June 9, 2012

Brick and stone.

Seen today, in West Lafayette, Indiana:


This detail shows the charming placement of 2 stones to make a chevron:



chickelit said...

Chevron used to be part of Standard Oil.
Nobody ever mentions East Lafayette.

The rule of Lemnity said...

There is a nice song by An Emotional Fish called Brick It Up..

But its not available for play in the intertubes.

So... i suggest you buy it.. or download it.. if you are so inclined ;)

Anonymous said...

"Where the Wabash spreads its valley..."

Good eats at Sarge Biltz's downtown.

Guildofcannonballs said...



WALK (er).

traditionalguy said...

That's some real pretty crystalized calcium carbonate you have there.

edutcher said...

As is the case with many trades, the craftsmanship involved can become fine art.

James said...

In stone work it's similar to technique called "book matching", you split the stone and open it like the leaves of a book. The seams and striation should match.

Chip Ahoy said...

Heh heh heh he said schists.

Peter Hoh said...

Much as I love stonework, I'm a sucker for a nice old brick. That Wabash one is a beauty.

JohnnyT1948 said...

"Much as I love stonework, I'm a sucker for a nice old brick. That Wabash one is a beauty."

Wabash Clay bricks from Veedersburg were used to originally pave the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Hence the term, "The Brickyard" to refer to the track.

Ralph L said...

Hosta la vista, baby!

yashu said...

Amusing little piece from Edward Klein here on three private White House dinners Obama had with a group of presidential historians during his term.

So revealing of the man's vanity, narcissism, hubris.

Judging from Mr. Obama’s questions, one subject was uppermost in his mind: how could he become a “transformational” president and bend the historic trajectory of America’s domestic and foreign policy? 

And then there's this nugget:

Mr. Obama told the historians that he had come up with a slogan for his administration. “I’m thinking of calling it ‘A New Foundation,’ ” he said.

Doris Kearns Goodwin suggested that “A New Foundation” might not be the wisest choice for a motto. 

“Why not?” the president asked.

“It sounds,” said Goodwin, “like a woman’s girdle.”

Heh, Doris. But seriously: A New Foundation??? It's hard for me to wrap my mind around the arrogance and hubris of such a slogan. Is this motto not the quintessence of left-wing revolutionary/ totalitarian ideology-- e.g. the ethos of the French Revolution? An ideological strain that goes back philosophically to Descartes (though Descartes himself was politically conservative)-- the conviction that the One (whether that's the rational ego or "general will" or philosopher-king, with infallible reason and knowledge) ought to brush aside existing tradition and institutions as vestigial encumbrances, and from a clean slate re-build the edifice of society-- establishing a new foundation?

I mean, correct me if I'm wrong Baracky O, but I thought things like the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Federalist Papers, etc. etc. are to be considered our "founding" documents. But you thought the presidency of Barack Obama was to constitute… A New Foundation.


greenlantern said...

Yes, yes, craftsmanship, blah, blah, blah...my neighborhood pals and I did the very same thing with a box of the 64 color Crayolas when we were in grade school. Get over yourselves, masons and bricklayers!

yashu said...

And speaking of presidential symposia with our nation's cultural eminences, how's this for a double feature: President Obama has private meeting "with two dozen of Hollywood’s hottest young stars, urging them to involve themselves in his re-election campaign."


chickelit said...

two dozen of Hollywood’s hottest young stars

Were they red giants, blue dwarves, or just flaming hot?