But a 1997 Fordham Law Review piece described her as Harvard Law School's "first woman of color," based, according to the notes at the bottom of the story, on a "telephone interview with Michael Chmura, News Director, Harvard Law (Aug. 6, 1996)."Yikes. What a title. I remember when titles like that were everywhere.
The mention was in the middle of a lengthy and heavily-annotated Fordham piece on diversity and affirmative action and women. The title of the piece, by Laura Padilla, was "Intersectionality and positionality: Situating women of color in the affirmative action dialogue."...
May 15, 2012
"Fordham piece called Warren Harvard Law's 'first woman of color.'"
Politico reports:
She looks kinda pale to me, but that's why not only Lizzie, But Haavahd, went along with this charade.
Is "chalk" a color?
She's decribed as palefaced.
It's nice to know affirmative action was so successful in Warren's case.
I'm so relieved to know the progressive elite have color harmony mastered.
Woman of color?
Is opaque a color?
I've seen albinos with more color.
I didn't know Chmura went to Harvard prior to playing for the Packers.
There's not one document by which Elizabeth Warren can prove herself.
I wonder how effective a DNA test might be.
She's s woman of color and Zimmerman is a "white hispanic" Only in liberal bizzarro world.
I've known Mike Chmura from the Boston live music scene since the 1980's. A real nice guy.
He's now doing PR at Babson College.
He's named in all the old 1990s Warren HLS press stories. I suspect he's in "no comment" hiding.
Even the librul MSM is unable to erect a smoke screen around this story.
Is this the Warren Women I keep hearing so much about?
"Intersectionality and positionality: Situating women of color in the affirmative action dialogue."...
Academia nuts.
I don't get it. How is she still in the race (no pun intended)?
To be fair, white is a reflection of all colors. So she technically fits any color you want her to be. She is the person my daughter would be if she were ROYGBIV.
Scott, just cite Fen's law. Progressives don't REALLY care about what they lecture us about.
"Intersectionality and positionality: Situating women of color in the affirmative action dialogue."
Available in hardcover in Hell's library.
Right next to Four Trials by John Edwards, and Snow Falling on Cedars by David Guterson.
It's the self righteousness that is and always was galling.
The Official Warren Campaign "Live Streaming Web Cam".
The bad news is that Elizabeth Warren is 0/32 Cherokee. The good news is that she could well be the next CEO of Yahoo.
Jane: "I wonder how effective a DNA test might be."
Completely ineffective, even if it reveals no injun blood. Warren has always considered herself a squaw, based on that marriage application from her great-great-great grandmother from 1890-something, that she stumbled upon in the family scrap-book.
So that's how she's always lived her life, and that's how she's always been perceived by those around her, and she's always had to face the same persecution and bigotry that she would have faced had she actually been Cherokee.
That will be their next argument.
The headline should have read:
Affirmative Action at Harvard. Law professor promoted to "woman of color" despite utter dearth of qualifications.
The funny thing is that now after 26 years of scoffing up someone else's benefits by a strategic lie on her resume is about to come to an end... she wants everybody to feel sorry for her.
Con Men/women really do begin thinking that what they steal is an acceptible part of the system.
I blame Scott Walker.
This reminds me of what Fred Sanford had to say on this subject.
Female Injun Hired, Male Injun Still Looking
In the privileged categories game of musical chairs
Positional advantage at the intersectional moment
Twofers beat onesers at the fairness stakes fairs.
"Academia nuts."
This time, not dipped in chocolate!
traditionalguy said...
The funny thing is that now after 26 years of scoffing up someone else's benefits by a strategic lie on her resume is about to come to an end... she wants everybody to feel sorry for her.
Banish that thought. She's the one who "played it forward."
At some point Harvard Law will start to care about damage control.
To be fair, white is the reflection of all colors. Therefore, she is simply a reflection of whichever color you want her to be. If I had a daughter ROYGBIV, she would look like Elizabeth Warren.
Female Injun Hired, Male Injun Still Looking
In the privileged categories game of musical chairs
Positionally advantaged at the intersectional moment
Twofers take the chair. It's only right and fair!
So who is going to interview Michael Chmura? LinkedIn says that he is the Director of Public Relations at Babson College in the Greater Boston Area.
He wouldn't be the the brother of the former Packer tight end, would he?
position and intersection. A savings of 5 letters each for a total savings of 10 letters.
Chip Ahoy said:
position and intersection. A savings of 5 letters each for a total savings of 10 letters.
see if you can trim any from these babblings from a couple of genius academics who are WAAAAY smarter than us and stuff:
If, for a while, the ruse of desire is calculable for the uses of discipline soon the repetition of guilt, justification, pseudo-scientific theories, superstition, spurious authorities, and classifications can be seen as the desperate effort to “normalize” formally the disturbance of a discourse of splitting that violates the rational, enlightened claims of its enunciatory modality.
