June 27, 2012

At the Painted House Café...


... there's quite a feeling of progress.


MayBee said...

That looks fantastic.

Freeman Hunt said...


Patrick said...

Nice work there, Meade.

Anonymous said...

Forward! Wow Meade is a tough old guy, it's hot out there.

Patrick said...

Last week,, the Professor linked to an opinion from the MN Supreme court pertaining to a student's facebook postings while in the mortuary science program.

Sadly, the woman has died. No cause yet given. http://www.twincities.com/localnews/ci_20941840/amanda-tatro-who-challenged-university-minnesotas-facebook-policies

robinintn said...

That looks lovely!

Rusty said...

Hey. Meade.
You and your ladder want to make a couple of bucks?

Petunia said...

Are those glass fishing floats in the windowbox?

Brave Meade up on that ladder.

Revenant said...

Very nice!

KCFleming said...

A refreshing look.

n.n said...

Positive progress. It's quite refreshing.

Anonymous said...

Althouse! You've got a peeper in one of your upstairs windows!

chickelit said...

Nice job, Meade. Reminds me that I need to paint under the eaves when I get back.

Shanna said...

Meade is a fast painter!

rehajm said...

A guy meets a hooker in a bar. She says, "This is your lucky night. I’ve got a special game for you. I’ll do absolutely anything you want for $300, as long as you can say it in three words."
He pulls his wallet out of his pocket, and one at a time lays three hundred-dollar bills on the bar, and says, slowly: "Paint…my…house."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I just want to tell you Meade..

Good luck..

We are all counting on you.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Good job. Looks nice if a bit stark for my personal taste.

Here is the bad new for Meade. Don't look now but I think there are three more sides of the house to paint.

Buy. More. Beer.

Bob Ellison said...

Opps. Meant to say:

Looking good! I was inspired by the earlier painting post (not to be confused with Painted Post, NY) to paint a basketball key in my driveway.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I just want to tell you both.. good luck.

We're all counting on you.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I just want to tell you both.. good luck.

We're all counting on you.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

there is something odd going on with my google comments... again

they appear and disappear and reappear back again.

m stone said...

Is that the dog in the window?

Ann Althouse said...

"Brave Meade up on that ladder."

He has been up and down, working hard all day, since early morning.

"Meade is a fast painter!"

Actually, he works slowly, but he keeps going.

garage mahal said...

Ladder foot is a bitch.

rhhardin said...

I bought a 32' ladder to reach the peak roof eaves, used it once.

It's too much weight for one guy to manhandle, and Werner puts the rope on the wrong side (you want the rope to come off on the climbing side, not the wall side, if it's a heavy ladder. Then you can use the rope both to raise and to land the ladder at the same time. With the rope on the wall side, you have to raise it and then land it.)

So I sold it, and went back to the old 28' Sears ladder.

I'm Full of Soup said...

What color are your roof shingles?

Sorun said...

Wow Meade is a tough old guy, it's hot out there.

It's breezy so it's hot but comfy.

A. Shmendrik said...

The primer looks good. Wait till the brown paint goes up, it'll be super!

Ann Althouse said...

"What color are your roof shingles?"


Jason (the commenter) said...

The coat or two of paint Meade is applying will do nothing to fix the very obvious sink hole damage. Look at the angle of that foundation!

Curious George said...

You need some nice Arts & Craft furniture now. Get Meade a Morris Chair to relax in when the work is done.

KCFleming said...

Looking at the photo makes me think Meade was in Animal House, at this scene.

KCFleming said...

Weird; same paint job as the Omega–Pi sorority too.

edutcher said...

He's making more of a dent than Barry.

But.. why isn't his devoted spouse out helping him?

Or is that regarded as "man's work"?

Ann Althouse said...

Meade is a fast painter!

Actually, he works slowly, but he keeps going.

that's the best way to go, usually.

Rabel said...

Looking nice.

Do you know when the house was built?

garage mahal said...

Lately, I noticed there aren't any global warming jokes to speak of from the usual suspects. Perhaps this explains why.

Rabel said...

Looks like the Miami cannibal just had a really bad case of the munchies.

Drugs are bad, mm-kay

Patrick said...

And record cold snaps are evidence of global warming, I mean climate change!! The climate is changing! It's [colder] [warmer]. Take your pick, it' fun AND easy!!

Patrick said...

And record cold snaps are evidence of global warming, I mean climate change!! The climate is changing! It's [colder] [warmer]. Take your pick, it' fun AND easy!!

Automatic_Wing said...

Unusually hot: Climate Change!!!!

Unusually cold: That's weather, not climate, dummy!

Jaq said...

GM, I am pretty sure you didn't major in statistics.

*Globally*, as in *global* warming, it hasn't really been warming all that much, for the past decade or more.

coketown said...

Will there be a time-lapse video like in that documentary on Picasso?

