১৬ মে, ২০১২

"When the girl fell on top of her, she stayed under her dead body until the sound of shooting stopped."

Testified Invgrild Stensrud, who was shot by Anders Breivik in the Utoeya Island massacre.

ADDED: More detail here:
"I thought they (the attackers) were exchanging messages but realising he was alone, I think the scream was actually a battle cry," [Stensrud] testified....

"I tried to get to the door behind others and when they got shot, they fell on me. One laid across my chest," she told the trial, which will continue until mid-June. "That's when I got hit in the left thigh. Many were shot lying on the floor.... Next to me (a man) was coughing up blood"...

That person, Glenn Martin Waldenstroem, said Breivik appeared both joyous and angry. "His face looked distorted," said Waldenstroem, 20, who survived being shot in the face. "He looked angry and smiled simultaneously"....

Breivik has said he initially tried to call an end to his killing spree after leaving the cafe, picking up a victim's mobile and phoning police, only to be forced to leave a message.

He continued killing, shouting "you are going to die today, Marxists"....

১৩টি মন্তব্য:

traditionalguy বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
rhhardin বলেছেন...

The wild west limited senseless violence by requiring that you help bury anybody you shot.

ndspinelli বলেছেন...

The very sad irony is Norwegians always have looked down @ the US for being a country of haters w/ guns.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

phoning police, only to be forced to leave a message.

Your call is important to us. Please listen to the list of the following options, and select the one that is best. To talk to someone about zoning violations, please press 1; to talk to someone about having friendly policeman visit your school, please press 2; to talk to someone about dog excrement that is not picked up, please press 3; to talk to someone about nominating a Policeman for Neighbor of the week, please press 4; to talk to someone about joining the Benevolent Protector of Policeman Honor Society, please press 5; to talk to someone about bike safety and bike licenses, please press 6; For all other requests, please stay on the line and an operator will be with you shortly.

paul a'barge বলেছেন...

Satan, straight up.

edutcher বলেছেন...

Reminiscent of the accounts of the few who survived places like Babi Yar.

rhhardin said...

The wild west limited senseless violence by requiring that you help bury anybody you shot.

No, they just strung them up.

Witness Bill Longley ("Hanging is my favorite way of dying").

Hagar বলেছেন...

When I grew up, target (rifle)shooting was the most popular sport in Norway next to soccer (though a very distant second).
Also this being just past WWII, the country was flooded with various firearms, more or less illegitimately acquired and never reported.

As for looking down on the US, well it is hard to be humble when you are Norwegian, but there are more people of Norwegian descent in the US than there are in Norway, so the attitude tends to be mixture of pride in and envy of relatives that did well "over there," plus the concepts they have of the US from watching movies and television.

Ingvild is an invented name, and there is ni R in it.

William বলেছেন...

This man will live out his days in a prison cell that compares favorably with a studio apt in NYC. His prison diet will be more varied and nutritious than that of most people. There is a disparity between the immensity of his crime and the daintiness of his punishment. Ditto with Charles Taylor.....I understand that capital punishment can be administered inappropriately, but people should understand that there are occasions when it is the only appropriate punishment. To say that this man does not deserve death is to mock his victims.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...


Some years ago, a Turkish guy was convicted of negligent homicide in Holland when 45 illegal Chinese immigrants suffocated to death in the hold of his ship on their way to GB.

His sentence: 15 years. That's 4 months per person suffocated!

I know that Europeans think that they're enlightened and all, but to an outsider, a sentence like that says "Well, they were just Chinks, after all...". To which an enlightened European would say "No, no, we're not racist. We don't even value our own lives."

hawkeyedjb বলেছেন...

Interesting that he is on trial. If he had committed his crimes in the United States, how many years would it take to begin his trial?

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Hang him and be done with it.

n.n বলেছেন...

The Europeans have invited this action on themselves through unreasonable immigration policies and especially tolerance of, and even advocacy for, illegal immigration.

The Declaration of Independence offers valuable insight into when people generally, and Americans specifically, will determine it is reasonable to follow a similar path. In the meantime, we occupy ourselves with meaningful distractions.

Methadras বলেছেন...

The fact that he had to kill burgeoning marxists is the problem. The public and the electorate of most of northern europe has adopted socialism and marxism as a way of life. The fact that he couldn't stand being in the midst of them and drove him to the point of mass murder more or less says that whether you are or not a marxist, it will kill or get you killed, which is in perfect alignment with it being a death cult.