May 15, 2012

"Voters now trust likely Republican nominee Mitt Romney more than President Obama..."

"... on all five issues regularly surveyed by Rasmussen Reports, especially when it comes to money."
A new national telephone survey finds that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters trust Romney more than Obama when it comes the economy, while 39% trust the president more....

A month ago, Romney had a similar 49% to 39% lead over the president on the issue of the economy after the two men had been virtually tied in early March....

Romney also now holds a double-digit lead over the president on the issue of taxes: 48% trust him more, while 38% put more faith in Obama....

Forty-five percent (45%) of voters have more confidence in Romney when it comes to health care versus 40% who feel that way about Obama....

Forty-four percent (44%) trust Romney more when it comes to national security, while 42% have more confidence in the president in this area....

Romney continues to edge the president 43% to 40% when it comes to whom voters trust more on energy policy, little changed from April.


Anonymous said...

The audacity of competence.

Jaq said...

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack H. Obama

Matt Sablan said...

Is this the same poll that had Romney up with women? (I know it wasn't, but that was a fun poll I wanted to throw out here before Rasmussen gets dismissed as "biased.") The preference cascade has started, my pretties.

I'm Full of Soup said...

A wise commenter here has said Romney will be a great president. I think the commenter was Meade.

Jason said...

America's Politico's on it.


It's in the bag.

(Like the press.)

damikesc said...

Holy cow --- Obama is inserting his own name into the biographies of Presidents on the WH website. Check out Coolidge's bio and you see in the "Did You Know" section info on how Obama is doing things like Coolidge did.

Sweet Feathery Jesus, what the hell is his problem?

Robert Cook said...

"The audacity of competence."

The audacity of a thieving corporate raider and bully.

Robert Cook said...

Not that I support Obama, either. They're both creeps.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

A wise commenter here has said Romney will be a great president

Then we have to listen to 4 years of incessant whining and temper tantrums from the left.

The whole country will be subjected to a giant Madison Wisconsin Democrat melt down. Liberals are such immature whining babies.


Patrick said...

An example of Romney's thievery?

kcom said...

"Sweet Feathery Jesus, what the hell is his problem?"

Somebody should get to work on Wikipedia and insert laudatory comments about BHO on the pages for all previous presidents. How could this have been overlooked for so long?

Jaq said...

Either "America's Politico" is "taking the piss" as the Brits say, or he is dodging the men with white coats and butterfly nets as we speak.

Jaq said...

"The audacity of a thieving corporate raider and bully."

How does this not apply to Obama?

Dark Eden said...

Don't get cocky! Zombie voters don't care about polls.

damikesc said...

Somebody should get to work on Wikipedia and insert laudatory comments about BHO on the pages for all previous presidents. How could this have been overlooked for so long?

Why stick with Presidents? Do ALL historical figures.

"Just like Jesus, Barack Obama was crucified for caring about the poor"

"Just like Nero, Obama was try and work with Republicans"

"Just like Adam, Obama had some woman bossing him around and ruining it for the rest of us"

That I am actually paying for him to aggrandize himself is more than mildly irksome.

Brian Brown said...

Robert Cook said...

The audacity of a thieving corporate raider and bully.

Did you see that Obama said JP Morgan is one of the best-managed banks there is, Cookie?

Scott M said...

The audacity of a thieving corporate raider and bully.

Do you have the stats handy, RC, that show the net job growth versus loss that resulted from Romney's tenure at Bain for all companies they were involved with? I assume so because of your comment above. Would you please share those with us?

damikesc said...

Where is this evidence of Romney bullying anybody?

Jaq said...

"Like Jesus, Obama also sports the middle initial of 'H'."

Dan in Philly said...

Robert Cook said...
Not that I support Obama, either. They're both creeps."

If you can't make a good case for your incumbent candidate, call them both losers.

Looming Romney landslide?

MadisonMan said...

Then we have to listen to 4 years of incessant whining and temper tantrums from the left.

It'll be like an echo from the previous 4 years of the cacaphony from the right.

MadisonMan said...

Like Jesus, Obama also sports the middle initial of 'H'


Anonymous said...

The audacity of a thieving corporate raider and bully.

As compared to Obama the taxpayer raider and bully.

