June 5, 2012

"Bill Clinton Does Not Want Barack Obama to Win."

Let me point back to this post of mine: "Bill Clinton did not come to Wisconsin to help Tom Barrett win the recall election."
I'm not convinced Clinton is devoted to the short game of reelecting Obama. I think he might be playing a long game: Hillary 2016.


campy said...

Chelsea will also be old enough to be prez in '16.

Ann Althouse said...

"Chelsea will also be old enough to be prez in '16."

But she will never have the personality for it, which Hillary herself barely has.

The Clinton dynasty ends with HIllary.

cubanbob said...

If thats the game then Clinton is dumber than I thought. Hillary has no chance. She only looks good to a degree when compared to Obama. Otherwise she is just another democrat loser.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No no no. No more Clintons. Go away. Take Pelosi and Barack with you.

ricpic said...

Obama and no one but Obama has made possible Clinton's opening. When Democrats say to Clinton "You have six months to save the country" they mean party, their skins, not country. Obama, as president the head of the party, has made it patently obvious he could care less about the electoral chances of any Dem but himself. Ergo the desperation move to Clinton.

Roman said...

I'm sure its just me, but the toe-sucker Morris is not too credible. He has some points but integrity is lacking.

edutcher said...

A few years ago, Barry would have been fetching coffee for Willie, as the first black President told Teddy Kennedy.

He stole Willie's third term and his great chance to rehabilitate his image (not to mention graze on new generations of interns and MILFy campaign donors).

And, apparently, Hillary turned Willie down cold last year when he wanted her to primary Little Zero.

So now Willie's going to have his revenge. As I've been saying.

Hagar said...

The Clintons reportedly control nearly $1 billion in assets and most likely is in favor of keeping control.
They could very well be joining the "anyone but Obama" vote for this election.

Christopher in MA said...

I'd suspect he doesn't want the Preezy of the Steezy to win simply because he doesn't like him. Obama always considers himself the smartest man in the room, and that must piss Bill (who is, though I despise him, lightyears more intellgent than the Cokehead In Chief) off beyond belief.

I also see a bit of Ike / Nixon in this as well. After Checkers, Ike was never fully trusting of Nixon - not least because RMN threatened a little hardball by indicating he had knowledge of a slush fund of Ike's own. So in '60, Ike campaigned for Nixon, but not very much or with much enthusiasm. Some of that was because of Ike's health, but also because his quip of if you give me a week, I might think of one to the question of what policy did Nixon have any effect on showed that Ike was still SHAEF at heart - he commanded, he delegated, but he didn't spend hours canvassing his junior officers for their thoughts.

Tim said...

"I think he's might be playing a long game: Hillary 2016."

That's funny.

Hillary! will look like a kitchen witch in 2016; Bubba will be in San Fernando Valley hanging out with 18 year old porn stars.

ndspinelli said...

Nobody knows a sleazeball better than a former aide sleazeball.

Tim said...

Speaking of Bubba and Obama, I looked up the word "choom."

Ironically, it has meanings that apply to both Bubba and Obama.

But probably not Hillary!

Original Mike said...

"Bill Clinton Does Not Want Barack Obama to Win."

No surprise. He loves this country.

yashu said...

The long game might not be Hillary 2016 so much as Clinton's historical legacy, Clinton's place in presidential history.

And the future of the Democratic Party.

Scott said...

Hillary is going nowhere. People seem to forget that she had everything going for her in 2008, and she still managed to lose to BHO. McCain losing the general election is chalked up to 'lousy candidate, terrible campaign, etc.', but somehow Hillary is given a pass for her own incredible incompetence and unsuitability? I agree with the earlier comment by cubanbob...only Obama makes Hillary look even moderately acceptable.

"America's ex-wife" isn't going to rise from the political graveyard, and I suspect that even she knows this. Perhaps she has decided to let her tenure as SecState be her capstone (particularly since in the wreckage of the wake of BHO, nobody is going to look all that closely at her rather dismal performance there), and retire with some of the dignity that Slick Willie conspicuously lacks.

