May 31, 2012

Elizabeth Warren says — for the first time — that she told Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania that she was Native American.

Boston Globe reports:
Federal statistics like those in the Harvard records, which were compiled for the Department of Labor, rely on a definition of “Native American’’ that requires both ancestry and an official affiliation with a tribe or community. The 1992-93 and 1995-96 Harvard reports indicate the university relied on that definition during those years as well as the years since.

Warren has not met any of those standards. Though she continues to consider herself Native American, she has not provided any genealogical evidence....

Professor Charles Fried, who sat on the committee that recruited Warren, reiterated to the Globe on Wednesday that he was unaware of Warren’s minority status when she was hired. He said that the committee never discussed it and that he does not consult the legal directory in which Warren had listed herself as a minority.

However, Fried acknowledged Wednesday to the Globe, it seemed strange that the issue of her heritage would not come up during the hiring process since she was recruited in the early 1990s, when the school was under intense pressure to diversify its faculty....


X said...

Mr. Fried is going to have to point out cases where they admit AA was a factor in hiring for his denial to hold any water. Or is is saying AA is vitally important yet never used?

Fprawl said...

When are we all going to be called 'Racists' for bringing up her enhanced geneology.
Has it already happened somewhere?

Matt Sablan said...

You know, I kind of wish this all came out in a few months instead of now. They can still change their minds about their nominee, can't they?

Oh well. It was a good run Warren. Well played.

Brian Brown said...

Though she continues to consider herself Native American,

She should be laughed off the stage for that.

Just imagine if a Republican candidate pretended to be a war veteran or something.

I'm sure the left would be all silent...

Widmerpool said...

Spouting Bull's problem is that the only explanation that has the ring of truth is the one that puts her inthe worst possible light:

"I was trying to make my way as an academic with so-so academic credentials and decided, based purely on family lore, that I would check the native-american box in the hopes that it would enhance my prospects."

Bob Ellison said...

"Reagan’s Solicitor General Charles Fried: ‘I Am Quite Sure That The Health Care Mandate Is Constitutional’".

LincolnTf said...

Affirmative Action/Diversity Hiring, especially in Academia, has always been about elevating unqualified but ideologically complicit/pliable personnel to permanent positions of authority. If anyone at Harvard gave a damn about Native Americans, they'd use some of their surplus billions helping them, not fraudulently checking boxes on Fed forms. No principles on the Left, no matter how frequently or passionately expressed, ever survive the drive for power and position.

edutcher said...

And they'll probably still nominate her to run against Brown.

But I can't help wondering when President Choom is going to crack and admit he's withholding his medical records and academic transcripts because he really is brain-damaged.

And Nairobi is home to him.

Bob Ellison said...

Reagan’s Solicitor General Charles Fried: ‘I Am Quite Sure That The Health Care Mandate Is Constitutional’

Haavahd lawprof.

Big Whoop.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, I applied for an adjunct faculty position at the local community college. One of the forms required me by Maryland law to provide ethnic and racial information for statistical purposes. It took some will power not to check Native American >:-)

However, I am an honest person able to stand on my own achievements.

ricpic said...

Warren: Don't be fooled, I only look 120% WASP. I'm actually anti-WASP and will do everything in my power to bring down the hegemony of those raping despoilers of the true and noble native American stock which I'm not but actually am...spiritually, that is.

Harvard Committee: Ooh goody goody, our kind of person and a twofer to boot. You're in, Liz, or should we call you by your tribal name, Two Faced Snake Woman?

Jenny said...

Family lore now equals credentials? Who knew?

Original Mike said...

I don't think this is going to matter. Mass. is too liberal not to vote for Warren.

Matt Sablan said...

"Reagan’s Solicitor General Charles Fried: ‘I Am Quite Sure That The Health Care Mandate Is Constitutional’".

-- Is he also lying about his genetics? If so, that should be the comment. Otherwise, I don't understand how this squirrel got involved in our discussion.

A. Shmendrik said...

Keep laughing everyone. This is Massachusetts we are talking about. I hope Brown retains his seat, but I'm not going to bet the farm, even after all of this nonsense, which should disqualify Warren in most places. Them folkz is crayzee up yondah!

Bob Ellison said...

