June 7, 2012

At the Chamomile Café...


... may the conversation flower.


MadisonMan said...

I am getting tired of watering the garden. I hope it rains Monday as predicted.

traditionalguy said...

I bet that's your mind taken with an color MRI.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Goggle started placing a bio blurb to the right of the screen when look somebody up.

The Ann Althouse pic is unflattering in my view.

I don't know about you but I'm letting them know how childish that is on their part.


Scott said...

I'm closing on my home mortgage refinance tomorrow. 30 year 7/1 ARM at 2.75% Woo hoo!

My partner is driving down to Richmond, VA for a two-night gig this weekend as a DJ. He's getting good at that.

About to finish the second review draft of a 65-page user guide. I'm tired of writing about arcane financial software. Wish I was back in Minnesota, taking pictures of machines and writing about how they work.

Got a Powerball ticket too. What to do with $177 million? Money changes everything.

I am so tired of politics.


ndspinelli said...

Scott, Why did you not go w/ a fixed for 3.5%? We just did a refinance and got a 15 year @ 3%. When we got a loan @ 5% in 2006 I was pleased as punch. The first house we bought in KC were during the dark Carter years and we paid 14%..Tony Soprano rates. But 3%!! I usually pay cash for cars but Toyota had a zero % last summer! Money is so fucking cheap..cheapest in my lifetime.

Anonymous said...

Chamomile grows wild and in abundance in Europe, my mother used to gather it and dry it herself. Unless you are allergic to ragweed and grasses, Chamomile tea is one of the best beverages to drink before bed with a splash of rum and honey. Guarantees sweet dreams.

Scott said...

@ndspinelli: I'm probably not going to stay in this house for the rest of my life, so the 7/1 arm made the most sense to me. It's about a point cheaper than a 30 yr fixed in these parts (NJ).

Agnostic Monk said...


After Hawk Cam, this is the stream to watch.

Rabel said...

The Greeks are making the Wisconsinites look rather tame.

Short ad before the video, but worth the wait.

Nazis, I hate those guys.

edutcher said...

Well, you get score some good tea there.

Lem said...

Goggle started placing a bio blurb to the right of the screen when look somebody up.

The Ann Althouse pic is unflattering in my view.

It was taken at a party or something, I believe, but, yeah any of the others would be better (wonder what the "citizens of the world" have against her?).

The one on the left is kind of hot IMHO and the one next to it is the prettiest.

Need JS turned on to see it BTW.

Revenant said...

THAT'S what Chamomile looks like?

Huh. I've being seeing it for years but never knew.

Jeff in Oklahoma said...



Once again, well done Cheese-heads.

Conserve Liberty said...

Money is so fucking cheap..cheapest in my lifetime.
Money is not cheap. It is expensive.

We are in a deflationary time. The future value of a dollar is rising, not falling.

We better hope money is never this expensive again.

And I am not some Ron Paul crank or a gold bug - this is real.

Original Mike said...

I hope it rains Monday as predicted."

A 96-hour weather forecast? Might as well throw dice or inspect pig entrails.

Anonymous said...

I checked out the Google for Althouse, and then I put in my name.

No side bio, but although I have a common name, and didn't use my middle initial, I appeared as number 7 on the first page of the Google results!!! Quite a surprise.

Number 1 was a fictional character, and number 2 was a self-proclaimed "political prisoner" in federal custody.

Patrick said...

I'll be in the vicinity, camping until Monday. It'll rain.

Original Mike said...

"It'll rain."

If so, thank you!

Pastafarian said...

I just googled myself. (Get your minds out of the gutter, you bastards.)

In web results, the 6th entry is me, despite my fairly common name.

Looking at the results in images, my picture appears about 90 or 100 images down; before that, about half of the images are mug shots of men with neck tattoos.

Hagar said...

They should have featured The Picture.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

"Chamomile tea is one of the best beverages to drink before bed with a splash of rum and honey..."and a conservative plumber. "Guarantees sweet dreams."

I can believe that, but not my cup of tea.

bagoh20 said...

"The future value of a dollar is rising, not falling."

Not mine. What's on yours. I'll trade you. Mine has some old white haired broad who is not too cute - a Ms. Washington? Anyway, it takes more of mine to get to the store now, and I come home with a lot less for them than just 3 years ago.

MadisonMan said...

I googled myself. I used to be the top hit (My name is not too common). Now it's some business lawyer, who cheats and doesn't use his first name.

Patrick said...

Googling my name and clicking on "images" tells me I have a very common name, shared by a lot of very different people.

A number of pages down, and there is a picture of Taylor Swift. You know, my girlfriend, from that other universe in which I like to hang out.

bagoh20 said...

There are 2400 people in the U.S. with my exact name. You will never find me.

I am Spartacus!

Fen said...

When are we expecting the SCOTUS ruling on Obamacare to come down?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

They have a Report a problem link underneath the "people also searched for" column.