Jaq said...

OK, Garage, I will bite.

These are not "all time high" temps, they are record high for the dates in question. Are they adjusted for Urban Heat Island effect? You know how hot it can be in an asphalt and concrete city compared to a leafy country village dominated by a grassy square? Well the number of leafy villages is shrinking and concrete and asphalt grows daily.

When people produce graphs like the one I showed you above, which is an aggregate, like the RCP polls, but for thermometer temperatures, they adjust for UHI by knocking some part of a degree off the temperature.

Now I know what you are thinking... So what if we knock a half a degree off, they are still record highs, but the part of a degree they knock off is off the temperature aggregated over each month, which includes spikes and dips. It is likely several degrees warmer in Denver in 2013 than it would be in some spot in the plains east of the city than the temperature differential would have been in 1913, before roads were paved, yet the thermometer will not have been located out in the planes, it will have been located in the city.

In other words, like most of the stuff you offer up here, your claims do not stand scrutiny, and I am certain that you will be unable to marshal a counter argument even if one existed.

Instead, if you reply at all, which I doubt, you will simply flatly reject my arguments without supporting reasoning then maybe ask a rhetorical question.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I have dark green roof shingles and have considered this color to replace the yellow siding. But them I would need it to be stuccoed too which makes it mucho costly so it ain't changing unless I hit the Powerball.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Shorter Garbage:

Please please please God, let me be right about something anything for a change!

yashu said...

Heh, if there are less global warming jokes lately (though NB I've seen some in the last few days on some of my favorite political sites), it's only because we see less global warming alarmist laughingstocks in the MSM lately.

When even an AGW alarmist like James Hansen is sounding sheepish lately, you know the worm has turned.

Jaq said...

Incidentally, not that it proves anything, but they came very close to setting a new lowest temperature ever recorded in the State of Alaska, for any date, this year, at -72, I think. But the battery on the thermometer's recording unit failed, probably due to the extreme cold.

Study after study shows that, while lefties tend to be great at spelling, they are lousy on getting the facts straight.

One study showed that Republicans in the 50th percentile of knowledgeablity (if that's a word) outscored Democrats in the 95th percentile, among that group, on questions of knowledge.

But still we are the painfully stupid ones and they are the intellectuals.

Liberalism is the opiate of the intellectually insecure.

Chip Ahoy said...

Needs more flamingos

David said...

Fun in the Obama marriage, from today's "Politico 44:"

"Michelle reminds me every day how difficult it is to be married to a politican. The sacrifices that all of you make, the birthday parties that get missed or the soccer games that you are late to, the travel that keeps you away from your loved ones -- all of that obviously is in service of our country," he told members [of Congress] and their families gathered on the South Lawn.

Every day she reminds him of how tough her life is. Every day.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I love houses with hats. and that entry - really nice.

btw- moving up and down a ladder all day is a fantastic workout for the buns.

dhagood said...

@aj Shorter Garbage:

Please please please God, let me be right about something anything for a change!

garage was right about something in this very thread:

@garage: Ladder foot is a bitch.


@chip: Needs more flamingos

Needs more cowbell

Jaq said...

Hey, there is a pretty good quote from Bertrand Russell that applies to Garage's view of global warming:

"One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision"

Don't worry about Garage Mahal though, he will apply a frisson of his liberalism opiate and it won't even leave a mark, that he can feel, anyway.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

On the same day Obamacare is found in contempt by the Supremes.. Holder is voted in contempt by the House?

Its too good to be true.. its like the planets are aligned or something.

MadisonMan said...

You need some nice Arts & Craft furniture now. Get Meade a Morris Chair to relax in when the work is done.

The most comfortable chair I've ever sat in is by Stickley. It's the Leopold Chair, in leather. That's what Meade needs.

MadisonMan said...

These are not "all time high" temps, they are record high for the dates in question.

Many of them were highs for the month of June. It would be really interesting to get an all-time record high in June (late June, but still), when there's a whole 'nother month of heating to go. Typically, mid-July is the hottest week.

James said...

Excellent job Meade; you need a pair of coveralls so you can really look the part.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing quite as lovely as a well-painted house.

Onward, Meade!

marylynn said...

Wow, Meade paints fast, at least to my eye - things looked very different this morning. The house looks great.
I love old houses - the character can't be replicated.

Titus said...

I got ripped off this past weekend, by two blackies, natch.

One held up my arms and the other dug in my pockets and took $40 bucks.

I didn't have any cab money but there is this cab driver who has picked me up many times and has asked to do me for money in the past. And sure enough there he was. I told him I got robbed and did not have any money and was not going to do him but would he give me a ride home. He did and all he asked is if he could see my hog. I showed him and that was enough. That was like a $30 cab ride all for just a flash.

The moral of the story is every once in awhile you run into someone who has a good heart and is willing to help out another human.

