May 25, 2012

Twice in 2 days, Obama says "my sons" when talking about the birth control mandate.

He was relying on the Teleprompter, which isn't really odd. It's the kind of mistake you make when the words aren't coming out of your own head.

I wonder if perhaps Obama is a bit tired. You know, unlike Mitt Romney, he has a whole other job in addition to presidential campaigning.


john said...

Don't tease us. What other job?

campy said...

he has a whole other job in addition

Golf pro?

geokstr said...

Ann, maybe you should listen to Mark Levin now and then. Several times a week he reads the president's official schedule for the next day. It invariably goes something like this - 10:30AM: meeting with staff, 5:00PM: meeting with the VP.

Wince said...

Well, the point is if Obama had sons they would look like Sasha and Malia.

edutcher said...

This little slip is right up there with the Intercontinental Railroad and Austrian-speaking Viennese.

I guess being the "Choom Gang"'s Stoner-Uber-Alles wiped out more gray cells than we imagined.

PS Bet you anything Mr My-Leadership-Boils-Down-To-Checking-Boxes-On-Lists hasn't been working a tenth as hard as the Romster.

Dave said...

Hmm.... so he's "lazy"? Of course, and just like Jan Brewer feeling "threatened" and that SC Rep yelling "liar" duing the State of the Union address it has NOTHING to do with race.

Who ever heard of a black man being stereotyped as being lazy?

I love checking this blog - it's like time travel to the "good old days" when "they" knew their place.

chuck said...

Obama isn't a high energy guy, I felt that he also tired out back in 2008. Not that running for president is easy, I suspect it would kill me in short order if I were the candidate, but some politicians are freaks of nature when it comes to energy level. I think they need it.

Cedarford said...

Dave, just because there was a stereotype that black men were lazy - doesn't mean that in these enlightened times it is IMPOSSIBLE for an individual black man to indeed be lazy.
And those that point it out as a belief of theirs about this or that black man are not necessarily racist/

Dave said...

"geokstr said...
Ann, maybe you should listen to Mark Levin now and then. Several times a week he reads the president's official schedule for the next day. It invariably goes something like this - 10:30AM: meeting with staff, 5:00PM: meeting with the VP."

Well, MARK LEVIN would know.

But, for example, go to May 1, 2011 and look at the Presiden't schedule that day. Spoiler Alert: "No Public Schedule" That doesn't mean "gone golfing." It means he was watching to see if he had made the right call sending in the SEALS rather than bombs to kill Bin Laden.

Anonymous said...

You're just traveling in the paths of your own mind, Dave.

CWJ said...

Oh lord professor, I do hope, I do hope, your sarcasm tag was on when you typed this post.

I try to give people some slack, but I can't believe it if you were serious.

yashu said...

OK, so sometimes it's hard for me to tell, but Dave was being sarcastic, right?

Right? Please tell me that was sarcasm. (If it was sarcasm-- I'm pretty sure that had to be sarcasm-- well done, Dave.)

Anonymous said...

Back to the subject if the post. Perhaps Barry isn't making a mistake. Perhaps he isn't tired or, heaven forbid, lazy.

Perhaps he is slowing evolving to the possibility of a GLBT change for his two daughters.

dbp said...

Somehow this, "he has a whole other job in addition to presidential campaigning." made me think of a key part of Office Space

Joanna: So you're gonna quit?
Peter Gibbons: Nuh-uh. Not really. Uh... I'm just gonna stop going.
Joanna: When did you decide all that?
Peter Gibbons: About an hour ago.
Joanna: Oh, really? About an hour ago... so you're gonna get another job?
Peter Gibbons: I don't think I'd like another job.
Joanna: Well, what are you going to do about money and bills and...
Peter Gibbons: You know, I've never really liked paying bills. I don't think I'm gonna do that, either.
Joanna: Well, so what do you wanna do?
Peter Gibbons: I wanna take you out to dinner, and then I wanna go back to my apartment and watch 'Kung Fu'. Do you ever watch 'Kung Fu'?

jungatheart said...