Cook, I'm surprised you would even utter peep on this topic.

But even if you are right (and you aren't) at least Romney was dealing with private funds.

Obama and his mob were clearly not satisfied with paltry private capital - they wanted to plunder in numbers so big only the taxpayers could generate them.

You talk of a steel mill shutting down (which was due to technology, not financing. Do your homework. Google or YouTube Clay Christensen and mini-mills.)

Let's talk about the jobs lost at Solyndra with taxpayer money to boot.

Scott M said...

I graduated high school on the south side of Chicago and, as such, my graduating class was overwhelmingly black. Years later, as I check on facebook from time to time with the couple hundred or so I'm "friended" with from those days, the posts are sometimes too much to take.

Yesterday, one of them posted a picture of Obama from before his election and one taken recently. He noted the greying hair, the difference in complexion and the sunken eyes. The capper was the final sentence...

"Look at what the American peoples' stupidity has cost this man!"

...followed by a chorus of agreement. I popped in an suggested that they go look at similar comparisons for all presidents since color photos became standard. My work done, I was still a bit shaken by the mobius logic that turned POTUS into a victim.

Wince said...

Time for Obama to gas-up the "dirty tricks" machine.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... "Look at what the American peoples' stupidity has cost this man!".."

But they're right. 53% of the electorate was stupid enough to elect this guy into a high stress, demanding job that he was totally unqualified and unprepared to deal with.

pm317 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pm317 said...

Scott M said...

You should remind them that he wanted this job so badly he stole it (from Hillary). He was not ready. He should have known better.

dreams said...

Gay marriage is not a big issue with me but I think it has really hurt Obama.

It seems to me that Romney with his background is the perfect person to be President in this troubled financial world.

Known Unknown said...

On August 14, 1935, President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act. Today the Obama Administration continues to protect seniors and ensure Social Security will be there for future generations.

Third rail, and all that.

Brian Brown said...

Today the Obama Administration continues to protect seniors and ensure Social Security will be there for future generations.

That's right! Because borrowing money to pay for this program can go on indefinitely!!!

Known Unknown said...

President Reagan designated Martin Luther King Jr. Day a national holiday; today the Obama Administration honors this tradition, with the First and Second Families participating in service projects on this day.

In a June 28, 1985 speech Reagan called for a fairer tax code, one where a multi-millionaire did not have a lower tax rate than his secretary. Today, President Obama is calling for the same with the Buffett Rule.

Man, this is so fucking fascinating.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... That's right! Because borrowing money to pay for this program can go on indefinitely!!!.."

We don't even need to do that. A commenter on here once told me we have a machine that can print all the money we need.

Pastafarian said...

39% of the country trusts Obama more than Romney on economic issues.

Our company is manufacturing the wrong products. We should make moron helmets.

Chip S. said...

Today the Obama Administration continues to protect seniors and ensure Social Security will be there for future generations.

Until their health care starts to cost too much. Then it's all up to the Independent Payment Advisory Board.

Michael The Magnificent said...

An example of Romney's thievery?

Property is theft. Romney is wealthy. Ergo, he is a thief.

Or somesuch leftist claptrap.

damikesc said...

Why is the press unconcerned that Obama tried to have Rev Wright bribed to shut up in 2008?

...oh, but they also weren't curious why Michelle got.paid over $300000 a yr for a job not important enough to fill when she left for DC.

Brian Brown said...

Hoosier Daddy said...
We don't even need to do that. A commenter on here once told me we have a machine that can print all the money we need.

Heh. Yep, the same guy who thought Bush's house was Gores and believes SS has a "surplus"

Brian Brown said...

Michael The Magnificent said...

Property is theft. Romney is wealthy. Ergo, he is a thief.

No, no, no.

You see Romney raided those companies! He took the workers pensions and distributed them to other Bain executives and closed the doors.


PS, isn't the leftists understanding of how private equity firms operate grand?

Christopher in MA said...

It'll be like an echo from the previous 4 years of the cacophony from the right.

Except for the fact that the right doesn't engage in outright treason when there's a Democrat president, your comment's almost on point, MadMan.

raf said...

Jay: Did you see that Obama said JP Morgan is one of the best-managed banks there is...?

