[Michael] Caputo, 55, said male staffers complained about Travolta removing his towel, grinding against the massage table and lifting his butt in the air.
“These are signs to a massage therapist that he was trying to see how much he could get away with,” said Caputo. “They went to management.”...
But [Travolta's lawyer Marty] Singer offered another explanation for Caputo’s charges: The masseur is likely a “disgruntled employee” looking for publicity.
May 12, 2012
"Travolta would always request a man for his massage, but after a while no one would take him because of his inappropriate behavior..."
"It got to the point where they couldn’t find any men to take him, and they had to ban him..."
As I've mentioned, if Travolta wanted a gay male massage therapist who would perform sexual services, he could have found one easily enough. He would not have had to try his luck with a random therapist. For that reason, I don't believe this lawsuit has any merit.
Rosalie "Hotsy" Totzi, when reached, was said to be "devastated".
Out here in So Cal there is S*****ology compound outside of Moreno Valley that hosts celebrities.
People that have provided services to the compound have talked for years here locally about Travolta and Cruise and their gay parties. It's not a very well kept "secret".
Peter - John's fetish level may also require trying to get off in front of straight guys. There's plenty of fire behind this smoke if anyone really cares to dig further. Your thought's on a lawsuit being a loser? Not a chance: a settlement, like numerous before - is a sure thing.
And this message was brought to you by the Gays Are Just Like You And Me Foundation.
Donations requested (doesn't have to be money,...)
Travolta is a bad homosexual because he forced himself on others.
As opposed to the good homosexuals at NAMBLA.
As long as his movies don't suck.. I don't see how this is any of our business ;)
Don't point your finger at me.. It worked for Clinton.
"When Joe was going to do something, he didn't think - he just did it."
I love that line.
Listen, since I always want to be as politically correct as possible - and in that effort, get all my talking points from Joe Biden, who said Will & Grace was "the best argument for gay marriage" - I've got a question:
Which episode will most help me understand how to process this behavior?
I've been waiting for the John Edwards Sex Tape to be released, so I can understand Democrats on Womyn's Issues better, but considering the events of the last few days, this seems much more vitally important to the education a neanderthal like me is so obviously in need of,...
I don't think this is a gay thing as opposed to a liberal man with power thing. Travolta's actions are not so different than Al Gore's shenanigans with a female masseuse.
John Travolta was not in Colombia.. John Travolta didn't have no wide stance at no airport bathroom.. and John Travolta didn't tweet a picture of his private to no one.
You people should back off!
In that linked picture, Travolta is starting to look like Herman Munster.
Travolta's lawyer is right. It's only the disgruntled employees who are saying this. Other employees considered it an honor to be gruntled by Travolta.
Apparently the original masseuse had his dates wrong. He also filed as John Doe, which is total bullshit. Maybe Travolta is guilty, but to file a lawsuit anonymously is a totally chicken shit maneuver.
Chase's theory of a settlement is exactly what's going on her. It's legal extortion. If Travolta really did this, the masseuse should have punched him in the face and left.
Which episode will most help me understand how to process this behavior?
Well, of course, looking to that show for guidance is the first mistake.
If you want to know how to process this behavior, do NOT watch Will and Grace, and in so ignoring it, you will understand to process these things by ignoring them as well.
How the hell is it any of my business what Travolta does or does not do in his sex life?? I know that in this age of Fluck people seem to think that it is my business (and that I should subsidize it), but it really isn't my business.
David Burge @iowahawkblog
20 years ago I vowed I'd have more money than Mike Tyson and more chicks than John Travolta & Tom Cruise. #missionaccomplished
If you don't follow @iowahawkblog, you should.
Being a closeted homosexual is a bad thing and should be actively discouraged. Being out is liberating and works to dispell society's prejudices. The exception to this is if you're a Hollywood star. In that case, it's ok to remain in the closet and no one will think badly of you---unless, of course, you should foolishly and impulsively support a Republican. In that case you will be promptly outed, and the world will despise you. So long as John Travolta and Tom Cruise do not support any Republican causes, they will be allowed to hang in the closet, and their careers will not be harmed.
Rosalie "Hotsy" Totzi, when reached, was said to be "devastated".
As well as dead.
"Being a closeted homosexual is a bad thing and should be actively discouraged."
I think the homosexual community has a nature view of it. If you "out" the closet homosexuals, and so they do not reproduce as much, you will deplete the gene pool for homosexuals.
On the other hand, if you try to convert homosexuals into heterosexuals, and there is/are homosexual genes, you replicate the genes, and carry them on.