Calling his daughters sons sounds like a Freudian slip, fatigue related, or not.

CWJ said...

No Dave, he's lazy. Perhaps both intellectually and physically, but assuredly mostly intellectually.

Dave said...

"Cedarford said...
Dave, just because there was (sic) a stereotype that black men were lazy - doesn't mean .....those that point it out as a belief of theirs about this or that black man are not necessarily racist."

True enough... But if that black man is the President of the United States - the belief is not only incredibly stupid but probably racist as well.

Gene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gene said...

Maybe Obama wasn't misspeaking when he talked about his sons. He smoked a lot of pot as a young man. Maybe as he followed in his father's footsteps some of his former girlfriends ended up with buns in the oven.

yashu said...

And this after "if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."

If I was Obama's daughter, and he kept talking about his nonexistent sons, I might feel a little hurt.

Dave said...

What a pathetic bitter sarcastic bunch....

dbp said...

"Dave, just because there was (sic) a stereotype that black men were lazy - doesn't mean .....those that point it out as a belief of theirs about this or that black man are not necessarily racist."

True enough... But if that black man is the President of the United States - the belief is not only incredibly stupid but probably racist as well."

That is a good point: Why would a lazy man want to be president? Everybody knows that it is highly demanding. Maybe he is stupid AND lazy. Or maybe he thought it would be fun, but it is just a drag and he doesn't like the work.

conundrum solved!

CWJ said...

No, Dave, its you who are not willing to put the effort into the conversation other than to invoke tired stereotypes that no one here even suggested. Its you!

CWJ said...

Dave, sometimes there is no dog whistle. We can't be held responsible if you keep hearing it.

bagoh20 said...

I'll tell you what's supremely lazy: playing the race card. Virtually every other argument that can be made takes more thought. That doesn't mean everyone is capable of that minimum level of work, but they should be before their mom lets them use the computer.

Anonymous said...

"What a pathetic bitter sarcastic bunch..."

Sorry, Dave. It appears you're the only member of his cult here at the moment.

gk1 said...

Obama already looks beaten like GHWBush did in the last few weeks of the 92' election. Listless, tired, just going through the motions. At this rate he'll probably vote for Romney just so he can retire and play even more golf.

traditionalguy said...

The dude is pushing 51 and he has to remember hundreds of lies that he tells differently to different people everyday. That wears a 50 something's mind down.

We used to say a con man would lose his touch in his early 40s when people's desire to over look the handsome man's errors usually ran out as his appearance aged.
The slim and trim Obama with the great year round tan has gone way past that date.

But now its all catching up to him like the "One Horse Shay" story told by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I think it was a rhetorical "my" with the meaning of everyone being his child.

Kinda creepy, actually.

Bender said...

In advocating for the chemical sterilization of his daughters, Obama is effectively wanting to destroy what is inherently feminine and make it so that they are more or less like sons to him.

But what kind of punk uses his own daughters as political tools?

Chip S. said...

Any day now he's going to start his speeches with "Friends, Romans, countrymen..."

The good news is that he wont' need a TelePrompter.

NitneLiun said...

On the day Bin Laden was killed, Obama was indeed on the golf course. If you construct a timeline of that day's events from MSM reports and White House statements, it is clear that Obama was on the golf course 45-60 minutes after the SEALS had taken off from their base in Afghanistan.

Unknown said...

Blogger Dave said...
5/25/12 5:30 PM

'Who ever heard of a black man being stereotyped as being lazy?

'I love checking this blog - it's like time travel to the "good old days" when "they" knew their place.'

For some reason this reminds me of the "Jew eat?" sequence in Annie Hall. Stretching. Really stretching.

Cincinnatus said...

Its TOTUS messing with POTUS.

As for that "other job" besides campaigning, I've never seen any evidence that Obama is interested in it at all.

edutcher said...

Dave said...

What a pathetic bitter sarcastic bunch...