Maybe he's right. How scary is that?

Robert Cook said...

"Did you see that Obama said JP Morgan is one of the best-managed banks there is, Cookie?"

This is simply more evidence, as if any were needed, that Obama, far from being the "communist" or "socialist" or "far leftist" so many simpletons foolishly believe him to be, is the latest White House occupant to serve as loyal vassal and flunky to the financial elites who own and rule this country.

Robert Cook said...

More on the unappetizing Mr. Romney:

Robert Cook said...

"'The audacity of a thieving corporate raider and bully.'

"How does this not apply to Obama?"

Has Obama ever been a corporate raider?

Obama certainly is a creep and brutal servant of empire, a war criminal and mass murderer, a hypocrite and liar, a betrayer of those who believed (and believe still) in him.

Henry said...

The five issues:

Health Care
National Security
Energy Policy

These are five issues that Obama actively avoids.

Okay, he does talk about taxing the rich. And his campaign talks about killing Bin Laden. Give him 1/2 point each (I'm being really really generous) and he avoids 4 out of 5.

Robert Cook said...

"If you can't make a good case for your incumbent candidate, call them both losers."

Obama is not and was never my incumbent candidate...I didn't vote for him. My vote went to Ralph Nader...for a third time!

Paddy O said...

"to serve as loyal vassal and flunky to the financial elites who own and rule this country."

Curiously, this is precisely how more explicit communists, socialists, and leftists have behaved in every instance of power they have gained.

Henry said...

Robert Cook, if Obama's election campaign depends on thirty-year-old hearsay from teenagers about the screw-ups of a teenage boy you're pretty much doomed.

It's hard to believe thinking people repeat this insipid stuff -- let alone try to tie it to the big narrative in basso profundo voice.

Henry said...

Romney cut in line once.

Henry said...

Another time he gave some lip to the chorus teacher.

damikesc said...

Referencing the debunked story of Romney as high school bully?

The deceased victim's family said it's not true and asked people like you to stop using their dead family member to further your political agenda.

Has Obama ever been a corporate raider?

Well, he did kill off a lot of Chrysler dealerships...and it seemed odd that the ones who survived supported him while the ones who died didn't.

But that's likely coincidence.

Anonymous said...

what does Prof. Reynolds always say? Every Obama statement comes with an expiration date.

Jaq said...

"Has Obama ever been a corporate raider?"

I guess if you define "corporate raider" in such a way as to exclude actions like robbing the 401Ks that had GM preferred stock or corporate bonds to give to the gold plated UAW pensions without asking the UAW to lower their hourly pay by a dime, then no, I guess he hasn't been.

Jaq said...

'loyal vassal and flunky to the financial elites who own and rule this country.'

Sounds like Obama too. NYT is owned by a billionaire, like so many other media outlets, not because they make money by themselves, but because they provide the means to do favors for the powerful, who can't outright own these propaganda organ themselves. The billionaires are almost exclusively for Obama. Why is it that people like Buffet shill for him?

madAsHell said...


America's Politico can't be a real person. AP has to be written by either Meade, one of the Professor's kids, or perhaps, one of her students.

AP is having far too much fun.....and oh, yeah, I love the Chinglish grammar. Don't let the mask slip!!

traditionalguy said...

The Big Lie that Obama's mega spending of borrowed dollars will save Social Security is hilarious.

It has always been designed to, for example, make an $1800 per month earned benefit payout after age 66 from a lifetime of contributions suddenly become worth about $400 in pre-inflation money.

That only "saves Social Security" by stealing the value out of its Trust Fund while the media at the other end of town holds celebrations of Gay Marriage Day.

Chip S. said...

Of course Obama's a corporate raider.

He robbed GM bondholders blind.

In fact, Obama raided government employees' pension funds:

GM's bonds are held by many pension funds and mutual funds. Calpers, Franklin Resources, and Pimco are some of the biggest holders.

So, not only is Obama worse than Romney--he's worse than Walker!

Anonymous said...

President Benjamin Harrison added four new states to the union in a 10-day period, in November, 1889. President Obama added seven new states to the union in a single speech.

Sloanasaurus said...

This is incredible. And the real campaign against Obama hasn't even started yet.