Matthew Sablan, this squirrel goes to evaluation of Charles Fried's viability. That was a stupid thing for him to say. I think it was also obviously stupid for him to imply that Warren's "minority status" had nothing to do with her hiring.

She was an affirmative-action hire. Learn it and love it, Fried.

Shanna said...

Though she continues to consider herself Native American,

Crazy. It's not like she was raised in a tribe. She was raised like everybody else. She should have just said, 'I thought I was NA, apparently I'm not. How bout that'. and gone about her day.

Brian Brown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

Matthew Sablan said...
You know, I kind of wish this all came out in a few months instead of now. They can still change their minds about their nominee, can't they?

That's the other brewing story, her lone Democrat challenger.

Howie Carr thinks Deval Patrick will make sure Marisa Defranco sleeps with the fishes come the state convention.

If Warren and Partick get their way, it's likely to leave a bad taste in the mouths of non-insider Democrats, especially if Warren ends up losing.

BarryD said...

"Though she continues to consider herself Native American, she has not provided any genealogical evidence...."

And I consider myself to be the Sultan of Majeerteen.

Anonymous said...

Affirmative Action is such a wonderful thing, how can anyone fault Warren for wanting to join in the celebration?

sane_voter said...

Even if she was 1/32 Cherokee, how is that in any way relevant? How low can you go before the DNA is clean wrt minority status? This is crazy . . .

She should be so ashamed that she withdraws from the race. And if she doesn't, then she is not fit to vote for in the first place.

Virgil Hilts said...

I graduated HLS a few years before EW appeared there, but I doubt the hyper-focus on "diversity" had declined. It does'nt pass the smell test that HLS did not consider her claim to NA ancestry as a huge reason to hire her. As to Fried, I stopped respecting/listening to him after his decision in the Amirault case.

bagoh20 said...

Don't they call that lying, as in a fraud? And it continues now even with a confession.

Yea, I'm a long term fraud. How does that in any way make me unworthy to be a U.S. Senator?

I can't argue with that.

Anonymous said...

This raises grave concerns about Fakeajawea's competence to serve in Washington. She's clearly a terribly unskilled liar.

Bob Ellison said...

Virgil Hilts, thanks for that tip on Amirault.

Is Charles Fried even more stupid than Elizabeth Warren? How did he get in? He's a white male! Wait...maybe he was a diversity hire, back when diversity could include diversity of thought. Kinda like WaPo hiring Jennifer Rubin...though she's actually smart...gotta think this through.

Anonymous said...

How does that in any way make me unworthy to be a U.S. Senator?

"I'm not an American Indian, but I play one at Harvard Law School...."

rehajm said...

The MA state Democratic convention is Saturday, and there's a second candidate, Marisa DeFranco, emerging to try and acquire enough votes to get on the primary ballot against Warren. MA Governor Deval Patrick, an Obama coat holder, made news yesterday screaming like Chelsea Clinton that the 'people' are tired of Warren flap. Nice try, Governor.

Should make for an interesting weekend...

Anonymous said...

How does that in any way make me unworthy to be a U.S. Senator?

"I'm not an American Indian, but I play one at Harvard Law School...."

Larry J said...

If the people of Mass were stupid enough to keep reelecting Ted Kennedy to the Senate, they're dumb enough to elect Lieawatha.

Scott said...

I'm glad Elizabeth Warren fessed up. Now everything is okay, right?

Brian Brown said...

Bob Ellison said...
"Reagan’s Solicitor General Charles Fried: ‘I Am Quite Sure That The Health Care Mandate Is Constitutional’".

And that has what ____ to do with the topic?

Bob Ellison said...

Jay, keep reading.

RonF said...

Why didn't this woman just tell people when this all came up "My mom told me that we were part Cherokee. I never thought to check it, I just wrote it down. Apparently she was misinformed. I'm sorry."

It would have gone away!

John Cunningham said...

Recall that a few years ago, a couple of Boston firefighters claimed American Indian status based on old family pics and lore. they were found to be fraudulent, and fired. that's OK for the proles, but not for Princess Forked Tongue.
and this Fried also flunks the smell test: Harvard ignoring American Indian status during the diversity whoopery of the early 90s? the guy is clearly a lying sack of shit.

Rob said...

Through ambition and sheer force of will, Elizabeth Warren worked her way up the ladder till she reached the pinnacle of bullshit, the faculty of Harvard. And she did it by slinging them a big batch of primo bullshit. How perfectly fitting.

