The unions and their various apologists whipped progressive Wisconsin into such a frenzy — falsely claiming, for example, that Walker was about to unleash the National Guard — that the anti-Walker forces could no longer perceive political reality.Lane goes on to argue that progressives should be glad Walker won. I'm seeing that opinion here and there: If government is more efficient and financially sound — in this case, because of Walker — then it can be used to do the things that people who like government to do things like.
Even after they lost a crucial state supreme court election in early 2011, Walker’s foes persisted in state legislature recall elections, also futile, that summer. Still not getting the message, they went ahead with the recall of Walker, and lost, yet again. Now it’s hard to see how the state Democrats can recover in time for the 2012 general election, or even the next gubernatorial race in 2014.
But speaking of the predictable futility of the Walker recall, completely by chance today, I ran across a Public Policy Polling article from last October, which made it clear, before the signature-gathering even began, that the recall effort should not have been attempted: "Wisconsin Recall Prospects Dimming."
(And by the way, what if the presidential election is so close that the Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes make the difference for Obama? And what if this year of recall fighting has alienated Wisconsin voters from the Democratic Party?)
How could normal Americans not be alienated by bongo-playing hippies screaming about Nazis and, without any detectable appreciation of the irony, shutting down the legislature?
Completely off-topic, but don't let June 6 pass without remembering what happened on this date.
From S.L.A. Marshall’s memoir of that day:
“ABLE Company riding the tide in seven Higgins boats is still five thousand yards from the beach when first taken under artillery fire. The shells fall short. At one thousand yards, Boat No. 5 is hit dead on and foundered. Six men drown before help arrives. Second Lieutenant Edward Gearing and twenty others paddle around until picked up by naval craft, thereby missing the fight at the shore line. It's their lucky day. The other six boats ride unscathed to within one hundred yards of the shore, where a shell into Boat No. 3 kills two men. Another dozen drown, taking to the water as the boat sinks. That leaves five boats.
Lieutenant Edward Tidrick in Boat No. 2 cries out: ‘My God, we're coming in at the right spot, but look at it! No shingle, no wall, no shell holes, no cover. Nothing!’"
Read the whole thing, as the saying goes. If I knew how to embed a link I would...
"Lane goes on to argue that progressives should be glad Walker won. I'm seeing that opinion here and there: If government is more efficient and financially sound ..."
Y.E.S. Not that I'm "progressive', but people like garage were laying this shit on me all the time for being a Wisconsin public employee supporting Walker. "Why aren't you sticking up for your own interests?" My interests ARE for a financially viable system. Their reply routinely was, "we just need to tax the rich". But there's no blood in that turnip.
Any sign of Hat Boy or Garage or Freder today?
That was a good article by Lane. The man speaks the truth.
Hmm. And what if this year of recall fighting has alienated unions from the Democratic party? The plot sickens.
I don't think he really believes that Scott Walker's reforms are good, only that the tactics, which are part and parcel of what makes the Left what it is and what it has been for 50 years, didn't work and ought to be reviewed.
Problem is, working oneself into a righteous fury is how these people operate - bet Lane doesn't regret all the mudslinging at Dubya, especially since it worked.
PS Good to remember D-Day, but we should also remember the men of Rome (June 4), Saipan, (June 15), and all the other battles that took place in that fateful month of 1944.
Garage apparently tweets, Andy doesn't do the Walker stuff. Don't know about Freder.
Nice link, Hawkeyedjb.
Hatman seems to be confining himself to issues of gender equality.
He doesn't even talk about the Occupation anymore.
Blackouts, no doubt.
Tippy McHatboy is nursing his wounds. And they're deep.
"What if ..."
We're supposed to feel regret that the WI Democrat party completely lost its mind and behaved like a three year old having a tantrum?
Our situation requires -- demands -- adults.
The writer seems to be saying that Scott walker spooked them.
Now how did he do that?
My theory is that they had never before run into someone who was unafraid of them and had natural leadership skills.
The way things are going, it should be fun to watch the Democrat Party split in 2 between now and November; some rallying around Willie, some around Choom.