Click on it and when the word "wrong" appears underneath the the professors pic.. click on it.

There should be enough of us here to make them do it.

Maybe that's what they want.. still, I don't care for he pic they've chosen.

BTW if you click on the pic it takes you to a nasty post called "Bad Law Professor of the Week".. its no accident.

If you like Althouse.. you would do the simple clicks I outlined above.. if you don't.. whatever.

I'm just pissed off right now.

bagoh20 said...

I googled "Madison Man".

Dude, you a one bad ass mother f.er. How did you get out?

edutcher said...

Hagar said...

They should have featured The Picture.

You mean the one Oop says is emblematic of what he/she/it claims are my obsessive, disgusting fantasies?

Anonymous said...

My conservative plumber, deals with my bathroom fixtures, tries to get me to read Ayn Rand and has never been nekkid, in my presence. He has aspirations, but he's not my cup of tea.

But he's a darn good tea partier.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

jeez louise..

I'm not talking about "Google Images"..

I'm talking about.. THIS!


Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, that doesn't sound right, not my bathroom fixtures, I mean the fixtures in my bathroom.

FedkaTheConvict said...

Thank You Letter to the Left

June 6th, 2012 at 3:57 pm

To all leftists, occupiers, unionistas and malcontents, Thank you!

What an election! We couldn’t have done it without you. Without your tantrums, outbursts and boorish behavior we might have stayed home for this election. Without your filthy, pot smoking hemp -headed minions occupying and violating the Capitol we might have been complacent. Without your obnoxious protests, boycotts and other actions from your union playbook, we might have sat this one out.

But you couldn’t hold back. You couldn’t restrain yourselves and behave like adults. You couldn’t accept the 2010 election results. We sat and watched as you erupted in a juvenile hissy fit that embarrassed Wisconsin. The spectacle you created is what motivated us. And thanks to your ill-mannered behavior, we won. We turned out. Big time! And now we are organized and energized. Committed. “All in”. And we aren’t going away. We now have our own organizations (no dues required), an army of volunteers and the means to communicate. And countless new sources of funding, including a donor base from all 50 states. And we have “iverifythe recall” to ferret out your infiltrators in our future local elections.

So thank you Mike Tate, Graeme Zielinski, Fred “Loonie” Levenhagen, Ismael Ozanne, Maryanne Sumi, Noble Ray, Charles Tubbs, Joanne Kloppenberg, Segway Boy, John Chisolm, public employee union members, UW TA’s, WEAC, SEIU, MTI, AFSCME Council 24 in Union Grove and WI prison guards,. Thanks for the death threats, the intimidation, the bullying, belligerence, thuggery and goonish behavior.

The lack of ethics and the failure to enforce rules and laws.

Thank you for putting your selfish, greedy motives on display for all taxpayers to see.

Your antics might have made you feel good but they didn’t make you look good.

They sickened the rest of us.

Thank you Shirley Abrahamson and Ann Walsh Bradley. Your petty politics woke us up.

Thanks you Miles Kristan for dumping the beer on Robin Vos’s head.

Thank you University doctors for writing the phony excuses; Madison teachers for calling in sick or dragging your students to the protests without permission.

Thank you Katherine Windels for making death threats against the Governor.

The noontime capitol singers who taunted Sheboygan high school students.

Thank you WEA Trust for raping Wisconsin taxpayers.

Thank you Gwen Moore for your embarrassing minstrel show.

And thanks all of you for harassing the Walker family at their private home.

You have all been exposed.

Your tactics have been rejected.

Your bad behavior has been forever captured on You Tube.

Thank you Peter Barca and fellow Assembly members for donning your foolish orange T-shirts and screaming “shame” at legislators just doing their jobs.

Thank you Mark Miller and all 14 senators for fleeing the state and making fools of yourselves in the process. Illinois need a few more village idiots.

Thanks for showing us what democracy doesn’t look like.

And Mayor Barrett. How grateful we are that you chose one low road after another in your issue-less campaign against the Governor. This was your strike three. You are out. Take a seat on the bench and stay there. I have a hunch this was your final at-bat.

All of you helped turn Wisconsin permanently red.

Your Governor, Scott Walker, will not just complete his first term, he is all but assured as many future terms as he seeks. He will be your governor for a long, long time. Get used to it. And his national “rock star” status just might lead him to be your President some day.

Just think, it couldn’t have happened without you!

So to all of you blue fisters, thank you from the bottom of my happy, red heart.


A Wisconsin taxpayer

bagoh20 said...

Don't ruin it Allie. I'm going with what I heard. That's hot!

Anonymous said...

You are quite welcome! Glad we could oblige.

Wisconsin Taxpayer

bagoh20 said...

Nice, Love Child. While that is very comprehensive, it's amazing that there is so much more of the same that could be added. They're like a gift from heaven.

chickelit said...

Bathrooms and rec rooms are different kettles of fish.

Anonymous said...