Michael K said...

Clinton is delusional if he thinks Hillary will have a chance in 2016. But, of course, he is delusional anyway. The impeachment has to be a cancer eating at his soul. He thinks everyone has forgotten but that's because everyone knows what a sleaze he is. No argument. He is very smart but Hillary isn't. She just thinks she is and that's not enough. Obama has proven that.

X said...

I think Clinton likes the distinction of being the only democrat to win an election and reelection since Roosevelt. Plus he knows socialism is a mug's game.

yashu said...

No surprise. He loves this country.

That may well be a reason too. Reason enough.

Bill said...

If Obama wins, 2016 will be an open race, but Hilary would be running for his third term, à la George H.W. Bush and Gore.
If Romney wins, Hilary will be running against a sitting president, like Clinton and Kerry.

I guess it depends on her estimation of how the next four years will go. If she thinks 2nd-term Obama will be perceived as more successful than 1st-term Romney, she should hope that Obama will win. If not, not.

Bob_R said...

So you and Dick Morris are on the same page...I hope you get some better news today.

edutcher said...

Christopher in MA said...

Obama always considers himself the smartest man in the room, and that must piss Bill (who is, though I despise him, lightyears more intellgent than the Cokehead In Chief)

Have to disagree. Zero has had brains enough to stay out of trouble all his adult life.

OTOH Willie has always been in hot water and relied on the media and his patrons (Don Tyson, Sam Walton, etc.) to bail him out. He also had smarter people around him - Morris (who really saved his ass), Rubin, and a couple of others. The Chicago crowd isn't in their league.

I agree Choom is no intellectual giant, but Willie is only a good schmoozer, no more.

But, yeah, 2 sociopaths in the same room must be claustrophobic since both see themselves as smarter than everybody else.

edutcher said...

Original Mike said...

Bill Clinton Does Not Want Barack Obama to Win.

No surprise. He loves this country.

Like Zero, Willie loves nothing but Willie.

(I can't believe how many people are still snowed by this patent medicine salesman)

Tom Spaulding said...

(I can't believe how many people are still snowed by this patent medicine salesman)

His patent medicine rhetoric cures what ails them...the pain of Cognitive Dissonance.

Scott M said...

Updated again.

At a JOINT (Clinton/Obama) fundraiser, Billy said:

"“And, I care about the long term debt of the country a lot. Remember me, I’m the only guy that gave you four surplus budgets out of the eight I sent.”

That's in front of Obama. I would love to see if his face remained impassive or not. Just desserts after the tiny, small comments Obama made toward Bush at the portrait hanging last week.

Kansas City said...

This is fascinating. Morris says Clinton has patriotic motives in not wanting Obama re-elected -- "you have six months to save the country." Morris almost never ascribes motivation to Clinton (and Hillary) that is not self serving. By the way, I thought Morris' hesitation in desribing his "sources" probably means he is lying.

I would have thought Clinton's motivation is almost entirely what increases the chances for Hillary to be president. In that regard, Clinton is in a pickle. If Obama is re-elected, then Hillary probably has the nomination in 2016, but no democract could probably win after 8 years of Obama. On the other hand, if Obama loses, he probably seeks the nomination again in 2016 and, with all the African American voters in democratic primaries and his status as former president, he beats Hillary again. It is a catch 22. I assume Clinton has figure out what is the best route, and it may well be an Obama loss in 2012 (there is some chance he would not run again in 2016 and then the path is wide open for Hillary).

Michael K said...

"Have to disagree. Zero has had brains enough to stay out of trouble all his adult life."

I suspect Zero did not have the libido problem that Bill has. Of course, Zero has had the press running interference for him since Harvard.

Fen said...

Don't waste your time. Hillary will be too old, too hagish looking by 2016.

edutcher said...

Michael K., Willie has had the press running interference for him for a long time, too.