My favorite part was the look on the guy's face when the jet that was sent to fetch him landed right on Travolta's own property and taxied directly into Travolta's extended house that accepts passenger jets.
kcom said...
Rosalie "Hotsy" Totzi, when reached, was said to be "devastated".
As well as dead.
I didn't even know she was sick!
Travolta was just in the wrong town.
I just want to sing.
I've heard the name, and know he flies his own commercial jet, which has to cost a lot.
Just keeping up a Piper Cub sized airplane sets you back a couple hundred dollars a year, not counting oil changes.
The real hidden gem of this blog is the skill of the commentators. Amazed to see Hotsy Totsie reference and then later a link to her death. Then a link to Travolta's home jet port plus the Iowahawk tweet. Bravo to all of you. It really doesn't get any better.
Considering Travolia's wife, children, and such, I kind of doubt the whole story.
And if they are lying, then Travolia should SUE them to the fullest extent of the law.
When Travolta flies his airplanes, he likes to dress up in a sparkling white captain's uniform. That seems a bit gay, nttiawwt.
There seems to be little doubt that he has a thing for men. He probably doesn't want to come out of the closet because it makes him less believable as a romantic lead.
It makes sense that gays would have a disproportionately large representation in Hollywood.
Considering Travolia's wife, children, and such, I kind of doubt the whole story.
And if they are lying, then Travolia should SUE them to the fullest extent of the law.
Ya know, it's not unheard of for gay Hollywood stars to get married in order to conceal their sexuality. Just sayin'.
The truth? You can't handle the truth!.
As a hetro male who has been propositioned by gay males ... lets see over half a dozen.... less than a score. It's no big deal. Nothing so sue over. just say no. It's not like he is your drill Sargent.
"grinding against the massage table and lifting his butt in the air."...
So is someone trying to say that this is inappropriate behavior??? It would explain why I've had a tough time getting a rub down since that episode with the high school athletic trainer.
What makes Travolta less believable as a romantic lead is the ravages of time. If he were still young and macho looking he'd be a romantic lead no matter what his sexual preferences are.
wyo sis said...
"What makes Travolta less believable as a romantic lead is the ravages of time. If he were still young and macho looking he'd be a romantic lead no matter what his sexual preferences are."
So your point is that wrt sexual attractiveness, looks are everything and the sexual orientation of the guy is irrelevant. Probably a lot of people disagree with that.
For example, Neil Patrick Harris plays a womanizer on "How I met your mother". In real life, Neil is gay. When I see him pretend to be a ladies man, I just don't believe it because I know he is gay.
Coming out of the closet is not a good career move for an actor who plays romantic lead roles.
When I see him pretend to be a ladies man, I just don't believe it because I know he is gay.
I had the same problem with the latest Avengers Movie. I know the guy who plays Thor is *not* a God so I just didn't believe when he played one.
I knew Marty Singer years ago. He is definitely a business lawyer and not a trial lawyer. I suspect we will see a settlement or another lawyer soon.
Steve: I see what you mean.
I know Bruce Springsteen is a flaming liberal, so I can't stand his music.
I know Barbra Streisand is an idiot so I can't enjoy her in a role that portrays her as a smart person. I know the Nuge is a right wing hunter so I never listen to his music. I know the Osmonds are Mormons so all my memories of them are ruined. I had the same trouble with Eric McCormack.
I still think this was all done by Nic Cage wearing Travolta's face.
It's pretty common knowledge that Travolta and Cruise joined Scientology to try and "pray out the gay." Maybe they should have tried the Mormons.
I thought it was OK to be gay now; did I miss something? Is he Republican?
I've been hinting that I might try giving gayness a spin, but now it looks like a lot of work and disappointment. I already got that, and the shine has really come off of being gay. It's just another victims club now, and the easiest lay of the President's one night stands. He simply said: "I agree with you", and bingo - the panties were off.
I'm not getting anywhere near that murderous bus of his, and if I go gay, and still dislike the President, I won't ever get laid. Except maybe if I run into Travolta who seems desperate enough to not care.
Nope. I'm staying put in the good old hetero clan, where you can still be independent, and wear cheap shoes.
Ya know, it's not unheard of for gay Hollywood stars to get married in order to conceal their sexuality. Just sayin'.
Just what are you sayin'?
Are you sayin' that, although we are told that being gay is absolutely positively not a chosen lifestyle or activity, that heterosexuality is a choice? That a gay guy can get it up with a woman and have sex with her repeatedly merely by choosing to do so?