He invited me to his house for tea and discussion, but I'm fearful he will tie me up and read Ayn Rand to me. I'm not going

I read Milton Friedman's book, that was enough..

Original Mike said...

Madison Man arrested for fifth DUI,
Madison Man held for North Side shooting, ...

Yeah. Wow!

Original Mike said...

Oh, No!

"Madison man fatally injured when hit by train".

lemondog said...

No hawk chicks in nest.

"Madison man fatally injured when hit by train".

Oh, no!! Who will give us latest sightings?!

Patrick said...

Well, with the difficult life Madison Man appears to have had, the whole train thing doesn't surprise me. Too bad though, always seemed ok on the blog. Goes to show you.

chickelit said...

Madison man fatally injured when hit by train

Ironic. Wasn't he actually a supporter of the boondoggle?

Original Mike said...

Ya, know? It takes forever to stop a high-speed train.

kristinintexas said...

Lem, I think it's a cute picture!

In other news, my little sister just had a baby! 9 lbs 3 oz, and 22 in long. She's really beautiful, too, and I'm not just saying that because I'm the aunt. HUGE cheeks that I can't wait to squeeze, but I'm several states away right now so it will have to wait until the end of July. I'm super excited and telling everyone I know... and apparently also a lot of people I don't know. :) Yay!

Chip Ahoy said...

she lurvs me she lurvs me not she lurvs me she lurvs not she lurvs me she lurvs me not she lurvs me oh I lurv you too Honey, here's a stick.

Sydney said...

I just finished watching various videos of the disconsolates from Wisconsin. It isn't really about the policies, is it? It's about the drama.

Palladian said...

Empty nest at Weeks Hall: the "runt" flew a little while ago.

ndspinelli said...

Allie, If your plumber guy arrives w/ a caulking gun, DO NOT LET HIM IN THE HOUSE!

lemondog said...

re: Althouse pic, could have selected
this one

chickelit said...

Plumber's putty comes in reusable containers.

Chip Ahoy said...

Today I planted a garden. There is a fountain out there on the balcony, a large pot with a pump running through copper tubes with hammered petals, copper flowers, water bubbles through and splashes. The sound makes me wee. I thought a flat stone with a shallow indentation would be a good birdbath for finches but the warehouse I went to didn't have one so I got a clay saucer for a flower pot instead. It balances on the rim of the fountain pot and catches occasional splashes from the splashy copper poppies. It is tucked in a corner so I don't know yet if the birds are using it. They are coming to their little feeder tube and that thing is already 1/3 gone now, and the whole thing is pretty much a cartoonish little haven out there right now with regularly visiting birds.

I described the transformation to the girl at the garden shop and she wanted to come home with me. To see it. And that clicked with something that happened earlier that made an epiphany, like when things line up. ding. Chicks dig Disneyland balconies. This woman finished my sentence, "I'm completely transforming the balcony," she interjected, "into a haven."

kcom said...

They say the last hawk flyer is in a nearby tree.

kcom said...

Hey, one of the hawks is back in the nest with a meal. I don't know if he brought it himself or if one of the parents brought it. That would be a step up if he brought it himself. It looks like part of a rabbit.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, the Rabbit cam just showed a mother getting killed by a hawk! The baby rabbits are doomed.

Original Mike said...

"The baby rabbits are doomed."


kcom said...

Nest empty again.

And whoever said that about word verification is right. You can skip the picture and just type the one word.

Original Mike said...

"And whoever said that about word verification is right. You can skip the picture and just type the one word."

It took the robots 18.3 msec to figure that out.

bagoh20 said...

C'mon Allie. Don't wait for us to show up in your bed. You want to be a conservative, to embrace the truth - not hide from it, to be right once in a while, to be part of those who believe in people, and what they can do as individuals. To honor your strengths and those you teach to your children because you know them to be right.

You want to jump into the big bouncy strong conservative bed. C'mon. Come to the light. We will never make you sing hey hey, ho ho anything, nor make you pretend you have learned nothing since the 60's. With us you are free to be different.

You will however be in danger of getting you car keyed or falsely accused of rape. You're lucky your plumber is conservative or he would have already filed charges.

bagoh20 said...

Great pic lemondog.

That says: "And you a law professor" perfectly.

David said...

I bring you again "Thistle" radical chanteuse from the Solidarity Singers.

PERSONAL STATEMENT written end of October, 2003

I want to be part of the revolution in commercial and personal transportation that needs to occur if we are going to stop wars for oil and stop environmental destruction. Part of our empowerment as a movement comes from making our own decisions about how we get around and how fast we go.

It is estimated that we have 25 to 35 years left of a fossil fuels based economy if we continue at our current rates of consumption. The use of fossil fuels is complex and problematic, but I will highlight a few reasons why I think we should make a collective, supportive effort to stop using them.

Here are a few reasons to stop the rampant use of fossil fuels:

1. The food we eat is grown using fossil fuels, transported to us using fossil fuels and dependent upon fossil fuels for its continued abundance. Once fossil fuels are gone, our supply will shrink and then what? Who will eat?