We are in the poorest economic recovery on record - worse than the great depression. Obama has borrowed a record $5 trillion in less than 4 years in office with nothing to show for it. Unemployment at 8.2% is really much higher - masked only be people who have dropped out of the workforce.

The number of employed is at 2005 levels. The labor force participation rate for whites is down to 64% - the rate in 1980.

These numbers are horrible and unless improved will be the bassis of a lot of future pain for all of us. This is why Obama needs to be pushed out. He is an incompetent president, unwilling to make and changes for the better.

Just compare and contrast europe. In the early 2000s, Germany, which at the time was the sick man of europe instituted all kinds of changes to union and labor laws, a.k.a. Chris Christe/Scott Walker. In contrast Greece, did the opposite, they like Obama made unions stronger and raised taxes and spending.

Obama = Greece.

Put simply, Obama = Greece.

Robert Cook said...

"The Big Lie that Obama's mega spending of borrowed dollars will save Social Security is hilarious."

What's a Big Lie, and not at all hilarious, is that Social Security is in imminent trouble or that it requires any drastic immediate measures to "save it." That's just what they want us to believe so we'll accept their "fixes," which will allow Wall Street to get their, uh, "mitts" on that money.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

That's just what they want us to believe so we'll accept their "fixes," which will allow Wall Street to get their, uh, "mitts" on that money.

So, Cookie, you're saying that wall street wants to raid the mattress that the feds are using toe store the money?

So where is this big pile of money? Where is this mattress?

The fact is that this money exists only on a spreadsheet under the column liabilities.

There is no money stocked away for future payouts, and you know that.

This money is stored in the form of ink. Ink on a balance sheet. Ink in a drum that will be used in the printing press.

That's where this money is that you claim wall street wants to get a hold of.

Robert Cook said...

"Robert Cook, if Obama's election campaign depends on thirty-year-old hearsay from teenagers about the screw-ups of a teenage boy you're pretty much doomed."

It's not just me that's "doomed," but all of us. No matter whether Obama or Romney wins, we lose. They're both vile.

As Henry Miller said in the first paragraphs of Tropic of Cancer:

"Boris has just given me a summary of his views. He is a weather prophet. The weather will continue bad, he says. There will be more calamities, more death, more despair. Not the slightest indication of a change anywhere...We must get in step, a lockstep, toward the prison of death. There is no escape. The weather will not change."

Jaq said...

"President Benjamin Harrison added four new states to the union in a 10-day period, in November, 1889. President Obama added seven new states to the union in a single speech."

I hope you tweeted that, is there a hashtag for Obama's rewrite of these histories?

roesch/voltaire said...

Ship of fools, this country.

Robert Cook said...

"'loyal vassal and flunky to the financial elites who own and rule this country.'

"Sounds like Obama too."

Uh...that's what I said.

Scott M said...

Ship of fools, this country.

I'm confident that the more personal freedom and liberty grows, the more "this country" would appear foolish to an academician.

Almost Ali said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Almost Ali said...

Nice to see that folks have finally started figuring out that their messiah turned out to be a jive turkey.

But more surprising, women are now favoring Romney - IMO, a real shocker. But women are fickle, so God help us if Obama shows up on DWTS. With Malia.

Anonymous said...

Robert Cook said,

It's not just me that's "doomed," but all of us. No matter whether Obama or Romney wins, we lose. They're both vile.

As Henry Miller said in the first paragraphs of Tropic of Cancer:

"Boris has just given me a summary of his views. He is a weather prophet. The weather will continue bad, he says. There will be more calamities, more death, more despair. Not the slightest indication of a change anywhere...We must get in step, a lockstep, toward the prison of death. There is no escape. The weather will not change."

5/15/12 12:42 PM

Robert Cook, I couldn't agree with you more. We are screwed. It's strange how most conservatives automatically jump to the conclusion that if one isn't a conservative one supports Obama.

Christopher in MA said...

It's strange how most conservatives automatically jump to the conclusion that if one isn't a conservative one supports Obama.

Almost as strange as how most liberals automatically jump to the conclusion that if one doesn't support Obama, one is a racist.

BarryD said...

"My vote went to Ralph Nader...for a third time!"

