May 15, 2012

MLB fires arbitrator who overturned Ryan Braun's drug suspension.

CBS reports:
MLB informed [Shyam] Das and the players' association of its decision last week. Das had been baseball's permanent arbitrator since 1999, part of what technically is a three-man panel that also includes a representative of management and labor....

Baseball's collective bargaining agreement says the arbitrator can be removed by the players' association or management at any time with written notice.


Patrick said...

I wonder if they've fired the guy who leaked Braun's test results.

ndspinelli said...
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ndspinelli said...

This arbitrator made a similar ruling on a 2 time offendor. However, he was just hired by the NFL to hear the bounty grievance. Like bozo coaches and managers, for reasons I can never understand, some just keep getting hired.

BarrySanders20 said...

I think the guy probably has integrity. He knew he would probably be fired if he threw out the test on the chain-of-custody theory, but did it anyway because he did not think it was fair to the players. That takes courage because it was against his own self interest. Admire him for that if nothing else.

kjbe said...

Guess they didn't like his answer.

And Patrick, I wonder that, too.

BarrySanders20 said...

The guy who leaked the the test results was an expert that Braun's attorneys were considering hiring for testimony in preparation of the case. That is why it never went anywhere -- it was either sloppiness by Ryan's own team or an unethical or negligent third party they provided the information to.

ndspinelli said...

BarrySanders20, There may have been a little courage on Das' part. But there was probably more temerity. He was a liberal arbitrator by any reasonable assessment. He overruled MLB in a nasty incident where Kenny Rogers[not the singer] pushed a camera into the face of the cameraman. And, as I said, a 2 time offendor for the Rockies got off by the precedent set by Das.

Barry, There are liberal and conserative judges. Federal judges are untouchable and answer to no one. However, the vast majority of judges are elected and accountable. All of the defenders of Braun state that the letter of the agreement was not followed and therefore the ruling was righteous. Reasonable people can disgree on that, and you have a history of being reasonable. Using that same criteria, the arbitrator serves @ the pleasure of both the Players Assoc. and MLB. The relationship can be terminated by either party w/o cause. So, maybe he was courageous. Or, maybe he thought past was prologue and he could rule as he pleased w/o consequences. He was wrong. As have been many arrogant judges.

raf said...

If MLB really is serious about de-drugging the game, this was probably a good move. Regardless of the integrity of the arbitrator, his presence (and history) could arguably encourage the belief among some players that they can use drugs with more-or-less impunity because they can always win the appeal in arbitration. Whoever the new guy will be, the fact that there is a perception that this guy was fired for being drug-lenient should create an expectation that the next guy will be biased in the other direction. Doesn't matter if it's true, the moral hazard is related to the perception.

wv: htsmen. relevant.

The rule of Lemnity said...
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The rule of Lemnity said...

His job was safe as long as he didn't do it

Lyle said...

So MLB was trying to railroad Ryan Braun? That's what it looks like to me now.

Lyle said...


Why is the fired arbitrator a "bozo"? Did he hit his wife or something?

traditionalguy said...

The Judicial Power has to be run on technicalities (a/k/a Laws) or it will run on favoring the most powerful in society.

I loved the scene in Amistad when the Queen of Spain and her gang could not figure out why the King of America could not just order the Judges to rule.

Those were the good old days!

This guy was eliminated for treason to the Emperor when he dared to follow the law.

ndspinelli said...

Lyle, If someone hits their wife they are much worse than a bozo in my mind. Das has made bozo decisions, Braun's not being the first. Bozo is as bozo does. Everyone would admit he was much more aligned to the union than MLB. He believes in very specific rules and made his decision accordingly. He showed little nuance as liberals like to say. MLB followed the rules in terminating him. Everyone agrees w/ that. You think he was astute and courageous. I think he was a bozo partisan and arrogant. We'll just have to disagree on this.

ndspinelli said...

traditionalguy, Practicing your hyperbole skills?

Bender said...

If major league baseball had a real commissioner, rather than a hack shadow owner, there would be little need for arbitrators.

ndspinelli said...

Bender, I agree totally w/ you on Selig. He's a triple bozo. However, w/ a union there has to be some arbitration hearings.

Lyle said...


I never said he was astute and courageous. I am saying that I don't he's a bozo.

And hopefully MLB wasn't try to railroad Ryan Braun.

ndspinelli said...

Why would baseball try and railroad their MVP. I assure you, when the test came back positive on an MVP from Selig's old team and a member of his tribe he said, "Oh fuck me!!"