Well, you were the one who chose to hang with the KosKidz.

Amartel said...

When KosKid Dave sees a story about Obama making yet another unforced error relying on his teleprompter he automatically thinks "lazy black man."

I think "Ron Burgundy."

PackerBronco said...

I think Dave needs some therapy sessions to deal with his obvious racist tendencies. I mean c'mon, someone says the word "lazy" and Dave immediately thinks "lazy black". Take your KKK hood elsewhere Dave.

Michael K said...

"he has a whole other job in addition

Golf pro?"

You beat me to it. I was going to add that I played golf from age 9 until age 70 and it isn't that tiring, especially if you ride.

Michael K said...

"the belief is not only incredibly stupid but probably racist as well."

I would say that applies to your comment, too, Dave

yashu said...

I'll tell you what's supremely lazy: playing the race card.

Oh, but bagoh, you're mistaken. To play the race card well is no slapdash affair; apparently it takes training:

House Democrats received training this week on how to address the issue of race to defend government programs, according to training materials obtained by The Washington Examiner.

The prepared content of a Tuesday presentation to the House Democratic Caucus and staff indicates that Democrats will seek to portray apparently neutral free-market rhetoric as being charged with racial bias, conscious or unconscious.

In her distributed remarks, Maya Wiley of the Center for Social Inclusion criticized "conservative messages [that are] racially 'coded' and had images of people of color that we commonly see used" and proposed tactics for countering the Republicans' (presumably) racially-coded rhetoric. […]

As samples of race-coded rhetoric, Wiley reminded the Democrats of statements by Republican presidential candidates Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich. Of Gingrich's famous comment about President Obama, her distributed remarks note, "Calling a Black man 'the food stamp president' is not a race-neutral statement, even if Newt Gingrich did not intend racism."

But the threshold for what constitutes racially charged messaging is not always so high. One of Santorum's cited comments was: "Give them more food stamps, give them more Medicaid is the administration's approach, rather than creating jobs." She also cited this comment from House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., about raising taxes to fund government programs: "I've never believed that you go raise taxes on those that are paying in, taking from them, so that you just hand out and give them to someone else." […]

Democrats are busy attending academic seminars on how to play the race card! How can you say that's lazy?

Rick said...

That is a great thought and reference.
However, that shay was well-built and designed to last.
Nevertheless, it went to pieces "All at once, and nothing first,--
Just as bubbles do when they burst."
I hope you are correct and that we are witnessing the bursting of the Obama bubble.

Christy said...

I laughed at the time that the my-son-would-look-like-Trayvon comment was too much of the stereotype about all black people looking alike.

Penny said...

According to this article, if ONLY he'd just made this "mistake" twice.

Penny said...

Wondering now when Althouse is going to add yet another Obama tag.

"Obama, our Father"

...who art in heaven....

Icepick said...

You know, unlike Mitt Romney, he has a whole other job in addition to presidential campaigning.


Penny said...

Althouse said, "It's the kind of mistake you make when the words aren't coming out of your own head."

Obama, the cipher?

Wow, just so many choices when you're a lightworker, or even a light worker.

yashu said...

My advice to Obama, try to habituate yourself into using the royal "we."

That way you can be as narcissistic as you naturally are, without always seeming so.

David said...

Dave said...
Hmm.... so he's "lazy"? Of course, and just like Jan Brewer feeling "threatened" and that SC Rep yelling "liar" duing the State of the Union address it has NOTHING to do with race.

Who ever heard of a black man being stereotyped as being lazy?

I love checking this blog - it's like time travel to the "good old days" when "they" knew their place.

Dave, you're right. It's actually that he's not all that smart.

pm317 said...

He was relying on the Teleprompter, which isn't really odd. It's the kind of mistake you make when the words aren't coming out of your own head.

People like us noticed this during primary 2008 and blogged about it. Where were you and others?

Robert said...

The younger one clearly is female but that older kid may very well possess a Y chromosome.

Obama's gotta wonder. I mean.............woof.