Don't think Willie's going to save anyone, though, because they can't outrun what they did the last 4 years.
If government is more efficient and financially sound — in this case, because of Walker — then it can be used to do the things that people who like government to do things like.
The dividing line between what Palin called the heart of a public servant and a self-serving union hack.
I live near a low-income housing project. They use food stamps to purchase Cheetos. They all have iPhones.
Am I paying for that??
Yes, I already know the answer.
One of the most satisfying aspects of the Wisconsin battle is that the unions spent an estimated $100 million on the various election efforts and all they got was a lousy t-shirt.
The protesters certainly did yeoman's work in getting Walker reelected with even more of a mandate, but this whole reawakening of fiscal responsibility as a movement is due primarily to the Tea Party, so bag that and smoke it later.
I am the Tea Party.
(And by the way, what if the presidential election is so close that the Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes make the difference for Obama? And what if this year of recall fighting has alienated Wisconsin voters from the Democratic Party?)
Might be a good time to invest in companies that make anti-depressants. 70% of Madison may be on them in that scenario.
@bagoh: yes, exactly.
that extreme right wing, bitterly clinging, fascist, racist, tea party? that is me as well.
the horror of government living within its means!
people like garage were laying this shit on me all the time for being a Wisconsin public employee supporting Walker. "Why aren't you sticking up for your own interests?
Those people don't give a shit about public employees. They only see you as a piggy bank for their own partisan interests. Not once did I see them display one iota of interest in an honest debate on the state's fiscal realities.
But there's no blood in that turnip
How true. The system collapsed under a severe economic downturn combined with years of union abuses like the WEA Trust scam. Hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars down the drain, for nothing. It didn't even benefit union members. It just went to buy more politicians.
Mike, my thanks go out to folks like you and Althouse for standing up for sanity during this year and a half shit storm of stupidity. I'm sure it wasn't always easy to do with all the peer pressure and attempts at intimidation.
There are golden eggs in that goose. Let's kill it.
Thanks for the link hawkeye. Simply amazing. I just can imagine either the horror or the courage of that day. It never should have succeeded. Normal men can't overcome that, can they? Thank God they did. I'm proud that my genes contain some of that, whatever it was they had.
The rhetoric makes people look like they have borderline personailty disorder. Or they do. Hard to tell.
But what good is rhetoric that makes you look unhinged?
Not good enough.
In a way, I think progressives should be glad Walker won, because if they had beaten Walker the lesson would be antithetical to their ideals.
As a fiscal conservative / social liberal my rejoinder to my liberal friends is simple: why don't liberals stand up for liberal ideas when elected? Why don't they decriminalize drugs? Why don't support free speech? Why don't they legalize gay marriage? Why don't they cut military spending?
The reason is that they're timid. It is the same reason that conservative politicians never actually succeed in actually cutting spending. They're timid.
There are very few timid politicians and we should celebrate those we can find. Recalling a bold politician (as opposed to an incompentent or corrupt one) sends the opposite message.
Unfortunately for liberals none of the bold are on their side. Which is hardly surprising, because they aren't on the side of the bold. Their fight is essentially defensive.
Walker's opponents created a perfect lose-lose coin-flip for themselves. If they had won the recall the message to ALL politicians would be reactionary: don't do anything bold. Instead they lost the election. Don't do anything bold ... unless you're Scott Walker.
"I'm sure it wasn't always easy to do with all the peer pressure and attempts at intimidation."
Not really. The science faculty aren't idiots.
Probably has something to do with the fact that you have to bring in your own money.
Thanks, Patrick.
Don't know if it's true or not Wiki, but if so, I would normally be opposed to that, but what was done here was nothing but insisting on a do-over of the election. That was stupid, expensive, and very uncivil. Those behind it should have to answer for that, not simply lose the game that never should have been played. They should be apologizing for even trying it.
"Shame, Shame, Shame..."
Conservatives standing around catcalling at a politician's house-- protesting, after winning an election-- "wrapped in American flags"? Wrapped in American flags, really?
Let's say I'm skeptical.