The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power.
Homi K. Babba and Judith Butler, respectively. But not respectfully. Why do these idiots have jobs?
"Intersectionality and positionality: Situating women of color in the affirmative action dialogue."...
Elizabeth Warren is situated at the intersection of Up-jumped Avenue and Bootlicker Way. Her positionality changes with the wind.
Funny how the personal is political until it is inconvenient and then it is not.
I've seen better writing in legal briefs.
Ya'll stop picking on Little White Dove!!
Liberals and the media have a love for her as big as the sky. Stop making them so sad!
(It would be interested to see if she taught her son and daughter to manipulate the AA system as well. They are grown ups now in their late 30s. Did they get the place of some other white or minority in a university? Or go right to the front of the hiring and promotion line later on perpetuating the fraud Mommy started?)
"Intersectionality and positionality: Situating women of color in the affirmative action dialogue."...
Forget about Warren, I can see the Laura Padilla is senatorial timber.
C$ wrote: It would be interested to see if she taught her son and daughter to manipulate the AA system as well.
Wouldn't that just be the 1/64th dollar question...
That is simply pathetic.
Titles like that are still everywhere in Religious Studies.
Given how the world works these days, I'm surprised that no *actual* woman of color stepped forward to say she applied for the same position at Harvard and was not accepted. Or even another white woman, for that matter, who lost out on that job to Warren.
To my mind, this whole thing has always felt like a networked back room deal from the very beginning, with Warren doing Harvard the favor by identifying herself as a minority to meet their AA goal.
@ TML 4:40.
It's a mental disorder.
In mental health schizophrenics do schizophasia / word salad.
Here we have an example of what academia nuts do : _________.
I'll find the name for in in a bit. (Or some ofyou can help.)
But it is real.
captcha: acessubl
newage spelling
Do you attack Elizabeth Warren because she is a prolific and well-regarded scholar rather than some sinecure that hasn't done a lick of serious, valuable scholarship in ages?
"see if you can trim any from these babblings from a couple of genius academics who are WAAAAY smarter than us and stuff"
Quote 1 = The boy who cried wolf
Quote 2 = Might makes right - history shows this - and capital is might.
Hey get real. What sincure do you have in mind?
Obviously, you're late to the party and have missed several of Ann's posts noting that Warren was almost certainly one of several well-qualified candidates. All she's questioned is the extent to which fauxcahontas got a leg up on the competition.
So unless you're willing to say that Warren would have blown away the competition, you've got no point.
GetReal, she's not well regarded by me. Her research into a field I practice in was a load of horse manure. Specifically the "study" of bankruptcy and medical costs that she put out in a hack job to influence the health care debate.
On the other hand get real, now that you mention it, I CAN think of a Harvard Law alumnus that fits your latter characterization to a tee.
@Get real: false dichotomy much?
Do you attack Elizabeth Warren because she is a prolific and well-regarded scholar rather than some sinecure that hasn't done a lick of serious, valuable scholarship in ages?
Silly commenter...lack of accomplishment is why we mock Obama. Warren's mockery is due to the mounting evidence of her dishonest abuse of affirmative action.
Lots of reasons to criticize, so don't feel bad about getting confused.
What is the name for deconstructionist feminist sociological jargon in books it is a joy to trash?
Schizovoiding? Deliriumeming? Pretenciositizing? Taghashing?
I'm surprised none of these stories or comments mention the 1986 movie "Soul Man" where the actor C. Thomas Howell pretends to be black to get a Harvard Law scholarship.
I think Hollywood could do a remake of this using Warren's story. We could get current day Mollie Ringwald to play Warren. Or that actress who played "Stands with a Fist" in the movie Dances with Wolves.
As far as Elizabeth Warren goes, what I wonder is if her family ever tried to get land in Oklahoma by claiming to be Cherokee? Wouldn't they have land rights in the 1890's?
The Official Warren Campaign "Live Streaming Web Cam".
Well played, sir!
Somewhat seriously...
I know what each of the words in those quotes TML put up mean *individually*, but strung together they lose all meaning.
Usually it's the other way around. Generally it's easy to tell the meaning of unfamiliar words because of the context they are in.
If one knows the context of those passages, do they suddenly make sense?
Warren defeats Brown by at least 20%.
Brown is going to collect unemployment soon.
Watch what happens.
POTUS Obama wins, so do new- Sen. Warren.