So no one is bothered that the first section that was supposed to contain the word "faceless" did not contain the word "faceless"?
Instead this is a free projection bitch at Barack Obama thread?
I thought it was OK to be gay now; did I miss something? Is he Republican?
No, Travolta's a Scientologist - and a Democrat - but it's not O.K. to be a gay Scientologist. It also isn't O.K. to have autism - which Travolta's late son, Jett, had - so John claimed his boy had Kawasaki disease, which could be blamed on "toxins" and not Travolta's own genetics. The kid died while in the care of Travolta's boyfriend/nanny.
You see, Travolta's muti-million dollar investment in Scientology's "auditing" and e-meter sessions make him "clear" - so he doesn't have imperfections. Or he can't, anyway. Otherwise, Scientology doesn't work, and John's blown a whole lot of money on a dead con man's scam - just like Mitt Romney - but that can't be true, right? Of course not. He paid the fucking money.
And, as Cyndi Lauper sang, money changes everything,...
i thought it was common knowledge that travolta has, and has had for years, a habit of popping-up, so to speak, at steamrooms all around the greater los angeles area. guess that was just local lore.
I don't CARE!!!!
Maybe I'm being non-evolved, or parochial, or sexist, or racist...whatever! I don't freaking care if Travolta likes guys! I don't care if Neil Patrick Harris flogs bats while wearing diapers while a S and M nun spanks him with a cat-o-nine tails!
I like to watch Harris act, he's funny. I like to listen to Babs sing, she does okay. I like Springsteens stuff, you can dance to it.
What they do in their own time, with their own money and their own people is their business. It's not news, it's gossip. And if it isn't family gossip, I...JUST...DO...NOT...CARE!!!
Sorry for the rant...carry on.
I don't follow the gossip pages, if Travolta's child died from him doing something stupid, I'd say he's being punished enough. I'd rather be in a country where we allow people to fuck up, than a dictatorship that tells us whats best for us and our children.
TIME outed him in passing in 1991, in their vicious takedown of Scientology. (paywall). What's the big deal now?
"I don't CARE!!!!"
You keep using that phrase. I don't think it means what you think it means.
As I've mentioned, if Travolta wanted a gay male massage therapist who would perform sexual services, he could have found one easily enough. He would not have had to try his luck with a random therapist. For that reason, I don't believe this lawsuit has any merit.
Except that maybe Travolta didn't want that sort of specific service, precisely because of his celebrity. Maybe Travolta counted on his celebrity to let him get away with the sort of behavior he's accused of (and it seems it did, for a while).
Also, remember that Travolta's religion, Scientology, does not condone homosexuality, and condemns it as a "danger" to society (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology_and_sexual_orientation). So Travolta, who is a high profile member of that religion, was probably trying to avoid running into conflicts with his religion. And I'm not making excuses or criticisms of his religion, it just is one of the possible explanations for why this seems to be an issue.
Are you sayin' that, although we are told that being gay is absolutely positively not a chosen lifestyle or activity, that heterosexuality is a choice? That a gay guy can get it up with a woman and have sex with her repeatedly merely by choosing to do so?
Just sayin' that Travolta having a wife and kids doesn't prove he's straight. No idea what the mechanics of their arrangement may have been.
As long as he stays away from too many stinkers like Battlefield Earth, and makes more near the level of Pulp Fiction I don't see how anybody cares.
"How the hell is it any of my business what Travolta does or does not do in his sex life?? I know that in this age of Fluck people seem to think that it is my business (and that I should subsidize it), but it really isn't my business."
Cause generally as a society, we frown upon sexual assault. If true. Weird,and judgmental to you apparently, but there it is.
"For example, Neil Patrick Harris plays a womanizer on "How I met your mother". In real life, Neil is gay. When I see him pretend to be a ladies man, I just don't believe it because I know he is gay."
I find it very believable. What with him being a actor and all. I bet you have a hell of a time with the James Bond movies. turns out non of the actors who played him are spies with a license to kill. And spoiler alert, the guy that plays House? Not a actual Dr. In the movie 2001? None of them are actual astronauts.
if Travolta's child died from him doing something stupid, I'd say he's being punished enough.
Awww, how big of you, to simply write off a child's life. Any other unnecessary deaths you wanna condone? How about the Jews in the Holocaust? The Nazis were pretty awash in NewAge beliefs during all that, should we have just said Germany suffered enough from humiliation and shame, say, and let them off the hook? There's no need in prosecuting any crimes because they - not the Jews - suffered enough?
And you guys wonder why I rail as I do sometimes.
You're sick.
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