Thanks for the laugh. I needed it this morning!

Chip S. said...

Robert Cook said...
No matter whether Obama or Romney wins, we lose. They're both vile.

roesch/voltaire said...
Ship of fools, this country.

AllieOop said...
We are screwed. It's strange how most conservatives automatically jump to the conclusion that if one isn't a conservative one supports Obama.

Bob Dylan said...
You don't need a weather man
To know which way the wind blows

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... What's a Big Lie, and not at all hilarious, is that Social Security is in imminent trouble or that it requires any drastic immediate measures to "save it.".."

The last five Trustee reports indicate that the SS fund will be depleted by 2041.

I guess if I die at 74 it won't matter to me.

Bruce Hayden said...

This is simply more evidence, as if any were needed, that Obama, far from being the "communist" or "socialist" or "far leftist" so many simpletons foolishly believe him to be, is the latest White House occupant to serve as loyal vassal and flunky to the financial elites who own and rule this country.

I think that you need to be a bit more careful there. The type of socialism that Obama seems to be the most sympathetic too is the crony capitalism of the German National Socialists and Italian Fascists. There was very much a "one hand washes the other" sort of thing going on back then, as there is now. The biggest companies were expected to support the government, and, in trade, the government helped them. So, for example, for supporting the Fuhrer, the biggest German companies were given access to slave and concentration camp labor, at low or no cost.

While this sort of thing happens on both sides of the political divide, I don't think that we have ever seen it practiced so brazenly as it has over the last couple of years.

Christopher in MA said...

My vote went to Ralph Nader. . .for a third time!

I'm curious, Cook - considering, as I do, that a President Nader would face a hostile Congress, exactly what do you think he would do and how? Would you want him to simply issue ukases by Executive Order, as per Obama?

Brian Brown said...

Robert Cook said...

What's a Big Lie, and not at all hilarious, is that Social Security is in imminent trouble


Social Security currently spends more than it takes in.

The "big lie" is everything you type.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Ship of fools, this country..."

It's kind of funny. 4 years ago we were an enlightened crowd, elected the first black man as President, hope and change, planet healing and all that.

So now people see the hope and change was really incompetence and more of the same and moonbats are back to denigrating the American electorate for not wanting to continue down the economic toilet.

But keep banging the stupid drum. It really helps your side.

Steve Koch said...

Most conservatives want a return to government as envisioned in the constitution:

* small federal government whose quite limited powers are balanced by the power of the state governments
* non activist, non politicized judiciary that does not make laws
* a non imperial, limited presidency that requires the approval of congress before waging wars

Such a government would be more trust worthy and much less corrupt. If (big if) the GOP works to make these goals happen, to make our government more constitutional, would dems support it?

Scott M said...

Almost as strange as how most liberals automatically jump to the conclusion that if one doesn't support Obama, one is a racist.

Or the over and over and over again assumption that opposing Obama policy was de facto support for Bush.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Robert Cook, I couldn't agree with you more. We are screwed..."

Funny that doesn't seem to stop the moonbats from spending even more money we don't have.

Robert Cook said...

"I'm curious, Cook - considering, as I do, that a President Nader would face a hostile Congress, exactly what do you think he would do and how? Would you want him to simply issue ukases by Executive Order, as per Obama?"

There's no chance Ralph Nader or any equally good candidate with a real agenda to serve the people rather than the elites will ever win the Presidency. Our system is plumb broke and t'ain't no fixin' it.

I voted for Ralph Nader as the only palatable alternative to either voting for one of the major party candidates--equally whores to Wall Street before they're even in office--or not voting at all. Not voting is just seen as "apathy;" voting for a third party candidate, however quixotic, records my vote for "none of the above," and for the kind of candidate I can support.

I've come to the conclusion--hardly novel--that voting for "the lesser of two evils" is still voting for evil...and, how do we know which of the evils is really the lesser?

Chip Ahoy said...

Just like Ankenaten, Obama realized there is only one God but he was ahead of his time and when he was gone what was left of the priesthood came back and everybody returned to the old ways even the king.

Chip S. said...

how do we know which of the evils is really the lesser?

Yeah, that's a toughie.