2. We shouldn't be burning oil in the first place because it contributes to global climate change. Plants and animals need a stable climate in order to provide us with the food we need to live. Go to www.undoit.org to learn more about what you can do to stop global warming.

3. Not only that, oil extraction causes severe damage to precious eco-systems that are not able to recover fast enough to balance out the destruction done.

4. The men in power are determined to fight an endless war to access fossil fuels until they run out. Millions of innocent lives are lost in the wars fought for oil.


What we really need to do is SLOW DOWN. If even half of the activists we know committed to only riding their bikes or using their bodies to get around, think about the real difference that would make in the way that we organize. We would learn so much as a movement and grow stronger together in solidarity.

What about the SOA protest coming up in Fort Benning, Georgia? Should we pile into buses from all around the country to go there to protest and demonstrate our dissent? YES! Piling into buses that burn fossil fuels is a very efficient use of resources to do the protesting to close down the school, which is necessary in to our struggle. But I also know that a lot more of us could be on our bicycles. Twenty people from a Sierra Club chapter in Canada just rode their bikes down to Mexico for the WTO protests, staying at organic farms the whole ride down. Ride on! We need to see more of that. Since we left Madison on September 11, 2003, we have not seen one other individual or group out on bikes. In fact, people look at us like we are freaks half the time and wonder where our car is stashed.


People give us tomatoes, apples and squash from their gardens that would just rot otherwise. The more I ride, the more I find that nature will take care of me, and that meeting people face to face creates more learning and understanding than whizzing by them in a car.


Let's gain our wisdom, inspiration and strength from the peasant land movements of Brazil. People there are literally occupying big agribusiness lands and refusing to go, creating sustainable farms as they do it. Create the vision! We have to.

Finally, if you have read all of this, I want to say that some activists, who are doing important work SHOULD be getting on those planes (that are gonna fly anyway) or in those cars to visit our camps to spark and support our grassroots movements. It's not about ALL of us ALL at once getting on our bikes, it's about enough of us doing it to build what we need for the transitions to come. It is exciting, challenging and expansive for me. And who knows, maybe famous people such as Michael Moore and Amy Goodman will surprise us and ride to their next speaking engagement. They can, you can, we can. Oh, and check out the music on this CD, it's good.

Kirby Olson said...

Republicans are knocking the stuffing out of the Democrats and it's going to continue. But far more important is the Celtics-Heat Rivalry! Go Celtics! Two years ago, I wrote this: LeBron was in another uniform, but the thought still holds!

I have been surprised to see the Boston Celtics go up 3-2 in their series with the Cleveland Cavaliers. LeBron James is an extraordinary athletic talent. He's big, but can hit three-pointers, and float through the key and make nice running hops to the basket. He's an athletic miracle. So why doesn't he win a championship?

Paul Pierce on the other hand is not very athletic in spite of his huge talent. He looks terrible, and almost never makes any play that the mind retains as something beautiful in its execution. But somehow he just keeps coming.

In sports, as in life, there is something to be said for what the sports people call mental toughness. I don't know quite what this is. Paul Pierce has plenty of it, and it makes up for what LeBron James has under the moniker of natural talent. While LeBron James has whirlwind dunks, twirling dunks, incredible fade-away three-point floaters that hit all net, Pierce just keeps making pedestrian point after pedestrian point, and could care less about how he looks.

David said...

Chip, you and Thistle should get together. It might be just the right thing.

wyo sis said...

I love you in a completely non-romantic respectful appreciative and awestruck way. You are the conservative satirist I long to become. Long may you continue to post here.

Anonymous said...

Hey, hey, ho.... ho..gurgle sputter,cough...Taxed... enough... Gurgle, cough, sputter......ok let's try this again, Don't tread....on my toe, ER, um, no that's not it, what was it ?

Don't steal my guns! Hey! Am I a conservative yet? I need to embrace the light, go to the light......nice light shiny, pretty, is it hot? Will it burn me?

wyo sis said...

stricken with awe?

Anonymous said...

Go away sissy, he's mine.

chickelit said...

wyo sis said...
bagoh...You are the conservative satirist I long to become.

I think he's more of satyrist...especially in this thread.

Farmer said...

C'mon Allie. Don't wait for us to show up in your bed. You want to be a conservative, to embrace the truth - not hide from it, to be right once in a while, to be part of those who believe in people, and what they can do as individuals. To honor your strengths and those you teach to your children because you know them to be right.

You want to jump into the big bouncy strong conservative bed. C'mon. Come to the light. We will never make you sing hey hey, ho ho anything, nor make you pretend you have learned nothing since the 60's. With us you are free to be different.

You will however be in danger of getting you car keyed or falsely accused of rape. You're lucky your plumber is conservative or he would have already filed charges.

Jesus. Don't ever do this again dude. Holy crap.