If that's true, and anyone is doing that, they're idiots.
But I doubt a) that it's true and b) if it's true, that they're "Walkerites."
But there are idiots in any group of people, so who knows.
"Wrapped in American flags" to me sounds like offline mobys.
Unless the intent was just to parody lefty protesters, which I suppose is possible.
She took pictures, right Wiki?
(I'm off to bed.)
A friend of mine was just by Walker's house, and there was a group of Union Thugs outside wrapped in American flags (talk about disrespecting the flag!) and catcalling. She felt she had to do something so she "actually went home and thought about it and went back. I took my driver's license in case I got arrested. I just couldn't let it happen without comment."
Her plea for civility did not go unanswered and the response was not civil.
Also, my Uncle's girlfriend's cousin said her neighbor's babysitter got molested at the 7-11 by Barrett Union Thugs.
So screw civility.
Is there any record of this or any other liberal offering those sage words of warning, as given above, prior to the election?.....Teachers taking their students to demonstrations and doctors writing fudge sick notes: Is there any record of anti-Walkerites disassociating themselves from such behavior?
The left wanted the recall as they didn't want to give time for Walkers reforms to work, or at least for people to finally accept them. Meaning they couldn't wait for Nov 2010 legislature and Nov 2012 governor elections.
But the 16 months they did have to wait was too long. They made asses of themselves for 16 straight months, and people had enough time to think a bit more about the reforms. If the recall occured in April 2011, maybe Governor Walker would have lost.
"If government is more efficient and financially sound — in this case, because of Walker — then it can be used to do the things that people who like government to do things like. "
Let's build a new Democratic Party around that idea, Let's do with government what everyone else has to do: more with less.
I made that point to a friend who comes from a family of gov't employees. That a gov't that lives within its means will make the public employees lives (and compensation) more stable.
How'd that giving the farm away to its employees work our for the employees of Bethlehem Steel?
My friend in Appleton is afraid for her family.
I doubt she exists.
"Wrapped in American flags"
The Milw JS comment section today had some Mobys. Calling themselves "Republican" and saying now it is time to go after the overpaid lazy policemen and firefighters. The posts were like the image a lefty would have about a conservative.
If you want conservatories and conservation, parks and perqs, the economy has got to be moving in the right direction. Everything sucked in the Soviet Union. There was no money for oversight. You had Chernobyl and the loss of the Aral Sea.
Is it true that some racist named Wiki is at Althouse's blog spreading malicious lies?
The difference between "by chance" and "completely by chance" begs the question What is chance? and is the reason poker is American.
Illegal, thanks to Bill Frist, Republican MD, online, is poker. Bill decided choice is too much of a chance for some.
Bill knows; you don't.
CrackMC will amply, if agonistically in agony to all of our detriment, show many ways over the years the Morman isn't enough of an exception to this Republican anti-American statism; The prophet Jonah would not succeed against Nineveh Buckley once wrote.
Neither here nor there nor ever was utopia.
Yeah, not buying it. Or the colorful Appleton anecdote. "Socialist!" and "Bang Bang Bang"!-- of course they'd yell that, 'cause "they are the ones with guns," right?
The ones with guns and wrapped in American flags.
Gee. You would think a big city mayor would have a police protection detail, especially with the anarchists causing trouble tonight.
Calling bullshit on "Wiki." Whoever that is or was.
"Note that “a storybook” is not the same as “an inevitable success.” In Christian theology as in young-adult fiction, even the author’s most beloved characters can suffer pain, temptation, failure, exile."
Yeah I will make a mental note of that you Author of The Times, Limited Access.
Via Vodkapundit:
As of today I am no longer a candidate for my county council, along with many other candidates in Oconee County, South Carolina. The recent lawsuit that was filed by the democratic party in Florence County, removed every candidate who had not filed a paper copy of their economic interest statement, even though that same information was filed electronically over the internet, which is easier and faster to access. Now, here in Oconee County, South Carolina, we will have no sheriff on the ballot next Tuesday. We have no challengers for any of the incumbents, who favor legislation that is destructive to private property rights and liberty. Now, our county and the rest of the State of South Carolina is under attack, by the Progressives. The only reason that Democrats cause problems like this, is because they cannot win common sense arguments, so now they must create a problem to ensure that there is less of a Republican turn out in November
Any pro_Walker people with cocked hats? Because that a dead giveaway.