Note that, like any good con artist, she appealed to their greed--in this case, their greed for diversity hires. The old saying still applies: you can't cheat an honest man.

Jaq said...

If uttering the words "and when I returned, Mary Jo and the car were gone." did not disqualify somebody for the Mass Senate seat.

If pretending to park your seven million dollar custom built yacht in Rhode Island to avoid the taxes you would pay to Mass when you actually keep it in Martha's Vinyard is not enough, box checking won't disqualify her.

RonF said...

BarryD, I'm the Sultan of Swing.

Jaq said...

BTW, if you are not from New England, Kerry is the one who registered his yacht out of state to avoid state taxes when actually keeping it in Mass.

John henry said...

About time.

I thought I was the only one to have noticed this. By putting Native American on her application and by not kicking out the application for lack of evidence of tribal affiliation, both Harvard and Elizabeth Warren committed crimes.

Doesn't matter that (allegedly) she was not soliciting favorable treatment nor Harvard considering it. The fact that it was on the form constitutes 2 crimes.

If she had claimed to be African-American and asked for preferential treatment, she would have committed no crime. Had Harvard questioned whether she was really African-American, they would have been committing a crime.

Native American claims are legally distinct in requiring official certification by the tribe.

Some enterprising reporter should have been asking this a month ago.

Nobody here on Althouse seems to have noticed, even though I pointed it out in a comment on April 30.
(April 30 comment follows)

I used to teach HR management and quite a bit about AA. The official EEOC compliance manual says that one must accept whatever race someone says they are.

Back in the 80's I wondered if this could really be true and even had a phone conversation with a lawyer at EEOC in DC.

She told me that if I (blond, blue eyed, fair skin) claimed to be black (the preferred word at the time) a prospective employer had to take me at my word. If they had an AA program, they had to let me in.

She did say that I might have trouble proving that I was discriminated against because of my race. I would first have to prove that the employer considered me black.

Ditto other ethnic minorities EXCEPT native American. In order to claim Native American status one was required to be an "enrolled member" of a recognized tribe. No enrollment, minority status.

John Henry

4/30/12 10:29 AM


John Henry

rhhardin said...

She's 16/32 rabbit.

bagoh20 said...

Has anyone checked to make sure she is actually a high school grad, a Democrat, a U.S. citizen, a woman, a human?

I have no confidence about the answers to these questions now.

Michael K said...

"Just imagine if a Republican candidate pretended to be a war veteran or something.

He was recalled as governor of Arizona

John henry said...


Just read the other day that Kerry is STILL parking his yacht (Well, John Heinz' yacht, really. It was his money paid for it) in Rhode Island.

And he still owes taxes on it.

In fairness, he apparently did pay some of the taxes he owed. While the story did point out that he still owed Mass money for the taxes, it didn't say how much.

John Henry

Brian Brown said...

b Ellison said...
Jay, keep reading.

I don't want to keep reading.

I don't visit left wing blogs, especially when the link has nothing to do with the topic.

John henry said...

Deval Patrick endorsed Warren yesterday at a rather bizarre press conference.

Kind of strange for a governor to endorse a primary candidate, isn't it?

I wonder if he is really 1,000% behind her?

John Henry

David said...

She Who Smells Like Toast also said: "My Native American heritage is part of who I am, I’m proud of it and I have been open about it."

The bad news is that now they will dump her and nominate someone who has a change to beat Brown.

Caroline Kennedy probably wants to get out of New York now that Punch has a new, improved girlfriend.

traditionalguy said...

She can start her up a new casino in DC called Elizabeth's Warren. It's now ready to break all of the rest of the rules.

Just place your bets. Step right up to Harvard Yard and buy your ticket to ride on the Cherokee Express High Speed Academic Fraud Train. Here her whistle whooo, whooing about redistributing all of the money for a reasonable cut.

She was gonna be the one to save consumers from fraud... like we don't already have several agencies doing that...but hers was going to be the only one Indian Run.

BarryD said...

RonF, for the record, we don't give a damn about any trumpet-playing band, either. Majeerteen is all about rock and roll.

The Drill SGT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Drill SGT said...