Anonymous said...

Farmer, help....meee...

Farmer said...

Don't look at me. I'm still trying to wipe that post from the old memory banks. I wash and wash and wash and IT STILL WON'T COME OFF.

Farmer said...

Okay, I've gotta go create some jobs. Have a wonderful evening, gang.

MadisonMan said...


You want to see what I look like? Google picture Madison Man. It ain't pretty.

Anonymous said...

Farmer, I think I might be be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, I live in Waukesha County, hang out here with all these conservatives, a cute blue eyed one comes along and turns my head.... And lures me with his satyrist flute, pretty music... Sweet....Is it dirty, unclean, hairy beastly....sexy....no.. I mustn't...

Patrick said...

Google picture Madison Man. It ain't pretty.

Well of course not, since you got hit by that train.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Madison Man appears to be something of a changeling..

He came earth just in time for the repeal of DOMA.

bagoh20 said...

"I love you in a completely non-romantic respectful appreciative and awestruck way."

Dammit! He strikes out again.

Anonymous said...

Aw come on now Baggy, she's already a conservative, she's no challenge.

bagoh20 said...

OK, Thistle's little essay excerpted above is wildly naive, but suggesting that Michael Moore might ride a bicycle is just dangerously irresponsible.

bagoh20 said...

Allie, that's why it hurts so deeply, because I know that being a conservative, she probably knows what's right.

Now if Thistle turned me out, I'd know I'm on the right path.

Anonymous said...

Aw well, my peeps are back, Garage, and some guy named Farmer, Cook never left, Roche Voltaire never left, and other lefties are still here at Althouse. We live to fight another day. Perhaps we will form a Resistance movement. I'm veering back to the left, my heart will always be on the left.

I will be a double agent.

bagoh20 said...

I'll warn the plumber through the usual secret wingnut channels.

rhhardin said...

Chicago teachers meanwhile

It's a fundamental issue of fairness. You're asking people to work 20 percent more time for 2 percent more money. That's an 18 percent paycut. That violates everything fair labor says," said Mark Lipscomb, also a teacher.

15 percent paycut, actually.

It may be tied to math skills.

wyo sis said...

The runt flew today---with style and purpose. It's going to be difficult to quit watching that nest. I hope there'll be another brood next year. Thanks Ann for letting us in on the camera.
I've been showing it to kids for about a month now and it's been great fun. I think I'll create a little smart board lesson with the video and pictures from the hawk cam and some research prompts.

Bob Ellison said...

I attended a public elementary school graduation ceremony today. The graduates sang, the older kids hugged and congratulated them, the elders cheered, the little kids sometimes shouted. The kids are all right here.

yashu said...

Rand Paul endorsed Romney.

No surprise, of course, but it's good to see.

I wonder if his dad will endorse Romney. That would be more of a surprise (especially to the Ronulans)... though I guess not a complete shock. It's Romney vs. Obama, after all.

I wonder what role one or the other Paul will play in the convention. Maybe we'll see Rand and not Ron? That way Paul pere can retain his renegade (kooky) libertarian cred; while Paul fils consolidates his position and influence within the GOP establishment.

kcom said...

"The runt flew today---with style and purpose."

Yeah, that was the interesting part. There was no hesitating at all. Nothing tentative. Just raised its wings part way and, with one beat, took off with total confidence and disappeared from view.

bagoh20 said...

I think Romney so far is playing it just right: He's not a Bush, he's not a Clinton, and he's not an Obama. Although, he's all those things to some degree, he's not identifiable with any of them in a clear way, and that has wide appeal, especially to independents. He's going for the none-of-the-above vote. That's gonna be hard to maintain as everyone tries to stick him as one or the other. You can't hide when the old questions come out and the answers have all been offered before.

chickelit said...

Allie Oop wrote: Perhaps we will form a Resistance movement.

I can almost hear you chanting ohm...ohm....ohm.

H/T rhhardin.

bagoh20 said...

Have you seen Jane Fonda at Cannes? That's a 74 year old miracle.

Anonymous said...

Yep, the miracle of plastic surgery. But she does look great.

wyo sis said...

The answers have been offered before, but now people are listening to them in a different way. It's an evolution to use an Obamaism.
We've listened to these answers, but not in this economy, not at this threat level to our freedom, not at the end of our excuses and with the realization that we're very near losing something very valuable.
At least I hope so.

Almost Ali said...

Post-Wisconsin, Peggy Noonan has finally figured out that Barack Obama is a jive turkey. Which is pretty amazing, considering: "The Obama administration suddenly looks like a house of cards."

bagoh20 said...

That's all very true wyo, and it should be a strong position for Romney and other conservatives this time. They will have to do battle with the fear and loathing of children starving and schools closing and all that drivel. I don't think that dog hunts anymore.

What's new is the widespread understanding about the costs of public employee benefits which is where much of the stimulus disappeared. That's what people see now when they think government spending. The Walker recall was an incredible mistake for the left, with very bad timing.

edutcher said...