And it's more than just women; Willie's always been in some sort of shady deal. Just as retribution is about to rear it's ugly head, the media has always saved him, but this time, if he sabotages Zero too obviously, I don't think he'll get away with it.

Fen said...

I think Obama wants out. He can't run from this term's failure with a 2nd term. Claiming "the last guy messed up this job" doesn't work forever, as any Diversity Hire can tell you.

I think Romney will win and will be a one-term President. He's going to have to roll back alot of entitlement spending and people will hate him for that.

Of course, Romney could go the other way and keep borrowing money from China to pay for Sandra Fluke's birth control.

Same result. One term POTUS.

Kansas City said...

Hillary will be old and less attractive in 2016. But she will have a friendly press and great name ID and it would not take a marketing genuis to re-package her as the voice of experience. Beside, 2016 is definitely her last chance to be president, so she will give it a shot.

Kansas City said...

Obama does not want out. He is busting his butt fund raising and his narcism would not accept losing or quitting.

Scott M said...

Obama does not want out.

Maybe not, but I betcha Michelle does.

Shanna said...

I think Hillary's chance is over. Chelsea...I can't see that happening either.

If Bill Clinton doesn't want Obama to win, I'd say it's personal.

tim maguire said...

Dick Morris is a pretty good contrary indicator. He's always wrong on the big questions. But I voted for Hillary in 2008 and I could be convinced to vote for her in 2016 if the Republicans have a lock on both houses of congress.

2012 is the first and hopefully the last time I'll ever root for one-party government.

Wince said...

Makes sense, because no Democrat could be elected after a second Obama term.

Strategically for the Democrats, Obama should have been Hillary's VP in 2008.

BTW, Who kicked Dick Morris in the teeth @0:25? Axelrod?

Cato Renasci said...

Hillary will not win. She's not even as likable as Dick Nixon was. She has been inextricably associated with the single worst administration in the past 150+ years.

Damon said...

Morris has zero credibility, but I also don't believe Clinton likes Obama. However, interesting flip by Clinton today calling Romney presidency a "calamitous" possibility.

For the first time I believe that there may be a changing of horses in the VP race if Obama is down in the polls later this summer. I bet Obama mentioned to Clinton that there is a very real possibility for it to happen IF Clinton gets in line.

What are the chances? Depends if Obama is down in the polls and how things are trending. I actually think Hillary would bring a ton of stability to the Obama ticket and it would bring back the hope that things could be different this time around. However, it will never happen unless he sees no chance of winning because it is a hail mary. It will be billed as desperation, but whether people see that or the potential would be the selling point through the fall. That misdirection will also help deflect from his miserable record he has to run on.

Fen said...

For the first time I believe that there may be a changing of horses in the VP race if Obama is down in the polls later this summer

Campaing scuttlebut is that Team Obama is waiting for Romney to peak and then they will announce a new VP pick that will be a momentum changer.

yashu said...

At a JOINT (Clinton/Obama) fundraiser, Billy said:

"“And, I care about the long term debt of the country a lot. Remember me, I’m the only guy that gave you four surplus budgets out of the eight I sent.”

Wow, ouch. That's slipping the blade in and giving it a good twist.

Fen said...

Maybe George Clooney or Angelina

Scott M said...

Biden will step aside for "family" reasons, but won't even be able to get through that press conference without a game-changing gaffe.

I cannot imagine Hillary accepting a vice-presidency from Obama. No way. As SoS, she's got a certain aloofness the office affords her and she can run on her own record if Obama goes down in flames in November. If she accepts the Veep slot, though, she's inextricably tied to Teh Won.

Fen said...

Wow, ouch. That's slipping the blade in and giving it a good twist.

Remember when he met with Bush after Gore lost 2000 and condescendingly remarks that it will be hard for Bush to maintain his 4% economic growth rate?

He's a great campaigner. Too bad he sexually assualts Democrat women with Hillary's implicit permission.

Scott M said...