She is in modified half assed roll-back mode. The drip drip of the cover-up will haunt her and Hahvad beyond November.

She should have just fessed up on day one.

Methadras said...

Warren has not met any of those standards. Though she continues to consider herself Native American, she has not provided any genealogical evidence....

Wait, this is leftards we are talking about here. So in reality, what standards does Warren need in the face of just saying it. After all, it's basically accepted in this country that if you claim you are an Indian, then you are an Indian. If you claim you are a homosexual, then you are a homosexual. If you are a man, you can claim to be a woman, just by saying so. No proof required.

Or are we going to start reasserting the distinction that you will now have to prove what you are beyond saying who you are? So why ask her to provide genealogical evidence that she is of Indian ancestry? Allegedly of course. Is there a mandatory requirement to prove your lineage? Your sexual identity? Your sexual orientation? Your gender? Your ethnicity? How far will this go?

Anonymous said...

Best disparaging nicknames for Liz Warren in no particular order"

Spouting Bull

Feel free to add.

Rocketeer said...


Rocketeer said...

She's 1/32nd Wannabee.

Anonymous said...

Not that anyone cares about my opinion, but if any blog comment can be characterized as not being in 'good faith', it's one like Bob Ellison's attempt at a red herring. Reagan's solicitor general has nothing at all to do with the topic of this post.

Bob Ellison said...

Phil, keep reading.

gerry said...

It does not matter if it is true.

We are in postmodern times here, and facts are just opinions believed to be true.

Just like Marxist economic theories. And Nazi racial purity tests.

chickelit said...

Phil said...
Not that anyone cares about my opinion, but if any blog comment can be characterized as not being in 'good faith',..

I don't. And you picked a lousy point to make. Fried is on topic here in a discussion of Warren's fraud. He may well see getting Warren into the Senate as very important to his own cause.

Brennan said...

Mom lied. Grandma lied. Great Grandma lied. Great Great Grandma lied.

Warren f'd up. She trusted them.

Fact check your elders future politicos.

Larry J said...

Jay said...
Bob Ellison said...
"Reagan’s Solicitor General Charles Fried: ‘I Am Quite Sure That The Health Care Mandate Is Constitutional’".

And that has what ____ to do with the topic?

If you ever saw the animated movie "Up", you'll recognize this as the squirrel! strategy to divert attention from the topic at hand. It's being heavily used by Democrats to try and divert attention to unpleasant realities like Obama's dismal record or Warren's lies. You can fully expect to see a lot more of this for the remainder of the election cycle.

MadisonMan said...

Fried acknowledged Wednesday to the Globe, it seemed strange that the issue of her heritage would not come up during the hiring process since she was recruited in the early 1990s, when the school was under intense pressure to diversify its faculty..

The simplest explanation is that Fried is lying when he says he did not know of her "status".

Bob Ellison said...

Larry J, keep reading.

Beldar said...

Fried -- and everyone else similarly situated at these law schools -- HAS to make this same implausible claim: It's either "I have no recollection of this fact" or "I knew she was claiming to be Native American when that is obviously preposterous and insupportable, but I participated in the fraud too, if only by my complicit silence."

I believe he and his colleagues are guilty of minor conspiracy, as is she. She's also guilty of major stupidity and intergalactic dishonesty, if that means anything to the people of Massachusetts. (And it will, to somewhere between 40-50% of them, the exact percentage variation being what will determine the November election in MA for U.S. Senate.)

X said...

I'm curious as to which box she checked on the Uniform Residential Loan Application Form 1003 for a mortgage. It's 30 years in the federal pen for lying on that one.

Lyle said...

Hopefully this gets us a few steps closer to ending AA.

Bob Ellison said...

Beldar, there is a third possible claim: "I believed it to be true, and I was trying to be good."

That is what will save the movement. They were fooled, maybe, and it's possible that Warren really has a bit of Indian blood in her somehow. It's not their fault! They were trying so hard!

ndspinelli said...

The jury is back in on Edwards, verdict read soon.

Conventional wisdom says not guilty when there's a long deliberation. I'll go w/ that.

Wally Kalbacken said...

Re: Edwards

I hope that miserable schmuck is guilty on the one count...

damikesc said...

MA Governor Deval Patrick, an Obama coat holder, made news yesterday screaming like Chelsea Clinton that the 'people' are tired of Warren flap.