Maybe the unions are GOP double agents too, like Clinton.
Seriously, they wasted millions of dollars when their revenues were cut in half! What were they thinking?
I obviously came to the wrong place.
You want the Democratic Underground or Kos. They not only believe bullshit there they make it up themselves.
Now I know you aren't a liar and you'll be gone by now so I'll send out good vibrations. Adios!
I heard this was a law blog
Althouse! You! A law professor! Using the tag civility bullshit against the wishes of a sad, sorry leftist wandering around the Internet in shock and delirium.
Awful. Just awful.
The nicest thing about this victory is the absence of garage & alpha liberal.
But now we got this obviously stupid and obviously lying Wiki. I pine for Garage at this point.
Lane goes on to argue that progressives should be glad Walker won. I'm seeing that opinion here and there: If government is more efficient and financially sound — in this case, because of Walker — then it can be used to do the things that people who like government to do things like.
Then he's another tragic moron who things that using reverse psychology to enumerate that an efficient government is a good government. A smaller government that is efficient in tax dollars is a good government. An unintrusive government is a good government because it isn't up your ass at all times. A government that takes care of only the necessary items and eliminates the frivolity and leaves those very frivolities to let the citizens along with the private sector to do or not do should be the aim. That is a government everyone should strive for.
These buffoons will make the argument if they haven't already that an efficient government should now be able to fund their nonsense once again. Those days are over leftards. This is the perfect time for Walker to literally make the case that a smaller government is a better government because in the hard times it will be better prepared to deal with the hard issues instead of seeing itself flat-footed and top heavy with nothing to show for it.
"Wiki" said...
I heard this was a law blog, so I came and looked around, but what I heard was wrong. "Civility bullshit" is a popular tag, though.
Interesting that a first-time visitor, having "heard this was a law blog", quickly discovered that "civility bullshit" is a popular tag.
Particularly interesting since not a single post on the current front page of the blog has the tag "civility bullshit." So either "Wiki" isn't so very new here, or (s)he spent a surprising amount of time searching the archives before posting about his or her friends' immediate and dire emergency on the streets of Milwaukee.
Even funnier, while there's no "civility bullshit" tag on the front page, there is this statement from Althouse:
Time for Republicans and conservatives to act mature...
IOW, a call for civility.
Weird that "Wiki" would show up shortly after "Bailey" was outed as a certain familiar commenter whose initials are commonly used to stand for "genetically modified."
I'm gonna gloat, crow and shit all over liberals to the END OF TIME.
Chip -- What happened with Bailey?
Wiki is the saddest, weakest sauce. It's just embarrassing for the left that things have, apparently, come to...going to Althouse the day after Walker wins handily and complaining that it's not scholarly enough.
I am sad for these people. No one likes to see such defeat.
What happened with Bailey?
Made some lame joke about Kleefisch that another commenter recognized as a garageism from another forum.
I had thought Bailey was too dumb to be garage, but apparently spending a month or so in a lefty echo chamber can cause serious brain injury.
Is there any record of this or any other liberal offering those sage words of warning, as given above, prior to the election?
I recall at least one-- an article by a Madison liberal (I think) that Althouse blogged about not too long ago (I'm too lazy to look for it).
In any case, after the fact of recall failure, it's interesting to see a few instances of lefty/ liberal/ Dem reasonableness on the topic of the recall, unions, and Walker.
For example, some surprisingly reasonable remarks at Daily Kos, found and compiled by commenter "Flora Duh" in this comment at Hot Air.
It was weird for Bailey to just show up one day like that.
It must be hard for someone to come to Althouse, where the vibe is definitely right of center, especially these days, and to make a stand. I can understand leaving. I don't understand changing your name and posting as if you are new. That's weird.