Maybe George Clooney or Angelina

Not Angelina. She has to watch the brood while Brad is off doing SEVEN WEEKS OF RESHOOTS on WWZ, which was supposed to pop this Christmas. Seven weeks of reshoots spells disaster. You can make an entire movie in seven weeks of principle photography.

Fen said...

Oprah then. Or former President Josiah Bartlet. With Josh and Toby.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I don't Hilary! has much of a chance in 2016. She will be 68 by then. Bill is already starting to look like a doddering old fool.
God knows what these two will look like four years from now.

bagoh20 said...

Clinton? Good Lord!

Can we just Move On?

Seriously, It's 2012, and all we can see is the top of the lefty boomers' heads sticking out of the quicksand. Can they just let go of the country's pant leg and slip beneath the surface already?

traditionalguy said...

The confusion continues from a basic assumption that The Clinton Dems want the USA destroyed just because Obama claerly wants the USA destroyed.

The Clinton Dems want to take the USA hostage so they can threaten destruction of the USA if they don't get the power and the money that follows from it.

Only Obama wants to execute the miserable and stupid hostages that he has taken ASAP and then move on to living off his European Marxist comrades.

In other words Clinton is a perfectly sane robber, and Obama is an insane assassin.

But we need an opposition party, or the GOP will skin us in the name of Chinese controlled Free Markets.

Fen said...

I might consider a Bartlet/Obama ticket.

With Leo as Obama's Chief of Staff giving tutorials about Marbury v. Madison and Economics 101. Maybe he can get Obama up to speed as an Executive by 2016?

Almost Ali said...

Despite his monumental failures, Obama is one happy camper. He hit the jackpot, him, a jive-ass street hustler - because the dumbest generation ever handed him the keys to the nation. And all his socialist, Utopian dreams came true: The White House, the limo(s), AF-1, the extravagant vacations, the multi-million dollar allowance, the clothes, the recognition as the world's #1 cool-cat, the retirement package, the parties, the celebs, the health...

Oh, that reminds me; when exactly will the Supreme Court honor us with their decision on ObamaCare? I mean, are we even worthy?

BarryD said...

I've noticed that Bill Clinton has been in the news a lot lately. Nothing he has done has been newsworthy, however.

MSM switching to the Clinton camp? Seems too soon and too simple.

Otherwise, though, who gives a rat's behind what Clinton is saying or not?

Wally Kalbacken said...

Assume Obama loses. Was there something sterling in Hilary's performance as SOS that makes her particularly qualified in 2016? She could pull a rabbit out of her hat in his last 7 months in office, but I haven't seen it so far. And the misinterpretation and handling of the "Arab Spring" might be looking pretty rancid by 2016. I say she's done.

ndspinelli said...

Reefer Madness, I despise Clinton[he is a sociopath, Obama is certainly not] and believe Obama is a failure. However, they are both quite intelligent. Your hatred lowers your already borderline IQ. And, it diminishes you even more than being the ASS President.

Dustin said...

So many people dismiss Hillary because she looks like a woman her age would look.

I don't think that's nearly the impediment people claim it is.

A woman's appearance is a double edged sword. Very pretty women are dismissed as unserious.

Hillary can present herself as an older, wiser more serious leader.

I sure don't want her to be president, but I think she remains a contender. They get the 'historic first' meme, too, which worked well in 2008.

But 2016 is a long way off. Hillary would be better off being Mayor of NYC or Governor somewhere.

BarryD said...

"Very pretty women are dismissed as unserious.

"Hillary can present herself as an older, wiser more serious leader."

While the first part may have some merit, I believe that this is a false dichotomy. Hillary may not appear in the 2016 SI Swimsuit Edition, but I think she will have a hell of a time trying to present herself as "older and wiser" instead of shrilly insane.

See Paul, Ron for an example (and I LIKE Ron Paul).

Kansas City said...


The media will line up with Hillary bhaving been a great secretary of state. The same as they called her a great senator. What did she do as senator? What has she done as SOS? All she has to do is get out of office without some huge catastrophe and the press will lionize her tenure.