Let's economic illiterate whose "stimulus" plan and job-killing health-insurance reform have given us the worst recovery ever and who hasn't delivered a budget that a Democratic Senate will pass, versus a competent adult who seems to be aware of the looming entitlements crisis.

Beats me.

Steve Koch said...

Robert Cook and Bruce Hayden are on the right track. Both conservatives and dems should vigorously fight crony capitalism.

submandave said...

Don't know if it's already been explicitly mentioned, but BHO has a "Did you know?" entry that explicitly mentions himself on every President's biography since Coolidge, except for Ford. I didn't think this administration could get more banana republic, but they always manage to find a new low.

Chip Ahoy said...

Just like the early group of 87 itinerant pioneers, the Donner party, Obama has a grave concern in ending hunger for all Americans.

Chip S. said...

These threads are slightly more informative if read from the top down instead of the bottom up.

Q said...

This is simply more evidence, as if any were needed, that Obama, far from being the "communist" or "socialist" or "far leftist" so many simpletons foolishly believe him to be, is the latest White House occupant to serve as loyal vassal and flunky to the financial elites who own and rule this country.

There has never been more than a hair's breath of difference between socialism and crony capitalism. But no matter how many times the left sees socialism in action in the real world, they still cling to the notion that "it's a great idea which hasn't been tried".

Chip Ahoy said...

Enola Gay is the plane that carried the bomb dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima but Obama outdid that by dropping his own bomb.

I just realized this can go on forever and it's not that funny and the other voice told me to stop it. A real life voice, someone told me I gotta go.

Q said...

The type of socialism that Obama seems to be the most sympathetic too is the crony capitalism of the German National Socialists and Italian Fascists.

That's the Europe of today. To an increasing extent, it's also the America of today.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... I voted for Ralph Nader as the only palatable alternative to either voting for one of the major party candidates--equally whores to Wall Street.."

You seem to think that 'Wall Street' is the only corrupting force that is influencing Washington.

AARP pulls a helluva lot more sway in DC than most people imagine. Ditto the trial bar an unions who still punch way above their weight. These are all elites whose influence in policy decisions affects my paycheck.

Thorley Winston said...

Today the Obama Administration continues to protect seniors and ensure Social Security will be there for future generations.
Part of the reason for Social Security’s popularity and difficulty in enacting much-needed reforms is that so many Americans are under the misconception that they have “earned” their benefits by paying FICA taxes. Obama’s contribution to Social Security has been a “payroll tax holiday” that severs the link between the payroll tax and Social Security benefits. Ironically enough while Obama and many other progressives have fought against means-testing entitlement programs, this gimmick that Obama pushed for may be what helps pave the way.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... . Ironically enough while Obama and many other progressives have fought against means-testing entitlement programs, this gimmick thatObamapushed for may be what helps pave the way..."

Well since the Democrats have touted SS as a retirement plan, even they don't have the balls to say, well its not really one anymore and we have to means test it to save it. So if you saved for retirement, thanks for your contributions. If you didn't save, well Uncle Sugar is here for you.

damikesc said...

There's no chance Ralph Nader or any equally good candidate with a real agenda to serve the people rather than the elites will ever win the Presidency. Our system is plumb broke and t'ain't no fixin' it.



Criticized outsourcing of jobs while investing, heavily, in companies that do so.

Criticizes GE --- but his non-profit owned stock in them as well.

Treats his employees like sweat shop serfs for him.

He busted an attempt to unionize one of his magazines. When paperwork was filed, the filer was fired the next day.

He feels public interest groups shouldn't be held to legal work requirements.

He forces college students to pay him money via his college PIRG groups. If a school has one, ALL students, even non-members, has money taken as part of their fees and the process to get it back is not easy.

He's one of the few candidates who refuses to release ANY income information to the public.

His nonprofits routinely run significant profits that they invest in the stock market.

Nader is the biggest hypocrite of them all.


edutcher said...

Oh, boy! The whole country's part of the War on Women.

Or something.

Robert Cook said...

The audacity of competence.

The audacity of a thieving corporate raider and bully.

And Cook will still insist he's not in a bromance with Zero.

And he's not a socialist, either, is he?

Rusty said...

upearyRobert Cook said,
"I voted for Ralph Nader."