AllieOop said...

Perhaps we will form a Resistance movement. I'm veering back to the left

He/she/it never left; about as subtle as Alex.

And the resistance movement passed through the large intestine about the time everybody realized the Romster's numbers are about 5 points better than the polls say.

Just like Walker's.

Better luck next generation.

Anonymous said...

Damn eddy, you are gross and if you can't tell I'm a female yet, you are not much of a male.

Or are you still fantasizing about Madame Althouse in red leather and whips. I don't know, but Meade might want you to stay out of his and Ann's bedroom.

Dontcha get enough action at home?

bagoh20 said...

Today is a little creepy. 1st) This girl (Thistle) happens to put herself out there a lot, in public and online, but few knew that until after today's widespread dissemination of this video. It's all over the right side of the blogosphere. The creepy thing is that if she was just some upset recall person who never tried to be famous, this would be shocking to wake up to today with everybody talking about you, attacking you, explaining you. It's creepy. I could see it happening to me somehow.

2nd) The Google images search results. If you Google your screen name, every picture on every post you ever commented on comes up. All the Althouse photos, all the avatars of anyone who mentioned your name, every image associated with your name in any way. Again - creepy. Everyone needs to just back up a little. You are cramping me. I feel like I suddenly live on a bus full of strangers.

bagoh20 said...

I think the thing growing in the garden of our collective mind is in need of trimming back.

Chip Ahoy said...

Tonight I cut a disc from a lamb roast and chopped it up to bits and seasoned it so heavily that India called and said, "CHIP GODDAMNIT KNOCK IT OFF !" And I'm over here thinking, "I should have looked at caller ID"

So then Blogger totally bum raped me when I posted it. It wouldn't post. Wouldn't.

Wouldn't. Wouldn't. Wouldn't.

Then it did. The unedited version. So I had to edit it again but I had to notice it one by one because I'm dumb that way sometimes. Wanna see? I made the chips too.

Chip Ahoy said...

I did the link wrong. Sorry.

Chip Ahoy said...

Cat thinks Camomile is catnip.

rcommal said...

My late mom's sister and brother, along with their spouses,in their 80s now, traveled by car a very long distance last weekend to attend my dad's wedding this past weekend. (Some of you may recall that my mom inexplicably was stricken by ALS [Lou Gehrig's disease] and then she died, untimely a couple of years ago.)

I am an incredibly fortunate person, to have aunts and uncles like that. So generous of spirit. You can't know what that's about and how important it is, unless and until you do. I wish for everyone here that blessing of old-school generosity of spirit. It's a tonic, and it's also a sincere and true living-out of what rock-solid, family-oriented people do in the face of whatever is dished out by life, however life plays itself out.

I am exceptionally grateful, this week, that I've never lost the ability to be in awe of how great people can be--especially given that my default mode, particularly in everyday life, is skeptical.

Well, how 'bout that.

edutcher said...


Notice Oop never said a word about the subject of the comment.

Patrick said...

Way, way upthread here, Kristin in TX announced the birth of her baby niece. I missed that. Congratulations Kristin (and Kristin's sibling and his/her spouse)! I remember very clearly when my first niece was born.

She just graduated from High School.

kristinintexas said...

Aw, thanks Patrick! I'm excited to watch her grow up.

lemondog said...

"The runt flew today---with style and purpose."

Yeah, that was the interesting part. There was no hesitating at all. Nothing tentative. Just raised its wings part way and, with one beat, took off with total confidence and disappeared from view.

They will need to strength and hone flying and hunting skills. As they widened their territory each will seek to establish its own chosen territory, challenge and fight for supremacy in the territory. At some point there might be a challenge to their own parents.

Last year followed some hatched peregrines. They leg-banded the eyasses, and have over time located some up in Canada

Aridog said...

edutcher said...

Notice Oop never said a word about the subject of the comment.

How often does A. Oop ever address the topic of a post or comment thread? How often are her comments not redundant with TMI and all about her?

lemondog said...

Peregrine vs Red Tail

Farmer said...

bagoh20 said...
Today is a little creepy.

Seriously, some old guy with serial killer eyes and a 70s porn moustache was trying to flirt with women in the open thread.

Oh. Wait.

Anonymous said...

I may have missed this before, but whatever happened to Carol Herman? Did she just up and run out of words?

I don't always agree with A.O., but I think she argues in better faith that other left handers here.

Farmer said...

How often does A. Oop ever address the topic of a post or comment thread? How often are her comments not redundant with TMI and all about her?

Let's do a study!

Anonymous said...

Aridog, this is a Cafe thread, we get to blather on about anything, get it? Want a bone?

Tank said...

Nice blog post re: Althouse at Shouting T's.

Did Althouse and Thomas break up?

Anonymous said...

Oh good morning Farmer! I baked sweet goodies.

lemondog said...

Peregrine speed

242 mph

MadisonMan said...