So she and Bill are strategizing about how to win in 2016. As I said earlier, I think they probably have concluded the chance is better if Obama loses. The only risk there is if Obama runs again in 2016 - he probably would beat her again with the prevalence of the black vote in democratic primaries and his status as former president. But you can bet the Clintons are trying to make her president in 2016.

Nathan Alexander said...

This brings up an interesting digression:

Who is popular in the Democratic Party?

The GOP has some rising stars in Rubio, maybe Ted Cruz, maybe Mia Love, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, Chris Christie.

But all this talk about Hillary! for Pres just underscores: they don't have anyone with any buzz about them moving up to the national stage, do they?

Hillary has near-zero positive accomplishments to tout, even as Senator and Sec of State. She has two arguments for her: 1) shot at First Female President and 2) her husband presided over a really good economy that he didn't do much to bring about except be President when internet/computing technology made e-commerce viable.

Is there really no one in the Democratic Party with greater credibility on economic or foreign relations issues, or greater popularity?


machine said...

Dick Morris? This is the source?


I can't believe it was even linked to...who is next? Orly Taitz? "Sheriff" Joe Arpaio? Joe the "Plumber"

Dustin said...

"While the first part may have some merit, I believe that this is a false dichotomy. "

Of course it is.

Just as Fred Thompson isn't really a hardass president just because he looks grizzly. Just as Mitch Daniels isn't really a softy just because he wouldn't look out of place hosting a kid's TV show.

But this is American politics, and what you look like on TV is 99% of your candidacy. Balancing a budget is no match for looking like Ronald Reagan.

Larry J said...

If you look back over the past 80 years, there's an interesting pattern in presidential elections.

From the election in 1932 till 1952, Democrats won the presidency. After that, the presidency has changed hands every 8 years with but a couple exceptions.

1953-1961: Ike
1961-1969: JFK/LBJ
1969-1977: Nixon/Ford
1977-1981: Carter (1 exception)
1981-1989: Reagan
1989-1993: Bush 41 (another exception)
1993-2001: Clinton
2001-2009: Bush 43

If the trend continues, an Obama victory (GAG! PUKE!) this year means it's more likely that a Republican will win in 2016. It seems the public gets tired of the party in power and wants a change every 8 years, most of the time. If Romney wins, a Democrat will have to defeat a sitting president. That's difficult but as Carter, Bush 41 and Obama show, not impossible.

Christopher in MA said...

Campaign scuttlebutt is that Team Obama is waiting for Romney to peak and then they will announce a new VP pick that will be a momentum changer.

As Nathan says - who? Hillary! is about the only choice anyone is talking about here, and she simply will not affect the election. She's damaged goods, and if you think the Romney team will go all McCain on a mulatto / woman ticket, you're crazy.

If (I say IF, son) there's going to be a "momentum changer" VP, I can only see it being someone like Colin Powell - a defector from the GOP side who can shake his head solemnly, say this racist, extreme party of teabaggers isn't the party I called home and give Choom a little extra foreign policy weight. And if not Powell, certainly someone like him; a RINO who will give Little Black Jesus back his "uniter" mojo and can damn Romney as an Etch-A-Sketch in thrall to the (BOO!) religious right.

Blue@9 said...

Clinton is delusional if he thinks Hillary will have a chance in 2016.

Is he though? There's a good chance that the economy will not have recovered by 2016, even if Romney goes nuts trying to put the fiscal house in order (good luck).

If the economy is bad (and it likely will be), the 2016 election could be a tight race and one that Hillary Clinton could win against a Republican incumbent.

Scott M said...

Dick Morris? This is the source?

Dick Morris knows about as much about Clinton's (either of 'em) current state of mind as you or I, machine. But the point of the post, that Clinton may not be supporting short-term Obama in lieu of long-term Clinton plans can easily be a reason behind his recent comments.

Gullyborg said...

The picture of everyone in the war room when Bin Laden is killed - the picture with Hillary covering her face like a scared little girl - dooms any chance she will EVER have of holding an office with keys to the nuclear arsenal.