Seeing Red @12:03, that's depressing. But that's the "progressive" BS we have to overcome.
Speaking of Madison moonbats, I don't know how widely this video from Madison on the Day After Democracy Died has circulated. My favorite part starts at 0:54.
(h/t Ace)
7M, it is weird. And-- if it gm-- sad. I mean, I actually feel sad for him that that is where he's at (if it is him).
Chip -- Thanks for that. I think the guy at the beginning of the clip had it out with Althouse and Meade in one of her posts last year. And the ugly, sad, bitter woman was just priceless.
Yashu -- For myself, I will continue to hold out hope that Garage is a decent enough guy to either leave here -- something we should probably all do -- or not change names and start posting anew.
Along the lines of Lane's argument, it seems like the anti-Walker crowd's rhetoric was like a mustard gas attack where the gas was blown back onto the attackers.
If you've convinced yourself that public-employee unions are a fundamental human right and that David Koch is the Professor Moriarty of the 21st century, then you've really lost the ability to have a rational discussion with anyone who doesn't agree with you.
What happened in WI was the same game plan by the Left during the last Presidential Administration.
Yelling for years about "Rush to War," but ignoring Obama in Libya;
Yelling for years about Military force but quiet as drones fly overhead and bomb anonymously;
Lefties lost their Liberal Credibility when they started censoring all views opposed to theirs.
And it got them Wisconsin.
I think that the whole thing was strategically suicidal, and esp., I would think in a nice civil place like Wisconsin. For one thing, the Dems and the left gave away the fact that the only people that they are worried about are a small subset of themselves, and this is esp. true of the government unions and their memberships. And, that somehow they are owed a far higher standard of living than that earned by the people paying for them.
But, I esp. don't like the "do-over-until-we-win" attitude. It is routine now days for Dems to demand recounts of close races until they can manufacture enough ballots to win - which turned neighboring Minnesota into a national laughing stock when the no longer funny Al Franken cheated his way into the Senate. Of course, he was shown the way by AlGore in 2000, who tried to litigate his way into the Presidency by selective recounts of the three big Dem counties in Florida (where dimples showing intent were counted in his favor by a highly political panel) and acting service members were intentionally disenfranchised by his volunteer attorneys on the ground there.
Like I said - litigate and recount until they win, and then do so at any cost. Recall is just another, further, refinement of this technique, where the election isn't over, until the Dems and the government unions win.
This sort of strategy just offends a lot of people's sense of fair play. If every election were contested and recontested like this, there would be no end and no closure, and we would spend our time and resources fighting each other, month in, and month out, year in, and year out. Which is why the civilized among us say, at some point, most often late on election night, "you won", and we will be back in 2-4-6 years. That is what is in the best interests of civil society.
But, of course, those pushing these recalls had no interest in a civil society, but rather, just in retaining power and control over spending, and for many of them, making themselves rich, or at least richer, at the expense of everyone else. Power is everything to them. And, that isn't good for the country.
The strategic suicide is, to some extent, letting everyone know how far these people are willing to go to retain or regain power, and the control of the money that flows from it. And, it wasn't pretty.
I think that the reason that Wiki and his/her story seems bogus is that it is a claim that the right is using the patented techniques of the left against a leftist political figure. This is something that the union thugs would do in a heart beat, and esp. if they were there from out of state. Or the occupy idiots. And, do it, time and time again. It isn't something that Republicans or others on the right tend to do.
So, it is essentially the left claiming hypocrisy on the part of the right. But, it is done is the way that we have seen hundreds of times before.
Another probable give-away is the way that it was done. It was "drive by", in that someone who has never posted (at least under that name) before drops these allegations on this blog. There isn't enough verifiable detail, and, as one poster above pointed out, there are no photos, which would be highly likely, in this society when most phones now have built in cameras, if the story were true. Plus, Barrett is likely to have police protection, and this is the sort of thing that would make the news, if true.
Call me cynical, but the story just stinks too much of the types of stories that the left has been making up to discredit its political enemies so often recently.