The comments at the Politico article are running 50 to 1 against Warren and the likes are about 200 to 1. It's a rout, and I don't see how she recovers
CWJ - yes, I'm willing to say that she probably did blow the competition out of the water.
Robin - I'm a bankruptcy attorney, too, so spare me.
Give her a break, it is Teddy's seat after all.
The sad but well-deserved saga of Elizabeth Warren would make a good plot line for a novel, but for the fact that a more interesting version was already written. For her own reasons, Warren wanted to pass as a native-American, the ethnic group that's perennially at the bottom of the American heap in socio-economic (and even basic health) parameters. Her problem was that she has always been a rich, Waspy type having no idea even how to locate the bottom of the heap.
The novel telling that story, but from a much more believable angle, is Roth's The Human Stain. In many ways, Roth's story is the antithesis of Warren's, in large part because it's starts out in pre-affirmative action America where a black man might want to pass as Jewish. But it ends in the same place as Warren's campaign is about to -- crashing and burning after a collision with the weird racial code that has come to dominate these discussions. Lefties will hate her for trying to misappropriate the benefits of a racial victimhood that's clearly not hers. Righties will hate her for being a pandering lefty fraud. All she'll really have left are the yellow-dog Dems, and as Coakley discovered, there aren't enough of them even in deep blue Massachusetts to rescue her.
Get real getreal. There's an opening at Harvard Law, and you want us to believe that the competition for this plum was so weak that Fauxcahontis would have run away with it.
"I wonder how effective a DNA test might be."
If it requires a DNA test then it proves the pointlessness of the whole thing. As someone pointed out on another thread, isn't the idea of affirmative action to increase "diversity" and bring in other points of view from different cultures? If it takes a high-tech medical test to reveal she has a minute trace of Cherokee DNA then how is any purpose of affirmative action fulfilled by hiring her?
I'll answer my own question, actually. One purpose is fulfilled. They get to check off a box on their quota form. And in a very real sense, that's all that matters.
Richard Dolan: "Her problem was that she has always been a rich, Waspy type having no idea even how to locate the bottom of the heap."
Although I'm opposed to her politically and think she has embarrassed herself with the Indian claims (as well as other stupid things she's done) we should at least be fair to her about the actual facts of her life. Here's what her Wikipedia entry says (lightly condensed by me):
Elizabeth Herring was born...to working class parents Pauline and Donald Jones Herring. She was the Herrings' fourth child, with three older brothers. When Warren was twelve, her father, a janitor, had a heart attack, which led to a pay cut, medical bills, and eventually the loss of their car. Her mother went to work answering phones at Sears and Warren worked as a waitress.
So, whatever her failings, she hasn't always been a rich, waspy type and it does seem she has at least a passing acquaintance with the bottom of the heap. Those are the facts (unless her wiki entry is bogus, too, and is only 1/32nd truth).
I give her credit -- sticktoitiveness -- for staying in the race, but I question the wisdom of it. I'd love to see her internal polling numbers -- does America's Politico have access to them? Perhaps AP can report on them.
Hey, if one questions Ms Warren's birth status, is he/she a Birther?
The pretty lady who played Stands with a Fist probably now Walks With A Limp.
It is good to see that everyone can discuss the positionality and intersections of women without making any tasteless, double entendre jokes. Humankind, by fits and starts it is true, is indeed evolving into a higher, more civilzed state. Either that or affirmative action is a bigger joke than sex.
While competing on the tenure track, it's not how the race is run, it's what race is in the running
Nice one, William!
Warren to BO: "I'm sorry I can't be Black for you...but I can be 1/32 Native-Ameican [as she slowly drops to her knees, unbuckling...]. Sorry--different thread.
Synova and JAL:
Chomsky had this to say about jargony frauds. It's brutally delicious.
There are lots of things I don't understand -- say, the latest debates over whether neutrinos have mass or the way that Fermat's last theorem was (apparently) proven recently. But from 50 years in this game, I have learned two things: (1) I can ask friends who work in these areas to explain it to me at a level that I can understand, and they can do so, without particular difficulty; (2) if I'm interested, I can proceed to learn more so that I will come to understand it. Now Derrida, Lacan, Lyotard, Kristeva, etc. --- even Foucault, whom I knew and liked, and who was somewhat different from the rest --- write things that I also don't understand, but (1) and (2) don't hold: no one who says they do understand can explain it to me and I haven't a clue as to how to proceed to overcome my failures. That leaves one of two possibilities: (a) some new advance in intellectual life has been made, perhaps some sudden genetic mutation, which has created a form of "theory" that is beyond quantum theory, topology, etc., in depth and profundity; or (b) ... I won't spell it out.
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