Empty Nest Syndrome.

Anonymous said...

New avatar - the first image that came up when I googled my blogger id.

Farmer said...

AllieOop said...
Oh good morning Farmer! I baked sweet goodies.

Good morning Allie, what a pleasant greeting.

I wish we could all be so polite. We might just find that underneath our political differences we're just a bunch of regular people who have a lot more in common than we might think.

I'm going to start: Baghoh, I'm sorry I called your moustache porny. That was rude and uncalled for. It's a fine moustache. You do have scary eyes but that probably just means you're intense.

Anonymous said...

Chip, I made the mistake of looking at your food blog last night, bad idea when one is hungry. I'm still drooling.

And cats are strange creatures, I'm cat sitting for my daughter while she's away, her cat loves when I use mint flavored mouthwash or gum, he comes right up to my lips and sniffs and sniffs until I chase him away. Love the flying cat.

So far he hasn't licked my lips, ew.

Anonymous said...

Although I don't go there often enough, Chip's blog is great. Highly recommended for anyone interested in food or general cleverness.

Anonymous said...

Farmer, Bagoh's eyes are dreamy, pale blue eyes, somehow they don't scare me, maybe they should.

Original Mike said...

"Aw well, my peeps are back, Garage, and some guy named Farmer, Cook never left, Roche Voltaire never left, and other lefties are still here at Althouse."

Garage slunk back?

kcom said...

Catnip is a member of the mint family. I'ms sure there's a connection.

Beta Rube said...

Ms. Oop is an assett to this blog. Please treat her well and don't take her guns.

lemondog said...

"The runt flew today---with style and purpose."

"Runt"'s first flight

No puny 'picked up by the wind' take-off.

kcom said...

You should get the cat some catnip.

Aridog said...

@lemondog ... you are bringing back some fond memories here. The better half & I were a volunteers (other than work hours) 4+ days a week for the "Peregrine Return" project here. We spent afternoons and evenings perched on top of a couple high sky scraper buildings to observe the hack out location for 5 birds from early fledging to adept flight and migration. It was fascinating.

Our local project was more successful than we anticipated ... original plan was for 3 years of hacking out 5 birds per year locally. What occurred was the first year was enough, and we had to end the 2nd year very early on because the "resident" 3 nesting pairs of peregrines were a threat to the new guys ... who were captured and re-located to the upper peninsula in a wilderness area.

It was obvious that the establishment of Peregrine population in a city worked, but what surprised some of us was that the birds we hacked out weren't the ones who established the continuing population, except one. "Wanderer" is an apt term for the species. We still have 3 nesting pairs 25+ years later.

Farmer said...

AllieOop said...
Farmer, Bagoh's eyes are dreamy, pale blue eyes, somehow they don't scare me, maybe they should.

Attagirl, Allie.

Now let's keep the compliments coming, guys. We can do this.

Farmer said...

Beta Rube said...
Ms. Oop is an assett to this blog. Please treat her well and don't take her guns.

This is the good stuff. We're doing great!

Anonymous said...

I like mustaches, they tickle.

lemondog said...

@Aridog, nice.

Are we related?...same last name: 'dog'.

Anonymous said...

Beta! You are no rube:)

I'm so feelin' the love here .

Aridog said...

AllieOop said...

Aridog, this is a Cafe thread, we get to blather on about anything, get it?

Oh, I get it, do you? You were commenting in response to a comment by another poster, without actually saying anything in response, except some weird plausibly insulting projections.

You stay classy girl.

Anonymous said...

Inspired by Chip's early history of trying to re-make standardized and processed foods from scratch, I made marshmallows with my daughter a few weeks ago.

It was surprisingly easy, and knowing how to do this opens up a world of possibilities for personalized or flavored marshmallows. Because my daughter likes to decorate cakes, we may try to make real French fondant next.

This is all killing my modified Atkins diet, though.

Patrick said...

Now let's keep the compliments coming, guys. We can do this.

I too enjoy the contributions on this blog, probably more so when they are from the left. Sure there are occasional firebombs, but that's from both sides, and sometimes is more interesting.

Allie Oop has a great screen name, and seems like a pretty good egg. Plus, she could be my parents' neighbor, living in Waukesha and all. And I understand what it's like to live in a city where almost no one agrees with me.

Anonymous said...

Oh Aridog, I take liberties with my response comments, especially to my buddy eddy. That's my right. Liberals like having rights and breaking rules, dontcha know?

Anonymous said...

Is that why the "liberals" are contantly introducing new prohibitions into the law, because then there are more rules to break?

Bob Ellison said...

Chip, I had a cat years ago that used to climb up my leg (ow!) when I was dicing lamb. She shouted "It's my natural prey!"

Anonymous said...

Patrick, it's even worse than that, I don't live in the city of Waukesha, I do live in Waukesha County though. Can you guess what lake I live on?

