in futility."


Adam, good of you chap, to stop by.

You know, a little dignity/class goes a long way after any loss...

BTW I found your video absolutely dreadful. I'm sorry. I don't hang with anyone like you, and I don't want to.

But I sympathize, really I do, because I realize your strong sense of entitlement is what drives you. Its not your fault.

bagoh20 said...

"We were both fully dressed and neither one of us knew [the] answer.

Oh he knew. I sent him there to do suicide watch. We worry because we love. I also told him to make sure you didn't make any videos for 48 hours. Clearly that can be a bad idea.

PackerBronco said...

After every election win or lose I say, "It's a great day to be an American!", because we should never take Democracy for granted or believe it's only a good thing when our candidate wins.

I have also noticed that conservatives tend to have less histrionics after losing elections. I think that's because conservatives are more likely to view intense political with skepticism; we look to other things for comfort and salvation.

bagoh20 said...

BTW, Adam, I like the song. As someone who tries to do that on occasion myself, I though your effort was very good, well better than I do anyway. Sorry, that's not as much of a compliment as I'd like it to be, but keep at it.

Don't worry - be happy. We'll do the right things, even if it does not seem like it to you right now.

Anonymous said...

Bagoh, you know my neighbor, the plumber?! Small world:)
Anyway, that was very sweet of you, gosh I'm beginning to really like conservatives, I think.

rehajm said...

Chip Ahoy said...to listen earnestly when you start off so cuntishly condescending?

I need to use Urban Dictionary the way Ann uses the OED...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jeff said...

A good friend of mine lives near Madison. For the past few months its been nonstop talk about how idiotic and retarded the tea party and Walker are and how stupid they are and how much they hate the middle class and how raciest they are etc etc etc. This morning he posted that his conservative friends should be more gracious. Well.....yeah, probably. But you understand why they may not be?

Curious George said...

The most amazing thing is that after stating that NBC had called a Walker win, his response is "WTF is the matter with you people" followed by the explanation that "if you agreed with just 2 of the 20 things he said" that you you shouldn't have voted for Walker. Virtually all of his videos have under a hundred views, some under fifty. The exception is the one that Ann linked to originally, 350.

For all he knows everyone who did see it voted for Barrett. Barrett got 35 more votes. And still lost in a landslide. This fucking asshat is delusional.

RonF said...

O.K., Adam, I had a look at the video you linked to in your comment.

1st - you say that the purpose of the video was to set forth the reasons why you think people should have not voted for Walker. But you spent the first 8+ minutes of it talking about the other videos you made, the methods, the context, etc. Do you realize how self-centered that makes you look? You should have offered a summary of your position in the first 30 seconds of the video.

When I finally got to the speech - and I almost didn't - you started telling stories that made no sense. A teacher said "If this bill goes through I don't know what I"m going to do." A teacher has a full-time job with full benefits and a pension. There's a lot of people who don't have that. What is their problem? How are their lives threatened? You say nothing on that to challenge what are very reasonable questions.

Then you say things like "He's the tool of corporate interests and the Koch brothers." What does that even mean? Don't you realize that makes you sound paranoid, not authoritative? What evidence do you present to prove that? Why should anyone believe that? And why are the Koch brothers evil but no mention is made of people like George Soros, who could buy and sell the Koch brothers out of petty cash and contributes huge amounts of (corporately-derived) money to leftist causes?

When you talk about investigations that have been quite lengthy yet have resulted in no trials or convictions you get two responses: 1) "Meh, they all do it" and 2) "Meh, it's just all politics." When someone ends up on trial then people will pay attention.

Most of what you presented was leftist talking points and emotional mush. There was very little meat to it. And that's why it wasn't influential.

Unknown said...

I actually watched it a couple times. I'm doing my best to understand the mindset of several of my very liberal friends, who truly believe anyone not walking in lock step toward the exact same progressive cause are uneducated or uncaring. They seem unable to say simple things like "I see what you're saying" and "You know, I may be wrong..." I may not be wired to ever experience the world they do. No judgement, just doesn't seem possible to meet in the middle when at times they even appear to hate each other. I'll continue to try, however.