So, I saw to Wiki - Show us the evidence. Show us the photos, the interview with Barrett, his neighbors, etc. And, if you don't, we will assume that you are either a lier or a dupe of those who are themselves liers, and who do so for political advantage.
Chip@12:52. I watched the video link you posted. I thought I recognized the blonde sleeveless thug speaking at 17 seconds into the video. He strongly resembles the bully who accosted our dear hostess during Madison protests. Same guy?
The comments on Lane's article are instructive. "Your complaining about the mean things said about Walker? Perhaps people could retract them when the right retracts all the atrocious things they have said about president Obama..." "The fact is that a very significant percentage of Wisconsin voters (44%?), were upset enough to demand Walker's ouster. Given that number, the recall effort may not have succeeded, but it carried credibility." "Next thing you know, he would be asking for an apology from the birthers. Obama won decisively across the nation." "I suspect they will apologize to him on the same day you apologize for helping in the runup to the Iraq War."
That's just the first few comments I saw right now, right at the top of the pile. In sum, it amounts to a refusal to engage. These commenters studiously refuse to entertain the argument that Wisconsin actually prefers Walker.
Do these commenters represent the WaPo readership? Maybe DailyKos linked to the article and said "everybody flame this not-quite-leftist!"
" My interests ARE for a financially viable system. Their reply routinely was, "we just need to tax the rich". But there's no blood in that turnip."
There is a little blood in that turnip, but the problem is that people like Garage are completely innumerate. It is already bad enough that I am taking an early retirement offer, because the incentive is tax free, it comes to two years pay in the bank. I pay 50% of my earnings in taxes. I am not sure what a "fair" rate would be if that is not enough, but that is enough to get me to leave my job, which will then go overseas, I am sure.
Perhaps adopting a fist as their symbol wasn't such a smart move after all.
"wiki" == "leslyn".
Lane fingered all the right culprits. Far lefty Harold Meyerson is still at it, reminding his readers that "... before unions, the common form of protest for workers seeking a better life was rioting. That may eventually prove to be the common form of protest after unions, too".
Is that incitement?
Let's move outside of Madison and Milwaukee and look at other areas of Wisconsin for recall results.
Election results for Polk County (where I live): Walker 60.2%, Barrett 39.2%. St. Croix County (the county just south of me) Walker 61.1%, Barrett 38.5%.
Hmmm, perhaps Wiki and his/her friends mistook this for a "group of Walkerites wrapped in American flags".
To undiscerning eyes, it can be very difficult to tell the difference sometimes...
As of today I am no longer a candidate for my county council, along with many other candidates in Oconee County, South Carolina. The recent lawsuit that was filed by the democratic party in Florence County, removed every candidate who had not filed a paper copy of their economic interest statement, even though that same information was filed electronically over the internet, which is easier and faster to access. Now, here in Oconee County, South Carolina, we will have no sheriff on the ballot next Tuesday. We have no challengers for any of the incumbents, who favor legislation that is destructive to private property rights and liberty. Now, our county and the rest of the State of South Carolina is under attack, by the Progressives. The only reason that Democrats cause problems like this, is because they cannot win common sense arguments, so now they must create a problem to ensure that there is less of a Republican turn out in November
That is a mild scandal here as, literally, hundreds of candidates were knocked off of ballots for that exact reason.
Think it hit both parties hard, though, not just Republicans.
I heard this was a law blog, so I came and looked around, but what I heard was wrong. "Civility bullshit" is a popular tag, though. And a popular activity seems to be just general nastiness, profanity, and calling people liars.
We hear lots of claims here. A link to a picture would've gone miles here. If they were actually protesting, then yes, it was ridiculous.
We just need some evidence before going ballistic.
Important to remember that the Left has no principles that they won't chuck in return for personal enrichment. They don't want Government to "do good things", they want Government to give them special rights and punish the opposition. They are children, poorly raised and prone to tantrums.
"We just need some evidence before going ballistic."
Especially with you being a sockpuppet and all.
JFK: "Victory has a thousand fathers. Defeat is an orphan."
So the cocooned left wakes up on election day and sees their policies repudiated at the polls, promptly return to cocoon shouting "big money"!