To which Rusty responded,
" I suppose somebody had to."

Speaking of Ralph Nader. What ever happened to that Corvair salvage yard that was in Middleton where the bypass is now?

chickelit said...

Speaking of Ralph Nader. What ever happened to that Corvair salvage yard that was in Middleton where the bypass is now?

Wow! Someone else rememebers that place. It's been there since the late 60's I think. Back then Fish Lumber out the road a ways was thriving, J.J. Fitzpatrick Lumber had become too urban plus all that westside Madison space had been built out.

Rusty said...

Chickenlittle said,
"Wow! Someone else rememebers that place. It's been there since the late 60's I think."

I started going to Cross Plaines to fish for trout in the early seventies and passed it on the way.

Anonymous said...

Social security = generational theft.
Medicare = generational theft.
Always have, but now are showing with fewer mules to pull the load.

ken in tx said...

The polls are not accurate because many people do not respond to polls. I don't because the last one I participated in was an obviously biased push poll. I hang up on them now. I have several times.

Anonymous said...

No one likes Mitt. Everyone like (correction, loves) the POTUS Obama.

He will be victories. We already know the results.

It is over for the GOP. You are finished.

kcom said...

"I didn't think this administration could get more banana republic, but they always manage to find a new low."

Thank you for nailing that. Besides being simply embarrassing, you're right that it's brought us one uncomfortable step closer to banana republichood. We should start a portrait printing business - it's de rigeur in a banana republic to have a portrait of the president (for life) in every business and office, and practically every room. Can that day be far off? He's already requiring insurance companies to obsequiously praise him for his beneficence. (I've seen that banana republic stuff up close and firsthand. How have we reached this point?)

Cedarford said...

One area Romney needs to be cautious on is foreign policy and getting so close to the old Bush Administration neocons and John McCain that he is perceived as war-thirsty.
The nation is sick of the squandering of wealth, weary of a decade of war. With another decade coming of weekly death and wounding reports on US troops and the hospitals and Dover mortuary kept busy.

The mood has shifted. We have a public that no longer feels we "owe it to" the "Noble Freedom-Lovers" of all the nations on John McCain and the Neocons "Dream wishlist of new wars of adventure and nation-building".
1. Iran
2. Burma
3. Yemen
4. The Congo
5. Saving Mexico
6. US troops to Georgia and S Ossetia.
7. Somalia
8. Syria
9. Lebanon
10. Our neocon's idea that we must act in other global brushfires. We evidently also need to send troops to find General Kony, help the Noble Sudanese...Haiti..things are bad in Liberia again.

Plus another 10 years in Iraq and Afghanistan, teaching our killers to love us, and our Special Friend Israel.
And gutting our defense spending to deter our main strategic rival, spend instead on roads to make Taliban and Shiite militia travel easier.

Even the enlisted troops share this sentiment. Polls taken show them narrowly preferring Obama over Romney. Mainly on the idea that Obama wants to not have another decade of not just loosing men, but burning out the men and equipment on endless deployments.

We have no "moral duty" to liberate the "Noble Freedom Lovers" and give them Karzais and Islamists and Iranian allies as their new leaders.
We have no "moral obligation" to our Special Friend Israel to salute and say yessir when they want a new war fought they wish to avoid the blood and treasure cost of themselves when they can make us serve their goals instead.

I support Romney. But he has to be careful of the people around him and coming off as war-thirsty and eager to buy any weapons system McCain, the Beltway Bandits want.

GetReal said...

Ooh, a Rasmussen report poll. You know it's getting bad for Obama now!!

Nate Whilk said...

Robert Cook said... Obama certainly is a creep and brutal servant of empire, a war criminal and mass murderer, a hypocrite and liar, a betrayer of those who believed (and believe still) in him.

In other words, what every progressive secretly aspires to be.

Orwell, "James Burnham and the Managerial Revolution", aka "Second Thoughts on James Burnham" (1946):

Burnham, although the English russophile intelligentsia would repudiate him, is really voicing their secret wish: the wish to destroy the old, equalitarian version of Socialism and usher in a hierarchical society where the intellectual can at last get his hands on the whip.

Gary Rosen said...

Fudd, you still beating the drum for those molesters?

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