Simon said...

It's kind of adorable, it's kind of sad, that the possibility of defeat never before seems to have occured to him. He comes across as having simply assumed that all you had to do was have a recall election, and Walker would go, because, well, you saw those protests, right? Isn't everyone in Wisconsin against Walker? I don't know a single person who voted for Walker!

Does it occur to you that maybe there's something "the fuck" wrong with you, Adam?

I think there's something pretty wrong with people who seem to believe that sentences must contain a verb, a noun, and an expletive.

William said...

Adam is probably, in most contexts, a decent sort of person. I really don't see him dismembering Walker voters and sending their body parts to selected Republican politicians. No, that would be wrong, and that's not the way he will dispose of their bodies.

sonicfrog said...

Adam, I posted this on your YouTube page, but i'll post it here too.

Adam, my comment sounds more snarky than I meant it to be. Note that I have called Conservatives who use the same line after a loss. Though we probably differ of the solutions to various problems, I do understand that this loss hurt you personally. I felt the same after Prop 8 passed out here in California. So I do understand your frustration. Never blame the voter. The finger must point to the failure to make the case to vote for your guy or cause. Lots needs to change. Must keep trying.

Meade said...

Well said, sonic.

jvermeer51 said...

This guy is a pretentious self-important little twerp. It's not really about the public policy or any of the people. It's really about him and about how disappointed he is in us. He makes Gore in the first Gore/Bush debate look good.

ampersand said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ampersand said...

Shorter Adam . Democrazy lives.

Blue@9 said...

Props to Adam for showing up here and owning it.

"I have also noticed that conservatives tend to have less histrionics after losing elections. I think that's because conservatives are more likely to view intense political with skepticism; we look to other things for comfort and salvation."

It's not all across the board, but I don't think most conservatives view elections and politics as some unquestionable moral crusade (apart from the Pat Robertson types). We tend to think liberals are dumb, not evil. Think about how many liberals would readily dump a friend for having conservative beliefs (not you, Allie). The only way you can do stuff like that in real life is if you're mentally deranged or you really think that your beliefs (and only your beliefs) are worthy.

Mark said...

Not what I had in mind when I said we would "make the rubble bounce"...

Late in the thread, but I have to congratulate Fen on making me do a spit-take. (And I was drinking Meyer's Rum, so I had good reason to not want to spit...)

Robert Cook said...

"Every single one of you out there in the nation, if you're watching, democracy died tonight."

What self-centered hyperbole..."democracy," such as ever existed in our Republic, (for those who think pointing out that we are a "Republic and not a Democracy" is some sort of incisive bon mot) has been moribund for some years now.

Robert Cook said...

"Think about how many liberals would readily dump a friend for having conservative beliefs...."

Um...how many liberals would readily dump a friend for having conservative beliefs? And how would you know how many would do so?

rick rogers said...

The worst part of this video is that he is drinking Miller High Life. What the f*ck?

Fen said...

I'm doing my best to understand the mindset of several of my very liberal friends

I do this, because most my social friends are liberal. Three points:

1) Its a brand for them. A way for them to feel like they are making a difference in the world.

2) Its also about Indulgences (the religious kind). Your liberal friend may be ashamed that he made a pass at the babysitter, but he BELIEVES! in World Peace, so he thinks he can't be all that bad.

3) And, as always, Fen's Law: "the left doens't really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about"

Keep those 3 points in mind and you'll have a much easier time navigating your liberal preserve.

Fen said...

Not what I had in mind when I said we would "make the rubble bounce"...

Mark: Late in the thread, but I have to congratulate Fen on making me do a spit-take. (And I was drinking Meyer's Rum, so I had good reason to not want to spit...)

Sorry about that. Rum should never be wasted.

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