I am an independent. I have an office on the capitol square in Madison and any support that I might have had for any democrat position has been drowned out by the drums, the horn honking, the vuvuzela horns, the person who yelled (everyday until yesterday) A****** and recall Walker at the top of his lungs at the windows to the Governor's office in the capitol, the people who harassed me when I went to M & I Bank because an officer of a bank had made a campaign contribtuion to Walker, the people who harassed me . . .
Do these commenters represent the WaPo readership?
Sadly, yes. I often skim the highest-rated comments on WaPo articles hoping for evidence that at least some of the readers are broadminded, at least a little bit, and willing to explore ideas or look at the big picture rather than spit out the usual dimwitted tribal nonsense. I tend to give up, dispirited, after 5-10 highly rated foamy-mouthed "Bush rethuglicans Koch brothers wars of conquest the rich blah blah blah."
The left have lost so much credibility, they all sound like liars.
but people like garage were laying this shit on me all the time for being a Wisconsin public employee supporting Walker. "Why aren't you sticking up for your own interests?
that should have been simple enough for "Private Sector" Garage Mahal to understand.
Allen - Waukesha County vote: Walker 72%, Barrett 27%.
Well, Charles Lane states, "collective bargaining is inherently undemocratic."
And since the recall election really was all (or at least mostly) about the financial and political power of these unions, once he's stated that then he'd have to be against the Recall.
If he takes this a little farther he'd notice that most self-proclaimed "progressives" are nothing of the sort, they have become reactionaries trying desparately to roll back cneeded hanges brought about by reformers such as Scott Walker.
In any case, in looking at the future of the Democratic Party (where most of today's self-proclaimed "progressives" find themselves), he'd have to conclude that it simply must create some distance between itself and these public-sector unions.
Which will be a hard lesson for our Wisconsin Democrats, who appear to be- far more so than Democrats in the rest of the country- all but owned and operated by the public-sector unions.
"wiki" == "leslyn".
Leslyn changed her name after she outed herself as a Truther?
Michael, that's like way more totally better.
Bruce Hayden "I think that the whole thing was strategically suicidal, and esp., I would think in a nice civil place like Wisconsin."
Civil? Once upon a time maybe, but not recently.
In remembrance of D-Day, I re-read Ernie Pyle's reports on the fighting in Europe and in the Pacific theatre, where he ultimately died.
Now the unions know what Democracy REALLY looks like.
Anyone know where to find the election results by district?
Reason being, Walker won Racine county by 5289 votes (~4%), but Wanggaard looses his district by 779 (2%)?
I would like to look at the spread between Walker and Barrett, side by side with the spread of the recalled senators and their challengers, in their respective districts.
I saw someone post some odd results, without a link to any references, that gave the impression that a whole bunch of people voted for Walker but didn't vote for either Wanggaard or Lehman.
I would like to find hard numbers and look for myself. Any help is appreciated.
How much money did the unions spend in setting up the recalls and GOTV and other things that were not ad expenditures?
Surely millions from union dues that are not being counted in the calculation against the Walker campaign's expenditures.
I'm going to call bullshit on Wiki. I called a friend of mine in Milwaukee, who is a neighbor of Barrett's. He hasn't seen any of this.
So sad that our Barrett supporters don't have to stones to post here without hiding behind sockpuppets
But this is who they are.
Michael the Magnificent, the JS has election results by county at
These Democrats like Wiki are the sorest losers I ever heard. Take a look at the results map at the JS - the whole state was red except Dane County and Milwaukee and few about six other counties. You would think "liberals" would make a few token bows to what the people obviously want. Especially because the Dane County vote represents government workers who are obviously out of step with the whole of Wisconsin except Milwaukee. Wiki, how can "liberals" like you justify ignoring and not discussing the plain wishes of a whole state except for one city? Reading List: I'm reading a very interesting biography of Stalin, - after reading The Hunger Games.
Thanks for your help, but unfortunately, county don't translate well to senate district results. I'd be comparing apples to oranges.
I may need to wait for the GAB to release the district or precinct results.
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