I live on a beautiful lake in a community of conservative lake dwellers, who love to party. Luckily they always include me, the token liberal.

Patrick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Also PatrickHow t feels living in a city in which no one agrees with you, Ann and Meade, living in Madison, I'm sure they don't feel welcome some times.

BUT strangely my conservatives seem to embrace and include me, liberals in Madison need to see Meadhouse as an asset to their community and love them for the diversity they bring.

No one wants an echo chamber, do they?

Patrick said...

I live on a beautiful lake

Hmmm. Rules out Pewaukee. Outsided of that, you've described WI (although not necessarily the "conservative community part)"

Farmer said...

Allie, do you really own guns? I want to buy a gun. Maybe you can answer some questions for me.

Aridog said...

Allie ... Agreed. You "take liberties" frequently, usually with fact, often with TMI, and have that passive-aggressive shtick down pat.

Anonymous said...

Patrick, lots of lakes in Lake Country, Waukesha County, WI.

W/V : Righterm.

Anonymous said...

Heck no Farmer, I don't own any guns, but my hands are deadly weapons.

Farmer said...

Aridog said...
Allie ... Agreed. You "take liberties" frequently, usually with fact, often with TMI, and have that passive-aggressive shtick down pat.

Damn it, Aridog. We were doing great here and then you went and did this.

I don't know why I bother.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Farmer said...

The Farmer said...

I don't know why I bother.

No, you know what? I'm not doing this. Not this time. This matters too much.

Aridog, you have a beautiful dog. I'll bet it's loyal, loving and brave.

bagoh20 said...

Ah ha Farmer! I'm on to you now. Being the tenderly sensitive and easily devastated guy that I am, I remember a regular lefty commenter from back a few years ago described me in that same exact way verbatim. Coincidence? I don't think so. Why the name change? Ashamed of past performance? It makes sense now. Anyway, yes good morning. Now I'm flirting with you, and I'm serious this time.

BTW, It turns out that my dad was a porn star, so I can't help the mustache. It's to honor his sacrifice. He was a giver.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm off with my plumber to take a nice stroll around the lake, TMI?

Farmer said...

The Farmer said...

Aridog, you have a beautiful dog. I'll bet it's loyal, loving and brave.

I'm assuming the dog is yours. If the dog is actually you, you are the most talented dog I have ever known and your typing is impeccable. You also have a lovely, shiny coat.

Anonymous said...

Wait a damn minute, Bagoh you are seriously going to flirt with the Farmer?! Hmmph!

Farmer said...

bagoh20 said...
Ah ha Farmer! I'm on to you now. Being the tenderly sensitive and easily devastated guy that I am, I remember a regular lefty commenter from back a few years ago described me in that same exact way verbatim. Coincidence? I don't think so. Why the name change? Ashamed of past performance? It makes sense now. Anyway, yes good morning. Now I'm flirting with you, and I'm serious this time.

I've never posted anything here under any other name. I'm also not a lefty, I'm mostly an I-Don't-Give-A-Shit-ty. Go ahead and quiz me!

Farmer said...

AllieOop said...
Wait a damn minute, Bagoh you are seriously going to flirt with the Farmer?! Hmmph!

Compliments work wonders.

bagoh20 said...

"Go ahead and quiz me!"

I only have 2 questions:

1) Why do I get this funny feeling when you talk to me? It's like climbing the rope in gym class.

2) Have you ever been a fluffler?

Farmer said...

bagoh20 said...

I only have 2 questions:

1) Why do I get this funny feeling when you talk to me? It's like climbing the rope in gym class.

2) Have you ever been a fluffler?

You have a good sense of humor, bagoh!

You'd have to to walk around with that moustache!

(Joke. Your moustache is magnificent, as is the rotating waterbed in your houseboat and your collection of gold chains and various body oils. I'd never have thought owning a bar like the Regal Beagle could be so lucrative!).

Farmer said...

I'll be damned if I don't like bagoh20.

Anonymous said...

Farmer and Bagoh, I think you two have met before. This is getting interesting.

bagoh20 said...

I gotta go, but Farmer I take you with me wherever I go. I'm gonna get some cream for that from the pharmacy. I'm sure it's nothing.

Anonymous said...

Damn, just when it was getting interesting, ok, the plumber is getting impatient, we're off.

Aridog said...

The Farmer said...

Aridog, you have a beautiful dog. I'll bet it's loyal, loving and brave.

"Ari" is one of our dogs and he most certainly is all of those things you cite. Would that I be so lucky as to have half the character that he possesses.

Rusty said...

The Farmer said...
Allie, do you really own guns? I want to buy a gun. Maybe you can answer some questions for me.

I'll bite.
Ask away.
No snark. No bullshit.

Farmer said...

Rusty said...
I'll bite.
Ask away.
No snark. No bullshit.

Kind of swamped this afternoon - I'll hit you up in the next cafe thread. Can't promise no snark, too much fun, but I really am looking to buy a gun. Thanks buddy.

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