Hillary has said flat out, she is never running for office again. I believe her.

I think Bill is out there doing damage to Obama because he just doesn't like Obama, and because he hopes he can shift his party back to a party that at least pretends to want America to succeed. And the Clintons may not be running for anything, but they have younger friends who they may want to help. I think 2016 will be the year of democrat rebranding, with a candidate like Evan Bayh (a strong Clinton supporter) leading the charge.

Blue@9 said...

Who is popular in the Democratic Party?

If you asked me a year ago, I would have said their rising stars include Cory Booker and Anthony Wiener.

Different story this year.

Scott M said...

Hillary has said flat out, she is never running for office again. I believe her.

Please explain the reasoning behind believing anything this sniper-fire-dodger says.

bagoh20 said...

The next four years are gonna be tough for whoever is President. The financial situation is doomed to big problems that will hit right then.

If reforms are made they will be blamed, if not, then not making them will be blamed.

And of course if Romney wins, the homeless of America will suddenly reappear as a national tragedy, along with every other problem that the press has ignored for four years to prop up Obama.

If I was Obama, I'd be insulted by the press's soft racism about my administration, but like him, I'd also keep it to myself.

I think the next President is gonna have a hard time getting his party reelected, no matter which one it is.

David said...

The problem with this statement is that Dick Morris is a publicity whore with a long trail of wrong. It may be true, but I'm not taking Dick Morris as a source.

Michael K said...

Walker is toast The DoJ is on the case.

David said...

Chelsea Clinton could be senator from New York some day.

If there's a vacancy and she gets appointed.

bagoh20 said...

Clinton dislikes Obama for the same reason most of the right does: he's bad for the country, and especially for the Democrats in it. It's not personal. It that the leftist politics are toxic, and Clinton knows it. Clinton wants the country to be liberal, not leftist, but now he finds himself in the wrong party for that.

Ambrose said...

Clnton's goal of making his wife president is clear. It's just of question of which of three tactics: Replace Obama in 2012; Succeed Obama in 2016; Defeat Romney in 2016. I think it's probably too late for #1 (but maybe not); and, in my view, 2 would be easier than 3#. So expect Bill to campaign for Obama and play the loyal senior statesman. The Hilary VP nominationis already out there asa trial balloon - maybe as much to keep Joe Biden on the ticket as anything else..

ampersand said...

I hope Clinton keeps it up,only because the Oba-media turns on him. I read an article on Politico headlined
Bill Clinton out of control on 2012
,where lefty Roger Simon even mentions the impeachment. When was the last time you saw that in the MSM?
With a little luck they may dig up what Clinton did to warrant the $100,000 cattle future payoff or what Sandy Berger stuffed down
his pants.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

If I was Obama, I'd be insulted by the press's soft racism about my administration

If you were Obama, you would have been complaining about Harvard's soft racism re your work as a student.

Obama's traded on soft racism all his life. Its how he got where he was today.

You know the Diversity Hire who keeps getting promotion transfers so they can be some other manager's nightmare? Obama is the archetype.

Harris said...

I never voted for Clinton, but I always had a certain admiration for him. 1) He could credibly communicate a sense of genuine concern for the body politic. And 2) He is extremely smart. He can speak extemporaneously on a wide variety of subjects. The most incredible example of this is when Obama left Bill in front of a press conference to go do something with Michelle. Clinton fielded a wide variety of questions, answered them in depth and with intelligence. Obama looked like an amateur in comparison.

Obama can barely put two coherent sentences together without his precious teleprompter. He has hidden his grades, his transcripts and any of his college work. The mirage of his intelligence falls apart when he has to speak extemporaneously on any subject at all. The man is not only unintelligent; he is not even particularly interested in the world outside of himself.

turtle said...

It will be close, but no cigar ;-)

Joe said...

Clinton also doesn't want his taxes to skyrocket. He very likely enjoys living in the US and doesn't want to move when Obama decides the rich should be paying 70% income tax.