Try it sometime, you will feel good.


I thanked him, but did not touch him.

edutcher said...

Lem said...

On the same day Obamacare is found in contempt by the Supremes.. Holder is voted in contempt by the House?

Its too good to be true.. its like the planets are aligned or something.

More like chickens coming home to roost.

(I heard that somewhere...)

Actually, just their incompetence and arrogance finally bearing fruit.

traditionalguy said...

While Madison swelters, the U. of Wisconsin Antarctic Station just reported the lowest recorded temperature in history of recorded temps there of minus 100.5 F.

The cold air must run down hill, and my globe has Antarctica at the very bottom.

Eric said...

What a useful guy! I'm always afraid if I start a big project like that the house will be half-painted when winter rolls around.

Ralph L said...

My cousin in Lynchburg painted his house of similar vintage and style in similar colors. It was a little shocking at first because we're used to Arts & Craft houses painted in earthtones or saddened colors.

Shanna said...

It would be really interesting to get an all-time record high in June

Of course, all the highs are 'all time' only since we began counting, what 100 years ago?

I was checking the weather in san francisco for my trip and it was in the 60's! That's amazing.

If any of the california folks want to give me advice on Carmel/Monterey feel free.

JAL said...

For GM
Well, there is this too.

But the question is -- Why is Greenland called Greenland again?

(Answer: AGW blip pre the 15th century?)

JAL said...

@ Shanna I was checking the weather in san francisco for my trip and it was in the 60's! That's amazing.

I think that's normal for SF. When I worked there one summer a Couple decades ago I had my mom snd one of my winter coats out. SF isn't SoCal which is what most people think of first.

Ralph L said...

Shanna, I was conceived in Carmel, so it's a fine place to get knocked up. I haven't been back, however, so you'll have to tell me about it.

There's a saying: The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.

edutcher said...

Shanna, the Alaska Current (a cold version of the Gulf Stream) runs down the Pacific Coast of North America sufficiently far that you feel it in Puerta Vallarta.

(we went snorkeling there and the guide, a Mexican kid, jumped in with just flippers and a mask; The Blonde naively asks, "Is the water cold?", and he answers, "Oh no, Senora, ees pleny warm, you come right on in"; over she goes SPA-LASH!!! (I remembered how the Mexican War started and awaited events aboard), a second later up she comes, "Sssppputterr!!! You LIED to me!!!")

It is that cold.

Almost Ali said...

Just so y'all understand my astounding ability to peer into the future:

6-3, against (Sotomayer "defecting")


Carry on.

MadisonMan said...

There's a saying: The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.

I think that's a Samuel Clemens quote.

God, An Original A-hole said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

Ahem, Meade, when you get a break, the grass looks a little long and could use a cutting, that'd be great, m-kay?

Oh, oh, I almost forgot, while you're up there, can you clean the gutters, m-kay?

And the...

Curious George said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

Titus said...
One held up my arms and the other dug in my pockets and took $40 bucks.

Where did you get mugged?

Or was that payment for "services" rendered?

God, An Original A-hole said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Curious George said...

Curious George said...
"MadisonMan said...
The most comfortable chair I've ever sat in is by Stickley. It's the Leopold Chair, in leather. That's what Meade needs."

Meh. The Morris Chair is the original recliner. Big. A manly chair. I made one in black leather with a matching ottomon. Sorry, nothing beats it Curious George said...
"MadisonMan said...
The most comfortable chair I've ever sat in is by Stickley. It's the Leopold Chair, in leather. That's what Meade needs."

Meh. Morris Chair is the original recliner. Big. A manly chair. I made one in black leather with a matching ottomon. Sorry,nothing beats it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Sotomayor doesn't have the cojones.. or at least none made known by the Judiciary Committee ;)

ed said...


"Here is the bad new for Meade. Don't look now but I think there are three more sides of the house to paint."

People only see one side ..... :)

Ralph L said...

I think that's a Samuel Clemens quote
Could be, but I heard it from my grandmother. She had an aunt who lived in a SF house that was 89 steps up from the street. Now I imagine it has a tram like the one in that Eastwood movie.

Carnifex said...

President Obama is disappointed that the Althouse/Meade household has decided to play partisan politics instead of fighting the unemployment rate, and stimulating the economy by not hiring a crew of undocumented Hispanics to repaint their dwelling.

Such racist behavior will not go unnoticed by AG Eric Holder, and his DOL, I mean DoJ civil rights department.

President Obama would like to point out his particular disappointment in Professor Ann Althouse herself, who at one time was one of the Presidents biggest supporters.

Consider the repurcussions when Press Secretary Jay Carney points out your lack of foresite at the next White House briefing for mocking by the WH press corpse.

Chip Ahoy said...

Now that you have the base coat almost done you're probably interested in having a look at a few scenes I've been working on.