Paul said...


Obama isn't tired. HE IS ON DRUGS. Got that? He was a coke head in college. He supposedly gave up smoking, dope, drink,etc.. but now look at him. He drinks, he smokes, and I bet he is back on coke.

Wake up and see what a looser he really is.

Jose_K said...

Freudian slip? an out of the wedlock son?
Does he have a PGA ´s card? i tought he was amateur

Danno said...

This guy may have a second job, but he hasn't spent any time in this capacity. Frankly, he started campaigning for US Senate after he was elected to the IL Senate, and started campaigning for President right after he got into the US Senate, so there is a pattern here.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

It's the kind of mistake you make when the words aren't coming out of your own head


And when your sole claim to fame is being able to effectively parrot the words that others have written for you that appear on a teleprompter. Very much like an actor repeating lines that he has almost... sort of... committed to memory, but didn't really spend all that much time in preparation and has to be given the lines: sotto voice from the side of the stage.

Perhaps Obama needs to get some glasses to be able to read his script a bit better?

Is there any more evidence that this man is an empty suit. A puppet. Howdy Doody. Manipulated by ??? A man with no real past, present....and (God help us, please) no more future presence on the political stage. Retire to Hawaii and play golf for the rest of his natural life and be condemned to spend all other time with bitter wide assed Michelle.

Jane the Actuary said...

Oh, come on -- that wasn't a stumble. That was a speechwriter deciding it was a nice rhetorical pairing, and no one cared that it wasn't actually accurate. It's Fake but Accurate! (TM)

Seven Machos said...

Obama reminds me more and more of George H.W. Bush these days as he campaigns.

I am still waiting for Obama to throw up on someone in East Asia. How will the leftists in the media spin that? He's working so hard for the American people...

el polacko said...

he means to say OUR sons and daughters but, in narcissist-speak, everything comes out my, me, i, i, i.

george said...

Obama certainly seems to have a surfeit of imaginary sons these days. Nice to see Trayvon has a brother.

It may have just been a rhetorical device that failed. He wanted to emphasize an equality between boys and girls and he tried to personalize it so he ended up muddying the waters. It is figurative speech. Those are his figurative sons.

Obama tends to get the royal "we" and "I" thing messed up. If he had said "our" sons and daughters instead of "my" then it would have worked better. But that would require him to acknowledge that someone other than him exists as an equal and he is at heart a narcissistic solipsist.

At best our existence can be acknowledged as being beneath him. Just like we are all God's children all of us are Obama's sons and daughters. Just be glad that he included us at all.

sfw said...

When are you yanks going to realise that Obama just isn't very clever? I mean it the man isn't very bright. He can speak well and suck people in but really he isn't much more than a con man. He has conned the lot of you. You have bought yourself a monorail and placed it in the White House.

pm317 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pm317 said...

We blogged about his teleprompter problem in 2008 and funny, people are catching up now. Here is an article from early 2009. Hilarious! Must read. I used it in this post on a blog I wrote for in those days.

MayBee said...

I've lost track of why Bush was so easy for comedians to make fun of, but Obama is not so hi-larious.

Amartel said...

Hey, sfw @ 2:08a.m.
Don't you all have your own s/elected embarrassment to attend to?

sfw said...

Hi Amartel

You're correct, we do have a morally dubious, chronic liar as our Prime Minister. The difference is that she didn't get the majority vote she has a minority government. People don't swoon at the sound of her voice and I can't think of anyone who has claimed that she is intelligent. Let us be honest - she got the job because she is a woman. Whereas your Obama won a Peace Prize for what? He gives tingles to peoples legs and is claimed to be the most intelligent person to ever be POTUS. He's nothing like that, in another time he would be selling Florida swampland or Patent Medicine. Why did all you yanks try to expiate your slavery guilt by electing him? It would have been better for all if you had just paid all slave descendants a million dollars each and inflated it away. At least your economy would still be functioning and the brief burst of inflation would soon be over. Suckers! Well most of you.

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