SeanF said...

Fen: Campaing scuttlebut is that Team Obama is waiting for Romney to peak and then they will announce a new VP pick that will be a momentum changer.

So...after Romney peaks, the Obama campaign is going to do something to change the momentum?

We better make a 360-degree turn and get out of here!

Jaq said...

While Clinton used to disgust me, not the sex, but the lying and the choice of "partners", underlings and volunteers, and I am pretty sure he raped Broadrick, I always admired him as a worthy opponent. I think he is just doing what he thinks is right. Obama be damned.

BTW, isn't the proper smear for Morris "toe sucking dwarf"? Don't you guys get the minutes from the two minute hates?

Anonymous said...

It's a lovely story. I'm going to let myself believe it today.

Shanna said...

Clinton dislikes Obama for the same reason most of the right does: he's bad for the country, and especially for the Democrats in it. It's not personal.

It could be both, but I definately think there is personal dislike there. Aside from the fact that Obama seems quite unlikeable, he was behind smearing the clinton's as racist and I hear that DC democrats that were clinton era/blue dog/southern were pretty much left in the dirt after Obama's election.

In fact, I think Obama pretty much hates anyone southern, country or blue collar. Clinton may have gone to Gtown/Oxford and moved to NYC, but he is still southern and I think he likely feels the same contempt for Obama that he feels for us.

bagoh20 said...

Shanna, I think you're right. Clinton probably does dislike the Obama exactly for that. Clinton does seem genuinely American and southern and those people know instinctively when they encounter a global elitist like the Obamas imagine themselves to be. The disdane is mutual, becuase they both know that at least Clinton has the chops.

Michael K said...

"I think the next President is gonna have a hard time getting his party reelected, no matter which one it is."

Unless he pulls a Walker and gets it right. They said the same about Reagan.

Cedarford said...

Scott6584 said: " He(Clinton) is extremely smart. He can speak extemporaneously on a wide variety of subjects. The most incredible example of this is when Obama left Bill in front of a press conference to go do something with Michelle. Clinton fielded a wide variety of questions, answered them in depth and with intelligence. Obama looked like an amateur in comparison."

Agree. Smartest man elected to the Oval Office in the last 100 years, save possibly Nixon. (Though most others have been well above the median IQ in America).

I'd actually put Obama down with Dubya in the bottom third of Presidential IQs.

Matt Sablan said...

"Who is popular in the Democratic Party?"

-- There's Cuomo and Booker; I think 2016 is way too soon for Booker, but if there's no one else and he doesn't have to make any more hostage videos, he's a contender. If Barrett somehow wins, he'll have a national presence. But, I can't think of any other Dem governors that get the same press as Jindal, Christie, Walker and the like. I was talking about this the other day too. I mean, Dodd and Bill Richardson are damaged goods, and by 2016 Biden will not be a contender. So, who else is really left?

Arch said...

Bill is campaigning for Hillary in 2012. He has been watching and seeing Obama's campaign self destruct. At the last minute, Hillary will jump in and say 'Here I am!' There are a lot of Dems out there holding their noses about Obama. They will gladly support Hillary.

Fen said...

Unless he pulls a Walker and gets it right. They said the same about Reagan.

I hope its only that bad. MiniTru has been keeping alot of bad economic news censored to protect Obama.

I feel like Europe will self-destruct before next week

bagoh20 said...

"Smartest man elected to the Oval Office in the last 100 years..."

And yet virtually none of what was good about his term was a result of his "intelligence". The economy was strong for entirely unpolitical reasons, so much that it even overcame high taxes. Welfare reform was something he fought until forced, and his terms ended in recession.

Bin Laden, 9/11 and all that they brought us was imagined, funded and prepared under Clinton, while he encouraged them by making the U.S look militarily feckless and impotent and therefore an excellent target.

His personal behavior also belies the value of high intelligence in decision making.

I'll take my Presidents a little less smart if that's what he was about.