He said it in the dullest way humanly possible?

Fritz said...

A "body language expert" evaluates Warren and Patrick at that conference

I think "body language expert" is a synonym for with doctor, but at least it's amusing.

Rabel said...

The link to Professor's Fried's testimony on ACA constitutionality does give a bit of background.

(I watched the video and it seems he would be a strong supporter of a broccoli mandate.)

More importantly, the Boston Globe story contained a direct hotlink to

I'm concerned that several heads in Cambridge may have exploded if any of the chosen inadvertently clicked.

My first WV was a photo of a TV antenna?

Darrell said...

He said that the committee never discussed it

Which doesn't rule out holding three fingers on the left hand projecting up at the back of their heads while simultaneously making an "O" with pursed lips while flapping the inner fingers of their right hands against it.

Follow up questions are in order.

damikesc said...

Hopefully this gets us a few steps closer to ending AA.

Since nobody uses AA to get ahead ... why do we keep it?

I know minorities "as a group" did well thanks to AA, but outside of Republican minorities, can anybody actually name a minority who was helped by AA (according to the biggest supporters of it)?

Darrell said...

Who better to investigate fraud than Elizabeth Warren?

I do have one suggestion for her, though. When she keeps on repeating that Mass families are getting hammered, she should make a chopping gesture with her right hand.

Larry J said...

Bob Ellison said...
Larry J, keep reading.

If it's off the topic, then no, I won't go to your leftwing rag website and keep reading.

But keep trying to divert attention from the subject at hand. It's failing, but so is Obama and Warren.

Darrell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darrell said...

Fun facts:

Elizabeth Warren the first nursing mother to take a bar exam in the state of New Jersey. Oddly, she wasn't the first lactating Cherokee to do so.

She was named after Sir Edmund Percival Hillary--called "Betty" by certain friends.

TMink said...

I am glad she no longer speaks with a forked tongue.


William said...

According to the article, she stopped claiming Native American status in 97. That was the year she was granted tenure. Conincidence?....If there was a diversity program to hire males with small penises, you could probably find more acknowledged claimants than diversity hires for AA.

Craig said...

You are racists. Without affirmative action there would still be no Chicano lawyers admitted to or practicing before the bar in the state of Washington. The first affirmative action student admitted to that law school flunked out, despite having been admitted with a letter of recommendation from the governor himself, He used what he had learned to demand tutoring for affirmative action minority admissions. The case took seven years to settle and the court ruled against him, but by then tutoring for affirmative action admissions had become available. There should be an entire branch of legal study devoted to examining the role of catch-22s in administrative law.

chickelit said...

Craig said...
You are racists. Without affirmative action there would still be no Chicano lawyers admitted to or practicing before the bar in the state of Washington.

People here are reacting to Warren's fraud and possible collusion on the part of Harvard's faculty. That is a separate question apart from Affirmative Action in the abstract. Unless you condone Warren. Do you?

Craig said...

I condone Q'Orianka Kilcher.

Revenant said...

I've said this before, but I'll say it again anyway: I don't care if her grandmother's great-grandmother was Cherokee or not.

What I find pathetic about Warren is her stubborn insistence that being "only" 31/32nds European makes her a Cherokee. For pity's sake, the freakin' KKK isn't that obsessed with enforcing the one-drop rule!

Craig said...

Yeah, well, beer is only 3% alcohol.

Kirk Parker said...


"Or is he saying AA is vitally important yet never used?"

Bingo! We have a winner!

Kirk Parker said...

Barry D,

That's nothing--I am King of Kafiristan!

Old Dad,

Please try to show a little respect--that's Princess Spouting Bull to you.

jeff said...

"Bob Ellison said...

Jay, keep reading."

I went to the link and read it. No where does this approach the subject at hand. However, I did notice that Fried never explained what, if any restrictions exist on government power. He also seems to have problems understanding the difference between a state, and the federal government. So I guess you need to explain the relevance here.

Bob Ellison said...

jeff, perhaps I was too obtuse. Fried's statement on the Constitutionality of the Obamacare individual mandate is laughable, given that he's a Harvard Law School professor. He now wants us to believe that Warren's "colored woman" status had nothing to do with her hiring. This is implausible. I'm suggesting that Fried is perhaps not a trustworthy source.

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