Two are kind of the same except different.

A flock of birds flying away in an arc. The background is the sky. Templates. Three types. Three sizes each type. So nine separate bird templates. A flight arc is depicted across the plane of the structure that continues around the corner. The arrangement of bird blotches is both planned and random so that more of the larger with generally more space between them start at one end and tend to shrink and compress to the other end until they are all small templates tightly compressed.


A flock of birds, so it's a bold statement that you are like totally blending with the natural environment. So your block will go house house house house flock of birds house house house.

The second idea is the same thing with fish.

The third idea is a jungle.

The fourth idea is camouflage.

The fifth idea is hippy acid zowie

The sixth idea is an urban protest scene. We could probably did up a pretty good picture somewhere and do a ...

wait for it ...


Carnifex said...


32'ers take getting used to. After practice you can move them around by yourself without lowering them. Got to be pretty stout to do it though. I was working on my parents house once with my nephew who played bothways on his high school football team. I asked him to carry the ladder around back for me. After struggling with the weight he came back and declared "Damn Uncle! You're a horse!"

I didn't try to disabuse him of the notion.

The rope is underneath to keep from tripping you...it's osha crap.

bagoh20 said...

I can hardly wait to find out tomorrow if the S.C. is a retarded right wing travesty or the most incredible parliament of hooters ever assembled. The left seems poised to declare it one or the other.

You would think something that important would already be discernible, but some cosmic comet of insight is supposed to hit the earth tomorrow and reveal which we have. It's almost biblical.

Ralph L said...

The rope is underneath to keep from tripping you
Can you manipulate the ladder with the backside out and then flip it over?

Your nephew plays both ways and he called you a hor?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It just so happens its my day off tomorrow... (today) so i can be here in the front seat.

like i said the planets are aligned.. but we wont get everything we want.. of that i'm certain.

God, An Original A-hole said...

In my divine omniscience-- dat be omni-science, Mr. Chip-A-Hoy, you muthafuker-- I shall reveal to y'all what to expect tomorrow:

There will be much disappointment and anger.

Scalia and Thomas will be particularly vilified.

And Eric Holder will be professionally tarnished... and, eventually, gently guided out of office.


You hear the mountains shake now, don't you?

Meanwhile... Althouse still posts these posts of her painting over the incumbent brown, replacing that aged but dignified color with a shiny whiteness...

"But it's not race-baiting... it's house-painting!", you don't protest, but I will respond nonetheless:

Sure. Plausible deniability. Let's hope it works out better for lawprofs than it does for Attorney Generals.

Nay, nevermind that. Holder's deniability wasn't nearly as plausible as Althouse's "I'm not a racist" is. Althouse is much more schooled in tomfoolery.

Perhaps she would give Holder some tips if he weren't black?!

Okay, now I'm just mocking myself...


Seriously, best wishes to all...

And to all a good night.

God, An Original A-hole said...

One more thought before I divinely blackout from over-ingesting amounts of Tito's Handmade Vodka that could make even Nero blush...

How awesome is Ken from Popehat for creating and maintaining the Popehat Signal?

He is like a real life Batman. But... even better... since he's... ummm.... real life and all...

Oh the blog-o-bar is raising, dear Professor!!! Popehat Ken put his credibility and personal involvement where his blog is. Would you do the same? Surely you did when the protests came to Madison... but that's the past, baby... and you can't coast along on that singular, if nonetheless spectacular, journoblogolistic success forever.

Automatic_Wing said...

God, if you're such a big Obamacare fan, you should've issued some clear guidance on the matter. Like "Thou shalt have a national healthcare plan featuring an individual mandate, guaranteed issue and community rating".

Or was that on the tablet that got dropped?

Anonymous said...

Based upon the previous photo I thought that the house was being painted the darker color. Now I see that it is actually being painted the lighter color. Doesn't one usually start from the top? Anyway, your house looks lovely.

Meade said...

"Doesn't one usually start from the top?"

Only if one drips.

Shanna said...

There's a saying: The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.

I think by August that will feel wonderful, if this summer is anything like last summer (111 one day! 108's for weeks. Over 100 all summer). I just have to remember to pull out something warm.

I have also been told that the pacific is freezing.

jungatheart said...

Oh, great, God is Carol Herman. I should have been nicer to her.

Anonymous said...

"Only if one drips"

That explains why I always start at the top :-)

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meade said...

@deborah: That was hilarious.

Thanks to everyone who offered compliments. And to everyone else for everything else.

Back to work now. Not that I'm under a mandate to finish the job or anything. But the penalty for not finishing the job could be... taxing. Under the Santa clause. Not the commerce clause. Maybe the general welfare clause. But not the war powers clause. And definitely not under article 1, section 4. That would have me waiting until the first Monday in December. Unless they shall by law appoint a different day.

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