Scott M said...

Bill is campaigning for Hillary in 2012. He has been watching and seeing Obama's campaign self destruct. At the last minute, Hillary will jump in and say 'Here I am!' There are a lot of Dems out there holding their noses about Obama. They will gladly support Hillary.

This will never happen for a number of reasons and the racial aspect is only one of them. Do you really think the Democrats, mastahs of the plantation that they are, are going to throw the first incumbent half-black president under the bus at the convention?

Not. Going. To. Happen.

Fen said...

I bet Bill Clinton could (relatively) fix the mess Obama has made. We would just have to supply some interns for him to abuse.

What's Jessica Valenti up to these days? You've come a long way baby, now sit back and think of England.

Amartel said...

Billy Jeff has a temper, y'all, and he holds a grudge. Also he's very smart and very political. Obamateur pulled out the race card in 2008 and skated right past Hillary, then passed her over for VP. Billy Jeff has neither forgotten nor forgiven.

Amartel said...

"Smartest man elected to the Oval Office in the last 100 years."
Who knows if that's true. Liberals are always claiming to be the smartest person in the room and look at all the work that goes into propping up that claim.

BTW, Nixon was hella smart.

Joe said...

Arch points to the elephant in the room. Democrats are looking at a slaughter similar to Jimmy Carter, especially if Obama has a meltdown on TV and the press turns on him.

Given the state of the economy, I don't think Democrats could have won with Kennedy, but they would have had less embarrassment than they had with Carter AND the "coat tails" damage would have been partially mitigated.

This is something nobody is talking about; if Obama goes down, he's taking a lot of politicians with him.

Were the Democratic party smart, they'd toss Obama overboard, give the presidency to Romney and concentrate on keeping the senate and retaking the house.

Steve Koch said...

I'm always interested to hear what Morris has to say but this particular nugget of gossip does not ring totally true.

Bill really wants Hillary to win the prez in 2016. Whether or not Bill dislikes Obama is not relevant, Bill just wants to remind people that he is more centrist than Obama and letting the Wall Street guys know that Bill and Hill won't demonize them (they are useful for fund raising purposes).

Brian Brown said...


Bill Clinton to CNBC: the US economy is in a recession and Congress should extend all the tax cuts due to expire at the end of the year.

Scott M said...



Amartel said...

"Bill just wants to remind people that he is more centrist than Obama and letting the Wall Street guys know that Bill and Hill won't demonize them (they are useful for fund raising purposes)."

Bill just wants to remind people that he's NOT Obama. Also, at the same time, Bill wants to be seen trying to help The Cause.

Also, Bill/Hill is not more centrist than Obama; Bill only moved to the center when he had to. I'm sure s/he'll happily redistribute your money and try to run your life from DC just like Obama but he's just smarter, more patient, and less arrogant about sneaking up on your wallet and going thru your recycling.

Brian Brown said...

by the way, remember when Obama called WJC the President and left the press conference and Clinton stood there answering policy questions for a half an hour?

Aren't we nearing that point where Billy is kind of the President now?

John said...

People here seem to be of two minds... 1) Clinton is angling for Hillary to get the nomination in 2016, or 2) Clinton has a dislike, or even a personal grudge against Obama.

Either way, he does not want Obama to win... but I have to say I think it's more for reason #2 than reason #1. I think he took the 2008 Dem primary contest very personally, and I don't think he has a very high opinion of Obama, AND I think he is not pleased with the far-left path down which Obama is taking the country. Doesn't mean he's not a lying sociopath, but he is still smarter and has better political instincts than Obama.

Son of Brock Landers said...

Just wanted to chip this in, but I don't think Gov. Andrew Cuomo will lay down and let Hildawg take the nomination from him in 2016 when he will be in the catbird seat.

JAL said...

Hillary will be 69 in 2016.

No sexism here, but she is no Ronald Reagan in more than one way.

Maragaret Thatcher was 54 when she became PM, served until she was 65.

It's not about her appearance.

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